#rr proxima
viaphni · 1 month
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mantarobin · 3 months
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goofy rr doodles i made. cliff and proxima fans eat up
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reponute · 23 days
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codajaiden · 2 months
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I actually forgot to share the drawings of Ruin and General Proxima here BABAHSHAHSBAWJJS
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hehehheheheheh I have been writing obsessively recently so have an Unnamed Ruined Reality Alternate Universe Oneshot
this is a concept I made and outlined with my friend and I have finally actually translated it into proper written word??? Unimaginable
​also woopsies general AU stuff before you read: Filii/Filiae/Filius/Filia all take the place of the species Steve! The different Filii use different languages so their subspecies name is translates (ie. yellow -> Galben in Romanian, aquamarine -> Aquamarijn in Dutch, violet -> Violetto in Italian)
Griffin ran from the room, away from his mother, away from the horror he felt while looking at her. Caliban watched him go. In disbelief, she muttered, “No… Why would you run…?”
She stood still, staring out the open door to the hallway, her cell’s only source of light. Something moved to her left and her head snapped toward it immediately. And she saw… Athena. The glorious, loyal, deadly, traitorous Athena. The poor woman looked exhausted. She turned to Caliban with no hate in her eyes, which Caliban did not deserve.
“Because he knows what’s best for himself,” Athena spoke softly but intensely. “And so do I.” The general turned to leave the room.
Caliban could not allow that. She… She wanted Athena to stay. Stay with her. Why wouldn’t anyone stay? Why wouldn’t anyone listen?! She’s not insane! She’s not dangerous! She shouldn’t be stuck down here! They’ll leave her here to rot. No, no, no, the queen of nightmares will not rot before her traitors do. This traitor will not leave.
The Queen stepped forward and her restraints tensed immediately, chain pulling against chain. Her head rolled forward, as though she had little control of her own body, as though she was possessed. The Queen was a caged animal. With a sudden and very raw anger, she screamed.
The general stopped, bracing her weapon, but did not turn to the animal.
From the moisture in the air and the water sunk into the bricks, the general summoned a fist of water and ice to encase her right hand. It seemed she was preparing for a fight.
The general spoke lowly, something unreadable clouding her face. “I never said I was pure.”
The general took a deep breath…. Athena kept walking away. But the Queen could still see her. The Queen continued to scream after her. She could not stop herself.
Athena kept walking.
The Queen fell to her knees, having lost the battle against her metal restraints. But her corrupted eyes remained trained on Athena’s figure in the hallway, which had stopped moving. The Queen finally remained silent.
…Athena returned to the room. She walked over to the Queen, standing over her while the infected woman sat in her shadow. The Queen stared up at her old friend with her furious red eyes.
“...We have not killed you because we so desperately wish to save you,” whispered the general, leaning down closer. “I vowed long ago to never kill without reason. To never take a life that could be salvaged.” She still held her weapon in her hands and weariness in her eyes. This was what she came here for.
The general stood back up, straighter. “...I am sorry, Caliban. More than you know.” She gripped the weapon tighter. “Let me grant you peace.” This was what she came here for.
And yet, she saw something shift in the Queen’s eyes. When the fury faded, her eyes held only immense tiredness. And yet she smiled softly. Caliban bowed her head.
Athena looked down upon her. “...Tell me truthfully, Caliban… Did the Darkness really help you?”
Caliban bowed further. Her friend heard pain in her voice. “Please kill me….”
Athena’s eyes widened, she could hear her own heart beating. After only a second of consideration, she took the risk of wrapping her best friend in a hug. Caliban could not return it with the chains around her wrists still pulling, but she leaned into the Aquamarijn, savoring this last comfort, this last moment of lucidity. When Athena spoke, her voice was small and quiet, “I’m so sorry, Cal.”
Then, there was silence for a long time. “...Rest well for us…” Athena whispered. She raised her weapon behind Caliban’s back. The Galben did not brace herself for pain or death. All she did was nod, still leaning on her friend. Athena felt Caliban’s warm tears fall onto her shoulder.
“...Tell Griffin…” Caliban said when she decided she should speak, “...I’m sorry.”
“I will, I will. We love you so much.” Athena let the embrace linger for a minute longer.
