#rp: flower noona
rkohsehun · 4 years
flower noona*
the last two months have been eventful and fun. the hectic schedule between preparations and their actual comeback was definitely a welcomed change to their schedules. knowing they'll be back on stage and will be reunied with their fans is always a nice thought, and considering how warm their comeback had been received pumps them up all the more. the abs instagram update was definitely a nice gift, no matter how embarrassed he had been when they were taking those photos. the positive feedback has him giggling everytime.
ah, but when it comes down to it, knowing many of their friends will be debuting with heartz. he had been excited for that for the longest time, and the excitement only doubled when yuzu told him she'd be debuting with them. it's also a little sad knowing his being bad with keeping in touch with friends had belatedly made him realized that he knew most of the confirmed members - luda noona, who had taught him to sales talk some of the sweetest flower cupcakes before, was one of them.
they didn't really lose contact, thankfully. a low maintenance friendship is how most would describe their friendship and it fits, really. they can go for months without contact, but they can easily pick up where they left off like they were just talking yesterday. and it's the very thought that had him grinning comfortably as he spots the older woman sitting in the cafeteria. "hello, noona!" sehun greets just ad he sits across from her. "how are you?"
@rkxluda  backdated to first week of september
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jinnieplays · 4 years
Entāo nana, eu jogava rp no tumblr uns anos atrás e na época era maioria rpoc mas queria voltar a jogar e entrar em krp por aparentemente ser o que tem, mas tenho medo por nāo conhecer muito da cultura e cometer algum erro que possa chatear, será que tem algum guia? Me sinto mais confortável em rpoc mas também nāo encontro opções.
Oi meu bem, desculpe a demora!
Então, eu estava conversando com a @nikotalks e ela tem um material sobre personagens japoneses, enquanto eu conheço um pouco mais da cultura coreana e um pouquinho da chinesa também. Sua ask veio em um bom tempo, pois iremos juntar o que sabemos dessas culturas e fazer um guia para quem queira interpretar personagens asiáticos à risca.
Mas para adiantar o seu lado, vou lhe falar um pouco do que eu sei. Na Ásia, focando na Coreia do Sul (que é o que eu sei mais), a hierarquia é algo essencial e muito respeitada pelos coreanos. Eu sei que parece exagero, mas vou usar um grupo famoso como exemplo: BTS. 
Em um vídeo, o Jin está dando alguns palpites no que o Suga deveria fazer na música e etc, e apesar do Suga estar incomodado, ele não manda o Jin embora e nem age com desrespeito. O Jin é o mais velho do grupo, o Suga vem logo após, e por respeito ele não manda o Jin sair. 
Outros exemplos: nomenclaturas. O comum é os mais jovens chamarem os mais velhos como hyung (homem/homem), unnie (mulher/mulher), oppa (homem/mulher) ou noona (mulher/homem), ou com -ssi no final do nome. Se você ver vídeos de idols interagindo no backstage, você vai notar que sempre sai um "fulano hyung" ou "fulana unnie". Quando essas pessoas são seus veteranos, é normal que seja usado sunbaenim, ou sunbae. Um exemplo: quando os membros do TXT interagem ou falam com o BTS, sempre usam o termo "nome sunbaenim" ou "Bangtan sunbaenim".
É claro que existem exceções. Quando as pessoas são muito próximas e existe pouca diferença de idade, elas podem não usar honoríficos, como é o caso do J-Hope e do Suga; um de 94, o outro de 93. Raramente o Hoseok usa "hyung" com o Yoongi, porém ainda sim existe uma relação de respeito. E quando as pessoas são do mesmo ano, elas normalmente se chamam pelo nome com o "-ssi" no final se não são próximas, com "-yah/-ah" no final se elas são próximas ou só se chamam pelo nome. Dá pra ver isso nas interações do Jimin e do Taehyung (ambos de 95) ou do Namjoon com o Hoseok (ambos de 94).
Eu sei que nem sempre assistir séries ou filmes te dão uma boa visão da cultura, mas não posso dizer o mesmo dos doramas. Em Boys Over Flowers, o Go Junpyo obedece as ordens da mãe dele, mesmo quando ela não está perto. O que também é visto na versão chinesa, Meteor Garden; é muito comum os pais serem exigentes, conservadores e respeitados acima de tudo. 
