#zelda is best big sister
doctorcanon · 10 months
So ocarina of time goes to great lengths to show that the Hero of Time doesn't kill anything that's not a monster. If you shoot a patrolling Gerudo, you knock her out. One of the ones that ambush you even says that he hit her with the flat of his sword. He doesn't (can't?) kill the Skull Kids that attack him as an adult in the Lost Woods. This continues into Majora's Mask when he moves to restrain the Skull Kid rather than attack him even thought he has a sword. And even in Twilight Princess. Even though it's only briefly mentioned in the manga and hyrule historia about how careful The Hero's Shade is with the Hero of Twilight.
ALL I'M SAYING IS: The Hero of Time is actually an incredibly gentle person and Zelda bound Ganon at the end to protect Link from having to kill him a second time.
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goldensunset · 4 months
*violently trembling* i need…. to find twilight princess for the wii… *gets shot by the ‘but you said you would finally play this one game!’ gun*
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janmisali · 3 months
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Super Mario Bracket: FINAL ROUND
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"You're about to have a really terrible experience!"
SEED: 1 (215 nominations)
DEBUT: The Thousand-Year Door
BIO: Vivian is one of the main characters of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the GameCube and its 2024 remake for the Switch. while she is introduced as an antagonist along with her sisters, she later joins Mario, at a time when all of Mario's friends have abandoned him.
Vivian's arc is one of the most memorable parts of one of the most critically acclaimed games in the greater Super Mario franchise. the 2024 remake of The Thousand-Year Door was specifically praised by critics and fans alike for making Vivian's transgender identity textually explicit in the English-language release, which had been censored in the original 2004 localization.
in the Super Mario Bracket, Vivian has consistently been one of the strongest competitors, from before the bracket even began. in the preliminaries, she received over twice as many nominations as the second most nominated character, Luigi. she has yet to finish a match with anything less than 70% of the vote, as can be seen in her previous matches against Dribble & Spitz, Goomba, Kamek, Count Bleck, Big Bertha, and Daisy.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
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"I'm The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens."
The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens
SEED: 38 (17 nominations)
DEBUT: The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!
BIO: The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens is a character from the live-action segment "The Great Hereafter" from The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. she is a spirit medium who brings Mario and Luigi into contact with the ghost of their deceased grandmother.
The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! is, among English-speaking Mario fans, one of the most well-known of the Super Mario franchise's non-video game works. its live action half-episodes were either paired with animated Super Show! episodes, or (as is the case for "The Great Hereafter") with episodes of the Legend of Zelda animated series.
The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens is introduced after Mario suggests to Luigi that they should talk to "the old lady with the evil eye that she could tell fortunes and she could tell things before they happen", just before the woman in question rings the doorbell and says her full title out loud.
in the Super Mario Bracket, The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens has gained a notable dedicated following, winning new fans over almost entirely from her name alone. her pure appeal has led her to win against Ms. Mowz, Funky Kong, Yoshi, Elvira, Rosalina, and Luigi: a remarkable achievement.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
[link to all polls]
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newtabfics · 1 year
Prince Sidon x First Sight
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He stared at her for a long time as she bowed gracefully before his father, King Dorephan. She was a sight, blushing shyly, her Hylian ears even darkening.
Link and Zelda both smiled encouragingly to her as she cleared her throat and introduced herself as a bard, a friend of a Rito named Kass.
"I actually was in the castle when Link was there too," She laughed nervously.
"What?!" Sidon asked suddenly. "The castle was swarming with malice and you were just there?!"
Dorephan glanced over as she said, "Well, yeah!" She quickly slung her bag onto the ground and dug through it, pulling out varying cooking and camping supplies before finding a decayed harp. "I was looking for this. See, my great-grandfather was actually Kass' teacher and the court bard. He had stories about the many holy instruments inside. I mean, they're mostly replicas because the actual heirlooms are probably sealed in some secret vault..." She looked longingly towards Zelda.
"Once we're done with our business here, we'll go," The princess sighed as though she was laughing at her own child.
Y/N smiled big and nodded. "Anyway, this is a replica of the harp said to have been wielded in song to fight the evil Calamity of the ancient past."
Sidon blinked as he approached, humming. "It doesn't have any strings."
"Well yeah!" She laughed. "You're funny, your highness."
Link's elbow lightly jutted against Zelda as a small smirk curled up, Zelda nodding as she did her best to keep a neutral expression as she refocused her conversation with the king.
Sidon smiled as she eagerly told him everything about the legendary harp, wanting to know all he could, if only to bask in her glow for a bit longer.
Suddenly, he wished his sister were alive, if only to ask her when she realized she was in love with Link.
Tabby: I can't help it. I needed to write the gross fluff aaaaaa! I love the idea of Sidon just stumbling over himself with how in love he is. Also, I will do more of these in the future. I'm just being careful not to overload myself. See ya tomorrow!
