#rubber chest waders
baumeister-nrw · 3 months
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max-rubberwolfy · 1 year
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rubberknight59 · 2 years
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waderbiker · 1 month
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meninraingear · 11 months
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John and Pete were best buddies. Most of the weekends they would pack their fishing gear and drive to the lake nearby.
The best moment of those trips were when they got to pull their thick rubber chest waders on. They both had instant boner and admired each others’ shiny gear. It was their shared passion and the best way to relax after a rough work week.
When it was time to go to sleep they’d keep their waders on while sharing the same tent. John usually insisted on being the big spoon and they’d eventually fall asleep enjoying the warmth of their bodies and thick rubber layers.
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eorzeashan · 7 months
Commander Stew
Theron cooks something for the Commander.
Odessen - The Kitchens
A young man sporting a dollop of white hair and refined features entered the communal kitchen of the Alliance carrying a large crate, wearing a plain burlap apron, rubber gloves, and waders over what usually would qualify as a stealth suit–a bit of an odd sight, but one Theron had gotten used to over time.
“Hey! You’re back early. Put ‘em down over there,” Theron glanced over his shoulder, nodding briefly at the young man, then motioning with his head at the kitchen island. Eight squeezed past him as he ran his hands under the faucet, careful not to bump into the other spy. They set down the box on the counter and patiently folded their hands, awaiting instructions.
Theron turned off the sink and flung the remnant droplets off his hands, drying them with a slightly stained checkerboard dish towel.
Even with his fearsome past, Theron found the quiet operative to be pleasant company most days, with Eight acting as his assistant in daily matters ranging from mundane chores to deadly missions. All at the behest of Lana, of course. She was the one who insisted on (see: forced) a pair of helping hands for him after he'd incorrectly assumed she’d wanted him to take on all her burdens.
Not that he was complaining about the extra hands. Certainly not today of all days–he was planning something special, and that required all of the help he could get.
Theron opened the flaps of the crate. Fresh from their gardening plot in the Odessen fields, the box was practically bursting with colorful root vegetables and leafy greens native to the planet. Purple, orange, striped yellows and swirls of blue–all packed with vitamins and the healthy color of a successful crop. Plain proof that their efforts to cultivate more organic food for the personnel had finally given fruit, after several long winters of withered stalks and exhausting meals of food chips.
Theron smiled wryly. He’d have to make a toast to Dr. Oggurrobb’s fertilizer and the Force Enclave’s agricultural knowledge later.
“Will this be enough?” Eight asked, mellow as ever. He watched him coolly through deep umber eyes.
“It’s more than enough,” Theron answered, a bit of uncertainty leaking into his tone as he stared at the foodstuffs. The vegetables taunted him from their comfy spot atop the counter next to the impressive array of knives and cooking utensils laid out side-by-side like an interrogation toolkit. “...I think.” He wiped the tip of his nose.
Theron hated to admit it, but he was no culinarian. Master Zho had never taught him (really, what could you teach a kid to cook in the wilderness besides canned goods and pre-packaged rations), and his stint as a SIS agent since his youth had left him with little time to prepare nor care. The extent of his cooking repertoire could quickly be summed up to sticking a frozen Orobird leg in the flash oven and waiting for two minutes, sadly.
So why was he making an effort now?
The image of the Commander’s tired face weary from battle and sleepless nights, aging lines etched deep into their skin with the carvings of a destiny too large for one person, flashed in Theron’s mind. He’d seen the way they’d fought–skipped meals, denied themselves sleep, hid the way their gaze turned vacant when they thought no one was looking, left their cafeteria plate practically untouched, compounded blackened bottoms of endless cups of caf, the stims—the Commander was burning themselves at both ends.
Hypocritical as it was, he couldn’t stand watching them drive themselves into the ground. The galaxy’s fate was important, but…not as important as they were to Theron. Yet he found himself at a loss; what words he wanted to tell them to eat better, to sleep more, to stop hurting themselves fell short whenever the Commander gave him that one look. That look of resignation, deep as the dull ache that would settle in his chest afterwards.
