#rottmnt reader x mud dogz
blueberrypossum · 4 years
No One Does It Like You Do Dastardly Danny x oc
Hi everyone! This is another Shiki x Danny fanfic that I loved writing (I love writing fighting scenes and also winter atmospheres because it’s so cozy! So this is Shiki again (because I love writing her it’s so much fun) I hope you guys don’t mind and hopefully you can just place yourself into it! @greaser-wolf and I just love going back and forth with her oc and mine and it’s so much fun and she is just so wonderful! I hope you guys enjoy!!
WARNING: There is usage of inappropriate words and adult themes ( such as sexual content that is pass making out)
(Also I know that the Hidden city doesn’t have a sun or moon or even weather but I want them to have an atmosphere XD )
Word Bank: 
Big Cheese: Big Boss
We’ve been had- Been tricked or deceived.
Yuck- A foolish or stupid person
You brought your overcoat closer to you as the chilly breeze started to become quicker and snow started to dart through your vision at an easy pace. You tried to start a match between your hooves as you awaited for Danny and the others to investigate the bar, but after each click there was nothing but empty silence of the mountain.
It has been a hot minute since you’ve done a job somewhere this cold, of course it snowed in the Hidden City, but not like this. With your genetics, the cold wouldn’t really bother you, but without harnessing the true potential of your power, you were left shivering under your several layers of clothes. 
The mountain side was gorgeous though, the glistening of the snowbanks shined in the afternoon sun and the yokai’s that lived in the hidden village were enjoying warm beverages and gentle conversations. The white layer under your boots crunched as you continuously moved back and forth to keep warm as your boyfriend was taking a little too long to ask where this polar bear yokai was. 
When you were given the opportunity to go after one of the most psychotic war lords by your boss, you just couldn’t say no. But you weren’t given a team in the progress, so one you told Danny about it, him and the rest of the Mud Dogz created a plan to help you, with a small price to pay as well. 
You were honestly glad that Danny and the others wanted to join you, not only were they your friends, but you couldn’t really trust your teammates in the force. Too bad that Mickey had to do other business and had to sit this one out. 
 You finally spotted the usual purple wearing rat in the distance, his long brown coat flapping behind him as a gust of wind danced into town, two thin figures close behind him as they made their way over. Frost dusted over Danny’s whiskers as he came up to you, his hands rubbing each other under his gloves as Nova and Leonard joined as well. Leonard was the most bundled out of all four of you, his green body shivering under the black coat he wore. 
Nova seemed to be the only one who enjoyed the weather, her nose twitching every time a flake landed on her. 
“Are you actually enjoying this?” The ogre asked, an eyebrow raised as she gave him a sly smile. 
“When you’re this hot the cold never affects you.”
“I’m kidding! I’m a Mountain Fishing Cat, this is my element.”
You rolled your eyes at Nova’s comment and looked up at Danny, who had curled himself up close to your side for any connection of warmth. 
“Did you find anything out?” You asked him as Nova and Leonard continued to have their fake argument. 
Dastardly Danny shook the excess snow off his shoulders and hat as you watched his breath roll out like a cloud.
“Apparently the Big Cheese is holding up somewhere not far from here, hidden within the mountain,” he said with a low huff, his voice going quiet as a family walked by, their children running around them as they played in the snow. 
 Till’ then we should rent out a nearby cabin, Len said that there is a renting inn nearby.”
You pulled your beanie tighter onto your head as you let out another quiver, the mountain’s thin air starting to get to you. The rat yokai took notice of your sudden chill and unraveled his large coat and then the smaller one he wore under it, his hands gently placing the toasty coat on you. 
“Danny I’m fine-”
“Yes, yes, I know, sugar. But I’m sweating like a hog-”
The look you gave him as you settled the coat on you made him stop in his tracks and an embarrassed look crossed his face and for the first time you actually saw Dan flustered. 
“Uh, I meant..What I meant to say-”
“Ha! Danny actually messed up on a slang. Maybe Leonard will be cheerful for once!” Nova purred as she joined the conversation, Leonard right at her heels as they joined in on the full group. It seemed that the comment struck a nerve in the ogre and he looked down at the feline, a low growl rumbling in his throat.
“Only in your dreams, kitten.”
Woahhhhhhh, where did that come from?
Both you and Danny were in amazement as a dash of red flared against Nova’s face, and it wasn’t from the cold. It was good to see your friend get bashful for once instead of you and you grinned at the sight, taking in the heat and smell from Danny’s jacket. His cologne was trailed with cigarettes and old spice, and the fur that was sewn into the inside rubbed comfortably against your fur. 
Danny placed an apology kiss on your head as Nova and Leonard continued to banter back and forth and you took in the soft texture of his mouth as you sucked in an icy breath.
“Alright you two, we’re burning daylight. Let’s rent a cabin,” you ordered, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the relief that flashed in Nova’s multi-colored eyes as she headed towards one of the wooden signs that showed the option of renting out an isolated cabin, her tail curled against her back. 
“This is gonna be a long weekend.”
You four were able to rent a two bedroom cabin that was a few miles out and packed your bags into a waiting car that would drive you to the location. Leonard wasn’t the happiest to hear that they could only get two rooms, and commented that he would sleep on the couch, but Nova kept flinging comments that he didn’t want to cuddle with her. 
“We better hope dat’ our room is on the other side of the house,” Danny whispered to you as Nova would turn from her seat from the front to fight back with Leonard. 
“So we don’t hear them?”
Danny shot you a sinister smirk as the arm that was wrapped around you tightened itself. 
“More like they don’t hear us.”
The surprise that surfaced over your face only fueled the rat more as you squirmed in the car seat, the warm air that was blasted throughout the car was no longer nice, but overly steaming. 
The worker checked the cabin for food and cleaning supplies and left instructions if they needed anything. 
The wooden cabin was decorated with lemon and wine, candles and lanterns lit up the shack anda fire crackled in the fireplace. The front door brought you to the living room on the left and the kitchen on the right and the stairs were a few feet away right as you walked in. The only thing upstairs was one of the bedrooms and a door in the kitchen led to the other spare bedroom. After searching you all found that the bathroom was under the stairs. 
“I’m guessing the couple gets the upstairs room?” Nova asked as she took off her coat and placed it on the coat stand by the door. Danny sent the feline a cocky smile as his hand grazed over your lower hip. 
“You betcha.”
 Flustered words came out of your mouth as you moved your bags upstairs, almost tripping your way up to keep Danny’s wandering hands and him also trying to carry your bags.
The only thing upstairs was an open room and an extra bathroom, a large king bed laid up against the wall and furry rugs were enriched onto the wooden floor. Dressers and shelves were dotted around the room and all four of you started to unpack and get yourself settled. You undress yourself down from your layers until you only wear a black long-sleeve shirt with a maroon cardigan and elastic jeans to keep you warm. 
“Ya sure you don’t need help taking off the rest?”
“You know that Nova and Leonard are downstairs, right?”
“They gotta sleep at one point, darling.”
“And so do we!”
You dodged Danny’s hug attack and skipped down the stairs to the sound of light music humming throughout the cabin. A delicious smell had drifted into the air as you made your way to the kitchen and found Nova sitting on the kitchen counter while Leonard was behind the stove, his fingers working on dinner. You barely heard Leonard telling the feline to not get any fur into the food as Danny came up beside you, his body wrapped in grey long-sleeve and work pants. 
The tabby pulled her hair up into a ponytail and continued to read the book in her hands, the cream turtleneck she wore blazed against the fire’s shadow. 
You looked over Leonard’s shoulder and saw the rice, herbs, and sauces that were stirring in the pan while he separated an egg yolk from its whites. 
“So, can all members of the Mud Dogz cook?” You asked as you sat at the island of the kitchen. 
“Mickey is not good at cooking, never ask him to cook for you.”
“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“Nah, toots, never eat what that eel cooks up. Not after the meatloaf.”
“Oh don’t even remind me of that day! My stomach still doesn’t sit right after that.”
A confused laugh escaped your mouth as the ogre continued to make dinner, Nova handing him ingredients that he needed while flipping through her book. The melody that came from the bluetooth speaker from the living room swayed into the kitchen, and the cozy and friendly atmosphere made you loosened up as the conversation continued on without you, your body heading to the fridge in search of milk. 
The scent of dinner floated around as you dug through the cabinets, Nova moving over when you came around the area she sat. You finally found the hot chocolate packets as Leonard had just finished up the meal, the steam rising from the mixture of rice, vegetables, and potato chips made your stomach growl with hunger. 
You set the ingredients you were gathering aside as you four enjoyed the dinner, the cooked egg and spice made your cheeks spill with warmth. There were a few comments thrown here and there, such as going over the plan and what they were gonna do with the money. Your main concern was just getting the guy, Shia Albright, and he was on the top list of criminals for a reason; you just hoped that you and your friends could handle the polar bear yokai. 
Apparently your concern was noted because a hand under the table was placed over your thigh. 
You looked down and watched as Danny gave your leg a squeeze of reinsurance, his nails digging into the fabric. 
It had been several months dating Danny, and you were surprised that it was the most love and happiness you’ve had in a long while. Even with his open book personality, there was still a lot more to uncover from the rat yokai. It was pleasing to learn from Danny, to give him the chance he had been fighting for since the beginning. He was very open to you, with how he felt, what he wanted to do with you. And of course it made you squeal with exhilaration, but you both kept things slow. You were still a cop, and he was still a thief. 
After dinner, Nova and Danny did the dishes while you started to make the hot chocolate. Your hooves worked carefully to boil the milk and then get out the whipping cream, happy to find that they also bought the chocolate syrup you had placed on the shopping list.
“You are so washing that pot afterwards,” Nova commented, her paws drying themselves on a cloth after placing the dishes in the drying rack. 
“With how good it’ll taste, you’ll be licking the pan clean,” you joked back, pouring the creamy liquid into multiple cups before decorating them with the heavy cream and dark liquid. You found a platter to carry the drinks and you brought them over to the living room, Leonard was in one of the chairs, Danny on the couch, and Nova on the floor. Each of them gave you their own thank you as you let them grab a mug off the tray, leaving it on the floor as you got comfortable next to Danny, your legs curling up to you.
The soft guitar played in the background as snow drifted outside, Nova flipping her nails through her book, Leonard going over the plans notes in his hands, and Danny was holding you tight, one hand held the drink and the other held you. And within the guitar strings and the casual crackle of the fire, the dread that was growing on you was almost unnoticeable. Almost. 
The summit air was brutal against your fur as you and your group headed up to the hidden factory, your boots making deep imprints in the white ground. 
The plan was simple, you had your laser and taser gun, and once you and Danny found the opportunity to get Shia, you would pounce while Leonard and Nova went after the gold they had been mining for in the factory, a lightness spell to carry it was placed on the bag the ogre carried. 
It almost seemed that it didn’t matter how many coverings you wore, the winter hands reached around into your body and gripped every nerve ending. 
Nova was the only one up ahead, her long legs carrying her easily through the snow as she led up to one of the broken areas of the factory; Leonard had scouted out in the blueprints, the metal and scrap of the building being torn away as if a large animal bit into it. The tabby hopped over one of the uprooted pieces of metal and plummeted into the darkness below and you followed, your feet landing harshly on the metal floor as the boys followed, the only light being seen was a glow stick, the orange glow outlining you and everyone else. 
The feline handed Leonard the light stick as he pulled out the layout of the workshop, his footprints leaving weak imprints of snow on the black floor. You tried to flick a flame between your hooves, but all you got was the snapping echo of the aftermath. Ever since the run-in with your dad a month ago, your powers seemed to bury themselves into your body, where you couldn’t even feel the swirling ball of warmth that usually danced in your veins. It almost made you feel useless in situations like this, when the group needed fire, it just seemed like you weren’t the match for it to light. 
But your feelings were gonna have to wait as you heard the slightest pitter patter against the metal and you pushed your friends up against the wall in a swift move. One of Shia’s guards walked slowly by, his body decked out in warm armor and a gun was strapped against his chest. The male yokai strolled down the hallway, the flicker of his flashlight slowly dying out and the staircase went silent. 
Once the cost was clear, Leonard turned to Danny and handed him a copy of the map.
 “Alright, once you have him, meet up at the F2 tower, he should be in his office,” Leonard ordered, even with being in an isolated area, his breath still collected in front of him.
Danny took the extra map and you eyed it at his side. Shia’s office was up several floors, and you both knew that there would be groups of henchmen on lookout. But, with stealth and silence, you and Danny could make it up there effortlessly. 
“Stay safe you two,” Nova purred quietly and her and the ogre dashed into the shadows, the only sign of them ever being there was the leftover snow from their bodies drifting off. 
You rolled your shoulders as your biceps tensed under the cotton shirt and Danny turned around and handed you the map. 
“Lead the way, toots.”
A grin leveled on your face as you took the map and started the walk up the first flight of stairs, your boots eagerly carrying you up, Danny right at your heels. You ran into your first guard at the third floor, the husky yokai let out a yelp of surprise before your fist came into contact with his snout, and then your knee into stomach, and with one single swipe you had your taser in his chest, a loud thud vibrated against your feet as he made contact with the ground. 
The next flight had you and Danny taking out multiple guys, both of you darting between crates and mining equipment and you took out yokai’s with your taser and Danny took his fair share out with a knocking out technique. 
After minutes of fighting and sneaking around, you both finally made it the top and final floor, the staircase leading straight to Shia’s office. 
The hallway that looped to the office was long and dark, the only sound the mirrored around was the old factory settling to its age. Dastardly was flanking you as your fingers grazed over the metal door, the bitterness of the cold traveled from the metal to the inside of your glove. The door was already unlocked from its handle and you pushed it open, the unholy light that dripped out of the room pooling over you like water. 
You pointed your gun through the doorway and you took in the large office. The room was cold and white fur littered the ground as you continued further in, Danny’s tail curled in dread as you got closer to the large office chair, the end of the laser gun pushing the leather seat to the side. 
No one was there, nothing was there except a half done cigar that sat in an ashtray. Your small brows furrowed in confusion as you placed the gun back in the holster on your thigh as your hands started to dart around his desk. 
“He’s...he’s schedule said that he would be here, if he’s not here, then where is he?” You asked out loud. The office had large windows and Danny peaked his head out to watch the soldiers quickly dart around, his arms crossing in question. 
You searched his drawers and file cabinets for any information, but even if you did find anything, you still wouldn’t have him in chains. 
And then the door slammed shut and the sound of a blockade over it blasted through the cracks. 
“Well dat ain’t good,” Danny grunted and the sound of hushed orders and then a slow, irritable ticking clicked throughout the room. Your ears snapped with the rhythm and then the sound of gunfire was heard in the distance. 
The clicking was getting faster, and with all the yokai’s running away…
“We’ve been had!”
Danny grabbed your hand and raced over to the furthest window on the left, his hand taking hold of your laser pistol and shot through the clear material until the glass shattered into falling pieces, like icicles hanging off the side of a house. There was a torn edge that led over to a large scissor lift and your boots scrapped over the broken glass, the grey outer layer held your stance steady as the beating of the hidden bombs continued. 
“Ladies first!” The rat exclaimed as you both looked at the jump ahead. You sent him a hot glare but got ready and pushed off, one of the blasts from the concealed bombs went off and the heat waved knocked you forward and you landed hard against the platform, the pop in your shoulder caused a grunt to escape your throat. 
You got up and looked up at Danny, whose figure was still against the window frame, the blast of the bomb sooted the side of his body. 
“Alright, your turn!” You screamed up at him and then let out a wail as the scissor lift groaned under you and the metal bars started to creak under the new weight.
The rat took a step back and with a graceful leap he landed right next to you, his hand instantly pulled the level on the side just as the rest of the bombs started to go off one by one. He blocked his body over you as flying debris exploded around you in a ray of black and orange. The impact of the blast knocked both of you over, sending Danny sliding next you and over the side. 
The hanging platform whined as the weight was shifted over to one side and you scooted over to the ledge, your hand gripping Danny’s wrist before his claws slipped from the ledge. His mass was nothing you were used to, but you were used to him being on your back, not over the side of a dangerous overhang that could collapse any minute. The metal shafting and room was groaning with pain as the pillars and other rooms started to fall apart due to the explosion.
You pulled your other hand around him and stood up, your boosts digging into the black outline of the scissor lift as you brought him back up and before he could thank you the ramp gave way and dropped towards the first level. 
Curse words sprinted out of both of your mouths as you held onto the sides as the platform crashed into the floor, sending you both rolling to the opposite side as the destroyed roof rammed into the scissor lift once it hit the bottom. 
A fit of coughs lashed out of your mouth as the dust swirled around you, the light creaking of broken metal and fire ringing in your ears as your name was called out. 
“Shiki?! Shiki!”
You pushed yourself up and hissed at the small cuts and bruises that were scattered over your body, but you counted your blessings to find no major injuries. The rat’s voice continued to vibrate against the splintered mess.
“Danny?! Are you alright?!” You called to him and then took several steps back as more debris gave way, taking you further away from the wreck and Danny. His voice became muffled and you just had to tell yourself that he was fine, that you needed to meet him and the others at the tower. 
Hateful tears sprang in the corner of your eyes as you made your way through the factory, your legs dodging small piles of flames as you started to recognize the area you were in. Of course this plan had failed, this mob boss knew everything about everyone, and he wanted to make sure that the death of you would be a prime example to not go after him. That only gave you more rage, more strength to go after him as you crawled through a small hole created by shattered mining equipment. 
You reached for the door in front of you until two forms crashed through it, your body flattening itself against the wall as the two balls of fur ripped each other apart. A cat-like yowl came from one of the forms and you recognized the winter outfit that was torn from battle. 
