xkuja · 7 months
" Dear Kuja, I would like it ...very much... if you refrained from kidnapping me."
(Sincerely, Princess Sarah of Cornelia. )
Dearest Swan Princess,
I will take your request into consideration.
Yours coveteously, xxKuja.
ps. After much careful consideration, I must respectfully decline ♡.
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lucisol · 8 months
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HIS ENTRANCE IS NOT VERY GRACEFUL, in the presence of royalty he was quite a bit awkward. bowing with a delay, not very respondent to the cues his brothers were giving. his personality usually made up for it, though! ( it got him this far...) he comes now to greet his friend with another photograph to lighten her day. ❝ hey⸻! you got a minute? ❞ a bright smile, then. offering the camera to her hands. ❝ I couldn't think of ANYONE better to tell me how these turned out! ❞ there was an influx of flowers in various places along his travels ⸻ not something the boys could really judge. 
︱▶ @royalight
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themxtleycrew · 7 months
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"I can't believe I just got dumped by princess Sarah. I didn't even know we were dating!"
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sanguinesocierie · 7 months
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@royalight , continued from ♡
  red   mouth   curved   into   a   frown,   falsely   producing sympathy   for   her   plight.   poor   princess,   suffocated   in   her   glided   cage.   so   eager   for   boundless   freedom,   with   ivory   &   gold   wings   to   fly   &   fly,   undisturbed.   unbothered.   with   a   deep   sigh,   fina   crossed   her   arms,   canting   her   head   to   the   side   with   a   cluck   of   her   tongue.   ❝   dear,   dear   you   ...   he   is   certainly   causing   fuss   but   i   think   he's   much   too   dramatic   for   his   own   good.   ❞   her   words   held   quite   a   bit   of   truth,   sincerity   bleeding   into   this   performance.  
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❝   to   be   honest,   you'd   do   well   to   stay   missing   for   a   little   longer.   why   be   so   eager   to   return   to   his   ridiculous   blathering?❞   tenebrous   beauty   breathed   out,   fingers   affectionately   touching   the   silver-gold   of   the   other's   hair.   silky,   it   flowed   like   ink   over   digits.   shoulders   gave   a   slight   roll,   a   subtle,   more   elegant   version   of   a   shrug   as   she   walked   a   little   further   ahead. 
❝   why   don't   you   show   me   around   town?   make   it   a   game.   your   rebellious   streak   can't   hurt   you   any   more   than   it   already   has.   ❞   she   snickered.
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rcseaurum · 8 months
@royalight: this was a nice human, she thought. Always nice to Sarah! Friend! and so Penelope held no qualms about jumping into Rosa's lap. (hoping for some pets or a cuddle!)
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❝ why hello sweet one ... ❞ the mage cooed lovingly, fingers rubbing at the fluffy expanse of white. penelope was a precious dog. so adorable & well-behaved. rose graced beauty lifted the small pup into her arms, pressing a fair cheek against her. ❝ might i share a secret with you, love?❞ she giggled, lifting a finger to her lips.
❝ i am going to surprise your princess with some cookies from the town baker. if you keep a secret... i'll give you one specially made cookie. how about it?❞
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fairlybeloved · 8 months
An elegant bow in the presence of Her Royal Highness was something he wasn't shy about performing, nor was he terribly put out by having to follow proper protocol when the need arose. He was a weapon, true, but he was a weapon sheathed at the moment.
‘you’re bleeding.’
"Eh?" While it was true he didn't know what to expect when he entered the grand halls of the palace, the very last would be the greeting words shared from the Ladies sweet lips. He cautiously glanced behind to the splattering of crimson droplets dotting the path he'd followed to the audience chamber.
... well, shit. he thought, happy the blood wasn't bright red to suggest an arterial cut. What an odd thought to cross his mind, however frequent the ideas were those days.
"Oh." Deeply intelligent response that it was, it was about the only thing appropriate for the moment. "Ahem." He cleared his throat, remaining in the kneeling position lest her Knights or... guardians come knocking. "Yeah. Can't help but notice how much WHITE there is here, heh. Sort of a hard thing to hide under those circumstances." He smiled awkwardly, ".... sorry about the mess? Actually, now that you know, er, the.... situation. I was wondering if I could, maybe, seek sanctuary here? For a short time, that is."
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flamesofrebirths · 9 months
The princess politely approaches, warm smile on rosy lips! "May your year be filled with nothing but blessings." and then she gently kisses the side of the young man's face.
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Joshua offers her a warm smile as she approaches him. Nothing but blessings. It seems rather complicated for him because his life is not a simple one, but he will take it. Finding happiness even in the hardest times. He wants to do it, and he probably can.
He blushes slightly when she kisses his cheek, though. He's not used to this, to affection coming from people other than his family. He appreciates it, though. Princess Sarah is so kind, and she deserves happiness.
