#roy's a bully as his tv show counterpart compiles
blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #807: Day Two at Roy's Food Shack (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
12:23 p.m. at the Beach Side of Isle Defino.......
Roy: (Smirks Confidently While Watching Ness, Toon, Ashley, Kirby and Zelda Try out Plates of Nachos He Made For Them) Well? Whaddya thing?
Toon: Not gonna lie....(Starts Enjoying the Nachos He's Eating) These are some really good nachos.
Ness: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. I'm actually starting to like them already.
Kirby: (Happily Cheers) Poyo!~
Ashley: I must admit, Roy....(Use a Napkin to Wipe the Crumbs From her Cheeks in a Polite Manner) Your dish was fairly decent.
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly While Wiping the Crumbs Off her Cheeks as Well) I'd say. Since when did you started making these kinds of nachos?
Roy: A long time ago. (Crosses his Arms) King Dad taught me how to cook them and I've became a master at it ever since.
Ness: Neat. Did you thought of some other foods and snacks you wanna put on the menu?
Roy: Only Hot Dogs, Candies, and Tropical Beverages so far. I originally thought about making smoothies, till I realized that the place behind us are already making business out the whole thing. (Points at the Smoothie Place Behind Them)
Wario and Waluigi walks out of the smoothie place Roy pointed at while drinking the slushes they've ordered.
Waluigi: (Starts Having Brain Freeze) WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Wario: (Starts Waluigi at Waluigi's Misery Before Getting Brain Freeze as While) GAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Back to the Kids......
Toon: (Sees Wario and Waluigi Screaming in Agony from a Distance) I feel bad for two sometimes.
Ashley: (Already has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) I don't. They're the epitome of idiocy.
Ness: (Turns to Lucas Who is Cleaning the Food Stand's Counter) So Lucas, how's the work life going for you?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) It's going great so far. I cleaned the counters, the tables, I even got to be the cashier afterwards.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly at Her Boyfriend) I'm glad you're having a good time, Lucas. (Slowly Turns to Roy With a Dark Glare) You HAVE been giving him breaks during those times, right Roy?
Roy: (Already Getting Startled by Ashley's Glare) C-Christ onna stick, girl! Relax! I gave the kid plenty of breaks.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true.
Ashley: (Takes a Look at Roy For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Very well. If Lucas said you have, then I'll take your word for it. For now......
Roy: ('Sighs in Relief') Thanks for that. (Starts Grumbling Silently) You creepy ass twerp.....
Ashley: (Went Back to Glaring at Roy) What was that!?
Roy: (Gets Startled Again) Nothing!!
Zelda: You know, I've always been interested in cooking. (Smiles Sheepishly) Despite how terrible I am at it.....
Ness: (Turns to Zelda) How bad are we talking here?
Zelda: Well, for starters, I accidentally burnt the cake to the point where it actually turned into ashes that one time back at my universe. Then after that, I burnt the chicken, ham, corn on a cob, casserole, even the gravy.
Ness: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) How the heck did you managed to burn the gravy?
Zelda: (Sighs While Placing her Hand on her Forehead) Your guess is as good as mine on that one......
Toon: Speaking of burnt cooking.... (Turns to Zelda) Big Link and I are planning to go on a hunting trip in a couple of months. You can tag along with us.
Zelda: You sure you guys want me to go? I don't really know how to hunt that much.
Toon: (Smiles Brightly) No worries. We can teach you the basics once we get there. Hey, we can even get Mewtwo to join with us. We'll have more chances to hunt a crap ton with him on our side.
Zelda: (Sighs While Giving Toon a Sisterly Like Look on her Face) Alright, but we're not using him for shortcuts. If we're going to hunt, we have to do it fair and square, got it?
Toon: ('Sigh') Alright.
Roy: You folks enjoyed the best nachos you ever had?
Zelda: Yeah.
Ness: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Mmhmm
Toon: It was great.
Kirby: Poyo!
