simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“Remember our first date here?” Johnny asked. The party had started winding down and the two slipped away for some quiet, alone time on the outside patio, near the river walk. With some slow, quiet ambiance music playing from the outdoor speakers, Johnny had taken Robyn’s hand and pulled her into another slow dance. 
“You mean the one where I was running late because I brought home a stray cat?” 
“That’s the one.” 
Robyn chuckled, nodding her head. “Yeah. But I don’t think that was our first date.” At Johnny’s confused look, she leaned forward, her lips finding his for a quick kiss before she rested her head on his shoulder. “Our phone date. When we watched the movie together.” 
A low rumble out of Johnny’s chest as she remembered with an, “Ahh. God, I was romantic, wasn’t I? What a catch.” 
Another laugh from Robyn and she had to agree with him. “Still are,” she told him quietly, her head on his shoulder as he guided them in the slow dance, hand firmly placed on her hip. She loved him. Though some days it just felt like routine living with him, where they’d talk about menial things and then crawl into bed next to each other out of habit, there were plenty more moments like this where she was reminded why she’d made this man into a habit of hers. Why she’d said yes to Johnny when he’d gotten down on one knee so they could carry on their lives together. 
“Happy Birthday, Bug,” Johnny told her quietly, laying his head on top of hers and she didn’t have to question to know he was sharing similar thoughts about all their years together. And all the years to come. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“So, you showed me pictures of all your friends...” Tyson started, tipping his head side to side. “No boyfriend, though?” 
The question had Eris chuckling, shaking her head. “No,” an almost forlorn tone to the answer. “Not for lack of trying. Brittni definitely wants me to hook up with one of her friends, but I don’t think they’re interested.” 
Tyson snorted. “Why the hell wouldn’t they be? What’s wrong with them?” 
It made her laugh and bump her shoulder into his. He always had a way of making her feel like she was better than she saw herself as. Giving a slight shrug, she said, “I don’t know.” Then she turned to give him a look. “What about you? Have a girlfriend?” 
A laugh. “Yeah. Maybe. Don’t quite know what we are yet, but we like to fool around a little bit.” The answer surprised her, but she didn’t think it should. Tyson always did act older for his age and had this independent, wild streak in him she could see a lot of girls fawning over. What she didn’t quite understand was the small pang of jealousy at that. She quickly stowed that away, reminding herself that Tyson was her best friend. 
“Well, I’m going to need to meet her and judge her and make sure she’s right for you,” Eris told him with a stern look. 
He laughed again, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her in to kiss the side of her head, making it really hard to remember not to have romantic feelings towards him. “I’ll scare off my potential girlfriends on my own, thank you very much.” 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
After the class was over, Robyn turned slightly back and forth, feelings muscles she swore she never felt before. She was going to be sore in the morning, but the good type of sore. This was especially what she wanted to start doing, to try and stay healthy and able to do things. Lately she’d found herself having trouble keeping up with the kids and their energy and fitness. 
“Thanks so much for the class,” Robyn told the instructor as she started heading past him towards the door. 
His face lit up as he shot back, “Hey, yeah, you’re welcome! You were doing great out there.” 
Robyn chuckled, doubting very much how great she was. He made it look so easy while she felt like she was going to face plant at any second. “Thanks.” 
“You know, I teach several classes like this all week long, I’d love to see you come back to one of them,” he coaxed and Robyn considered it for a moment. She really did want to start up something like this, or at least a fitness routine to try and get back into shape. 
“Yeah, maybe,” she agreed, honestly considering signing up for it. 
The instructor nodded before he said, “Here, uh, why don’t I give you my phone number in case you have any questions,” he looked around for a piece of paper, their phones in lockers back in the locker room, and wrote his number down for her. “My name’s Jeb, by the way.” 
“Robyn,” she smiled back at him. 
“Robyn,” he repeated, a smile on his face. “Well, it was really nice meeting you, Robyn. I hope to hear from you.” Robyn held up the paper with a smile on her face and it didn’t occur to her until after she left the yoga room that maybe he wasn’t just interested in getting her to sign up for another class. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
Eris spent the rest of the party hanging out with Tyson. If it felt weird at first, like the time they’d spent apart was already enough to drive a wedge between them, after an hour or so that feeling went away and she was reminded just what great friends they were. It had her feeling guilty that she hadn’t invited Tyson to hang out more often. Though, he hadn’t either, so she supposed they’d both have to do better. 
