soapy-anon-agere · 1 year
Baby, caregiver, and kite with Fred from mystery incorporated for the ask game? ^^ (or another character you'd like instead!)
No I’m perfectly fine with Fred! Also *Excitement Noises*. For context on my HCs for Fred Jones from Mystery Inc. you can find it on this post!
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(Look at Scooby being a good caregiver taking care of the pup)
Baby- Do they have any nicknames that people give them while regressed?
Yes! All call him Pup/Pupper and or Spot. Daphne has a specific one witch is Deary.
Caregiver- Do they have a caregiver? Do they want one?
Also yes! Most to all of the Mystery gang, the only one who doesn’t is Velma rather she is more of a babysitter rather then a full fledge caregiver. Even then she’ll most likely lead him to someone like Daphne or Scooby.
Kite- Do they have any outdoor activities they like to do? (Ie playing with kites)
He tends to play with Scooby, either playing catch or just running around. Normally at Shaggy’s place being his home has a large backyard.
The Ask Game! If you wanna ask another one based off my headcanons you can find it in the #🧼 : Headcanon(s) tag!
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primaryykiddo · 1 year
🐶 and 🐛 for the ask game? ^^
🐶 comfort item?
that would be my donald duck keychain!
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🐛 favorite childhood book?
oh the wayside series for sure! (though I've only read the first 3) I've read these at least ten times each, they're so silly!
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but if we're talkin' even further back in childhood that would be corduroy!
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littleleolionsblog · 1 year
Hi! I know whatever is going on might be difficult, but it'll be alright little lion. Bad things do happen, and alot of the time it's unfair, crying is always ok especially since it's a good way to release some big emotions even if crying sucks sometimes. I hope you feel a little better soon
fanks yous, forgot respons oops, but i read this lots when feel sads
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Shoo shoo bad blogs! *sweeps a broom at them* (I do hope they leave you alone soon! It's no fun having them interact with your posts especially as it's clearly stated for them not to)
I am grateful to you for your brave broom usage. It's insanely frustrating! People just do not know how to respect clearly-stated boundaries.
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tiny-merkitty · 6 months
25 days of moodboards: sleepover🍿
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ok so !! the prompt was originally 'perfect agere day', but i wasn't sure what to do for that, so i decided to change it to sleepover :3 (thank you roseyposie-agere for the suggestion !!!!)
this one is very very middle regression centric, def like 10-13 year old slumber party (this is super late its like 12am)
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chickpea0 · 5 months
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Pet/animal regressing SAS trio moodboards inspired by @roseyposie-agere's headcanons which are here! I thought they were really cool and I just got a really vivid image in my head (which I tried to recreate lol) so here they are! I also have a few headcanons + bonus board myself which are under the cut :>
Growing up, they always played all kinds of games together. Hide and seek, pirates, tig and "animals" was just another activity they enjoyed. At least that's what they and everyone else assumed.
Eventually they outgrew many of their other games (though they still do remain healthily playful) they hadn't seemed to drop it like the others. It wasn't quite the same as it was before and there was a sort of break for a while
but I think one day, as preteens or young teens they were sitting around talking about whatever and suddenly one of them brought it up like hey, remeber when we did that? I don't want to forget about that. And there was a quiet understanding :) they're all pretty in tune with eachother.
Anyway, these days they love to use it not only to destress and decompress but as an act of a sort of rebellion!
Yeah they're gonna spend their free time in the woods together! Yeah they're gonna be themselves! And they're not gonna be quiet about it. Well, Abigail and Sam at least.
For Sebastian, he feels it more inwardly. When he regresses it feels more like a fuzzy warmth, like being indoors during a thunderstorm. His dream day while regressed would involve being cosy with his two favourite people, a nice sashimi dinner, a TV marathon running in the background and maybe a few head scritches or two. I feel like he's more open to touch while kitty. He's also less standoffish towards others outside his group but still reserved.
