#rosqeuz is a whole shakesperean tragedy all bcs of valentino
thewriters-world · 1 month
It just hit me that Valentino admired, respected (loved!) Marc, but to hurt him, he had to leave everyone with the worst parts of him (those parts are also arguably the worst parts of Valentino). And in the end, the way people talk about Marc (bez, uccio, literal journalists) is tinged with Valentino (or we can argue that the way Valentino talks about Marc is tinged with Uccio - hot but true take). And yh it did end up hurting Marc bcs wht do you mean only 2 people came to visit him when he had a potentially career threatening surgery and what do you mean people to this day hate Marc bcs of what Valentino put in their head. BUT the final blow, the kicker, Marc wanted to share this sport with Valentino, wanted motogp to be synonymous with rossi/marquez and then Valentino goes and says Marc ruined the very Institute he built. The one thing that Marc thought was theirs, the thing Marc oh-so meticulously upheld because yh it was valentinos sport but its also his and he has a responsibility, was allegedly destroyed by him. And fans, journalists, fellow riders agree with this take, do you know how much it must hurt Marc, that people genuinely believe he ruined the sport because the messiah said it.
Edit: Marc literally upheld the sport to the detriment of his own body, yet his body still supports him by allowing him to partake in a sport that he wasn't too sure he could ever be able to continue pursuing a few years ago. If you spend even a minute looking at Marc riding, you can see what he feels for this sport, but the only people who could ever come close to understanding how he feels (fellow riders, ex-riders and motogp journalists to some extent) are the people who have questioned Marc's place in the sports only because of what one man said.
Edit 2: maybe I'm just reaching but it kinda breaks my heart a little 😭.
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