#rp: zoomingupthathill : thread 14
imthecleric ยท 1 year
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Hey Max,
Last you heard, El and I started school. Is high school miserable in Hawkins. I don't care why it could be, but like its miserable here. Makes me miss you, and the guys.
I try to stick by El, but we don't have all the same classes, I know, I know, I'm a nerd. Can't change that now. Think I could fail a few to be placed in more with her? Its an idea I've been having. So she has a friendly face you know... and so I don't just shut away, I swear I am trying not to. But even here I must have a sign on me that I can't see that tells people to steer clear. At least in Hawkins I had a few things I could pinpoint as to why.
When you moved from California, did it feel like that at all? Like you were surrounded by people but were still alone? I don't think I ever asked you, and if anyone has knowledge of cross country moves its you. Lend me a hand?
I don't really do much. I'm not really in any clubs, not that many interest me anyways. I kind of just go to school, and go home. Sometimes I draw, is there anything you want me to draw, I'm short on material? Which is crazy we're in California, but I always had things to draw in Hawkins.
How are you? Really. I wont show this letter to anyone, I promise. So if you want to vent I'm here. I get it. I know you probably hate hearing that, I know I did. Because some people really just don't. I'd trade places with Billy if I could. And don't tell me that's bullshit, I can feel it in my bones your face is probably squinting getting angry on my behalf. Let me know if I'm right? I could be wrong, I can really only accurately guess Mike. I knew what I said when I told you all to Close the Gate.
I used to be able to accurately guess for Mike. How How is he? El doesn't share her letters, and he never responded to the few I wrote. I don't think he calls either, I mean I know its expensive. I just I just want to know how he is. I know the guys are playing DnD again, Dustin and Lucas told me, so if that's why he's not writing, let him know I'm not mad about that. I'm not mad at all. I get it, for us its comforting. I wanted to play all summer because of that reason.
Can you go to one of Lucas' games when he makes the team. I need an unbiased opinion of his skills. I don't want my compliments to be empty. Does that make sense?
Don't get to in your own head. Skateboard when you do. Trust me. It'll help.
p.s. For halloween a girl and her boyfriend came to school as Diana Prince and Steve Trevor. She wasn't dressed as Wonder Woman, but like she was Diana. I knew. It was obvious if you knew, you know what I mean.
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