Abi loves to chew on things. I think. You can some times tell when she's feeling a bit wolfish when she starts nibbling the end of a pencil. Sam and Seb gifted her some chewelry once which she was really greatful for. Now she has a shoebox full of it along with some other "wolf-time" items. Has to constantly fight back the urge to playfully bite her friends lmao. I also feel like she might ocasionlly resonate with Springer Spaniels when she's feeling a bit lighter. She's also Very protective. Is even more head strong :)
Sam!! No specific breed and I feel like the "blond loveable character = golden retriver" is a bit tired but I think it quite suits him. Becomes even more goofy when he's regressed. I feel like Sam out of all 3 of them has less sepperation between him and doggy-him. While none of them really have to try hard to hide it, already being in their own world, they still generally like to avoid others, Sam fully embraces it. He even goes to work a bit puppy-ish. That's just Sam!
Regressing also helps them more grounded, and more connected with the natural world :)
They all have their own specific reasons as to why they turn to it. Abigail often feels quite detatched from her family, she enjoys having the stability of it as well as how tough (yet also valuable) it makes her feel. Seb as we all know deals with a heaviness with him; he's a child of divorce and struggles with keeping a healthy balance of things (smoking, distancing himself, being drawn to risky things like his motorbike) so he finds it easier to take care of himself and let others care about him. And Sam has a lot of anxiety with his father. I also believe they are some flavour of neurodivergent so. Projecting here but more "unique" coping methods form lol.
As for frequency I think it really fluctuates! They might go months or more without that familiar feeling or they might go through patches where it's every other day. Depends on each one of them and what they're going through at the time. Probably was more frequent when they were younger, but it was mixed with pet dreaming a lot as well back then.
I think regressing also helps keep them so close, partly. They're growing up and maturing and it is really easy to detatch from your friends and get so wrapped up with stuff on your own. They're able to be their own individuals and learn perfectly fine, but now they have something quite special that let's them be so open :)
Also! Also! I headcanon that they spent a lot of time on the abandoned farm before the farmer arrived! They loooved how out of the way it was and how the overgrown property was so fun to explore. They were actually kind of disapointed when they heard someone was moving in but lucky for them the farmer is quite quick to catch on, and they don't mind a patch of their land being used as a hangout. Afterall they already have so many animals around! What's a few more? Especially if they're willing to help out.
Sam LOVES helping around the farm, he's like a little herding dog. You can practically see his tail wagging. Seb and Abi prefer to watch most of the time though lol
Also. They have pushie version of each others animal!
So yeah! That's it! Brain dump finished! Phew...
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Tagging @theregressionlibrary to enter for Pet Takeover event!
[divider by saradika]
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theregressionlibrary · 5 months
Thank you everyone!
Thank you everyone who as entered something or left a note on our entries :) Here's our list of entries you can vote for, in date order:
My Tiny Lion, masc lion pet regressor + caregiver by @tinykittycatsworld (written work)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre/animalre by @roseyposie-agere (headcanons)
Big Heros With Tiny Paws, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Fox regressor Naruto by @dragon-queen21 (artwork)
Cg Chuuya/Kitten Dazai, Bungo No Stray Dogs by @babyminty (written work)
Little Bells On Kitten Collars, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Cat regression outfit board by @sleepy-lil-kit-kat (moodboard)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Puppy regressor Jesse Pinkman by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Cats Out Of The Bag by @ar9o (written work, nonfandom)
Ten whole entries! Woo! Well done everyone (including those who were too anxious to enter) You can also view these posts by browsing trl pet takeover 2024: entries.
Polls will close on May 3rd 23:30, GMT time. Winners will be announced May 4th
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soapy-anon-agere · 1 year
Oh, I think it be quite cute if Eddie made special fruit syrup to be mixed into drinks for frank!! With little bendy straws too :>
Oh definitely! Eddie likes to make his little bug feel special by any means.
