#rosie rosenthal x y/n
footprintsinthesxnd · 6 months
Just Friends?
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Rosie Rosenthal x Y/n Summary: Y/n and Rosie had been friends ever since they were children. They did everything together and eventually Y/n ended up falling head over heels for her best friend, but she could never pluck up the courage to tell him, until it was too late. Warnings: heartbreak, unrequited love, childhood sweethearts
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Y/n had known Rosie nearly all her life. Growing up alongside him in Brooklyn, New York, she’d instantly warmed to the curly, brown-haired boy that had bumped into her on the street outside her house. Her family was new to the area and Rosie’s family had instantly taken them in as a fellow Jewish family. From then the rest was history and they went everywhere together. Most weeks consisted of dinner at each other's houses, including family meals with each other's families on Friday nights.
Rosie had taken Y/n to her first jazz performance when she was sixteen and from then on the pair were hooked. It was their thing to do together and so any shows or clubs were often frequented by the pair. Rosie was a far superior dancer to Y/n, but she tried to keep up the best she could, allowing Rosie to spin her around the floor like she was the only girl in the world. It was moments like that when she was in Rosie’s arms that Y/n realised just how special Rosie was to her. She’d have done anything for him.
She’d been there for him during his time at Brooklyn Law School and when he graduated and joined a firm in Manhattan. It was one of the proudest moments of her life, seeing him become a lawyer. He’d always believed in fighting for what was right and now he was going to show the world what an incredible person he was. That night they’d spent time sitting on the roof of her family home, talking for hours as they watched the stars. It was the early hours of the morning before they snuck back inside and Rosie slept on her bedroom floor, to not disturb her parents. Y/n couldn’t sleep that night, instead listening to Rosie’s soft snores as she relished in him sleeping beside her.
She wasn’t exactly sure when she realised that she loved Rosie. Was it the time he’d taken her out to the cinema to catch a movie and they ended the evening with dinner and a walk home through Prospect Park? Or maybe the time that he’d taken her up to the top of his house to look through the night sky? They’d spent hours up there, lead on a blanket beside each other, pointing out the different stars. Or maybe it was on December 8th 1941 when he told her he’d enlisted? She’d cried herself to sleep that night, and many nights after that. The thought of losing him was too much to bear. The final straw was when she said goodbye to him before he headed to Laredo, Texas to learn to fly B-17 Flying Fortress. She’d nearly told him then. Nearly told him how she’d loved him for years and that he’d better come back to her, but she didn’t.
“I can’t believe you’re going on an adventure without me. We promised we’d always do things like this together,” she pleaded, clutching tightly to Rosie’s hand. “You promised me, Rosie.”
Rosie's own eyes were tearful as he pulled her in close, nuzzling his nose into her neck as he had always done when they were children. “I know I promised, Y/n, but this is the one time that you can’t follow me. It’s not safe for you and I want to keep you safe.” He looked at her sincerely, his large, blue eyes staring down at her with all the kindness and comfort he could muster as he fought his own emotions.
She knew he was only doing this because he felt a sense of duty and not because he wanted to leave her. If it was up to Rosie he’d never have left her side, but he couldn’t admit that not to Y/n. She was his best friend and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin their friendship before he headed off to war. What worried him more was that she would feel the same and that despite their love for each other he’d be shot down and killed in action, leaving her even more heartbroken. He couldn’t do that to Y/n, not his Y/n.
Neither of them could admit what they felt so instead, Y/n wished him luck and told him to be safe, and Rosie promised he would write. She saw him occasionally if he was home on leave, and they corresponded via weekly letters but she hardly saw him until she arrived at Thorpe Abbotts in late September 1943.
Y/n had finally had enough of trying to help the war effort back in the States, she’d signed up for the Red Cross when Rosie had enlisted but she wanted to be in the thick of it, to be alongside the men who were fighting for their freedom.
Her first experience of life on the base was the bear hugs she’d received from Tatty and Helen, her fellow Red Cross girls, who were ecstatic another woman was joining their team.
“We are going to have a lot of fun, don’t you worry,” Tatty reassured her as they stacked the crates of supplies into the Nissen hut being used as a warehouse.
“You can count on that,” Helen added, “There’s probably going to be another dance soon.” Helen smiled sadly, and Tatty and Y/n shared a sympathetic look. Y/n had heard that Helen had been sweet on Lieutenant Nash, whom she’d heard of in her letters from Rosie, she’d never met him but he seemed like a sweet man. She didn’t know what she’d do if she found out that Rosie was… she stopped herself before she worried herself into a frenzy. Rosie was fine, and he was somewhere here on base, she just had to find him.
Helen excused herself to go and collect some more boxes, while Tatty and Y/n continued stacking, chatting quietly amongst themselves. The first pilot Y/n met was none other than Major Cleven and Major Egan who gave her a warm welcome. They stuck their heads around the warehouse door, Major Egan smiling cheekily.
“Well, hello ladies, who do we have here?” He asked, leaning back against a stack of crates, his moustache twitching as he grinned at her.
Major Cleven stood beside him, a soft smile on his lips as he nodded towards her.
Before Y/n could introduce herself Tatty stepped in, “This is my lovely new colleague, Y/n who is off limits to the likes of you, Major.” She pointed her finger at the moustached Major who raised his hands in surrender.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Tatty. Scouts honour,” he saluted her, sending a wink Y/n’s way that had her blushing for the next hour.
“You’ll soon get used to that sort of behaviour around here,” Tatty assured her, finishing up with the last of the boxes. “Just ignore Major Egan, he’s nothing but trouble.” Tatty linked her arm through Y/n’s pulling her in the opposite direction to the Majors. “Those pilots are all the same.”
“Oh I can imagine,” Y/n laughed, “Don’t worry I already have my heart set on a pilot,” she mumbled her thoughts drifting to Rosie and his boyish grin.
Tatty turned to head, eyes wide and mouth forming a small ‘o’ as she waited for more information, “Well don’t leave a girl hanging, Y/n. Who is he?”
Y/n grinned, shaking her head stubbornly, “I’m not telling you all my secrets on the first day, Tatty. You’ll just have to wait.”
She could see Tatty rolling her eyes dramatically, but she didn’t say anything else. Y/n wondered how long it would be until she ran into Rosie and that was when she did.
He was strolling along in his class A uniform, his brunette curls bouncing as he walked, and a beautiful woman on his arm. Her blonde curls sat perfectly on her shoulders, her lilac dress hugging her curves perfectly. She looked so small and dainty beside Rosie. She was perfect.
Y/n felt the lump growing in her throat, her lungs growing tight with each short breath. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be true.
Just as she was about to turn away from the scene, turn and run away from the man who had her heart, his dark eyes caught hers and he stopped in his tracks.
“Y/n?” He called out, a beaming smile spreading across his lips as he jogged towards her. Why did he have to look so perfect?
Before she could protest, Rosie had lifted her into his arms, spinning her around effortlessly. Y/n wanted to feel safe in Rosie’s arms just like she had all the other times he’d held her, she wanted to stay in his arms forever but the blonde woman behind him caught her eye and she pushed against Rosie’s chest. He placed her down quickly, his hands still resting on her shoulders.
“I didn’t know you were coming to England!” He exclaimed, clearly excited by the arrival of his childhood best friend. Y/n only wished she could be this happy.
“Well, here I am. Surprise,” Y/n replied, a strained smile forming on her lips as she tried not to choke on her words. She didn’t want him to realise that he’d hurt her, she didn’t want to make a scene. They were childhood best friends after all, they had no ties, no commitment to one another so why shouldn’t Rosie find himself a girl of his own? “I finally managed to persuade the Red Cross to give me an overseas position.”
“I’m so pleased you’re here,” Rosie pulled her into another hug, this one more gentle. She pressed her nose into his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of his aftershave. The aftershave that Y/n had first bought him for his eighteenth birthday, had been expensive but Rosie had always been worth it.
“I’m happy to be here,” she assured him, stepping back and eyeing the blonde beside him suspiciously. She had her eyes trained on the ground as she pushed the earth awkwardly with her shoe. Y/n cleared her throat, motioning to the girl who Rosie glanced at quickly, his arm coming to rest around her shoulders.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my girl, Elizabeth,” he grinned widely, looking between the women.
Swallowing her pride Y/n reached forward with a warm smile, “It’s lovely to meet you, Elizabeth.”
The girl grinned in return, her nervousness from earlier disappearing, “Call me Lizzy, please. It’s lovely to meet you too, Y/n, I’ve heard so much about you from Robert.”
Robert. Of course, she called him Robert.
That name seemed foreign to her after calling him Rosie for so many years.
Lizzy couldn’t have been a nicer girl. She was young, pretty, funny and seemed besotted with Rosie, and he was with her. Y/n couldn’t help the jealousy building inside of her.
It should have been her tucked safely under Rosie’s arm. It should have been her that Rosie kissed sweetly on the cheek. Why wasn’t it her?
Tatty coughed quietly beside her, drawing her back to the present where she realised she was staring at Rosie. Her cheeks blushed furiously which couldn’t have been missed by anyone there. She berated herself for making it so obvious, she’d hidden her feelings for so many years and here she was making it plain to everyone.
Lizzy smiled sympathetically at Y/n and she hated that Lizzy was being so nice to her. She wanted to hate the girl, but how could she?
Rosie seemed oblivious to the situation, still grinning between the women.
“We should be getting on, Y/n, we’ve still got some things to organise this afternoon,” Tatty beckoned her to follow and Y/n nodded thankfully. Thank goodness for Tatty.
“Yes, we do,” Y/n agreed, stepping back from Rosie and Lizzy with a small smile. “It was great to see you again, Rosie, it is, and it’s lovely to meet you, Lizzy.”
Rosie went to speak but Lizzy pulled at his hand, silencing him, “It was lovely to meet you too, Y/n. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other around the base.”
“Definitely,” Y/n agreed, and in truth, she didn’t mind seeing Lizzy around the base, it was seeing Rosie that would be the hardest thing.
Rosie’s dark eyes met hers, a warm smile on his lips as his eyes sparkled like they always had. His eyes always seemed to gleam when he smiled, something that had always made Y/n’s heartbeat a little faster. Why had he always had this effect on her?
Tatty’s grip on her arm tightened as she led Y/n away, keeping her steady until they rounded the corner. Y/n composure shattered like glass as she fell to her knees, lungs screaming to air as a broken sob fell from her lips. It felt like everything that Y/n had ever relied on, everything she had ever held dear had been ripped away from her in a matter of minutes, and all she had left were her memories.
“It’s Rosie, isn’t it?” Tatty asked, kneeling beside her and brushing the stray curls away from Y/n's face. “I’m so sorry, Y/n, I didn’t know…”
“No, no it’s… it’s not your fault. You didn’t know and I should…” Y/n sighed, wiping away the tears quickly, and taking a deep, shaky breath. “I should have told him how I felt a long time ago, I can’t expect him to just wait around forever.”
It was true, she’d had so many opportunities to tell him how she felt if only she had plucked up the courage. Now she would just have to live with her decision and try her best to be happy for him, after all, they were still friends. Even if it hurt like hell to see him with someone else at least he was still in her life. They could just be friends.
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Tags: @georgieluz @docroesmorphine @major-mads @violetdaze25 @bcofl0ve @precious-little-scoundrel @blurredcolour @artlover8992 @b00ks1ut @xxluckystrike @hockeyboysarehot @groovin2beats @kmc1989 @ginabaker1666 @hesbuckcompton-baby
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Too sweet
John Egan X RedCross! Reader
Summary: When Y/n breaks up with Harry Crosby, Bucky goes to help her...
Warning: Asshole!Harry Crosby/+18/ smut/ riding/ unprotected sex/ p in v/ hickey/ swearing/ kissing/ alcohol/ use of Y/n
Word count: 2.7k
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The band was playing as Y/n and Harry Crosby made their way into the room. It was a party for someone’s 25th mission. Y/n was excited to drink what the barman was going to propose, words on the street was that he was good with fruity drinks. It was something new for the base, they usually drank whiskey, rhum and coca cola. ‘’I’ve heard that he makes new drinks, fruitier than your usual whiskey’’ she joked, but Crosby was not laughing. He was growing tired of Y/n’s sunshine personality. He liked her, but he liked her body more. They were just having sex at first, to blow off some steam, but Y/n started to visit him, and Crosby didn’t have to balls to tell her that it was just sex.
‘’He doesn’t deserve her’’ John Egan said to his friend, Buck. ‘’I completely agree with you, he seems tired of her’’ he adds. Ever since she came on the base as a Red Cross volunteer, Bucky was in awe of her. She was so beautiful, and she had this confident attitude that attracted the Major. Bucky kept looking at her from across the room as Crosby dragged her in front of the bar. ‘’You should convince her to, y’a know, leave him’’ Rosie Rosenthal said, taking a sip of his drinks as he joined the conversation. Egan’s head turned to look at Rosie, questioning his motive, but still, John agreed with him. Helen joined the men, with her drink in the hand, she came next to Rosie. ‘’I heard that he’s the missionary king. Kinda boring if you want my opinion’’ she took a sip, smirking. Gale Cleven scoffed before looking at Y/n, the woman looked desperate for someone to save her.