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pumpkinsouppe · 5 months
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Here's my interpretations of all the OOT sages!! I have closeups of each sage and my thoughts behind their headcanon design changes below ^_^ (im alsooooo thinking of selling these as stickers if i ever figure out my silhouette)
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I headcanon Zelda is half Hylian half Sheikah with Impa being their aunt (mother’s sister, mother being full Sheikah and died when Zelda was young)
I also hc Zelda/Sheik as either transmasc or gender fluid depending on the interpretation of OOT I’m using, in this art Zelda is gender fluid and since I’m talking about sheik and Zelda a lot here I’ll just use they/them
Combined Zelda’s design with Sheik’s to make it more believable that they’re the same person this includes:
A skin color closer to Sheik’s concept art
Heterochromia, which is why sheik was hiding one of their eyes (and Zelda was forced to wear contacts or use magic to hide being half Sheikah post civil war)
Hylian pointed ears, another characteristic sheik had to hide (more info under Impa’s notes)
Lighter blond hair to be closer to Sheikah white hair
Sheik’s eye shape and eyebrows
Textured long hair, sheik would have a braid like in smash bros
Not pictured but if sheik is broad shouldered and muscular, then so is Zelda!!!!
Big forehead Zelda truther
Shares some traits with Zelda since I hc them as being related such as similar nose shape, eye shape, and skin tone
Textured hair styled into locs, tied into a short ponytail
Sheikah pointed ears, since Sheik hides their ears I thought it would be fun to have another different characteristic between the human races such as differing ear shapes. If Sheik showed their ears it would be a giveaway that they are not fully Sheikah
The rest is basically the same
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Rauru is perfect as he is all I did was give him spots on his skin to give him more accurate skin of an older person
So one thing I hc about Saria is that she was Link’s caretaker/mother figure in OOT so my main goal was to make her look childlike but have a more mature face
So I gave her rounder cheeks and made her smaller compared to everyone else and gave her larger eyes and a button nose but I also gave her some lines around her eyes to suggest age, I also gave her thinner eyebrows similar to a kid
I changed her eyes to brown bc I’m tired of all these blue eyed characters, there’s a severe drought of brown eyed characters in tloz
I gave her freckles
Her ears are also pointed upwards. I think the great deku tree did his best to make the kokiri look Hylian especially for link’s sake but he couldn’t get the ears right and they turned a little more animal-like since they live in the middle of the forest and are used to animals than humans. So kokiri look identical to Hylian children except the one difference is their ears being a different shape
Everything else is basically the same
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RUTOOOOOO ‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💕💕💕💕
Her size is much larger bc why are all the royal male zora 20 stories high but not the female zora, she would be almost as tall as Darunia at this age
I changed her eyes to be like all the other zora, it’s weird all the other zora have full color eyes yet she has human eyes 😭😭 you can tell the Zelda team was terrified about being called monster fuckers by committing fully to making Ruto have all the same traits as other zora
I also gave her freckles and added more spots on her to give her more texture and bc I love the way the Majora’s mask zora look
I haven’t drawn her body so I don’t have itemized changes but I’d make a couple more changes, other than that she’s perfect. Only smaller changes were made to just make her more zora-like than the design the devs used bc they were scared of idek what. Women can be beasts and monsters!!!! Cowards
Nabooru had the most changes besides Zelda but technically Zelda was a mash of two designs rather than fixing all of the issues with Nabooru’s design
My goal was to make her look like an actual person rather than a caricature such as changing her over exaggerated nose to be a hooked nose, removing the white on her lips, etc. If there is anything I need to change about my new design for her please let me know, I want to keep her recognizable without using the harmful designs the devs gave her
I gave her a darker skin color and gave her moles
I toned her red hair so that it looks more natural
I haven't fully decided on her clothes but considering she's in the desert i gave her long sleeves esp bc the area you find her in has crazy sandstorms
I'm still deciding if i keep her yellow eyes or not, i like their contrast and how it matches her eyeshadow but also I want more brown eyed characters
The one big change about Darunia is making him more animal like by giving him more of a snout and a dog-like nose. I don't like how Gorons are designed in games like twilight princess and the white lips they have in majora's mask so my main goal was for him to just seem more animalistic and non-human
i also added lighter color around his nose area to suggest age similar to a dog
nothing else changes other than that
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Cuddles [Wind + Father Figure]
More self-indulgent trash for the pile.
Cuddles [Mother Figure]
Character: Wind (Linked Universe)
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
Surprisingly, it takes longer for Wind to approach a male figure with the intention of cuddling than a female. With how quickly he warmed up to the Chain you'd assume he'd take to another potential brother (father) figure far easier.
However, the Chain are his brothers in spirit, connected by purpose and the blessing of the Goddesses: something arguably even stronger than precious blood. You, on the other hand, are a stranger to him.
It does not work in your favor that he has had very little in the way of adult men in his life. Partners in crime at the best of times, but mostly background characters to fill out the space between evil induced trauma. Nothing concrete though. Nothing that's ever stayed.
The breakthrough will likely be once you take the first step. Perhaps you gently wake him while he's having a nightmare, perhaps you take inititive to comfort him after an especially tough battle. Something that marks you as safe in his mind, someone he can rely on.
It is nothing against you personally. Hyrulians are a people heavily seeped in warrior culture (Wind's being no exception). Progressive as they seem to be overall, that does not completely negate their views of gender. One of those being that men are less likely to take an interest in children not their own blood.
