shadowofroserade · 5 months
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Beware the Water/Dark Type Villain Pokémon: Orcrime! Orcrime are cruel and malevolent Pokémon that command pods of Orcohort to cause mischief in the open oceans. They are known to attack boats of fishermen and steal their catch, often throwing the crews overboard. Luckily, these attempts are commonly thwarted by the appearence of Palafin, who always defeat Orcrime and their gangs.
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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In Rusbel, you will find the Grass/Fairy Type regional variant of Applin. These Applin are coated in a highly delectable and sweet coating, which has the unique ability of enamoring anyone who smells it. While the Galarian Applin are merely hiding inside the apple, it appears the Rusbellian Applin has fused with its apple from birth, making the two effectively one and the same, though many still theorize that in the apple's core, this Applin's true form still sits.
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Once fed a caramel apple, Applin will evolve into the Apple Delicacy Pokémon Appletun! Appletun are highly playful and energetic Pokémon despite their heft. Appletun are especially liked by Children due to this playful nature and the sweet taste of its constantly regenerating coating. They love to playfully lick anyone they meet. Their tongue is covered in a cider-like juice that is said to taste indescribably sweet. The sweet coating on its back has been used as filling in cakes and other pastries for centuries.
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If Applin is fed a Poison Apple, it evolves into the Grass/Poison type Pokémon Flapple! The toxic nature of the consumed apple makes Flapple a much more dangerous and irritable Pokémon. Their infusion of poison chemicals into their usual secretions make them much less desirable for the consumption of predators. They also spit toxic ooze stored in their cheeks to not only distract and dissuade predators, but also to incapacitate prey. Because of this more sour behaviour, Flapples are often depicted in cartoons and films as sidekicks to villains.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Meet the Normal type Skittish Pokémon, Weesher! Due to being easy to train and catch, Weesher are often given to young trainers as their first partner Pokémon. While their teeth are sharp, they rarely bite humans, especially if given a proper chew toy. Weesher are predators who primarily hunt Harpine, however, due to their aversion to loud noises, they are oftentimes scared off by it and forced to cling to trees in fear. Ironically enough, they are also afraid of heights, which can make getting back down very hard.
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Weesher evolves into the Ambush Pokémon Wolvishous. Wolvishous use their long, retractable claws to scale the trees of the forests they inhabit. They use this skill to ambush prey buy jumping onto them from their perches. Surprisingly, Wolvishous and Punkture aid each other, with Punkture's loud and entrancing music luring in potential prey and distracting them, allowing Wolvishous to ambush unnoticed. When young trainers' Weesher evolve into Wolvishous, it is common for them to be released as they tend to be very high maintenence for beginner trainers living at home.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Meet the Fighting type Pigskin Pokémon, Pigby! This Pokémon has a scrappy disposition and loves to pick fights with anyone it thinks it can beat, including Pokémon much larger and stronger than it. They slam their bodies into hard surfaces to strengthen their muscles and skin for battle. They are raised communally in herds with 11 adults and will try leave to leave to explore the world as soon as they are able, but their caretakers always chase and bring it back to the herd, whether they want to or not.
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Pigby evolves into the Charging Pokémon, Boarush! Boarush live in herds of about 11 that collectively raise their young. They also play with the infants by throwing them around. If a Boarush does not have a child to watch over, it will attempt to substitute the child for any round object it can find, usually a stone or fruit. There tends to be a strong rivalry between herds of Boarush, when two different herd meet, an all-out battle will ensue. When threatened, Boarush will charge at its foe headfirst or with its strong shoulders, making sure to keep the Pigby it holds is protected.
Boarush has the signature move Shoulder Bash, a 120 BP Physical fighting type move with recoil for the user.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Introducing the Psychic Type Star Cat Pokémon, Felux! In the past, finding a Felux in the wild was said to bring upon a curse of rotten luck. They were said to be dangerous pests and their owners were labelled witches and persecuted. Nowadays however, it is known that having a Felux around brings good luck to its trainer. It is speculated that Felux get this great fortune from stars.
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When a Felux harnesses the power of a Sun Stone, it evolves into the Psychic/Fire Type Sun Cat Pokémon: Staramese (Solar Form). This form of Staramese emanate heat and light from their tail that strongly resembles a star. They are quite prideful Pokémon, always wanting to be the center of attention. When they feel they are not being given their proper attention, they will begin to burn things with their warm paws.
This form has the signature move: Solar Flare. A special Fire Type move with 80 BP with a higher chance to crit.