“I’m okay,” They’d tell him, smiling wan, “Thank you, Theron.” It’s alright. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me.
Like hell he couldn’t. He–
Theron snapped out of his reverie, realizing he’d been wringing the dishcloth far too tightly for too long. Eight stared at him, puzzled. He released it. His knuckles returned to their previous pink.
“...Sorry. Just. Tired,” Theron shook his head, massaging his temples. Tired. Yeah. He was sure someone else was too, and he hadn’t asked Eight to come here to watch him have a breakdown. Pushing off from the counter, he clapped his hands together, mustering up a second wind. “Let’s get to work. Shall we?”
Commander Stew
Young Makrin Legs
Orobird Soup Stock
Rootleaf, 1 Head
Imperial-issued Instant Glowblue Noodles, 1 Package
Republic Synth-Ham and Grophet Sausages
Odessen Wild Onions
Mandalorian Spice Sauce
Zakuulan Swamp Glowshrooms
Slice of Ration Cheese
Prepare the young makrin legs by soaking them in water and shaving the fibrous exterior with a peeler.
Theron stared at the unassuming pile of…legs that resembled roots more than they did the limbs of any creature, and secretly shuddered. Makrins weren’t particularly uncommon on terrestrial worlds, but their crabby, tree-like appearance and tendency to wallow in loam didn't make them his first choice to eat. He wasn't exactly opposed to adventurous cuisine, but he wondered how exactly the legs of a chitinous creature equaled something that would make the Commander more appetized.
As if sensing his cause for pause, Eight peered over his shoulder where he stood frozen with peeler in hand. “The Jedi recommended them for use in medicinal dishes. When eaten boiled, it lowers blood pressure, and contains many nutrients.” He said thoughtfully, as if reading an entry from an encyclopedia.
“Is that so.” Theron inwardly balked at the mention of the Jedi–a little known fact was that Master Zho had raised him on Jedi cuisine, most of it vegetarian, but even then he hadn’t sampled every bit of agriculture the galaxy had to offer. Makrin legs were a bit out there, but seeing as they were native to Odessen, recommended by the enclave and another piece of stress relief on a plate for the Commander? His survival training told him the harmless limbs could only benefit, despite their gnarly appearance.
Remove the tips and fibrous base. When cleaned and processed, set aside.
He buckled down and began shaving the legs. Lack of proper nutrition was always a deciding factor in conflict–Theron had seen his fair share of soldiers who contracted disease from improper eating and lack of supplies– and he would feed the Commander any bit of ugly vegetables if it meant seeing a little more life restored to their pallid cheeks. His fingers found their rhythm as he removed the tough outer skin from the legs exposing their soft white core beneath the blade of the peeler, their texture reminding him oddly of Dantooinian tubers with an extra coat of slime.
Slice and dice half of a medium-sized onion.
Theron had to pretend he wasn't looking particularly emotional as he chopped the onion. Or maybe he was simply brought to tears at the thought that their food could have flavor for once, all thanks to the Alliance’s team of scouts who procured such supplies for them from the unmapped regions of Odessen’s wilds. Eight was among that team, hence Theron's willingness to let an Imp spy of all people join him in cooking. There was only a small handful of people he could use to conceal his efforts from the Commander, and Theron would make use of both his ability to obtain food in secret and his espionage skills to see this through, opposing factions be damned.
And if others worried about poisoning, well. He didn't pride himself on being Chief of Security for nothing. The safety of the Commander was his priority, as were the characters of those he chose to fight alongside them. They were his responsibility. His to trust with their most important fight and everything in-between. Theron couldn't afford to keep the old grudges that the Republic and Empire maintained in these desperate times, and he would not fall victim to their need to blind themselves with their unending war. He had to fight for what was important, and that was…people. Not sides.
Theron would always be a son of the Republic at his heart. But now his heart belonged to another, and those lines had long blurred.
Slice the glowshrooms length-wise, removing the head from the stems. Set aside.
Clean and cut the rootleaf in half, then the following halves into quarters; chop into smaller squares until you have about 1 cup’s worth of rootleaf. Store the rest in a cool, refrigerated place.