“... You were wonderful.”
The final blow was swift and simple, to her back. Athena dropped her weapon right after, wrapping both arms around Caliban. The Galben did not scream. She died as she lived.
In pain.
But loved.
Athena laid her body down gently. She didn’t try to stop any tears from falling. Taking Caliban’s hand, she sat next to her for a little while. Grieving. The Galben looked at peace, despite the scars of Darkness… Athena stared at her face, thinking of it all. Their laughter, their joy, their girl’s nights. Their fights and disagreements, their friendship growing deeper. The Darkness. The glowing lights on Caliban’s dress and jewelry slowly dulled. It pained Athena.
She didn’t have to watch, she knew. But she would anyway. Caliban was her best friend. Athena would sit and stay until she was completely gone. So she sat.
Amadeo, Chief Violetto, walked slowly through the underground hallways of the Outpost with a crossbow in hand. He wanted to be safe, in case Athena had been unable to handle the Nightmare Queen. He doubted that she would fail—she was the one who suggested this, after all—but… just in case. He hesitantly poked his head through the open doorway and scanned the room for any sign of a struggle or fight. There was none. Then he saw Athena, with Caliban in her arms.
“...Athena?” he whispered.
Athena did not look up.
Amadeo walked in further. The cell was so isolated. So dark and wet. They’d all regretted placing Caliban here. But her behavior was just becoming too erratic. He saw Athena sitting quietly, staring at the Filia Galben, who looked to merely be asleep. But the scars… They’d looked so shallow, but they’d run so deep. Amadeo knelt down next to both of them, facing the back wall.
“...We’ll miss her,” he said.
Athena gave a small nod. “Always.” She felt guilt. But she knew this kill was in mercy. Caliban’s last words rang in her head. Please kill me. I’m sorry.
Amadeo relaxed his shoulders and set his crossbow down away from the women. There was pain in him. There was always pain in him, but there were times when it became clearer. This was one of those times. “There was no fight?”
“...She asked me to end it herself.”
He leaned back and looked at the ceiling. “She was still there?”
Athena was silent for a moment. “Do you think… we still could have saved her?”
Amadeo had been in Athena’s position before. He took a deep breath. “...No. Whatever was left of her… It was just suffering…. You saved her.”
…Athena brought one of Caliban’s hands to her face, placing it on her cheek. It was already cold against her skin. “...How is Griffin…?”
The Chief Violetto sighed and looked back down to the wall. “Vaughn is comforting him. He knows this was all we could do.” He frowned sadly. “We won’t be able to give him a proper coronation. …But I don’t think it matters at this point.”
“There is nothing to rule over…” Athena said. Four. There were four Filii Galben left. Amadeo rubbed his face. He was… exhausted. They all were exhausted.
“...Where will we bury her?” Athena asked quietly.
“...I don’t know if we should with all that Darkness, Ath…”
Right, Athena thought.
“We could… ask the Rojos to cremate her?” Amadeo suggested. “It’s just… The Royal Galben tombs are unreachable…”
Slowly, Athena nodded.
“...I’m sorry. You were closer to her than any of us.”
Athena… gave a small smile. Amadeo assumed the gesture was meant for his sake, but she still stared at the corpse. “It is alright. I would rather her be at peace than in pain. Even if by my own hand.” But she had cried and would again. She grieved for every kill she committed. Amadeo knew.
He thought and thought in their silence. About the World Beyond and Below. About his fellow leaders. About death and sadness. He didn’t cry for Caliban, he couldn’t. He had no tears left in him. He thought about Pietro. How Amadeo had held his body in the same way Athena held Caliban’s. How the same thoughts had run through his head. How doomed and ruined everything felt.
But he had allies now…. He was not alone in an old, corrupted village. They would all comfort Athena. They would all honor Caliban somehow. Griffin would be given the title he deserved. They would all continue to try.
He shut his eyes and stood, grabbing his crossbow. “I will… go inform King Rei.”
He… he walked away. And Athena was alone again. With a body that was slowly getting cold. More tears fell.