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When a Felux harnesses the power of a Dusk Stone, it evolves into the Psychic/Dark Type Void Cat Pokémon Staramese (Void Form). This form of Staramese sucks in energy and matter from its surrounding, creating a vortex. They are highly solitary Pokémon that live alone and are strongly averse to humans. However, when they find a trainer they form a strong bond with, they are practically inseperable.
This form has a signature move: Void Crush. A Physical Dark Type move with 80 BP with a higher chance to crit.
Both forms of Staramese have the signature ability Gravitational Force. This ability sets up Gravity when Staramese switches in.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Introducing the Electric/Normal type Dust Bunny Pokémon, Pelushock! These very small pokémon make their homes in unused corners of houses and behind furniture. They like homes because they give them easy access to electricity. They use their static electricity to attract dust to cling to their body as insulation and as extra conductors for their electric attacks. Despite this, they are mostly safe to touch as their shocks are mostly harmless, though it is important to be aware of the danger of allergies. They reproduce remarkably quickly, being able to overun a home in a matter of months if given the chance.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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In Rusbel, you will find that Patrat is not as you remember it! Meet the Psychic/Normal Smart Scout Pokémon Rusbellian Patrat! The Patrat in this region have evolved a 6th sense to help them better protect their nests from possible threats. They can also create small barriers to block intruders. When they come together, nothing can get past their barrier. Staring deeply into their eyes is said to cause one's mind to scramble.
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Rusbellian Patrat evolve into the Sagely Pokémon Watchog! The Watchog of this region spend all their time meditating so that they can open their third eye. This allows them to see into the near future and also read the minds of any trespasser. They also use this abiity to communicate telepathically with their Patrat minions. Recent theories propose that Patrat colonies are a hivemind with their strongest Watchog as the source of their synchronicity and organization.
Abilities: Keen Eye (Patrat), Third Eye (Watchog)/Synchronize /Telepathy (HA)
New Ability: Third Eye: Doubles the pokémon's special attack stat.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
Introducing... Pokémon: Winds of Change!
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What is Pokémon: Winds of Change?
Many months ago, I was invited into a discord server where a handful of people were starting to plan work on a Pokémon fangame based on the Rust Belt. Seeing as I had a backlog of Fakémon, I joined and shared some of them with the project and began to take an active part in the planning process. I gave it its name, I came up with a few mons, I wrote a bunch of story for it and, most importantly I made designs for a lot of the planned mons. However, as often happens, people left the project and others stopped working on it until I was the only one doing anything at all. However, I did make a promise that I would get this project to see the light of day in some way, and while a fangame seems so very far at this moment, I can still show off my work. Who knows? Perhaps in the future, I can bring this project back to life.
Welcome to the Rusbel region!
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This region is based on the Rust Belt as the name implies. I will avoid going into too much detail over specific locations in this post as to not overload anyone reading. This map is, of course, a little archaic and unpleasant as it was supposed to be purely utilitarian, but it gives a good idea of what the region is! You might have noticed it, but Rusbel also borders Unova! We had the idea to include Unova as a post-game area, sort of like Kanto to Johto, but with a smaller scope of course.
Of course, you can't have a Pokémon game without Pokémon, and we had quite a few! In our sheet where we kept every concept for the region, we had a little over a 100 Pokémon planned for the region, including brand new mons, regional forms and brand new evolutions. Of course, not all of these reached the point where they received designs, but many did! And those are the ones I will be showing off. Of course, any of their designs are still somewhat rought and sketchy, but I have attempted to clean up quite a few to present to you.
To placate you for now, meet the starters of Rusbel! The Grass type Herbeaver, the Fire type Bipestle and the Water type Shylter! Which would you choose on your journey through Rusbel, trainer?
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There were of course fewer characters planned than Pokémon, and fewer designed, but that doesn't mean there weren't any! I will be showcasing the handful of characters I designed for this region, their role in the region and plot and maybe more!
In the meantime, why not meet the plucky young trainers that would embark on their journey!
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Want to follow the Winds of Change progress?
Simply follow the #rosesrusbel where I will be posting any updates and stuff for this project, from pokémon lines to characters to maybe even plot details! If you enjoy, and want to contribute in any way, I am open to questions and messages if you want to contact me!
Until then...
May the Winds of Change blow in your favour trainer!
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Meet the Normal type, Spiky Pokémon: Harpine! Harpine have very precise control over their quills, allowing them to use them to create resonant vibrations that resemble music. They use this ability not only to communicate between each other, but also to scare off potential predators, particularly Weesher. They are also highly sensative to sound and can notice even the slightest variation of harmony and beat. Each Harpine is said to have an individual sound that is unique to them and their music.
