#ruby reveur
mitspeiler · 5 months
Bones in the Ocean
New fic up here! A spinoff to The Dream Quest of Henry Sinclair. I will post to Royal Road when I get a nice cover for it lol
Ruby suffers from night terrors in the week following her cousin Henry's disappearance, night terrors strong enough to put her frail, sickly body in danger. And they're getting worse. Her mother, Morgause Reveur, sees no other recourse than to send Ruby on her quest, the rite of passage that everyone in their witch clan goes through, to steal a source of magic from another plane. A quest Ruby is too young for, that she was never really intended to go on. But it may be the only way to save her life. Ruby plunges, literally, into Undaina, the elemental plane of water, where she will contend with pirates, merfolk and sea monsters by day, and with the choking darkness of her subconscious fears at night.
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mycosmicbackyard · 7 years
A Tag Game Thing
I was tagged by @sarahmariepardy  and @sonador-reveur - thank you so much guys!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Coffee with Oatly (oat milk)
2. Phone call: Yes, my co-worker accidentally called me.
3. Text message: Our extra-grandmother. 4. Song you listened to: Star Trek Next Generation Vignette
5. Time you cried: Two days ago.
6. Dated someone twice: Yeah both my ex and my husband. Dated them several times. Not at the same time, though.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes. While I was in-between relationships I kissed my ex and then realized who I wanted. So maybe that wasn’t such a bad decision cause the man I wanted is my husband today.
8. Been cheated on: No.
9. Lost someone special: Yes, but I got her back... kinda... so no death. But I’ve also lost people to death yes.
10. Been depressed: Oh yeah.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Hahahahaha yes.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Red Ruby 13. Emerald Green 14. Gold
15. Made new friends: Yes, altough I have enough to do.
16. Fallen out of love: No!
17. Laughed until you cried: No.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No.
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes.
20. Found out who your friends are: Yes, some new realizations there.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: My husband is on Facebook so yes. GENERAL:
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Pfffff.... some. Maybe 200-300...
23. Do you have any pets: No, not anymore :-( 
24. Do you want to change your name: Maybe I want a short name in front of Victoria. Something that fits and that is a symbolic statement.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I think I was at home with my family. But THIS time I am ordering a massage <3 
26. What time did you wake up: 8 actually.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Hahahaha.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: I can’t wait for my poetrybook to be finished. My fiction as well but my poetry is my... baby. Something special.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Maybe over a month ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: That I wasn’t so afraid of being myself.
31. What are you listening right now: Kitchen silence with children’s tv in the background from the living room.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes. And he was a rude douchebag. Just because someone hurt you a long time ago, doesn’t mean you can act like a dick.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Vacation time. Trying to make the best out of it.
34. Most visited Website: Tumblr, Youtube, Patreon, Facebook...
35. Mole/s: Yes. Two on my stomach, and one on my right cheek. And lots of others.
36. Mark/s: A scar on my right hand. Stumbled and hit a rock, sharp like a knife. 
37. Childhood dream: To be an author.
38. Hair color: Brown, with lots of natural inputs inherited from my grandmother, type of nut-red, and a little blonde as well. I have a blond strip on the front.
39. Long or short hair: I cannot decide. Long makes it flat and it gets too warm. Short ... I think it will end up short. I have chin-lenght now.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes luckily my husband after 12 years.
41. What do you like about yourself: That I’m like: this I want to do, so that I’ll do. And that I always look for opportunity, and that I always just follow my own way without wanting to fit into a normal job routine or something like that. Always free. I cannot be put in a cage. I am too much myself, and I looove that. And that I am stubborn as hell, and a secret rebel.  
42. Piercings: I want some again!!! A little ear collection.
43. Blood type: A rhesus minus. Someone claims that this blood type is inherited from aliens. Works for me.
44. Nickname: I use Vuds, Mycosmicbakyard, but for my name is like Vicky but no one calls me that anymore.
45. Relationship status: Married, mother of three, going nowhere. 
46. Zodiac: Sagittarius. 
47. Pronouns: she, her.
48. Favorite TV Show: pfffft. I hate that. I only love Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5, Andromeda, Firefly, Red Dwarf, give me some more goodies to love.
50. Right or left hand: Left!
51. Surgery: Yes when I was 11 I had to take out two teeth that was stuck in my gum. I got 11 injections. 
52. Hair dyed in different color: Only once I got this red-ish color that was supposed to last for a week but it lasted a year.