The cat then swiped her claws across the wolf yokai’s face that made him let go of her. She pushed herself against the wall and used the hard surface to kick the yokai into one of the multiple holes that lead into the mines, his terrifying howls haunting the rocky surface. 
Nova turned to you with an astonished expression, a cut on her head bleeding a trail down her face.
“Are you okay? Where’s Leonard?”
“We got seperated, but he has the gold. What about Danny? And Shia?”
“This was a setup! They knew we were coming.”
Nova frowned as you both started to look for another way out, her tail whizzing back and forth like a strip of rope. 
“This wasn’t a setup, another revival gang showed up. Apparently that dumb polar bear thought that he would make his hideout into a trap so he can get rid of them.”
It felt wrong but joy pulsed through your body as you found a torn apart wall that led outside, the light snowfall was now a blizzarding storm. If Shia was fighting against a rival group, then he didn’t know that an officer was here, and you could still get the jump on him. 
The feline started to proceed over to the watchtower F2 but you grabbed her hand and tugged on it. 
“We can still get Shia! He’ll be so distracted that he won’t see us coming!”
Nova’s eyes flashed down to you and then over to the tower, her left ear flicking with concentration along with her tongue licking off the excess blood from the corner of her mouth. 
“Alright, if we can find him under ten minutes.”
You led in the opposite direction and towards one of the gaping holes of the mines, the echoes of gunfire and battle cries filled your ears like music.    
The snowstorm was slowly getting worse, the petals now turned into sharp splinters as your vision started to get covered with white. The crunch under your combat boots was barely heard and you could barely feel the metal pathway that was under you, your covered hands holding onto the side as a large gust of wind tried to push you over. The bellow’s of the yokai’s started to get louder and with one flick of your thin ear, you were spinning around to push Nova out of the way from a hidden attacker. 
“Look out!”
The female snow leopard leapt onto you, her claws shredding out of her gloves and into your coat and a low hiss growed out of her white throat. Your hooves wacked into her nose as you pressed yourself further into the railing and with the yokai’s extra burden of weight the rusted pipes gave way and folded over, taking you and the henchmen with you. 
“Shiki!” Nova called for you but it was barely heard as you and the snow leopard rolled through the snow and down the slope, away from the factory and the watchtower. Even with the smooth snow to impact your tumble, the frozen floor underneath still stabbed itself into you as you both came to a sliding halt. 
Your body was freezing now, the cold hands of winter grasping over your form and it took all your strength to raise yourself up. Far from the factory, you and the female snow leopard had landed over a frozen lake, ice holding your weight easily as the war around you continued. Not far from the lake were several military vans and henchmen shooting bullets and arrows at two hidden figures behind separate crates.  
“Danny! Leonard!”
The two yokai turned at the sound of their names and spotted you. Leonard had a few cuts scrapped over his body and his shirt was torn while Danny was covered in more soot than before and his hat was gone, but both seemed relatively fine. When the rat caught sight of you, a gust of comfort filled his hollow lungs to see that you were still breathing. His hand planted against the crate he was behind to get up but he instantly lunged back down when more ammo was shot at him. 
You made a step towards him but a blur of chalk pounced for you out from nothingness, her claws tearing up the ice surface like nails against a chalkboard. You dodged a swipe from her and then a kick with your hands, your hands going for the laser pistol from your thigh but the flexible feline broke it out of your grip, the weapon skating over the frozen water.
Jeez! Is every cat yokai like this? 
She drove you further into the middle of the lake, your boots having trouble keeping friction over the slippery exterior while the snow leopard didn’t wear any form of shoe except for her pants connecting with the middle of her paws, but it kept her upright as she continued to chase you. 
Nova, if you can hear me right now, know that you and I are having a fighting session once this all over! 
The woman jumped for you and you swiftly moved to the side, and with one kick of your foot it sent the leopard back to the bank of the lake, her face going straight into a pile of snow near the battle Danny and Leonard were in. You couldn’t help but smirk at the small victory, but a pair of azure eyes poked from the heap of white, fury marking the snow leopard’s face as she looked around. 
Near her was a minecart filled of pickaxes and safety hats and her paws swaddled one of the weapons, a wicked smile on her face as she neared the lake once again and with one hit she stabbed the axe into the frozen glass and millions of broken cracks surfaced and the watery hell took you down. 
Danny was on his feet as you disappeared into dark liquid, the clumps of ice drifted around the spot you had fallen into. Leonard was by his side now and as the rat started to race towards the lake, the ogre tackled him and rolled them both behind a tree as the polar bear’s henchmen started to make their way closer. 
“Are you crazy?! You can’t survive that temperature! You’ll also die before you get there!”
“Get off of me you bloody yuck! She will drown!”
Before Danny was going to elbow his friend right in the jaw, a pair of legs jogged right past them and they glanced up to see Nova racing towards the half-ruined lake, her arms quickly working off her two layers of coats and her cream turtleneck until her grey thermal showed. She then hopped over the snow leopard yokai and took the pickaxe from her grey paws, her momentum slamming the ax into the shattered ice until a large enough hole was created and the Mountain Fishing cat jumped in without another thought. 
“What is wrong with these girls?!” Leonard exclaimed as he let Danny go and knocked out a guy who came too close, his fingers taking control of the rifle the henchmen had in his talons. 
Danny could hardly hear the leader as he searched over the lake, trying to find your figure drifting in the cold liquid. 
He had never felt fear like this, as if he was the one drowning instead of you. He ignored the ongoing dogfight around him as every second that ticked by felt like lifetimes. With how shattered the pool of water was, the rat yokai saw how strong and recentless the current was underneath, the tide pushing up against anything it could get its grasp on. Including you. 
And then him and Leonard saw it. It was barely visible but a white paw came crashing out of the ice on the other side of the lake, the enlarged nails broke into the ice like an anchor and created long marks as the creature heaved itself out. 
Danny felt his friend next to him lose his breath as Nova broke the surface, water droplets falling down her hair and fur as she pulled herself out of the water, and in her arms was a waterlogged you, steam rolling off both of you as your friend dragged you out. 
 The men didn’t have to have sonic hearing to hear the feline’s grunts as she dragged you over to the shore, Nova’s paws working on your chest as she performed CPR. 
Danny’s body hurdled into action as he stole the gun out of Leonard’s hands and shot at the criminals crowding them, his dead-eye like aim taking out over four before he started to haul ass over to you and Nova, not even giving Leonard a heads up as the black-haired stared dumbfounded at the rat before joining the retreat. 
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t taste or see anything, all you felt was the cold. It violated you and suffocated you as you felt the water slush around in your lungs. And then the pressure, something or someone was placing pressure on your filled lungs to the point your chest couldn’t take it anymore and you perked up, your head turning over to vomit up the lake water you had swallowed. 
You could barely open your eyes as you tried to take in your surroundings, but it was so cold, why was it so cold?
“Shiki! Shiki are you alright?!”
A bubbly groan came out of your waterlogged throat and you thought to yourself that you would never drink water again and that you hated winter. Your head was exposed to the elements and you realize that your beanie was gone. 
Your dark eyes were able to open to peer up, the flakes of snow coating your eyelashes. Nova was soaked leaning over you, her fur drooped with the soggy water and her whiskers started to become white. But another figure was coming into your vision and as you tried to warn your friend, all that came out was a backbreaking shiver. 
The cat then let out a cry as she was grabbed and tossed to the only unbroken part of the lake and all you could do was watch in horror as the snow leopard started to attack your friend, nothing protecting Nova except her thin thermal shirt and her own wits. 
Nov...Nova,” you shivered out and your hand reached up as the evil leopard took a hold of Nova’s neck and slammed her into the ice, the fragile solid breaking under her. Hands were wrapped around you now and your freezing hand went for your taser but the familiar and tender scent of Danny wafted your senses. 
“I’m here, sweetheart, I’m here.”
“No..Nova needs..”
“Leonard has it handled, we need to get ya outta here.”
The yokai lifted you up easily, the crisp drops of water that fell from your clothes barely made it to the ground as they froze. Even with your head making contact with the rat’s soft fur, it was almost nothing against your frozen skin and stiff fur. 
As your boyfriend carried you deeper into the woods, you turned your head and spotted Leonard and Nova not far behind, the bitter color of crimson dripped from Nova’s claws and Leonard’s hands. 
You all four made it back to the cabin in one piece and Nova was quick on getting her boots off and looking over at you. 
“Danny, I need you to go and take off her clothes.”
“I’m sorry? What?”
“Because if she sits in those wet clothes she’ll get hypothermia! And then she can die! So take her upstairs and get her undressed and in a new pair of clothes!”
You could tell Nova was panicking, when her voice rose over and past a joking manner you knew she was nervous and you could hear her dive into the kitchen and started to search. You wanted to argue that you were fine, but you found no power behind your muscles and all you could do was give a little cry of pain as your body was pounded with the cold. 
When Danny made it up to your room he sat you on the bathroom floor and started to derope you. His fingers scrambled over the black coat, and then the green overcoat, the maroon cardigan and then your black sweater was all off. You were cold to the touch and your brown fur was dyed to a darker oak. Even with the cold layers off of you your body reacted violently against it and your arms wrapped around yourself. Danny felt his heart shatter like the lake that consumed you and placed a small kiss on the top of your head, as if he was afraid you would break with just one touch. 
You had to help him take off the two layers of pants you wore until you laid almost nude in front of him and the harsh flush of warmth crossed your face, but it just made you feel a lot more sicker. The rat saw the temperature in your face change and he got up and to your dresser, not one flash of emotion came across his face as he headed a new outfit for you. 
“You got this, call if ya need me,” he whispered silently to you and then left the bathroom and leaned against the wall next to you. 
You couldn’t but try to roll your eyes as you tried to ease your bra off. Even in a life or death situation he was still going to be a gentleman towards you. It was hard though, the cold undergarment clinged into you like glue and it took you several minutes to even get both of them off. You threw the wet clothes aside and placed the ones Danny had handed you and the cotton grey long-sleeve and black leggings under sweatpants were on after drying yourself off. 
You could still feel the sickness trying to settle on you and a sneeze blew out of your face. 
“You..you speak german?”
“And french, if you’re catching my drift.”
A laugh curled out of your throat but it came out in a fit of coughs. From the restroom you heard Nova call for Danny and his light footsteps drifted away from the room and down the stairs. 
Nova and Leonard were in new clothes and the only evidence of Nova falling into the lake was the dampness in her fur and the silent shiver that drove through her body every few minutes. 
“Okay, keep her warm and under blankets. No placing her in hot water either.”
“Rag-a-muffin, why are ya telling me this?”
“Leonard is coming with me to find elderberries, it will help make a beverage that will make her feel better and push away any case of fever. But you need to bring her temperature up.”
“And how am I supposed to do dat’?”
“You’re her boyfriend, figure it out.” The feline joked and slammed the front door. 
Danny, for the first time in his life, felt an awkward hotness in his stomach as he headed up the stairs to find you curled up in the bed, the vicious shakes that erupted under the sheets made your boyfriend worry, and then Nova’s words came in mind. 
The snowfall had slowed down to a gentle delay and the cabin was sprinkled with the light sugar. Danny started the fireplace that was settled in your room, his calloused hands throwing the pieces of firewood into the hungry flame.
His frame floated over to your trembling form and joined you under the blankets, his hands wrapping around you and you instantly curled into his chest, your hooves digging into his back as you tried to absorb every ounce of warmth he had to offer. A rough chuckle vibrated against your head and you buried yourself into his exposed chest fur. Danny placed a soft kiss on your head, and then your cheeks, and then the tip of your snout, and he waved his hand under your chin to look up at him and he kissed you. 
The contact from his lips sent a jolt of fire into your throat and you took in the kiss with every pint of strength you had left. But when his body jostled to where he was hovering over you, one hand holding himself up next to your head and the other holding your head up to meet his, you realized the eagerness behind each kiss and release. 
His body was over you now, his legs tangled with yours as you sunk further into the mattress, his fingers playing with the tufts of fur behind your head as you felt your heart rate pick up rapid speed.  Your hooves held onto his back as he continued to tease you with each feverish kiss, with each touch over your curves and muscle. And as he peppered kisses up your jawline and near your ear, a growl full of R’s rolled into your eardrum.
You instantly had to close your legs as your very core was rocked and you no longer felt cold as heat traced itself throughout your body. He had never growled to you before, especially rolling his R’s like that. This man always had something under his sleeve, but at this moment, you couldn’t think straight, as if every peck of his mouth and the hands that advanced over you made you braindead. The keenness in his movements as his snout started to make its way down your neck created a moan out of your mouth, your voice raspy and needy. 
Another hust growl went against your throat and you shivered, and your heart bounced in your ribcage when you realized that it wasn’t from the cold, and that this male was going to heat you up like a oven. His hands were slowly riding up your shirt, his nails tenderly digging into your fur and his thumb doing slow and taunting circles under your chest. 
He was teasing you and you squirmed under his hold, but a feather-like moan popped out of your mouth as his teeth grazed your throat and shoulder.
“Danny,” you breathed out and you felt the mammal over you tense up and he stopped, a savage-like look in his eyes as he took in the shameless sight of you. The redness was peaking out of your fur and your chest heaved with pressure and he took a large notice with how your legs were crossed. 
“Say it, doll.”
You knew what he wanted you to say, you knew exactly what he wanted you to do. 
He was on you like a cat on a mouse, his large build practically swallowing you whole as he took full control. The rat was a sucker for you, almost like a kid in a candy store, wanting to have every single bite. He effortlessly started to mark you as his, the small little squeals that started to rise into the house made his blood pump and you were pushing up against him now, chestnut fur flushed against oak fur as you both tried to get closer to each other. His hands were fully under your shirt now and your neck was covered in small little black spots, all perfectly lined up as the rim of his mouth went for the hollow of your throat and your spine bending to give him full access to your body. 
You honestly didn’t care if Leonard and Nova came back early, the heat that rushed through you like water through a pipe was almost too much to bear and you felt himself bump up against you and a heartful gasp came out. 
Oh gosh he was too much for you, the senses he spiked within your body was a remedy you never thought you needed. 
His warm hands felt good against your chest and you groaned into his mouth, his own vocals sending a growl in return. You were sweating now as you escaped to get a breath of air and you could feel the hot pants from Danny as he left more love marks on you, much lower than your neck. You had to bite your lip to keep yourself quiet and your tail wiggled with ecstasy as his hands spread your legs apart so he could get closer, his large mitts now explored your back and your rump. 
You both were burning under the blanket and the fire felt like nothing against your heated fur, you felt like you could be rubbing up against the sun for all you know. 
Danny had you pressed against the headboard now, and every vibration from your thighs or your arms when he touched you made him want you more, he desired you more. The hunger and ache he had for you was beyond unbearable and having you to himself without work or anyone getting in the way was paradise. 
The bruises under your skin ached but Danny’s hands were gentle over the purple areas and he was gentle with you and... The emotion that roared in your heart was stabbing you, pinching at your lungs as you continued to kiss Danny, his tongue sneaking its way into your mouth and you gladly accepted it. And between the kisses and the cries of pleasure that was spilling out both your mouths, you let out the holy words that he had wanted to hear from you since the day you started dating.
“I love you, Dan.”
The male rat stopped in his tracks and looked down at you, surprise spinning in his eyes as he looked down at you and you swore you saw his eyes flash with heartache. You were so out his league, he would always believe that you were better off without him. You wouldn’t have to worry about your job, you wouldn’t have to stress over the idea of being caught with him, but you stayed with him, you cared for him, and now you loved him.
His hand caressed your cheek and you were practically putty in his hands as he said against your mouth. 
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
And he told you that over and over as he undressed you once again.
The next morning was hard to wake up too. You woke up the burning glint of the sun over the snow and you went to roll over but you were held as if prisoner. Strong arms were around you and soft snoring was brushed up against your back. Flashes of last night danced through your head and the heat between your legs started to flicker again. You unraveled yourself from his hold and placed his forgotten long-sleeve shirt over yourself and your sweatpants and headed downstairs. 
It was quiet in the lodge and there was no sign of Leonard on the couch, you walked over to Nova’s door and the shocked gasp couldn’t stop itself as you saw the ogre curled up with the feline, her body rolled up in a ball next to his sleeping figure. 
You could only imagine the awkwardness once one of them woke up and you tiptoed back to the kitchen to find a wine-colored drink on the counter with a note. 
“Dear Shiki, drink this once you wake up, but by how the cabin was shaking and how you were hollering like you were dying, I’m guessing you might not need this ;). Love, Nova”
Humiliation rolled in your stomach as you took a few sips of the drink, your fist pounding against your chest once you realized that it was an alcoholic beverage. You would give anything to just have a cup of coffee. 
You headed back upstairs and for a split second, you remembered why you were truly here. Shia had gotten away, and even though it was a successful heist, it was a failure of a bounty hunt. You felt shame hit you as you failed your mission to get the polar bear. But once you made it up the stairs and saw Danny laying in the spot you had been sleeping in and his hand hanging off the side of the bed as if going after you, waiting for you. 
It might’ve been a failure of a job, but you won something today, you won him. 
And as you opened up the blankets and let his arms once again entrap you, you felt like the only thing you failed at was not telling him sooner.
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kutiebug-kuddles · 3 years
Can I have headcannons of the mud dogs having a s/o that's a artist?
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Dastardly :
He’s the type to want to keep checking in on your wips
Not in an annoying way though
Has the most artisanal taste out of the Mud Dogs, so if you really want critique you can trust him to give a valid opinion
That is, not without showering it with compliments right after.
I mean cmon! Just cause he’s got an eye for these things doesn’t mean he has to be rude about it- not to you.
Gets really soft and flattered if you ever ask him to observe something or check if anything’s off.