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Harpine evolves into the Normal/Steel type, Metal Quill Pokémon Punkture! Punkture use their metal quills to create loud and chaotic music. They are incredibly energetic Pokémon, almost always geting lost in the groove of their music. This can be dangerous as they may lose awareness of the danger posed by their sharp metal quils. Punkture are very communal Pokémon, living together in groups of 4-7 and often putting on loud concerts in their forest territories. Punkture are incredibly popular among the youth of Rusbel, not simply for their music, but also for their shed quills which are often integrated into fashion. Despite their sharp teeth, Punkture are actually herbivores that eat the roots and bark off of trees.
Punkupine's unique ability, Metalhead, turns all sound based moves Steel Type and grants them a 1.2x power boost.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Commonly found in caves in the Rusbel region, it's the Rock/Bug Type Pebble Larva Pokémon, Pebbillar! They hatch from eggs laid inside of rocks, which they use as armour during their vulnerable larval stage. Their large eyes allow them to see well in the dark caves they are born in. They eat a lot of moss to prepare for their evolution.
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Pebbillar evolve into the Protected Pokémon Rockoon. Once a Pebbillar is ready to evolve, they begin to create a hard rock shell to serve as strong protection for their pupating bodies. The bodies of Rockoon are covered with bright and colourful crystals gathered by Pebbillar before evolution. These crystals can come in varying colours, and the colours are said to match the personality of the individual Rockoon.
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There are 4 main colours Rockoon crystals come in, Purple, Cyan, Green and Orange.
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Rockoon evolves into the Gem Fiend Pokémon Scarabore! Upon evolution, Scarabore emerges from its old rock cocoon and begins to pilot it as a form of defense and offense. It can fire strong beams from the crystals on its shell, which can break boulders apart. Scarabore use this ability to hunt for gems to collect and to protect itself from its primary predator, Sableye. The colours of the beams fired by Scarabore are determined by the colour of the gems on Scarabore.
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What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Introducing the Flying Type Sharp Feather Pokémon, Shpike! Shpike make their nests atop of the trees of Rusbel's fields and woods. They especially like making their nests out of sharp sticks and twigs that they use to sharpen their beak, talons and feathers. They have adapted to hunt for Lighva and Crescoon by evolving a resistence to their lulling light, making them their most successful predator.
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Shpike evolve into the Dark/Flying type Razor Pokémon, Impail. Impail construct elaborate nests out of sharp sticks and bramble which they occupy alone. They sometimes even bully young Shpike into helping them build these nests. Even when seeking mates, Impail will never let anyone into their thorny abode. The sharp nature of these homes makes it dangerous for any Pokémon to tread too closely to these lairs. Impail are very prideful Pokémon, taking impressive care of their sharp feathers and head crests to impress other Impail and their trainers.
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Impail evolve into the Cruel Pokémon, Obskewer. Obskewer decorate their elaborate thorny lairs with the lifeless bodies of their prey, both to intimidate potential threats and to use as food for later. Their lairs are so intriquite and dangerous that it is said that travelers who venture inside their homes either on purpose or by accident are never seen again. Their unique wing joints give their wings more dexterity which allows them to fully utilize the sharp feathers in combat. Despite their reputation, Obskewer are actually surprisingly easy to train, and their behaviour towards trainers and other Pokémon is noted to be very corteous.
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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In the Rusbel region's nights, you are likely to find the Lumiscent Bug Type Pokémon Lighva! Lighva's biolumiscence has a strong calming effect on all who look at it, causing them to fall asleep. Because of this, Lighva are often captured and placed in the rooms of children to help them get a good night's sleep with pleasant dreams.
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Lighva evolves into the Resting Pokémon Crescoon. Crescoon are constantly sleeping to prepare them for evolution. They stick to the trunks of trees and during the night, their bioluminescence lights up the woods at night. However, the lulling power of their light causes any potential predator to feel drowsy.
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Crescoon evolve into the Bug/Fairy Type Childlike Pokémon Laureluna! These Pokémon are nocturnal and make long lines of bright lights at night that disorient predators. These lights were said to be the source of many ancient myths and fables. It is said that if a Laureluna makes its home in your bedroom ceiling you will be blessed with peaceful dreams. However, despite their seemingly carefree appearance and attitude, they only feel comfortable showing themselves around children.
Abilities: Illuminate/Shield Dust/Dazzling (HA)
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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New trainers in the Rusbel region will have the oppurtunity to pick the Water type Timid Pokémon Shylter. Shylter live their whole lives in their shells. When they see something frightening they will tuck into their shells and shoot pressured water from its tip to quickly escape the threat. Shylter can also shoot a highly acidic liquid from the same orfice. Despite their timid disposition, it has been documented that when alone, Shylter produce a beautiful sound that resemble calm ocean waves.
