buddiebeginz · 6 years
Finally caught up on Emmerdale so here’s some thoughts on the recent episodes (if anyone cares 😝).
---Rob & Nicola / Home Farm junk
I’m seriously not a fan of what they’re doing with Rob right now. Ryan in my opinion is one of the most talented actors on the show and Rob is one of the best characters. Rob was born on the show and has a long varied history with many avenues the show could take his character down so it really baffles me why it feels like we’re living 2017 all over again in some ways. Why of all the storylines they could give Rob they continue to keep him shackled to Home Farm scheming to get an old drunk man to sign over a business and swindle him out of money. I feel like I’m the one living a groundhog day version of Emmerdale instead of Rob.
I know Rob as a character can get into trouble and he likes making money so I’m not saying I want him to do some magical 180 and totally change who he is, in fact I enjoy it when he’s scheming and being a smug little bastard but I do think given all he’s been through in the past couple of years they could show some growth for him where Home Farm is concerned. Seeing him scheme with Nicola to get the business from a drunk Graham almost feels like nothing’s changed with Rob since last year and he has changed a lot. Why does he need to do that to make money? Wouldn’t it be more interesting to show Rob a character who has often schemed and smooth talked his way up the ladder to build his own business?
I also feel like the show thinks Graham and Kim are far more interesting than they are which is why they think this storyline holds water. I was interested when it seemed like we were going to get a Joe vs Rob/Robron storyline. But Graham’s character is so annoyingly boring right now all he does he mope around and drink and I’m sorry I’m never going to feel bad for him when he was planning on killing Joe himself. I also think even with all the history Kim Tate has the show has done a poor job of bringing her back. I know I didn’t watch the show when she was on before but I wasn’t impressed with her reemergence during SSW. Plus they made this whole big deal about her getting out jail and how she was coming back only for her to leave again and now she’s apparently coming back from jail again. It’s so messy. My point with all this is ED wants us to be excited at this show down between Rob and Nicola vs Kim and Graham that’s supposedly coming when she gets back but I’m just not. I feel like most of the stuff they’ve done with both Rob and Robron this year has been lackluster and if this is supposed to be Rob’s big story going into the new year it just leaves me feeling disappointed.
Oh yeah btw I really hated Nicola’s line of “He was going to ply you with that before having his way with you” in reference to Rob getting Graham drunk. I swear the show sometime just wants to make fun of what happened last year.  I just found is so offensive given what they allowed to happen with Rob and Rebecca and then that awful slap in the face storyline with Lawrence and Rob.
I feel like we haven’t gotten to see much of Priya working for Home Farm and now Nicola is going to be working up there so I’m hoping Priya will still get some focus. I’m still bummed we didn’t get to see her and Joe end up together so many interesting storylines wasted. -_-
I’m really tired of every single time we see Robron their convos being about Seb and or babies. Hello Emmerdale writers they can talk about other things you know.
As much as I want Robron to have kids that are theirs together I continue to feel let down by this surrogacy storyline. I mean now it’s connected to this stupid Home Farm stuff. Like they can’t have kids unless Rob gets the money from Home Farm it just leaves it feeling so tainted for me. I mean Rob only came home and decided he wanted to have kids with Aaron around the same time he decided to plot all this stuff with Nicola so it’s like he only wants to go down the surrogacy route so he has a reason to get Aaron off his back about it all. I know that’s not the reason but the writing is sloppy and it makes Rob look like an ass as has most of this stuff like Rob not explaining why he didn’t want to have kids in the first place.
It just feels like Rob isn’t even really invested in this whole kids thing. Mainly because any of the times I’ve wished to see more about how Aaron and Rob have felt about it all like why they want to kids or why Rob didn’t want to it’s all been rushed and glossed over. I know a lot of people in fandom care about Robron storylines no matter what is going like if Emmerdale says Robron most people are like sign me up but I don’t operate that way. The show needs to put the effort in and show they care or else I’m not going to. For a while now it’s felt like they’re just phoning it in when it comes to Robron which makes me feel a lot less inclined to care about what’s going on with them. I love Robron and I always will I just don’t like how they show is writing for them at the moment.
I’m also so over Rob being blamed for everything that happened to the Whites, I mean now they have Aaron telling Rob it was his fault what happened to Chrissie and Lawrence. Everyone points out that if Rob hadn’t stolen Seb the accident wouldn’t have happened well in the first place Rebecca didn’t have a right to leave the country with Seb. Secondly I 100% believe that if Rob didn’t take Seb out of the car Lachlan would still have caused an accident or done something else and maybe Seb would also have died. His anger had nothing to do with Rob it was with Chrissie and what she did to his relationship to Belle at the time. The accident was NOT Rob’s fault and it’s bs that the show keeps blaming him for it. I swear the White’s never take the blame for anything even a deranged serial killer like Lachlan.
And there’s the other point that I will continue to talk about no matter how much fandom pretends like it’s not true. There is a difference in the way Robron are allowed to be a couple vs the straight couples. Rob and Aaron hardly ever kiss I mean they don’t even kiss when they’ve missed each other and come home from being away (like when Aaron came back last week) yet Pete and Rhona (and other couples) get scenes like this:
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Fandom can continue to pretend that Robron are not being treated differently or be happy with just the bare minimum of physical affection they allot them but I won’t. Emmerdale gets a lot of millage out of just having lgbtq characters and couples on the show without thinking they need to put the effort into representing them as accurately as they do the straight couples. Robron deserve to have more than just the occasional bro hug, they deserve to have an actual sex life, and they deserve to have intimacy like a “normal” couple.
