#rowanpaw oc
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Redesigned Rowanpaw…. I am. Needlessly attached to her
Thinkin’ about going to Deep @/cryptidclaw Roots and following their example of turning the Sunflowers into a Kinship… maybe renamin’ some of them too…
Anyway!! Lady Rowan my beloved
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cutieclangen · 2 months
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Moon 17, Part 1
A big moon this time! I love all the graduates so much and enjoyed making their adult designs <3 Don't worry, you'll see Rowanpaw's full adult design soon!
As always I will post the refs in the next couple days. :3 Let me know what you think of their names :D
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Moon 12 Allegiances
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nettleclanstale · 4 months
MOON 72!
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Marigoldflood looks familiar, doesn't he...?
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lightningclangen · 5 months
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MOON 0 (The Beginning)
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kirisclangen · 19 days
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He/him, 10 moons, cis tom
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shrikeclan · 6 months
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Rowanpaw was found as an abandoned kit near the Shrikeclan border. He is a very sweet young cat who tries his best to help others, but notices he seems to be falling behind...
He's always had a snoring problem and low energy as a kit, but once everyone realized it was getting worse with age, they realized he had weak lungs. He ended up passing due to this leaving the whole clan in sympathy.
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extremesmarts · 10 months
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back to kitties
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Sage'willow + Rowan'paw and Clover'paw having a sibling bonding moment
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Oof my art style has changed 😳 anyways, if this gets 3 likes I'll make a part 2 of the cats just doing their thing
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horned-clan · 6 months
Imagine not updating for three months, couldn't have been me- /j
Update: The reason I was on hiatus for a long while was because I kinda jumped into it without a plan. So I finally made one!
I'm going to go with Horned Clan, year by year, like the YT videos like Galaxyclan, for example.
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Without further ado, let's look at Year 1 of Horned Clan:
Mousestar (Mousepad, Mousestripe):
-He decided to become a deputy in Moon 6, and in Moon 7, he became leader
-When Aster, Rainkit and Patchkit joined, he started fighting the babies. Like, he was picking fights with kits. He's insane and so immature
-Mousestar was found racing his rival from RosemaryClan on Moon 9, and I made a funny comment to myself where I thought: "Huh, if he comes to the clan with a bunch of random kits, I'ma say it was a whirlwind romance." AND GUESS WHAT!!
-MOON 11: HE BROUGHT HOME FIVE (5) BABIES?! It's so his rivals's kits. So I'm making an OC, her name Flutterdust, and she was also a young, new warrior.
-It makes me really confused because, like, he also has a small crush on Rowanleap, and it's reciprocated, and I'm losing it---
-Aster is our deputy, and she is a queen from SpikeClan. Rowanpaw found her on a patrol, when she just gave birth to Rainkit and Patchkit.
-The same moon she fully healed, she was on patrol when she found someone she recognized from SpikeClan. It was Rainkit and Patchkit's father, who had left her for another cat and there is heavy bad blood between the two. It caused relations to worsen.
-She has the ability to make minerals that are found in asteroids, such as gold and diamonds. I love her, she's a good mama
Rowanleap (Rowankit, Rowanpaw):
-Oh Star Clan, Rowanleap... My poor baby
-Rowanleap's and Mousestar's relationship is bad as fuck, Rowanleap hates him so much, it's insane.
-He's also been meeting Serpentspeckle in the Dark Forest ever since he was an apprentice, I'm so nervous about him
-The moon after he found Aster, he found another queen who was already dead. He tried to save the kit but it died as well. He was absolutely broken, and sobbed for hours. It even caused him to go into shock
-He gained the name Rowanleap the same moon he found Sandfalcon.
-Also, Serpentspeckle has been going in his DREAMS, and now he's AMBITIOUS and Im scared about that ambitiousness.... So worried about him...
-I have really nothing to say about her
-She's a kitty pet that Rowanleap found
-She's a like a rock star, single mom and I adore her.
-She is also really good at relations with other clans. She improved relations with RedwoodClan, and I love her <3
-Nothing to really say about Solei, he seems chill and I love him, can't wait to know more next year
Rainkit and Patchkit:
-Aster's kits! They were from SpikeClan and they really don't care too much about their father
-Rainkit has a weak leg, so I think he might lose all feeling in it as he grows. I'm worried about him specifically
Mousestar's Kits:
-Also nothing much to say about them, they're only a moon old but I love them all. I can't wait to draw their mama and all the drama these crazy babies will get into
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starwarriorsblog · 3 years
A dark brown tabby tom was padding through the forest, his whiskers twitching as he headed towards the direction of the camp. "Weasel'Water?" The Thunder'Clan leader grunted as the tom entered the camp,
Weasel'Water looked at her, a slight pleading look on his face. "You have to stop this, Sedge'Star." He mewed, his tail flickering. "And why would I listen to a medicine cat and a traitor like you?" Sedge'Star growled. 
