#rr carnage
viaphni · 4 months
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shonenkun309 · 5 months
"𝐼'𝑚 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡, 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑎𝑚..." - 𝐾𝑜𝑔𝑎 𝐾𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑑𝑜
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just-somehuman · 2 years
hey do you guys want modern au koga angst
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sbknews · 1 year
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sachwlang · 4 years
IPL 2020 | Stokes, Samson eclipse Hardik Pandya's batting carnage to keep RR's playoffs hope alive
IPL 2020 | Stokes, Samson eclipse Hardik Pandya’s batting carnage to keep RR’s playoffs hope alive
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Image Source : IPLT20.COM
Ben Stokes and Sanju Samson
Keeping their playoffs dream alive, Rajasthan Royals, led by Ben Stokes-Sanju Samson duo, registered an emphatic eight-wicket victory over defending champions Mumbai Indians at Abu Dhabi on Sunday. Hunting a colossal 195-run total, RR’s run-chase was bolstered by the batting brilliance of Stokes and Samson. Both the batsmen were in…
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mediaway · 4 years
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IPL 2020 | Stokes, Samson eclipse Hardik Pandya’s batting carnage to keep RR’s playoffs hope alive Image Source : IPLT20.COM Ben Stokes and Sanju Samson Keeping their playoffs dream alive, Rajasthan Royals, led by Ben Stokes-Sanju Samson duo, registered an emphatic eight-wicket victory over defending champions Mumbai Indians at Abu Dhabi on Sunday.
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buffytheeslayer · 5 years
I loved Wayward Son. It’s honest and raw and this trip was clearly therapeutic in the end despite all the danger. I love that they each had groundbreaking realizations about themselves and their place in life because you know what that is? Growth. And we’re still on the journey, folks. This isn’t the end.
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fairfaxleasee · 3 years
DADW Killer Gnomes (Part II)
@rangeredacted gave me the amazing/terrible suggestion to write something about killer garden gnomes for @dadrunkwriting. I wrote Part I last week (you can check it out here but couldn't finish because I had my second COVID shot.
But here's the end, in all it's bloody, camp horror glory:
Cullen pushed Solas out of his way and strode out of his office. He looked around for any sign of the blighted gnome the Inquisitor had brought back to Skyhold (he didn't care what Solas said, Ayala Trevelyan had brought the thing into the castle, she was responsible for everything that happened because she did - besides, if she hadn't put it in the garden, he wouldn't have taken it out of the garden and awoken it).
"Commander, as distasteful as we both find the idea, might I suggest things would proceed more smoothly if we were to work together to attempt to contain the gnomes you've released?"
"For the last time, Solas! This was not my fault!"
"Debatable, Commander. And while I am perfectly willing to engage you in such a debate, I do not believe that this is the time for such a discussion. If you would listen, I believe even you would not miss that we have bigger concerns than laying blame." Solas paused and inclined his head slightly. Now that the man wasn't lecturing him, Cullen could hear the screaming coming from several directions around Skyhold.
Cullen pursed his lips and glared.
"It is pleasing to see that you are occasionally capable of being rational. Perhaps you will realize that the entire situation was your fault after all."
As tempting as it was to push the man off the parapet they were on and into the carnage below, Cullen decided against it. Solas might be still be useful, and he could always push him later.
"Alright, Solas. You want to work together? Fine. What do you suggest we do first?"
"Well, that depends, Commander. Just how many scouts that seem to have on concept or concern whatsoever for their surroundings wander around here?"
"Too many." Cullen crossed his arms.
"Then I believe we should assume that the screaming is not coming from them and that they have already been... repurposed by the present adversary. We should therefore also assume that there are too many of the gnomes wandering around to attempt to capture them. As such, I believe the first thing we should do is find Ayala."
"So help me Solas, if you just want to check and make sure your girlfriend is okay -" Cullen didn't have an end to the threat, but judging by Solas' face he wouldn't have heard it anyway.
After a few seconds of silence, the man opened his mouth and drawled. "Not that I have any expectations at all that you will listen to me about this, but I am in no way concerned about Ayala's safety. I have every confidence she is perfectly fine, which is the reason I believe we should seek her out. Neither my magic nor your shields are any sort of match for her barriers."
The fact that Solas had a point about why finding Ayala was their best move only made the entire situation worse somehow. He exhaled through his nose and spoke through gritted teeth, "...fine. Where'd you leave her?"
Solas looked up and shook his head in a gesture Cullen hated. "I did not 'leave' her anywhere, Commander. Last I saw, she was on her way to the kitchens."
"Alright, we'll go to the kitchens then," Cullen took a step away from the apostate, but the man obviously had other plans because he tugged Cullen back towards him by his jerkin.
"I believe we should go around the long way. Unless, of course, you wish to meet a similar fate to your scouts."
Cullen looked down at the carnage in the coutryard below. "I... fine. You have a point."
Taking the long way around to the kitchens took a bit more work than Cullen would have liked (particularly when Solas lept effortlessly across the gap in the roof to get from the parapet to the main castle and had to keep Cullen from falling off - he'd never live that one down). Of course, Cullen liked what they found in the kitchen even less than he'd liked getting to the kitchen.
Ayala was kneeling on the floor next to the table and was handing out kernels of popcorn to individual gnomes while engaging them in what she seemed to think was perfectly normal conversation despite the fact that they were covered in blood and viscera.
"No, I already told you you can't have another one before everyone gets one."
"I'm not sure we have any more I can make."
"Uhhh... I think they keep it in the larder? If you bring up more from there, I can make more and then you can have some."
"Well then you're not getting any more until everyone else gets one. Now scoot." She picked up the protesting gnome and put it aside from the line that had formed in front of her, then tapped it slightly to encourage it to move.
"Grrr-rar-rr..." The gnome saw Cullen and apparently decided to work out is frustration on being denied popcorn on him as it clawed its fingers and began running directly towards him. Cullen lashed out with a quick kick that launched the thing toward the nearest wall where it shattered and released a large cloud of dust.
"Is that dust something we have to be worried about?" Cullen glared as he directed the question at Solas.
"Not unless you are allergic. However, it does mean that was not the original gnome. The original gnome will not be destroyed so easily."
"Lovely." Cullen started striding towards Ayala, who had resumed handing out popcorn.