And, at the worst of times, it is simply accepted that unknown men are dangerous. The timelines are rife with civil wars and the atrocities that arise from such unrest. Hyrulian males (whose biology make them physically stronger than their female counterparts) are often front and center to these happenings. Being from a Hyrule that adheres to Pirate culture, Wind understands this on some level even if he's never experienced it himself.
None of this matters anymore though because you have proved yourself as safe. You are now free real estate.
It'll start slow. He'll move his bedroll closer to yours, testing the waters and eyeing you curiously when he thinks you aren't looking. He'll observe your posture, your tone, how receptive you are to being disturbed from your sleep.
Honestly, he's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. He's got quick hands and is good with his words when cornered, but he's never been especially good at hiding his curiosity. That being said, if you address him directly with patience and openness, the process will be much quicker.
By as soon as the third night, Wind can have his bedroll flush against yours. By the week, you may return one night after patrolling to find a fluffy head of blonde hair laid on your pillow. Not that he meant to steal your spot, he'd just been so tired and the pillow had smelt so familiar. It'd made him feel so safe.
(A reminder of the man who'd been ripped from his life too soon. Whose strong musk had lingered on too big clothes and too cold bedding for weeks after.)
If you move him gently to one side and curl yourself protectively around his soft, sleeping form, when morning comes you will be met with an wide, hopeful expression. You will find his small hands wrapped warmly around one of yours. His ears pinned back uncertainly, eyes searching for disapproval or anger.
Tell him good morning, ruffle his feather soft hair and Wind will not leave your side for the rest of the day.
"Sorry 'bout that Mister! I was just resting my eyes! Promise!"
When time for sleep comes again he will stand by your bedroll, hands clenched in his shirt and eyes hopeful. He will wait for your approval because he doesn't know how to ask for this kind of familial affection from a man not bound to him by destiny.
Wind has a grandmother and a sister, both females. He has 7 brothers and a pseudo-father in Time, ordained by the Goddesses themselves.
Split between several traumatized young adults and divine duty, it's hard to give enough attention to any one boy. Even for someone like Time (especially for someone like Time).
This will be the first time that Wind approaches another male. Not as a hero or a brother or a spiritual part of a whole, but as Wind. A hurt, scared young boy with too much weight on his shoulders for all that Time tries to halve the burden.
"H-Hey, Mister! It's kinda cold tonight! Ya mind sharin'?"
If you accept, you have now become dad number two of the chain and all that entails. Congratulations and prepare yourself because Time will expect your full cooperation in wrangling his pack of gremlins (Man is tired. He needs a break). Chief among them, Wind. Now officially, but unofficially, your problem.
Also, your bedroll is no longer your bedroll.
"I'll set up the bedroll, Mister! Make sure to grab bread for me or 'Rulie'll eat it all!"
It becomes an 'our bedroll' type of situation.
"No take backs! You agreed!"
Despite what you'd expect from a boy like Wind, with a father figure he's surprisingly passive. He'll hide his face in your shoulder, cheeks and nose pressed against your neck or tucked up under your chin. His fist will softly clutch at your sleep shirt, but he won't grab at you as he would a mother figure. Instead, he waits to be held. He wants to be reassured.
You see, whereas with a woman he expects comfort, with a man he's seeking safety. That security that had been stripped from him too young and left him to fill the role of protector in place of a man with shoes too big for a young boy.
Subconsciously, he's slotted you into that role. The protector. It doesn't matter how strong you actually are, this sense of safety he experiences from being coddled in your arms is instinctual (though if you're on the bigger side, muscle or otherwise, it'll intensify that feeling).
As a side note, the first time you actually hold him may give you pause. He is a small child, body spindly in the way only a potent cocktail of adolescence, malnutrition and prolonged neglect can produce (for all the Wild has been putting his best foot forward). It can be compared to cradling a baby bird in your hands, small and fragile warmth nearly weightless in your grasp.
"I ain't got bird's bones! I'm just growin' at my own pace, is all!"
One last thing. He's going to cry. It won't be often and it might not be much, but with the newfound feeling of security pulling so strongly at his repressed trauma it's inevitable.
How you respond will mean everything to him. You're his brother (father- protector) now. Of course you'll teach him how a man should act.
"I ain't gonna cry! The smoke's jus' in my eyes! I- Wh-why ya looking at me like that. Hey! Ya can't jus' hug a guy like that without warning! O-o-or he'll... he'll..."
(P.S. If you have have facial hair, he'll pull it. Just saying. You have been duly warned.)
My work here is done. I retreat to the shadows to rest now.
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soogaenthusiast · 9 months
i just love link so much. no matter the game. the courage he always presents, no matter how young or old he is
how he’s knocked out in the ordon spring and wakes up to ilia and colin both gone, and he immediately sprints, unarmed, into faron. he’s then met with the wall of twiligt, turns into a wolf, is imprisoned, and is thrown into everything he never imagined, and yet he takes it all in stride and never stops looking for the kids and saving hyrule. the little town farmer. goat herder. faux big brother. all of that turned a boy who fought a resurrected skeleton, mastered a city in the sky, defeated the king of another dimension, and sealed away the demon king with a sword through the abdomen
the little kid from kokiri. the boy without a fairy. showing up to mido and learning of his path via the deku tree. taking on the parasite of a big fish and beating a huge dodongo in the depths of a volcano. going on to jump in time seven years, realizing ganondorf wreaked havoc on the world because of it, and working to reseal him.