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Shylter evolves into the Wary Pokémon Trenshoal. Trenshoal live alone on the seafloor and are very averse to anyone. They will keep a watchful eye on anyone, always ready to withdraw into its shell and attack by firing highly pressurized water at the slightest provocation. This makes them very hard to train. However, when they form a bond with a trainer, they will defend them bitterly and passionately.
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Trenshoal evolves into the Water/Poison Commanding Pokémon Mortell! Mortell are very intelligent Pokémon, able devise complex strategies to defeat foes. Despite their outward coldness, Mortell are actually incredibly compassionate Pokémon that will do anything to defend those that they love. They tend to stay behind the main lines of battle, using their mortar to fire off their venomous harpoon that causes debilitating paralysis.
Abilities: Torrent/Shell Armour (Shylter) Mega Launcher (Trenshoal and Mortell)
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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New trainers in the Rusbel region will have the oppurtunity to pick the Fire type Burrowing Pokémon, Bipestle! Bipestle live in burrows they dig out with their sharp claws. When threatened, flames will erupt from the holes in their neck to scare opponents. They also use this light to see in their dark underground tunnels. They like to eat bugs.
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Bipestle evolves into the Tunneler Pokémon, Magmolm! Magmolm tend to be solitary and highly territorial, guarding their underground tunnel systems with fervor. They use their sharp claws to dig through tough rocks and minerals, which help strangthen them and expand their tunnels deeper into the the earth. They like to keep shiny objects as keepsakes within their labyrinthine tunnels.
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Magmolm evolves into the Fire/Ground Mantle Dweller Pokémon Quetzacoalotl! Quetzacoalotl live deep under the earth's surface, deeper than any human has ever gone! Their claws and tail are reinforced with warm coal that is toughened by their tunneling. They love to collect beautiful gems and gold while they dig which they keep in their homes. When they meet humans that they take a liking to they often gift them with these precious ores. Because of this, these Pokémon were revered as symbols of wealth and power by ancient civilizations. Despite this, Quetzacoalotl are remarkably humble and helpful, being used to aid miners in excavating valuable resources for eons.
Abilities: Blaze/Sand Rush (HA)
What is Rusbel?
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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In the Rusbel region, new trainers will have the oppurtunity to take the Grass Type Beaver Pokémon Herbeaver as their first partner! Shortly after they are born, Herbeavers will seek out a stick to bond with, which they use to clean and sharpen their teeth. Herbeaver are immensely proud of their strong teeth and will go to great lengths to keep them sharp and clean. Rookie trainers often have a hard time taking care of Herbeaver as they like to bite furniture to help strengthen their teeth, though this thus tend to ruin the furniture.
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Herbeaver evolve into the Serrated Pokémon Lumbeaver. Lumbeaver use their serrated tails and teeth to chop down trees whose logs they use not only to build dams and shelters for their colony, but also to serve as a weapon in battle. The size of the log corresponds to the respect received from peers. Lumbeaver tend to have mellow dispositions, loving to take naps after working to gather timber. They use their small sticks to pick out gunk from their teeth to keep them clean and sharp.
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Lumbeaver evolves into the Grass/Steel type Hard Working Pokémon Castimver! Castimver look over and protect their colony, helping to build and maintain their small villages by using wood they gather from cut down trees. They use their spinning sawblade-like tooth to quickly shred trees. Not to worry though, they always make sure to replant the seeds of trees they chop down! they swing and rev their sharp metallic tails to scare off potential threats to their colony. These Pokémon have long had a strong companionship with humans, helping them construct houses for millenia.
Abilities: Overgrow/Own Tempo (Herbeaver and Lumbeaver), Sheer Force (Castimver) (HA)
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shadowofroserade · 1 year
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Ahh! It's the Normal/Ghost Type Peekaboo Pokemon, Speekeet! Speekeet feed off of fear, so when they see a lone human walking by, they will follow them and try to startle them by walking up to them with their hands covering their faces. And then they suddenly pop out with a noise! However, due to their usual inability to stay hidden, they are often unable to actually scare their prey, being viewed as merely adorably charming.
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Speekeet evolves into the Normal/Ghost type Startling Pokemon, Scareet! Scareet stalk the dark corners of cities, hiding behind lampposts and in alleyways, appearing as blurs in the peripherals of a person's vision. They use this to prime their target for their jumpscare when the victim least expects. They take great pride in their hunt, and even greater pleasure in their prey's fear.
Abilities: Jumpscare
Jumpscare: The turn this Pokémon is sent in, the foe opposite of it is startled and flinched.
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