But she did not move from her spot. He stiffened a bit, he didn't had a choice. He HAD to leave. "Please! You can't do this, there are innocent lives at stake! Surely you would understand that, wouldn't you?!" He begged. 
The tom found himself shaking a bit as some cats if Thunderclan began to come out of the dens, curious of what's going on. "I don't care." Sedge'Star replied simply, staring at Weasel'Water with a dark unreadable look. 
"What happen to the cat that you used to be?" He whispered, "Long dead now." Sedge'Star snorted before turning her gaze onto her deputy, Cherry'Blaze. 
Weasel'Water followed her gaze and saw the deputy, he stiffened. He had encountered Cherry'Blaze, when she was just a rogue. She was nervous and timid when he had met her. 
But now she looked dark and hostile. "Cherry'Blaze, how about you be a dear and kill him for me, will you?" Sedge'Star purred darkly as the deputy immediately leapt down, unsheathing her claws. 
Weasel'Water's ears flattened against his head, "Cherry'Blaze! Please don't do this!" He pleaded, glancing behind him but saw that two warriors were blocking the exit of the camp. 
He nervously glanced back at the deputy, "Sorry not sorry." Cherry'Blaze sneered, leaping at the medicine cat. He yelped in surprise as she pinned him down. 
Sedge'Star chuckled darkly, "It's sad, you know? Your own mate betrays you for her leader." She smirked as the deputy bit down on his throat. 
"I'm sure your little rebellion group will be dearly upset with you gone, but of course, that's the whole point. Now isn't it?" She meowed, her tone sounded smooth and dark. 
Cherry'Blaze stepped away from Weasel'Water, who laid motionless now. "Weak." Sedge'Star hissed before looking at the two warriors who had blocked the exit of the camp. "Dark'Tail and Speckle'Tuft, take his body out of here." She ordered. 
The warriors nodded and went over to Weasel'Water's body, picking it up and carried it out of camp. "Now, we shall find that group, don't we?" She grinned, looking at a tortoiseshell apprentice. 
"Spotted'Paw, you'll go and find that group. Once you find their location, come and report back to me." She ordered. 
Spotted'Paw couldn't believe it, first she had taken over Windclan's territory, then killed a medicine cat, and now she wants to kill the rebellion group? He shuddered. 
But he dipped his head, "Yes Sedge'Star." He meowed before leaving camp, despite feeling rising fear. Until a loud angry growl made him pause in his tracks. 
He whipped his head around, seeing his mother was standing in the clearing. "Are you insane Sedge'Star?! Spotted'Paw is still young! Do you really think it's wise for him to leave camp?!" His mother hissed. 
Sedge'Star sat down, wrapping her tail around her front paws neatly. "I assure you, Frost'Petal. Spotted'Paw is old enough, after all, he's an apprentice. He'll be fine." Sedge'Star meowed calmly. 
"I understand your concerns. Believe me, I do. But Spotted'Paw must learn the territories and other clans, think of it as a learning experience for him." She continued. 
Frost'Petal growled. "He's my kit! And I decide when he can leave cam-" "How old do you think he is Frost'Petal? He's not a kit, and he's definitely not four moons anymore. He's seven moons old." His mentor hissed, cutting her off. 
His mother opened her jaws to protest but closed it, Spotted'Paw frowned. He then padded out of camp, he just hoped that he won't fail. 
Anxiety started to form in his stomach, but he tried to ignore it. But he couldn't relax when he knew he had no clue where to go, his mentor hadn't got time to give him a tour of the territory. . .
He hoped he wouldn't fail. . .
Spotted'Paw kinda ended up near Shadowclan's border, his tail flickered, but he found it odd when he smelled the scent marks. They were oddly stale, and if he could calculate correctly, he would say they were about six days stale. 
Which grew more suspicion for him. He glanced around, expecting a Shadowclan patrol. He took a deep breath, and slid a paw forwards. 
He shook himself, he couldn't believe he was gonna cross a border without permission! He nervous padded across, "Hello?" He mumbled, his eyes large with anxiety and nervousness, yet he couldn't help but feel curious and suspicious. 