the school age kid in the sky. who flew birds as a living and was in love with his friend. who saw her get swept away right in front of him and took no hesitation to get to the ground and search for her. who went through the silent realm time after time. who passed through time and fought a creature like ghirahim and eventually demise to save zelda and skyloft / hyrule
the big brother and grandson who lived peacefully on an island with his baby sister and grandmother. who just… hung out. Whose sister was kidnapped and he didn’t waste a second to get on the pirate’s ship to find out where she was taken. his whole determination came from needing to save her. and even when she was, he kept on. killing the helmaroc king and going on to try and kill ganondorf, only to be brought down into hyrule and learn of tetra’s identity, and his own. who, at his young age, put the master sword through ganondorf’s head and turned him to stone
the boy who grew up as seemingly more outspoken, especially around mipha. but he became zelda’s knight, whose goal was to protect her with his life. the thing he took most seriously. the kid who stood up between zelda and multiple guardians, even as he was on the brink of death. the boy who was willing, after getting his arm covered in malice, to dive into nothingness to grab zelda’s hand in an attempt to save her life, not knowing what could greet them at the bottom. who does succeed at grabbing her hand and saving her by the end. who carried her out of the water and continued being what he did best: be her knight
he is just. no matter the game. a little, innocent kid, sometimes not even knowing the part he really plays in the world. and for something to happen; his sister, the love of his life, fellow kids who were his family, he rushes into the face of danger to save them.
theres a reason he has the triforce of courage
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skyward-floored · 2 months
More totk things I did/saw yesterday:
Sticky lizards. Sticky lizards sticky lizards sticky lizards. Sticky lizards. Did I mention sticky lizards.
The glowing cave fish are so pretty, I love their colors. I just love all the glowing stuff in the caves, and the caves in general, they were a superb decision on nintendo’s part
I fought some of those crazy monkey bokoblin things. I forget what they’re called. I maybe screamed a little because they startled me. But also something about them reminds me of the Mogmas in skyward sword and that worries me a little (even though I’m sure it’s a coincidence).
Penn is the best. He’s so silly goofy. I love his little salute he does as he leaves and “soar long” abshdbdjdbd. I really hope he carries stuff in his beak at some point (letters would be REALLY funny).
Since when can the trees attack by the way? what happened to those trees. Who hurt you. Ents gone rogue. Rebellious teenage Ents maybe.
Didn’t expect to find Impa in the middle of a field but okay! why not. Thought I’d have to hike all the way over to Kakariko to see her. I was also surprised she isn’t dead but I guess Sheikah just live longer. She’s gotta be pushing 130 at least...
(The rest is a little long so it goes under the cut):
The geoglyphs are really cool. Part of time is thinking they’re just a way for the developers to take up space without having to put anything but eh I’m forgiving.
The geoglyph of Rauru looks like he’s in a wheelchair. I don’t have anything further to say about that I just think it’s interesting.
Dragon tears... mysterious dragon... dragon people... hmmmmmm. hm.
Zelda: *wakes up to see a lady with poofy hair and a literal dragon dude standing over her* oh it’s going to be one of those days isn’t it
Jokes aside I’m glad Zelda isn’t alone at least? Even if she’s ten bajillion years in the past or however long it is. At least she didn’t wake up basically alone like Link did. Plus Sonia and Rauru are funny hehe
Got three game overs from a battle talus thing and then ran away 😔
Zelda sounds really into the blood moon thing tbh. Like in botw it sounds like a tired warning, but in totk it’s like HERE COME THE MONSTERS BABE *cue the you better watch out vine*
Second geoglyph memory tear thing was very interesting. That view from the great plateau is incredible, I want to look around hyrule from a bajillion years ago. How come only Zelda got to go... anyway interesting how Sonia could sense she and Zelda were related. And also if they are indeed related and therefore Rauru is too then how come Zelda just looks... Hylian? Are Zonai genes just extremely recessive or something? Or has it just been so long with so many Hylian genes that they’re just all gone. I have Questions.
Also Rauru has a big sister? Little brother Rauru?? hehehe
I feel bad for thinking it but the blizzard situation is kinda fun ngl. I know the Rito are struggling but I LOVE snowy areas. I LOVE THEM.
And the music is different in rito village aaaaaaaa. Again I feel real sorry for the Rito. But I love the vibes. I love the snow. I love it here.
KASS’S GIRLS ARE OLDER aww!! I got a little burst of pride seeing them they’re all so responsible now *squeals*
Side note it’s weird that the botw shrines are gone. It’s like I know something should be there but it’s missing. And nobody acts like it’s even gone. But I know it is. It’s missing and it should be there but it isn’t.
...Is this what Link feels like all the time?
Tulin sounds like Spike the dragon from mlp but honestly that just makes me love him more. He’s a cute little responsible and rebellious teenager now!! And Teba is dealing with that haha. Also a promotion!! I’m sure it’s rough being village elder, but I think you’re doing a good job Teba.
Oh I forgot to mention the newspaper place, that looks like it’s going to be a fun sidequest! And the music is great there too (also Penn again!!! Beloved!!!).