The gnomes waiting in the line took offence to Cullen's movements, but unlike the one he had just kicked, their protests weren't aggressive. One of them rapped his boot with its fist and gesticulated angrily between Cullen, the popcorn, and the back of the line. Cullen glared down at the thing. He was in no mood to be lectured on manners by a blood-covered, killer garden gnome.
He reached the table and grabbed the bowl of popcorn away from Ayala. She looked up at him in alarm. "Hey! That's mine!"
He was denied the opportunity to respond to her protest by the entire line of gnomes turning on him. He tried throwing the popcorn on the ground, but the gnomes were far more interested in trying to tear him apart than whatever they wanted the popcorn for. "Solas? A little help?"
"Perhaps you should think of this as a lesson in taking things that aren't yours, Commander. Besides, if you can't handle a few statues, perhaps the Inquisition should be seeking someone else for your position regardless."
Cullen threw whatever gnomes he could get his hands on at Solas (and annoyingly kept missing, the man was just as slippery in his movements as his words). Between that, his kicks, and the fact that he was in armor, he managed to get rid of the blighted things without being injured that badly in the process.
He shook out his jerkin just to make sure none of the creatures were hiding in it. Once he was convinced that the kitchen was currently free of them, he turned back towards Ayala. She and Solas were whispering to each other, but more concerning than that was one of the damn gnomes that was perched on her shoulder. The thing spotted Cullen and stuck its fingers in its mouth and protruded a stone tongue in his direction. Cullen snarled and stalked over to the pair (three?) of them. As soon as he was close enough, he reached out for the gnome, only to be thrown back against a far wall by one of Ayala's barriers.
"...Inquisitor, we've talked about you looking before you lash out with a barrier!"
"You surprised me!"
I surprised her. She was feeding an entire line of blood-covered garden gnomes popcorn and I surprised her!
Cullen thought he saw a grin flash across Solas' face before he turned back to Ayala.
"Vhenan, do you recall finding the ring your friend here was describing?"
"Yeah, Cullen took it." She pointed towards him. "But I can find it. He puts all the stuff in his office."
Cullen growled as he stood and dusted himself off. He decided to ignore the unfounded accusation and instead try and figure out just what was being discussed while he was busy trying not to die. "What ring?"
Ayala and the gnome walked out the door leading to the castle proper, leaving Cullen alone with Solas. All things considered, Cullen would rather have been left along with the gnome.
"There is a ring that will allow an individual some modicum of control over the gnomes. They appear willing to work for Ayala, so long as she can supply them with popcorn."
"Why," Cullen wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer, "Do they want popcorn?"
"In all honestly, Commander, I have no idea. I admit, I was under the impression that the creatures did not eat, however it does not appear that giving them access to popcorn causes any harm. I suggest you try not to dwell on it."
Cullen barely resisted the urge to scream.
A few days later and the mess caused by the blighted garden gnomes still wasn't cleaned up (and while Cullen would never admit it, the peace brought on by the distinct lack of oblivious scouts was a relief). Cullen had shut the doors of his office to the scene (and the smell) and was trying to re-create some of his files (there were tiny foot and hand prints all over his originals). He looked up when the door swung open and Ayala walked in.
"...Inquisitor. Welcome back. Did you remember the rule this time?"
The one good thing that had come out of the mess was Cassandra insisted that she accompany Ayala again to make sure the mage didn't sneak (or, as was her story, "accidentally forget") anything into Skyhold again.
"Yes, they're bringing everything I found."
"...they?" Cullen wasn't sure why, but he did not like the sound of that.
"Yeah. They. I'm going back to my room now." She turned and strode out of the office.
In her wake, a line of oversized piles of junk, suspended in the air by little stone legs, began to strut into Cullen's office. The first gnome deposited its pile on Cullen's desk and grinned at him before trotting off after Ayala.
"...Cullen?" someone whispered.
"Vhenan, it does not count as informing the Commander if you speak too softly for him to hear you."
Cullen started at the condescending drawl. The next thing he realized, his forehead collided with his desk as his chair slid out from under him. He shook his head a few times to clear the last vestiges of the worst nightmare he could recall having (and check to make sure the piles of useless trinkets he had just watched the gnomes deposit in his office were figments of his imagination).
"Look what I found!" Ayala triumphantly placed something grey on Cullen's desk and grinned at him. "I want to go put him in the garden, he says he'll like it there."
Cullen could feel the throbbing in his forehead, but whether it was from hitting it against the desk or the sight of the thing Ayala wanted to put in the garden, he didn't know. The thing that was currently on his desk looked far too much like Cullen's least-favorite apostate (right down to the superior frown and downcast eyes) with a comically large head. He glared across his office at the man whose image the thing appeared to be carved in.
Once their eyes met, Solas' narrowed and he mouthed, "Get rid of it, Commander!"
Cullen pursed his lips and shook his head. He slammed his hands down on the desk. "OUT!"
Ayala leaned away with a slight frown on her face. "So... I can put him in the garden?"
"NO!" Cullen snatched the thing off his desk.
Ayala jumped back. Her frown was more pronounced and Cullen thought he might have just made her cry. Again.
"Come, vhenan, it appears the Commander is in yet another of his moods."
Solas swung his arm towards the door to Cullen's office to invite Ayala out. She nodded and shuffled off, still looking upset. Solas waited until she had passed him before turning to Cullen with a glare and a hiss of, "Get rid of that, Commander!"
Cullen decided against calling after the man to remind him of which of them was in charge. Instead he grabbed the gnome and rushed to the tallest part of Skyhold he could find.
"You were never here." He shook his finger at the thing, pulled his arm back, and sent it flying as far as he could throw it.
He never heard it hit the ground. Hopefully, the ground was just too far away for him to be able to.
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queenaryastark · 4 years
George RR Martin: dragons are weapons of mass destruction, they're symbols of destruction and not of rebuilding, it's why the targaryens lost their power because their rule was built on fear and when the dragons died it only took a small spark to cause a rebellion, daenerys should read fire and blood so she can learn how not to use dragons daenerys herself: dragons plant no trees, If they are monsters than so am I Yall: i cant read suddenly i dont know
LMAO! I can’t even call that paraphrasing since this jumble of out of context gibberish completely misinterprets GRRM’s words and intent. 
First off, no one said dragons weren’t weapons of mass destruction. Them being powerful weapons is pretty obvious. Them being weapons does not erase the violence and cruelty of characters who do not have them. The mass destruction the Starks and Lannisters have wrought against the Riverlands and Westerlands was done without the aid of dragons. So was the mass destruction the Greyjoys and Boltons wrought on the North. The Tyrells were able to commit mass murder by cutting off food supplies, which led to mass starvation, which was their specific intent. 