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So after this short moment of surprise, he fully comes back to himself. He gently takes her hand and presses a soft kiss to the back of it. He then lets go of her, but keeps that smile on his lips. "I wish you the same, Princess Sarah. Happy New Year, and may all your wishes come true."
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adureus · 7 months
"Wellllll...." Sarah approached with a cheeky grin, hands held playfully upon her hips.
"What are you going to do for Jill? It's valentines day .... being the gentleman that you are... I presume you haven't forgotten .... right?"
❛  A gentleman, am I ? Not to worry, I haven't forgotten. You'd never let me hear the end of it. ❜
A smile. He had plans. Jill isn't the materialistic sort. Rather, she clung to sentimentality and company. He hoped to inspire the former, provide the latter. Perhaps a picnic ⸻ naught rivalled to the idyllic peace the countryside evoked. The quiet babble of brooks wove life about land untouched and unscarred, preserved by their inland refuge and remote proximity, far from the hunger of crystal. Its hushed tranquility paired well with the comforts of yesteryear : the foods, the joys, the wilful superficiality to their banter ⸻ aye, what a perfect gift indeed. They cherished it all, yearned for it, missed the simplicity of their problems. Their initial visit to the markets had been short, cut brief by obligation. Their repast would be intentional, its purpose to reminisce more than celebrate the day.
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❛  There were pastries she was fond of back home in Rosalith. I was hoping to find something similar. ❜
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braskide · 7 months
She shuffled closer until they were seated side by side, palm rested against her cheek while hazel eyes gleamed with curiosity. "Did you just blush? ..... who was that person?? ~"
oh. 𝐡𝐨𝐰 … 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥  — this feeling that sits in the middle of her chest, like a deer caught in the middle of the woods on hunting season. the warmth of the body that shifts so close to her makes her recognize the arrow that points at her: none other than her dearest friend, ready to hit her mark.
flushed cheeks accompany the wide eyes, and a shake of the head grounds her.  ❝   ah —  ❞  a reflex, to link their arms together and her bodies naturally fill the gaps against one another, and yuna can see the glint in the eyes that so peer into her soul. ah, a victim of curiosity at last.
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bashful the tug of the lips that follows — she leans into her friend’s space. she is no longer the naïve girl that once lived, but can a woman not stand in her place and enjoy what she could never have? a friend, a crush.  ❝  i can’t possibly bore you with telling you about them, can i?  ❞  it is as if she could just hear the voice respond to her, that curiosity setting in between the spaces of their friendship. it’s light-hearted, and the warmth of her presence makes her feel glad they are sitting close.
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magitekelite · 8 months
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✦ @royalight :    i had a strange dream in the night. you were in it.  ( garden of earthly bodies . )
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❝ me ? ❞
lavender eyes blink plainly in surprise .  her thoughts first lie in why she would be dreamt of at all , then to how the dream itself was described .  ❛ strange , ❜ the princess had said .  certainly , ❛ strange ❜ could mean 𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 , but it did not necessarily mean a 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 ... ... perhaps it would be better focus on the first matter at hand .
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❝ i’m not sure what the dream was about ... but maybe you dreamed of me because you wanted to see me? ❞  yes , that was a 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝚈 to think about it .  ❝ let’s spend some time together .  what do you say ? ❞
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xkuja · 8 months
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn't have?
|| Gentle Sprinkling of Salt Meme ||
☁ Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn't have?
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I'm too blasé and don't get attached to people very easily. I'd have thrown those kinds of people out of my tea party before they get a chance to break any of my good porcelain, you know?
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lucisol · 7 months
Gently holds his hand ~
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HE STEELS HIMSELF IN THIS MOMENT. the walk around the gardens had been a BREATH of fresh air. accompanying her as opposed to some stuffy guard ⸻  he never gets this opportunity often. being so clumsy, a bit SILLY had disadvantages. but it made her giggle. it made her smile. OH BOY did he LOVE that smile. that laugh. it was INFECTIOUS. it caused his heart to SKIP A BEAT. so it's natural for his heart to LEAP, his cheeks to DARKEN. his fingers so easily intertwined with hers ⸻ so dainty & so smooth in contrast to his rough battle worn ones. a breath before speaking.  ❝ you know... suns not settin' for a bit longer.. whattya say about another lap? I'll eat the consequences! can't be too bad this time... heh. ❞
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themxtleycrew · 8 months
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The girl sits herself on a bench in the town's square, shoes tap on the cobblestone ground, looking across to the large fountain in the center, the sound of rushing water giving ambient music to the hustle and bustle of the square.