53. Sport: Well I did taekwondo when I was 14 and would like to start that again.
55. Vacation: What is that?
56. Pair of trainers: I want new ones.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Waffle. 
58. Drinking: Coffee
59. I’m about to: Continue working.
61. Waiting for: My book to be finished. 62. Want: To write and publish lots of books and poetry books. Write about all my worlds that are floating inside of me, to be a good mother, to own a house for us, to have a not a caravan wagon but this car where we can travel around in Europe and see our country and other countries together. I want to see LP live, to go to the Heart IQ events again, Art of Feminine Presence, to be a music teacher on trombone, to do yoga every day, to come in contact with nature. I want an old Opel Corvette, yellow colored. My own garden filled with vegetables, herbs, fruit, berries. To be a vegan, to be fully fair trade and eco friendly, of course for the world to know about the hidden technology and all that.
63. Get married: I did 21.06.2012 <3
64. Career: I want to continue doing sign language interpreting, to be a music teacher on trombone, most an author so that the two other jobs are for just socializing, getting inspirations etc, not staying inside all day long. Where does inspiration come from if I don’t go out?
65. Hugs or kisses: mmmmm both from husband.
66. Lips or eyes: both from husband ;)
67. Shorter or taller: Taller, taller, taller.
68. Older or younger: Older!
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I actually try to accept me and others as I am/they are... that being said, it is important to stay healthy and to do what you love to do. 
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’d like to be a little of both.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No.Don’t need it.
77. Turned someone down: Yes.
78. Sex in the first date: No.
79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes.
80. Had your heart broken: Yes.
81. Been arrested: No.
82. Cried when someone died: Yes!
83. Fallen for a friend: Yes.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Absolutely.
85. Miracles: YES!
86. Love at first sight: Yes
87. Santa Claus: YES!
88. Kiss on the first date: Yes!
89. Angels: Yes! (not as you think, though)
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Anne & Nikoline
91. Eyecolor: Dark brown.
92. Favorite movie: Avatar, Unacknowledged.  I guess this has gone around a bit, but:  @tafkas77 @rmeisel 
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mitspeiler · 5 months
Whole Hog Ruby. Go
wowee, a total stranger asking about ruby. crazy
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✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
dear sweet precious ruby got her name from being a redhead, probably also in-universe. Her last name, Reveur, was suggested by @wubyreal
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
13 at the beiginning of Filmverse. She turns 14 over the course of Dream Quest.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Fenetre, a fox boy she met in a dream. Another boy will try to woo her later
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
she loves sweets and is a rare fondant defender.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
she's too young for a job at the moment. If she weren't a magical fantasy protagonist she would want to be a nurse
🎹 🥊- Do they have any hobbies?
Ruby is a big reader. she doesn't have many creative hobbies due to being sickly and infirm for most of her life. Now that she can move around a bit she will start trying out all kinds of new things. Ruby hates having to take her many many medicines
🎯 -What do they do best?
Ruby is actually a good problem solver. Her pathetic charisma also lets her make friends easily.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
When they were little Henry made her a stone teddy bear, small enough to fit in her palm. It went missing at some point.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
The week leading up to her solo adventure, Bones in the Ocean, was plagued with night terrors that caused her physical pain. Seeing as it happened shortly after Henry went missing it was easily the worst time in her life so far
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Ruby's design has changed subtly over the years, starting with myself and her co-creator @wubyreal disagreeing over her eye color.My Ruby's eyes are purple; hers are red. I've also decided to turn the white elements of ruby's outfit black for future entries.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
The Aristocrats
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
american gothic
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
cishet probably
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
none, but her cousin Henry is like an older brother to her
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Ruby's relationship with her mother is strained. She faces a lot of negative reinforcement and emotional neglect, but feels as though she should be grateful to her mother for the fact she takes care of her, and at times feels guilty that her mother has been saddled with her. Morgause does not say
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
She is cool and everyone loves her. in real life
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I post ruby daily in some circles. She has one complete novella
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
She's afraid of lots of things but is brave in that she faces her fears. Her only really debilitating phobia is the idea that she is a burden
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Probably Callisto Pellinger, spoiled girl playing pirate on the high seas
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
according to @wubyreal ruby was created on september 6th 2019. Insane to me, I feel like she's been here forever
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mitspeiler · 4 months
Bones in the Ocean Ch. 3
waow, the third chapter is up Ruby gets off that damn pirate ship but faces off with the bests of the island
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mitspeiler · 3 months
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The denouement of Ruby's adventure; reunion with Eric and return home, and hints of another mystery to come. The final chapter, last upload for the foreseeable future.
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mitspeiler · 4 months
Chapter 5 of Bones in the Ocean is up!