Roy: Good. Cause it cost you $20.00 each.
Toon/Link/Zelda: WHAT!?
Kirby: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Poyo?
Ashley: (Glares at Roy in a Deadpinned Like Manner) You mean to tell me that you called us here try out your nachos, only to charge us an expensive price!?
Roy: (Smirks Smugly at the Gang) That's the thing about business, people. If you wanna gain more money, you gotta higher the price sometimes.
Toon: But for a bunch of NACHOS!? These costs at least $2 or $3 each!!
Lucas: (Turns to Roy With Worry in his Eyes) Yeah, Roy. Don't you think that's a bit too much?
Roy: My business. My rules. (Reach his Hand Out While Doing a "Gimme" Like Motion With It) Now pay up!
Ness/Toon: ('Groans in Annoyance')
Lucas: (Starts Feeling Bad) I'm sorry, you guys.......
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Small Smile) Don't worry, Lucas. This is not your fault. (Starts Rolling her Eyes on Roy) I should've known there was a catch in all of this from the getgo....
Kirby: (Frowns Sadly While Looking Down at the Counter) Poyo......
Zelda: (Gives The Kids a Reassuring Smile) Guys, it's fine. (Starts Taking Out her Wallet From Her Purse) I managed to save plenty of money from my allowance a couple of days ago. I can try and pay it for of all. (Turns Back to Roy) How much is all of this together?
Roy: Welllllllll......(Takes Out his Calculator and Add Up the Total) Four Nachos + Three Pieces of Chocolate Candy will lead you tooooooo........('DING') Over a hundred.
Zelda: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!? For five Nachos and small pieces of candy!? H-How much are the candies anyways?
Roy: Ten Dollars each.
Ness: Are you seriously!?
Toon: What kind of service is this!?
Ashley: A lousy one. That's what.
Zelda: (Finally Glares at Roy) Roy, this has gone too far. I want you to lower the prices of the nachos and candy you us right now.
Roy: (Starts Getting Even More Smug Like) Or I can you five to work along with Lucas to pay your debt.
Lucas: Roy, no!
Zelda: I'm serious, Roy Koopa. If you don't lower those prices right now, I am going to telepathy to tell all of our moms what you've been doing.
Roy: ('Tch') Yeah. I like to see you try, Little Miss Princess.
Zelda: One. (Starts Glowing in a Pinkish Aura) Two. Th-
Roy: ('Groans in Defeat') Alright! Alright! Fine! I'll lower the prices. $2.50 for the Nachos and $0.50 for each candy. You happy!?
Zelda: (Smiles in a Very Satisfied Manner While the Kids Cheers her On) Very. Thank you, Mr. Manager~
Roy: (Starts Rolling his Eyes in Annoyance) Yeah. Whatever.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #797: Roy's Food Stock (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:23 a.m. At the Beach Side of Isle Defino...........
Ashley: (Eyes Widened at What is in Front of Her) Lucas.....What exactly am I looking at right now?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly While Standing a Wooden Stand) This is a food stand. Roy said he found it empty in the middle of the beach. So he decided to make a food business out of it. And he wants me to help! Well, actually, he....told he'll give me a lifetime of noogies, swirlies, and all the other bully activities if I didn't agree to help him. B-B-But I'm sure it'll be a great experience for the both of us, you know?
Ashley: (Sighs While Pinching her Nose in Disbelief) This... cannot be happening right now.....
Roy: (Walks Towards the Stand with a Smug Look on his Face) You better believe, sistah. Cause Roy's Food Shack.....(Place an "Open" Sign on the Stand's Desk) Is now in full service. (Starts Rubbing his Hands Together) We're about to make bank up in here.
Ashley: (Crosses her Arms While Having a Deadpinned Look on her Face) Was your monthly allowance not good enough for you or something?
Roy: Oh no. It's a fine enough currency as it is. But why wait weeks for that inevitability to come to wishing when you can just make some mulah on the fly? (Hence the reasonings of why my establishment is born.