Kinda frequently checks up on you, to the point where it might get annoying-
“Are you sure you I couldn’t get you anything?” (He says after bringing you snack/refreshments/setting the room to your preferred temp/ clearing your workspace a little)
“Yes, Danny. Now l e a v e.” You say as he creeps back out.
Painting/Pottery outings! Like those shops with wine where you can both go to learn how to paint/mold/create something.
Overall is absolutely smitten at the prospect of you including him in your creation process
Your art’s a part of you! There’s no denying that- so being asked to be a part of it means a whole deal to him.
Makes you drinks while you work- and makes sure to put them in a cup very distinct from your paint/claystick sludge/paint thinner cups.
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Drank from the paint cup
In fact, had drank from the paint cup, choked, set it back down, and less than three minutes later mistook it for his own cup again and took another swig
Help him
Besides a few, ahem, mishaps, He’s your biggest cheerleader.
VERY enthusiastic about your skills and thinks they’re super cool!!! Always gets excited when you start a new piece
After all he’s only got little flipper hands. Sure he can pull a heist but this? What a gift.
You can’t help but feel a little excited too really, his big grin and energy is contagious.
He’s kind of everywhere trying to get a look at your work.
It can be a little overbearing sometimes, but once you had asked him to keep away and not peek as you were working on something secret, but he sneaked in eventually.
When asked if he did sneak a peek, “wh- nooooo me? Cmon I didn’t- yeahitotallydid.”
He was a bashful lair, at least around you.
You couldn’t be angry at him though. It was a drawing of him. You wanted to try and capture all his weird shapes and his energy, but it wasn’t quite right yet. You were to wait to show it to him later, but oh well.
“Oh.. well that’s no problem! I just got to feel the surprise a earlier!” He chortled.
Guess it was no problem after all. Now at least you know he’ll like it- if him jumping around the hallway and fritzing out about it wasn’t enough to show.
He doesn’t exactly… err.. get it?
Don’t get him wrong he’s totally supportive of it but it’s not like he really knows how to show it.
He’d still stay with you and watch if that’s what you wanted, but for the most part just wanted to be with you.
It’s a little disheartening at first, especially for something you’re putting so much of yourself into. You’d bring him in to see your work-in-progress and you’d get an unsure thumbs up or a frank “Hmm”
It was better than him pretending to jump up and down with enthusiasm that wasn’t his, at least.
But that’s it- That’s just not how his enthusiasm.. enthuses! All the time he spends patiently keeping you company as you work is his way of lifting you up during the highs and lows of the project.
At last, you finished and before you could finish your sentence he jumped up to walk by you and view it and..
“Wow” - and not just a “wow” wow-
“This is…” he trails off “wow!”
You had to giggle at the sight. This ogre who hadn’t shown much of anything during the whole process now seemingly awestruck.
He took a deep breath, still glued to the painting. “Look, I know I don’t have the kinda smarts to get this stuff and that I maybe should’ve done something different.. more for you meanwhile but I look at this and- and all I can see is how brightly you shine through it.”
He may not get art, but any chance he has to get you, well, why wouldn’t he take it? It seems there was a learning curve for the both of you here, and he can’t wait to learn more.
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Though with all three of them you’ve had to get on to about breaking in to the Hidden City Museum of Art and replacing old pieces with your own.
“But it belongs with all the other masterpieces!”
“C’mon, you deserve the recognition for your hard work! Not anything less for you, dear.”
“You know if I could parade everything I loved about you I would, I just thought this was the next best thing.”
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Kk here!
Ahhh I’m not used to writing the Mud Dogz yet^^’ pls forgive me for taking so long on this one!!!!!! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 this was one of my first requests and I had no idea how to start it lolololol. I hope you like it!! Enjoy!!! (Also pls it bothers me too but I can’t find a good Mickey gif!!!! Aaaa!!(๑•ૅㅁ•๑) )
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donnies--jacket · 4 years
Mud Pup (Mud Dogz & Reader Headcannons)
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relationship: familial
warnings: lil bit of swearing
a/n: HELLO, HI, YES, and welcome to what is likely going to be the only time i ever write on here. i've been thinking about these headcannons by @bootyyy-shaker9000 every day, and my little found family loving heart decided to make me write this. so here, take it.
also srry if it kinda jumps around a lot??? my adhd bitchass just has a dolphin brain and processes things kinda wack and it sorta effects how i write 😳. and i also wrote this at like 3am while very sleepy over the course of two days so dahfsdgfzdgfsdhfdgfsdgfs. also i didnt proofread this or anything i just. word vomit, yknow.
Living with the Mud Dogz was. interesting.
I mean, it wasn't bad, not at all, it was just... you were a family of four absolute himbos, with a total of one braincell among you and no one knows who has it.
Still, you love your dumbass dads and they love you!! Living with them was great!
Out of the three of them, Danny is the most parental with you-- probably because he's the oldest and relatively the most responsible of them.
He helps you with things like your homework and teaches you a lot of basic life skills like cooking and stuff, but he also helps out a lot with emotional problems, too. He's able to comfort you when you're anxious or sad, and can calm you down when you get angry.
G O D , Danny would absolutely have one of those "baby on board" stickers on his car.
Even though you're NOT a baby!! >:(( You're big and strong!!!
Mickey often tends to be much more of a fun older brother than a parent for you, but he still does always step up and fulfill that role when needed. Mostly though, y'all are just the most chaotic pair of siblings.
You're such horrible influences for each other omfg-
The two of you are constantly egging each other on to do stupid shit, and are so goddamn DESTRUCTIVE. If it weren't for Danny and Leonard, you would both be dead by now.
"Y/n and I are immortal. Our proof is that we haven't died yet."
Leonard is probably the most inexperienced when it comes to being a parent.
Growing up, he'd really only had his mother and, sadly, she'd passed away when he was little. His dad wasn't around much, so for a lot of his life he'd practically raised himself. He'd gotten so used to taking care of himself that he wasn't sure how to take care of others.
He'd gotten accustomed to watching out for Danny and Mickey after some time, but keeping an eye out for someone not even half his age was a lot more difficult for him.
Still though, he really tries his best and actively makes an effort to be there for you. He may not be as good at Danny is at parenting, or be able to connect with you in the same way that Mickey can, but he loves you just as much as they do, and you love him just as much as you do them.
Leonard honestly is the most "dad" of the bunch.
Like ofc they're all dads, but, as previously mentioned, Mick is so often much more of an older brother and Danny is honestly a lot more of a mom-type. Leonard fills the role of a father much better than the others.
Speaking of mom Danny.
Dan's maternal instincts are IMMACULATE. Like,,,,,,,, bro,,,,,,,
Each one of the Mud Dogz are so extreamely protective of you, but Danny is just... the most. To the point where it can be very overbearing.
"Y/n, careful!! That's sharp! You could cut yourself."
"Literally, I was just reading a book."
If there's anything that you can't stand about your family, it's how much they baby you. They treat you like a little kid!! They ask you if you want appy slices and little cups of peanut butter to dip them in, as if you aren't fully capable of getting your own DAMN appy slices!!!!
But, to be completely honest, the Mud Dogz are very anxious about you getting older. It felt like you were growing up so, so fast and they just... didn't really know how to handle it?
They knew that getting older was inevitable and all but they just weren't ready for that to happen. They weren't ready for you to grow up yet. That's why they baby you so much; because they don't want to have to let you go.
When you finally bring up just how frustrated you are with them babying you all the time, they explain this all to you; how scared they are that you're growing up and that you wont need them anymore.
"You guys... I'll always need you."
"Of course!! You're my family, and my best friends! I love you. And you'll always be apart of my life."
Cut to the Mud Dogz absolutely BLUBBERING.
They crowded around you for a big group hug, and just about suffocated you.
"Heh, we love you too, kiddo."
"Just promise that you'll slow down a bit for us, okay?"
"I promise."
HOO BOY, gettin a bit emotional there aint we
anyways 🥺 back to the shenanigans
The guys are surprisingly very affectionate with you, Mickey especially. They're constantly giving you little pats on the back or rubbing your head, and hugs are very frequent as well. Oh!! They also give you lots of little kisses on the head, too!
When it comes to spending time together, it really varies depending on who you're with.
Like, if it's just you and Mickey then you'll likely be up playing video games all night and eating junk food until you pass out.
If you and Danny hang out, you'll probably be watching a bunch of old movies on VHS or cooking together.
With you and Len, he likes to take you out for long car rides. Usually you won't even have any idea where you're going, you'll just drive until you get lost or run out of gas.
If it's the four of you together, though... oh boy.
You've tried to do so many things together as a family, but no matter what, it always ends in chaos.
Like, this one time you all played Monopoly together, and by the time you were halfway through the game, Dan and Len had gotten into THREE FIST FIGHTS, Mickey had attempted to rob the bank twice (despite you repeatedly telling him that isn't how the game works), and you'd had seventeen mental breakdowns.
You all never played Monopoly again after that.
And for real, everything ended up like this.
You tried to watch a movie together, but none of you could agree on what to watch and argued over it for an hour, until you finally just picked something random and it ended up being terrible.
You tried to go camping together and nearly got mauled by a bear and spent two days straight in a the-- which was not at all helped by Mick's constant complaining and you literally begging to climb down to try and make friends with the bear.
Even going to the grocery store was disastrous! You'd either end up being recognized by the police and have to make a run for it, or you get lost on the way there!
Still though, none of you would ever consider these to be bad memories. You look back on them all quite fondly, actually.
Monopoly night is something you always think back to and laugh over just how dramatic you all were being; you had all had a lot of fun watching that terrible movie and making fun of it; you'd surprisingly learnt a lot about each other while stuck up in that tree and had grown very close as a family because of it; and going out together was always exciting because you never know what could happen!
Honestly, there's not a single moment you've spent with the Mud Dogz that you regret, not even one. You genuinely cherish the time you've spent with them, and you couldn't imagine just how sad and lonely you would be without them.
Your family is an absolutely chaotic mess, but, you wouldn't change it for the world.
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ultra-gingerlotus · 4 years
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Leonard (in a low voice) “You still awake babe?”. (Or you can let your mind run wild whit what he say to you or your OC. :) ) Hope you all like it.
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mookoo-writes · 4 years
I’m thinking of opening requests for TMNT 12K and Rottmnt when I get back from vacation and you bed your left kidney I’m including the Mud Dogz
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
Oh! Sorry! I just thought you did write imagines...but I will tell you my idea...I was wondering how the mud dogs would feel having a kindhearted girl in the group that is a nurse and and each of them (separately) have a crush on her? (can this be a headcannon?) but it’s ok if you don’t do it. I also like your blog and your drawings of ocs! They’re very cute!
Rottmnt Mud Dogz! Headcanons!
If you were the kindhearted nurse of the team and if the Mud Dogz started to develop feelings for you!
( I decided to do this gender-neutral so everyone can get their love from the Mud Dogz! Hope that’s okay!)
Also, anyone can make requests or asks! The reason I don’t really have it placed in my blog is because there are some requests where I just stare and I’m like: I don’t have enough creativity to come up with anything oh heck I don’t want to let someone down. So, don’t be afraid to send anything!
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Loathsome Leonard 
-He didn’t pay no mind to you at first, his group was okay with you joining in seeing that they were going to hurt on most heists so he respects you.
-It takes a long and hard time to get close to Leonard, he’s the leader after all, and he doesn’t want to continue adding people to his group and then see them either leave, die, or backstab them. 
-Of course, he isn’t rude to you, he just doesn’t talk much about plans and heists when you’re around at first and there is barely any small talk between the two of you in the beginning. 
-Until one night he goes off on his own without the other guys knowing and stumbles back terribly wounded and can’t make it back to their apartment, but your place is closer. 
-You were asleep when you heard the strangled yet urgent knock on your door and you quickened your pace when it started to repeat in more rapid strings. 
-You can’t help but gasp at the sight of Leonard, beaten and bloody as if he had just starred in a horror movie and you rush him in, setting him in the chair in your kitchen before gathering your medical supplies you had in your home. 
- In silence you help him take off his shirt and put yourself to work, cleaning and dressing his cuts and gashes, all while handing him water to drink and a towel to play with when the pain gets unbearable. 
“Where are Danny and Mickey? Are they wounded as well?”
“No, it’s only me.”
“Did you...did you go out on your own Leonard?”
-Your once nice outlook is now casted with anger as you stand and throw the damp cloth you had used to clean his shoulder wound into the trash with such force that it almost startled him.
“You know, for someone who works so hard to make sure his teammates don’t do stupid stunts, you suck at taking your own advice.”
-That causes a surge to burst through him; he had never heard you speak like that before, never spoken your mind with such raw rage. And when he goes to fire something back, your hand is under his chin and shushing him, taking a new wet rag and cleaning a cut that sliced down his cheek. 
-”Next time, just tell them, and me. Trust has to go both ways, and since I trust you -” You tilt his head until he is looking up at you, the first prickle of tension bubbling his skin. 
“You should trust me.”
-And oh he’s hooked now and nothing can smother it. 
-He’s sudden embarrassed and possibly even scared to be around you alone, afraid that his words will slip up or he'll do something stupid in front of you. 
-You’re just so smart and kind, but that more dominant and stronger side of you has caused his heart to beat faster when you enter the room and he despises it. He can’t let his emotions get caught up in the missions and...you deserved better, someone who just wasn’t a lowlife thief. 
-But, he’s warmer around you,  and will actually create a conversation with you about yourself and how you are doing instead of just talking about the next heist. 
Dastardly Danny
-For once, the rat yokai doesn’t have to play doctor in the group once you join the band of thieves. It’s a great change of pace because for one he never went to medical school and only learned to clean wounds just by experience. 
-He would be super intrigued by your understanding of the yokai and/or human body and how to treat and dress each different type of wound. He would probably ask to be placed under your wing in case you were injured or couldn’t make it in time (also to spend time with you). 
-He’s a huge talker with you and would possibly be the one in the group who would fully understand the scientific words you spit out sometimes. 
-Danny knows and understands his feelings pretty well, and once he realizes he has developed an infatuation with you, he falls head first into it. 
-He’ll go to you and make the cheesiest and gooiest jokes that play in with you and your job profession and boy does it make Leonard and Mickey gag.
“I don’t think you can diagnose me because there’s no treatment for being madly in love, dollface.”
“Danny, sit still, you keep reopening the cut!”
-Instead of getting you flowers and chocolates, he understands the expense of medical supplies and you come by to find new needles, clean cloths, and antibiotics all wrapped up and presented nicely with your name on it. 
-After hours of sewing cuts and bending arms back into their sockets, Danny would still crawl over to the kitchen and make you your favorite drink, even if he broke both his legs. 
-Of course, he loves to make you a flustered and stuttering mess, especially during dire moments such as him with a bullet wound and you’re desperately trying to seal the blistering hole. He’ll look right at you and horsley state, “Bleeding out like this doesn’t seem too bad if you keep touching me like dat’.”
-Would def. Give you the nickname doc, nothing will change that. 
Malicious Mickey
-Honestly, you can impress this sweet guy with anything, from knowing what ointment to apply on certain cuts and then easily telling him facts about his internal organs, you make the guy have that astounded look of a child. 
-He probably wouldn’t understand a single word if you explained to him how the body works or why certain medicines only work for certain illnesses and infections, but he will certainly show his wonderment in the information. 
-He would probably start falling for you since you are kind, you place care in his wounds. Not saying Danny didn’t, but you placed colorful stickers on his cuts and then started to bring pieces of candy only for him (for a second, he believed you only saw him as a brother and it worried him).
-Mickey would be the only one in the group to remember the most random facts you have told that shocks everyone, even you. It shows that he listens, just doesn’t understand.
-He would try to make jokes like Danny does when he’s wounded but he’s just so baffled at how fast and calm you work on him that he will just state how pretty you are or how your nose will ruffle up when you’re concentrating on something. 
-Will probably come and visit you at your workplace and you will have to hide him because he’s a literal criminal like jeez Mickey someone can recognize you. 
-When hanging out, he’ll ask certain questions about his specific internal workings and then about Leonard and Danny, and then what were your favorite things to learn from medical school. It feels great for someone to be interested in what you know, and even though you will go into a huge rank about certain things and he just stares at you, you know that he cares. 
-The poor sweet boy would die inside once you two started to date because you got to kiss his bruises and smaller cuts before continuing on to the bigger wounds and he would play with your hair and curl around you after a hard day at work. 
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
Do you guys still want Mud Dogz content? Including ocs and such?
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
Seeing the Opposing Side 
Dastardly Danny x female cop!reader
Hey guys! @greaser-wolf and I are back at it again with trading ideas and our ocs and such. I wasn't going to post this but she wanted everyone to see the story (so heckin nice I swear). For the confusion, shiki is @greaser-wolf oc that is a yokai fire pig cop that has a complicated love story with dastardly Danny, please check out her blog for amazing drawings of her and Danny! Hope you guys guys enjoy!!
⚠️WARNING ⚠️: There will be inappropriate language and themes in this! Along with graphic scenes such as blood and wounds!
Word Bank:
Carrying a torch- Having a crush on someone/ being by someone’s side 
“I won’t let you down, chief.”
Your hands trembled as you took the criminal file your boss handed you, adrenaline rushed through you like a fever as he walked away and you sat back down at your desk. 
The police stations hummed with warm life as you got comfortable in your chair, the only loud sounds that advanced the quiet talk of the officers was the phone calls and the occasional scream from a prisoner.
This was your first case on your own without the other idiot cops that you were placed under, as your boss stated, “you need someone to guide you before you go out on your own,” and then the griffin and the gorilla that was teaching you let out the bloody Mud Dogz on your first day of training. 
Oh that day was awful and you hated reliving the memory inside your head.
Your hooves pulled the file open as you took a sip of coffee, the hot liquid almost spilling over your desk as you read who you were going after. 