Dragons are dangerous. Obviously. So are people, as George R. R. Martin goes out of his way to tell us in every chapter of his work. The man literally depicts Robb, Stannis, Balon, and Joffrey as equally as violent toward the common people and the land of Westeros. He even gives Dany this metaphoric image of the four of them:
“In one room, a beautiful woman sprawled naked on the floor while four little men crawled over her. They had rattish pointed faces and tiny pink hands, like the servitor who had brought her the glass of shade. One was pumping between her thighs. Another savaged her breasts, worrying at the nipples with his wet red mouth, tearing and chewing.” -- A Clash Of Kings
And that is far from the only time he frames them in an equally negative light given their level of mass destruction.
when the dragons died it only took a small spark to cause a rebellion, daenerys should read fire and blood so she can learn how not to use dragons
You think Dany should read Fire and Blood? I agree. I hope she gets a copy once she arrives to save Westeros from the warlords, opportunistic politicians, and the Others. Though you should probably try to find someone who can read it to you and explain what all the big words mean. If you look in that book, you will see that the Targaryens became extremely popular and loved. They decreased the amount of war and destruction, they streamlined the laws, they established roads, and they removed a couple of the abuses that were the norm. They were far from perfect. But in that imperfection, Dany could learn from them too. 
As for a “small spark” causing a rebellion as soon as they didn’t have dragons... *sighs* If you don’t know about a topic, that’s fine. Not everyone can be an expert on every topic. But you Sansa stans (yes I know you’re a Sansa stan and you probably have that hideous image of ST with her trademark vacant expression and that ugly ferret crown as your icon) should actually fact check yourselves before trying and failing to present yourselves as an authority on anything. The last dragon died in 153 AC. The Targaryens were overthrown in 283 AC. Even before 153 AC, the dragons that lived either weren’t under their control, were pretty young, or were deformed. In other words, they continued to rule Westeros without dragons for a significant amount of time. In that time, not only did they rule, but they were able to bring Dorne into the realm peacefully. 
Even the wars they had were far fewer than the amount of constant wars that happened while the kingdoms were separate. The Blackfyre Rebellions were sparked by Westerosi racism and xenophobia against the Dornish, as well as the greed and opportunism from the Andal/First Men supporters of the Blackfyre claimant. Notice how in those rebellions the people of Westeros supported either the Targaryens or the Targaryen blooded Blackfyres? No matter which side the lords took, they were supporting a Targaryen because they support that family. Like in real life civil wars, they just supported different members of that same royal line. It wasn’t because they feared them. They wanted their rule. They just wanted the rule of a specific claimant over another based on their own values or what they thought they could gain from a change in Targaryen leadership.
Even with the Baratheon rebellions, they were still Targaryen blooded claimants. With Lyonel Baratheon, he felt his family was insulted when an engagement between the crown prince and his daughter was broken so the prince could marry a peasant. This might seem like a “small spark”, but this would have been considered hugely offensive by the classist nobility. Note how this rebellion was resolved incredibly easily to the point where I don’t even think it warrants being labeled an actual rebellion. It seems more like it was set up for the next Baratheon rebellion since it resulted in that House gaining even more Targaryen blood than it already had. That’s the thing, the nobility wanted their children to marry Targaryens. Doesn’t sound very fearful, does it?
Robert’s Rebellion wasn’t set off by a “small spark”. The kidnapping and rape of the Lord of Winterfell’s daughter and the betrothed of the Lord of Storm’s End is not insignificant. It also didn’t set off the rebellion. The murders of multiple lords and their heirs is also not a small thing. It didn’t set off the rebellion either. What set it off was the combination of those two events with the demand for the executions of the new Lord of Winterfell and the Lord of Storm’s End. Those events taken separately are not small sparks and they certainly aren’t small when put together. It took something HUGE to make a big part of the realm turn on the Targaryens. Even still, the rebels were in the minority since most of the other regions either stayed out of the conflict waiting to see how it played out or stayed loyal to the Targaryens. If Tywin had continued to stay out of the conflict, the Rebellion could have lasted indefinitely with either side winning since the Crown’s forces outnumbered them and occupied the Stormlands. 
You also seem to miss the fact that quite a few people in Westeros are still Targaryen Loyalists and want to restore them to the throne. You even miss the fact that Robert, Joffrey, and Tommen’s claim comes from their Targaryen blood. 
So no, the Targaryen rule was not based purely on fear. They clearly retained loyalty and love without the benefit of dragons as weapons.
daenerys herself: dragons plant no trees, If they are monsters than so am I
It’s funny how you can try to quote the book while having no understanding of the passage you’re quoting. Here’s the paragraph you’re referring to:
Mother of dragons, Daenerys thought.Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros?I am the blood of the dragon, she thought.If they are monsters, so am I. -- ADWD
This takes place in Dany’s second chapter of A Dance With Dragons after she has captured and chained two of her dragons and failed to capture the third. Why is she trying to chain them? Because Drogon killed one (1) child. That’s right. Not only is Dany compensating the people for the sheep her dragons were eating. She has no tolerance for them killing innocents. The quote above is not her glorying in the destructive power of the dragons. Nor is she going around without an ounce of guilt for terrorizing, maiming, and murdering innocents the way Robb, Balon, Stannis, Joffrey, Tyrion, Cersei, and every other leader in Westeros does. That is what this passage is PROVING. Seriously, using the “If they are monsters, so am I” quote is proving that Dany has guilt over the life her dragon has taken and that she has taken steps to prevent that from happening again. Compare that to Tyrion’s complete lack of care when it comes to the mass murder his family is causing:
"A lordling down from the Trident, says your father's men burned his keep, raped his wife, and killed all his peasants."
"I believe they call that war." -- Tyrion, ACOK
While Dany is trying to preserve lives, the mass murdering leaders of Westeros see murder and rape as the norm and completely acceptable. Even the noble Robb Stark tried to move the carnage that he and Tywin were inflicting on the Riverlands into the Westerlands and was upset that his plan to do so was partly thwarted by Edmure. His issue wasn’t with the common people suffering and dying. He just wanted the suffering and dying to happen to the common people of the Westerlands (the ones who hadn’t been forced into service as arrow fodder by the Lannisters yet) instead. Yet, you’re trying to use Dany’s guilt at one (1) child being killed by her dragon as proof of...something?
