#rtumblr rp But not really
kieshartzishere · 1 year
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You don't deserve context
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onlykiesha · 1 year
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"It's not like it has hurt me anyways."
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arkify · 1 year
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sorry for the shit quality. lighting here is real tough. anywho LORE @pleafyistired
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dweebodoodle · 1 year
álkdjsdkfwjie i really want c!pleafy to interact with the 'puterboys cause theyre technically a corrupted file,,, they were under development by heaven and then kidnapped by hell (aka basically a unfinished file that was forced into a program that Definitely shouldnt run them!) i really wanna see 2p!dweebo or even just the c!dweebo try to figure out their locked and corrupted memory files, the overlayed script, the glitchy unstable powers their goop arm has, how they can delete their summoned objects trying to kill em- im nto even sure they can be killed! i sure cant delete this horrible corrupted file on my puter! can i send an ask? /lh /nf i just really like your lil guys kádhsadhlffdslf god im so excited for the april thing youre gonna do!! dying over being too excited over here!!! <33
You can currently ask 2pDweebo or 2pMimic(although you’ll scare them)
C!Dweebo and C!Mimic is currently not available in asking since they’re currently stuck in their own head/system atm
But feel free to ask the 2p Ai’s ^_^
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fuckery-labs · 1 year
day 8 of the «𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝_𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜» experiment. i can see the hat man. i’m not sure if i’m hallucinating, or fluffy or one of the who knows how many other hat-wearing people has broken into my house, but i think i’m gonna stare at the hat man until he leaves. i should really fix the holes in here….
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perplexing-news · 1 year
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Oh really? Someone else who would want to read all this? To sort all this nonsense? To catalogue everything so that people can find what they need? To follow every rp, to have an entire notebook for an rtumblr rp????
Please, be my guest.
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jasperakalucy · 1 year
as someone who (was) just a casual in rtumblr
why is there a hot cup???? and what other weird shit have I missed out in here????
I'm only at surface level but it's already getting SO weird (affectionate)
Toy! Hi!
This ask is very funny and endearing to me because you are the second person to ask me about cupcler (granted, the first was an irls irl, and you know me from secret santa, but I digress. I like to think I seem approachable)
I have another post explaining cupcler lore here. But if you want in depth lore, check out @/perplexing-news ! They are very cool! This tag is excellent (#the story so far) but they reblog every rp post
And if you really want an explanation from me, well, here:
Imagine if you will. RTGame. What if he was the onceler? What if he was sans? What if he was every tumblr sexyman? What if he was anyone, or no one at all? What if he was god? What does that mean? (here is the doc of all the RT AUs. Yes. It’s a lot [also thank you @/my-name-is-daniel-yes for this])
And then, of course, there were ask blogs of RT forms. Well, someone has to interact with the ask blogs, don’t they? We need characters for that. So OCs were created, employees of the RT onceler (RTcler or Dancler) factory. Storylines formed, like an improvised soap opera. And slowly the RT forms weren’t as important as the characters we made ourselves.
Important terminology here, though I believe it’s common in other fandoms as well: c![name] refers to the character, while cc![name] is the irl person. (don’t ask me why, I don’t know.)
I don’t like to single people out, because I enjoy every OC in their own way. They all have their own stories. But c!Fluffy does run the Board, (WARNING IT WILL LAG YOUR PHONE /lh) which seems to be the center of a lot of controversy.
I’d say they’re a good place to start, if you want to roleplay or get more in depth lore. But cc!Fluffy’s blog is filled with the longest posts known to man, not even counting the Board. /pos, because I adore cc!Fluffy, but be warned 😅
c!Plex also has his own lore. But their blog is meticulously organized and they just recently posted an update to ‘the story so far,’ which. Well, it’s a nice coincidence you’re joining now.
I hope this isn’t too overwhelming! It’s great to have you here! And there’s absolutely no judgement if you decide you only want to interact with RT focused content. Many people do that.
‘rtumblr’ is a weird, broad form, for both RT tumblr and the roleplay within it. But everyone here is very very awesome and kind and talented. <3
Thank you for participating in secret santa, and thank you for asking me about this nonsense!!
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morkify · 2 years
Hey there friends! This post will be updated from time to time. I’m morkify, but I tend to go by Mork around here. This is my main blog, so it’s a bit of a mess, and I have given up on organizing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have an art blog @arkify for all my art, which you can also find here under #ark art (used to be #my art). I reblog other peoples’ art (#not my art) and art from friends (#friend art) on this blog.