And I think that’s all :)
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muchmossymess · 4 months
Okay I've been thinking more about my majoras mask boat boys au so here are some things (and cries for help)
So for those unfamiliar, majoras minecraft au (I think thats what I've been calling it??) is a relatively boat boys centric au but I want to contain other characters and such. Only problem, I dont watch that many people. So I call on the help of you lot of nerds! /aff
Oh and uh, if you don't know majoras mask, what are you doing with ur life go play it!! (or just learn a bit about it)
So we have etho as link and joel as tatl (fairy companion), grian as skull kid and jimmy as tael (also a fairy). That's about all I had confirmed back then, I have done a little thinking since then.
Mask salesman scar. You cannot tell me anything else it woks so perfectly. He keeps the masks in these sort of hidden compartments of his wheelchair, just like opens up a little door with a 'peruse my wares' look on his face.
Mumbo is the moon. No explanation needed. (I might make him someone else as well to give him a bit more of a role but like. cmon I had to)
Now in the more uncertain categories I've got postman pearl (duh, but I don't want to feel like im just shoving her to the side?), lizzie as either a great fairy (mby all of them bc why not) or zelda, bc a sheik lizzie would be great but she's not much in the story, and maybe oli (orionsound) is the zora mask, idr his name but he was weird and he was music so it feels appropriate.
Now onto a big hurdle is WHO WILL BE ANJU AND KAFEI!?!? Anju and kafei are THE love story of majoras mask, the are so cute and sad and I love them very much. I was first thinking impulse and bdubs (bc I am unoriginal and don't know many pairings, also the short bdubs jokes will never end) but then I was thinking hmm, maybe ren and martyn?, bc kafei has a cute lil canine mask and the fits ren and also he's the mayors son so like power? (can you tell I only watch like 3 people) and then martyn is there being all worried girlfriend (anju in game is not flattened to love interest dw).
I've also been thinking very baseline with a few of these but cleo as the gibdo mask man in ikana, gem as the fierce diety mask or maybe the goron mask, bdubs as romani (or epona lol), and like a ties/best/ect thing for the bombers (- etho ofc), maybe tango as cremia
Anyway so yeah because of the IMMENSE amount of characters I am asking for y'alls aid. Some other notable characters (that I know about) are: shikashi/the telescope guy, the professor, Pierre the scarecrow, the indigo-gos (especially lulu), deku princess, deku butler (and his dead son), sharp and flat, kotake and koume, kaepora gaebora/that really big fucking owl, the four giants, the rosa sisters, kamaro, guru guru, and finally, grog.
(Oh, and tingle is chat personified ;P)
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prankprincess123 · 8 months
I love the fact that in some games Impa is this wise old crone who may as well be Zelda's grandmother by how she acts, other games she's outright her adoptive mother, and still others she's this epic bodyguard and big sister figure. And overall she just gives off the vibe of an exasperated aunt who is in every lifetime definitely going to let Link and Zelda sneak off to makeout in the gardens and will 100% teach them throwing knife tricks without prompting, but also really wishes that they'd please stop picking fights with demons. She is not actually part of the group actively cursed to always reincarnate together, but she almost always ends up being reborn in the same century and ends up involved in their battles anyway, and she could really use a break from this nonsense.
Impa deserves an award for dealing with their nonsense over and over in so many lifetimes when it is not her fight or her curse by any stretch of the imagination. But no matter how many lifetimes she's handed a sobbing princess and told to take care of her - no matter if she's an old woman being handed a newborn princess to be nursemaid to, or a teenager being handed an 8yo who already wants to fistfight Ganon and told to be her bodyguard - she continues to love and protect this little gremlin princess to the best of her abilities for as long as she can. So of course she's going to help fight Ganon, yet again, because her little goddess and the little Hero need help, as they always will.
Demise cursed himself and Link and Zelda, not Impa. But she is always there regardless simply because she loves these kids and won't let them do this alone if she can help it.
And I love her so much for it.
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littlesislovesyou · 10 days
Mmmph...a little...I can't help but get a little jealous over my sister >:3 can you blame me? It's okay I got it under control lol are you an early Disney watcher? I just imagined hades from Hercules raging and then going it's fine I'm cool we're good lmaoo and I remember him literally screaming to Meg that he owned her...calmly not so calmly of course XD
I'm happy you feel the same as I do though... my pretty baby sis~🤭🔪
Aww no worries I understand if you're a little high. I hope you're enjoying yourself at least sweet girl? Maybe I should make you take some more hits and see how horny and willing you are to be raped and fucked unconscious by your masked mutual stranger~ 🖤 I'm happy you love all my asks and I LOVE driving you crazy~
You can use this to respond if *ahem* the other ask is too spicy and fucked up that you wanna keep it...🤫
I missed you though I hope you're feeling better and sorry for responding so late my internet went out briefly and I was gaming in the meantime while waiting for it to return.