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luccuavt · 9 months
Ontem eu terminei A Realm Reborn no final fantasy xiv e cara fiquei investido na historia naquele final do RR mas eu meio que não entendi tudo certinho por que eu simplesmente ignorei praticamente a historia o game inteiro ate chegar ali no final que eu começei a prestar mais atenção kk
Enfim vou ver de começar e terminar a historia das proximas duas expansões, heavensward e stormblood.
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kulturalnylunatyk · 1 year
Szybkie podsumowanie 56 razy w teatrze. Wybitny rok!. A tu najlepsza, rozciągnięta piątka: 1. Imagine (Lupa) 1. Sztuka intonacji (Dramatyczny) 1. Odlot (Szczecin) 2. 1989 (Słowackiego) 2. Wujaszek Wania (Ludowy) 2. Solaris (Ludowy) 2. Dług (Proxima) 3. Nadchodzi chłopiec (Stary) 3. Nieboska Komedia (Stary) 4. Salome (Stary) 4. Iliada (Ludowy) 4. Orlando (Stary) 5. Chciałem być. Krawczyk (Szczecin) 5. Łaskawe (Śląski) 5. Ludwig (Kielce) Reszta, chronologicznie: Pokora (Katowice), Słowak nocą (Słowackiego), Trąbka do słuchania (Stary), Odyseja (Warlikowski), Hamlet (Słowackiego), Turnus mija (Słowackiego), Panny z Wilka (stary - poraz enty) Powarkiwania drogi mlecznej (Słowackiego), Sen nocy letniej (Stary), Pani Bovary (Słowackiego), , Czartoryska-Artefakty (Stary), Nad Niemnem (Ostrewy), Dzienniki Gombrowicz (Bagatela), Mistrzostwa świata w łowieniu metodą gruntową (Tylka), Agammemnon (Słowackiego), Balladyna (Słowackiego), Kopciuszek (Stary), Powrót do Reims (Poniedziałek), Marzenia Polskie (Stary), Odys i świnie (Śląski), Królestwo (Stary), Bezmatek (Ludowy), Wesele (Stary), Fiasko (Stary), Bowie w Warszawie (Dramatyczny), Stowarzyszenie Umarłych Poetów (Och!Teatr), Wymazywanie (Stary), Triumf woli (Stary), Biesy. O piciu herbaty (Stary), Znachor (Słowackiego), Baśń o wężowym sercu (Stary), Tonąca dziewczyna (Stary), Śmierć Jana Pawła II (Poznań), Łatwe rzeczy (Olsztyn), Cudzoziemka (Poznań), Alte Hajde (Poznań), Z naszymi umarłymi (Kielce), Szewcy (Stary), Halka (Stary), Kwadrat (Stary muzycznie), Przekrój (Stary muzycznie), Koncert dla Ukrainy (Słowacki muzycznie), mowa mistrzowska Stasiuka na Conradzie. 21 seriali, najlepsza rozciągnięta piątka: 1. Get Back - zjawiskowe 2. Halt and Catch Fire (4 sezony / drugi raz)  2. Ozark (finał, sezon 4) 2. Sukcesja (sezon 3) 3. Homeland (8 sezonów / pierwsze trzy - drugi raz)  3. Genialna przyjaciółka (sezon 3) 3. Stranger Things (sezon 4) 4. For All Mankind (sezon 3) 4. Over the Garden Wall 4. Gaslit  4. Yellowstone (3 sezony) 4. Severance 5. The Old Man 5. Wielka woda, 5. The Rehersal 5. The Crown (sezon 5) Poza tym te najsłabsze, chronologicznie: Skandal w brytyjskim stylu, The Staricase, Odwilż, Krakowskie potwory, Zawód: Amerykanin, Inside Man
Zaskakująco sporo filmów, mimo że mało w kinie. Pierwsza piątka: 1. Popiół i diament 1. Przygoda 2. Chip&Dale: Brygada RR 2. Ennio 2. Córka 2. Wszystko wszędzie na raz 3. Oto jest głowa zdrajcy 3. Kto zabił sekretarza generalnego ONZ 4. Powrót do tamtych dni 4. Najgorszy człowiek na świecie 5. Apollo 11 5. Struggle: Szukalski 5. Truflarze 5. Ziemia obiecana (z D.Olbrychskim w MOS) Poza tym dobre, chronologicznie: King Richard, Elvis, eXistenZ, To nie wypanda, Film balkonowy, Batman, Ucieczka na srebrny Glob, Zielony Rycerz, Zbawiciel na sprzedaż, Being the Ricardos, Whitney, French Dispatch, 8 1/2, Herbert. Barbarzyńca w ogrodzie, Tragedia Makbeta, Bo we mnie jest seks, Teściowie, Scarface, Ukryte, Wiking, Last Duel, Matrix Zmartwychwstania