Unpackage the Synth-Ham, Republic Ration #0625, and slice to desired thickness.
Theron opened the can of mystery meat and upended it onto the chopping board. The green ham-like substance plopped onto it with gelatinous grace. He poked it with his cooking knife. It jiggled away from the tip.
Eight placed an empty pot next to him along with a can of opened grophet sausages and an unwrapped package of Imperial ration Glowblue Noodles, their signature color shining through the foil. Theron quickly thanked him out of the corner of his mouth.
Arrange the rootleaf, onion, makrin legs, and glowshrooms at the bottom of the pot in even layers.
Add a helping of Mandalorian Spiced Sauce on top.
Theron couldn't forget Torian and his people. They were the ones who suggested using their own spices for the hotpot, as “no other spice in the galaxy compares to that of a Mando’s.” Though he’d initially expressed some reservations at setting the Commander’s tongue aflame, this special mix had been made with their preference in mind; Shae had been so impressed by their valor that she presented several crates worth as a gift after the battle of Darvannis. Spices were a luxury if not a grand gesture in wartime, and not one Theron intended to use lightly.
Add the Synth-Ham, grophet sausages, and top with a slice of ration cheese over the previous ingredients.
Finally, add the Glowblue Noodles and 3 liters of Orobird stock.
Theron blinked at the finished product. “Wait a minute. This is…”
“Revanite stew?” Eight once again helpfully supplied.
It was Theron’s turn to ask the questions as he raised a suspicious brow towards his sous-chef. “They ate this during the coalition, when the camps combined. How did you get the same recipe?”
Eight smiled quietly to himself, in his mysterious and elusive way. “Our Commander was there. It was their idea to share food across factions. I still haven't forgotten its taste. If you ask any of the soldiers from that time, they will say the same.”
Theron stared at him, speechless. To think the same recipe he’d been making this entire time was a result of their union on Rishi…he recalled seeing Imperial and Republic soldiers bonding over a cookpot, but hadn't joined in, content to watch the proceedings from a distance. So much had happened during Revan’s rise that he’d failed to pay enough attention to something so innocuous as a moment of camaraderie between unlikely allies.
It had been their idea to eat something both Imperial and Republic that fateful night. To form the basis of their Alliance over a simple, warm bowl of soup.
Theron felt his heart swell.
He…he had to remind them of what they had built. What they meant to him. With this.
Set on top of a burner and deliver to recipients with bowls to share.
Theron held his breath as he wheeled the cart of foodstuffs to the Commander’s quarters, careful to avoid jostling the stew that balanced atop it as he reached his destination. He rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles.
A puff of pnematic air revealed the Commander, yawning wearily from yet another sleepless night of work and burdens. “Yes–” They stopped. “Theron? What are you doing here?” They eyed his cart. “And what's with all the food?”
Theron cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use some dinner, so…I brought you some. If you don't mind, that is.” He quickly added, feeling out of place in the deserted hallway.
The Commander smiled, a genuine one that reached their eyes, crinkling at the edges. “I’d love to try whatever you made. Come in, we can eat it together.” They stepped aside to allow Theron room to maneuver.
Enjoy with your intended party.
As expected, it was delicious.
Not as filling as seeing the Commander laugh to the point of tears at his explanations as to why he'd been so secretive all week trying to hide the fruits of his cooking from them, but filling nonetheless. He'd give it a 5/5, personally, as a true soup for the soul. (And a note to make it again with less sneaking around).
If the Commander was satisfied and satiated... so was he.
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proteusolm · 1 year
Gotta confess, I love field work clothes. The uglier the better. I love you cargo pants tucked into socks to keep ticks off, I love you mud caked steel toed rubber boots, I love you ill-fitting chest waders, I love you floater coat that makes me feel like a toddler in a snow suit. Thank you for keeping me warm and dry and oh so silly looking.
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psychic-refugee · 2 years
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Unbeknownst to most, Ajax Petropolis was the son of Billy Loomis and considered himself the true heir to the Ghostface legacy.