I've got PC and switch but I've been playing alot of Zelda recently lol playing the warriors and remembering that the main antagonist is just an obsessed fangirl of link that loves him so much that she'd summon monsters and kill anyone in her way to have him all to herself...kinda hot ngl lol
I would hope I'm okay but all I can do is sleep more and take meds to make sure I'll be as okay as I can be! And me too but ty for your concern hun, you're so sweet <333
It is very easy and hey sometimes all you need is a reminder and a helping hand to relax yk? I can't help but be that kind of person hehe. And I hope so I love talking to you when we both can 💕
Hhhh I won’t even lie I find jealousy very hot<3 I don’t know there’s just something about the possessiveness of it that just makes me so unbelievably wetttt ahhh<333 so I could never blame my big sibling for getting jealous;’) 💗 and also I know what you’re talking about! Hehe
Just know I always belong to my big sibling~ even when dads around hehe
That’s meee! Always your baby sis;’)💗💗 always here to make my big sibling feel better~
Ah yess I did very much! ☺️ It was very much needed after today but I’ll admit I wouldn’t have minded your help at all💗
Hhh you’re literally just melting my brain anymore 🥺💗 sometimes I just get so needy when I smoke, I’d probably be all blazed out and wet~ just seeing the mask, not knowing at all who’s behind it, I can’t help it, I would seriously let you do whatever you wanted to me, not that I would have a choice of course, I’m genuinely so helpless when I’m high, my brain would melt if you forced me to smoke more, turning me into such a obedient fuck doll~
I absolutely will be keeping that one just for me 👀💗 it’s so long and detailed and ugh.. just absolutely perverted;’) and it’s mine, just for me💗💗💗 I love it so much💗 I’ll probably mm be touching myself to that later 💗☺️
Ah no it’s no worries my lovely mutual<3 you never gotta apologize for that, im glad you’ve been having a good night at least! I also have both a pc and a switch:0 Zelda games are always some of the best, I had a lot of childhood memories of that game, and oh yeah? ;’) is that what I’m going to have to do for you? ~ hehe
Awe well I hope you start feeling better and just remember to breathe and take it easy on yourself🥺💗 too bad I can’t cuddle you to sleep!
Aghhh I love how just genuinely sweet you are but you can say some of the most hot fucked up things to me;’) and I love it💗
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My Favourite Tags of Round One
#i dont know who tom thumb is#sorry to this man#but gilear deserves this
#Gilear is literally the NPC#the bad kids saw a sopping wet pathetic man (derogatory) and said can we keep him#brennan tried to kill him at every opportunity but this man is somehow still alive#his stats are terrible#he has like 5 hp#he loves yogurt#lou chanted big money no gilears one time#gilear faeth for the win
#shes always pissing
#that lunatic is after fabian and will shit in his mouth
#im so sorry Primsy#but Chungledown bim holes a special place in my heart#and my mouth
#laertes has to win#hes the first npc shit himself on screen
#wuvvy sweep bc god forbid women cause problems in public for her beloved friend
#everyone who voted pizza rat over jessa is a liar and a coward
#aelwyn is so my older sister to me
#everyone give it up for the most stylish of homies#john feathers
#why you gotta pit two bad bitches against each other
#lesbians get in here
#ylfa: join us I like your hat#orange fairy: it’s your hat now I’mma die kthxbai
#I love cats but I love Ayda more
#no disrespect to the sentient basketball but LETS GO LESBIANS
#ragh <3 he’s just a guy <3 and he’s GAY
#voting plug for the pure mechanical achievement of believably putting a kooky old wizard in a scifi setting
#wow nobody watched coffin run huh?#like i get that plug is very funny but dimitri is just a pile of absurdities#hes a bat in a sailor costume with a lisp and he is so hagard from flying constantly for his job that he has a starbucks half his scenes#wven tho as mentioned he is terrible at said job and almost intentionally does it wrong??
#i get it plug is funny but hes literally an anthropomorphic bat in a sailors boy outfit with a lisp who drinks starbucks
#i emotionally need stephen sondheim to sweep#pls can we get a stephen sondheim sweep
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blackautmedia · 11 months
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Quill, and Rito Allyship - the Power of Knowledge
I wanna talk about one of the best guys to come out of Wind Waker: Quill. More people need to give this man his respect so he's getting a long post nobody asked for but we're getting anyway.
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I appreciate how the game portrays his range of knowledge and his ability to keep a pulse on several different isolated communities as a powerful tool at his disposal. The Rito are some of your biggest allies.
This is a particularly useful skill when you consider the information gap that would cause word to travel slowly if not for the Rito's mail delivery and them directly hearing things themselves.
It's his persuasive skills and knowledge that keep your adventure from grinding to a halt several times throughout the game.
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The Rito aren't just out delivering letters, they're constantly keeping up with what's going on around the different islands, listening to people's issues and Quill's abilities are at the center of what makes not just Link but the Rito so successful in their goals.
From the start of the game, he's the one who clues you in that the kidnappings aren't isolated events and several other areas have been targeted as well. He also is the one to persuade the pirates into helping you out where otherwise your journey would have just ended. He's also the one to tell you that the girls are being taken to the Forsaken Fortress.
But the other thing is that throughout the game Quill doesn't just exist to help you. At this point, it's nothing particularly special and he's the kind of "guide" character who exists in video games to tell the player where to go and what to do.
But his portrayal takes an interesting direction the more you see him.
When you get to Dragon Roost, one of the first things he asks about is you and your sister, but he then introduces you to his Chieftain to see if they can help you out. However, he also recognizes the ways that you can help him and he branches out less as that video game guide and more showcasing one of his best skills.