She adjusted her dress, the one she wore for him. It was bright red, the buttons stopped in the middle of her breast, exposing cleavage, the dress stopped mid thigh. It was beautiful, Y/n thought she looked amazing in it; but when Harry Crosby saw her, he just said that she looked nice. It pained her, she put a lot of effort in her look to just be told that she looked nice. ‘’I’ll have a whiskey, neat’’ Crosby ordered. Y/n stuttered a little bit, she didn’t know what to say. She looked at the menu, filled with colorful drinks before choosing one with grenadine and gin. Helen came to her rescue, pulling her away from Crosby as Y/n grabbed her drink. ‘’I’m borrowing her’’ Helen said to Harry. She almost spilled her drink, but when she sat on the table, Helen looked at her. ‘’Him? Y/n you deserve better’’ she stated. ‘’We’re not official, and he’s really tired, his job is hard.’’ she excused him, again. Helen rolled her eyes, before looking at John Egan. ‘’By the look of things, you’ll never be official with him. He looks bored’’ she tries to reason her friend. Y/n fidgeted with her fingers, taking a sip of her drink. It was really tasty! ‘’It’s complicated, he’s still with Jean’’ Y/n whispered. Helen choked on her drink, almost spitting it. ‘’WHAT?!’’ she exclaimed; Y/n looked at the ground.
John Egan was looking at Y/n, that red dress suited her perfectly. She was breathtaking. When they heard Helen exclaim loudly, Buck and Rosie looked at each other. ‘’Holy shit’’ Rosie chuckled as he read Helen’s lips. ‘’What?’’ Bucky asked, looking at Rosie. ‘’If I understand correctly, he’s still with his wife’’ Rosie whispered. Bucky started to laugh. ‘’Harry Crosby, you son of a bitch’’ he mumbled, chuckling. Harry Crosby made his way into the crowd, looking for Y/n, when he got to her, he practically pulled her away from her chair. Y/n walked past Bucky, smiling to him as she was being dragged in the room.
‘’Another whiskey, neat please’’ he ordered the same thing. Y/n tried a lot of things, it was all good, she tried to convince Harry to try other things, but he was sticking with his whiskey neat. ‘’Croz, the Cosmopolitan is really good, I’m sure you’ll like – ‘’ Harry Crosby slammed his hand on the table, not to strong, but loud enough to make the woman flinch. ‘’Goddamnit, Y/n, for the last time. I don’t want to try your fruity drinks! God, how many times do I have to tell you?!’’ he said, aggressively. ‘’I, uh, I’’ she stuttered, in shock of what just happened. ‘’You and your sweet stuff. *scoff*, pathetic. Why can’t you just be like Jean, obedient and silent. No, I have to deal with your sweet and ‘I always see things in a positive way’ bullshit. Your just too sweet for me!’’ he spat. The waiter put his whiskey on the table. Y/n had enough, she took his glass and got up her seat. ‘’You know what? I’d like to see things for your point of view, but I can’t get my head so far up my ass. Fuck you Harry Crosby, we’re done. Go back to your wife, you must miss her after all!’’ she said as she threw his whiskey on him.
That’s my girl! That’s what John Egan thought when he saw Y/n throw whiskey on Harry Crosby. He had it coming for a while now. He was so proud of her; he had a huge grin on his face. ‘’Go after her’’ Helen suggested, and that’s what he did. He saw her going outside, so that’s where he went. ‘’Y/n, wait!’’ he called her out. She had pure anger running through her veins. But she knew that it wasn’t Crosby going after her. She turned around and saw him. ‘’Bucky, hi’’ she cleared her throat. ‘’Are you okay? I, uh, saw the scene’’ he scratched the back of his head. She replaced her hair, looking at Bucky. ‘’Yeah, he's such an asshole’’ she scoffed. John walked closer to her, she wasn’t crying, but she was angry at Crosby. ‘’You want to get out of here?’’ he asked her, she tilted her head in confusion. ‘’Where would we go?’’ she asked. ‘’Not out of the base, but out of this aera, where he could come out’’ he clarified. She nodded as John led her gently to his Jeep.
They entered the woman’s quarters, but they were empty, since everyone was at the party. ‘’By the way, you look astonishing in that dress.’’ He complimented her. Her cheeks grew red as she bit her bottom lip. ‘’Thank you, Bucky, I, uh, you look handsome too’’ she stuttered. ‘’Those drinks looked really good; I wished I tasted one’’ he said. Y/n smiled, truly happy. That’s all he had to do, was it so hard Harry? ‘’Yeah, they were’’ she whispers as she awkwardly looks around the room. ‘’Can I ask you a question?’’ he asked her. She nodded as she sat on her bed. ‘’Why were you with him?’’ he asks. Y/n smiles as she thinks. ‘’Honestly, I thought he was going to be nice and caring. But he wasn’t, and the sex was bad’’ she blurted out the last part, putting her hand in front of her mouth in shock. ‘’God, I’m sorry, please forget I said that’’ she chuckles nervously. ‘’Don’t worry, I already knew that Helen told me’’ he confessed.
They’ve been talking for a while now; nurses were starting to come back. ‘’You have to go; you’re not supposed to be here’’ Y/n signs. John got up, so did Y/n. ‘’I’m not ready for this night to be over’’ he confesses. She blushes as she looks at him. ‘’Me neither’’ she whispers. Bucky smirks as she takes her hand, leading her outside. They got up in his Jeep as they went inside Bucky’s quarters, since he was important on the base, he had his own room. It was in the building where everyone lived, but still, it gave him a little bit of privacy. ‘’Don’t worry about them’’ he whispered as she saw men on their bed. Some men were already sleeping, others were reading and the ones that looked at her were smiling, because they saw what happened with Crosby.
When they entered his room, she felt a weird sense of déjà vu. She’d been here, in this building multiple times with Crosby, but now, she felt like she was important. When she was here, they would have fast and boring sex, usually in missionary. After sex, Harry would fall asleep, he fell asleep around 3pm, leaving Y/n alone, bored and unsatisfied. ‘’What’s going on in your pretty head?’’ Bucky asked as he closed the door. ‘’Nothing, I’m happy to be here’’ she said, not too loudly. Bucky smiled; she was so beautiful. She got comfortable, taking her shoes off and taking a seat on his bed, where he joined her after taking off his jacket. He was a little bit nervous, only because she was so beautiful. ‘’What did Helen told you, y’a know, about the sex?’’ she asked, smiling. Bucky chuckled and looked at her in the eyes. ‘’That he was the missionary king, and it was boring’’ he explains. ‘’Yeah, uh, she’s right.’’ She laughed nervously. ‘’He was that bad?’’ he asked. Y/n nodded as she blushes. ‘’He was’’ she whispers.
The air in the small room felt hot and thick. They’ve been talking about sex for a while and Y/n was hot, the small room was not helping. ‘’Tell me something true’’ Y/n said. He let out a breath before finding the courage to say what he was about to say. ‘’I really want to kiss you right now’’ he breathed out. Her breath caught in her throat as she blinked and looked at him. ‘’Tell me something true, Y/n.’’ he said seductively. She didn’t even have to think twice. ‘’I really want you to kiss me’’ she breathed out. She looked at his eyes, then his lips and his eyes again. Their face was so close, the air in the room was so heavy. Bucky put his hands on her cheek before pressing his lips on hers. The kiss felt like sunrise, it felt so good. Harry Crosby wasn’t a good kisser, but John Egan was a really good kisser. They pulled away to catch their breaths. ‘’Please… Don’t stop’’ she whispered. ‘’I wasn’t planning on it’’ he smirked. Their lips crashed against the other again, this time, it was more intense. Bucky hands trailed down her body, he laid down on the bed, making Y/n got on his lap.
His hands were getting under her skirt, trailing on her thighs, getting closer to her panties. ‘’That red dress is driving me crazy’’ he mumbled against her lips. Her hips grinned against his lap, she felt him growing hard under her. ‘’At least, someone found it hot’’ she chuckled. ‘’Yeah, more than hot – ‘’ his hips buckled, making her feel his boner. ‘’- Feel that? That’s what that dress does to me’’ he smirked. ‘’Just a dress? It doesn’t take you much’’ she giggles. He scoffed before kissing her neck. ‘’Yeah, just that. You looked like a goddess’’ he sucked the skin on her neck, making a mark. She was out of breath, she wasn’t used to this much foreplay, she felt a little dizzy, but it was in the best way possible. His hands were still on her thighs, playing with her panties, taunting her a little bit. But, even if she loved what was happening, she was frustrated, she needed Bucky right now. ‘’Major, I need you. I love the foreplay and stuff, but please; I need you’’ she breathed out. He smirked as he reached her panties. ‘’Whatever you want, darling’’ he said as he took her panties off. Her hands reached his belt, she unbuckled it as she eagerly watched him. ‘’As long as I love this dress, I want to see you’’ he said, unbuttoning her dress. ‘’Then, let me see you’’ she replied, looking at him.
They quickly undressed before going in the same position they were in before. She was naked, on top of him, Bucky was also naked. She was soaking wet, she wasn’t used to this much attention, so it turned her on a lot. ‘’Ride me, sweetheart, c’mon’’ he encouraged her. She sunk down on him, her breath caught in her throat because of the size of his length. ‘’Holy shit’’ she moaned. ‘’Breath, Y/n, take your, shit, take your time’’ he mumbled. His head was thrown back, she was really tight and felt heavenly. She began grinding on him, slowly, to make sure that it didn’t hurt. ‘’Atta girl’’ he breathed out. As she familiarized herself with his size, Y/n began to move a little faster. Bucky’s hand went on her hips, he wanted to guide her. But she was going to the pace that he was looking for. ‘’You’re so big…’’ she moaned as she leaned to kiss him. He chuckled before kissing her. When she felt one of his hands on her breast, she moaned inside his mouth. He played with her tit, teasing her nipple; he loved watching her body react to him, it felt good, seeing the effect he had on her.
The heavy breathing coming out of their mouth was erotic, the fact that they had to keep quiet was pure torture. As they came closer to their orgasm, it was more difficult to keep quiet. She felt a not in her stomach, her climax was close, but a small part of herself didn’t want it to be over, she was truly enjoying it. ‘’I’m close’’ she managed to whisper. ‘’Me too, cum with me’’ he pleaded. She tried to hold her orgasm, but it was hard. Her thighs were shaking. ‘’Bucky, I need too – ‘’ ‘’Cum, now’’ he ordered. They both reached their climax at the same time, they tried to keep quiet, but the pleasure was too much. Bucky sucked her neck again to keep quiet, marking her again.
Bucky and Y/n had to take a moment to recover from what just happened, it was truly amazing, they couldn’t believe it. ‘’Thank you for this amazing sex’’ she breathed out, smiling. ‘’You’re welcome, and I agree, it was amazing’’ he smiled. She decided to sleep here, postponing her walk of shame tomorrow. She put on one of his shirts as she laid beside him. She felt happy, her stomach had butterflies. When she fell asleep, she didn’t even think about Harry Crosby, she thought about John Egan.
A knock on the door woke them up, it was potentially someone telling Bucky that he was flying today, but when she opened the door, Y/n was surprised to see Harry Crosby. When he saw her, his mouth slightly opened. ‘’Y/n, what are you doing in Bucky’s room?’’ he asked. Bucky walked behind Y/n, she felt like she had a scary dog privilege. ‘’What do you want, Croz?’’ Bucky asked. ‘’You, uh, you’re needed, the, uh, Colonel wants to see you’’ he stuttered, seeing the marks in Y/n’s neck. She looked at her watch, it was almost time for her shift. ‘’Shoot I gotta go, see y’a’’ she kissed Bucky’s neck as she put her dress on, not bothering to button it since she was going to change. Crosby had his jaw on the floor, it wasn’t a walk of shame, it was a walk of power.
She was sitting on a table; it was her break. She’d been giving out coffee for hours, she didn’t want a boring black coffee, she wanted a good coffee, with milk and sugar, sadly milk and sugar was for Majors. ‘’Is there anyone sitting here?’’ Harry Crosby asked, with two cups of coffee in his hands. She didn’t want to talk to him, but he sat down on the table anyway. He pushed one cup in front of her: black coffee. Y/n looked at the cup, then slowly rose her head to look a Crosby. ‘’What do you want?’’ she asked. ‘’I’m so sorry for yesterday, I didn’t know – ‘’ she cut him off with her hand. ‘’Crosby, you came here to get me back?’’ she asked, with a hint of disgust. He nodded. ‘’I don’t want to hear it, you humiliated me, told me I was boring, and you’re married!’’ at the same time, Bucky came to sit next to her, handing her a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. ‘’Milk and sugar, just how you like it’’ he smiled as he sat down. Bucky kissed her cheek before looking at Crosby. ‘’You said it yourself, Harry, I’m too sweet for you’’
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flawdchaos · 6 months
Pinky Promises
Robert Rosenthal x Reader
Word Count - 1840
- this is a part 2/continuation of Spilled Drinks that was requested by anon.
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Ever since the night Y/N had literally ran into Rosie at the bar she couldn’t seem to rid herself of a small smile, no matter what she did. When the girls made it back to their barracks that night, the ambushing of questions went on for well over an hour and even into the next morning.
“You have to talk to him again, Y/N. We both saw the way he looked at you when you were dancing.” Violet declared as she pinned her hair back under the white cap the Red Cross was gracious enough to bless them with. “You know Violet is right, Y/N. He’s already dreaming of a house back in the states and curly headed babies running around.”
“Hazel!” Y/N stopped midway through her dress buttons to lightly smack her friend on the arm, cheeks burning bright red. “I just met the man and for all we know, he doesn’t care and will never speak to me again.” Reaching down to grab her work satchel packed full of supplies.
“Well Y/N if that was the case I don’t believe Mr. Rosenthal would be waiting outside for you, would he?” Violet taunted, Y/N’s head snapping up to meet her friend's gaze. Violet stood peering out the window, fingers holding the blinds open enough to see outside. Hurriedly, Y/N rushed over the window trying her best to not trip over her own feet.