Tem uma cena em A Witch's Romance que diz muito disso. A personagem principal tem por volta de uns late 30, quase 40 anos, e a mãe dela diz que elas vão em uma curandeira para tirar o azar dela. Ela tem um cargo alto em um jornal, tem sua própria casa, paga suas próprias contas... mas ela vai. E é isso, é nesse nível o respeito e obediência.
Sobre a sociedade em si, posso dizer que é a mesma definição dos pais: conservadora. Claro, a Coreia do Sul está começando a se abrir mais, mas ainda é um país conservador. Se não estou enganada, só ano passado ou retrasado (?) que se tornou possível casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, mas homossexualidade continua sendo um tabu. Recentemente o Jo Kwon se assumiu non-binary, e felizmente eu não vi um estardalhaço por isso, mas vamos ter em mente que ele tem uma carreira estável há mais de dez anos e se afastou um pouco do kpop em si, está focando mais em uma carreira como ator em teatros.
Bem, o guia inteiro vai vir, mas espero que isso tenha sido uma boa introdução e sneek peak do que está por vir. Se quiser umas dicas de mídias e vídeos para entender melhor, anon, me chama nas mensagens que eu te mando tudo direitinho!
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featherypromises · 5 years
RP Transcription Part 1: Flower Boys
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Okay folks, I had to break this into chunks to make it readable. We worked on this RP for more than a week. I will post these consecutively before taking any other requests or adding additional fics. 
I am so grateful… for so many things:
First, for my friend @sickiebabytae, I am so grateful that you asked me to RP with you. I had such a good time and it will always be my favorite RP that we did.
Second, I am grateful that you are allowing me to make this into a fic to share with our friends. I'm so excited.
Third, to people who are our mutuals and followers, you inspire me to write better, more beautiful stories about these amazing men.We appreciate you so much!
TaeKook shipping happens. I will be leaving the rp as intact as I can. The talented @sickiebabytae is playing the indescribable V and myself, @featherypromises will be playing the role of Jungkook.
Small later roles:
RM: shared between both
Jin: @featherypromises
Jimin: @sickiebabytae
Taehyung knew that he was coming down with something for days. He had all the telltale signs: sore throat, stuffy nose, headaches. But, being the stubborn boy that he is, he, of course, wouldn't admit defeat. 
Granted, this probably wasn't the best course of action, because a week later, on the day of a photoshoot, all of his previous symptoms had multiplied tenfold. He couldn't breathe through his nose at all, his throat felt like there were knives being stabbed through it, and his head was practically pounding. Not to mention that he'd been sneezing and coughing all morning.
Fortunately for Taehyung, the photoshoot was set for some kind of floral scene. This was a good thing, because it gave Taehyung an excuse for his constant sneezing: allergies.
Jungkook was nervous. He normally did really well with photoshoots but he was doing a lot of floral shots today and worse he knew a lot of the shots would be hard on his hyungs, as a lot of them had allergies to pollen. Especially... Taehyung. 
The younger man felt strangely protective of his hyung and hated seeing him uncomfortable. He had decided, as he took his own allergy pill today, that he should bring the bottle with him. ...Just in case. 
He shook his hands and hopped a few times to get rid of his nerves, before joining the others.
Taehyung was mainly standing off to the side as he waited to be given instructions, just looking down at his hands and playing with his fingers. He was sort of worried his allergies WOULD act up, but assured himself that his nose was too blocked to be irritated by anything. 
Well, anything but his cold. And that proved to be true moments later when he turned and let out a soft, sickly sneeze into cupped hands. "Heh'KITSHHuh!"
Jungkook heard the photographer call his name. Distractedly, he looked through and around the staff and crew milling around the set. The scene was similar to an old Victorian style garden, complete with hanging trellises of real hanging flowers and potted trees. He tried not to rub his nose and wreck his makeup as the heady smell filled it. This would be a long and difficult process. 
Standing on his tiptoes, he spotted Suga-hyung and Hobi-hyung with the hair and makeup noonas. Rapmon-hyung was talking with a manager off to one side. He couldn't see... 
"Jeon Jungkook-ssi!" The photographer called again, sounding annoyed. Jungkook blushed slightly, embarrassed and bowed an apology before taking his place on a bench beneath a blooming Forsythia bush. 
He was supposed to look into the glassy eye of the lens like it was ARMY and he was inviting them to come and spend a "refreshing" time with him in this garden. Jungkook wasn't really sure of what the director meant by refreshing... it made him think about a commercial for soft drinks. 