I’m fairly active in rtumblr, so if you don’t wanna see the long rp posts, block #rtumblr rp. Also I reblog insects a lot, I tag it with #bugs.
I don’t have a DNI set up, and I don’t really plan on making one. Just don’t be a bigot. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! :]
- Morks <33
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Yello my names Barron, but Bear is snazzier call me Bear :3
Just a guy being a dude on tumblr and hanging out, I make posts sometimes??? Idk I’ve only just started interacting with people here.
I’m multi fandom and interact with posts including but not limited to Rtgame/Rtumblr, Ninjago, the Stanley parable, Undertale/Deltarune and others I can’t think of right now.
Apparently also a part of the Rtumblr Rp scene now?? Don’t know how that happened, but I’m along for the ride now! /Pos I’ll find a tag for those soon lol
I make art sometimes, I barely post it here but I think I made an art blog a while back? It’s uh @self-indulgent-art-blog not a lot there at the moment but I’ll probably put it to use soon. Otherwise on this blog my art is under #bearable art or #bearable sketches
Some boundaries:
I’m over 18 so suggestive jokes are allowed but only to an extent.
Asks and interacting in the tags are always appreciated! I really won’t mind, and I don’t bite! Unless you ask /j
Spamming likes is fine but rebloging is preferred, I don’t mind the notifs but just liking things is a little iffy to me (I’ll get to it below)
I’m not gonna make a DNI but I will block people if I feel like it or if you have bad takes. Empty blogs on thin ice, for the love of god just reblog stuff with no tags it’s not hard I’ve been doing it for years. /lh
But seriously for any blank blogs following me here are some easy steps so you can have a better experience on tumblr. Under the cut for your convenience. <3
1. Give yourself a basic profile picture, any public domain image will work. If you want to use fan art credit the artist please (headers are optional)
2. Reblogging is *necessary* on tumblr your likes mean nothing. Tags are not necessary, but are appreciated. Reblogging makes the post reach more people especially with art.
3. Take some time to process your emotions when you see something that upsets you, your feelings about something are valid but your actions are still your responsibility. Anonymity makes you think that you can do whatever you want and not face consequences, but there is still another person on the other side of the screen.
4. Put either “minor” or “adult” in your bio, this step is mostly optional but it helps NSFT (not safe for tumblr) blogs or just adults in general know if they should block you or not. NSFT blogs don’t want minors following them (obviously) and some people just aren’t comfortable with that either. It’s none of your business either way and you should respect peoples boundaries.
4b. Speaking of boundaries (and this is specifically aimed at minors) please respect if someone doesn’t want you interacting. I know you feel like you’re very mature for your age but especially with NSFT blogs it can make people very uncomfortable. Please wait until you’re over 18.
5. People have the right to block you. Wether it’s because your vibes are off or you’re on their DNI list, it’s not personal. Also don’t block evade that’s a dick move bro.
6. Have fun, and take some breaks! You control your internet experience and you don’t have to post anything! Ultimately it’s up to you to check in and take care of yourself!
Have fun and stay safe Bear cubs!
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pinegreenapples · 2 years
(also: just to clarify what i meant by "oh no not again", there's a thing rtumblr does sometimes where they'll like. introduce new people into rtumblr with a couple introductory posts. there's like rp n stuff but it's really chill! as long as you have long post blocked and you only follow adam your app will only crash sometimes /hj!)
Oh interesting! I tend to be pretty out of the loop on everything so I never knew about that! Maybe I'll get an intro post someday! But for now, I'll keep sitting in my quiet little corner 😊.
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onlykiesha · 1 year
*they somehow wander their way here take two time lol /j
"Helloooooooooooo!~ Anyone heeeeeeeeeere?~"
Lore part 2; electric boogaloo
Kiesha laid still for a bit on the grass, still trying to get used to the bright light of the day. The thought that death took them in while they were asleep was almost too rudimentary to have even happened. Maybe it's a dream...
Yeah let's go with—
The echoing and yet slow ringing of the voice in the place they're in alarmed them, almost immediately sitting up. That didn't sound human. Should she keep herself quiet? Stay still or run? Hell, she doesn't know where she is let alone if it was safe to di anything at all.
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