Sure enough there stood Robert Rosenthal - hands shoved in his pockets gaze searching the area around him.
“Go get him, tiger!” Hazel bent forward, laughing.
There truly was not much left in this world that could phase Y/N. She had seen it all in the cruel reality that was war. Men she had grown close to over the span of their visits to the nurses stations would come back battered and broken, some beyond repair - and despite all of what she saw, she was always able to ground herself. She had to. But now, she felt like a young school girl again. Her body was littered with anxiety - sweaty palms, shaking hands, and a racing heart. Why?
All because Robert Rosenthal was standing outside of the nursing barracks.
The squeaking of the barrack front door brought her back down to reality for a moment before the brightness of the sun had her quickly shielding her eyes.
“Rosie, is that you?” she more than obviously knew the answer but she still could not convince herself that it really was him.
“Uh, yeah”, he let out an awkward chuckle “I wanted to stop by this morning and see how things were going. Maybe walk you to the nurses station since I’m heading in that direction.” he was rambling. She stood, head cocked up to him, eyes squinting still from the sun. “I mean, unless, that makes you uh - uncomfortable.”
“I’d love the company. The commute can get a bit lonely.” that same small smile making its way back onto her face. Rosie extended his hand for Y/N to lead the way and with one quick glance back inside she saw her friends staring out at her, smiles plastered on each of their faces.
“What is on your itinerary, today?” Robert finally spoke up.
“The usual. Work until roughly 1900, probably later since there is a mission today and hope to make it back to the barracks in time to do some reading before I get up and do it all again tomorrow.” Y/N paused, kicking a few pebbles along the path before she continued. “How is the day looking for you?”
“Nothing too crazy but I am going up today.” he said nonchalantly, stopping Y/N in her place.
“You’re flying today?” she almost felt like throwing up. Maybe it was selfishness or chosen ignorance but Y/N had grown to hope the war wouldn’t need Robert anymore. She hoped she could protect him from it but all she could do was treat the wounds he would inevitably bring back to her.
“Yeah, debriefing starts at 0730. I’m heading over there once we get you where you need to be.” Her anxiety ridden mind could not help but imagine this was Rosie’s goodbye to her.
Y/N stepped forward to Rosie, grabbing his hands in hers as she looked up to maintain eye contact.
“I know I am just a nurse and you can’t tell me what you're doing up there or where you’re going but you have to pinky promise me you’ll be safe.” Dropping his left hand, she stuck her pinky out expectantly.
“Cross my heart.” he said, as their pinkies connected tightly.
As they continued along their walk, conversation came easily. The pair were still strangers by most accounts and each of them hated it. Y/N wanted to know everything there was to know about Robert Rosenthal and she had made it her plan to figure it out. Stopping outside the nurses station, Rosie removed his hat and began anxiously squeezing it in his hands.
“Be safe up there, fly boy.” Y/N teased, attempting to keep the mood as lightened as she could.
“As long as you do the same down here.” Y/N nodded.
“This mission will be my 20th. I’ve got a two day pass calling my name once my feet hit the ground. Let me treat you to a real introduction and dinner.” Rosie spoke quickly, nerves taking over the brunette.
“I would love that, Mr. Rosenthal.” rising on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss against his cheek. “You know where I'll be when you get back.” With that, Y/N took a step back and hurried inside to her awaiting duties.
There wasn’t any other time that Y/N had remembered the clock dragging by so slowly. The seconds ticking by was beginning to drive her up the wall and she had to busy herself with random duties. It was while she was restocking the gauze that she heard the all too familiar rumble of the engines overhead. She couldn’t make it to the window to count the returning planes but she hoped, with all her being, every single one of them returned. Hazel’s blonde curls popped around the closet corner, an all too familiar sign that the once quiet med bay was about to pure, unadulterated chaos.
“We’ve got boys already headed our way.” Hazel spoke softly, as if she tried to lessen the blow.
“How bad?” Y/N asked but was only met with a small head shake from the blonde - it was never a good sign.
When Y/N finally saw Robert Rosenthal, he appeared in the med bay doors adorning some cuts and scrapes across his face.
“I told you I would make it back, pretty lady. My leave starts at 0700 sharp. Let’s go to London.”
It was pure luck that her days off coincided with Rosie’s rendezvous and that Helen and Violet were great at covering for their friend. The train ride was where Y/N finally got to the bottom of who Robert Rosenthal truly was. Shortly after taking their seats, Y/N couldn’t help but start to prod.
“Alright, tell me everything Mr. Rosenthal. Give me all the dirty details.”, her cheeks flushed bright red ,”uh- not like that i mean tell me - uh - tell me something no one else knows about you or something.” She could have thrown herself off of the moving train at that point but Rosie just flashed her a smile and started speaking.
“Robert Rosenthal, from Brooklyn, New York. I was working in law before all this mess. I loved it. Graduated top of my class actually. But after Pearl Harbor, I couldn’t keep sitting on my ass while my country needed me so - I enlisted.”
“No secret wife or kids back at home?” Y/N poked.
“No ma’am. It’s just me. And - uh - as far as something no one on this side of the world knows about me - I was the captain for my college’s baseball team. I was trying to be the next DiMaggio.” a small chuckle escaping him as he finished his sentence. “Now what about you?” he asked, softly bumping his shoulder up against the girls.
“Nothing too crazy for me. I always loved helping folks, I was told my whole life I was meant to be a nurse. Once we started fighting this fight I knew I had to volunteer - sorta like you I guess. I’m not dropping bombs or toting a gun but knowing I patch you all up before you get back in the saddle is enough for me.” she sighed, turning up to glance at Rosie.
“And no secret husband out at war or kids back at home?” Rosie mimicked her early question. Y/N snorted, shaking her head. “God no, Robert. Where I’m from I don’t turn heads.” He took a moment to look at her, maintaining eye contact before he took his large hand and grasped over hers before pulling them on to his lap.
“Well Y/N Y/L/N you turned mine - and maybe after we get all this nonsense settled with the bad guys, I can give you a tour of Brooklyn. I know just the place that I’d love to take you dancing.”
“I’m most certainly holding you to it but for now, let’s explore London.” raising her free hand to the platform approaching quickly.
“Yes ma’am. How would you feel about a picnic?”
“That sounds absolutely lovely.”
Rosie stood up as soon as the train hissed to a stop, busying himself with gathering the overnight bags each of them had packed. He stubbornly insisted on carrying both to the hotel around the corner. Y/N knew they would have to enter as colleagues and nothing more, separating as they went to their respective rooms to drop off their bags before meeting again in the hallway.
“Let’s go find sandwiches.” he spoke quietly and Y/N nodded, falling in line behind him as they walked past the lobby and out to the streets. For the first time Y/N really took in the size of the city around her and she couldn’t even help that her jaw was almost to the floor. The Germans had done their share of damage but it didn’t lessen the experience for her at all.
“What is it, Y/N?” Rosie questioned, taking a step towards her.
“I’ve never seen a city like this before. This is just - wow.” Rosie broke out into an ear-to-ear grin. “It is awesome but wait until I take you to Brooklyn. We’ll catch the train to New York City and I’ll make sure you take the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.”
“You promise?” Y/N broke from her trance to look up as Rosie smiled and turned to her fully, sticking out her left hand.
“I pinky promise.” he said, watching as Y/N connected their hands tightly. “You better believe it. I haven’t broken a promise yet.”
AUTHORS NOTE - hi friends, i hope everyone enjoyed this little part two to spilled drinks. there may be a part 3 to this little series if it’s wanted. please feel free to give me feedback or more requests as my inbox as open. i’m still new to this so i appreciate anything :)
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winniemaywebber · 6 months
The Apple Tree 🌳
part 1/6
Rosie Rosenthal x Reader
(gif by @echoinyourshadow)
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Y/N, a school teacher, meets Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal in the village pub.
“Oh, Lord, be careful, Harrison,” you start, already running towards the small yet gangly boy hanging off the tree branch. He laughs at your frightened expression, showing that he was just teasing you.
“I'm fiiiiine, Miss Y/N,” he giggles, swinging on the branches like a little monkey. “Look at meeeeee!” You can't help but laugh at the young boy, the sunshine on his face as he swings to and fro. His other classmates are milling around the field, playing games together such as tag, jump rope, cats cradles and someone had even chalked a hopscotch grid on the small patch of cement exposed towards the end of the field.
A rumbling sound causes everyone to look up, seeing ten planes flying up into the cloudless blue sky.
“There they go,” a girl says, the string of the cats cradle on her fingers untangling due to her distraction. “Miss Y/N, I counted ten. Was I right?”
“You certainly are right, Penelope. And let's count ten again in a few hours when they all return. Right, back inside, everyone,” you shout to get everyone's attention, clapping your hands thrice. “It's time to carry on with our reading time.”
The afternoon sun begins to cool down as the day progresses, which you're glad of. Keeping seventeen small children focused during the few sweltering days of British summertime sure was quite the task, but you did enjoy seeing their sweet faces light up at the mention of extra playtime, or even, outdoor lessons where you'd let them dig rocks, look through their little magnifying glasses at little critters and bugs they'd found, and read under the apple tree.
It's towards the end of the day that you all once again hear the rumble sound that had become all too familiar over the last few months. You pause at your blackboard, the chalk in your hand hovering over it as the sound gets louder, causing the building to shake slightly. You turn, smirking, with a twinkle in your eye as your students get ready to rush out the door, yet wait for your instruction to do so.
“Go on, then!” you say, chuckling at their excitement to see the planes land. A cheer erupts as the planes fly overhead, all the children counting in unison.
“One…two…three,” you look up, hand shielding your eyes from the sun and squinting slightly, silently hoping to see all ten planes arrive.
“Just one more,” you whisper to yourself, teeth gritted suddenly.
“TEN! That's ten!” The kids begin cheering, some even hugging one another. You breathe a huge sigh of relief, glad of not having to explain the potential consequence of planes going missing today.
“Bye, Miss Y/N! Have a good weekend!”
“Thank you, Harrison. You, too! Say hello to your mother for me. Let her know I'll be stopping by with a pie this weekend. I owe her for fixing my skirts!” He nods, hand held out towards you.
“Picked this for you.” He is holding a shiny red apple, the first from the school's apple tree. You place a hand to your chest, suddenly overcome with emotion.
“Thank you, darling. That's so kind. Now, off you go before mum begins to worry!”
You begin to bike home, taking this opportunity to breathe in the remainder of the summer, the leaves of the trees blowing in the beautifully soft breeze. These poor Americans had only experienced two seasons the entire time they'd been here: pouring rain or unnecessarily humid and hot, which reminded you that at least England was sticking to its regular schedule. Soon enough, this beautiful weather would be a distant memory, the countryside once again turning wet, muddy and mostly sludge.
You're almost home when you spot your friend Sally running alongside your bicycle.
“Hi, Y/N,” she calls, jogging next to you. “Are you still coming tonight?”
You push the brake on your bike, coming to a stop just outside your cottage and fiddling with the gate.
“Yes! What time?”
“I was thinking around 7. We can walk there together!”
“Wonderful. See you then, doll!”
You settle into your favorite armchair once inside the house, the grill heating up your toast, the kettle about to whistle as it reaches a boil. Spreading homemade lemon curd on your toast and adding milk and sugar to your tea, you sit back down with a magazine, mulling over what to wear this evening. It was finally Friday, and the evening you'd venture to the village pub with your friends for your weekly catch up.
Standing in front of your wardrobe, you run your hands through the soft material of your favorite dresses, choosing the first one to catch your eye. A sage green dress, fitted at the waist and flowing into a beautiful skirt that you liked to think mimicked the petals of a flower. You let down your hair from the scarf that had kept it contained all day while teaching, running your hands through it as it falls about your shoulders, shining thanks to the evening sunlight streaming through your window. With one more swipe of mascara and a little dab of blush, you're ready right on time as you hear knuckles softly rap the wooden door to your tiny cottage.
“Hi, doll! Oh, you look wonderful!”
“Thanks, Sally,” you say, smiling back at her. “You do, too! Is that a new dress?”
“It sure is,” she replies, her eyes sparkling slightly.
“And would that be for anyone in particular?” You joke, poking at her shoulder slightly.
“Maybe…” she replies, wistfully. “Now, come on, I don't want to keep James waiting.”
“Oh, yes,” you respond, winking jokingly. “We wouldn't want to have James stood up.”
Arriving at the pub, you see James out front in his uniform. Sally squeals, running into his arms quick as a flash. “Hi, honey,” you hear him say, his thick Tennessee drawl cutting through the air, still unusual to hear around here. He kisses her on the cheek and winks at you. “Hey, Y/N. Good to see ya.”
“And you, James!” He opens the door for you both and walks over to the bar to join his friends who poke at him, making fun of him sweetly.
Your friends wave, gesturing for you and Sally to come over, and you sit down to join them. James runs back over with two drinks in his hand: a red wine for Sally and a small beer for you. You look up at him gratefully, thankful for his kindness and willingness to treat his girlfriend's friends so nicely.
An hour passes, you and your friends knee deep in village gossip, eyes wide and hands gesturing wildly when you notice the door open out of the corner of your eye. In walks the most handsome man you've ever seen: brown, soft curls that compliment his baby blue eyes perfectly. His mustache, trimmed to perfection, suits his face extremely well. He smiles towards his friends, showing two rows of perfect white teeth, his smile taking your breath away.
“Oh my gosh. Who is that?” You murmur to the table. All four of your companions turn their heads to get a better look, all looking back at you with the same expression. “Good golly,” one replies. “He is incredibly handsome. Shame I'm married…” she titters, hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.