Ashley: ('Sigh') Okay. But do you even know how to cook to begin with?
Roy: ('Tch') You kidding? Of course I know how to cook! I learned everything I've know from the all the legends in TV. Koopa Fieri, Goro Ramsey, Birdo, and countless many others that I can't remember.
Ashley: (Stares at Roy for a Couple of Seconds Before Turning Back to Lucas) Lucas, I don't think working at this foot stand is a good idea.
Lucas: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) What? B-But why?
Ashley: Well, for one, I don't trust a delusional bully like him, to be around you. Especially when there's a high possibility of him ripping you off.
Roy: (Glares at Ashley) Hey! Who you calling "Delusional", you snot nose, eggheaded, twer-
Ashley: (Immediately Gives Roy a Dark, Menacing Glare) .............................
Roy: (Eyes Immediately Widened in Complete Fear) ('Gulp') Nevermind. I'll shut up now......(Steps a Few Inches Away From Ashley and Lucas)
Ashley: ('Sighs a bit Heavily') As what I was saying..... (Turns Back to Lucas) We're here on a vacation, now Lucas. You shouldn't have worry about making money right now. Especially when you're still a kid.
Lucas: I know, but....I just wanna give this one a chance, you know? And I know Roy can selfish, dumb-dumb of a jerk and all-
Roy: (Glares at Lucas) 'Ey! You got yourself a death wish, Sunflower boy-
Ashley: (Turns Back to Roy with the Same Dark Glare) ..........................
Roy: (Immediately Shuts Himself Up By Covering his Mouth)
Lucas: ('Sigh') As what I was saying, I think Roy's a .....Somewhat of a decent guy deep down. Maybe our relationship with one another could get better once we work together, you know?
Ashley: I don't know, Lucas......
Lucas: Pleeeeasee let me do this, Ashley?~ I promise I won't get myself hurt.....(Gives Ashley the Sad Puppy Dog Eyes)
Ashley: (Trying her Hardest Not to Give in to Lucas' Plead) Please don't give me that sad, adorable face of yours, Lucas..... It's too much....
Lucas: But I wanna work at the Food Shack.....
Ashley: I know you do, but-
Lucas: (Starts Wobbling his Lips Up in Down)
Ashley: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. Fine. You can work with Roy at the Food stand if you like.
Lucas: ('GASPS') Really!?
Ashley: (Simply Nodded) Yes. (Immediately Pouts at Lucas) But ONLY if you promise not to overwork yourself! Take as many break as you need to and take time to enjoy the rest of the vacation with me and our friends and family! Understand?
Lucas: (Rapidly and Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah! I promise! You have my word on this! (Pulls Ashley into a Loving Hug) Thank you soooo much for being okay with this, Ashley!
Ashley: ('Sigh') I'm still skeptical about all of this. (Smiles Softly) But as long as it makes you happy....(Hugs Lucas Back) I suppose it will be good enough for me. I love you.
Lucas: I love you too, Ashley~
Roy: (Rolling his Eyes in Disgust) Oh barf.
Ashley: Roy.
Roy: (Eyes Widened as He Immediately Turns Back to Ashley) Y-Y-Yeah? What is it?
Ashley: (Puts on a Dark Menacing Glare Yet Again) If I ever hear or catch you overwork Lucas to the bone or even threaten him to do your bidding again, I will not hesitate erase you from your entire existence. Do you understand?
Roy: (Eyes Widened in Fear) ........But....What ever happened to just... hexing peop-
Roy: Okay! Okay! Fine! I understand! Just...calm down with all of that already, alright!?
Ashley: (Sighs Once More Before Calming Herself) I'll take your word for it. But consider this your first and only warning........
Roy: (Starts Rolling his Eyes Some More) Yeah. Yeah. I get the message. Do you always have be this scary?
Ashley: Only when you or anything else harms my Lucas.
Lucas: (Smiles Sheepishly) It's just her way of showing she cares, you know?
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