The cycles were over, Chaos was no more, they were free. Free from Lufenia, free from the darkness... at least that's what Neon had thought once their mission had seemingly ended. But when she awoke, the black crystal that held her memories of all the cycles still remained in her possession. She had thought it would be no more. A log of everything that had happened, everything she had done, both as Neon, and as Marilith. All the times she'd stopped the true four Warriors of Light, and all the times they ended her life. An endless cycle of chaos finally broken, and it seemed she was the only one who remembered. She had never bothered to ask the others, how was one to supposed to bring up a time where the five of them had nearly destroyed the world several times over?
They all had a chance to move on now, who was she to try and take that from them?
On the subject of repetition though, having obsevered Cornelia so many times, certain scenes became routine... like how around now, Princess Sarah would eventually appear at the square with lute in hand, escorted by a pair of guards while she provided melodious tones for the entertainment of the townsfolk. Children would run around her, passing couples would offer their princess a smile.
Hearing Sarah's lute did help to calm Neon's nerves... she'd rather be here and now than reliving memories of this pristine jewel of a kingdom being reduced to rubble by hordes of monsters.
Neon eventually got up from her bench and pocketed her crystal. She'd been back for some time and had gotten a chance to get reacquainted with some old faces. Didn't make it any less weird for her.
"Your majesty." Neon does a curtsy before the princess to greet her. "I was just keeping the bench warm for you."
She then motioned to the two guards to ease off, Neon would take their place as Sarah's escort. "However, we appear to be surrounded." The silver hair girl chuckled, noting the large gathering of children around them.
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verumking · 9 months
As the clock chimes midnight the elegant Princess takes a step closer to Yozora, then she leans in and presses a gentle peck to the side of his face.
"May you have a blessed year, my friend..."
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⚔️ *:・゚✧┆ unprompted ask . ❪ always accepting !  ❫
To night sky incarnate , the stroke of midnight was no grounds for festivities . New Year's Day was a mere milestone for the passage of time ⸻ a reminder of humanity's short existence . Since forsaking his mortality , Yozora saw no need to count the days , much less celebrate one over the rest .
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So the king stood passionless amid Cornelia's vibrant firework display , drowning its stars with violent splashes of colour . The explosions and rapture masked Sarah's approach , to the point where he did not anticipate her presence , let alone her imparted affection .
Her kiss paralysed him . Like light towards a black hole , did Yozora's attention immediately veer towards the princess , and akin to the infernos of a dying planet , did his cheeks flush red .
❛  Likewise .  ❜
@royalight !
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ragesin · 6 months
         Seconds ticked by, the lull of silence it buoyed verged on broached the level of awkward before he pushed himself to respond to the noble addressing him. Eyes blinked, head canting to the side, cataloguing the young woman’s appearance with a critical gaze. Light demeanor, pale silver hair, elaborate state of dress… Royalty…?  Oh. At last, elusive name somehow clicked into place before it became readily apparent Meliodas sat on the precipice of forgetting the identity of who he was standing before altogether.
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         Head dipped in polite acknowledgement to @royalight, a sheepish smile tickled at his expression.  ❝ Apologies for the late greeting, your Highness. ❞  A hand scratched at the back of his neck as though to dispel the prick of contrition. Luckily, he’s not one for much shame and it quickly faded as he righted himself. In all fairness, he's been absent from the kingdom for quite a while. Of course Cornelia’s princess would grow and change in that long span of time. ❝ I was just…caught off guard by the fact you remembered who I was at all. There’s nothing all that special about most knights when compared to the likes of the royal family. ❞
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flamesofrebirths · 9 months
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She is impressive with this lute...
"I heard Princess Sarah play the lute today. She cares so deeply for her people. It seems important to her to give them these moments of calm and serenity. Music always helps. I hope she realizes the positive impact she has on her people thanks to this. I wish I could give my people something in return, too. Other than being the Phoenix."
She should not pressure herself this much...
"I can see myself in the way Princess Sarah pressures herself all the time, but I wish she wouldn't do this. I know she inspires her people. I hear them talking about her sometimes. I wish I could offer her some more support. I want her to know she is not alone."
She understands me...
"The more I talk with Princess Sarah, the more I realize we have a lot in common. I do not have a lot of friends through noble people. I may be a noble myself, but I do not connect easily with them most of the time. I like when I can feel like me with other people. And with Princess Sarah, I can. It means a lot."
These meetings are easier with her around...
"I feel much more confident in myself in these royal meetings when Princess Sarah is around. I know she believes in me just like I believe in her. It makes it easier to talk about anything. We see our people in a similar way. We truly care about them, more than we care about ourselves. People's interest should always come first, but not everyone seems to agree."
She is a very dear friend...
"When Princess Sarah is kind to me, I believe her. I know many people are only kind to me because I am the Phoenix and do not really care about who I am behind the Dominant. But I trust Princess Sarah. I am glad I can consider her a friend, and I hope she knows she can fully trust me in return."
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