As for Dany not planting trees, yes, she fears that’s something Targaryens can’t do. But the text shows that her ancestors could and did. Dany is also planting trees in ADWD and was in the process of making Vaes Tolorro bloom in ACOK before she was invited to Qarth. The Golden Company (who wants to put her and Aegon on the Iron Throne as a pair) are even upset because they think she’s only interested in planting trees in Meereen.
When analyzing a literary work you have to understand that what the characters fear and the guilt they feel are not signs of their permanent situations. They’re signs of their internal obstacles that will be overcome in their arcs. Dany fears her dragons and fears herself and fears that she won’t be able to achieve peace and positive societal growth. Its good that she fears these things because this shows she acknowledges these issues so they can be overcome. The current Westeros leadership don’t see the issue in their mass murdering, which is an issue all on it’s own. 
Its alright if this series is above your comprehension level. There are books out there for you to read that are better suited for your capabilities, like Hop on Pop or Green Eggs and Ham. It’s probably best if you stick to those.
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showyourenergy · 4 years
RECAP: The Corruption Saga - Lixen
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with Shitpost decorrupted, the fighting died down. sore, tired, and having gone through too many near-death experiences for his liking, Digger (still going by “Leolna”, RR’s original nickname for him) prepared to find a way to dispose of the corruptive thorn and find a way back home.
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it was never going to be that easy.
the thorn was Lixen, the Queen of Corruption: a powerful corrupted shape, stronger than any faced so far, that had been sealed inside Shitpost. while removing it had decorrupted Shitpost (aka Vikka), it also freed her to start wreaking havoc. specifically, she wanted to shatter all anons who’d been meddling in her affairs, as well as completely wipe out “Sparks”, Vikka’s species, and was able to travel dimensions. this is, obviously, pretty bad!
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Digger was still ready to bail, though. after all, he was way in over his head, and he had no idea if he would stand a chance against Lixen or not. still, with everyone in danger, he stood up to the challenge. after an anon upgraded his atomic disassembler, he broke into Lixen’s territory to start freeing everyone she’d captured before getting cornered by Lixen herself and her minions.
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Lixen was able to temporarily neutralize him, but he got snapped out of her hypnosis by Nigh, one of RR’s “co-workers”. the hypnotism had bought Lixen enough time to start opening a portal to the Sparks’ home dimension, though, and she also broke Digger’s atomic disassembler (much to his horror). thankfully the anons & friendly shapes were able to close the portal & take down Rest In Pieces, one of her lieutenants, and with Lixen being delivered a solid setback Digger fled to regroup.
frustrated at himself for being the one to unseal Lixen, Digger took it upon himself to be the one to fix this mess, despite the obstacles in his way (including Masked Vampire, one of Lixen’s minions that was able to spread corruption, and Carnage, a corrupted version of one of RR’s friends). he was in too deep to back out now, and while he knew he was fragile due to being a shell clone he wasn’t able to stand by idly anymore after seeing the damage Lixen could do.
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after a fierce battle that left Digger badly injured, Lixen was de-powered and seemingly harmless. while wondering if he should seal her away again or just shatter her, Digger let his guard down and was bit by Masked Vampire. to his horror, the corruption was spreading quickly, and he swan-dived off the deep end as he became single-target focused on murdering anybody that stood in his way.
as a non-shape, though, the corruption was also starting to kill him: already weakened from his earlier tussle with Lixen, Digger was barely holding together as the corruption took over. Lixen was able to stop his rampage in its tracks by paralyzing him, leaving him to a slow and painful death by corruption...
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helenamayhathaway · 5 years
it’s me again. okay, this is another movie request but if you have seen warm bodies oh my gooood i tried writing one on that and got like 4 chapters in but i couldnt finish it
okay well warm bodies is my favorite book of all time so i think i can manage this one:
He doesn’t remember his own name. It kind of got lost in the whole apocalypse thing. He knows it definitely had letters in it. Maybe a syllable or two. But words? No. It might be nothing, or it might be everything, but he remembers a G sound. There was a significance of the letter G at the very least.
Something like that.
It’s not a very important thing when you get down to it. Who needs a name, when a letter does a perfectly good job. G.
G knows very little of his past life, but again, it’s unimportant. There’s an apocalypse outside, it’s not like he’s going to miss work. The only thing he really cares about these days is food. His food happens to walk on two legs and scream whenever he gets close. He used to be one, but that was a long time ago.
He’s a little bit of a romantic, or at least that’s what M tells him. M looks a lot like him, G thinks. Maybe they knew each other before it all.
He’s romantic in that he still cares about the old world. He doesn’t really want to eat the people that he chases after, he just wants their memories. They’re the closest link he has to how it used to be. Blue skies, green grass. You can still find that sort of thing everywhere, but G can’t appreciate it. He can’t feel the sun anymore. That’s a bummer.
They call him a “zombie.” That’s the word he gets from them. You can feel their memories, know their stories once you crack open their skull and get to munching. G is maybe a little bit too infatuated with the remembering. They’re not his memories, but they become his, because who else will take them?
M makes a grunting sound as he points to the building. There’s a sense of warmth to that building. It’s not something you could put to words. It’s just a knowing that the other people in the group know. Living are in there. Maybe what they feel is the heat from their blood, through walls and walls of a storefront in disrepair, there’s a warmth to them. 
The message is clear. Dinner.
They would swarm if they weren’t zombies, he supposes. G is quite spry, but that’s because he died young. He’s not going to outrun a living, breathing person, but he’ll outrun most every dead person in what is known as a “heartbeat.”
They wind their way through the building, knowing that whoever is here, is waiting for them, fearing them, hoping maybe that the zombies will just go away. But it’s a little inconsiderate, because zombies need to eat to, and what are they going to do with their brain? It’s selfishness, really, that’s all it is. 
G isn’t the first one to throw open the door, luckily, because if he had been, he surely would’ve been the one to have his entire head shot off with a shotgun. Luckily, G flanks to the left and manages to avoid the human with the shotgun who isn’t able to reload in time before M takes a big old bite old bite out of his neck.
G sees a few people in the room, about his age, he supposes except they’re younger of course, because G has been dead for a good long while. Not quite long enough that he’s a Boney, but still very much dead.
G’s first instinct is to pull at the legs of one of the people who standing on a desk firing his weapon at all of G’s friends, because shooting people is not nice. That’s something he knows from all the brains he’s absorbed. Shooting people is very rude.