He found a kindred spirit in Xavier Thorpe, the son of renowned illusionist Vincent Thorpe, who was their first victim.
Both were savage and almost whimsical with their kills and could boast a double-digit body count in under a year.
They formed a brotherhood of murder, mayhem, and blood.
They baffled the Jericho police, who had yet to discern there were two killers.
Both killers became annoyed when a new player had come to town and the kills were blamed on the Ghostface Butcher, quickly catching up on their kill count.
Ajax worried when Xavier started to fall for the Medical Examiner, the elusive but brilliant Wednesday Addams.
She preferred to work with the dead rather than the living, and Xavier waxed poetic about her thorough reports that gave the most gruesome details of their kills. He almost didn’t care she was the only competent person on the police force, and her observations had outed them as two separate killers.
He had never felt so seen or flattered when she described his killing style as artistic and a love letter to the mad dark killers of the past.
Ajax would never admit he almost blushed when she described him as redefining brutality.
One night, while on the trail of a potential victim while in their Ghostface attire, they happened upon the beautiful Wednesday Addams in a clean room with every square inch covered in plastic. She wore a rubber apron and knee-high wader boots.
Their victim was wrapped tightly to an operating table with the same plastic wrap, completely immobile.
They had caught her with an impressive knife just about to plunge into the victims chest.
Both men had frozen, never in a million years thinking they’d find Wednesday in such a manner.
She was completely unfazed to be confronted mid-murder, and to face the country’s top killers.
“Xavier, Ajax,” she greeted them in her normal dispassionate tone, both of them gasped that she knew their identity. “Did you want to watch?”
Ajax then understood, especially when they took off their masks and she gave them that macabre half smile, why Xavier had fallen in love with her.
He was certain they had found their killer soulmate. 
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strapskinkstories · 2 years
Mar 5 2023 - A relaxing and exciting time sealed in my rubber chest waders from slvrbrboy
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I was surprised at how much I could smell the thick rubber considering I was rebreathing mostly from the upper end of the vacbag
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Smothered in the warm rubbery nylon I have very little air
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My ear is still squeezed pretty harshly but I am too distracted by the wet nylon to notice it
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They feel really good pulled over my head and I hit the finale almost instantly
This session started out very relaxing. I had several runs relaxing in the grip of the heavy rubber chest waders. I found the sensation of feeling them tightening around me as I inhaled the rubbery air from within them especially interesting and relaxing. There's a thick waterproof nylon pocket that I pulled inside out and kept covering my mouth and nose in it. Later in the session I started licking the thick waterproof nylon enjoying the wetness as it clung to my mouth and nose. I then decided I had to pull them over my head, stepped out of the vacbag pulled the chestwaders over my head and looked like a total dork but oh did it feel good getting squeezed by the thick rubber. I let Mike run the vacuum a pretty long time otherwise I would have been able to rebreathe a pretty long time inside of them. I hit the finale almost instantly with them pulled over my head. My arms were in an odd position almost like a really weird straitjacket but damn it felt really good. I will have to get sealed up in them wearing the blue coveralls from RubberBoy next time. I'll also need to take more time with them over my head, today I wanted to have a some time wearing them right way around but I kept wanting to get my head inside of them, they smell and feel delightful. I will be wearing these come spring time at least a few times for a walk around town in the blue coveralls, I'll look extra weird though I'll also be well prepared for any wetness or mud I come across. Unfortunately I don't live in a very muddy area, would be nice to come across some chest deep quicksand ;)
64 photos are on Flickr HERE
Video is below via direct link and is in the vacbag collection HERE
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baumeister-nrw · 3 months
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bryanhackleman · 26 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Essential Fly Fishing Gear
Fly fishing is more than just a hobby; it's a passion that connects anglers with nature in a unique way. The experience of casting a fly rod, feeling the pull of a fish on the line, and savoring the tranquility of the outdoors is unmatched. Whether you're a seasoned fly fisher or just starting, having the right gear is crucial for a successful and enjoyable fishing trip. This guide will walk you through the essential gear you need to make the most of your fly-fishing adventures.