“Now, now, lady,” you tease. “He'll be back soon enough. You don't need to surprise him with an American upon his return.” You can't seem to tear your eyes away from this handsome man, though, feeling your body grow warm with every movement he makes, the heat going from the pit of your stomach up to your face causing you to have to press your cool hand to it.
The man turns around from the bar, taking a sip of his drink when he catches you staring at him. You look down at the table, suddenly embarrassed, your face reddening even more. You feel Sally elbow you softly. “Y/N, he's coming over,” she squeals. “Oh, goodness, he's coming over.”
Before you know it, he's stood in front of you with his hand outstretched towards you. “Ma'am,” he says nervously, a sweet smile on his face. “Would you like to dance?” Trying your best to not squeak with excitement and embarrass yourself, you nod, swallowing.
“Yes, please.”
You can't help but smile as he slowly twirls you around the small dancefloor, soft jazz being played on the stage opposite you.
“What's your name?”
“Y/N, Y/L/N,” you respond, hoping your hand on his shoulder will keep you upright. “And you?”
“Rosenthal, Robert Rosenthal. The fellas call me Rosie.”
“It's nice to meet you, Mr Rosenthal. What is it you do?”
“Call me Rosie, please. I'm a pilot.”
“Oh, amazing!” You reply. “The kids and I were watching you all fly back in today. We were very glad to count all ten aircraft.” He looks at you, confused for a moment. “I'm a teacher at the local school. The kids are my students,” you reassure him.
“Whew,” he blows out air from his mouth, his cheeks puffing comically. “Had me worried there.” You giggle at his expression, your eyebrows slightly raised. “Glad there's no need to duel a man over a pretty girl.”
The next couple of hours are spent sat together, sharing stories of your lives. He tells you of how he was a lawyer prior to enlisting, where he grew up and where he went to school. You share how you grew up right here, a beautiful childhood in the countryside and how you've just inherited your grandmother's cottage, working on making it feel more like your own. You can't help but smile at him, your eyes intently staring into his as he shares small tidbits of his life with you, you always being curious of places away from East Anglia.
“May I walk you home, Y/N?” he asks, as he sees you stifle a yawn and the landlord rings the bell for last orders.
“I'd love that, Rosie. Yes, please.” You turn and quickly wave goodbye to your friends, the girls quietly cheering as you leave on Robert's arm.
He holds the hand you've placed in the crook of his arm, his other hand holding his hat, allowing you to go slightly ahead of him in order to direct him. However, you walk as slow as you can to savor every last moment with him, the light of the moon shining in his gorgeous hair, the stars in the night sky looking so similar to his beautiful eyes. You walk in companionable silence, reaching the cottage within a few moments.
“Thank you for walking me home, Robert. I had a really lovely time with you.”
“Me, too, ma'am,” he replies, fiddling with his sleeve slightly. “May I see you again?”
“I'd be delighted,” you smile, blushing slightly. He steps forward and takes your hand, kissing it softly before repeating the same action on your warm cheek.
“G'night, Y/N. I sure hope I see you again soon.”
“Goodnight, Rosie.”
chapter 2
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unhappycylinder · 3 months
My Lucky Charm (Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal x Reader)
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Description: As an aircraft mechanic, it's your job to keep the planes in pristine condition, but Rosie makes your job difficult for more reasons than one
No warnings, just mutual pining and some kissing!
It wouldn’t work. No matter how hard you tried, the rudder just simply would not work. The German’s had shot the B-17 to shit just the day before, leaving Rosie and his crew limping home in a plane missing a critical flight control. 
As a flight mechanic, fixing up these planes as quickly and efficiently as possible was your sole responsibility. No matter what condition they were brought back to you in, you had to find a way. 
And boy did these pilots like to bring them back in less than ideal conditions.
It was one of his first missions though, so you had to cut him some slack for completely severing all connection between the rudder and the flight deck. What you would never forgive him for, however, was the endless climbing up, around, over, and through the B-17 that this repair necessitated.
At this particular moment, you found yourself perched on the tail of the plane, one leg on either side of the fuselage, as you were hunched over desperately trying to attach the rudder cable to its hook.
“Seems I left her in pretty bad shape,” the familiar Brooklyn accent chimed from behind you. 
You sighed, stretching your back as you unfurled yourself and turned around to meet Rosie’s gaze, smiling at the lieutenant who stood below you on the tarmac.
“You could say that again,” you joked, smiling down at him as you ran a hand through your hair.
“Need some help?” He asked, taking his hands out of his pockets, “what’s the trouble?”
You hummed, using your wrench to gesture to the tail of the plane, “rudder cable isn’t wanting to attach…and when it does, it won’t take inputs from the yoke”
“Hm,” Rosie squinted, moving to stand alongside the airplane, hands on his hips as his elbows threatened to graze your leg while you both stared at the exposed tail.
You turned back to the plane, fiddling with the cables as Rosie watched from below.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, feeling something snap into place, “oh my god,”
“Did you do it?” Rosie asked excitedly.
“You must be my lucky charm, Rosenthal,” you beamed at him, the relief of finally finishing your repairs for the day washing over you.
“Nah,” Rosie shook his head, blushing at the ground, “you’re just the best mechanic we got around here”
Sliding off the fuselage, you landed mere inches from him on the tarmac.
This proximity was foreign to you and Rosie. Sure, you had exchanged smiles, salutes, and handshakes in between missions and repairs, but you had never been this close to each other, mere inches separating you. Staring up at his blue eyes, you tried your best to keep the blush on your cheeks at bay, but that was a lost cause because Rosie definitely noticed your face turning a little more crimson than it was just a few seconds earlier.
He smiled, blue moons staring down at you with pride, “I think I owe you one after this, Y/N”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you smiled.
One day later and you were sat in the truck with Lemmons awaiting the return of the 100th bomb group. The summer sun was beating down on your exposed skin as you reclined in the truck bed, your coveralls tied around your waist, an army-issued tank top covering your chest.
“I hear them” Lemmons perked up, starting the truck engine and waking you up from whatever daze you were in. Shaking yourself awake, you jumped into the passenger seat as Lemmons drove the truck down the tarmac to the runway.
Quickly, smoke and the sound of sputtering engines filled the sky, but only one plane was headed for the runway. Flying a shaky final approach, smoke trailed from almost all of the engines, flak decorating every surface on the warbird.
A sense of panic settled over the entire base as the CO’s scanned the horizon for more planes and every available mechanic rushed to the badly damaged aircraft. As you and Lemmons got closer you recognize the craft, its Rosie, and as much as you hated to admit it, you felt nothing but relief for a brief second.
Cutting through the grass and parking in front of the plane, the mechanics and medics got to work immediately. You ran to the left wing, clamboring on top of it and purging the engines of any oil and fuel which might cause a fire. 
Beneath you, men with missing limbs and gushing wounds were being carried from the plane and carted off to the infirmary. You found yourself distracted from your work, glancing at each of the men and returning dutifully when you didn’t recognize any of them as Rosie. 
Then, hunched over from beneath the wing, he appeared. Rosie’s sweat-covered curls caught the sun as he glanced at the carnage happening around his beloved plane, his shoulders tense and his uniform covered in soot. 
“Rosie” you gasped, sliding off the wing and landing near him. His gaze remained transfixed on the world around him.
You reached up, gently placing a hand on his cheek and turning his face to look at you.
“Rosie,” you whispered, his eyes finally connecting with yours, “are you hurt?”
He shook his head, his normally concentrated and thoughtful eyes darkened with fury and confusion. Still cupping his cheek, you rubbed gentle circles with your thumb, attempting desperately to bring the pilot back down to earth.
“You made it Rosie, you’re okay, your crew is gonna be okay…and you brought her back to me in one piece,” you forced a chuckle, hoping to break him from this trance.
“Yeah,” he nodded frantically, moreso in an attempt to keep himself from breaking than in response to you.
 “Rosie I-” you began, reaching for him with your other hand. Just then, two medics came and swept him away. 
As they walked, his head snapped up and his blue eyes locked with yours. He seemed to send a soft smile your way, but he was tucked into a truck before you could read his expression. 
New pilots arrived the very next day, flooding the barracks with their freshly minted canvas bags, neatly pressed uniforms, and unwavering American confidence…and you hated it. 
For five days you had entertained the cockiness of the new blood, putting up with the cat-calls and demeaning comments that flooded your ears whenever they walked by a plane you were working on.
Its not like this wasn’t commonplace…it was how most of the men at Thorpe Abbotts treated you…it just wasn’t how Rosie treated you.
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t noticed his absence. He had been sent to a recovery facility, affectionately called the Flak House by everyone on base, and had been AWOL from your life for five days. It was taking a toll on you that you never could have foreseen.
Rosie’s anger in his eyes when he crawled out from under that wing, the potential smile he directed to you as he got into the medic truck, and the proximity you shared when you were fixing his plane the other day all played through your head like scenes in a film that you couldn’t turn off. 
The worst part was, you had no idea when you’d see him again…if you’d see him again…but you just couldn’t get him off your mind. Not only was he the most handsome man on base, he was the only one who treated you with respect, and you’d be an idiot to not have feelings for him.
The company band tried their best to play Glen Miller in the dance hall, lively trumpet solos making up for the lack of a clarinet at the base. It was Saturday night, which meant it was alight with chipper airmen and poorly crafted wartime cocktails, and you found yourself at the heart of it.
Pilots, naviagators, bombardiers and the like swarmed the hall in droves, dancing and chatting with the handful of ladies who worked at the base. Seated at a table with one of the other female mechanics, you couldn’t help but laugh at the airmen as they failed to hold their alcohol. 
The new boys came up to your table one after another, seemingly failing to recognize you out of your coveralls, exchanging the cat-calls and insults for flirtations and compliments. Of course, you brushed them off, because even though you’d love to put one of those show-offs in their place and embarrass him on the dance floor, you couldn’t bring yourself to dance with any of the aviators except one. 
You let them buy you drinks and sit at the empty seat at your table, shooting knowing glances at your fellow mechanic each time they said something stupid. And before you knew it, the hall was starting to clear out. All that remained were a few couples on the dance floor, a handful of the new pilots swirling their whiskeys at the bar, and a group of beaten-up Thorpe veterans seated in leather armchairs in the corner. 
Sipping the last of your drink, your eyes drifted to the doorway where a very put together man in slacks and a dark leather jacket was walking in.
The man walked to the group in the leather chairs, squeezing each one on the shoulder as he passed them before making a beeline for your table.
“Y/N,” the other mechanic said, “Rosie’s back”
Her voice faded into the music as your eyes finally focused on the dark-haired man in front of you. His eyes were clear, his mutache neatly trimmed, and an uncontrollable smile stretched across his face, accentuating his smile lines.
You stared up at him, not caring about the deep blush you felt creeping onto your cheeks, or the smile you felt threatening your lips.
“I think I owed you one, Y/L/N,” his voice was music to your ears.
“I think you’re right, Rosenthal,” you smiled.
He offered his hand, helping you stand up before walking you to the bar, his hand moving to gently graze your back as you walked.
Ordering you both a drink, Rosie smiled at you as he leaned against the bar. He opened his mouth to speak when a new song started playing…it was Artie Shaw…and if anyone knows anything about Robert Rosenthal, its that he loves Artie Shaw.
“Dance with me, will ya?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing as he held out a hand.
You nodded, taking his hand once again and following him to the dancefloor. Keeping your hands together, his other hand snaked around your back and rested on your hip. You moved your free hand up his chest and onto his shoulder. 
Rosie blushed, that same smirk forming on his lips.
“Before I left…right after we landed and we were talking under the wing…what were you about to say?” He asked, blue eyes staring down at you.
“Oh…” you blushed, avoididng his gaze.
“Come on Y/N,” he smiled playfully, “tell me”
“I can’t, its embarrassing,” you laughed, afraid to tell him what you had been dying to confess for days.
He got closer to you, his breath tickling your neck as he whispered into your ear, “please, tell me what you were gonna say”
“Rosie,” you turned to look at him, his face mere inches from yours.
“I-” you began, deciding it was now or never, “I was gonna tell you that I was so relieved when you came home safe because…because I was so worried about you, and I didn’t want to lose you before I had the chance to tell you that I-”
Rosie’s eyes stayed transfixed on your lips as you spoke, a smirk returning to his face. 
You struggled to get the words out, completely overwhelmed by Rosie’s intoxicating presence.
“Y/N,” he whispered.
“Hm?” You hummed, staring into his eyes.
“I think you’re my lucky charm too,” he smiled as his hand left yours to cup your cheek.
You blushed, eyes closing as Rosie leaned down and caught your lips in his, capturing you in a gentle kiss that sent your mind reeling with emotion.
Pulling away, you beamed at each other as Rosie spoke, “I’ve been dying to do that”
“Rosie,” you raised your eyebrows, “you and me both”
Tucking your head into his chest, you and Rosie swayed until the band stopped playing and the hall closed down for the night. This was going to make work a lot more complicated.
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softspeirs · 4 years
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softspeirs masterlist
UPDATED 9-14-24
disclaimer: my depiction and description of these characters are never about the real men, and always about the actors’ portrayal in the hbo and apple tv+ miniseries. i don’t own hbo or apple or any affiliated networks, please don’t sue! 
quick links: band of brothers fic | the pacific fic | masters of the air fic FIC REC TAG!
please note: i no longer write for character/reader, or “y/n”. nothing against it, but my special interest lies more with my OCs these days.