This person screams in terror, and scrabbles for help from his friends, but they are either all dead or preoccupied with the act of dying to help him. G would consider himself to be a very talented dead person. It takes him only a few seconds to get the skull broken for dinner.
Maybe before he died he would’ve thought it was gross. All that blood and bone and skin and sinew. It’s not very flavorful either. The good stuff is what’s inside. Pink, soft, very smooth bite, nice mouth feel, and the leftovers are to die for. 
The act of eating isn’t the important part. Nor, really, is the sustenance that it provides. He has to eat, because he’s hungry and that’s what you do when you’re hungry, but he couldn’t care less about the flavor. What he really values are the memories.
Suddenly G sees through his eyes, or the eyes of him from many years ago. He’s not school, that’s not quite it. It’s a camp maybe? But not a sleep away camp with a fire and a tent, this is a different type of camp. Everyone else here is learning how to survive, just like he is. 
He remembers holding a gun for the first time. He was afraid of it. It was heavy, and when he fired it, it blew back, and he almost hit himself in the face. Frank had laughed at him.
He and Frank sat and ate their meals together a lot. Frank complained about the peas, but he had joked that at least it was better than eating a person. Frank had laughed at that too.
He and Frank snuck up to the rooftop one night. They weren’t really allowed after curfew, but what were the zombies going to do? Jump 20 stories to the top of the football stadium where they had set up camp? That’s what this place was, a football stadium. Frank said he would love to see a game, because he never got the chance too. The world had ended before Frank was even born, so he doesn’t even know the rules to the sport.
The two of them had laughed and sung out to the heavens, because it didn’t feel like the world was over in that moment. It just felt like they were two people on the edge of the world, trying to count stars and naming them.
It had been Frank who leaned in. He’d never been kissed before, and he knew Frank hadn’t either, because they’d shared each others backstories long ago. Frank’s dad has driven them here from a place that was once called “New Jersey.” He had been born in a different sanctuary that got destroyed some years ago.
When he and Frank kissed, none of that mattered. They were the only two people, alive or dead, in the entire world.
G swallows the matter too quickly. He wants more of the story. More. He wants more of this Frank, whom he’ll never get to know. 
He looks around at the zombies around him, only a moment or so has passed since he took his bite, but a lot of memories can happen in only a few seconds. He sees M, chowing down on a brain like it’s all dies for, which is fair, because it is. G almost wants to chastise him for eating too quickly, not savoring the flavor and juiciness of it, but he’s not good at talking. The most he’s ever managed was four syllables, and all of his zombie friends had been impressed with him.
But then, G sees him. hiding under a desk in the corner, apparently not yet seen by anyone. It’s him. The boy from the memories that G just tasted. Frank. 
G stops where he is, grabs whats left of the brain so that he can have it later and walks over to the desk.
“Ffff-” G says. It’s all he can say. He tries to get the rest of it out, but it’s not coming, so he decides that’s good enough. 
The boy sees G coming, and he gets a terrified look in his eyes. G can understand why, he thinks that G is going to kill him. And strangely enough, as G walks over to him, he can tell that he doesn’t plan on doing that at all.
“H-h…” G tries. Frank is cowering even more now, a look of total terror that G doesn’t recall from any of those memories. “Hhh- hee- helll-ppp y-y-y-yooouuuu.” He’s very proud of himself for all that work, thank you very much. Those are real words! That he spoke out loud! Wait until he tells M. It’ll take a really long time to tell him.
Frank just looks at him with the same exact fear, the same terror, when G holds out a hand to him. He wants to help him out from under the desk, he doesn’t know why, doesn’t know what he plans to do with him after, but he knows he wants Frank to take his hand.
“Ffff” G tries again. “Ffrrr-rr-aannnk.”
That only makes Frank look more scared, which G didn’t think was possible, but here they are.
He knows he needs to try one more word. One more very important, very human word. 
“Puh-puh-puh-leassee.” G holds out his hand once more and gives Frank the only smile he is capable of giving, which he’s sure is terrifying.
Frank doesn’t look at all happy or eager to oblige him, but he seems to understand that he doesn’t have a choice. G helps him from under the table, as Frank looks around at the carnage around him, sees his friends dead around him, as G’s friends polish off their main course. 
G has the realization all of a sudden that Frank smells very much not dead. It’s one of the only smells that G can actually sense, but Frank is lousy with that stench. Being the smart zombie that he is, G brings his hand to his own face, feels quite a bit of blood on his chin and mouth from his own dinner, the boy that remembers kissing Frank, and he smears the stuff on the living Frank’s face. Frank makes a gagging sound at the gesture, but hey, what can G say? He’s a romantic. 
Send me an imagine or a piece of dialogue and I’ll write a ficlet!!
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sleepychihuahua · 5 years
MCs as Ayakashi Suitor Descendants
WARNING: Some spoilers ahead.
Ayakashi RR is it’s own universe separate from the Love 365 games, but what if it wasn’t? Ignoring EITM (since the history and rules of their yōkai are so different), maybe some of the MCs are descended from the Ayakashi suitors?
So far, I’ve only finished Koga and currently somewhere halfway with Ginnojo, but from what I do know about the suitors, I imagine that for the Dawn Faction:
Ginnojo and MPDCTY MC
Koga and MFW MC
Kuya and SITS MC
Yura and FILA MC
Aoi and IYAT MC
Ginnojo and MPDCTY MC
Ginnojo reminds me of the MPDCTY MC. I only played Kimura’s stories, but from what I gathered, MPDCTY MC’s main traits are: she’s a big eater, a Judo black belt, and has a strong sense of justice.
Mizuchi dragons seem to be one of the longer-living ayakashi since Ginnojo is apparently 54 and still looks young, so he could potentially be alive when MPDCTY MC was born and growing up.
He’s most likely a grandpa. The game takes place during the Taisho Period (1912-26) so he could be a great-grandpa, but he’s so shy around women. If he doesn’t end up with Futaba/ARR MC, then it would take a while for him to interact with another woman and start a family with her.
He trained MC how to fight and use her water powers. Sparring is normal and their training room/backyard normally floods from the water that they fought with.
She could never beat him.
They probably caused the family grief with how much they eat. Imagine the food budget. They probably eat extra large pork cutlet curry and beef bowls at least two/three times a day.
Ginnojo would read little MC his favorite books after meal times and tell her about the Shinsengumi and their convictions. These stories and Ginnojo’s love for his country were what influenced her to become a detective.