(For more about hcs on Frank, here and here)
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littleleolionsblog · 11 months
Hi little Leo! Do you have any favorite cartoons or shows? :> I like watching care bears and sailor moon mostly, I'm kinda a youtube kiddo though so I also watch lots of minecraft or cool unboxing videos
oooohs never watched those shows, i like gravity falls especially when i'm small
big leo likes formula 1 so i watch that but it's always on super late where i lives so i always get sleepy 🤭🤭
minecraft youtube is awesomes tooooo my favourite is fwhip he's so cool
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theregressionlibrary · 3 months
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie reading by @maternaldreams
The Little Prince reading by @/maternaldreams
Vampire caregiver headcanons by @roseyposie-agere
Ghost caregiver headcanons by @/roseyposie-agere
Flip poltergeist and reader headcanons @/roseyposie-agere
Halloween stimboard by @space-station-nursery
Magic adventure drawings by @moonlighthoneybee
Misc agere drawings by @/moonlighthoneybee
Halloween oc illustration by @/moonlighthoneybee
Dragon cg art by @/moonlighthoneybee
Baby's First Halloween moodboard by @girlwhofellfromthemoon
Bath Time art by @fuzzythoughtspup
Baby fox art by @/fuzzythoughtspup
Doll oc art by @/fuzzythoughtspup
Aquarium touch pool art by @/fuzzythoughtspup
Late Night Showertime by @/fuzzythoughtspup
Agere sona by @shhtickerbook
Adorable agere dividers by @bubblesandcrayons
Age regressor oc by @binkypawz
Banners and spacers by @agere-explorer
Sugar the agere oc by @starcoatedeyes
Rainbow agere moodboard by @frogregression
Anthro regressor and caregiver ocs by @cutiecorner
Catre outfit moodboard by @sleepy-lil-kit-kat
The Cat's Out of The Bag micro story by @ar9o
Baby art by @littlebattybaby
Gothy ageresona art by @/littlebattybaby
OC cuddles art by @sealandpepper
Ugandan childhood moodboard by @pawtrolling
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theregressionlibrary · 11 months
TLR Halloween 2023 is officially over! Thank you very much to everyone who has submitted, voted and liked these amazing, spooky works. It's been such a delight seeing people get stuck in spite of the short notice, and I hope others have enjoyed it just as much!
Now, for our entries in order of submission:
A beautiful Halloween mood board by @finnegancosmos
An adorable Bungo No Stray Dogs agere fic by @babyminty
An intriguing flip poltergeist character concept by @roseyposie-agere
Baby's first Halloween moodboard by @girlwhofellfromthemoon
Gorgeous agere art by @moonlighthoneybee
And now for our winners!
Now, I may have gotten carried away and mayyy have done too many categories compared to how many followers we had, so it might feel like a bit of a cop out but let it be known we really appreciate these creators.
Best age regression: @babyminty
Best caregiver: @roseyposie-agere
Best pet regression: N/a
Best fanwork: @babyminty
Best oc: @moonlighthoneybee
Best reader-insert: @roseyposie-agere
Best written work: @babyminty
Best headcanon set: @roseyposie-agere
Best moodboard: Split tie for @finnegancosmos and @girlwhofellfromthemoon !
Best art: @moonlighthoneybee
Thank you again everyone who joined in! Hopefully we'll see you next year! Goodnight!
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chickpea0 · 6 months
Please consider donating to Gaza Municipality Project or purchase some esims gor Gazans. If you don't want to pick the individual this will help bring relief. Know your limits with world tradgedy but please, do not shove your head in the sand.
My Name is Chickpea! But these names also work! Young adult - ey/em/eirs pronouns
Age dreamer/generally young at heart and I rarely regress, just here to have a nice time! This blog is for security, fun, being light-hearted, whimsicality and at it's core, vulnerability in general!
I love animals, getting creative and trying new things :> I'm not too fond of social media but Tumblr is my little chunk of the internet.
My lifes mission is just to get to know myself and how I work, to enjoy myself and to just be around for the ride. Life has been tough but there's always a future and there's always something good about the present. I want to meet as many good people as I can. Regression helps me to not dwell on the bad, which is a really important skill I have yet to master lmao. It's also works to make feeling vulnerable way easier.
Dms open, asks open, I love being tagged, I love people leaving notes and mass reblogging and liking is really flattering to me [divider] Drawing of my soft toy, Blueberry kindly drawn by @roseyposie-agere. He now guards my profile and makes sure everyones alright. 🫐
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Tags below:
Chickpea Originals (my stuff)
Babbling (talking!)
Top tips
Chickpeas video games
List of media that I'm familiar with and my basic character headcanons
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