#rowan is one of the umber girls that was kidnapped by freefolk
patrocles · 8 months
Top 5 favorite asoiaf theories?
okay so i had to consult the theory ice berg bc i forgot all of them.
1. Jeyne Westerling escaped with the Blackfish. Idk what anyone says I’m always going root for the survival of a teen girl. Plus I think there’s absolute comedy in the Blackfish adopting his grand-nephew’s teenage wife and hitting the road to get her to Greywater Watch.
2. Euron warged the dusky woman to have sex with/spy on Victarion. What else can I say except that Euron is absolutely perverted enough to do that
3. Ashara Dayne = Jyana Reed. There’s no disproving it, really, and I think the most desirable and beautiful woman in the world finding happiness in a quiet swamp with short king Howland Reed to heal after the Events of Everything is what she deserves.
4. Alyssa Targaryen is Alaric Stark’s daughter with Alysanne. Iffc, she was born right after Alysanne got back from the North. It doesnt really do anything for the plot except to poke another hole in Jaehaerys’ Pure Blood Exceptionalism
5. Renly Baratheon is Robert’s first bastard son. This is (unofficially) why he was left Storm’s End over Stannis and why Robert was sent to the Eyrie. Again, I dont think it changes/adds anything to the story, but I think it would be very interesting/ironic if Renly’s campaign for kingship did have more technical legitimacy than Stannis and neither of them realized
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