“The bloody Mud Dogz?!”
The few yokai beside you looked over and you tried to shrink into your seat, your hooves clinching the mugshots of each Mud Dog. Of course, of fucking course it had to be them, it had to be him!
 Your hooves bent against the picture of Dastardly Danny, the wicked smile he held in the photo gave you shivers down your spine. You’ve had a run in with him a few times, along with watching them leave the prison due to every cop in here not having a single brain cell. Your hands still ached from the cleaning duty you had to do after that.
But not anymore, you were a real cop, and you were going to prove it.
Your eyes strolled through the basic info of him, his age, height, the crimes he has done along with his group. From all the ones you’ve read, Danny’s looked innocent against them. 
In all honesty, The Mud Dogz didn’t really do bad things. They never harmed anyone and they only stole from those who weren’t poor, it was mostly rich people who would call saying they were robbed by them. Of course they would rob places like this, and worked with other crime lords of the Hidden City.
You took another sip from your coffee as you read the last known sighting of him: The Mystic Train Station. You got your gear ready for the long road ahead, with the train station being half way across the city. You strapped your laser gun against your belt and a few portable traps, along with your phone and your badge and headed towards the exit, the other larger and stronger guards almost pushing past you as if you were still an errand runner.
For months you had been one, getting the coffee, getting the files, copying paperwork and not once going out on the field. 
Not a single cop in here believed in you, yokai’s that were as small as you were known to be weak, to be on the backburner without a choice, but that didn’t matter to you. What mattered to you was that the Mud Dogz were going down, no matter the cost.
You made it to the train station, the underground building poured with life as citizens dove in and out of the train at rapid speed. Security guards were posted around almost every entrance of the metal hole dug in the ground, the dark and damp station was only lit by a few hanging lights and the lights that were inside of the train. One of the many trains came to a screeching halt as you strolled past the other security guards as your eyes examined the area; The Mud Dogz usually wore their signature colors of blue, purple, and orange. You pulled your denim jacket closer to hide yourself from the chilly breeze that drifted into the area. You decided to change before you left your apartment since your cop outfit would attract too much attention, especially since you were on a manhunt. 
The sighting that was described in the file was that the ogre and the rat were spotted here taking the train, the destination they went to was unknown but it seemed they used this way of travel frequently. You took a sip of your second cup of coffee, the heat that steamed out of it warmed your lips in the chilly fall weather. With how many yokai stormed through the area, you didn’t know if you should make a scene or not when you found your target, there were innocent people here and you didn’t want any casualties. Maybe you could find them and sneak your way over to-
Your body slammed into someone else, your back firmly landing against someone’s lower shoulder. A small gasp broke through your mouth as you tried to make sure your drink didn’t spill on you or the yokai you apparently backed into. The stranger’s arms held you firm as they helped you regain your balance. 
“Ah! I’m so sorry! I guess I should be looking at where I am going!” You scrambled out, your face growing red with embarrassment.
“No problem at all, doll. It was nothing more than a scuffle.”
Wait a damn minute.
You swiftly turned around and felt the grip on your beverage tighten as you were face to face with Dastardly Danny, a smug smile curled on his face as his tall frame overshadowed you, his long tail swayed back and forth as if he saw the dots connect in your head. 
You felt your eyebrows raise with shock and then they buried down into your eyes in irritation, your right hand hovering over your laser pistol. 
“Dastardly Danny, you are under arrest! I order for you to come quietly and willingly, or else there will be trouble.”
“Daw, I don’t even get a please, toots?”
“Officers don’t ask.”
“And criminals don’t play dirty.”
He was in your face now, his whiskers close enough to tickle your snout, a smirk navigated his face as his tail wrapped around you and then spun you around, his body easily getting past you and onto one of the multiple paths that led deeper into the train station, his thin figure blending into the crowd as they followed. Once you regained your balance, you threw the drink away and chased after him, your body pushing past the other yokai as the hunt began. 
Your feet stomped against the cemented ground, your eyes caught on the only thing that was unique about Danny against the other yokai: his torn ear that peaked out of his hat. You didn’t pull out your gun though, you couldn’t or else it would freak out the civilians and cause a massive wave of chaos. You couldn’t lose him now, not when he was this close. 
Danny came to a stop as he was face to face with an escalator, his lean body easily going in the middle and slid down the metal slope, his feet landing perfectly as you reached the moving stairs. 
You let out a frustrated grunt and stormed down the stairs, pushing past the civilians as you lost Danny into the several batches of animals. 
Come on! Come on, think Shiki! Think! 
You then leapt up onto the edge of a fountain and scanned the open room, your head darting back and forth as you tried to find the coffee-colored rat.
Hey! Watch it!”
Your head turned to see the criminal rat run into a bigger yokai, the rat politely taking his hat off as he ran by and you hopped off the ledge of the fountain. 
“Dastardly Danny! Get back here!”
“Not a chance, sweetheart! I appreciate your persistence though!” 
His hairless tail was in your sight now, your trained body easily gaining momentum to catch up to him. But the rat knew he was being hunted and he soon started to switch up his walking pattern, his stride crossing in-between different animals and going behind a few pillars that held up the structure. 
While Danny was taller than most normal yokai and they moved when they saw him barreling towards them,  you would almost be run over by the horde of animals that walked past you, almost as if you were the obstacle instead of them.  
Maybe I should’ve worn my uniform. 
“Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!”
You shoved past a bear yokai as Danny got onboard the train, his rat tail flicking from side to side as the door closed behind him. You came to a tight halt at the glass door, your enclosed hand hitting against the window, your breaths coming out ragged and sweat was dripping down your brow, but Danny’s composer was calm and his chest barely rose as his arm bent and leaned against the door. 
His eyes lazily looked down at you through the glass, his breath creating a grey shadow over the clear frame and his claws wrote the words “Nice try” in the window as the train started to build up for take off. You desperately looked for a way in, but once the doors were closed there was no way to get in. The railroad blueprint printed itself into your mind and you calculated how far each stop and the different intersections of railroads. 
As the train easily started to make its way down the tunnel, you kept your eyes locked onto Danny’s. His murky eyes traveled up and down your body, as if he was trying to see what you would do next, his hands now going in his pockets and his shoulders shrugged, as if you had lost. But you sent your own sly grin to him as you ducked by the nearest yokai and headed straight for the construction site on the left, the yellow police tape tearing under your hands as you raced through the darkness. 
Your hooves worked against each other until a small flicker of fire grew in your hands, the only sound you could hear was the vibration of the trains grooving throughout the under tunnel system and your heart pulsing in your short ears. You jumped over a bridge that was barely built, your short yet strong legs carried you easily over it, your ears flicking back and forth as you tried to listen for the train. You continued your jog through the inky cave, leftover construction hats and equipment littered the ground as you came to a huge opening to a narrow path, below you was one of the railroad tracks. 
The wind that blasted through the hollowed tunnel blew out the flame that boiled in your hands. 
“Ugh! Come on!”
You kept snapping the edge of your hooves until another dash of life blossomed in your hand and you could take in your surroundings once more. The ground beneath you started to rumble and you bent down to watch as the headlights of the train started to enter the thin subway and then the metal car went flying by you, the roar of the train whistle blistered into your eardrums and you used your free hand to cover up one ear. Your jacket flew around you and you turned on your heel to get a running start. 
You let out a shaky breath as you extinguished the light from your hand and the only thing lightning up your path was the spotty fragments of the train cars.  And you sprinted across the dirt road and then leapt onto the top of the metal animal, your hooves clinging into the scrap as the wind sped into your exposed ears. Your hand felt around for the hatch and your fingers gripped around it and you rose up on the train to pull the hole open. The air from your lungs was being sucked out of you as you pushed every muscle in your body to open it and the metal hatch let out a low hiss as it was popped open. 
You dove in and pulled the hatch with you and everything was black. 
Through the darkness, you could make out the forms of boxes and supplies and you figured you were in one of the supplies carts. You took in a few breaths of air as the adrenaline and the caffeine rocked in your veins and your heart felt like it was dancing throughout your body. You grew another flare of fire in your hand as you made your way forward and to the door that would lead you to the next carriage. You hoped in-between the carts until you got to one that was full of yokai, your light instantly going out as you shoved past the different animals, your mind counting the carts until you got to the one that the rat was on. 
Your eyes narrowed into slits as you prowled the train car, the different species of animals barely even noticing you as you tried to find the plum colored outfit that shouldn’t blend this easily in the row of dull colors. And then you saw it, his tail barely peeking over behind someone. You hid within the shadows casted by the passengers and the purple-wearing rat was in your sight. Your hooves gripped around the pistol and pulled it out, the barrel of it digging into his back.
"Did you really think you could get away from me that easily?” You asked, the stiffness in his posture brought pleasure to your heart. 
Danny looked at you through the reflection of the glass, your red shirt and jacket were scruffed up and the once holeless jeans now had a horizontal tear across your knee. The few tufts of hair that was on your head were whipped lashed and the fur on your face was tangled within themselves. But you were steady on your feet and the gun that dug into his back was handled in a tamed manner. 
You were surely different than the police officers he usually had to deal with. 
“Me? Wanting to get away from you? Never,” he purred to your reflection and you squint your eyes at him. You push yourself in front of him, the gun now lowered to your thigh but still pointing towards him. 
“Now, you listen to me, darling,” you whispered to him, your voice joking around the word darling. “When we get off this train, I am putting your hands in cuffs and taking you to jail. Got it?”
Danny crossed his arms over his chest, “I don’t even get a five-second headstart?”
“You didn’t give me one.”
You felt skin under your fur relax and you leaned against the pole across from him, the bronzed tunnel foggy behind you as the atmosphere between you two went heavy and silent. 
 “How did ya get on here, anyway?”
You looked at your reflection in the window and how much of a wreck you looked like and you used your free hand to untangle the clumps of fur. 
“Oh, I just intersected the railroad and then hop on,” you said nonclonently, your fingers combing through your short hair and then turned to see the rat yokai staring wide-eyed at you, one singular eyebrow raised. 
“You jumped onto this train?”
“Wow, what a woman you are.”
A pretty blush pranced against your face and you instantly turned away, hoping that your chocolate-colored fur would hide the redness. You were used to men joking to you, you knew the slang in their voice when they did it. But Danny didn’t have that, he never had that when you talked to you. 
Why was he always polite to you? Most criminals would be hollering curse words like there is no tomorrow.
You remembered one of the multiple lessons in your college class for becoming an officer. A lawbreaker will try to persuade you or flirt with you to find a way of getting out of being arrested. Still, it felt good for someone to compliment you on your hard work for once. 
Your father’s image splattered in your hand and for a split second you closed your eyes, pushing the brooding memory out of your head. You opened your eyes to find Danny watching you, his eyes studying you as you came back to your surroundings. 
He has no control over you anymore, Shiki, get over it. No one controls you.
“You remind me of my father.”
“Why thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment, Dastardly.”
“Is that why you’re trying so hard to get me?”
Maybe. Maybe I just want to be told I did something right for once.
You both arrived at the new station, the sigh overhead in the train cart you were in said that you were near the Battle Nexus and the Crying Titan. As the horde of animals shoved past you, you made sure to keep your gun up against Danny’s back as you led him out of the train and away from wandering eyes. Once behind of the pillars you cuffed him, the irritating ring of the metal cuffs caused both of your ears to twitch. 
“No running? No cursing?” You asked, your hands gripping the cuffs behind his back. The tall rat gave a shrug.
“I know when I’ve been bested, and how can I be mad if it's from you?” You pushed him forward and he let out a light chuckle as you presented him to the citizens of the Hidden City.
And the way the public stared and how some families scooted their children away was a confidence boost you needed as you shoved him along, his small grunts barely reached you as you took him up and through the train station until you both made it to the exit. 
It was nighttime when you both made it out of the train station, the already once dark city was now pitch-black, the hanging lights looking like fallen stars. The buzz of life was barely a whisper as stores started to close and the awakening of nightclubs replaced it.
You could see your breath dance in front of you as you continued to force Danny onward, the yokai’s who boarded with you were now heading back to your homes. You thought about calling backup and didn’t have to endure the long walk ahead, but you didn’t want to disturb the station, along with you didn’t anyone take this credit. 
It was silent between you two, and whenever you would almost trip on Danny's tail he would look back with a shit-eating grin. 
Why did you find criminals handsome? Of course the one trait you got from your mother was similar attraction.
“Down here, this alleyway will get us to the station faster,” you ordered, your grip on him forcing him to turn down one of the ghastly alleyways, the bricks covered in graffiti and grime.
“If you just wanted to be alone with me, all you had to do was ask, sweetheart,” Danny chuckled, the desire in his voice almost made you stop in your tracks, but then you stepped right on his tail as payback. 
“Whoops,” you snickered, a smile playing on your lips as you saw his painful expression.  
“Wowza! I’m guessin’ that cops play dirty as well?” He breathed out, his tail swishing back and forth to forget about the pain.
You then came to a full stop, your ears twitching as you finally took in your surroundings. You were used to the silence of the dead part of town, but this was too quiet, as if the animals of the city were in hiding. You looked around the enclosed space you were and then started to hurry the rat ahead. 
“Whoa what’s with the hussle, toots?”
“Something isn’t right, we need to get out of here. Now.”
And then you saw the pair of glowing eyes down the pathway, the blue orbs blinking and the pupils flipping into thin lines as the creature spotted you and Danny. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famous Dastardly Danny,” the voice purred, and a large white tiger walked out of the overshadow, his thin tail curling against his back. 
“Been a long time old friend.”
Danny let out a groan and a small ‘tch’ under his breath. 
“Good to see ya again, Liam, how's the business doing?”
“It was doing brilliant until you and that ridiculous group of yours ruined it.”
You looked up at Danny and then back at the tiger yokai, your hand pulling out your laser gun and aiming it at the white tiger known as Liam. 
“You are interjecting with official business, walk away or I will shoot,” you stated, and then two more yokai joined Liam behind him. You felt your eyes grow wide with fear as a wildebeest yokai and a fox yokai fell into line with their boss, their claws and hooves shined in the dimly lit alleyway. 
Did bad luck just run in my family?
You slowly backed up, your hand clutched over the middle of the handcuffs and you tried to focus in on the scruff noise Danny’s shoes made instead of the peering eyes that looked at like you were a meal. 
“Officer, if you run now, we won’t bother you. We just want Danny,” Liam said, a large paw went over his chest where his heart was placed. 
A thousand thoughts charged through your head as you gazed up at Danny, who almost seemed to lean in front of you like a shield. You could give Danny to them, you could try to take all of them down, take Danny with you, let Danny go and both of you run. 
Anger singed through you. This isn’t how this was supposed to go! You were supposed to get the bad guy, bring them to jail, and be the police officer you wanted to be! The cop you needed to be!
You kept good yokai safe, you kept innocent animals alive and took down the villain in the story, but now, as the gun shook on your hands, you took aim and shot at the men as you pushed Danny out of the enclosed space. 
“Go!” You ordered and continued to shoot at the three criminals, the agile yokai’s quickly dodging the hot bullets. One of the bullets landed in the fox’s shoulder and you sprinted towards them to dodge Liam’s attack and then to knee the horned yokai, your foot then came into contact with his stomach as you spun, sending the male henchmen into the bricked wall. You turned to continue to shoot, but a large hand wrapped itself around your throat and gun and pinned you against the rigged wall, the points and curves digging into your back as Liam’s claws dug into your neck.
“Will any of your fellow officers miss you if you were gone? What about your family?” He questioned, his nails broke past your skin and you could feel the warm liquid stain his hand. A yelp escaped your lips and your legs lifted up to kick him, but the fox held you down. 
“Because with how stupid you act, I can’t believe that anyone out there would care about you.”
You didn’t even realize the tears that were falling down your face until your fur went completely damp on your face. 
Your vision started to get blurry and stars started to sparkle at the corner of your eye, and then a loud grunt came from white tiger strangling you and the claws released you. 
You wheezed for air as your body slid down the wall, your eyesight barely coming back as you listened to the violent grunts of fighting. Your hand was still wrapped around your gun, the strain in your hooves started to pinch your nerves.
“Come on, is dat your best hit?”
Danny?! Danny came back to help? He didn’t run? What kind of criminal is he?
As your vision started to clear, you could make out the figures in front of you. Danny was quick on his feet, his body easily dodging the punches and kicks the yokai’s threw to him. But he was losing, the blood that soaked his suit and his nose, along with his hands still being cuffed. Your throat burned but you took aim anyway, shooting the wildebeest in his chest, sending him flying back. 
The three men looked back at you as you rose up, coughs still escaping your mouth as you checked how many rounds you had left.
 The rat was at your side as you both were cornered against the wall, dry coughs still raging out of your mouth as he looked down at you. 
“Y’know, it would be easier to fight if I didn’t have these around me,” he stated, his hands raising up, the metal shackles showed signs of digging into his fur. 
“I already let you go, you’re the one who decided to come back.”
“You’re pop didn’t seem to teach ya manners.”
“Oh my- fine! Fine!”
Before the last two yokai could attack, you took the keys out and unlocked his cuffs, the metal material falling to the ground as Danny rubbed his wrists, a cat-like smile growing into his face.
“Now the fights even.”
Danny picked up the fallen cuffs and curled them into his hand, punching them in Liam’s face as you continued to shoot at the fox yokai, his fast and quick body dodging almost every shot. But his shoulder was weak from the last shot and when he pounced you lifted the butt end of the gun and slammed into his injured shoulder. The orange mammal let out a yelp and your elbow went into his stomach, and then a fist in the face made him flip backward and plant face first into the ground. 
One down, one more to go. 