A note: I have several female OC’s that feature in my fics:
Kathryn “Kat” Gray: Combat medic. Part of an experimental group of women as combat medics to join the Airborne, assigned to Easy. First appearance in Barren Soul, a multi-chapter fic. Paired with Speirs.
Ruth Kelley: OSS. Works with intelligence and often as a regimental runner. Has also been known to chip in at the aid station, and do whatever needs getting done. Mother hen of the group, second only to Lipton. First appearance in Morning. Paired with Speirs, but in a separate fic universe than Kat Gray.
Anna Cunningham: Sniper, one of the best in the 101st. A huge chip on her shoulder. Small, but smart and cunning, much like her name suggests. First appearance in One Step Closer. Paired with Lieb.
Emma Burns: USO performer sent to the Pacific, though she had an ulterior motive for signing up - to find her brother. First appearance in No Wrong Roads. Paired with Hoosier.
Eileen Sanders: Regimental runner. Stealthy, observant, quiet, but smart as a whip. Landed at Normandy with the gang, but tossed around between companies before ending up with Easy in Haugenau. First appearance in Rumors. No romantic pairing for her (yet).
Lillian: Nurse with the ANC who served at General Hospital Two in Manila First appearance in Beautiful and Wild at Every Turn. Paired with Hoosier.
Julia Martin: Legal assistant who we meet working at the DA’s office with Hoosier after the war. First appearance in this untitled fic, paired with Hoosier.
Elizabeth Parks: War correspondent for the Times. Ends up attached to Easy when she goes AWOL from assignment to look for her brother. First appearance in Inside Source. Paired with Nixon.
Grace Fleming: Army Nurse Corps stationed at Thorpe Abbotts. First appearance in this untitled drabble with our favorite twinkletoes, Rosie Rosenthal.
Eleanor “Ellie” Peters: Daughter of a pub owner near Thorpe Abbotts where many of the fliers spend their days off. Sharp-witted, gentle, and kind, she has a soft spot for our dear Major Egan. First appearance here.
B A N D  O F  B R O T H E R S
General (No pairing or platonic pairings)
Prompt: Eileen Sanders + "wait, the tears are good tears?" Eileen delivers some news to Major Winters and ensemble.
Rumors: No romantic pairing, but Speirs centric. Eileen’s first impression of Easy’s newest CO is that he isn’t what she was expecting.
Paying Attention: A scene between Kat (OFC) and Nixon based on a story of Nixon throwing TNT at soldiers who weren’t paying attention during a lecture.
We’ll Be Okay: Prompt: “How long was I asleep?” Takes place after Bastogne. Platonic Malark x OFC Kat.
Untitled: What if Harry Welsh and Hoosier Smith met at a diner after the war?
Everything Will Break: TW for heavy angst and death. Sort of a choose-your-own-adventure: no specific character or OC here, it’s all in second person. Pick your own BoB/TP/Gen Kill character! No specific war is mentioned, either.
War Stories: Harry Welsh loves pushing Ron Speirs’ buttons. He also can’t believe that Easy’s new CO hasn’t heard all about his gallantry at Carentan.
Prompt: “Zero fucks given. Next please.” + Speirs. Feat. Eileen Sanders, but no romantic pairing.
Ron Speirs
Barren Soul: (Multi-chapter; ongoing - updated 9-14-24) Kathryn Gray feels adrift. Born into a wealthy family, all that’s expected of her in her early twenties is to marry well, but she wants more out of life. When the war begins, she makes the decision to join the Nurse Corps and requests a transfer to the Airborne when it seems like the scales of war are tipping in the wrong direction. Along the way she discovers who she is, how far she can push herself, and what it really means to have a family you choose.
Lost Your Head (Inside Your Heart): Post-War Easy officers reunion + you.
MISSING SCENE from Lost Your Head: You’re hit in Foy. Your new CO doesn’t take it well.
Officer’s Club: She and Speirs are sneaking around at Toccoa.
Dark Corners:  An outside perspective on the relationship between Speirs and Easy’s favorite female medic - set in The Last Patrol.
Asleep: Prompt: “How long was I asleep?”
Prompt: “Why are you following me?” Secret relationship OFC (Kat Gray x Speirs)
Morning: Soft Speirs x OFC Ruth Kelley. 
Wounded: A frustrated Ruth mends Speirs after a patrol.
Cry: Prompt: “I made her cry. How could I do that?”
Prompt: "I'll protect you" + Speirs. (Ron Speirs x Kat)
Prompt: “Don’t even think about it” + Speirs. (Ron Speirs x Kat)
Lewis Nixon
Rest: Nixon/Nurse OFC. A series of moments when Nixon is vulnerable.
Untitled angsty drabble: Nixon/OFC. Post-war with pre-war flashbacks. He wonders if she’ll even care that he’s coming home.
Inside Source (multi-chap, complete): A war correspondent with an ulterior motive. That’s one move the intelligence officer didn’t see coming. He also didn’t expect the correspondent to be a woman.
One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six
Breathe: Nixon/OC - She goes missing after Market Garden and tries to find her way back to Easy. A certain Captain doesn’t take her disappearance well.
Dick Winters
Paris: Winters/OFC. Winters runs into her in Paris. Outside their ranks, they get to know each other.
Joe Liebgott
Be Here: Post-War. On the train home, Joe finds a familiar face.
Liebgott + “Can you just hold my hand?” 
One Step Closer: 5 times Joe Liebgott wanted to kiss her, and 1 time he finally did. Lieb x OC (Anna) 
Everything Has Its Place: Anna and Joe have a heart-to-heart after an argument.
Don Malarkey
Malarkey + “things you said I wasn’t meant to hear”
Carwood Lipton
Pain: Prompt: “Pain is not an easy thing to ignore”
Johnny Martin
Every Moment: Prompt: “I just want to spend every moment with you”
Floyd Talbert
One Date: It was only ever supposed to be one date. Tab x OC 
T H E  P A C I F I C
Bill “Hoosier” Smith
Clouds Overhead: In Melbourne, Hoosier finds her, and they both find some peace. (Could be read as reader insert or as an unnamed OFC)
Then and There, the Wind in Your Hair: (technically a sequel to Clouds Overhead) After their meeting in Melbourne, Hoosier writes a few letters, dreams a few dreams, and finds her again after coming home.
So Hang On: Bill acts like he’s annoyed with the world (because he is, he really is), but he can also recognize when the situation calls for some empathy.
No Wrong Roads: Bill can’t stand the quiet anymore. (Post War. Hoosier x OC - Emma)
Beautiful and Wild at Every Turn: Hoosier thinks he’s adjusting alright. But then the most miniscule thing happens to set him back, and it feels like a never-ending cycle. Turns out he’s not the only one. (Hoosier x Lillian)
Untitled: Hoosier becomes a lawyer, and finds a kindred spirit in his new secretary, who he soon learns has more to offer than doing paperwork and fetching coffee. (Hoosier x Julia)
Lew "Chuckler" Juergens
Prompt: Chuckler + "I think you'd look cuter with me". A familiar face from Chuckler's past shows up on the island.
M A S T E R S  O F  T H E  A I R
Gen fic
On Leave (Band of Brothers crossover feat. my OC Kat Gray): “You know, it’s nice that the Airborne finally decided to show up.” Bucky says, tilting his head and gesturing with his glass. // Next to him, Cleven and DeMarco share an aggrieved look. // “What?” // “Can you just–” Gale straightens his jacket, leans in, “–try not to start a fight? For once?” // “Don’t count on it.” Bucky grins.
Reprieve: Sequel to On Leave: What if Bucky and Buck managed to escape the forced march that night in Germany? What if in a really roundabout way, they got some help from some locals and found their way to the 101st?
John “Bucky” Egan
Daisies + Love Letters Series: (WIP) Egan/OC: “You shouldn’t get attached.” He says, rising from his seat. Halfway to the door, he looks over his shoulder. “To any of us.” His smirk is small, bitter. “Here today, gone tomorrow.”
Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal
These Heartbeats Clear: (Formerly titled The Major & The Nurse) (WIP) Rosie/OC: The new guys will be an adjustment - she’s not sure she can manage getting attached to any of them. Because it’s inevitable, what happens after. But the line has already been crossed with this man, looking at her in the fading sunlight.
Harry Crosby
Prompt: Stress/caffeine (platonic - no pairing, but featuring my OC Grace): Something tells her that every working moment for him for months has been to try, somehow, to make up for all the losses. He thinks that if he works himself to death, he can at least keep everyone else alive. 
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footprintsinthesxnd · 6 months
hey girly! Idk if your requests are open but we neeeeeed something for bucky from mota. maybe something like enemies to lovers with a war nurse? thxxxx
A Second Chance
Thank you so much for your request anon. I’m so sorry it took so long. I feel that I may not have the skill set to write John Egan as well as other writers but I’m hoping that I can do him justice. Also two posts this weekend because why not.
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John Egan was insufferable. Y/n had decided that from the moment she’d first met him, with his cocky smile, his stupid moustache, his bright eyes and… no he was just insufferable. She’d never met a man so full of himself that he gave his best friend the same nickname, and yet Gale Cleven seemed like the sweetest man on earth.
“You’re staring again,” Rosie chuckled, looking up from his battered book ‘Of Mice and Men’ with a cheeky smile.
“Yes with utter disgust, I mean look at him,” Y/n pointed, watching as Rosie glanced over at the Major who was currently leaning against the bar, flirting with the poor barmaid who seemed besotted with him. “He’d flirt with anything that moved.” 
“Including you apparently,” Rosie chuckled, “Just admit that you aren’t a tiny bit jealous. I just want to hear you admit it.”
Y/n glared daggers at the pilot who was using his book to shield his smiling face. She lurched forward trying to smack him but he shoved the book at her.
“No, no, not the moustache again,” he shielded his hand over his mouth, eyes wide as he glared at her. She may have accidentally pulled his moustache once when they were arguing about the same Major and Rosie’s moustache had taken the hit.
“You know that was an accident.”
“Yes, but it’s never grown the same since,” he protested, stroking his facial hair thoughtfully. “You’re always moaning about Major Egan's moustache, I thought mine was a goner.”
Y/n sighed dramatically, slouching in her chair. She wondered if she should tell Rosie the real reason why she held such a grudge towards John Egan. That, however, would involve her confessing that she was madly in love with John.
Rosie’s eyes remained trained on his book and Y/n fought the urge to interrupt him again. Instead, she remained silent, thinking back to that night in June when the air in London had been close and hot, sticking to the sweat on her skin, the pale evening light casting shadows over the hotel room, the white sheets soft and comfortable, his embrace loving, his words kind and… all completely false.
Y/n hadn’t believed in love at first sight but seeing John Egan in his uniform, smirking at her across the crowded pub, something inside her had changed. He’d been effortlessly charming and she was eating out of his palm before the night was through.
John Egan had promised to visit her, promised he’d write, but several months passed and no letters came Y/n gave up, putting John behind her. That was until she had to report to Thorpe Abbott RAF base and ran into a particular Major.
John, however, seemed oblivious to their previous encounter, barely sending her a smile as he strolled passed with several other pilots by his side. From that day forward Y/n held a grudge against John Egan.
“Here we go…” Rosie mumbled under his breath, but before Y/n could ask what he meant a low hum came from behind her.
“Evening Rosie, Y/n,” John nodded to both of them, Gale Cleven by his side doing the same.
“Majors,” Rosie greeted them, placing his book down on the table.
“Major Cleven,” Y/n greeted Gale, her eyes avoiding the other Major. Gale glanced quizzically between the pair, before looking to Rosie for answers, but he only shrugged.
“Have I done something to offend you, Darling?” John smirked at her, leaning across the table, his moustache twitching at the corners. He had the same cocky air about him that he always wore but the added nickname just added fuel to the fire that was already burning.
Y/n snorted, “Do not think your presence has such an effect on me, Major. I’m afraid not every woman falls at your feet.”
Gale let a low whistle slip from his lips, but John just grinned, “Alright, I see someone’s a little jealous, didn’t realise I had an admirer.”
Y/n stood swiftly from her chair, rounding the table and jabbing her finger into John’s chest, “I am not jealous and why would I be? Why would I lower my standards to such an arrogant, self-centered man.” She removed her finger from his chest, turning on her heels and exiting the pub as fast as her legs would allow her.
Gale looked between Rosie and John, “Will someone please explain what just happened?”
Rosie shrugged, picking up his book and fumbling through the pages until he found his spot. John chuckled, “I think I may have offended her in some way, though I know not how.”
“You really think you offended her, huh?” Gale replied sarcastically, avoiding his friend's light shove with an amused laugh.
John truly did wonder what he’d done so wrong to offend her. He’d only known her a few months when she turned up on base dressed in her dress blues declaring she was newly assigned to Thorpe Abbott infirmary. He greeted her with a smile and she glared at him in response. From that day forward it had been an all-out war between the two of them.
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Y/n had just finished tidying up the examination room when there was a light tap at the door, she called out ‘enter’, her back still turned to whoever it was.
“This is quite a nice place you’ve got here, Darling,” John declared, leaning against the doorframe, smiling devilishly.
Y/n sighed, instantly on the defensive, “What do you want, Major,” she emphasised his rank disdainfully, rolling her eyes as she continued to pack up the crate of dressings.
John hummed behind her, moving around the room until he was in front of her once more, “So…” he paused, craning his neck to try and catch her eye. “How are you finding life on base?”
That’s it, John, a nice simple question. She can’t get too offended by that, right?
Y/n all but tutted, shaking her head, “Life would be just fine, except a certain Major keeps ruining my day.” She shoved passed him, carrying the crate out of the room and down the corridor, her heels clicking against the tiled floor followed by a larger heavier footfall.