Where do I even begin with this storyline. In the first place I don’t get why the show is bringing back Dawn she feels like such a pointless character one we’ve seen a million times on the show. Right off the bat she reminds me a lot of Nell from last year also an older version of Beth. If the show wanted a character like that it would have been a million times more interesting for them to bring back one of those characters than the nothing character that is Dawn.
Another issue I have with this storyline is it feels like Emmerdale is trying to show how it’s important to help those who are struggling. I even saw people on twitter talk about how they were grateful that Emmerdale is showing a storyline about a homeless person and people helping her. Here’s my problem with all of that though. In the first place Dawn isn’t just a homeless person in need of somewhere to live she’s a drug addict, who works as a prostitute, and has spent her time around violent criminals. She’s not just some random homeless woman in need of refugee helping her (to the extend Rhona is) could be dangerous.
Even knowing this woman broke into Ross’ house and even with Pete trying to tell Rhona what went on with Dawn, how in part because of her Pete got beat beat up Rhona still let this woman sleep in her house. A house where her mentally disabled son lives. I know Rhona has a history with drugs herself so I’m sure she sees a part of herself in Dawn but for her to put a woman she barely knows above the safety of her son and the respect and feelings of the man she’s living with is messed up.
Rhona doesn’t know Dawn at all and she kept acting like Pete was being an unreasonable douchebag. Even if Pete was overreacting (he wasn’t) she still could have asked him how he felt about her bringing Dawn there for the night considering Pete lives there (as far as I know). Also Pete has obviously had more to do with Dawn than Rhona so why did she care so little to hear what Pete had to say about her? Rhona even used Holly as a way to get Pete to cave and help her and btw I’m seriously sick of this show only bringing up Holly when it comes to drugs.
I just find this whole storyline ignorant especially with the things people are saying about it online. You can’t and shouldn’t just take any random homeless person off the street and bring them into your home no matter how much you want to help someone. There’s other things you can do that don’t put you and your family at risk and that’s exactly what Rhona was doing.
I also can’t believe Dawn gets to live rent free at Ross’ old place now. So I guess the message is just break into places whenever you want and someone might give you the whole house for nothing. I’m confused what Emmerdale uses to help them decide what characters stay and go. Instead of keeping one of their best newer characters like Gerry or even Misty who wasn’t that bad after a while we get Dawn another Nell knock off.
I know Tracy and Rodney are working together now but I wish she would have called him out over deliberately screwing with her pizza order. I also think he’s going to continue to screw with her business because he’s jealous. As much as it’s nice to see Tracy involved in new stuff I still wish they would have let her explore her writing again. I mean even if the 50 Shades knock off book she put out wasn’t that great she could have done something else. It’s obvious she liked doing it.
I have this feeling that the show is going to put Brenda and Rodney (back?) together at some point. Could be wrong but just a feeling I had. Also think they might make Brenda sick again.
Brenda acts like she never does anything wrong. Like when she freaked out and kicked Daz out and then her saying she couldn’t trust Tracy anymore. Like hello Brenda you’re the same person who stole a woman’s credit card and ordered a bunch of stuff.
I’ve never been a fan of Chas and Paddy as a couple so I’ve just been waiting for Emmerdale to hurry up and move this storyline along. I don’t like how everyone feels like they have to tiptoe around Chas and Paddy not because of the Grace stuff but mostly because of their relationship. Like I know they’ve been through a lot but they’re also two grown adults who live and work around other adults they can’t just take their issues out on other people. It’s not okay for them to make everyone else feel uncomfortable or like they can’t even stand in the same room with them because they’re struggling.
I know Lydia’s heart was in the right place but she’s nosy af sometimes and the way she always butts into other peoples business drives me crazy.
I know Chas has gone through and is still going through a lot but I just don’t feel like she’s being fair to Paddy. Everyone grieves differently and just because he’s feeling numb doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I also think it’s unfair for her to lash out at him so much when she hasn’t even been willing to communicate with him how she’s really been feeling. I mean Paddy hasn’t done the best with communicating either but I think he would have tried to listen if Chas said she felt shut out. Paddy took the time to confide in her and tell her how he was really feeling after Grace’s death and she just threw that in his face acting like he didn’t care. If he truly felt nothing he wouldn’t be so shut down as he was he’s been suffering too and she’s just been too caught up in her own pain to notice.
I knew when Eric said that he and his first wife ended up hating each other that Chas was going to break up with Paddy and honestly I’m glad. The whole thing has been kind of torturous to watch. I mean the actors are doing a great job but I just want the storyline to move forward. I still wonder if when Mandy comes back Paddy will find out he has a kid and what that will do to him and Chas having any kind of relationship friendship or otherwise going forward.
I really didn’t like how the show chose to talk about minimum wage work this week. Multiple times there were comments made about the factory work that Frank does and how it’s a nothing worthless kind of job. There have also been comments in the past to that effect as well. Frank said something about being stressed and Megan said “your work isn’t stressful” as if people who work menial labor jobs don’t get stressed.😒
Lord Leyla called herself Melania Trump. Do a lot of people in the UK actually like Trump or something? Please for the love of god no.
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