She showed him pictures of her friends, of Olivia and Brittni, of some other classmates she’d started to get to know better and he seemed impressed with how popular she’d started getting in high school. He said he wasn’t really the same. Hadn’t been able to join the football team like he’d wanted to when they were kids because his grades weren’t where they needed to be. While he had a few close knit friends, mostly people seemed to be intimidated by him and he admitted that sometimes he liked it that way. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
After Johnny went off to make sure that Charlie didn’t get sick off his large slice of cake, Eris’s phone buzzed. One look at the caller ID and she almost squealed in excitement on the barstool, quickly answering the phone. “Hey Tyson! Are you almost here?” 
“Look out the front door,” came Tyson’s voice over the line and she turned around on the stool, grinning as she saw him standing in the doorway. She laughed, hanging up and went bounding over to her friend, practically leaping into his arms for a hug. He laughed with her, swinging her around and greeting with a “Hey, sunshine.” 
“It’s so good to see you!” she proclaimed. It had been a few months and while there had been several phone calls here and there, they’d both been busy just trying to survive their new lives in high school. She’d been worried about going to a different school than Tyson. Worried that they wouldn’t retain their friendship. And while yes, it took some work to remember to call him to check in, she was willing to put that work in. “Nice jacket,” she teased slightly at the leathers he wore. 
Tyson snorted. “Rode my bike here.” She quirked her head to the side, but then went wide eyed as he turned and nodded towards a classic motorcycle parked out in the road.
Gasping, she moved past him to go and check it out. “This is yours?” she demanded, because it couldn’t have been cheap. He’d not mentioned anything about it on any of their phone calls and the large grin that spread across his face told her that had been on purpose. 
“Yeah. I... might have dipped into my college fund a little.” That had her stalling a little to look at him. He chuckled. “I’m not going to college. I’m going to join the Air Force. Already started talking to recruiters to do some sort of junior program so I’ll be ready when I’m 18.” 
Eris wasn’t sure she liked that plan. It meant they’d be even further apart as he served his military service and not to mention the inherent danger that he could put himself in. But she didn’t express any of that, a thought for another day, perhaps. She looked back at his new motorcycle. “When did you get so cool?” she joked. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
As the party kept going, the pub officially warmed up their grill and started offering appetizers and burgers, which meant it was time to cut the cake and officially celebrate Robyn’s birthday. They brought everyone together downstairs around a pretty extravagant cake, Eris’s doing no doubt, and sang Happy Birthday to Robyn. 
Robyn had never felt so loved, her cheeks flaring pink as she looked around at everyone who’d come out to help celebrate. Her heart felt like it was going to burst with appreciation for her friends and family and she said as much when they demanded a speech before she cut the cake for people to enjoy. 
As the folks started to line up for their slices, Robyn’s eyes caught Johnny’s from across the room. She smiled at him, recognizing in her husband the look he always got when he was admiring her. It seemed even as she was getting on in years, put on a few pounds as those years carried on.... through it all, Johnny still only had eyes for her.
Life Stage Update: Adult  
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
While the downstairs was reserved mostly for those old enough to drink, upstairs the bar games were in full effect, which afforded Eris and Charlie a chance to have some fun and let loose at their Mom’s birthday party. Charlie spent most of his time with Harvey and Catarina at the foosball table, even getting Eris involved in a game or two when she wasn’t busy checking her phone for texts from her friends. 
“Alright you two,” Catarina said to the boys, who looked up at her with wide grins. “Eris and I are gonna smoke you.” 
“Not if we smoke you first!” Harvey shot back at his Mom and without warning, Catarina started the game, making both boys scramble to keep up through their competitive laughter. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“NOT A SURPRISE!” the whole pub erupted into the yell as she stepped inside the front door. She had to laugh at the cheer, immediately overwhelmed with emotions at everyone who’d turned up for her non-surprise birthday party. Many of her co-workers, people from the community, and even some friends from back in Windenburg where she’d grown up. 
The drinks were flowing, the music was blasting and a table with snacks and a giant birthday cake was pressed up against the wall, dangerously close to the dart boards. They’d done a great job of setting it all up, getting it ready for the party tonight and Robyn didn’t think she could ask for better friends than the ones who’d come into her life. 
After making her rounds and saying hello and thank you for coming to just about everyone, she stopped near one of her co-workers’ tables, where Tim and his now fiancée, Rachel, were sitting. She’d gotten to know Rachel from all the times she’d come in to sub and she thought that the two were good for each other. Rachel was kind and considerate, which was exactly what Tim needed as a widower. He’d found love again and it hadn’t been easy, but after some convincing, he realized that he didn’t need to stop loving his first wife. He could love someone else and still do right by her. 
“Hey, birthday lady,” Tim said, clearly a couple of drinks down so far. Robyn chuckled with the table as Tim said, “Round of darts?” Robyn readily agreed, more than willing to entertain a slightly inebriated Tim for a little while. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“...he gave me his phone number and I got the impression that he wanted more than for me to sign up for other classes.” Robyn told the whole story to Catarina, who had come to pick her up from her class to take her to the pub, where the rest of the family and party goers had been setting up. 