He gazed longingly at the camera and reset himself into a standing position cupping a wisteria blossom in his hand. The strong scent made his sensitive nose twitch, but he just sniffled, trying to will the tickly feeling away. 
Looking at the blossom now, he posed again, like he was caring for the plant. 
"Now," said the photographer, " I want you to smell the flower and turn to me slowly and smile."
Jungkook swallowed reflexively. Oh, god... He obeyed, bringing the purple flower closer to his face and closing his eyes. He inhaled and managed to turn before he felt the tickle flare up in his nose. Against his will, his mouth dropped open slightly and he froze, caught in limbo, before the feeling faded away to nothing. He sniffled, feeling his nose start to run. He apologized and reset, completing the turn and smiling sweetly.
The photographer was satisfied but reminded him of the group shots that would happen after all the individual members shoots were finished. Jungkook nodded and trotted off set to wipe his nose. 
He grabbed a tissue packet off of the makeup noona's cart and went a little ways off to the side to subtly blow his nose. He fought with the tiny pull tab on the packet for a moment before freeing a tissue and pressing it to his nose, jamming the rest into his pocket. He looked up and saw Taehyung ahead of him.
The older man looked tired, even under his makeup. He must not have slept well. Suddenly, the slighter man turned and released a relatively quiet sneeze. Ah, Hyung's allergies must be giving him hell already. But usually Taehyung sneezed openly and loud enough to scare bystanders.  Jungkook scratched his head in confusion, a habit from his younger years that he'd never really outgrown, before going up to the other vocalist and asking, a bit shyly,
"Hyung, are your allergies bothering you? I brought extra allergy pills, if you want one?"
Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a small hum and managed a smile. "Ah, thank you, Kook-ah, but I'm alright." He sniffled thickly. "I took a pill at home. If my allergies get worse I might take you up on your offer though." 
He sniffed again and sighed, desperately wanting to rub his eyes or his nose, but he didn't want to ruin the careful makeup noona's work. She'd spent enough time already trying to cover his red, puffy eyes and pink tinted nose.
Jungkook frowned, but nodded, his eyes not leaving his hyung's face. His concern made his shyness lessen and he was not as self-conscious as he was around Taehyung normally.
 He admired the singer's beautiful soulful voice and his acting skills. More than anything, he wanted to be able to learn from his hyung and to be as good as he was. 
Since the older man had turned down the allergy medication, Jungkook decided to let the matter drop... but V's deep eyes looked so tired, he seemed drained almost. 
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked in what he hoped was a casual way, "You seem tired." 
Ugh, he sounded pathetic and like he was trying to baby his hyung. Why couldn't he have Rapmon-hyung's way with words? 
Suddenly, he felt his nose start to drip again. He pulled a tissue free and wiped at it, looking away and blushing slightly.
"I slept fine..." He lied quietly. He eyed Jungkook with a small smirk. "Looks like your allergies are bothering you too." He said with a small laugh, rubbing the younger's back. "Do the flowers smell strong?" He asked, genuinely worried. For both himself and Jungkook. His nose was sensitive enough without having a cold. Maybe his blocked nose wouldn't protect him after all…
Jungkook sniffled into the tissue and nodded. 
"You know how I get with flowers and perfume, hyung... I get this tickle and feel like I'm going to sneeze, but..." he blushed again, remembering his embarrassing moments from earlier, and trailed off. 
Jungkook suddenly realized his still had the tissue packet and smiled. He could help his hyung at least a little. He pressed the rest of the pack into Taehyung's hands gently. He looked down and said softly,
"Just in case... you might need them. They can always redo part of your makeup. I think they get paid by the hour." He smiled at his small joke and looked at Tae, his dark eyes shining.
Taehyung let out a small laugh and nodded. Bad move. It aggravated the back of his throat and forced out wracking, harsh coughs from him. He turned away from Jungkook to protect the younger from his germs and bent over at the waist from how strong the coughs were.
Jungkook jumped slightly. This was not normal for Taehyung at all. He immediately wrapped his arm around Taehyung to steady him and rubbed small circles into his back.
"Hyung! Come on, let's go sit down for a minute." The youngest member swallowed down the panic he felt building inside his chest. This was not okay.
Taehyung sighed and complied, sitting down on a chair nearby. Well, it was closer to collapsing into it. 
He ran a hand through his hair and tried not to focus on how dizzy he was.
Jungkook knelt down in front of Tae and looked at him, worry and dismay filling his big eyes. 
He reached up to gently touch his palm to Taehyung's cheek, but stopped himself part way there.