Danny ducked as the white tiger swiped at him, his claws tearing into the bricks behind him and almost into the rat’s hat. A growl ran its way through your throat and you shot at the tiger, one laser point going into his back, his body rapidly moving away, his icy eyes landing on you. A low snarl rumbled in his neck and he punched Danny down the alleyway, the large crash echoed back towards you as his body and trash cans came in contact. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you continued to shoot at Liam, and then the clicking of an empty slot reflected throughout the area. 
Of course.
The white tiger charged then, knocking the gun out of your hands and you stumbled away, your arms raising up to dodge the hits he threw. But he was a tower compared to you, you had to face guys like him in the academy, but this was your first fight alone. You ducked as another hit came towards you, fear became power as you decided to strike. Your hooves swiped at him, the curve cutting into his cheekbone, and then another one into his stomach. 
Liam let out a roar and his claws went into your leg, the razer-like talons dug into your jeans, quickly breaking past the fabric and into your fur and flesh. A scream raged through you as the nails shredded into your leg muscle and then with a long and antagonizing slowness, he threw you to the side. You could taste the salty blood in your mouth and your leg was feverish and wet, with the loss of air and blood, your vision once agains went blurry. The night was cold against your damp fur, and before you blacked out, all you could think about was your father, and how he was right about you.
You were a failure.
You woke you with a start, sweat pouring through your fur as you blinked several times to take in your surroundings. You were on someone’s couch, the black leather under you was worn and old. You took in the apartment around you, the grey walls were dim against you and the area seemed to be clean, seemed.
A hiss of pain passed your teeth and you looked down, your jeans were completely cut off until it was to your wound, which was now bandaged and cleaned. Your neck still burned and it was wrapped as well, the calmly ointment stuck to your fur. A bottle of water and medicine laid next to you on a stool and a blanket was curled around you. 
Where am I? What happened to Liam and Danny?
You tried to lift yourself up, but the pain that blasted from your right thigh brought you right back down. Shouldn’t you be in a hospital, not in someone’s apartment?  Then you heard it, the small chatter of voices in the room next to you and you went for your gun, but it was gone. You checked your whole belt and everything you had packed for this hunt was gone. 
Alright, whoever touched me is done for. 
You looked around and saw the coffee table stuffed with medical gear, ranging from antibiotics and pills. You spotted the scissors that were used to cut your bandages. You lifted yourself up on your elbows and let out a shaky breath and leaned over to the wooden table, the tip of your hooves barely grasping the blade before you completely rolled off the couch. 
A violent grunt came out of your throat and your hand went to your side, the row of bruises under your fur ached against your body. 
The voices went still and the patter of footsteps rushed into the room with you, your free hand going for the scissors and hiding it under yourself. 
You watched with half-closed eyes as four pairs of legs came into view, your head felt hot with fever as someone helped you up and back on the couch. Through the lights of the ceiling you could barely make out the figure that felt against your forehead. 
“How ya doing, doll?”
The significant details in his face came into view as he smiled down at you, his tall figure no longer in a suit but in a regular t-shirt and pants, a few wraps were around his arms as well. 
“Ohhhhhh, I would have rather been beaten to death,” you groaned as you placed your hands over your eyes, the urge to scream out weighed heavy in your lungs. 
“Well that’s a weird way to say thanks.”
More anger bubbled in your stomach as you recognized Loathsome Leonard’s voice, so that meant the whole Mud Dogz group was here, and that you were in their home. What will your boss think if he finds out? What would he do to you since not only did you let the Mud Dogz get away, but you were wounded and taken to their hideout. Maybe you wouldn’t get to leave, maybe they wanted to get rid of you so you no longer bothered them. 
You opened your eyes with a sigh. 
No, if they wanted you gone, if Danny wanted you gone he would have left you on that street, he wouldn’t have brought you back here, he wouldn’t have bandaged you up…
“Okay, who ripped my jeans?”
A female cat came up from behind the ogre, her thin tail swishing back and forth. 
“Sorry about that. But it was the only way to get to your wound without undressing you. Also I’m the one who stripped you of your weapons, Danny’s orders that no guy touched you,” she said, her eyes going over the medical table, her eyes narrowing. 
You felt a large pressure release from your shoulders that a girl looked at you, even if she was working with other criminals. The cat yokai looked over at Danny and then eyed the table, his eyes following hers. That pressure was replaced with panic as you pushed your back further into the couch, the cold blade digging into your shirt.
“Luckily for you, that leg didn't need stitches. They should heal on their own time with proper care daily. ”
“I know.”
The brown cat raised an eyebrow and walked past you and to the kitchen, her eyes flicking over you as if you prey. 
“Okay, little piglet, then you don’t need my assistance anymore.”
You puffed out a gust of air and placed your hand over your wounded leg and groaned as the long gashes moved under your touch. Leonard and Mickey looked over at Danny and he gave them a curt nod and they followed the feline into the kitchen, their bodies disappearing. The rat was about to follow, but your voice stopped him in his tracks. 
He turned back to look at you, to look at little and weak you. But you held yourself strong up on your elbows once again, the sweat dripping from your eyebrow showed the strength you were using to get yourself up. For a while, Danny just believed that you were just another cop, too dumb to notice and too native to care. But you were persistent, you chased him down with every last tooth and nail you had, you jumped onto a bloody train to catch up to him. 
You were unique. You were stubborn. You fought for what you wanted.
 So, when you left him go to save him from Liam and his gang, he knew he had to come back for you. When Liam sank his claws into you, Danny took him down and carried you back to the Mud Dogz apartment, instantly calling up Leonard’s feline friend to patch you up. 
He knew about the scissors under your back, but he sat on the end of the couch from you, his body relaxed against your paranoid one. 
“Why what?”
“I’ve been chasing after you for months. You know it, and yet, you’re nice to me, you make jokes when your life's on the line. And when you had the chance to run, when you had the chance to get rid of me once and for all; You didn’t. What kind of criminal are you?!”
The rat’s tail twitched and he gently leaned towards you, his eyes interested in the words you were spilling out. You went stiff under his gaze and you fully lifted yourself up, your back now leaning against the armrest of the couch. 
“You said I reminded you of your father, is he a criminal as well?”
You clenched your teeth in your mouth and you crossed your arms over your chest, the blade you sat on now was calling your name to pick up and attack. You were talking to a felon, someone who broke laws and ruined yokai’s lives, but his file came back to your mind. He never stole from the poor, he never hurt anyone, and he reminded you nothing of your father. 
“Yes, but I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
The luminosity of the ceiling lights appeared over you as Danny took in a full look of you. You were pretty, gorgeous even, your dark coffee fur shined brightly in the room, the outline of your fur dusted with gold. He wouldn’t admit that he found your snout and the few tufts of fur on your head cute, nor that he found you attractive, but he would admit that you were unlike anything he had ever known. 
“You seem real conflicted, doll. Something on yer mind?”
You let out a breathless chuckle as you looked up at the light.
“You are so different from what I was taught to go after. My father, other criminals, I’ve watched yokai’s kill for money, I’ve watched families be torn by murder. My father was the same, but you, the Mud Dogz, are not. They don’t teach you that there are different criminals.”
You balled your hands into fists and held the tears that were trying to build back. 
“But I can’t rise to the top without following orders. I can’t get the respect I deserve without taking out the criminals I was trained to hunt for! And since I failed at protecting my mother and siblings from my father, a bloody criminal, I guess I feel like I need to save the city from criminals! But who are even the criminals anymore?! Yokai like you or the ones who step over me like I’m nothing!!”
You were gasping for air now, the blade now in your hands, every muscle in your body pushed against the tip of your hooves as you held it with every fiber of your life.
“That tiger was right, no one sticks around me when things start to fail.”
 You wondered if the other members of the Mud Dogz had heard you, but for once you didn’t care. You were failing, just like he said you would, the years you trained to become better, stronger than most was worth nothing in this moment. 
Danny hadn’t moved a muscle as your panic sizzled over you like an electric wave. The conflict that seemed to control you was something he hadn’t seen from other officers. Most broken animals were because of a missing or abusive parent, and to hear that you had to become the hero for your mother and siblings made more sense with how unbreakable you were, but you were already broken so many times that there was nothing left to break.  
“Do you feel like yer doing that?” Was all he asked. 
“Doing what?”
“Saving people, helping the city?”
You were quiet for a second and you rested your head on your stable knee. 
“Because I’m being told to go after men like you, when real criminals are getting away.”
You then flipped the scissors over until the handle faced Danny, the tears gone and a newfound determination in your eyes. Danny gave you a smile and took the blade. Danny felt something in his heart twitch when your hand lightly touched him, the hard crack of your hooves and the softness of your fur. But he ignored it and threw the weapon onto the table
“ I will put you in a prison these days though, Dastardly Danny. I’m the type to not know when to quit.”
“If it’s you, then I’ll be honored.”
You woke up the next morning sore and uncomfortable.
After you and Danny had your chat, you were given your weapons back and the feline cat led you out of the apartment blindfolded. You were skeptical at first, but the sheek cat stated that it was that so then the cop standing in front of her wouldn’t know where they lived. It was a few minutes of walking until she untied it from your eyes and gave a wave goodbye after handing your black jacket back. 
“I cleaned it and patched up a few holes in it.”
“Oh! Ah, thank you.”
You wondered if you would see that cat again, but if she hanged out with the Mud Dogz, then you beat every dollar in your bank account that you would. 
You went straight home and fell asleep, and then called off work once you were awoken by your alarm. 
Yet when you called, the pride in your boss’s voice was noticeable.
“Good job with the arrest last night, I’m guessing you’re taking the day off due to injuries?”
“The arrest?”
“Liam Asad and his gang. They had been terrorizing store workers for weeks now.” 
You then got a notification on your phone and it was a message from one of your colleagues, you opened up the message while your boss mumbled on about it and saw that Liam and his two other goons were tied up out front of the police station, a note with your name on it stuck against the ropes. 
Shiki Chibana.
Your mind jumped back and forth with confusion and you went back to talking to your chief. 
“Anyway, good job again, Miss Cibana, enjoy your day off, you deserve it.” And then he hung up. 
You were still staring at the image of the yokais tied up when your room went silent. The mammals were beaten to hell, the blood stains from either fists or your laser pistol, and the penmanship on the paper wasn’t your handwriting. You recognized it instantly on every Mud Dogz calling card you studied.
You rushed as quickly as you could to get your jacket on, barely even seeing the piece of paper that flew out of it. You limped over to it once you spotted it and picked up the crumbled paper, coffee stains dotted against the sides.
“I’ll be carrying the torch for ya while you believe you’re failing.”
A little heart was curved into the word ya as you read Danny’s handwriting over and over, your hooved thumb brushing over the word torch. 
What did it mean? Danny used so many slanged words that you hardly knew what he was saying half the time. 
He turned Liam in, before you even had the heart-to-heart to him since you had this letter in your jacket pocket. You looked out your studio window and opened it, taking in the crips air and the busy sound of the city below. You continued to reread the letter over and over, your lips unknowingly curling into a shy smile. 
You weren’t afraid to admit when you were wrong, and maybe you were wrong about Danny. Or maybe you were just into bad boys with soft hearts. 
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
The Daily Hardship of Loving You
Dastardly Danny x reader
Danny is love, Danny is life. Who wouldn’t want to be saved by this wonderful rat?
This is another trade with @greaser-wolf ( so freaking excited for this trade man it’s gonna be amazing!!). Part of this scene is from the movie Suicide Squad, where Joker comes in to save Harely (btw I am not comparing Danny to Joker, Danny will treat you like gold, not like trash). I love writing action scenes and partners working together and supporting each other!! This my weakness. Hope you guys enjoy!
⚠️WARNING: ⚠️This fanfic will have explicit words and violence, viewer discretion is advised. Also a lot of angst!
Big Mama’s words will be colored green
Word Bank:
Zoot Suit- A certain style of a suit
Tawdry- made out of cheap or poor quality 
Pennies from heaven- Easy money
Passing the buck- Placing the blame on someone or something
The crowd cheered and booed around you as you stepped in the Battle Nexus sitting area, the foul air of sweat and snacks from the concession stand filled your nose as you took in the fight below you. The atmosphere around you was warm and rigid as you eyed the crowd, your eyes landing on Big Mama on her throne, her six red eyes darting back and forth. 
Your head turned to look down at the fight below, the two yokai’s fighting were at each other’s throats, their weapons clashing against each other’s as dirt clouds danced around them. 
This was only the first match, you and the boys had the whole night to do this plan perfectly. 
You slowly turned yourself around and away from the yokais, the keys you had swiped jiggled in your pocket as you went down the stairs. 
For weeks you had been working for Big Mama, just like the Mud Dogz, but you were a shiftly one and was able to gain her trust, the keys to her vault below the Battle Nexus practically falling into your hands. Of course you knew about the vault she had in her hotel, but Gus guarded that one like the loyal dog he was, but you knew he couldn’t be at two places at once. 
You were on the first level now and took a hard right, your eyes falling on the three figures that kept their bodies within the shadows. You came to a halt next to them, your hand now wrapped around the keys as you threw them over to one of the shadows, his hand instantly coming up to catch them. 
“Guessing you guys didn’t have much trouble?” You asked as the dark figures finally revealed themselves. The infamous Loathsome Leonard, Dastardly Danny, and Malicious Mickey came out in front of you, each having their own signature shit-eating grin. Leonard twirled the keys in his hands as they followed you to the basement door, “not at all, Big Mama’s guards don’t really know the difference between criminal and worker,” he joked. 
You moved over so then he could unlock the door, your body slipping over to Danny as the eel and the ogre took the first few steps down into the underground. 
“Where’s Big Mama?”
“Still sitting on her throne, watching as her subjects tear each other apart,” you laughed out as you trailed your fingertips against the brick wall, the indents and curves in the wall pushed against your hands. The tall rat took a hold of your hand as the stairs started to get steeper and the only source of light was from torches.  
“I really don’t understand the whole torch in a secret basement thing.”
“It’s tacky.”
“I would’ve done glow worms.”
“But they wouldn’t stay in one place.”
“Exactly. It’s unexpected.”
You rolled your eyes as you all finally made it to the last step, stones surrounded you instead of dark bricks and a long hallway strolled in front of you. Danny stood slightly behind you, his thumb gently sliding over yours to show that he was still there. He didn’t say it, but he honestly didn’t want you to go on this mission. You were basically walking over landmines for them to get the keys to Big Mama’s secret vault, but if they were caught down here then you would be punished too, possibly far worse than the Mud Dogz since you had been working closely with the spider yokai. 
The thought of it created a bad taste in his mouth and he quickly told his mind to think of something else, to think how after this he was going to take you to one of the best restaurants in town and buy you an expensive outfit to show you off in. His mind wandered to what kind of outfit would look best on you until you and the two other yokai’s came to a harsh halt. 
All four of you had walked down the hallway and had come to a hard left where two yokai guards stood, behind them a huge metal vault door stood silently.
You eyed the two yokai, your minding working to see if they would be an easy or hard fight. 
The rat laid his head on top of yours as you both continued to stare, a sneer rising against his face. 
“Jeez, Big Mama must be desperate for new recruits to have two geezer’s watching over her dough,” he whispered, his breath and whiskers slightly tickled the top of your head and you gently shook him off, mouthing sorry as he gave you puppy dog eyes. 
Leonard looked at the ancient weapons the yokai’s were holding and then back at the gang. 
“Alright, Danny, you’re going to go up to them and distract them-”
“Hold up, why me?”
“Because you got that suit, make ya look like the richest one out of all of us.”
“Well it is a zoot suit. I’m also an ace at persuading people.”
You let out a tch as he puffed out his collar, his eyes falling onto you. 
“Mickey and I will come up when you got them distracted and then Y/N will open the vault up with the passcode.”
The eel next to you snapped a bolt between his nubs as you gave a small nod, your hand landing gently on Danny’s back before he got up.
“Hey, be careful.”
He gave you a charming smile as he took the hand that was on him and gave a light kiss, his whiskers once again tickled your skin. 
“Always, love.” And then he came out from the corner and headed over to the two guards, his voice flaring throughout the basement like a singer at a concert. 
You could barely make out what he was saying to the yokai’s, but you could make out the words clothes, Big Mama, and tawdry. Of course he would spark up a conversation with those two about fashion.
A minute barely passed as Leonard and Mickey walked away from you, their bodys sticking to the walls like glue as they stalked over to the distracted yokais. They pounced right before the two guards had time to react, Mickey taking out one with his electric shock and Leonard busted one in the back of his head, both of them falling as Danny ended a corny one-liner about them. 
One of them smacked up against the keypad that was behind them, sending off a loud alarm in the tunnels.
You sprinted behind them and quickly pulled one of the guard’s keycards, scanning it and quickly typing in the code to turn off the system and the alarm. 
“Do you think anyone heard that?”
“No, and Big Mama won’t get a warning about it. It has to go off for a long while before she gets notified about it.”
The Mud Dogz let out a relief sigh as you pushed the vault door open and you entered into a golden palace. Piles of gold, cash, unicorns, and armor that looked like they were dipped into liquid diamonds were all placed in long rows. Each one of your mouths dropped at the beautiful sight, Mickey the only one squealing in glee as he dove into one of the many loose piles of unicorns and cash. 
You didn’t know that Big Mama had this much cash, but it didn’t surprise you either; with her cheating on the Battle Nexus and bleeding customers and opponents dry, you wondered if she had multiple vaults hidden within the city. 
Your ears perked up as Danny let out one of his roaring laughs as he dug his fingers into one of the several piles of golden coins. 
“OOOH boys we’ve hit the jackpot! It’s practically pennies from heaven!” He cheered out and then he wrapped himself around you, planting a tender kiss against your lips. You took in his sign of affection and kissed him back, your middle finger flying up as Leonard and Mickey let out fake gagging noises. Danny broke the kiss for just a second to whisper against your lips.