“No shit,” Catarina laughed. 
Robyn shook her head, amusement coloring her features and making her cheeks pink. “I didn’t realize. I mean...it’s been years since someone’s flirted with me like that. Who wasn’t Johnny, of course.” 
“Pfft,” Catarina snorted. “What can you say, girl, you’re a catch.”
Shaking her head, she made a face and almost crumpled up the phone number, except for the fact that she really did want to take more classes. No, she couldn’t. Not with the yoga instructor who she was 99% sure had been flirting with her. “I must be almost twice his age,” Robyn shook her head. 
“Damn, cougar status already?” 
“No!” The word exploded from Robyn’s mouth and had both Catarina and herself rolling as they laughed at it. Catarina bumped shoulders with her, reaching over to take the phone number still in her hands and she pocketed it for her so Robyn wouldn’t have to stress over it. 
“Take it as a compliment, sister. Young bucks like ‘em mature.” Robyn glared playfully at her friend before Catarina stood and jutted her head towards the door. “Come on, cougar. We’ve got a party to get you to.” 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
With the day off of work and the big party tonight, Robyn was experiencing one of Johnny’s gifts he’d gotten to celebrate her birthday. A yoga class at a pretty fancy gym downtown. She’d tried to tell Johnny early on that all of this was wholly unnecessary, but he hadn’t listened to her. Gotten her gifts like these and planned a big birthday bash with as many people as they could get to come. 
She tried not to feel like they were all just reminders she was middle aged now. 
Where had the years gone? It felt like one year she was wrapping up high school and heading off to college and the next she was in her forties, with two kids and a husband who thought it would be grand to celebrate getting another year older. She was extremely grateful, but it was also a bit intimidating. 
Having kids had made her focus on her responsibilities pretty seriously. There’d been moments along the way when she’d felt her age creeping up on her. But now? Now she really was getting old and she had to admit that was something of a scary thing. Less so because she didn’t feel like she’d wasted any of her life, but just the idea that she really didn’t know what the future looked like from here. It was a daunting outlook that she tried not to think about as the cute yoga instructor told the class to clear your minds.
Skill Up: Fitness Level 5
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“Thanks for letting me go to Olivia’s party last night,” Eris said to her parents the morning after, as she was getting ready for school. It had been a fun night and while her friends were a bit more adventurous than she had anticipated, she’d been true to her word about behaving. Mostly. 
She’d tried a sip of champagne and she couldn’t understand how anyone liked the stuff. Couldn’t fathom drinking three glasses, like Brittni had done. That girl was Eris’s polar opposite in so many ways. She’d been there with her boyfriend, Kevin, a sophomore and the two of them had been all hands with each other the whole night before disappearing to one of the spare bedrooms after Brittni’s champagne had kicked in. 
Olivia had seemed unphased by it all, like it was just something she was used to and the two of them had spent the rest of the night playing a game on Olivia’s gaming console before Eris had to leave so she could make it home on time. 
“Well, thank you for not making us wait up for you,” Robyn replied to her. “Good to know we can trust you with these things.” Eris smiled as she poured herself a bowl of cereal, trying not to feel too guilty about the small sip of champagne she’d taken. 
Their thoughts were distracted, however, when Johnny looked up from his phone. “Okay, things are all set for tonight. We need to be there at 5:00 to start setting up.” 
Robyn nodded and Eris brought her cereal to the table, pausing behind her Mom to lean down and kiss her cheek. “Happy Birthday, Mom,” she told her. “How many people are coming, Dad?” 
Johnny snorted. “Enough that we had to privately rent the entire upstairs of the pub for the night.” 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Fifty-Four
“Nice job with the cake,” Johnny complimented his daughter as people kept making their way through the line to grab a piece.
Eris beamed brightly at her father’s compliment. “Thanks, Dad. Olivia’s Mom helped out a bunch, called in a favor to one of her catering friends.” Johnny smirked. Leave it to Eris to get something so nice for free, relying on her resourcefulness. That was his girl. He’d come to rely on that resourcefulness in her many times. She was smart, intelligent and perfectly capable of handling things like that. He was proud of the young woman his daughter had grown into. 
Charlie, on the other hand, walked by them with a massive piece of cake to which Johnny raised an eyebrow. “Whoa, kiddo, you gonna eat all that?” he asked. 
“Yep,” Charlie answered, blasé about the whole thing as he disappeared back upstairs. It took a moment for the interaction to settle in before both Johnny and Eris started chuckling.
Reaching a hand out to place on her father’s shoulder sympathetically, Eris calmly told him, “Good luck dealing with that sugar high later.” 
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