"I don't think this is just allergies, hyung. You sound sick..." He hesitated and then said, " I should go get Rapmon-hyung. He can get them to let you go home."
"No no no!" He said immediately. "It's fine. I'm fine..." He said softly.
Jungkook took his hyung's hand gently, his sympathetic eyes pleading,
" Hyung, look at me... please?"
Taehyung slowly looked up at Jungkook with tired eyes as he chewed on his lip and held back a sniffle.
"You have to tell me... if you are sick, or anything... please, I... it hurts watching you put yourself through this." Jungkook shook his head to clear his runaway thoughts, " I mean... I just want you to tell me honestly if you start feeling worse." He sighed and released Taehyung's hand from his own trembling one. "I won't say anything but I am going to get you some water at least."
Taehyung sighed and thanked him quietly, watching the younger walk off. He ran a hand through his hair again and bit back a groan when his name was called. 
He went over to the bench and put on a smile, waiting for instruction. The photographer told him to take one of the flowers in his hand and 'invite ARMY to come with you.' Taehyung wasn't all too sure what that meant, but one of his instructions was to smell the flower. He could already tell that this would be bad.
He took a deep breath, heard that the camera's were rolling, put on a smile, and sniffed the flower. As Jungkook had said, the flower had a strong, unbearable scent, and his sensitive nose immediately decided it didn't like it. 
He whimpered and raised a finger, as if to say, 'wait a minute,' and clamped a hand over his mouth as he pitched forward with a few rapid fire sneezes. "Heh'kitshh! Ishh! Ehh'itshhu! Hah'ishhuh!" He blushed and apologized profusely.
Jungkook was on his way back with a water bottle, worrying about what he should do about Taehyung. The older man seemed really sick, but didn't want to think that his hyung would lie to him. That thought made his heart feel like it was being squeezed by a vice. His heart dropped into his stomach as he returned to the chair he had left the older man in and found it empty. 
"Oh, no!"
He sprinted over to the set, just in time to watch as Taehyung lifted the flower to his face and inhaled. He watched Taehyung's face fall into his hand as he sneezed and Jungkook felt his face flush with anger and frustration at himself, at the photographer, and even the flowers. His hands became fists at his sides. 
"Damn it!"
He started forward, and struggling to compose himself, interrupted the photographer with much apologizing and went to Taehyung's side. He blocked the older vocalist from the crew and staff's sight and under the pretext of giving him water, asked in a whisper,
 "Are you sure you can keep going?"
Taehyung sniffled thickly and pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes with a sigh. 
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be finde..." His voice was laced with heavy congestion by then.
 "Dond't worry about mbe..." He offered what he hoped was a small, reassuring smile.
Jungkook sighed, his shoulders slumping. 
"Okay... I... guess that's okay then..." He felt so uneasy. What was this feeling in his chest? Kookie walked off set and stood off to one side, watching nervously as the shoot continued. 
God, he was being ridiculous... This was Taehyung. His video game partner and his singing partner. Why did he feel so sure that Taehyung was hiding how bad things were from him?
And why did that thought bother him so much?...
Taehyung sniffled one last time and turned back to the photographer, apologizing once more. "I-It's just allergies..." He excused. 
After a few more tries of the shot (with excessive sneezing, of course), Taehyung's nose was now officially too blocked to smell anything. So he managed to smell the flower, turn to the camera, smile, and wave 'ARMY' over. 
The words, "Okay, you're done! Remember the group shots later," had never felt so gratifying or relieving to Taehyung. He practically jumped off the bench, gave a hurried thanks and rushed off to go be miserable in peace.
Jungkook followed as Taehyung left the awful pollen-ridden set. He kept a distance from the older man, trying to see some hidden clue that would help him to make this horrible photoshoot better or easier for Taehyung. 
Jungkook wished, not for the first time that day, that he could just take the suffering man home and get him to shower to remove the pollen. Then he'd put on a movie Tae loved and let him rest. He thought about how it would feel to have Taehyung propped up against his chest just watching tv or a movie together. He smiled and shook his head. They were close but Taehyung wouldn't be okay with something like that... would he?
He shook himself out of his wonderings and slowed, watching Taehyung with curious eyes.
Taehyung leaned against a wall and blew out a breath. He closed his eyes with a grimace and breathed through his mouth to combat the dizziness he was feeling from what he supposed was a fever, judging by how cold he felt. 
