lgbtmulti · 5 days
Roleplay Search!
Hi all, I'm Andy and I'm 26 from England. Pronouns he/him/his & I'm looking for some roleplays. please be 18+
Teen Wolf
I can roleplay as Stiles, Isaac, Liam or Scott
I'm looking for some ships
Stiles x Derek
Stiles x Scott
Stiles x Malia
Stiles x Lydia
Isaac x Allison
Isaac x Malia
Isaac x Scott
Scott x Allison
Scott x Malia
Liam x Theo
Liam x Stiles
Liam x Brett
If interested please reach out! I roleplay via Discord
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rabidremi · 2 months
Someone, anyone (18+ pls), please give me a bloody, angsty, problematic, drama filled fxf ((ocxoc)) pairing plot. I'm o down bad to rp rn after coming back from my hiatus. I just moved over to Tumblr from Instagram so I've got a lot to catch up on but I've been writing for 9-10 years on and off. I'd consider myself advance lit though I'm currently writing my phone so spelling may be a little iffy with such a small keyboard, I'm used to my laptop usually but she died on me so.
I'm good to rp on discord now as I've moved to there as well for the actual story and plot. Like this or DM me!
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Apparently my damn muses just won’t quit, soo thought I would throw out a post for roleplays I am wanting!
I do mainly do fandom but I would be happy to do RL too just hit me up!
The Vampire Diaries
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter (mainly marauders era but happy with any rly)
Once upon a time
Gossip girl
Message me/like if at all interested 💕
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justrpthings2020 · 1 year
Looking for long-term rp discord partners! 18+ only!
                                      Hi! I’m looking for people to roleplay with! I can do lit-novella and be detailed and would like my partner to be able to match! Please not the triggers in some of the roleplays. I do romance, sol and dark roleplay, sometimes mixing them. I’m active daily and respond fast but I know real life can be tough!
I do NSFW roleplays or fade to black depending on what the partner is wanting and okay with! MxM is my main pairing with me often playing a femboy, but I do MxF as well! If Fandom I would perfer to play OC or CC. Please DM me on Discord with which plot and pairing you would like!
Discord: amberrayne2020
Fandom plots:
{Dark Romance slight AU} Zack foster x Oc :  Zack escapes jail trying to find ray and keep his promise, only to find a older sibling willing to kill for her causing both to be at a stand still. TW: Blood, Gore, Fighting
{Dark Romace/ Human wally AU} Wally Darling X Oc: Wally had worked so hard hiding his dark side, keeping the show going, only for it all come down when a intern found out his secert.
{Romance} Cyberpunk 2077 Takemura x Oc: between the scoping out and relaxing Takemura almost forgot he wasn’t suppost to fall for the person who made his new life hell.
{Romance} Fenris x OC Dragon age: Fenris had to fight all his life, and now that he is remembering everything he can’t help but feel a piece is missing, only to find them in a tavern.
Oc x Oc
{Dark Romance/ Omegaverse} Yakuza secrets: Finding love in the Yakuza almost seemed insane, let alone from a cashier at the corner store down the road
{Fantasy Romance} The kingdoms trade: In return for peace two kingdoms agree to marry of their heirs. Both hate the idea, but can love still grow? TW: Cheats, Jealousy, Fighting                                                                                                            
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overthrowbongo · 5 years
I dunno if this is the place to put this butttttttt
Anyone wanna do a FrostIron rp? I’ll gladly use Tumblr for it, but I also have discord!
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thestarexpress · 6 years
mystic messenger onexone search
Hey demons, it's ya girl. I'm going to make this short; I'm looking for someone interested in a MysMe roleplay, doubling:
You playing Saeran/Ray against my OC
Me playing anyone you'd like against your OC
I'd prefer this to take place over discord/gdocs, I can write hella length, and would you please be 18+? You know. Reasons.
If you're interested, message me. Thanks~♡
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ephemeraldrms · 6 years
SoulEater Based Rp
Hey everyone! It’s me again with a new idea and I’m looking for co-admins to help me run a Facebook or MeWe roleplay. Duties will be very simple and cover checking on the aff and possibly tumblr(if we make one) to answer questions and accept applications as well as group maintenance and welcoming. Through the admin chat we can set up a schedule of sorts to make sure everything is done in a relatively timely manner so that everyone has time to socialize and roleplay too. Basically just normal admin stuff with myself being responsible for the bulk of it. If it sounds like something you might be interested in, please feel free to contact me.
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So what kind of roleplay do I have in mind?
That’s right! I want to do an au version of the anime SOUL EATER where people use faceclaims to try to become the best darn meisters or weapons that they can. Death Weapon Meister Academy will be a sort of school/matchmaking roleplay with the matchmaking taking place between weapons and meisters. Weapons and meisters don’t actually have to date each other though, the pairings aren’t about romance but rather about trying to form a good partnership to turn the weapons into Death Scythes. If they choose to date or become more, that’s completely up to them. At first the pairings are temporary and last for two weeks but if the match works then the partners can opt to keep each other. Once paired there will be individual missions handed out to the teams that they can complete to earn souls/points so they can become Death Scythes. As well as missions we will hold monthly events ranging from simple to elaborate to help build a sense of community and collectively move our stories forward. For right now to make things easier on myself I’d like to keep it straight only but if I get some great co admins and enough people want it we can go all orientations.