No i te złe, kolejność losowa: The Forgiven, Triangle of Sadness, Świtezianka, Gray Man, The Lost City, Jurassic World, Salome, Wild Salome, Uncharted, Enancto, Oczy Tammy Faye, Belfast, Gwiezdne wrota
Także miłe wystawy: Puchalski (MCK), Brytyjczycy w MuFo, Spindle Henry’ego Moora w InterContinentalu Miami, Chagall w Narodowym Warszawie, Design i poslkie malarstwo XIX-wieczne w Narodowym w Warszawie, Pawilon Czapskiego w Krakowie i Czapski w Warszawie, storyboardy Polańskiego i Wajdy w Wajda School, sztuka w Ithra, brytyjska sztuka współczesna w Rzymie
Trochę czytania: głownie Dwutygodnik (felietony Olgi Hund!), Okoński w Tygodniku, blogi Łukasza Drewniaka, trochę wstydliwych pozostałości po dobrej Wyborczej (weekendowe wydanie przeglądane głownie dla żartu), do zapamiętania: Smoleńsk Torańskiej, wybitni Europejczycy O.Figesa, Wygnaniec Domosławskiego, Maus Spigelmana, Porwanie Europy Maraiego, Zajedźmy kobyłę historii Modzelewsiego, Wajda Michalaka, Czarodziejska Góra Manna, audiobooki z Panem Samochodzikiem i podcast “Pełnia literatury”.
Do tego wspaniałe jedzenie: żonglerka (wszystko), kolacyjki balkonowe na Sarego, Kropka, dogi z tapbar, czarny ryż z Turlaj Klopsa, jesienne menu w Zakładce, kolacja i śniadanie u Domi, pizza u Konrada, wino z Kaurismaki w Annecy, żurek w Gliwicach, kolacja w Pałacu Kamieniec, sporo Euskadi, syryjski kurczak w Suvayda, wina i fenkuły na Konfetti w Krakowie, lody Algida Purgatorio w Lazio, śniadania w Krempnej, śniadanka, drinki, mule i cielęcina w cytrynie i pizza w Cannes, kubańskie tapasy, salceson i kiełbasa w Marsylii, corndog w Everglades, kraby u Joe’go, robster roll w Margot i żeberka w Miami, fishburger w Ojcowie, bania beer na integracji, kaszanka z grilla w łódzkiej filmowce, chipsy i wino w Rascalu, jabłka i chipsy na tarasie w Brzezowej, kleparskie śliwki, pępkowe ogórki u Wydry, obiad i wino Nizio w Sarnach, kaszak u Guciuów, stek u francuza w Dolinie Bobru, wódka i weselne krokiety Klaudii i Maćka, gulasz u Andertów, wino i śniadania na tarasie w Tarczynie, amatriciana na Awentynie.
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George R.R. Martin revela detalles del próximo spin-off de "Juego de Tronos"
George R.R. Martin revela detalles del próximo spin-off de "Juego de Tronos" George R.R. Martin revela detalles del próximo spin-off de "Juego de Tronos" George R.R. Martin reveló en su página oficial más detalles del primer spin-off de Juego de Tronos, además de otras noticias del futuro de la saga y sobre su nuevo libro. (FOTO TOMADA DE LA WEB)El año pasado se estrenó la séptima temporada de "Juego de Tronos", y se dio a conocer que HBO estaba trab... SUSCRIBETE ES GRATIS!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiFBDYHiRQ5ph4nGKYhyIQg?sub_confirmation=1 SUSCRIBETE para no perderte nada, aqui seguiremos activos Dando a conocer mas de HUNI News , deja tu comentario y tu like, nos motiva a seguir adelante Hasta la Proxima!! #George #RR #Martin #revela #detalles #del #próximo #spinoff #de #Juego #de #Tronos
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Jucá diz que reforma trabalhista deve ser votada na próxima semana
Jucá diz que reforma trabalhista deve ser votada na próxima semana
Jucá diz que reforma trabalhista deve ser votada na próxima semana. na próxima semana e que um requerimento de urgência para a matéria deverá ser analisado pelos senadores na terça.