Selecting the Right Fly Rod and Reel
The foundation of any fly fishing setup is the fly rod and reel. Choosing the right rod and reel combination depends on several factors, including the type of water you'll be fishing, the species you're targeting, and your casting style.
Fly Rod: Fly rods come in various lengths and weights, each suited for different conditions. A 9-foot, 5-weight rod is the most versatile choice for beginners, as it works well for a wide range of species in both freshwater and light saltwater conditions. However, if you're targeting larger fish like salmon or tarpon, you'll need a heavier rod, such as an 8- or 9-weight.
Fly Reel: Your reel should match the weight of your rod. It's essential to choose a reel with a smooth drag system to handle the fight of larger fish. While some anglers prefer manual reels for their simplicity, others opt for automatic reels that make retrieving the line easier.
The Importance of Fly Line, Leader, and Tippet
Fly fishing lines are designed to cast light flies with precision, and selecting the right line is critical for successful casting and presentation.
Fly Line: There are three main types of fly lines: floating, sinking, and sink-tip. Floating lines are the most common and versatile, ideal for dry flies and nymphs. Sinking lines are used for deepwater fishing, while sink-tip lines combine the best of both, allowing for more profound presentations while keeping part of the line on the surface.
Leader: The leader is a tapered length of monofilament or fluorocarbon that connects the fly line to the tippet. It ensures a smooth transfer of energy from the line to the fly. Leaders come in different lengths and weights, typically ranging from 7.5 to 12 feet. The right choice depends on the fishing conditions and the type of fly you're using.
Tippet: The tippet is the final section of the leader, where the fly is tied. It's essential to match the tippet's diameter to the size of the fly and the fish you're targeting. Using a tippet that's too thick can spook fish, while one that's too thin might break during a fight.
Waders and Boots for Comfort and Protection
Staying dry and comfortable is critical to enjoying your time on the water, especially when wading into rivers and streams. Quality waders and boots provide the necessary protection and stability.
Waders: There are two main types of waders: chest waders and hip waders. Chest waders offer the most coverage, allowing you to wade deeper into the water, while hip waders are suitable for shallower waters. Waders are typically made from neoprene or breathable fabrics. Neoprene waders are excellent for cold conditions, while breathable waders are more comfortable in warmer weather.
Wading Boots: Wading boots are designed to provide traction and support on slippery riverbeds. Felt-soled boots are famous for their grip on slick rocks, but they're banned in some areas due to concerns about spreading invasive species. Rubber-soled boots with studded soles are a great alternative, offering excellent traction while being environmentally friendly.
Fly Boxes and Flies: Organizing Your Arsenal
Having the right flies at your disposal is essential for adapting to different fishing conditions. Organizing them in a fly box ensures you have easy access when you need to switch flies quickly.
Fly Boxes: Fly boxes come in various sizes and designs, with some featuring waterproof seals to protect your flies from moisture. A good fly box should be lightweight and durable and have compartments or foam slots to keep your flies secure and organized.
Flies: The fly you use depends on the fish species and the local insect life. Dry flies, nymphs, streamers, and wet flies are the primary categories, each mimicking different stages of aquatic insects or other prey. It's wise to carry a variety of flies in different sizes and patterns to match the hatch and entice fish.
Accessories: The Small but Crucial Items
In addition to the primary gear, several accessories can make your fly fishing experience more efficient and enjoyable.
Nippers and Forceps: Nippers trim the excess line, while forceps are essential for removing hooks from fish. These small but vital tools are used for quick adjustments and safe fish handling.
Landing Net: A landing net helps you safely bring the fish to hand without causing injury. Look for a net with a rubber or silicone mesh, as these materials are less likely to harm the fish's delicate skin and scales.
Polarized Sunglasses: Polarized sunglasses reduce glare on the water's surface, allowing you to see fish and underwater structures more clearly. They also protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays.
Vest or Pack: A fishing vest or pack helps you keep your gear organized and within reach. Vests offer plenty of storage pockets, while packs provide a more modern, streamlined option with hydration compatibility.