Ruby and Erick root around inside the Hydra's skull, see some of it's memories, and run into some old enemies.
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mitspeiler · 4 months
Chapter 4, "A Man and a Clown" now up on ao3. Ruby gets to know her mysterious savior and meets another new friend on top of that.
I've also begun posting it to Royal Road now that we have a pretty, pretty cover
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mitspeiler · 4 months
Bones in the Ocean Ch. 2
Oh shit i forgot I posted this last night lmao. chapter 2 up
If you're new this is a swashbuckling story of sick girl looking for a miracle cure. It's a spinoff to The Dream Quest of Henry Sinclair, though they can be read in any order.
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mitspeiler · 4 months
The penultimate chapter of Bones in the Ocean is up! Ruby's adventure comes to its climax and the nature of the Red Anemone is revealed. Ruby makes a hard decision, Bozo is there.
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mitspeiler · 4 months
Good good. You answered the Skurret question. Now do the Ruby romantic breakdown
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Dear, sweet, precious Ruby
How does your character view the idea of romantic love?
Ruby's idea of love has been shaped largely by the books she reads, mainly weighty fantasy tomes and historical thrillers. As a result she has no idea what relationships are like since most of those focus on the chase aspect when they have romance at all.
Having had a dream boyfriend in the dreamlands, she now sees love as a feverish, anxious thing, but somehow enjoyable.
2. What was your character's first heartbreak, and how did it influence their approach to relationships?
Spoilers for Dream Quest and Bones in the Ocean and whatever comes afterward: Ruby loses her memories of Fenetre after her dream avatar is eaten by Leila, who tortures her with bad dreams about her insecurities, featuring all the people in her life. When she wakes, she is unable to remember her dreams, but remembers the feeling they caused. Once she regains some control of her spirit over the course of Bones, she is able to remember her dreams, but still does not regain the memories of her dream avatar. She knows that she cares deeply for Fenetre, but not who he is or what they shared together. It's not until she regains her Avatar at the end of Dream Quest thanks to her cousin Henry that she is fully struck by the grief of being separated from Fenetre. And she will have difficulties getting back to him that will cause her stress. This will give her deep fear of loss going forward.
3. Does your character believe in soulmates, and why or why not?
Ruby used to, until her mother told her there was no such thing. She likes to pretend though.
4. What traits does your character find most attractive in others?
A strong personality and beautiful eyes. Ruby likes free spirits, secretly hoping they can save her from her sheltered life.
5. What does your character fear most in a relationship?
That the end will come suddenly, without warning or catharsis.
6. How does your character handle jealousy or insecurity in relationships?
If Ruby was ever given reason to be jealous she would feel deep sorrow, comparing herself unfavorably to the other person, certain that she is about to be dumped
7. What past relationship still impacts your character's current life?
The trauma regarding Ruby's dream avatar and lack of closure with Fenetre will be an obstacle if she were to try to date.
8. How does your character show love and affection?
Mainly by handholding and infodumping about whatever weighty tome she's been reading. As she gets older she'll add on baking and making gifts.
9. What significant change has your character experienced in their understanding of love?
That it can be stressful. Not everyone can be Robert Caedosavros (the great wizard hero of the Basilance series, for whom love comes so easily)
10. What sacrifices has your character made for love, and were they worth it?
Ruby thought she would have a love match if she ever got married, since due to her weak spirit the Achlydes have no interest in her. However, as of the end of Bones, she is a proper magician, and will likely have to face the prospect of an arranged marriage. That said, she would give up her spot in the family for love in a heartbeat. (That is, if Henry doesn't make it a moot question by killing their grandfather first)
11. How does your character's cultural or familial background influence their views on marriage and relationships?
That she has a view on marriage and relationships is almost in spite of her family and cultural background. The Reveurs are a branch family of the Achlydes clan, and the old witch-clans of Europe and Asia comport themselves like noble houses, marrying for position and power and magical compatibility rather than love. In addition, Ruby doesn't know who her father is, and suspects that he and her mother were not married. She knows that Henry's mother married for love, causing a huge scandal in the family. Ruby's entire view on marriage and relationships is based on the enticing reality of her aunt's marriage and of course the stories in her books.
12. Does your character have a relationship that everyone else misunderstands?
Much like with Neville and Cherise, people will likely assume she is making Fenetre up.
13. How does your character handle rejection or unrequited love?
Ruby would probably just curl up into a ball and cry.
14. What lesson about love is your character still trying to learn?
How to handle it with care
15. How has your character's professional life affected their romantic relationships?
Ruby is currently 13 👍
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