Jucá diz que reforma trabalhista deve ser votada na próxima semana
(Reuters) – O líder do governo no Senado, Romero Jucá (PMDB-RR), disse nesta segunda-feira que a reforma trabalhista deverá ser votada na Casa na…
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viaphni · 2 months
as impractical as proxima's training of his elites sounds, it is very sweet to me
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You'd think that he'd train all of his elites equally in all areas so like they could be fine on their own
But Aaron was strategy, Louis was energetic power, and Cliff was raw power
And it seems that they were trained so much in those individual areas that it affected them negatively later on
But it makes you think that Proxima trained them to always be a trio, to never be apart, to work together as one machine. that is so sweet to me. Your honor they're a family oouugh
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mantarobin · 2 months
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This took ... Nine hours..... I gave up w the water rendering sorry. pls enjoy tho and zoom in for somw details :33
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codajaiden · 2 months
(this is via)
• This one is more like a theory and such but I like to think that Proxima got his dark scar from Seer after he became Rainbow Void. it's not darkness entirely but, imagine a scene where Seer became Rainbow Void and Proxima was near him, until RV pushed him with so much energy that it was able to knock him out. Idk I like that thought.
• I said it in DC with my design of him but, the flag of the Aquamarine Kingdom (or what's left of it) is tied over on his battle axe as a way for his people to also fight for the freedom of peace in the Soul and darkness War.
• The Yellow King and Proxima are definitely partners in crime when they are in the battlefield 💥💥
• Definitely lets the Spider crawl over his shoulder, or acts surprised when the Spider jumps on his head
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me when I can only doodle ruined reality
also that one drawing of Light is definitely heavily inspired by @viaphni ‘s illustration of that one scene in the finale lmao.
also also me when light suffocates because for some reason I imagine that losing a soul would feel like suffocating to death??? Idek man
k bye
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theundercard-blog1 · 7 years
Palmeiras x Ponte Preta para assistir as 16h00 Paulistão
Para assistir o jogo do Palmeiras ao vivo contra o Ponte Preta, leia na integra - A Ponte Preta se encontra a um triunfo de garantir o seu lugar nas quartas de final do Campeonato Estadual. Mesmo assim, diferente do previsto no jogo, não entra em campo com um grupo somente de reservas do outro lado. O Palmeiras não tem interesse de poupar ninguém para conquistar mais três pontos na partida das 16 horas (de Brasília) que se disputa no sábado, no Pacaembu, e seguir na procura ao Santos na batalha pela melhor campanha da primeira parte da competição. "Se alcançarmos a vitória, a partida contra o Santos torna-se um campeonato diferente", declarou Gilson Kleina. Já garantido com a classificação, o comandante faz questão de tirar proveito de jogar as próximas fases em casa, no Pacaembu e, para conseguir essa façanha, não pode se ceder o jogo para o adversário praiano, que soma a mesma pontuação e saldo de gols mai alto que o Verdão. O objetivo é ultrapassá-lo na disputa  da próxima partida, no dia 23, na Vila Belmiro. Não deixe de assistir o jogo do Palmeiras ao vivo online em tempo real lance a lance. Por tanto, o treinador abriu mão do pensamento de dar descanso aos titulares atletas. A formação será concluída em testes que avaliam o nível de cansaço de cada jogador e depois de ganhar do Vilhena na quarta-feira, pela competição da Copa do Brasil, em estádio cheio de poças e buracos e encarar uma longa viagem para retorna de Rondônia na quinta-feira após o jogo. Os jogadores ausentes são Marcelo Oliveira, cumprindo suspensão por ter ficado expulso frente ao Paulista, e Wesley, Marquinhos Gabriel, Diogo e Thiago Martins, todos eles  não podendo jogar por não esta bem fisicamente, por desgaste. Dos principais atletas, é provável que Valdivia esteja no banco de reservas e tenha Juninho, Patrick Vieira e Vinicius ao seu lado com dupla, com William Matheus, Bruno César e Leandro chegando no grupo. Tiago Alves vai ser o parceiro de Lúcio na defesa. Uma das preocupações é não deixar de ganhar pontos frente ao adversário que esta bem preparado por ter ficado com a semana completa para o compromisso no estádio do Pacaembu. A Ponte Preta teve sua atuação só com o time reserva para dar uma goelada ao Náutico-RR na quarta-feira, na competição da Copa do Brasil, sem ter nem o treinador Vadão no local do jogo. O que aumenta a preocupação diante do time rival. Fique ligado para ver ao vivo jogo do Palmeiras e Ponte Preta hoje pelo Paulistão.