Spotted'Paw padded along the border, he didn't want to go deeper in Shadowclan's territory so he stayed near the river that led to the lake. 
"Hey!" A voice made him freeze in his tracks, he slowly looked behind him. Seeing a reddish brown tabby with green eyes. He swallowed nervously. "Uh- H - Hey?" He answered nervously. 
But the feline didn't look hostile, instead she just padded up to him, looking calm yet curious. "What are you doing here Thunderclan cat?" She asked, she looked like she was a apprentice as well. 
He looked at his paws then back at her, swallowing nervously. "I'm Spotted'Paw, and Sedge'Star sent me." He mumbled, but he flinched when she swiftly drew herself back. 
"I'm Rowan'Paw, and Sedge'Star sent you here?" She questioned, looking a bit hostile. "To do what? Drive us off?" She hissed, he shook his head. "N - No. She sent me to find the rebellion group." He mumbled, avoiding her gaze.
Rowan'Paw glanced around before gazing at him with confusion, "What is the rebellion group?" She asked, "The rebels." He answered. "Oh, well, I'm not sure where they are." She admitted. 
She then flicked her tail, "And you think they might be here?" She snorted with slight amusement, Spotted'Paw lowered his head with embarrassment. "S - Sorry, I should've asked permission, but no patrol was coming and-" he was cut off when she slapped her tail on his muzzle. 
"Chillax. And plus, you won't be seeing a patrol for a while." She mewed softly, removing her tail from his muzzle. "What? Is Shadowclan okay?" Spotted'Paw asked worriedly. 
Rowan'Paw's gaze softened, "You really are different then your clanmates and Sedge'Star." She meowed, before sitting down. "As for my clan, we are dealing with a dangerous sickness so we are losing cats quickly." She began, 
"So we decided to not send anymore cats to keep the other clans safe." She mumbled before looking at Thunderclan's Territory. "Though, I wouldn't mind if Sedge'Star got sick." She spat. 
Spotted'Paw shuddered. "You're not sick too, are you?" He asked awkwardly, Rowan'Paw looked at him and smirked. "Nope! I'm too tough to get sick!" She puffed out her chest, her eyes sparkling with pride. 
He smiled softly, "But which cats are available? Surely you should keep patrolling your border, since who knows? Sedge'Star might take the advantage of this." He explained nervously. 
Rowan'Paw looked at him, but didn't argue. "Well, there's me, Doe'Paw, Running'Star, Night'Sky, Fennel'Pounce and Needle'Tuft." She told him, her ears twitching. "And those are the cats that are not sick?!" Spotted'Paw gasped, his eyes widened. 
She nodded. "Quite unfortunate, Night'Sky can't patrol cause her kits are due any time. Which isn't good at all." She grumbled, shaking her head. "Fennel'Pounce won't leave her side either." She added. 
"What about Running'Star, Needle'Tuft and Doe'Paw?" He asked, worried about her and her clan. Rowan'Paw smiled a bit, "Running'Star doesn’t want to risk it. Doe'Paw is stuck in camp cause he's the medicine cat apprentice." She answered. 
"And Needle'Tuft?" Spotted'Paw blinked. "Needle'Tuft never leaves camp cause she's afraid of getting hurt again, and plus, she's been staying in the medicine cat den due to her injuries." Rowan'Paw explained. 
He wanted to ask what happened but he felt like he was getting too personal, "She was led to a fox trap as a trap. Turns out, Sedge'Star had set the trap." She answered his burning question. 
Spotted'Paw shuddered, "Anyway, do you know where Weasel'Water even went?" She asked, he looked at his paws. "Yes but. . .he's. . .he's dead. He had conforted Sedge'Star but ended up dying in the end by his former mate, Cherry'Blaze." He murmured,
Rowan'Paw stared in surprise. "Sedge'Star ordered Cherry'Blaze to kill a medicine cat?!" She hissed, the fur on her neck started to bristle. "Yeah. . ." He nodded slowly, his eyes shining with sympathy. "And the rebels will be upset to know that they lost a member." He added,
She scoffed quietly, "How old are you?" She tipped her head to one side, "Seven moons." He answered hesitantly, "Well I'm nine moons and if you need protecting, just call me for me." She nodded. 
Spotted'Paw blinked in surprise. "But for now, you said you need to find the rebels, yes?" She questioned, he nodded. "Alright! Let's go look for them!" She grinned, hopping on her paws. 