“It’s all thanks to you, doll.”
You let out a shy giggle as you felt your face go red with appreciation, you could never get used to how Danny treated you, it had only been a few months of dating and the yokai made you feel more respected and loved than any kind of royalty. His hand stayed wrapped around your hip as Leonard pulled out the infinite small vacuum he bought in Witch Town, the magical machine swiftly sucking up every last drop of gold, silver, and diamond until there was nothing left but the afterdust of the treasure. 
The battle above you roared and stomped louder as another fighter was taken down by the champion, you were honestly surprised that none of the wealth done here was painted with blood.
You couldn’t help but feel good about this, even proud. You craved for appreciation from Danny, from his friends, to the point that it almost blinded you from the trouble ahead. As Leonard placed the vacuum back in-between his shoulders, you all made your way back to the entrance of the safe.While Danny gave you his hand to help you up, Mickey looked behind with a nervous smile. 
“Ah, there were two guards, right?”
“Oh that’s bad.”
You looked over from your place inside the door and only saw the yokai Mickey had knocked out, while the other one had disappeared. 
“Ah, I say we make it like dogs and run!” Danny ordered and you all quickly leapt off the safe door and sprinted down the hallway, your feet barely touching the ground as you kept up with the Mud Dogz. When you made it to the door, you weren’t at all surprised when the knob didn’t give in to your force and you looked down at Leonard. 
He got the hint and threw the bundle of keys back to you and you unlocked the door, your fingers barely pushing up against it so you could peek out. There was no sign of any yokai or Big Mama and you briskly got away from the door, the weight of the Mud Doz trying to peek out as well almost drowning you. 
They each gave their own sheepish smile as you glared at them and continued to look around. This was...strange. The only thing you could think of was that the guard went straight up to Big Mama to warn her, which meant you and the guys were gonna to be in deep shit in about five minutes. 
The crowd was barely a buzz in your ears as you followed them through the building, the lights from the Battle Nexus painting inself across your body like lights.
The four of you were almost to the exit of the Battle Nexus when a large guard came in front of your path, your feet coming to a slamming halt before you could run into the bug yokai. You took a step back as he took a step forward, your body instantly bending down as he swiped at you. 
More bug guards came around almost every hidden corner, giving each member of the group someone to fight. But, more and more kept coming, until you were surrounded. Each of you let out a litter of cuss words as you tried to push past, but there was no way out. Danny stood next to you, his arm barely lifted up as a form of protection. Fear screamed its way into your blood, your head racking through itself at how this plan had failed, how this could possibly be your fault for not double-checking things. And when Big Mama rounded the corner, you wondered if you would make it out alive. 
Danny couldn’t help but swallow as the spider yokai walked in, her long legs creaking against the concrete floor. His tail encircled itself around your ankles as Big Mama’s henchmen came closer, their eyes like daggers stabbing it each and every one of them. He knew he should’ve told you to stay out of this one, he knew that something always bad happened to them, and now you were caught in the middle.
“Ah! If it isn’t my wonderful yokai’s, the Mud Dogs. And my new assistant,” the female cooed as she switched to her human form. She circled around you, as if you were prey and she was a predator, even though all four of you towered over her with her being human. The anger that was held within her eyes blazed into you as she stalked over to you, her finger wiggling in your face as if you were a child. 
“Now, now, aren’t you a little disappointment,” she hissed, a slim finger curled under your chin and you quickly shook it off, your eyes narrowing at the woman. Big Mama only let out a rough chuckle as she snapped her fingers and you were separated from the Mud Dogz, your body barely having time to react as you gripped onto Danny’s hand. Danny instantly reached for you, the strength in his hand curled into your slipping hand as the guards came in between you two.
“Hey! Let go!”
“You keep yer slimy hands off of them!”
Leonard and Mickey lunged to help Danny keep ahold of you, their hands batting off the bug’s arms from the rat’s suit. You let out a cry as you felt the rat’s hand slip out of yours and the bug interlocked their arms around yours and slowly started to pull you away, Big Mama following behind them. 
“Finish them for me, I’ll deal with this one.”
Anxiety raced through Danny’s body as they placed their hands around you, dragging you away from them, from him. He couldn’t stop himself from watching you struggle in their grip, small grunts hissing out of your mouth as you were pulled further and further away from him. 
Rage didn’t even cover what coursed through his body, the blood within his veins almost boiled to the point of a fever as his nails dug into his hands. His eyes turned to Leonard and Mickey, and both of them looked at each other, because for a split second, they believed they saw murder within the rat’s eyes. Danny gave his friend’s one look and Leonard and Mickey nodded to the silent order that the rat gave and they each turned towards one of the guards.
You could barely see past the broadening shoulders of the soldiers, but you heard the brawling of fists and the heavy breaths from a fight. You struggled within the hold and then stomped your foot against the guard’s foot, your arm coming free to slam into the other guard’s face. The pain that pulsed through your hand was dull as you turned around-
And watched as Danny’s limpless body hit the ground with a deadly thud. 
For the first time, your mind went blank. You couldn’t focus on Leonard or Mickey or anything else around you except for Danny. He wasn’t getting up, why wasn’t he getting up, he had to get up.
“DANNY!” You called for him, Big Mama’s arms capturing you as you tried to race over him. His name drilled out of your mouth like a siren. You’ve seen him get knocked out, beaten up in a fight, but not like this, the way his body slammed into the ground was an inhuman sound that burned your ears. Your arms swatted against Big Mama’s resistance as you continued to wait, you waited for him to wake up, to give a signal that he was fine, just one flick of your ear Danny!
“Danny! Danny get up!!” You wailed to him and you could feel the clear liquid spill from your eyes. Big Mama changed back into her yokai form and spat onto you, cobwebs spilling over your wrists and mouth. But that didn’t stop you calling for him, reaching for him over the spider’s shoulder as she took you away. You thrashed around in the grip, sobs now clogging your throat with no release as the guard you had hit lifted you up and turned the corner, your eyes never leaving Danny as you were dragged away.
You blinked a few times as you took in the bright lights of the Battle Nexus. You believed it had been a few hours, but you honestly didn’t know. There were no more battles and the stands were empty, it was just you, a few guards, and Big Mama looming over you. 
Your eyes felt raw with no moisture and your body went weak everytime they made you stand. 
Your mind was still empty, even with the female spider talking your ear off with her weird words. Your legs ached from sitting on them and you could feel exhaustion come over you like a storm. Her webs were sticky and tangled within your hands, almost as if it was sinking into your skin.
If you were caught, what about the others? Wouldn't they be next to you getting the “big” talk from Big Mama. Or maybe there was no one left to talk to.
The images of Danny flashed through your head and you tried your hardest to keep the tears at bay. You didn’t know you could be so emotional over someone, but he was Danny, he was your Danny. You hated your mind for thinking was.
You felt heat vibrate against your face as the spider backhanded you, your eyes closing hard as you took in your surroundings and the pain. 
“Were you even listening?!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak dog.”
Big Mama smiled at you and lifted her hand, your face scrunched up to prepare for the blow. But the woman turned around, her fingers instead messed with her outfit as she smoothed out the wrinkles. 
“You won’t be saying that when you become a chew toy for my new Battle Nexus Champions,” she chirped, a wicked smile on her face as she walked away, the echo of her high heels ringing in your ears. 
You didn’t listen as the woman gave specific orders about you to the guards, how once dawn comes, you will be nothing more than table scraps. 
Maybe this is how it’s supposed to go. You were nothing more than a lying thief, you went behind yokai’s backs and would tear them apart until there was nothing left but the money in their pockets. Maybe your death will be quick, maybe Danny is waiting somewhere for you, it’s almost like you could hear him calling your name.
Wait a damn minute, you could hear it.
As the bug guards walked towards you, a knife struck the ground, barely a inch away from one of the yokai’s feet. You looked up to see one of the large flying birds that was used as transportation in the Hidden City, it’s bat-like wings flying effortlessly above the Battle Nexus as it came into view. 
Music blasted into the circular arena and you quickly rolled forward with it, aiming the webs perfectly with the blade as it tore your bondage into two. The guards next to you went flying towards the wall, the sound pushing them against it. Once free, your hand pulled the knife out and raced over to the nearest thing to protection, a large shield with half of it buried into the dirt of the arena. 
You gave a swift peek from behind the shield and watched as sound waves were perfectly aimed towards the guards that were rushing in, not even giving the yokai time to protect themselves. Confusion jittered inside of you as you finally looked up at who was on the birds. 
You could make out the band members of DIGG and you could recognize the singer, Prairie Dog, singing her heart out into the mic as her band members played their instruments alongside her. 
Big Mama came running into the arena and then was slammed into the wall by the bass of the music, the uncomfortable look on her face was unforgettable. 
Your body instantly perked up. Your head poked out from behind the shield as you looked for him. It had to be him, you heard it, you knew that only one voice could say your name like that, to call your name as if it was a melody. 
There he was, standing alongside Leonard and Mickey, beaten up and swollen, but as you watched his chest rise and fall and as he smiled when his eyes laid upon you brought everything back to you. 
As ideas and thoughts raced through your head like a car track, you came out of your hiding spot to fully show yourself to him. 
When you finally showed yourself to him, Danny swore that he felt like a whole new man. After you were taken away, Leonard and Mickey fought off the rest of the guards and dragged Danny out of the Battle Nexus and went to the closest place they could think of: The DIGGS apartment. Once he woke up and treated his wounds, all six of them came up with a plan to get you back, and after stealing a few birds from the stables, it seemed that they came just in time to get you. 
One side of your face was red and a dried up blood trail went down from the corner of your mouth. But you stood tall, you stood proud to show him that you were okay, and that you were ready to get the hell out of there with him.
 The sound of you screaming for him will never leave his head, for years to come he will think about it, even now just seeing you the flashes he barely saw during the fight when you were taken away crossed his mind. It was as if his heart was being scorched into charcoal. 
Danny was known for holding the best promises, and once he got you back, he will promise you that you would never feel like that ever again. 
And when you wake up in the morning after all of this, he will remind you that he is still there, and that he was not going to go anywhere at any time, not when he had you.
You had to find a way to get up to him, even with the music blaring the guards away, you noticed they were starting to break against the mold of the music. Then you saw the rope that Danny threw down, landing perfectly in the middle of the Battle Nexus. 
“Come on, darling! I’m waitin for ya!”
You released a heavy sigh as you sprinted towards the rope, the wave blasts of music barely missing you as you felt the guards chase after you. Every fiber in you was being burned but you made yourself go faster, and once Big Mama started to spit webs at you, you made yourself do twists and turns to dodge them. She kept calling your name, saying what she will do to you will be far worse if you ran, but you continued onward. 
Her words no longer mattered to you, nothing else mattered but one thing as you jumped onto the rope and out of one of the guard’s reach.
 Leonard sent the bird up and flew you above the large coliseum, the DIGG band following gradually behind, giving out howls and thanking the guards and Big Mama for being a good audience. 
Your fingers and waist were wrapped around the rope as you were taken over the city, you and the guys waved good-bye to the band DIGG as they flew back to their apartment and the ogre steered the bird towards home. You took in the musty and polluted breeze and looked up to see Danny looking down at you. 
“Aren’t ya gonna climb up?”
“And risk falling? No thanks.”
He opened his mouth to answer back but you interrupted him by saying, “and don’t say you’ll catch me because last time that happened I fell on the floor while we were dancing.”
“Oh, that was one time, doll.”
“And it will be the only time I will get off this rope when we land.”
He let out a breezy chuckle as you situated his hat back on his head and then Mickey came into view, waving his left nub at you.
“Hiya Y/N! Did ya miss us?”
A faint laugh rumbled in your throat as you looked up at the Mud Dogz, at your boyfriend and your friends. Just mere hours ago you were crying, believing that they were all dead, that Danny was gone. And here you are, soaring over the city, a new enemy to track you down and an infinite pocket full of treasure. There were new tears sparkling in your eyes as you looked up at them.
“Of course I did.”
Danny carefully wiped the cut that was on your arm outside of his apartment. Leonard and Mickey were counting and almost rolling in the money they had taken out of the vacuum. You had taken a shower once you got there, cleaning off the dirt and sweat, your new wounds stung against the hot water. After it, your boyfriend called you to the balcony of their apartment to clean your wounds in peace, but you knew it was to get you two alone. 
You winced against his touch as he placed a binding around it, the alcohol burned into your body as he tugged your sleeve down.  
He placed a tender kiss on your shoulder as a way to say sorry and started to examine another wound on your leg when you finally spoke. 
“I thought you were gone.”
The rat paused in his place, the alcohol wipe in his hand had gone stiff. You looked away when he looked down at you, your eyes gliding over the hanging lights of the town, the liquid gold dripping over you and consuming you. 
“I know that this life is dangerous, we’ve had our fair share of beat downs and injuries,” you commented, the laughs of your friends barely reaching your ear as you continued.
“But when I saw you go down, I thought that was it. No more heists, no more dates, no more seeing you every day, no more hearing your voice or dancing in the kitchen at one in the morning.” He held up a hand to calm you, but you continued, new tears spilling from your eyes. 
“We never got to get married, to have kids, that I would never get to see you become a father and it killed me to the point that I accepted that Big Mama was going to-”
You closed your mouth as Danny lifted your head up, his long fingers gently curling around your chin and you let out a heavy sigh as you dropped your weight into it, taking in his touch, the warmth in his hands. He put the medical stuff down and scooted himself closer to you, the shiny tears that shot down your face continued as his other hand ran through your hair and he kissed you. 
Every kiss from Danny was different. There were the kisses before work, they were quick and meaningful, the kisses during good news, how he held you without effort and his mouth gave you goosebumps, as if he was saying good job within the kiss. The kisses in the bedroom were deep and he hunted for your lips every second to feel your moans, to taste his name on your mouth. And then this kiss, the kiss he gave when you came back to the apartment beaten up or when you both had a fight and he would crawl in bed, his tail lightly wrapping around you as you cave in and dashed into his arms, entangling your mouth with his. 
It honestly hurt that he kissed you like this, the importance behind each one filled you up with love, with something you never had while on the streets, the one thing you’ll always be greedy for, not money or the adrenaline of being a thief, it was him. 
When you separated, you swore that his eyes were watery, but he bent back down to go back to work on your wound. After he banaged up the last gash he turned back to you, his hands going into yours as he carelessly brought his face close to yours. His comforting scent slowed down your senses as his whiskers once again brushed across your face. 
“I’m not going anywhere, doll. Not without you. So, don’t be worrying about marriage and children and stop passing the buck onto ya. I’m here with you, I promise.”
“Good, I need at least someone to handle these emotional outbursts.”
“Well, I do know a yokai that would do the job perfectly. He’s tall, got a tail, and wears a suit that makes everyone swoon.”
“Oh he sounds charming, can’t wait to meet him.”
“Me too, sweetheart.”
You giggled into his whiskers as his arm wrapped around you. As you got comfortable under his arm, Danny finally felt his body loosen up. He didn’t know that you felt like that, of course he knew that you cared, that you worried, but when the tears started to form and how each fear about him started to bubble up and out your throat. 
He never knew his heart could break like that. 
You were a whole new significance to him. He has had lovers, but no one like you, no one has stuck around as long as you, no one has talked about marriage or children with him. Even with being a criminal, Danny still wanted a family someday, and to hear that you wanted one with him was now going to be his reason to get up everyday, to get enough money until you both have enough to live without worry. Images of living somewhere with just you and your children came over him and he brought you closer. 
You both still had a long way to go, your futures weren’t drawn-out and he feared that you wouldn’t be in his life in the long-run. But with how you curled into his touch and planted a kiss against his neck and then settled yourself into his chest, he knew he would fight for you. After today, he would fight for you and with you to reach what you wanted: Happiness. 
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blueberrypossum · 4 years
A Bad Romance
Loathsome Leonard x Reader
Another Mud Dogz fanfic? Who would've guessed! I’ve had this idea for a long time but I never could place it with a certain character until Leonard came along and boom! Perfect time to write it! Hope you guys enjoy it!
⚠️WARNING⚠️: This fanfic contains inappropriate language and love tension!
(To make it clear, the reader will be wearing make-up, and anyone can wear make-up! Not just girls!)
Groundhog’s text will be colored pink
Honey Badger’s will be colored green
“What do you mean Prairie Dog is sick?!”
 You stood next to Leonard and the rest of the members of the Mud Dogz as you stood outside the DIGG’s apartment, Groundhog and Honey Badger being the ones to answer the door.
“Well we were digging and digging, and did I mention digging?” Groundhog chipped and the three yokai’s next to you death eyed her.
“We dug over a hospital.”
The Mud Dogz let out loud groans and turned to each other, huddling into a tight circle as they tried to come up with another idea to sneak into the banquet. You had told the Mud Dogz a week ago about one of the top aresticats in the Mystic City was coming to their part of town, and that the woman in charge, Miss MacQuoid, a highly sophisticated bird, was in need of entertainment. With the flyer of wanted musicians in your hands, you gave it to Leonard and you both came up with the plan to ask the DIGG band. They got to play and you four got to steal all of the riches that Miss MacQuoid brought with her, it was a win win, until now. 
You leaned against the doorframe as your friends continued to chat behind you, their brash and tangled voices barely made it to your ear as another idea cracked inside your head. 
“Will you two still be up to perform?” 
Groundhog looked up at the grey mutant next to her, her purple eyes wide as saucer pans as if she was trying to make her eyes form the word please. Honey Badger looked down at her friend and then over to you, her claw scratching the back of her hand before she gave a light nod, sending the small groundhog into a fit of squeals. 
“Part of DIGG is on to do the gig!”