“Hey Darling, wait up. I hadn’t finished talking to you,” John protested, moving swiftly in front of her and stopping her movements.
“What?” She snapped this time, her patience wearing thin and the long list of jobs she had still playing on her mind.
John sighed, rubbing his hand down his face, “I just want to know what I did. I’ve barely said two words to you since you got here and somehow I’ve offended you. Whatever I’ve done I’m sorry, okay?” He didn’t mean to sound so exasperated but he wasn’t sure what more he could say.
Y/n watched him, her face faltering ever so slightly before the stoic expression returned. “The fact that you don’t remember makes all of this worse. I didn’t realise our night was so awful you pushed it from your mind. So much for ‘I’ll keep in touch’,” she spat, pushing the crate into him and moving on passed without a backward glance. She’d said her piece, he could do with that what he will.
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John sat on the wing of Mugwump, his legs swinging in mid-air as he took a long swig from his hit flask. His mind still reeling from the afternoon's events as the guilt ate away at him.
He’d fished the letter out from his belongings, tracing over the return address. He should have realised her name was familiar, but then again he should have written her back.
John was still trying to piece together how he hadn’t realised it was her, but with the amount they’d both consumed he was surprised Y/n even remembered him. That still didn’t help clear his conscience.
“Bucky, you up there,” Gale called, glancing around the plane until he noticed the pair of legs hanging from the wing. “What are you doing?”
“I messed up Gale,” John mumbled, taking another drink. He was always impressed by how much whiskey his hot flask could hold and he was starting to feel a nice warm sensation as it flowed around his body.
“What have you done?” Gale asked, hoisting himself up the ladder and onto the wing beside John. He offered Gale his hit flask but the other pilot shook his head, waiting for his friend’s explanation.
“Do you remember that night I had in London a few months ago? When I said I met this amazing woman and we had a wonderful night together, she wanted me to write to her and she wrote me a letter and I never replied,” John rambled, his tongue becoming looser as the alcohol flowed. “Well, that’s Y/n, the nurse on base. It’s the same woman, Gale.”
Gale nodded, processing his friend's confession, “Well at least now we know why she’s so angry at you all the time, you were a total ass.”
John rolled his eyes glaring at Gale, “Thanks Buck, that’s really helpful.” Groaning, John pushed himself up, balancing precariously on Mugwump’s wing. “I’ve gotta make it up to her, Buck. Women like grand gestures, don't they?”
Buck shuffled further away from the edge of the wing before standing, grasping his friend's hands, “I don’t think she wants a grand gesture, Bucky. I think she just wants you to apologise.”
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Passing back and forth down the infirmary corridor, John found himself fighting the urge to make a run for it. He could easily head down the corridor and back out onto the hardstand before anyone noticed he was there in the first place.
Movement from within the infirmary caught his eye. He watched curiously as Y/n moved along the beds, sitting down beside a wounded airman, his head clad in bandages, covering the burns he’d sustained on the last mission. She was speaking quietly to him, too quietly for John to hear, but he saw the young man instantly relax in her presence. She was a good nurse and John had taken her kindness for granted. He had to make things right.
He wrapped his knuckles against the door, waiting for the mumbled reply, before pushing it open. Y/n was smoothing down some fresh bedding, tucking the sheets tightly into the bed.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” he interrupted, watching as her movements still and her whole body stiffened. He hated that he had this effect on her.
“What can I do for you, Major?” Her voice was plain, emotionless and her eyes seemed hollow, as though she stared right through him.
John felt his palms sweating as he spoke, “I need to talk to you, to apologise for my behaviour.” Y/n seemed uninterested in what he had to say, continuing with the task at hand, but John wasn’t about to give up on her again.
“My behaviour has been unacceptable and I know that I can probably never make it up to you but I want to try. I was not in my best form the night that we met, I was drunk and uncaring and I’m sorry I never wrote back. I intended to but I just never did, and I have no excuse, I’m just sorry I never did. You’re a great girl and any man would be lucky to have you write to them, I only wish that I hadn’t messed things up.”
John had never outed his heart out before, he’d never even revealed this kind of vulnerability to Gale, so he was a little shocked. Had he said too much? Would she hate him even more now?
Y/n had stopped her movements, still bent over the bed, her hand clutching the sheet. John watched her shoulders sag, and a long, drawn-out sigh slipped from her lips.
“It’s okay, John,” she murmured, defeat evident in her appearance. “I knew the kind of man you were when we met, I was just excited that a man such as yourself wanted to give someone like me any kind of attention.
She stood up, a few tears trickling down her cheeks, “You know the worst thing was I really did think you’d write back. That’s what hurt the most. Then when I got my orders to move to Thorpe Abbott I thought maybe we had a chance, but you didn’t even recognise me and I knew I never stood a chance.”
The pair stood in silence, the clock on the wall ticking louder than ever as time passed. John spoke up first, unable to stand the tension any longer.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n, for all of it. I understand now why you hate me so much, and I wouldn’t blame you. Is there any way I can make it up to you? Any way at all?”
Y/n’s forehead creased as she thought, her nose wrinkling as it had the same night they’d met when he’d asked her about her family. He could see it now, all the small details that he’d appreciated when he met her, if only he’d taken the time to study her when she came to base he’d have known.
Y/n shook her head, “What’s done is done. Let’s just move on and forget about it all.” She turned away, returning to the bed she’d been making, but John grabbed her arm.
“I don’t want to forget it, any of it. That night with you was one of the best nights of my life. I was free from judgment when I was with you. You never once called me Major or treated me like I was better than you, you treated me like a normal person,” John admitted, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “And I’d really like another shot if you’d let me.”
“Alright,” Y/n replied, “But if you break my heart again, Major then I won’t be so forgiving.”
John chuckled, saluting her, “Anything you say, Ma’am.”
Y/n rolled her eyes turning back to her job, but John spun her back around to face him, “I have some leave coming up to go to London. What do you say to come with me?”
Y/n smiled softly, “I’d love to, but I don’t know whether I can get the leave.”
“All sorted, it’s already been approved.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “Well that’s pretty cocky of you, Major. What were you planning on doing if I said no?”
John grinned, “I would have just asked Buck to come with me, although he’s not nearly as beautiful and I don’t think I’d want to share a bed with him, he snores you know.”
Y/n laughed, moving her arms so they rested behind his neck, fumbling with the soft hair at the base of his neck. “Alright Major, you’ve got yourself a deal.”
John grinned, cupping her cheek softly in his palm, he pressed his lips down to her, his moustache tickling her lips but that was the least of her concerns. His hands moved to her hips, resting firmly and pulling her closer. He smiled into the kiss, it felt so right, bringing back all the memories from London all those months ago. He wished he’d written her back now, he could have been kissing her all this time, but at least he could make up for lost time now and he intended to.
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Tags: @georgieluz @docroesmorphine @major-mads @violetdaze25 @bcofl0ve @precious-little-scoundrel @blurredcolour @artlover8992 @b00ks1ut @xxluckystrike @hockeyboysarehot @groovin2beats @kmc1989 @ginabaker1666 @hesbuckcompton-baby @blueberry-ovaries
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…. I imagine you have a Billion of these requests and it might not tickle your fancy but I’ve been thinking of a
Post war bucky - meeting navigator reader ( who was transferred to thrope abbots whilst he was in the camps) reader is the warm softness he needs to help rebuild the new him that is worth knowing.. bonus reader being besties with Harry and Rosie
Again no pressure at all! I just don’t own your skill to turn these thoughts into reality! You have such skill miss thang ! I hope you know that 🤍
New Girl
John Egan X Navigator! Reader
Summary: Bucky meets a woman when he comes back from the camps...
Warning: Swearing/ kissing/ mention of death/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 1.3k
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The 3 of them were sitting near the fireplace, Rosie just came back, and he survived his plane crashing. She was transferred to Thorpe Abbots a few weeks ago, she was a navigator, that’s how she became friends with Harry Crosby, then, he introduced her to Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal, the 3 of them quickly became friends. Crosby and Rosie kept talking about pilots that got down, especially Major Cleven and Major Egan. Rosie even said that her and Egan would be great together. ‘’You excited to go back home?’’ Rosie asked Crosby as he took a sip of his Coca Cola. ‘’Yeah, I, uh, I’m going to be a father’’ he chuckles, but he doesn’t look happy. ‘’Croz, that’s amazing. It’s good news, right?’’ she asked his friend. ‘’Yeah, but no, I don’t know how to be a father after everything.’’ He signed. Y/n gives him a sympatric smile as she listens the other navigator talk about his feelings.
Chaos was outside, Y/n got outside and saw that Harry and Rosie were running outside, near a plane that just landed. Y/n walked up to her friends and looked at the plane. ‘’What’s going on?’’ she asked, smiling. ‘’Gale Cleven and John Egan are back!’’ Crosby exclaims. ‘’They were the best pilots before me!’’ Rosie said. A brunette men came down a plane, a blonde came to hug him. ‘’Crosby!’’ the brunette exclaimed. The guys hugged as Y/n stand there awkwardly. ‘’ And who’s that beautiful lady?’’ the brunette asked, looking up and down at the woman. ‘’Lieutenant Colonel Y/n Y/l/n, and who are you?’’ she extended her hand for him to shake. ‘’Major John Egan but call me Bucky’’ he shook her hand. He kissed the top of her hand, making her blush.
‘’Y/n/n? Ready to go home?’’ Bucky asked the woman; she was saying goodbye to the children on the base. ‘’Yeah, I’m just saying goodbye.’’ She explains as she hugged Lily, a small girl that Y/n spend a lot of time with. ‘’Here, take my necklace’’ Y/n said as she took her necklace off. Lily took the necklace and put it on. ‘’I have to go now. Bye kids!’’ she waved at them as all the kids hugged her. John Egan looked at the scene, smiling at the woman. He loved the fact that Y/n was good with kids.
She poured herself a glass of water as she staired outside the window. ‘’Whiskey?’’ she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see Bucky, they decided to live together since they grew found of each other. They were friends, but they were in love, they just didn’t know it yet. ‘’Water, I can’t stand the sight of alcohol for a while’’ she chuckled. He laughed and asked for a glass of water too. She sat in front of him, drinking the liquid as they looked at each other. ‘’Buck’s weeding is next week’’ Bucky said as he drank the water. ‘’Yeah, I have to go buy a dress, do you want to come with me?’’ she asked. ‘’Sure, we’ll go tomorrow, I have my suit already.’’ He smiles.
She’d been trying on dresses for an hour, and she didn’t find any that she liked. ‘’I’ll go naked! I swear’’ she breathed out. Bucky chuckled. ‘’I’m able to read map and I helped with D-Day plans, but I can’t find a bloody dress’’ she kept complaining as she put on a dress. When she got out, Bucky’s mouth opened slightly, the dress was light green, long but not too long and had little sleeves. It suited Y/n perfectly. ‘’You look amazing in that one!’’ he compliments her, smiling. ‘’Really?’’ she was skeptical, she never really liked wearing a dress. ‘’Yes, you look wonderful!’’ he says again. Y/n blushes and looks at herself in the mirror, the dress was really beautiful. ‘’Yeah, let’s go with this one’’ she smiles.
The night was still young, Y/n was reading a book when she heard Bucky screaming. She threw her book away and ran to his room. Her night gown flew behind her with how fast she was running. She entered his room to see him seated on his bead, sweaty and breathing really fast. ‘’Bucky, what’s wrong?’’ she asked as she walked closer to his bed. He was in pure state of shock. ‘’Bucky, breath’’ she tried to help but this time, his nightmare was too much for him. She didn’t know what to do, usually her presence worked, and he would calm down. ‘’John’’ she whispered. She took his face between her hands to make him look at her. ‘’Breath, John. I’m right here, everything is going to be fine. Breath’’ she said, maintaining eye contact with him. His eyes were filled with distress, he needed help. ‘’Kiss me, please, Y/n, I need to kiss you.’’ He pleaded, his voice weak. Y/n didn’t even hesitate as she pressed her lips against his.
The kiss was filled with passion and love, it helped Bucky realise that she was there and not dead, like in his nightmare. When they pulled away, he was calmer, and he was smiling. ‘’You’re, okay?’’ Y/n asked, concerned for him. He nodded, smiling even harder. ‘’Who would’ve thought that it would take a nightmare for us to kiss’’ he giggled. She gently smacked his shoulder as she scoffed. ‘’You scared me’’ she breathed out as she smiled too. ‘’I’m sorry, I had a nightmare, you died’’ he explained. She hugged her friend as he smelled her. He was touching her, smelling her and he just kissed her; she was real, and alive. She just realized what happened; she just kissed him. Y/n was in love with him, but she didn’t know if he was feeling the same thing. So, she did what everyone would’ve done; she flew away. As Bucky watched her run away, he giggled, she was a nervous person. But tomorrow was Buck’s wedding, and he was going to dance with her.
She entered the room with Bucky, the reception was over, it was beautiful. Buck’s vows made Y/n cry; it was so beautiful. She was looking for Harry Crosby, she had to talk to him about what happened yesterday. When she spotted him, she practically ran to him. ‘’Croz!’’ she exclaimed as she hugged him. ‘’Y/n how are you?’’ he smiled. ‘’I’m great – ‘’ she noticed a woman holding a baby behind him. ‘’ Y/n, can I introduce you to my wife, Jean and my son Stephen’’ he says proudly. ‘’It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot of great things’’ Y/n smiles as she hugs Harry’s wife. ‘’Likewise, it’s nice to meet the woman my husband’s been talking about’’ she smiles. Y/n smiles as her and Jean talks. ‘’Can I talk to Harry for a second?’’ she asked. She nods as Y/n and Harry go for a walk.