She becomes a Shinsengumj geek, and she and little Kiyonori became Shinsengumi BFFs. Grandpa Ginnojo is highly uncomfortable when they would team up against him to hear stories that he already told 567 times.
Ginnojo is always flustered when MC gets crushes and tells him about it. But he’s also there to kick ass if anyone makes her cry.
Koga and MFW MC
They like to drink.
Honestly, that’s my biggest argument. I only played Yamato’s stories (can’t bring myself to cheat on him with the other guys even though I love Ren and Saeki’s characters...) so I don’t know how different MFW MC is in other routes.
But MFW MC’s funniest character trait is her love of shochu.
Koga mentioned that only few Ayakashi have long lifespans and in his route, he has an illness known as the “carnage” that some Oni Ogre have. Koga’s probably dead by the time MFW MC was born.
If there was a cure for the “carnage” and he’s still alive, he would drink with MC once she was of legal age. The two would have a Sake vs Shochu argument every time.
Koga’s probably a stubborn, old man. He can’t handle not moving around and doing work even when he should be resting. And he feels embarrassed when his granddaughter takes care of him. But MFW MC is just as stubborn and cooks for him, does chores that he can’t do, and makes sure he doesn’t overwork himself.
That was how she developed wife-skills
MC got his kind and strong nature from him. She’s willing to help others, although she didn’t inherit his natural entrepreneurship skills. Not to say she’s an idiot. She probably took business as her major because she was exposed to it. Taking a page from the PARTY version, MFW MC opens up a flower arranging business
Kuya and SITS MC
There are two types of writers: ones that actually write and publish things and ones that don’t and just keep the ideas in their heads.
Like Koga, Kuya is most likely dead or just very, very old when SITS MC was born.
I haven’t even unlocked Kuya’s route yet, but I found the contrast and similarities between him and SITS MC kinda funny.
SITS MC daydreams. A lot. It’s how she writes.
And then Kuya is here:
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If Kuya’s alive when SITS MC was little, they probably took naps together under the shade of the mikan tree in their backyard with Kuya using one of his wings as a protective blanket over her.
They’d also go to the mountains where no one would see them and fly around to stretch their wings.
I don’t know if Kuya actually starts writing stories during his route, but if he does, he would tell little MC bedtime stories...
...then proceeds to fall asleep halfway through before MC does.
He’s an old man now, so he sleeps much more often. MC doesn’t mind and finishes the stories for him so she could tell it to him before his nap times.
Watching movies became normal since they don’t have to waste energy talking and can instead sit on the couch and focus on the screen until one falls asleep and the other daydreams scenarios.
SITS MC inherited her workaholic tendencies from Kuya’s kid/her father, who was taught by Kuya’s wife to work hard. That’s why she can handle working as an assistant manager and lyricist for Revance.
The band would find her napping with Little Yamada under the tree in the yard in a regular basis when she hits writer’s block. Poor girl would wake up to Takashi’s monster mode every time.
Yura and FILA MC
Haven’t played a full FILA route yet but I’ve read reviews and read the prologue so I kinda have a general idea of the FILA MC.
If Yura didn’t end up with Futaba, he ended up with a confectioner. In this case, Yura is probably FILA MC’s father. He is already 1000+ years old, so another handful of decades probably wouldn’t mean much to him. It took a while for him to find his true love without being blinded by his love of sugar.
Father, grandfather, or great-grandfather, Yura’s alive when FILA MC was growing up. He doted on her and would always take her out to eat cakes, so he when she decided to become a pastry chef, he was happy.
She would always have Yura taste test her desserts. The two were inseparable and practically lived in the kitchen.
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Ever since Aoi made that cake, Yura was fascinated with hybrid desserts a d new food combinations.
FILA MC tries to add sweet-bean jelly to almost everything and makes huge batches for Yura’s birthday. She loves seeing the happy look in her father’s face.
She even makes desserts with a bit of spice for her Uncle Gaku since she loves him just as equally and as thanks for always helping pay for the ingredients she needs.
Outside of sweets, Yura would encourage small animals to their backyard. Little FILA MC would play with them almost every day.
If Yura was freed from his curse, he would play his flute for her (sometimes with Gaku on drums) and teach her how to play the instrument so they could have a duet.
Aoi and IYAT MC
Art runs in the veins.
IYAT MC grew up with Aoi’s paintings and with her powers as a Satori, she can feel his emotions and thoughts for each one.
Aoi’s probably still alive since he’s 16 during the story, so he’s most likely to be a grandpa.
IYAT loves watching him paint. Her favorites are the portraits of his loved ones and she always feels warm and loved when he paints her.
The old paintings of his wife and kids in their old homes were what inspired IYAT MC to be an interior designer. She wanted to create that warmth she saw in his paintings.
She learned to paint by imitating him and they would often spend a whole day together just going out in nature to paint.
IYAT MC often painted her three childhood friends and would do commissions for them.
Aoi made sure that his kids had good work ethic he doesn’t want any deadbeats like that tengu so he taught IYAT MC as well to not be lazy. Recipes he learned from Raccord was passed down to her.
Aoi taught IYAT MC to make sure to not use her powers to invade privacy unless necessary, but also to not become bitter towards his powers like he was.
She didn’t use her powers on Koichi until she saw him with his mistress, which made her depressed. She couldn’t help but think that if she had read his heart earlier, she wouldn’t be feeling the pain of being cheated on.
But if following Koichi’s route, it was her powers that let her forgive Koichi when she saw how he was changing and truly learning to love her. She stayed with him because she saw that there was a part of his heart that thought he would grow to love her because he wouldn’t let go of her as a baby.
IYAT MC designed Aoi’s and her grandmother’s new living room. She went all out to make sure her beloved grandparents will be comfortable and happy. Aoi can always sense her love for them because of it and was embarrassed but happy the first time he stepped inside.
And that’s it for the Dawn Faction! I don’t really have any ideas for the other suitors since they’re not out yet and I haven’t read all of the other Voltage stories. I have a vague idea for Kagemaru and Toichiro but not enough to write about. Maybe once I read more.
Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you guys liked it!