A fierce, familiar tickle burned in his nose, and he scrambled for the tissue packet Jungkook had given him earlier. Breath hitching, he fumbled with the tab, pulled out a tissue, and held it to his mouth and nose as he shook with two desperate sneezes. "Heh'TSHHuh! Hah'ITSHHoo!" His breath continued to hitch for a few torturous, tickly moments, before he let a last, incredibly unsatisfying sneeze. "Heh'kitshhuh!" 
He groaned and rubbed his face, not caring anymore that he was ruining the makeup. He felt awful. He just wanted to go home.
Jungkook watched miserably as Taehyung snuffled and sneezed explosively into the tissue. He saw as Taehyung rubbed at his face how much paler he was than the makeup had lead him to believe. Now he was sure, Taehyung really was sick!
He approached cautiously and called out, 
"Taehyung, it's just me."
Taehyung turned to him and sighed. 
"H-Hey..." He blew his nose, which sounded as awful and congested as it felt. He winced and kept the tissue in his hand, knowing he'd probably need it in the near future. 
He coughed lightly and sighed again, rubbing his eyes.
"You sound really bad, Hyung." He reached out and cupped Taehyung's cheek gently, before drawing back in amazement and worry, "You are really warm. I think you have a fever. We need to get you home so you can get the pollen off of you and you can rest." He paced, thinking hard. 
"I could tell them that I'm sick, and that you are taking me back home early. That is, if you really don't want to tell the others."
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling tears well up in his eyes. It was probably the fever messing with his emotions, but he just felt so grateful that Jungkook was doing so much to hep. And guilty, because he didn't deserve this much attention and love just because he was sick. 
"I-I'll just tell themb I'mb ndot feelig well..." He mumbled congestedly. "You dond't have to lie."
"Hyung... oh, Tae, don't cry." Jungkook felt his heart twinge in his chest. He pulled a tissue from the pack and dabbed gently around Taehyung's eyes, being careful not to aggravate the swollen tissue around them.
"I..  really just want you to feel better, and I will do whatever you need to make sure that happens." Jungkook hesitated but finally got up the nerve to bring the slender vocalist into a warm embrace. He gently rubbed small circles into the older man's back and wished he had thought to bring his hoodie to wrap Taehyung in.
Taehyung pretty much melted into Jungkook's arms with a whimper and involuntarily leaned most of his weight onto the younger. He just felt so exhausted and miserable.
Jungkook's heart felt like it could burst through his chest as the older man leaned into his hug. He took a deep breath to calm himself before wrapping his arm around Taehyung and asked,
"Do you want to wait here while I let them know?  Or do you want to tell them?" Thinking it over, he added, 
"Are you okay to walk? I could carry you?..." he offered this last option shyly, but seeing how unsteady Tae was on his feet, he thought it might be safer that way.
Taehyung sighed and closed his eyes. "I-I'll tell themb..." He bit his lip. "C-Can you carry mbe?" He slurred, much too feverish to really comprehend what was going on.
Jungkook bent slightly and let Taehyung lean on his arm, he swept the other under the smaller man's knees and raised him up comfortably leaning him against his chest. 
The maknae could feel the intense heat rolling off of the older man in waves. He murmured soothingly to Tae as he walked into the main area of the set. 
He caught a lot of odd looks on the faces of the crew and staff, but he didn't have the time or the desire to care about that. RM had just finished his set as Jungkook approached him, carrying Tae.
"Hyung... we need to talk to you... right now!"  The leader raised an eyebrow at the youngest members but nodded, taking them off to one side, away from the crowds.
Taehyung waited until they'd stop and tapped Jungkook so that the younger could put him down. 
When he was down, he leaned against Jungkook for support and turned to Namjoon. "H-Hyug... I-I dond't feel well..." He whimpered, coughing as if on cue. "I-Is it okay if I g-go hombe?"
Namjoon's eyes widened at this sudden development. He reached out and gently pressed his palm to Taehyung's forehead. He sucked in a breath and nodded. 
"Kookie, are you going to take him?"
Jungkook nodded and said, "Yes, hyung. I can't stand the thought of leaving him like this." 
Namjoon pulled out his phone,
"I'll let the driver know to come to the side to pick you up. Get him home safely! With Jimin and Hobi's allergies this shoot might take another 3 or 4 hours anyway. Jungkook, I'm counting on you. Take good care of Tae. If he gets worse, call me immediately." 
"I will." Jungkook responded gently, picking his hyung up once more and heading to the less busy side door.