Final Thoughts
Fly fishing is a rewarding and immersive experience, but having the right gear is crucial to making the most of your time on the water. By investing in quality equipment and organizing your gear effectively, you can focus on what truly matters—enjoying the sport and the natural beauty around you. Whether you're just starting or looking to upgrade your setup, this guide will help you make informed decisions so you can fly fish with confidence and success.
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outdoor-24 · 1 year
Fishing Boots for Sale: A Must-Have Gear for Every Angler
Regarding angling, having the right equipment is crucial for a successful and enjoyable fishing experience. One often overlooked but essential item in a fisherman's arsenal is a reliable pair of fishing boots. In this article, we will explore the world of fishing boots for sale at Hartenhengel Outdoor, discussing their importance, types, features, and why investing in a quality pair can significantly enhance your fishing adventures.
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The Importance of Fishing Boots
Keeping Dry and Comfortable
Fishing often involves wading through water, standing on the shore, or even spending long hours in a boat. Fishing boots are designed to keep your feet dry, ensuring you stay comfortable throughout your fishing trip.
Traction and Safety
Slippery rocks, muddy riverbanks, and wet boat decks can be hazardous. Fishing boots offer excellent traction, reducing the risk of accidents and helping you maintain balance in various fishing conditions.
Types of Fishing Boots
Chest Waders
Chest waders are an excellent choice for anglers who must wade deep into the water. They cover your legs and chest, providing full waterproof protection. Hartenhengel Outdoor offers a wide range of chest waders suitable for different fishing environments.
Hip Waders
Hip waders, as the name suggests, cover only up to your hips. They are perfect for shallower waters and are more comfortable to wear for extended periods. There are several sizes and designs of these boots.
Wading Boots
Wading boots are designed to be worn with stockingfoot waders. They provide the necessary grip and support for your feet while wading. Hartenhengel Outdoor offers wading boots with durable soles that can handle rough terrains.
Features to Look for
Quality fishing boots are typically made from neoprene, rubber, or PVC. Neoprene offers insulation, rubber provides durability, and PVC is lightweight. Choose the material that suits your fishing needs.
If you plan to fish in colder weather, insulated boots are a must. They will keep your feet warm and comfortable even in icy waters.
Fit and Comfort
Ensure your fishing boots fit well and offer the necessary comfort for long hours of fishing. Look for boots with adjustable straps and padded insoles.
Investing in a durable pair of fishing boots is cost-effective in the long run. Check for reinforced seams and high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear.
Why Choose Hartenhengel Outdoor?
Hartenhengel Outdoor is your one-stop shop for high-quality fishing boots. They offer a wide selection of boots suitable for various fishing conditions. With their commitment to customer satisfaction and top-notch products, you can trust them to provide the best gear for your fishing adventures.
Fishing boots are an essential gear item for any angler. They keep you dry, safe, and comfortable while you pursue your passion for fishing. When looking for fishing boots for sale consider the types, features, and durability to make the best choice for your needs. Hartenhengel Outdoor offers a fantastic selection of fishing boots that cater to all these requirements, ensuring you're well-prepared for your next fishing trip.
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billdefer · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HISEA Women's Waders - Fishing / Duck Hunting.
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raleeshpoy · 1 year
KOMEX Chest Waders,Fishing Boots Waders Hunting Bootfoot with Wading Belt Waterproof Boots Breathable Nylon and PVC Wading Boots for Men and Women
Price: (as of – Details) Technical Details Age Range ‎Adult Batteries Included ‎No Brand ‎KOMEX Colour ‎Camo Material Type ‎Nylon, Rubber, Fabric, Polyvinyl Chloride Material Composition ‎Nylon and PVC Outer Material ‎PVC, Rubber Size ‎M9/W11 Sport ‎Hunting, Fishing Style ‎Wading Boots Manufacturer ‎KOMEX Additional Information ASIN B086YSKQWD Best Sellers Rank #213,770…
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kitchengadgetqueen · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fly Fishing Chest Waders - Size 7 - insulated - Northwest Territory.
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Stone Ocean is about fashionable waders in Florida
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