Ponte Preta no jogo do Palmeiras ao vivo hoje
Disputando contra o Palmeiras que já tem vaga garantida para a proxima fase da competição, a Ponte Preta pode garantir o seu lugar nas quartas mesmo se sair derrotado no Pacaembu se por acaso o São Bernardo seja derrotado pelo Bragantino, que joga neste sábado que nem o Palmeiras e Ponte Preta, Em Bragança Paulista.Mesmo desse jeito, o vice-líder do grupo C somando no total 24 pontos, esta pretendendo  fazer a sua parte triunfando diante o Palmeiras para terminar à última rodada com sua classificação. Até um o resultado de um empate é bem visto com bons olhos pelo técnico do Ponte Preta, já que faria a Macaca atuar por mais uma igualdade na última rodada, contra o Mogi Mirim, no Majestoso.  Fique ligado para assistir ao vivo jogo do Palmeiras online no site do PremiereFC, novo serviço da empresa de assinatura.
Transmissão para assistir Jogo do Palmeiras ao vivo
Para assistir o jogo de Futebol ao vivo do Palmeiras hoje você deve pesquisar no google através do link embaixo pelos termos no link. Clique aqui  e confira um link para o jogo na busca do Google. Clique aqui e confira um link para o lance a lance em tempo real do jogo. Veja hoje o jogo do Palmeiras ao vivo contra o Ponte Preta. O canal PremiereFC mostra o jogo  para todo o Brasil. O GloboEsporte.com também te exibe a disputa  em Tempo Real online ao vivo e com vídeos exclusivos, a partir das 15h30m. Local: estádio do Pacaembu, em São Paulo (SP) Data: 15 de março de 2014, sábado Horário: 16 horas (de Brasília) Árbitro: Marcelo Rogério (SP) Assistentes: Daniel Luis Marques e Patricia Carla de Oliveira (ambos de SP) Assistentes adicionais: Vinicius Furlan e Regildenia de Holanda Moura (ambos de SP)
Escalação para o jogo do Palmeiras e Ponte Preta
Palmeiras:  Gilson Kleina esta fazendo mistério com relação a escalação. Logo após de revelar que estava pretendendo poupar alguns atletas, o técnico pode colocar todos os titulares, mesmo assim quer ver o desempenho de testes físicos antes de escolher quem entra em campo para o jogo contra o Ponte Preta. Caso queira usar força máxima, o Verdão pode atuar em campor com: Fernando Prass; Wendel, Lúcio, Tiago Alves e Juninho; França, Eguren e Valdivia; Vinicius (Bruno César), Leandro (Patrick Vieira) e Alan Kardec. Ponte Preta: muito diferente de Kleina, Oswaldo Alvarez decidiu não criar dilemas respeito a formação. Nem as quedas de último momento do Alemão e Fernando Bob impediram o treinador de revelar o grupo que joga hoje. Alef chega no meio, e Rossi fica com o lugar no ataque. Sem poder contar com Alemão, Antônio Flávio poderá jogar mais no meio. Mesmo fora dos treinos de sexta por conta de dores  Bruno Silva deve manter à disposição. A possível Ponte tem Roberto, Ferrugem, César, Diego Sacoman e Magal; Bruno Silva, Alef e Adrianinho; Silvinho, Rossi e Antônio Flávio. O jogo do palmeiras ao vivo pode ser assistido somente pelo canal PremiereFc, e também online no site.
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viaphni · 3 months
just this. thank you.
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taking a silly little break from the horrifying realities of this silly Steve show
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me when self indulgent shipping
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