Taehyung barely understood what the other two had talked about and, frankly, didn't have the energy to keep up. 
When Jungkook picked him up, he let out a small yelp, since he wasn't expecting it. "A-Are we going hombe?" He asked, his voice so small and raspy.
"Yes, Tae, I'm taking you home. We will get you home and you can rest. I've got you." As he spoke the sprinter van pulled up and the automatic door opened. Jungkook leaned in, lowering the other vocalist into the seat closest to the door and buckled Tae into it. He reached into the back and pulled out a travel worn blanket that the others used to nap with during long rides. He tenderly covered Taehyung with it and took the seat right next to him, holding his hand.
Taehyung leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes. With his mouth agape so he could breathe, he slowly drifted off into a fitful, restless sleep. 
He constantly woke up over the course of the ride only to stir slightly, maybe let out a small noise, and go back to sleep.
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bangtan-roleplay · 8 years
I do angst, smut, etc.
Private rps are allowed! (my Kik is misha.maple if that is easier than Tumblr for you) 
This is a LGBTQ+ friendly place!
I will rp ships! (That includes threesomes and poly relationships) 
I accept cg/l rps! 
Please send in the following things when requesting (it helps me keep up with the rp’s so I can reply accordingly): 
Which admin you want (Misha or Ella) 
Your anon name (if private, I only need your username for this part)
If the moment should arise, please tell me if you want me to use Y/N or a specific name when addressing you 
Your pronouns
The member you are rp’ing with
The basic storyline of your rp
The genre of your rp
If your rp is smut, I need a list of your main kinks and your hard limits 
If your rp includes more than one member as a main character, I need to know who is rp’ing as who
If your rp is cgl, I need to know who is the little and what their little age is
I do use offensive and vulgar language-such as swearing-so if you are sensitive to that, please inform me.
Any other information that you think is crucial that I remember to make your rp as immersive as possible 
Just have fun, guys! <3
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday: Asks
Tuesday, /Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday: Private
On the assigned days, each person will get, at least, two responses each due to the school year starting again. Thank you! 
Taken Anon Names 
🦄 (#yoongi unicorn emoji anon & #jimin unicorn emoji anon) -Ella 
😘 (#kissy emoji anon & blowing kiss emoji anon)  -Ella
PrettyNoona (#pretty noona anon) -Misha  Cake anon (#cake anon) -Ella Sade (#sade anon) -Misha 
💋 (#kiss emoji anon)  -Misha 
🦁 (#lion emoji anon) -Misha  🥀🌙 (#rose moon emoji anon) -Ella 🐨 (#koala emoji anon) -Ella ᵔᴥᵔ (#puppy emoji anon) -Misha 
🇨🇮 (#irish flag emoji anon) -Misha 
🐻 (#brown bear emoji anon) -Misha  😋 (#smiley tongue emoji anon) -Misha  😽 (#kissy kitty emoji anon) -Ella king-kisu (#king-kisu) -Ella 🌸 (#single pink flower emoji anon) -Misha  Lexi (#lexi anon) -Ella ♠️ (#spade anon) -Misha  heroesfan101 (#heroesfan101) -Misha  Nova (#nova anon) -Misha  Skittles (#skittles anon) -Ella  
🍭 (#lollipop emoji anon)  🌸🌸🌸 (#kawaii flowers emoji anon)  🐳 (#whale emoji anon)  🍼 (#bottle emoji anon)  LittleKook (#littlekook anon)  Fluff (#fluff anon) 
🍰 (#cake emoji anon)    
Em (#em anon)  Baby doll (#baby doll anon)  KTHL (#KTHL anon)
Jikookie (#jikookie anon) 
Eli (#eli anon) 
Male Anon (#male anon) 
Updated On: 8/7/17
~Misha & Ella 
Army Boot Camp 
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bts-roleplay · 7 years
i wish i could rp with you admin noona 😭 but i already have one going onnnn. you seem very nice~~ i wish i had a better was of welcoming you personally but welcome 🎉🎉🎉 -🌺
You are the most beautiful little flower, darling~! Thank you for being so kind! I truly appreciate it :’) 💕🖤💕 I hope we can play in the future~
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bangtan-roleplay · 7 years
Whose rp asks are in your inbox?
pink flower emoji anon 
minmin anon 
nova anon 
sade anon 
brown bear emoji anon 
irish flag emoji anon 
skittles anon 
spade emoji anon 
pretty noona anon 
cake anon 
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