There will be a few slight changes from the anime including:
-characters should be adults or at least of legal age so that no one gets uncomfortable with pairings or incredibly heavy storylines.
-the location of the academy
-no actual characters from the anime or anime characters will appear though if you can make a character inspire by them then that is awesome!
If you would be interesting in joining this roleplay, please message me with your desired platform (Facebook or MeWe) and let me know if you’d be interested in helping out as co-admin. Thank you so much for your time and patience with reading this. Have a great day, week, month, year, and life!
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leegaalover-blog · 7 years
RP Partner Search (Only Leegaa)
Hey! I’m looking for a Leegaa RP partner so if anyone’s interested in being in a RP with me, these are the requirements:
1/. You are at least experienced in past RP’s. But if you aren’t, please tell me in advance so I can give you constructive criticism to improve your writing.
2/. You plan on going nsfw +18 on some of the RP’s with me. I can get pretty into the RP and go into sex (but only if Lee and Gaara been going out for a while)
3/. You are comfortable chatting with me. I will occasionally try to start an convo while doing an RP like a quick ‘How is your day?’ or ‘are you feeling okay?’ I like to get to know my RP partner.
4/. You plan on doing RP’s in the future. If you just want to do a quick RP and never text me back again, forget it. I tend to get attached to my RP partners because I see you as a friend, not a stranger. My last one ended horrible so please don’t even start if your going to leave.
5/. Yes I am young, yet I tend to do +18. If your not comfortable with it, then don’t consider this. The last thing I want is you to end it because of it.
6/. You have to agree to be Lee. I only do Gaara because I can understand him in a emotional level. I always was Gaara in all my RP’s and I play him very well. I’m horrible at being Lee :,)
7/. Have fun with our RP ! I won’t ever tell you that your work is wrong! I tend to enjoy RPing very much! It’s an escape from the real world for me!
So if you meet these requirements, please do not hesitate to message me ! I look forward to who ever wants to RP with me! :) #^.^#
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art-by-neon-pandas · 7 years
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!!!! REPOST WITH PERMISSION THX!!!! Doodled a new oc today due to insomnia
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lilysnight22-blog · 7 years
Roleplay Partner Search
- Hello –
You can call me Lily, it’s my usual online alias. A little bit about me… I am 26 years old, female , I’ve been roleplaying for just about 15 years now on and off. I used to pursue sites like Gaiaonline, etc. for RP partners. From there I found a few partners who stuck with me for awhile to do single roleplays over email.
I work a full time job, but most of my downtime is either spent writing, watching tv or playing video games.
I live in Arizona so my timezone is a little wonky. Fluctuating from pacific to mountain because we don’t observe DST.
I’m down to having only one RP partner and with lots of time between replies I have found myself bored and desiring another.
– Story Interests –
I am not into roleplaying specific fandoms. Throwing myself into the confines of a show, movie, game, etc just doesn’t jive with me. If that’s something you really want to do, you’re going to have a hard time convincing me.
Now while I don’t like working with fandoms, I do find it’s nice in an original story line to pull themes or ideas from movies, books, shows and so on.
At the moment I don’t have any specific plot ideas but I’m sure if we put our brains together we could come up with one. I do however have a couple of themes I’ve really been craving.
Theme 1) Vampires/werewolves. – it’s honesty been a long time since I’ve had a good vampire roleplay and I’m a sucker for them.
Theme 2) Gangs. – I did start one once where a girl fell in love with a member of a gang who secretly wanted out of said gang. It had a pretty cool start and went off in a bunch of crazy directions.
- Story Preferences –
I prefer to play the Female in any pairings but can be flexible and play as a Male though it’s not my preference. If I do play the male it would be nice to have two sets of main character “couples” so we could each play one of each sex.
I’m not too into F/F or M/M; you would have to convince me with a really good storyline.
I am a pretty flexible writer, depending on what’s going on in the story or how much time I have to write out a response I try to at least write 1-2 paragraphs a reply. Sometimes I can be really on a roll and pump out 5-7 paragraphs. Just depends on the circumstances.
I don’t get nit picky over spelling or grammar. As long as you have a good grasp of it, and know how to write a decent paragraph with punctuation we will be good.
– Kinks/Limits –
I really don’t have many things I won’t be willing to do. Language, smut, violence all have their place in a roleplay. As long as they don’t take over our story then I won’t have a problem with it.
I don’t mind having any smut in the roleplay, but we can discuss mutual limits further over email.
– Contacting Me –
So by now hopefully something has piqued your interest. So if you want to get in touch the info will be dropped below… but first….
1) please. Please. PLEASE. Be 18+ before you contact me. I am not specifically looking for an “adult themed” roleplay but if we do stumble into explicit territory I don’t need to drag some underage person with me. And if I happen to find out later you weren’t honest and are underage I will drop the roleplay faster then you can say “potato”.
2) Please put some content into your email. Tell me a little about yourself. Tell me what you are interested in roleplaying, how much experience you have, etc. and while you’re at it, stick your favorite color in the subject line so I know you read all of this.
Kik: Lilysnight25
Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you soon!
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armandleruss · 3 years
Where are all the VC accounts?
#VampireChronicles #RPSearch
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hawk-tail-blog · 8 years
I’m so booooored! Anyone wanna do an rp? Furry preferred.
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