Harry Crosby was crying for laughing that much. ‘’How could you run away?’’ he laughs. Y/n laughs as she let out a desperate sign. ‘’I panicked, but I really want to kiss him again’’ she breaths out. Rosie, who joined them, was laughing too. ‘’Then kiss him!’’ Rosie exclaims. ‘’Uh, I wish it was that simple’’ she threw her head back. As she did so, she saw Bucky, staring at her with a grin on his face. ‘’It is simple, love’’ he completed her sentence, making Crosby and Rosie laugh as they walk away from the scene, to let them have privacy. Y/n quickly gets up and walk up to him. ‘’I, uh, I’m sorry for running away yesterday. I panicked’’ she blurts out. Bucky smiles as he puts his hand on her lower back. ‘’It’s okay, Y/n, just kiss me again’’ he whispers. She breaths out nervously as she stands on her tippy toes, their face gets closer as their breathing quickens. ‘’I love you’’ she whispers. ‘’I love you too, love’’ he smiles as he leans in closer. Their kiss was passionate, his other hand went on her cheek to keep her closer. ‘’I love you so much’’ she said between kisses. ‘’Fucking finally!’’ they heard Crosby yell. ‘’Well, well, well’’ Buck chuckled. As they pulled away, they saw Buck, Marge, Harry, Rosie and Jean looking at them. Y/n and Bucky looks at each other before laughing. ‘’Are we going to attend another wedding?’’ Marge squeals. ‘’Maybe’’ Bucky smiles.
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Rosie Rosenthal X Therapist! Reader
Summary: Rosie needs to stop controlling everything; maybe his therapist can help...
Warning: +18/ sub!Rosie/ softdom!reader/ riding/ oral sex (f and m)/ forbidden relationship/ mention of death/ swearing/ praise/ use of Y/n/ fingering/
Word count: 3.0k
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Her official job title was military surgeon, but since the soldiers needed someone to talk to, Y/n became their confident and gave them advice, she heard a lot of things every day, but today, her newest patient was Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal. A few weeks ago, he was the only plane back from a mission, he saw everyone go down, word on the base was that he was closing to everyone, he didn’t talk about it with anyone, he shut down and acted like nothing happened. As she got ready to see him, she looked at his file, and she looked at his pictures, he was good looking, but she had to stay professional. She saw man like him all the time, not wanting to show any emotions, acting tough but if she said the right things, she could crack this wall he built up.
When he knocked at her door, he was kind of nervous, he didn’t like to talk about what was happening in the air, not with his colleagues and certainly not with a random person. Y/n opened the door, looking at the pilot in front of her, she told him to come inside as she closed the door behind him. ‘’Major Rosenthal, pleasure to meet you, I’m Dr. Mitchell’’ she introduced herself as she sat on a couch in front of him. ‘’Please, call me Rosie’’ he said, sitting down. ‘’Rosie how are you feeling?’’ she shyly smiled, she saw men all the time, but Rosie was really handsome. She had to supress the thoughts she had, they weren’t professional. ‘’Don’t take it personally, Doc, but I don’t know what I’m doing here’’ he started, anger could be heard in his voice. ‘’I understand your frustration, Rosie, but you did fly the mission with the most casualties’’ she delicately commented.
It had been 45 minutes since the session started and Rosie was impatient, he shouldn’t be here and as beautiful as Dr. Mitchell was, he wanted to get out of her office. ‘’Can I ask you one last question, Rosie?’’ she asked, looking at him. He bobbed his head, slowly, before taking a deep breath. ‘’Do you like being in control?’’ she simply asked. He didn’t understand the question. ‘’In control of what?’’ he spat, frustrated. ‘’Things in your life, the time you get up, what you eat, where you go and in control in aspect of your life, like friendships or sexual intercourse’’ she coughed at the end of her sentence. Her cheeks were becoming red and the air in the room felt heavy. ‘’Yeah, I like to control my own life, and sometimes, uh, yes, I’m, uh in control in the- the- bedroom, why do you ask?’’ he stuttered. He tried to not show how nervous he was. ‘’Because that’s why you’re angry of being here, not having control. I’m going to free you from this session’’ he walked towards the door. ‘’Major, we see each other in a week, during this time, can you try to do something that needs you to not be in control.’’ She blurts out. ‘’Like what?’’ he asks, because nothing comes in his mind. ‘’Ask a friend to set up your alarm, let someone organize something, and if you find a woman, let her be in charge’’ she blushed, again. ‘’Of the date or something.’’ She babbled, trying to not sound like she was encouraging him to have sex with someone. ‘’I’ll try, Doc’’ he said before leaving the room.
She couldn’t sleep, too many sinful thoughts were in her mind. It wasn’t professional to think about a patient that way. What was she thinking, suggesting him to have sex and not being in control?! That night, she tossed and turned, thinking about Major Rosenthal in an incriminating way, good news was, she had one week before seeing him again. Bad news was, she had one week before seeing him again.
He really fucking tried, he let his friend set his alarm, he almost did everything she asked him to, but he didn’t see how it helped him. Plus, he had wet dreams about her all week. He kept thinking about having sex with her, how she would moan his name, how her innocent gaze would be when she sucked him off. He was nervous before his appointment. He didn’t know how his body was going to react when he sees her. Nonetheless, he entered her office, smelling her perfume as he pushed the doors. There she was, wearing a white blouse with a beige skirt. When she turned to face him, he thought he was going to faint, since when did she wore glasses? They were transparent, but still it gave her this innocent look that drove him mad.
‘’Major, how have you been?’’ she smiles as she looks at him. He plays with his fingers a little bit, before sitting down in front of her. ‘’Frustrated, Doc, I’ve tried to give up control, but it’s hard’’ he said. That and the fact that he kept thinking about having sex with her didn’t help. ‘’And what did you try to do?’’ she bit her lips as she wrote what he was saying. The air was hot in the room, Rosie was practically boiling alive. ‘’Everything, except things that involved a woman’’ he admitted. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to supress a grin on her face. She looked at his lips, God she wanted to kiss him right now. She cleared her throat as she pushed her thoughts far away, at least she tried. ‘’And how did it go?’’ she asked. ‘’Like shit, I don’t understand how this is going to help me getting back in the plane’’ he confesses. ‘’Rosie, the urge you feel, of getting back in the plane. That’s because you feel guilty of being alive. You don’t understand why them and not you.’’ She blurts out. ‘’Can I sit next to you’’ he asks, before getting up. Y/n nods and bites her lips again. He was listening to her psychoanalysis of him, watching her face, seeing how she blushed her she caught him looking at her. ‘’But maybe I’m wrong’’ she whispered, looking at him. ‘’Do you have problems with proximity?’’ she asks him. She watches as he shakes his head. ‘’So, you don’t think that everyone around you is going to die?’’ she clarifies. ‘’Why all these questions, Doc?’’ his voice was low, making her shiver.
‘’I’m just trying to understand your mind’’ she breaths out. He noticed how her breathing got quicker and her pupils were dilated. ‘’I just think we would have a clearer idea of what’s rushing you back if you opened up to me’’ she stated, avoiding eye contact, he was so damn beautiful, Y/n thought that if their eyes met, she was going to be as red as a tomato. The tension in the air was dangerously close to burst. He moved his leg ‘accidentally’ touching hers, he watched as she hissed, but she wasn’t scared, she was in the same state as him; desperate. ‘’You’re right, Doc, I feel guilty for being alive, so I try to control everything around me, but this week as been torture. I kept thinking about you’’ he admitted, he wanted to see if she was bold enough to flirt back. Y/n blushed even harder as she took her glasses off, putting them on the side table. She looked at Rosie. ‘’What were you thinking about’’ she tried to stay professional, but it was hanging by a thread. She moved her leg so their leg would touch. He looked at their legs and looked back up to her. ‘’Testing your theory with you, Doc’’ he admitted. Y/n blinked multiple times before biting her lips, again. ‘’Really?’’ she flirted, still not daring to look at him in the eyes. ‘’Dead serious, you’re all I’ve been thinking about all week’’ he leans closer to her face, he could hear her heart beating really fast. ‘’And what are you going to do about it?’’ she breathed out as her eyes trailed all over his body. He smirked; she was flirting back. ‘’I can think of a few things, but again, I’m not good at letting someone else be in control’’ he teased. ‘’I can teach you how’’ she said, against his lips. They took one last look at the other before breaking the rules and kissing each other.
He made clear that he was going to be the dominant one, but Y/n had to remind him. ‘’I’m in control, remember Rosie’’ she grins as she kisses his neck. ‘’Then show me -ah- show me how to let go’’ he breathed out. She smiled as she pushed herself on top of him, as she began to grind her hips, his hands found their way on her thighs. ‘’Let me take care of you, Rosie’’ she whispered in his ears. Y/n felt his erection on her covered core, she wanted him so much. They were both breathing heavily, he watched her breast move as she breathed. He began unbuttoning her blouse, she looked at his fingers with a smirk on her face. She kept moving her hips to a slow, sensual pace, it drove him crazy, he needed her to do something else. His knuckles were turning white, he was gripping the couch too tightly. ‘’Use your words, Major. You want me to do something, you ask’’ she breathed out, kissing his neck. He threw her blouse on the ground and kissed her collarbones. ‘’Please, Doc, ah, please do something’’ he whimpered. Y/n grins before sliding off his lap to kneel in front of him.
‘’You touch me, and I stop, got it?’’ she looked at him in the eyes. His chest was rising with pleasure, how he wanted to take control. He quickly nodded before unbuckling his belt. He let the woman take his pants and boxer off. She was surprised by his length, he was big. She licked her lips before pressing small kisses on the top. Y/n could see Rosie struggling to keep his hands to himself. He threw his head back and his pulse quickened. Y/n kept kissing the top on his length, then she brought one hand at the base of his cock and started to slowly, stoke it. She saw goosebumps on his thighs. ‘’Words, Major’’ she reminded him. ‘’I need you to suck me off, please, Doc, plea’’ his word got lost in throat when she fully took him in her mouth. He moaned in surprise, causing the woman to giggle, sending vibration on his cock. He couldn’t help it, one of his hands went in her hair, she moved her head back, taking his length out of her mouth, making Rosie whimper. ‘’No hands’’ she smirked.
Rosie wanted to say fuck those rules so bad, but he thought that she was so hot, taking control and taking care of him like that. So, he took his hand off and she resumed what she was doing. She never could’ve guessed how vocal Rosie was, whimpers, breathy moans, small growls and shaky breath, that man wasn’t afraid of making sure she knew she pleasured him. Y/n felt his length throb in her mouth, she looked up and it was a sight for sore eyes. His shirt was unbuttoned, showing his abs, his head was thrown back and his Adam apple kept bobbing. Then, when she felt him getting close, she stopped everything. ‘’No’’ he whined. Y/n smiled and got up in front of him, stripping from her skirt. ‘’I didn’t even touch you’’ he tried to plead his case. ‘’I need to come, please, Doc, let me come’’ he begged. He looked so good like this, begging and submissive. His cheeks were red, he looked sweaty but in a hot way. ‘’You want to come, Major’’ she teased in a sensual voice. He nodded, swallowing hard. ‘’Please’’ he whispered. She got rid of her panties, he wanted to touch her so bad, so he swallowed his pride and decided to fully give her control. ‘’Can I touch you, Y/n?’’ her name rolled off his tongue like a prayer. She looked at him, smiling as she sat on the couch in front of him, she spread her legs and looked at him. He got off the couch and crawled to her, he was like a starved man. She had to stay strong, because the look he gave her as he crawled to her was enough for her to throw every ounce of feminism out the window. His eyes were dark, his mouth slightly opened, and his curls were messy. When he reached her, he trailed his hands on her bare thighs, before pulling her closer to him by the back of her thighs. She yelped, surprised by his move. ‘’Can I, please, eat you out?’’ he pleaded, looking at her in the eyes. ‘’Yes, Major’’ she breathed out. He sunk between her thighs and pressed small kisses to her inner thigh before kissing her exposed flesh.
His mouth felt so good, his mustache was adding something else, it was itching, but it felt so good. She threw her head back as her hands found his curls. He thought about playing with the same rules as hers, but she was in control. He was humming around her clit, sending vibrations that drove her mad. One of Rosie’s hands snuck up to play with her breast. She put one of her hands on top of his, she squeezed it to show him how he made her feel. Y/n arched her back as she moaned his name. But Rosie’s other hand pressed down on her stomach, adding pressure. ‘’Oh shit, Rosie, I’m close’’ she breathed out. He hummed to show her that he heard her, then decided to stop playing with her breast, he inserted one finger inside of her. ‘’Holy fuck, you’re soaking wet. Is that because you like to be in control? Uh, you like to be in charge’’ He grins, she felt hot around his finger. ‘’Yeah, right there’’ she breathed out. He looked at her, she looked like a goddess, her hair messy, her skin glowing with the coat of sweat, he could’ve come just with this sight. As he added another finger, he felt her clench around him. ‘’That’s right, come for me, pretty girl’’ he praised her. That was enough to send her over the edge, she arched her back as she was sent into pure extasy.