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lupinusalbus · 5 years
Dany’s Arc takes a Very Tragic Turn and Jon will Wake Up
On last evening’s episode of Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen’s character arc descended into the “fire and blood” that she has sometimes threatened.  Although many readers of the books and watchers of the show have suspected that this would happen, viewing her full turn to the dark side was very disturbing.  The episode’s director, Miguel Sapochnik, portrayed the horrifying event very effectively by using no background music and giving us the stricken reactions of other characters to the carnage that Dany wreaked upon King’s Landing.  There is no question that Benioff and Weiss could have done a much better job of developing the reasons for Dany’s actions in the script, but there is very little doubt that this ending for Daenerys has also been planned for the books.   George RR Martin wanted his audience to see a character who is a hero to many can actually be a villain if confronted by the right set of circumstances.  Another important aspect of this conclusion to the series is the question of how good people like Jon Snow, and to a lesser extent Tyrion Lannister could be so  unable to see what was coming, or unwilling to act on what they suspected.  Interestingly, only Varys, Sansa, Arya and to a lesser extent Samwell Tarly, seemed to sense that Daenrys could not be trusted to use her power responsibly.  Sansa and Arya appeared to be maneuvering behind the scenes to help Jon by revealing his “secret” lineage (Sansa), and heading for King’s Landing (Arya); and Varys (in a poorly written set of scenes) died while trying to stop Dany from taking the throne.
For some reason, known only to the writers, Jon Snow as a character has turned into a clueless and ineffectual drone.  The man who boldly worked to bring the Wildlings South and took some crazy yet brave risks for the Starks and for the Northern cause has now been reduced to being a servant of Daenerys Targaryen.  While it may be theorized that Jon feels that his hands are tied because of the possibility that Dany will harm his family, it seems more likely that his sense of duty (and perhaps love), coupled with guilt over his claim had somehow blinded him to the extent of her despair and to what she was capable of doing.
Regardless of what Martin will write, Benioff and Weiss appear to be honing in on Dany’s feelings of not being loved enough by the people of Westeros, and by Jon himself, as being central to her descent into murderous and vengeful rage.  Even back at Winterfell, we see Dany looking crestfallen when Theon shows devotion to Sansa; and then again when Tormund praises Jon during the celebratory dinner.  For all her Messianic bravado, Dany has deep feelings of insecurity about being “loved” by the people and has always had a tendency to use violence as a means to her ends.  In addition, she lacks the moral compass of someone like Jon Snow, even though he is lately looking to be in denial about Dany’s instability.
So the conclusion to the series is now going to be about who will stop Dany from ruling and how it will happen.  We saw Varys attempt to warn Tyrion Lannister and then Jon Snow about Dany, but to no avail.  Both of them remained loyal to Dany, and after Vary’s execution we saw Dany say to Jon “Let it be fear”, when he is unable to respond to her expressions of affection.  The show is telling us that Jon missed the warning signs of Dany’s feelings of abandonment and despair.  There is no doubt that Jon is going to feel responsible for everything that has happened to Dany since she agreed to go North with him, and that however awful it is, he will feel a duty to stop her from committing more atrocities.
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Dany’s tragic descent in Season 8 (HBO)
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silkm4chine · 5 years
my thoughts on the finale.
but first i would like to give a list of thanks. thank you first of all to george rr martin for creating this magical world that i fell in love with, a singular collected work of fiction that i will love for the rest of my life. thank you to all of the actors that brought this world to life, and translated it so beautifully from page to screen for the last 10 years with their marvelous talent. every casting decision made was perfect and thought i’ve disliked the last two seasons, that is in no part the fault of such an amazing cast. thanks as well to all of the writers of fan works out there whose work i’ve loved just as much as the original stories. y’all are gonna be needed now more than ever.
i’m still hoping that the ending of the show is not the trajectory the books are headed. if it is, i put trust in martin to write it in a way that will be both intriguing and believable with a level of talent d&d won’t ever reach.
alright time for the bitching. spoilers ahead, ye be warned.
- so bran, the boy who has been harping for ages on the fact that he can’t even be lord of winterfell and the three-eyed raven, decides to take kingship of westeros? i’m also going to assume that he foresaw what was going to happen in king’s landing, if he foresaw they’d nominate him as king, and he was just cool with thousands of innocents dying because that would get him the throne? what?? this opens a whole other box of worms in regards to the character of bran, and why he didn’t think to tell jon or dany herself what she was going to do, or try some other way to prevent the slaughter that happened.
- look, i’ve never been a huge daenerys fan. at times i thought her arrogant past the point of confidence and some of the decisions she made throughout her story i didn’t agree with. that being said, the fact that two men who’d known her for a minuscule amount of time get to be the ones who decide she had to die is insulting. they never saw her successes in essos. whatever they asked of her she did until their decisions cost her everything. without the help of her soldiers and her dragons humanity would have lost the fight against the night king. there’s no justification for what daenerys did in king’s landing. she murdered thousands of innocents and she has that blood on her hands. but the final two seasons in no way justify the fact that jon snow and tyrion lannister, the latter having examples of poor moral fortitude himself, get to be the ones to make the ultimate decision with basically no consequences. 
- i’m laughing at the fact that a council of lords deciding who will be the king is some new and innovative way to avoid violence when it was the SAME EXACT THING that began the dance of dragons, a war yielding even more carnage than the war of the five kings.
- i love sansa as queen in the north, and the dress she wore at her coronation may be my fav costume in the whole show, but i’m also laughing at the fact that the north gets to become it’s own independent kingdom and we’re supposed to assume the iron islands and dorne are just going to be cool with that. established rule of the iron throne over dorne happened even LATER than that of the north, and the iron islands have been rebelling against the throne since aegon i. so there’s more than likely going to be peace in westeros for all of about 5 minutes before one of those two decide they want to be independent too and rebel.
- drogon melting the iron throne was soooo heavy handed. he’s not even going to be the least bit pissed at jon for killing his mother? the bond between them is so strong that he knows immediately when she dies BUT he cant put two and two together that jon did it? uhh alright
- arya getting herself on a list now instead of writing her own, that list being the numerous people who decided to sail past the bounds of the mapped world, never to be seen or heard from again, most likely cause they’re dead.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Link Tank: What If…? Reveals One of the MCU’s Biggest Weaknesses
What If…? is proving Marvel Studios is incapable of telling a story without everything connecting at some point.
“There are a few things about Avengers: Endgame that set it apart from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe canon, and one of them is the fact that it’s the rare movie in that series that has an ending. It is an ending, really. Endgame went to so much trouble resolving nearly every ongoing plot thread and character arc that it very much could have served as the final Marvel movie: The end to the grand experiment that started a decade earlier when Nick Fury showed up during the credits of Iron Man. But there will never be a final Marvel movie—at least, not if the studio has anything to say about it.”