Chieftain, what do you think of consulting Link with regards to your son, Prince Komali? As you can see, Link is a gallant young lad! I feel certain that Prince Komali would open his heart to him and speak freely of his fears and worries. - Quill
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Quill sees Link as someone who has a lot of common ground with Komali, who is currently mourning the death of his grandmother. I don't think it's a coincidence the game intentionally makes Komali even look like a Rito version of Link and draws the obvious comparison with their grandmothers, something Link can pretty strongly identify with in how he had to leave his own grandmother behind.
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Quill wasn't just there to push your journey along, he also saw a young boy with the right traits to potentially solve a problem in his own community.
He already saw Link and his family and noticed his relationship with his grandmother.
The other Rito haven't had success in reaching out to Komali, but he's found someone around his age with a similar relationship who Komali may be able to better identify with in his grief.
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But that's Quill's big strength--he's very knowledgeable, logical, persuasive and a negotiator, he has a pulse on everything going on in several communities, and has a very community oriented way of looking at things that gives him the ability to keep things in the back of his mind and identify people who may be a good match to solve other problems.
What say you? Will you share some of your courage with my son? Will you meet my son?
I thank you! We shall do our best to solve our problem as quickly as possible, so that we may better help you with yours. - Chieftain
He makes the connection that the Chieftain doesn't immediately think of because he has a prior encounter with Link and can apply that knowledge to give aid his Chieftain's son. He also sees a child in need and currently is out looking for his sister and happily shares information and resources with you.
Wind Waker really goes out of its way to showcase the strengths of connecting with others and keeping knowledge at the forefront, something that's especially relevant and easy to overlook in a world where everyone is separated with few means of communication in a vast ocean. The closest thing to phones or internet is the gossip stone, but this isn't available to everyone.
None of the Rito even expect you to deal with Valoo. Quill in particular tells you to leave that to them while you help Komali out. Medli even asks for your help but isn't counting on you to deal with Valoo, asking you to take care of Komali in her place if she doesn't survive.
When you complete the first temple, we see Medli speaking with the other Rito, likely informing them she's figured out what's going on with Valoo so they can devise a solution, but they weren't expecting Link to go deal with it.
Zelda games I think are capable of effective storytelling when it recognizes Link as...an actual person and in this case a child. Wind Waker and Majora's Mask were both excellent at using the child aspect.
A father and a lot of the older Rito and even Medli still have a bit of a relationship gap with Komali either due to age or the dynamic of their roles in their community, but Link has quite a few similarities to him, something Quill picks out.
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When you go to find Jabun, even the King of Red Lions has no leads on what to do. It's Quill who gives you more guidance per Valoo's instruction.
Obviously this is the game's way of guiding the player but I think something that's interesting is how the game portrays knowledge and community as an extremely powerful tool Quill wields not just to help you, but those of his community.
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There's a surprising amount of thought not just into him as a character but how the story recognizes the way that gathering information and keeping a pulse on communities would be so valuable with the inherent separation the game also includes.
He and Komali also then rescue you when you're in over your heads trying to fight Ganon and failing. They also took the time to confirm that Link's sister escaped safely and can focus on the task at hand.
Considering that Quill is the one who knew what you were planning, he likely thought to consult Valoo for help knowing you were close to confronting Ganon and has been keeping track of what you've been doing. He enlisted Valoo's help by using his biggest strenght--using knowledge and resources to identify the right people to bring in to solve the many problems he hears in passing.
It's not lost on me that the Rito are Native coded, which I feel also is a strong factor in how it factors how the game portrays them as a community, but I'll leave that discussion to Native folks.
The game still is at the end of the day a power fantasy and the series as a whole is built on white saviorism. I'd love to see some people with connection to that heritage give their thoughts on how the Rito are portrayed.
I wish Wind Waker had been given a proper development cycle because it clearly feels rushed in its second half with its first half going so strong!
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mistresslrigtar · 3 months
Tysm for the ask @hurricane105!
🌀 Here’s a rough idea for wip I’d like to write eventually:
Skyward Sword: Kissing Booth - it’s time for Skyloft Academy’s annual carnival. It’s full of tables selling baked goods and savory snacks, games like ring toss, high striker, log rolling, balloon darts, a dunking booth and new this year, a kissing booth - Peatrice’s idea. Karane, Kina, and Peatrice will take turns (they want to kiss the boys they like, of course) and Zelda takes the tickets. When Link shows up, no one wants to kiss him because he’s scrawny and lazy. They make Zelda do it since they’re best friends and she figures it’ll be like kissing her brother, so no big deal…
Peatrice wants to kiss Groose and talks about how strong he is
Karane wants to kiss Pipit because he’s so dedicated to his knightly duties
Kina doesn’t really care, she’s just happy to have an excuse not to carry and stack heavy pumpkins for a day
☔ Here’s an idea I’ve had for a while but I doubt I’ll ever write it. It does have a title: A Poet’s Love. It’s a story about the court poet falling in love with someone after the Calamity. The only problem? It’s the Hero of Hyrule’s sister.