While the two members of DIGG went back in to tell their lead singer about the situation, you walked back over to the Mud Dogz, a little shock zipped through you to see that they were still trying to come up with a new plan. 
“Hey! Why don’t we just make our own band?!”
“Oh sure, while we’re at it, let me just revisit my old High School and go to prom. That rich pigeon would kick us out in a heartbeat.”
“Why do we even need a band, Len?”
“We gotta make sure we have a distraction that won’t stop midway, along with making sure that bird stays in her seat while we’re cracking into her safe.”
“Hey, The DIGGS are doing it.”
The three males looked over at you as you picked the dirt from under your nails, the nonchalant look you gave them created more confusion between them. 
“Is Prairie Dog doing it?”
“But they need a singer.”
“I know, and they got one.”
“And who would dat’ be?”
Leonards’s eyebrows furrowed in disbelief when you announced that you would be the one singing to Miss. MacQuoid. Quiet and timid you, barely saying a word to yokai’s you didn’t know, and didn’t like the attention from a crowd. At least, that’s what the ogre thought you were like, but now, with your arms crossed over your chest and a smug smile molded onto your face, he believed that he was seeing you in a different light. 
“You sing, sweetheart?”
You gave a stiff nod and rolled your shoulders, the jacket you wore shifting under the movement.
“Like a canary.”
“Ha! Good one.”
“Look,” you sighed, your hands raising up against you. 
“I can sing with Groundhog and Honey Badger while the rest of you do what needs to be done. Got it?”
Leonard was never the type to take orders from anyone else, he could barely take any from Danny or Mickey. Yet you stood proud next to him, your quick mind already working out ideas to help the gang more than he could, but even with all of that self-confidence you had possessed at that moment, you still looked up at him for the go-ahead. And with that, he gave you the nod to continue and you both started to build up a plan.
Leonard took his seat at one of the multiple dining tables, the suit he wore was rigid against his skin. It was a few days after making the plan and tonight was the night to execute it. While you and him made sure the fancy bird was distracted, Danny and Mickey would sneak into her private room and take every last piece of gold and money she had. 
Different species of yokai surrounded Leonard as he took a swig of one of several options of alcohol at the table, his fingers working against the glass as he awaited for Miss. MacQuoid. A large stage stood in front of him, the black floor being leveled a little higher than the tables and the stage extended outward until it was in the middle of the ballroom. The dinner hall was dimly lit with golden lanterns hung on the wall and sat at each table. Voices buzzed around him like flies as he continued to check his watch, his mind accidentally going to you. 
He had never heard you sing, not even hum with a tune of a song, and he wondered if you were bluffing or not, but you wouldn’t be the type to put any of them in danger. You were very protective of them once you joined the Mud Dogz, even with you being barely younger than them, you almost took the parent role and made sure that they took care of themselves. The ogre pinched the bridge of his nose as he once again tried to admit to himself that he slightly, barely liked you. He had grown fond of you after getting close, and you somehow got under his shell, and then under his skin like a love virus, taking control over his emotions and his instincts. 
What you did to him almost made him angry, because he’s never had these sensations before, even when yokai tried to flirt with him, he just couldn’t do it. 
But with you? Maybe.
The congested room of yokai went silent and Leonard looked up at what seemed like a theatre balcony, only that it was barely above the stage or table level. A large and feathery bird strolled into it from its only entrance, her feathers painted different variations of colors that Leonard believed she could be her own rainbow. The elegant dress she wore reeked with vintage and by the boastful bows and string attached to it, Leonard wasn’t surprised at all to find out that she was a hopeless romantic. 
Oh jeez you were going to sing a love song to this crowd and he got to watch? He couldn’t tell if he was nervous or amused for what was about to happen. 
The buff guards next to Miss. MacQuoid were stern next to her, and Leonard could see they had handguns strapped against their sides. He hoped that she didn’t have those types of guards at her private office and his mind drifted to worry for Danny and Mickey, but his job was to stay here and make sure the parrot watched you perform; he would just have to trust that everything went fine. 
The parrot yokai lifted up her left wing, the rows of colors on her feathers were blinding against the light as that one move ordered for the band to begin, disinterest already crossing her face as some of the launters were blown out and the room went dark. 
Leonard prayed that everything was fine with you backstage as Honey Badger and Groundhog walked out, their instruments in hand as they got settled on stage.
Groundhog got herself settled behind the drum set while Honey Badger got her electric guitar ready, the usual bass guitarist having to change due to the song and the lead guitarist was sick. 
And then the music started. 
The dark yokai slammed on the guitar and soon her hot pink-haired friend joined in, her drumsticks beating against different ones that sat in front of her. 
A spotlight was turned to the opposite side of the stage and a hooded figure was caught in the dazzling light. Their body was covered with the black cloak as they slowly made their way towards the stage, their figure easily passing the tables as Groundhog and Honey Badger loudly sang the beginning of the chorus. 
“Want your bad romance!” 
And right after the strange hooded figure started to sing, a mic now in their hands as they continued to walk past the party guests.
“I want your ugly, I want your disease, I want your everything as long as it’s free,” the stranger sang out, almost making every yokai in the room lean back in surprise at the voice behind the hood. Leonard watched as the figure strolled by him, his leg raising up until his ankle landed on his knee, in a comfortable position. Where were you?
The stranger continued to sing to the crowd as they made their way upstage, the cloak they wore barely showing the black boots that they wore that slammed against the plastic material of the stage. 
“I want your love.”
“I want your love!”
“Love, love, love, I want your love.”
“I want your love, I want your love!”
The singer grabbed a mic stand that stood near the back of the stage with the other band members, their fingers carefully wrapping around the jet-black pole as they brought it with them to barely stand in front of Groundhog and Honey Badger, dragging it behind them like a limp leg. 
“I want your drama, the touch of your hand. I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand.”
The mystery person then pointed out towards the crowd, their finger aiming towards Miss. MacQuoid, who raised a feathery eyebrow in interest. 
“I want your love.”
“I want your love!”
“Love, love, love I want your love.”
“I want your love, I want your love!”
The singer still remained a mystery as they placed the mic into the slot of the stand, their voice becoming raspy and on edge as they sang: 
“You know that I want you, and you know that I need you. I want it bad, a bad romance!” And right before the singer could get to the screaming continuation of romance, it seemed like Honey Badger had enough of their singer teasing the crowd and pulled the hood back to reveal you. 
Leonard felt his head tilt downward in shock at the sight of you. Make-up decorated your face in a stylish manner, your hair done up in a crazy yet slick style to represent a rockstar. Your outfit was still covered by the cloak, but the blank blanket hugged your figure as you strolled closer to the guitarist and the drummer, your voice steadily rising with confidence.
I want your love and I want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!”
Soft ‘oh’s’ from the two band members echoed throughout the room as your voice rose with the music. 
I want your love and all your lovers' revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!”
And that’s when you hit the long note, your voice blearing into the microphone as the crowd started to cheer, male and female yokai hollering with the bass of the song. 
Leonard was still trying to take this all in as he watched you prance around stage, as if you were born to rock. To see you singing one his favorite genre of music and being good at it, he double-checked his drink to make sure it wasn’t doused with something extra. He looked back to fint eh aristocrat leaning forward, her feathers under her beak as she watched you perform with amusement. With the music starting, Danny and Mickey would be breaking into her private office right now, and deep inside of Leonard knew that he was no longer upset that he wasn’t a part of it. 
You finished the first part of the song and let the music thunder around you like a storm as the nerve sweats started to be replaced with excitement and the pounding in your body no longer heart. It was actually your idea to come in from a different area than the stage to give the element of surprise, and it seemed to work on the pretty parrot that now stared at you. All those years of choir and going to concerts seemed to pay off as you chanted into the mic you held. 
You had spotted Leonard right when you walked into the entertainment room, and the bewilderment on his face was something that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Maybe you should start surprising him more often. 
“I want your horror, I want your design, cause you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine” you purred to the crowd, your legs taking you down the long stage. The smoke machines the stage workers had placed around the stage started to spill out grey pools of clouds, the fog swimming around your feet as you made it to the end of the stage. 
“I want your love.”
“I want your love!”
“Love, love, love, I want your love.”
“I want your love, I want your love!”
You bent down and leaned in close to the neared guest, her face going beat red as you continued without missing a beat. 
“I want your psycho, your vertigo stick. I want you in my room when the baby is sick! I want your love!”
The female yokai rapidly fanned herself as you continued the chorus, the DIGG members behind you pouring their soul into the background verse as they continued to play their instruments, Honey Badger’s tongue was sticking out as she shredded the guitar. 
You looked up at the bird yokai and saw that her face was leaning on one of her arms, her other claw playing with her drink with boredom. 
Alright, time to crank this up a notch. 
“You know that I want you, and you know that I need you. I want it bad, a bad romance!” 
And with a loud yell, you ripped off your cloak, revealing the outfit you choose for this concert. The goth-like outfit that covered you shined in the spotlight and the golden gleam of the lanterns, the black and leather almost gave an edge to your demeanor as you raged out the rest of the chorus. 
 “Caught in a bad romance!”
The ogre’s fingers were tapping against his thigh as you continued to dance on stage, and then his eyes were taking in every detail of your body and clothes as you revealed yourself under the dark cape and now the guests were roaring your name, well the DIGGS name. But they reached out for you as if you were famous, and the way you performed as if it was a walk in the park almost made him laugh. He had to keep himself still so he wouldn’t stand with the rest of the yokai, but it was difficult for him not to join the raised hands of ‘rock and roll’ symbol and to join the entertained crowd. Danny and Mickey would never believe that this way you on stage, Leonard still couldn’t wrap his head around it even with you being at the climax of the song. 
The green yokai turned just in time to see Miss. MacQuoid let out a yawn and she whispered something to her bodyguard. Leonard quickly looked back at you, his hands already raising up to grab your attention.  
Your eyes rolled over to him and followed his concealed signal up to the theatre balcony, your eyes growing wide to see the rich yokai getting her things ready as if she was leaving. 
Crap! Crap! She isn’t entertained, she’s not into the performance! There’s got to be something I could do?! She’s into romance, what else would she want?
You turned back to Leonard as Honey Badger and Groundhog continued to growl the harmony, your mind traveling to an idea that could end horribly, or might end up saving you all. 
Alright, Leonard, get ready to have your world rocked.
You kicked one of the small spotlights that were screwed into the stage onto Leonard, his eyes squinting against the bright blaze. Your hands worked against the microphone and pulled the mic out of its hold, your eyes on target as you jumped off the stage.
“I want your love, and I want your revenge. I want your love- I don’t wanna be friends.”
Your hips slowly twisted back and forth as you were inches away from the leader of the Mud Dogz, his eyes expanding in panic. Your hand then hooked under his tie and you lightly pulled him up from his seat, your fingers digging into his tie. You didn’t know if it was the vibration of the music but your body was trembling, the end of your nails clawing at his suit as he towered over you.
“Je veux ton amour, Et je veux ta revanche, J' veux ton amour,” your voice curled with yearn as you released his tie and started to circle him, your eyes looking over at Miss. MacQuoid for a split second, and relief flooded over you to see her eyes locked on the both of you, enjoyment flushed over her face. 
“I don’t wanna be friends.”
“I don’t wanna be friends!”
You were twirling around him now, your body pushing into his as you made eye-contact with him and couldn’t help but feel pride rise in your stomach at the red that crossed his face. The fear, and confusion, and the arousal that boiled in Leonard’s stomach was almost too much to bear. Was he supposed to go along with this? Or act dumbfounded? Or kiss you right then and there?!
I don’t wanna be friends.”
“I don’t wanna be friends!”
The perfume/cologne you were wearing was overpowering as you continued to circle him, the leather and rough patches of your clothes tingled against his bare skin and he had to ball his hands into fists to stop them from going to you. Your mouth was agape to sooth out the words of the song and to even think about those lips being against his- wait what were the lyrics to the song again?
“No, I don’t wanna be friends!”
“I don’t wanna be friends!”
I don’t wanna be friends? 
You were in front of him now, a seductive smile on your face as you inched yourself closer to him, the smell of mint and sweat lingered on your breath and Leonard couldn’t help but shiver as if it was only you two in the whole room.
“Want your bad romance.”
“Want your bad romance!”
 You slipped yourself away from him as you said it, your eyes cutting holes into him as you turned back, as if what you were doing to him didn’t satisfy your appetite.
And as the next lyric was about to slip out of your mouth, he finally saw it. Your make-up, the eyeshadow that was brushed against your eyes was blue, the sapphire was stripped with black of your eyeliner. 
“Want your bad romance!!”
“Want your bad romance!”
And with the edge of your fingers you pushed him back into his seat and raced away, your voice now echoing through the crowds, the rich yokai’s were screeching the band name, some were even whistling and letting out holliers as you leapt onto one of the tables, your knees hitting the wooden desk as you cried into the mic. Leonard half-heartedly looked up to find Miss.MacQuoid leaning out of her seat, red blush marking her face as she clapped, her beak opening up to let out cheers as well. 
Was..was that part of the act? Or was it a confession?
The “Oh’s” of your song spilled into the dimly lit room, the two otherband members were literally jumping in their spots, their rockstar hearts seemed to play the instruments in their hands as you got off the table. With lustful eyes, Leonard watched as you got back into stage, the music ever so slightly deceased as the smoke started to consume you. Before you could disappear under the silvery clouds, you pointed a finger up to the rich parrot and yelled along with the band.
“Want your bad romance!”
And the stage went dark, the spotlights being turned off by the stage workers and the guests of the party were calling for an encore from the band, and Miss. MacQuoid threw a rose down towards the stage. 
The leader of the Mud Dogz swayed back into his chair, his fingers running through his fingers, his lungs were having trouble creating breaths and it seemed that his body couldn’t cool down. He barely felt his phone buzz in his pocket until it happened repeatedly. 
His green hand pulled it out and saw a text from Danny, confirming that they had successfully looted the vault and were heading back to the apartment. The last thing to do was to get you and the two other mutants out of here. 
Leonard got himself out of his seat and started to prowl past the other guest members, their voices still rising due to the performance. The ogre listened to the rich civilians talk about you, some wanted to meet you, some wanted your autograph, but some were envious of you, some thought you were a sleeze. 
A growl built in Leonard’s throat but he continued to the door that led to the backstage. He was glad to find that he had beat any of the yokai’s or Miss. MacQuoid there. He opened the door and snuck past a few of the bodyguards that were stationed back there and he briskly found your changing room and barged in, the door slamming behind him before one of the henchmen could find him. 
“Be glad I wasn’t changing.”
Leonard turned to see you sitting in front of a massive mirror, collections of make-up and clothes spilled over the vanity and a tray of water was next to you. Half of your make-up was off, a wipe sat firmly in your hand with the aftermath of it. 
“Be glad that I didn’t get caught trying to find you. Where are Groundhog and Honey Badger?”
“I told them to get out while they could, I wanted this off first. I don’t understand how those girls wear it all the time.”
You were out of the strapped leather and back into your regular clothes and familiarity drowned over the ogre to see you back in your style. He eyed the blue that lingered on the other half of your face and he looked down at his wrist, where he had wrapped his bandana that was usually around his head, the blues almost identical.
“Did you have fun singing?”
You turned back to look at him, a smile on your face. Strong, silent, and cautious Leonard now looked like a little boy asking for your autograph. You messed with the make-up that was in your hands as you got up from your seat, your feet taking you over to him. 
“Did you enjoy the show?”
Who was this new you? And why did he crave more of it?
Even with the expensive scents this place gave you, he could still make out your scent that he held dear. Your now natural and soft face was close to his, your skin shined with the cleaning wipe and the overshadow of black still lined against your eyes. The lights that hung around the room and the one that collected around the mirror brought out features that Leonard found most endearing about you.
And then he kissed you.
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
Wounded Lover
No one tells you how much college takes up your free time but I’m back with my Mud Dogz content (especially Leonard, my boy). I’ve never posted much on Leonard and Nova’s friendship/relationship so this is how they bounce off each other’s personalities!
⚠️WARNING⚠️: There is usage of inappropriate adult words and sexual comments and insults. 
(Shoutout to the lovely @ultra-gingerlotus   for making me fall in love with the Snow Leopard from the Shiki x Danny reading! Also @greaser-wolf for drawing them on the motorcycle! Go check them out!!!)
“I’m not getting on that if you’re driving.”
“Then I guess you are just like other girls then, huh?”
Nova eyed the ogre in front of her as he once again offered his hand towards her, the motorcycle under him letting low growls of excitement rumble under their feet. 
They had planned to go out to eat and get away from the other members of the Mud Dogz, Leonard explaining that the love flying between the couples was making him sick and he needed a little bit of excitement. 
The mountain cat looked across the bike with her sunset eyes. She never knew that the ogre yokai had this stashed away, never once talking about it.
“I’ve never seen you ride this and then all of a sudden you have a bike? It’s kind of hard to believe, Leon.”
The feline walked around the bike as if it was an artifact on display, her fingers trailing over the front of the bike as she looked at her reflection. 
“You never asked.”
“You never presented.”
The ogre leaned his arm against the handle of the bike and rested his face in his hand, sending a smug smile up towards the feline.
“I mean, if you’re a scaredy-cat-”
The Mountain cat was hesitant at first as she tried to get herself comfortable behind her friend, he boots trying to find their footing as Leonard revved up the beast under them, causing Nova’s tail to spike up in shock. 
“Titans above! I get it, it’s a motorcycle! Let’s just get there,” the cat grumbled, her arms snaking around Leonard’s waist. 
The leader of the Mud Dogz let out a gruff chuckle at the feline’s reaction as his fingers worked on the handles, the soft paws around him distracting him for a split second before he brought the machine under him back to life. 