Read more at The A.V. Club
Ted Lasso is providing fantastic representation for mental illness and therapy during its second season.
“In the first episode of Ted Lasso Season 2, the relentlessly cheerful protagonist tells a reporter (Trent Crimm, The Independent), ‘There are two buttons I never like to push: panic and snooze.’ Over the next 10 episodes, it becomes clear that panic is something Lasso has been trying to keep at bay. We saw him have a panic attack in Season 1 — seemingly the result of his then-wife sending him divorce papers — but by the end of Episode 11, we’ve gotten a much fuller picture of Lasso’s struggles.”
Read more at Inverse
Eternals and Nomadland director Chloe Zhao wants to direct a Star Wars movie, and we’re all here for it.
“Chloé Zhao is taking the world by storm in the best way. After her Oscar win for Best Director for her film Nomadland, Zhao has been gearing up for the release of her Marvel debut with Eternals this November. A visionary director who has a very thematic approach to her work, she’s going to knock something like Eternals out of the park. But why stop there? Why not let Zhao direct other major franchises? Or, better yet, why not let her direct something like Star Wars that she clearly wants to do?”
Read more at The Mary Sue
Things are heating up with our first look at the Game of Thrones spinoff series House of the Dragon.
“While Game of Thrones’ sprawling cast of characters were all chiefly concerned with the events of the world that we’re playing out in real-time, fans of George RR Martin’s books and the projects adapted from it have always understood that the actual story being told in A Song of Ice and Fire actually reaches much, much further back in time to an age when magic wasn’t so scaring.”
Read more at Gizmodo
It’s official, Sora from Kindom Hearts is the final character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
“Sora is the latest in a long line of blade-based fighters in Smash Bros. He’s apparently lighter than Animal Crossing’s Isabelle and can be launched easily as a result. His basic attacks are a bit slower than other sword fighters, like Lucina or Marth, but you can hold down the basic attack button to perform multi-move combos. Also, his aerial combos look bonkers.”
Read more at Kotaku
In a world where people always want more, perhaps the 90-minute of Venom: Let There Be Carnage would be a better way to go for blockbuster filmmaking.
“The team behind the second Venom movie had a few title options, but in the end, they didn’t simply go with Venom 2, or Venom vs. Carnage, or even Venom: There Will Be Carnage. Instead, they landed on Venom: Let There Be Carnage; a plea, a demand, a desperate prayer from a dying man in the desert whose only hope for survival is a drop of 90s-style extreme comic book carnage.”
Read more at Collider
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from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2WIf8tg
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gonefeviral · 7 years
2, 4, 7, 13, 30, 38, 43 for Wade!
This gets a bit long so I’m putting it under the cut! 
2. Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?
Minutemen through and through! Destroyed the Institute because Todd Coward said I had to in order to ‘finish’ the game. In our story canon, Wade went with some Minutemen to do the deed but desperately wished there was another way or that he had more time. But with the BOS about to stomp off with Liberty Prime to do all that damage, he figured it was best to do it with the MM to save any unnecessary carnage. Did the evacuation order and tried his best to make sure as many people got out as possible, and trying to stop any witch hunts afterwards as well. 
In-game I’ve left the BOS and RR alone for the sake of repeatable quests and also because I don’t want companions to hate me. 
4.Give us a summary of their backstory.
Uhhh some of it’s still a WIP but ESSENTIALLY he was a civil engineer who joined the army right out of university being promised a non-combat job when the war began to happen. Ended up in combat anyway because of his size, strength and natural urge to protect people. Was there for Anchorage, came back a ‘hero’ but had seen many atrocities committed by soldiers and wasn’t proud of what they had done. 
Settled into civilian life with an old friend from the war (’Nora’ because I hate that you’re forced into a marriage straight off the bat in-game) and got a house in Sanctuary. Lived peacefully, Shaun was never ‘his’ kid but he took the baby in regardless because he loved the idea of being a dad. Bombs happened, went to V101, was absolutely gutted at the loss of his old friend and the kidnapping of Shaun. 
Did the wasteland shit for a while with MacCready as Wade went on his way to become the Minuteman General as the story progressed. Finding the truth about Shaun/Father nearly broke him, and RJ being there for them kicked off the start of more romantic feelings, eventually the two of them becoming a pair. Sanctuary became a real hub for trading under the influence of go-General ‘Matriarch’ Avia, a dear friend of his. An terrified mess of an ex-Gunner kid arrived at Sanctuary and Wade quickly grew paternal towards him, invested in his recovery. Skip forward and he adopts the kid, Roach, as his own and eventually Roach’s 2 younger brothers. RJ bonds with one of them, happy to be a dad again after coming to terms with the loss of Duncan. 
THERE’S UHHH A LOT TO SUMMARISE HERE BUT BASICALLY MAIN PLOT ASIDE, Wade’s a husband, a dad and has done a lot of settlement/faction alliances stuff. 
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
Wade’s pretty high functioning but he does have PTSD from his time in the war. Anything to do with organised killing/firing squads or execution is his biggest trigger for it, considering the shit that he saw ‘good’ men do in the war. Coping is essentially avoiding it, but if it’s Bad he’ll quietly surround himself with loved ones so he doesn’t feel alone. 
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
He doesn’t really FEAR any critters or threats, but I guess Supermutants are his biggest worry due to their more violent nature and being harder for settlements to fight against. 
30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
Wade’s a charmer and bit of a smooth talker but he’s not much of a flirt unless it’s cheeky or for fun. Doesn’t like to lead people on, considering that he’s pretty demi and doesn’t fall for someone unless he knows and admires them pretty well
38. How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?
A trained soldier and now General so Wade doesn’t have time for shaky hands or a bad aim. Great with guns, prefers his 5.56 and .45 out of convenience, but sometimes uses a Gauss or scoped weapon. 
43. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?
Feral ghouls are a nuisance at the best, dangerous at the worst, but Wade does feel pity for them, especially the ones trapped since the bombs fell. He doesn’t like coming across ledgers or diaries of people before they turned, mainly because of how damn sad it is most of the time. Non-feral ghouls he adores just like he adores any other genuinely good person. He’s committed to helping the ghouls at the Slog out, and treats ghouls in general with kindness and respect since a lot of the pre-war ones are a lot wiser than most folks. 
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