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highfiveheroes · 2 months
also sorry in advance i lost the plot halfway through and i fucking. i love them. anyway no read mores we die like dayne blade
oh god okay what is so important to me. is that first and foremost. kristen and gorgug have such a Relationship they have connections other people don’t and i just. fuck man. they died together on day one and i fucking. i love them man. anyway
it is vital to me that. kristen is still a Lesbian. she does not like men and this is important to me. but she cares So Deeply About Gorgug, like. fabian and riz and adaine and fig are her brothers and sisters. she doesn’t replace the applebees brothers, but she finds a new set of family, and they all mean something to her. but for some reason. gorgug to me has this intrinsic understanding of her that is so Different to how everyone else sees her, and. shameless plug i have a whole series of fics about them and how they interact and it’s love without being in love because i’m so scared to commit to writing it
because the big thing is that i project the hell onto gorgug when it comes to gender, and its. gorgug’s gender is mashed potatoes. i cannot explain better than that but i will try like. he’s not Not a guy. he is just a Guy. but a guy in the sense that people say “hey you’re a guy” and that’s not Right but it’s not Wrong. and if fig comes in and says they’re doing makeup and nail polish and wearing dresses onstage he will do that as well. he doesn’t have a problem. because how other people see him when it comes to gender specifically (and it ties into his upbringing, having people look at this gnome family with their half orc son and having Opinions) he doesn’t Care how other people see him. they can assign whatever they want to him. inside his brain, if prodded, is just a ball of mashed potatoes, because he doesn’t care. gendernonconforming/nonbinary gorgug is the love of my fucking life i have. so many thoughts. gorgug thistlespring i have so many thoughts.
but the other part of this is. hear me out. aromantic/demiromantic, bisexual. gorgug Likes Sex. he has been very clear about this to me from like. early on, he’s not ashamed of it (with himself, his parents are a whole other thing). but i don’t think he Likes being a boyfriend. he didn’t put That much effort into it with zelda unless encouraged, and he didn’t seem torn up about the break up, and i think he cared about zelda but it didn’t. mean the same to him, but he did like the crazy sex part of it that came with her family. and then i have Never understood gorgug and mary ann until i took this take on him because mary ann isn’t Trying to have sweet sappy romance. the extent of it is “hey. i wanted to be friends. i still do. i have a bench. let’s fuck.” and gorgug just. it hits Right for him, so that works out
but factoring kristen into gorgug’s whole mashed potatoes and gravy deal??? kristen, the person he shares an unbreakable and completely unique bond with? kristen, his best friend, who was ALSO hypersexual for most of her last relationship? kristen who went through a breakup at the same time as gorgug, who has the same uncertainty about how her family Wanted her to be versus who she became? (and gorgug, whose parents love him but told him to try to keep the rage under control for so long, who also put him into a box he was never meant for, who on day one died and came back wrong next to a girl who was chosen, died, and also came back wrong, endured relentlessly, walked into a forest even though he thought she was dead and told all of his friends it’s gorgug, keep going?)
what was the point of this. queer platonic but sexual but not platonic but still sexual relationship. gorgug and kristen love each other more than anything and they’ll do anything for each other and they’ll do anything to make the other person happy with no strings attached and they died together okay
applespring that was the point wasn’t it. anyway i love them i have Thoughts
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neeseeart · 9 months
Everyone.... I must share with you the most wonderful gift I received from a small child.
I'm at my mom's house for the holidays and I'm often tasked with entertaining my two young nephews. They both love to draw and they always ask my mom when they can draw with me.
So last night I was sitting on the couch drawing with them for about an hour. They were both showing me their drawings, and asking me to draw things like Pikachu, Zelda (Link), Mario, my mom dressed as Mario(which I will post soon), and Among Us. Asking me how to spell names, how to write names in Japanese. Stuff like that.
During a lull in requests I started drawing my default doodle man, Bos Brunnen. My 5-year-old nephew, the younger one, asked who I was drawing. I told him "he's my favorite character and I like to draw him a lot!" He gave me the weirdest little smile and then started showing me his "surprise" for everyone. That morning he'd drawn pictures of each person in my family and all of our pets, and was planning to give them out once everyone arrived. He wouldn't show me mine, because it was a surprise, but he was very excited about all of it.
Eventually everyone got to the house and my nephew started handing out his drawings. He gave me mine, pointed to everyone in the drawing and said "this is the guy you draw and he has a girlfriend and there's pikachu." I haven't stopped smiling since.
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(Left to right: Bos Brunnen, Reisalin Stout, and Pikachu)
My mother clarified, that morning while he was drawing all the surprises, he wanted to see my art. She showed him my fluffy BooRai drawings and that inspired his artistic decision for my surprise. I can't even express how happy this makes me, my 5-year-old nephew gave me BooRai art for Christmas. This is my favorite thing in the world and I need everyone to see it.
Bos and Ryza, as seen by a 5-year-old who can't believe I play video games even though I spent months building an Animal Crossing island for him:
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Here are some of his other drawings he did for everyone as part of his Christmas surprise:
My brother, the gamer
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My sister, the botanist with her cool flower
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My mom, with her fun earrings
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My partner, with his big muscles (and me admiring them)
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My step-dad (favorite one)
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The legendary 21-year-old Taco Kitty
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Momo and Mikan, big fans of his work
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And of course, the pure-hearted Ayla 🤍🖤
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This is all art so it belongs on my art blog. I'm framing the drawing he did for me but the rest of them belong in a museum. This is the best Christmas ever
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