It took her a few minutes to recover, but when she did, she slid down the couch, to reach Rosie. He was seated against the other couch; she got on top of him. His arms were laid on the couch, he looked so ridable. ‘’Ready, Major?’’ she asked against his lips. ‘’Please, ride me’’ he sighed. Y/n positioned herself on top of him, their lips were touching, but they weren’t kissing. She sunk down on him, they both breathed out, shakily as Y/n took the time to adjust to him. ‘’Fuck’’ he moaned. He kissed her neck, to distract her from the uncomfortable stretching. When she felt ready, she began rocking her hips. ‘’Can I touch you?’’ he moaned. ‘’Yes’’ she whimpered. He places his hands on her hips, to try and guide her to a faster pace, but she denied him. She shook her head as she slowed down the rhythm. ‘’Nah, I’m still in control’’ she smirked. He pushed his tongue on his cheek as he caressed her hips. The smell of sex in the room was intoxicating. She began to rock her hips faster, because it was torture for her too. She arched her back as she kissed him sloppily. The pleasure was too much, she bit down his bottom lip, not too hard, but hard enough to send shivers down his spine. He decided that he wanted more intimacy, so he put his hands on her back and came closer to her body, he was hugging her, but the proximity allowed his pelvic bone to touch her clit and add stimulation. She put her hands in his back, scratching him in the process. The pace was fast, raw, sensual, almost animalistic. They both needed a release. ‘’I’m close, please let me come’’ he moaned in her ear. ‘’Please, please, please’’ he kept begging. Y/n’s brain started to form a sentence. ‘’Come with me, at the same time’’ she ordered. Since he was close, he decided to drop one of his hands and stimulate her clit with his fingers. Right now, she couldn’t care less about him asking permission to finger her, she was close, and he was helping her get there.
Rosie felt Y/n clench around his dick, her thighs started to shake from all this stimulation, he sucked on her neck. ‘’I’m gonna cum, c’mon pretty boy, cum with me!’’ she whined. ‘’You’re doing so good’’ she praised him. It was enough to trigger both their climax, they were a moaning mess as their body shook from pleasure. Y/n could feel his hot release throbbing inside of her and slipping on her inner thigh. They were both out of breath and glistening with sweat.
It took a minute for the both of them to come down from Nirvana. ‘’That was’’ he started, out of words to describe what just happened. ‘’See, letting someone else in charge can be fun’’ she chucked. He rolled his eyes as be playfully hit her ass. She yelped in surprise but smiled. Y/n got up first, even though she didn’t trust her legs, she got her panties back on as she sat on the couch. Rosie got up too, putting his boxers back on and sitting next to her. ‘’Thank you, Y/n, for everything’’ he said, kissing the top of her head. She smiled at the small display of affection. ‘’It was my pleasure.’’ She teased. They both laugh and look at each other. ‘’Do you think you could move my next appointment to earlier in the week?’’ he asked, making her laugh. ‘’Why?’’ she asked. ‘’Because I’m a hard learner and I’ll have to give you control again.’’
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I'll come pick it up after pt.10
John Egan X Female! Reader
Sumarry: When Egan doesn't come back from a mission. His nurse reads the letter he left for her.
Warning: Sadness/ mention of death/ historical inaccuracies/ crying/ Swearing/ use of y/n/
Word count: 980 words.
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When she saw that only one plane was coming back, her heart sank. Harry Crosby was next to her; he hadn’t gone up because he got promoted to a desk office. ‘’That’s it?’’ he breathed out. She didn’t respond, she was in shock, where was he? This was the plane of Major Robert Rosenthal, but the guys called him Rosie. Bucky didn’t come home, all the guys except Rosie’s crew didn’t make it. When she saw the look on the boys faces, it said it all. Lemmons was trying to get information. ‘’Anyone else?’’ he asked. Y/n snapped. ‘’Do you see anymore planes Lemmons?!’’ she pointed out, her voice breaking in the process. Luckly, Rosie’s crew only had one man injured, so she could let the girls handle it. While she was going to go get Bucky’s letter.
7 hours earlier
‘’Darling, listen to me, if something goes wrong – ‘’ Y/n cut him off, she didn’t want to hear what he had to say, especially if it concerned his death. She sook her head, tears rising in her eyes. ‘’Don’t say that Bucky, you’ll come back, you always do’’ she said. He took both of her hands and kissed them; it was hard for him too. ‘’Please, listen to me, I know you don’t want to hear what I’ve got to say. Please listen’’ he pleaded. A tear rolled down her face, she knew this mission was going to be different than the others. ‘’If somethings happen to me, I want you to go get the letter that I wrote for you. It’s under my pillow. Read it only if I don’t come back.’’ He was fighting the urge to cry himself, the idea of breaking her heart if he didn’t come back was eating him alive. ‘’Promise me, darling.’’ He said, looking in her eyes. She avoided eye contact, he’d seen her cry before, but it wasn’t because of him. Now, she might lose him, and it was breaking her heart. ‘’I promise, but promise you’ll do everything to get back to me’’ she sobbed. ‘’I promise’’ he said. They hugged for what felt like hours, she sobbed in his arms, he cried in silence.
Harry Crosby accompanied her to Bucky’s bed; he was kind of a moral support and he had to make sure she knew where his bed was. ‘’Do you want me to leave?’’ he asked her. ‘’No, but can I have privacy?’’ she said, louder than a whisper. He nodded and waited for her outside. She slipped her hand under his pillow and saw the envelope with her name written on in. She took a shaky breath before opening the letter.
My dear Y/n,
If you’re reading this, something went wrong. I’m either dead or a war prisoner. I’m sorry for not coming back, darling, I know I promised you to. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world. The second I laid my eyes on you; I knew that I was head over heels in love with you. Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time, and knowing it was going to be my favorite. It’s not every day you ask your co-pilot to punch you for a girl. I was too scared to tell you that I love you or ask you to be my girl, even though I think it was clear that you were mine. I loved being with you. We had a way of being quiet together, like the silence between us was enough to say everything, like in your office the other day. Y/n, if I’m dead, I want you to know that my last thought was of you, and the beautiful night we spent together, that’s the night I knew that I wanted to have you in my life. If I’m in a prisoner’s camp, trust me, I’m already planning my escape to come back to you. In the envelope, you’ll find my necklace. I want you to have it, it looked better on you anyway, you’ll also find a ring, it was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me one day, saying I should give it to the girl that I’m sure to marry, and that’s you. So, if I come back, we’ll get married, and if I don’t come back, you have the ring anyway, because I want to marry you. Take care of Meatball for me. I love you, darling, you're all I wanted love to be.
Forever yours, John ‘Bucky’ Egan.
Y/n whipped her tears as she folded the letter again, she looked inside the envelope, seeing his necklace and the ring. She put the chain round her neck and the ring on her ring finger. It was a simple gold ring, with a pearl on top of it. It was really pretty, and it fitted her perfectly. In her heart, she hoped he was in a camp, so he could come back to her, her heart couldn’t bear the idea of him dead. Harry Crosby heard her wailing, his heart broke, she was usually a happy person, she was a real sunshine, hearing her cry like this made him sad. When he entered the room, she was lying on her side, hugging his pillow, it smelled like him. She was sobbing till the point that her body started to shake. He sat on the bed in front of her. ‘’I couldn’t tell him that I love him’’ she sobbed. ‘’I’m sure he knew it’’ he whispered.
He was in fucking Germany! Surrounded by water and plants, with two men chasing him with guns. But he must live, for her, he promised her he was going to get back, he will. He has to marry her; he can’t let her alone. That’s what he was telling himself: Get back to Y/n. He had too.
Part 11⬇️
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flawdchaos · 6 months
London Love
Robert ‘Rosie’ Rosenthal x Reader
Part 3 to Spilled Drinks
Word Count - 1293
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The first afternoon in London couldn’t have gone any better for the pair than it had. Rosie made good on his promise of a picnic, choosing a patch of grass overlooking the river as the sun sat slowly behind the skyline. Y/N was truly enamored by the sights around her and, more importantly, by the blue eyed man who had included her on such a getaway. The two of them were almost completely encompassed in the darkness the night was bringing, a cool breeze bringing chill bumps to Y/N’s arm, when Rosie stood up from the now worn patch of grass. Looking down, he extended his hand waiting for hers to find its way into his. As he helped her to her feet she busied herself with brushing the leftover food crumbs and grass clippings from her dress, never noticing Rosie’s swift movements in removing his dress jacket.
“Here.” he spoke, breaking the silence, draping the jacket over her shoulders. It completely swallowed her smaller frame but nevertheless, she tugged it around her body. “Don’t think I didn’t see you shiver.” His heart felt as though it could beat out his chest as he took in the sight. His ‘girl’ in his jacket.
“Well, how do I look?” Y/N giggled, twirling around causing the unoccupied sleeves to flop awkwardly. He breathed out a laugh. “Like you’re ready to get in the cockpit and fly our boys to victory.” She couldn’t help but shake her head at such a thought, watching as he took a step towards her and looked down at the front pocket of his jacket, wrapped tightly around her. “Wait, you got something right there. What is that?” he squinted his eyes, leaning down to her height. “Hmm, it’s some sort of stain. Red, like a cosmopolitan.” Her head snapped down quickly, nose almost colliding with the back of his head. “No way! I can’t belie-” her words cut off by Rosie’s belly laugh as he waved his hand around. “I’m just giving you a hard time.” he spoke, still laughing.
Y/N huffed, pushing him slightly as she tried to hide the obvious smile that was creeping onto her face. “You are outrageous, Robert Rosenthal. I am never going to escape that, am I?” he took a breath in “As long as I’m around, probably not.”
“Well, you better be around for a long time.” She said, voice firm but with an obvious shift in tone. They both knew the reality of the situation at hand. War was unforgiving. It took no mercy in the paths it destroyed. Before coming to England, Y/N had told her friends back home that love was absolutely off the table for her until the war had come to a close. She had seen girlfriends and wives fall apart at the news their lover wasn’t coming back to them and she didn’t know if she had it within her to experience that firsthand. There was a reason she stayed far away from the bars and parties the men hosted at Thorpe Abbotts before the night she met Rosie.
But now, standing her in the moonlit glow of London wrapped in Rosie’s ‘too big for her’ jacket, her heart, or maybe her brain, had betrayed the promise she had formerly made. She stepped forward clearing her throat. “You have to make it through this war so you can show me New York. You promised me.” His breath hitched in his throat as he mindlessly stepped closer. He was fighting every nerve in his body to not grab her and hold her in his arms, to drink in the smell of her perfume and hairspray, to run his calloused fingers along the cotton fabric of her dress. “I will, Y/N. My reasons to make it back out of that plane are only growing every day. I don’t know if I could li-” Now it was her turn to cut him off.
“Robert, kiss me.”
Without hesitation, Rosie’s hands encompassed her face and his lips crashed into hers. Y/N’s hands gripped at the fabric of his shirt to hold herself steady as her balance faltered beneath her. He pulled away, hands still cradling her face and Y/N was sure that if their combined deep breathing slowed enough, he could hear the racing of her heart.
“I will make it back to you, Y/N Y/L/N. Even if I have to crawl.”
Y/N clung to Rosie’s arm as they strolled down the streets, slowly canvassing their way back to the hotel. Neither of the pair wanted the night to come to an end but as it appeared in their vision up ahead they knew it would be happening all too soon. Y/N dropped Rosie’s arm, shrugging the jacket off of her shoulders. “I think you’ll be needing this back.” Despite everything that had just happened, they still had to be professional in the presence of others. She couldn’t help but stare as he buttoned the jacket back on and replaced his hat on his head. “How do I look ma’am?” he teased.
“Handsome.” she giggled, cheeks turning pink. God, she felt like a child again.
“Why don’t you come here and give this handsome guy one more kiss then?” Rosie quipped to which she happily obliged, pushing up on her tiptoes to reach his lips. His arms slid around her waist pulling her tighter than she thought imaginable, forcing her arms over his shoulders.
Breaking away he looked down at her, hand resting on her cheek. “Don’t hesitate to come to my room if anything happens tonight. We are still in a warzone.” She pressed her cheek into his hand, slightly turning her head to kiss the portion of his palm she could reach. “Yes, sir.” he smirked. “Go on, I’ll watch and make sure you get in safe.” brushing his uniform down and fixing his tie. “I’ll be right behind ya.”
The blare of the air raid siren startled her from her sleep sending her into a panic. She had heard it plenty of times before but now, sitting alone in a hotel in a heavily bombed London, her heart was in her throat. She pawed around the table to find the base of the lamp and clicked the light on, now scrounging for her shoes on the floor when knocking pulled her attention to the door.
“Y/N?” she rushed over pulling the door open to find a similarly disheveled Rosie, his usual curly hair sticking up and sleepy eyes. She stepped aside letting him in the room. “I never thought I would experience something like this in the city.” she murmured, wrapping her arms around her body.
“Me either. It feels so much different out here.” she nodded, walking to peer out the window as the flashes of light filled the room. “What time is it?” she said, turning to face him. Peering down at his watch he mumbled “0312” as a yawn took over his words. She pulled the seat by the bed closer to the window and beckoned him over. “We aren’t going to get any more sleep tonight.” he hung his head, defeatedly. He knew she was right and any excuse to be in her presence alone would be gladly welcomed. He plopped down in the seat, his head lulling to the side.
“C’mere.” Sleep still evident in his voice as he patted his thigh. She floated over, lowering herself into his touch as his hand absentmindedly began rubbing up and down her back.
“Who knows when we’ll ever have this privacy again.” he sighed as she met him with a nod. “For tonight, I just want to hold you.”
Writers note - Hi friends! We’ve somehow made it to part 3 of a fic I was convinced no one would read. thank you for proving me wrong ♥️ I hope you enjoy! I’m probably going to be working on some more requests this weekend. Send anything into my submissions box. It doesn’t just have to be for Rosie. Right now, I’ll write for Buck, Bucky, Rosie, Crosby and I might even dabble in writing for their actors, Austin, Callum, Nate & Anthony.
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