“Whoa wait, no helmets?”
“No helmets.”
“Oh great, so that’s where you get it from. Nice to know.”
With that comment, Leonard pulled quickly out from the front of the orphanage and sped down the road, the gravel threading under the tires flying up behind them. 
Nova let out a loud meow of alarm and tightened her grip around his leather jacket, the wind whiplashing her hair as she closed her eyes against his back. Usually dangerous things didn’t scare her, but she knew what was coming, she could predict what would happen, but not with this. 
The ogre rolled his eyes as she shielded herself behind him and took a light left. 
“Do you not trust me?” Leonard screamed at her, his voice carrying with the wind. 
“I got on the bike, doesn’t that tell you?!”
“A little!”
Nova let out a gust of air as her curled up hands unclenched from his shirt and she opened one of eyes, the wind fluttering between her eyelashes as she took in the traffic around them. 
The bridge they were crossing was pouring with life, with other vehicles passing by and yokai’s walking on the sidelines, the city lights sparkling over the outline of each individual. The feline couldn’t contain her gasp of wonderment as she steadily rose herself up to get a better view over Leonard’s hair. 
She let the strong breeze push her hair behind her and her claws dug into the ogre as the bike wobbled a little bit, her face snuggling into his shoulder out a sizzle of panic. 
“No wonder you have whiplashed hair!” Nova laughed out as she felt her brown hair tangle within itself behind her, more fits of laughter barreling out of her as the chill of the wind settled in her fur. 
Leonard couldn’t help but feel beyond warm due to the feline’s face so close to his, even with the wind chilling him to the bone, he could feel the slightest bit of warmth against his neck and goosebumps traveled over his skin. 
Her yellow and green eyes shimmered like a sun’s shadow in a pool, the curl of her smile almost causing the sun to set as she turned to look at him. 
She was definitely different from most women he had run into. More brash and overly-confident, but he wasn’t stupid, he knew that there was some dark shit buried within the cracks of the mask she wore. But he didn’t push, he didn’t want to push and make her feel uncomfortable, when she was ready, he would be there. 
He revved up the motorcycle and a squeal purred against his back as more frightful laughter came from his friend and for once the leader of the Mud Dogz felt the tension in his body go dull. The howls that parted from her mouth would make anyone laugh with her, even causing him to release a chuckle or two as he turned the corner and into one of the multiple towns of side door restaurants. 
He parked the machine into one of the parking areas behind a building and he could still hear the upchucks of giggles come from the tabby, her claws brushing through her hair to undo the knots. 
“You take all the girls and boys you meet for a ride?” She asked as she flipped her leg over the side and leaned into the bike. 
Leonard could help but stare at the feline as she presented herself on the metal bike, her wine colored jacket edged over the black lining and her thighs jetted out from the tight leggings. Her leveled out hair was loose over her face and her bangs waved over her face as she looked up at him, a raised eyebrow motioned towards him to show that she knew he was eyeing her. 
“Only those stupid enough,” he replied as he rose from his spot and awaited for the feline to follow him into the busy market, the fresh scent of meats and fried food wafted from the corners of the stores. 
The streets that were decorated with food stands were brightened with lined lanterns and the air was warm due to the passing conversations of the animals and plants and the steam from pots and pans. 
 Nova felt her stomach grumble as her eyes darted between the different food stands, the engrossed horde of yokai buzzing around them as they tried to pick which stand to eat from. As Nova darted over to a stand on the far side to have a natural smoothie, she turned to see Leonard talking with someone, and by his face she could tell it was not a good someone. She quickly grabbed her drink and felt balmy rage hit the roof of her mouth as she caught who he was talking to. 
The feline could feel her extended claws trying to push through her fingertips and she shoved them back as she came up behind the female that was talking to him, a slash of ease crossing the ogre’s dark eyes. 
“How’s the cut in your ear, snow leopard?”
The white and grey cat yokai turned with a snarl, the long tear in her ear flicking as Nova recalled the fight, the tabby’s claws sinking into the grey cat’s face and then ripping into her small ear and creating the new scar. 
The snarl dwelled in her white throat as she sent Nova a cocky smile as she turned herself to face both members of the Mud Dogz, her back up against one of the pillars holding up a snack bar. 
“Oh, you’re here, too? I thought you would be off swimming with the fishes,” the female leopard cooed as she rolled her eyes and turned back to Leonard, her eyelids fluttering her sky blue eyes. 
“The names Serena, by the way.” She purred, her fingers working to pull her shirt lower as if she had forgotten him knocking her out and giving her a bloody nose in their last encounter. 
“Oh because you’re such a saint,” the ogre huffed back as he leaned away from the furry yokai and Nova’s tail flicked back and forth in irritation, her mind seeping with her feral instincts as she almost stalked over to her. 
Sunset eyes and sky eyes met in a battle as Nova stood in front of Leonard, Serena only an inch taller than her and she took it to her advantage as much as she could. The sparehire’s in her head looked down at the tabby’s bruised knees that were light against her dark leggings and the pearly cat let out a chuckle. 
“Are your knees always bruised? I’m surprised that so many men would pay for it from you.”
“At least someone wants me on my knees. Is it fun being a guy’s target practice?”  Nova shot back, her finger pointing to the dark white spot on the snow leopard's shirt and she scoffed, but pulled her green jacket closer as Nova let out a chuff. 
Leonard was a little taken aback by the women’s cruel words, as if it was a normal day to insult one another. Well, for Nova it was at least. But he had never seen her like this before, her form almost covering him as if trying to protect him. 
Her tail was lowered but the fur stuck out of its ends and her shoulders were risen from their usually slacked posture. As they continued to slap slander at each other, the green yokai realized that if Serena would move to make herself an inch closer to him, Nova would move as well, her tail swishing side to side and her ears going flat against her brown hair.
The ogre didn’t know much about cat conflicts, but he wasn’t blind and he could scent the traction that vibrated between the two. 
Nova was being territorial of him. 
And Leonard could feel a feverish desire rise over his body as Nova’s tail curled into his chest. 
“So, are you here to seduce yokai for your boss or to fight us?” Nova asked, snapping the ogre out of his thoughts.
Serena shook her short hair with a feral grin, as if she was trying to hide the fact she wanted to rip the cat in front of her in two. 
“Relax, pretty kitty. I won’t make a scene with you two with the public around, someone here has to have some class.”
The tabby opened her mouth to report back but a strong hand was placed between her shoulder blades and she turned to Leonard, his face now leaning from her shoulder.
“Look, if you want to bother someone, go to the corner, you’ll find yokai’s there that are right up your alley, good-bye.”
Nova let a few snickers carry over to the snow leopard as the snow leopard’s face lit up like a stoplight, her black and white ears going back against her head as Leonard led Nova away. 
“What’s up with you making everyone want to kill you?” The ogre grumbled as he took her over to one of the food stands they had chosen. 
“Guess I’m just irresistible,” the cat purred, her once agitated tail now calmly swayed back and forth. 
“More like irritable.”
“And you love it.”
His hand was still in the middle of her back when he looked down at her, her head barely passing his shoulders even with her boots on. The curve of her smile, the flicker of tease that pounced between her eyes, how she was jealous of Serena, it was a side of her he hadn’t seen before. 
It made his heart go rigged in his ribcage as he moved his arm away from her, the warmth and the yearning disappearing as he went back into his own bubble.
Forget it, idiot, she’s just a friend. Only a friend. 
After eating, both of them went back to where Leonard had parked his bike, the once lonesome piece of metal was now surrounded with other types of mobilization. Nova held her fist over her mouth to subside a burp as she crashed onto the bike’s seat. 
“Uhhhhhh, why did I eat that fourth taco?" She groaned out as she bent into Leonard’s back as her stomach felt like it was going to bust past her leggings. 
“Because you didn’t want to waste it.”
 The ogre started up his motor and took things a little slow as he drove from his parking spot and into the silent night of the Hidden City. The once busy streets were now barely rode on and only a few animals walked on the sidelines. The feline’s claws barely tugged on his jean jacket as the food that settled in her stomach made her almost fall asleep on his back, until the bright lights of a car behind them blurred past her eyelids. 
The mountain cat turned around to find a dirty jeep speeding up behind them, the figures driving hidden under hoodies that somehow fought against the thrustful wind. 
Nova narrowed her eyes as other jeeps started to follow the leading jeep, more hooded figures filling in the seats, and then past the yellow beams she saw the small tufts of white circular ears. 
“Leonard, we got company,” Nova choked out as the ogre turned to look at what she was talking about. 
“Shit, who is it this time?”
“Well, you did say that I make everyone want to kill me,” she nervously chuckled, and then gave him a nervous smile as he narrowed his eyes at her. 
The first jeep was at the edge of the bike’s bumper now and Nova could see the snow leopard clearly now and the snow cat was sending her own confident smirk as the car hit the edge of the bike. 
Leonard’s lips were slipping curse words as he sped up, his bike roaring to life as it gave it all it had and went further down the highway, the group of jeeps racing after them. 
“Did she really send a whole army after us?!” He hollered as he took a hard right, cutting a car off as he intersected onto another road. 
“She sure does want your number,” Nova joked as her grip on him tightened as the wind pushed against her.
‘Oh I’m so going to have a talk with her later,’ he thought as he opened up a secret compartment on the side of his bike. 
“Here, take this.”
Nova couldn’t help but gasp as the gun was placed in the palm of her hand and she darted her eyes from him and to the gun. 
“It’s for emergencies!”
Nova let out a hiss of displeasure as she checked the rounds in it and then once he slowed down for the next turn, she flipped in her seat, her body now facing the rows of vehicles. 
She took aim and shot at one of the jeeps on the left, taking out two of its four tires and watched as the ruined rubber rolled over in its spot and then caused the vehicle to crash into the side of the bridge, the large explosion giving a wave of heat over them as the chase continued. 
“Alright, one down, four to go,” the tabby whispered to herself as she aimed at the next jeep, her eyes widening as she saw them take aim with their own rifles and guns. 
“Len! They got guns as well! Bigger ones too!” She screamed to him as she shot at them to keep them from firing at them. The leader of the Mud Dogz let out a growl of frustration and  turned the bike into a narrow alleyway, the closest jeep coming to a screeching halt before reversing and faded away. 
The feline on the back of the motorcycle let out a sigh of joy as she leaned her back against Leonard’s, her free hand gripping the seat she sat on as they turned back onto a new street, not a jeep in sight. 
And then one crashed right next to them, sending both of the friends screaming in shock as Serena’s jeep closed in on them, her handgun taking aim towards them. 
“Alright, leader, got any plans?”
“Not really!”
“Okay, don’t wait up for me then!”
Leonard turned to question her but the feline had shoved the gun back into its box and lifted herself up into a crouch and once the jeep got close enough, she launched herself onto the hood of the jeep. 
Serena pointed her gun at the feline but she quickly knocked it over, the driver receiving the bullet into his arm and a loud scream echoed through the night. Nova then lifted herself over the mudded window and slammed her boot into the snow leopard’s face, sending the white cat into the back seat. 
Nova then punched the driver in his wounded arm and used the chair and the window panel to hold herself up and used both of her legs to kick him out of his seat, the male yokai rolling out onto the street with a thud. 
In the span of five minutes the mountain cat had taken over the car and was then turning the wheel to strike the jeep next to her, causing the vehicle to rock and the yokai’s in it to lose the grip on their weapons. 
‘I can’t tell if I should confess that I like her or am terrified of her.’
But the ogre swallowed and pulled the gun out she had put back, taking aim to the leftover jeeps and shot into their tires, redirecting the muddy piece of metal over the ledge of the new bridge they were on, the thunderous splash of water the only thing left of them. 
They both turned and surprise watched as the last jeep turned off onto a different road as if giving up on the hunt.
Nova sped up until she was right next to Leonard, a smug smirk crossed her face as they turned a corner, the next bridge they would take would have them home free. 
“You act like you’ve done this before!” Leonard laughed at her and she shrugged her shoulders with a confident flip of her hair.
“Mess with the kitten, you get the claws!” She joked as she tilted her head to laugh at her own joke and then white paws like snow were over her chest to hold her place. 
“Now! Come now!” Serena screamed into a radio she held in her hand. 
Both Leonard and Nova turned to see the last jeep come from its hiding place, like a predator staying in plain sight for its prey. 
Nova elbowed the snow leopard in the face and sped up the jeep, the hunk of metal taking the hit as the ogre’s motorcycle got out of the way. 
Nova held onto the wheel as the jeep t-boned in the passenger seat, rocking the car onto its side and then into a roll onto the bridge until it rammed up against the stone railing, the girl’s heads inches away from making contact with the rocks. Serena was pushed into the ground while Nova’s seatbelt held her in place, cuts now sliced into her skin and she had bitten her lip hard enough to cause it to bleed. 
She could faintly hear her name being called out but it almost seemed like everything was fuzzy, her vision, her hearing, even the blood that was trickling down her throat was fizzy like pop. 
The leader of the Mud Dogz had left his motorcycle on the side of the bridge and was racing over to the wreckage, but had to take cover behind a pillar as the last standing jeep started to fire at him. 
The tabby released a groan and spat up a few drops of blood as she felt the spark of flame flicker next to her, instantly waking her to her full senses. 
‘Come on, can’t I catch a break?!’
She lifted her hands up, her digits and elbows ached with pain but they weren’t broken as she undid her seatbelt, her arms barely supporting her as her shoulder slammed into the concrete. The snow leopard was motionless next to her and a big gash was bleeding from the back of her head. 
The mountain cat grunted as she pushed past the wheel and watched as the fire started to creep around her like a nightmare come to life. Her now stained paw pushed the small roped door of the jeep and crawled her way out, the broken up cement tearing into her elbows and forearms as she made distance between her and the fire. 
Leonard had taken out two of the yokai’s, the last of them ever so slightly getting closer with their larger rifles with more ammunition than his small handgun. He turned back to the rubble of metal scraps and raised his eyebrows in horror as the red hands of death started to consume the fire as its own, a barely breathing creature laid in a pile next to it. 
Leonard felt strength and courage rise in him as he turned back to his two main targets, giving it all he had so they wouldn’t see her trying to get away from the burning debris. 
Nova wheezed in the fresh air into her bruised lungs as she tried to get onto her hands and feet, but a pair of hands engulfed her hair into a bundle and had her rise to her feet. 
“Hey, hey! Only my dominatrix can do this!”
“Ugh! Do you ever shut up?!”
Serena dragged the feline out into the edge of the bridge and threw her down, a few strings of hair pulled from Nova’s hair and hung off of the leopard’s nails. The leopard's face was painted with blood from her wound, the only white that shined against it was her fangs that gleamed in the city lights. She bent down and dug her hand into Nova’s skull and pushed her face into the ground, the red liquid dripping onto the side of Nova’s face. 
“Y’know, your type always acts like they’re so strong and confident with themselves,” she snarled into her ear, her knee digging into the tabby’s scarred back to keep her in place. 
“But we all see that you’re just sad and scared. That when moments like this come all you can do is joke and hope that your charm can save the day.”
“I didn’t know that villains actually monologue like this! What’s next? You’re going to tell me how mommy didn’t love you and daddy left once he knocked her up?!
Serena let out a fake roar and slammed Nova’s head into the cement, the feline letting out a wail, causing the other fight to look over. 
In Leonard’s fight the guns had been dropped and there was nothing left but fists and kicks, his knuckles busted and split open, unfortunately the bad guys had gotten a few hits in his face and over his chest. 
The snow leopard lifted Nova’s head up towards the ogre with a sinister smile as her nails dug into her scalp. 
“Take a long look, ogre, because this pretty face will be at the bottom of this bridge before I’m done with it!”
Nova let out a cargled laugh as she looked up at the snow leopard and then back at Leonard. 
“Hey Len, she’s got an extra stain on her shirt. Which goon do you think it was?”
“Really Nova?! Joking now?!”
“Well, it distracted her.”
The mountain cat had wrapped her claws around Serena’s ankle and used it to flip herself over and with her feet now placed into the snow leopard’s stomach she lifted her over her and straight into the gushing river below, the feline letting out angrish cries as she was swallowed by the dark liquid. 
Nova rose to her feet and looked at her friend and then to the last standing bad guy, her large eyebrows raised in annoyance. 
“Can you, uhh, finish your fight so we can leave?”
The ogre raised his fist and made contact with the yokai’s face, knocking her straight out as he came over to where Nova was limping, his arms barely coming up in time to catch her as she leaned into him. 
“Did you know that snow leopards aren’t the best swimmers, so she’ll be at the bottom of the bridge instead of me,” The feline joked into his chest, the dots of blood that were spilled on her face smearing into his dusty shirt. 
Leonard pushed her away with his hands on her shoulders and he brushed a few loose strands out of her face and Nova believed that the heat of the crash was making her sizzle like a fryer. 
Why was he staring at her like that? The worry that burned in his face was unmistakable as the feline felt like she might pass out due to his comforting touch. 
“Are you okay?”
Nova’s tail curled against her back as she couldn’t help but lean into his hand, his calloused and strong hand that seemed to hold her effortlessly. Blame it on all the adrenaline or the loss of blood, but she let him hold her as she finally let the throbbing pulse of her wounds settle. 
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. You?”
“One kicked me between the legs and I’m screaming on the inside.”
“Don’t worry, your future children will be fine. Somewhat if they turn out like you.”
The mountain cat hissed as weight was placed on her right leg, a long gash on her calf making her come to a halt. 
The ogre turned to her and let her go from his hold, only to bend down and wrap his arms around her thighs and throw her onto his back,a smile breaking against his lips as she let out a small mew of surprise as she gripped his shoulders for support. 
“You know the bike is only a few feet away, right?”
“You know you’re still irresistible.”
“Irritable. I said irritable.”
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