The tom flinched, "Wait - What? Us? Together?" He looked shocked and startled, Rowan'Paw rolled her eyes. "Yeah! What's wrong? Just because I'm a Shadowclan cat, doesn't mean I'm evil! If that's what you're thinking." She snorted, 
He shook his head, "Of course not! It's not that, it's just. . .It's just that- why? Why would you want to come with me? It's my job and Sedge'Star sent me." He meowed, 
She just shrugged, "Well it's kinda stuffy and boring back at the camp, and I don't feel like getting sick. And plus, you said Sedge'Star sent you. She might kill you if you even did find them." She replied, 
She then playfully cuffed his ears, "Now are we going or not, stupid furball?" She huffed, looking impatient. Spotted'Paw smiled a bit, "Okay. . .let's go." He answered, nodding slowly. 
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kiwibattlecats · 4 years
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Rowanpaw - Rowanfall  ♂ Gorseclan Apprentice/Warrior - Fernclan Warrior “Red ticked tabby tom with a thick, bushy tail and green eyes.” Bossy || Driven || Steadfast || Hot-tempered Mother: Wattleflower Father: Kauribark Sister: Gustkit (deceased) Mate: Keasong Mentor: Kowhaifall (deceased) Apprentice: Lichenpaw POV Character for Rowanfall’s Doubt Appears in Dappledshade’s Vision and Snowpaw’s Shadow
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The girl, the legend, drama fodder Rowanpaw
Training under her grandmother’s biggest supporter, and under the eyes of the Clan as a whole, alongside her fierce mother and grandmother put a lot of crushing pressure on Rowanpaw’s shoulders early on. In the beginning, as a younger cat, it did it’s best to desperately meet their expectations, but ultimately only succeeded in running itself ragged and making itself absolutely miserable. Finally, unable to meet the constant demands and baleful eyes of those crowding around them, they started acting out: avoiding their duties, traipsing outside of the Clan’s territory, meeting with loners and kittypets, and, ultimately, taking a girlfriend in a kittypet named Sunny - and ultimately choosing to carry her kits.
Is the same age as Spiderflower and Lilystar, is from the same generation, but Thriftthroat is purposefully holding her back from her full name as something of a “punishment” for her acting out, alongside the break she needed in order to have her kits.
Ever since giving birth, she has yet to reach out to Sunny, and is somewhat resigned when it comes to her kits. It acknowledges them, knows they’re it’s, but is actively being coaxed into avoiding them entirely by its mentor and family. (They long to act as their mother, and feels a sense of bitterness whenever they watche Eveningear care for them. She also desperately wants to present them to Sunny.)
In my head, she sounds like Catra from SPoP ^^
All hail the almighty generator: Rowanpaw is a philosexual graygender (she/they/it).
[Image ID: Two images- The upper image is of a simple white box with the black text of “SUNFLOWERCLAN - The Warmhearted and Flashy” written across it. The lower image is an digital drawing set against a translucent background, of a thick-furred, fluffy, somewhat lean black-and-red classic tortoiseshell cat with tufted ears, a dark fluffy tail, a dark mane, and darker paws; her eyes are two-toned, with the left being pale yellow, and the right being a darker orange-amber. Their right ear is nicked. Across its belly is the stylized artist signature of “spottyissleepwalking” written in faded lavender. Above him is a white box with the black text of “ROWANPAW - a black and red, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes”. /. End ID.]
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cutieclangen · 3 months
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Moon 15 Part 2
Stumpy looked at the 5 tiny kittens mewling below him and froze. Five newborn kits.. with no cat to care for them.. Was it just chance that I was the one to hear Rowanpaw calling out? When I have been thinking for moons how much I regret never having my own? I was never sure of StarClan before.. But now, they've answered my prayers. I will raise these kits as my own and give them all the love they could ever need.
Ashkit ♂ - Attention-seeker
Aspenkit ♀ - Polite
Hazelkit ♀ - Nervous
Saplingkit ♀ - Troublesome
Sprucekit ♂ - Know-it-all
Part 3 coming soon!
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Moon 12 Allegiances
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empress-s · 4 years
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My current littlecloudbot apprentice, Rowanpaw! He’s very baby in these images but he’s actually grown a lot and is very close to becoming a warrior!!
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kiwihounds · 4 years
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Stinky Cat
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kirisclangen · 10 months
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He/him, 10 moons, gender fuckery on a level that simply can't be perceived (assigned molly at birth)
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