#ruhn danaan x reader smut
daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
Shadows and Sins (Ruhn Danaan x Reader)
Takes place pre HOFAS
My masterlist
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for so long and guess what I GAVE HIM A BIKE HAHA biketok girls we ride at dawn. 
Summary: All is fair in love and war… (enemies to lovers inspired by House of Balloons by The Weeknd) 
Warnings: SA, intoxication, banter
Word count: 3981
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Prince, starborn, bad boy, party animal, loose cannon and playboy, those were the words typically used to describe Ruhn Danaan. 
Asshole, spoiled brat, antagonizing, vexing and unfortunately handsome…those were the words I used to describe my best friend's brother.
Ruhn came into my life about a year ago when I started working at the archives with his younger sister Bryce, who I became friends with almost instantly. He came in one day demanding to speak to Bryce and since I thought he was just some lovesick guy like all the others who came panting after the redhead I promptly told him off. It wasn’t until 30 minutes of fighting back and forth that Bryce returned from lunch with Hunt that I found out I was wrong, and the prince never let me live it down. 
Since then, we were like oil and water, order and chaos, and love and war. Though I suppose all was fair when it came to that. 
We fought whenever we saw one another, which was often since him and Bryce had become reacquainted. At first she hated our squabbling, but with Athalar’s calming presence in her life she had grown to use it as free entertainment. So when the bell over the door to archives rang and her laugh echoed subsequently I knew I was in for a fight… 
“Brought your wallet,” called the voice I dreaded to hear. “You gotta stop leaving it at my place.”
“Thanks Ruhn,” Bryce chirped, confirming the worst. 
Sure enough I turned around to find Ruhn Danaan waltzing in like he owned the place, which I sure he could if he wanted to, he was a prince after all not that you could ever tell. In all the fairytales I had read as a little girl the prince’s always wore fine tunics and rode on white horses. But Ruhn opted for a black t-shirt and a speed bike and unfortunately if he had been anyone but who he is I would’ve found that incredibly hot.
“I still don’t know why you insist upon hanging out with the rabble,” Ruhn said to Bryce leaning his forearms against the countertop. 
Bryce shoots her brother a look that begs him to behave himself for once in his life, and part of me thought I should be the bigger person and not fight back. But I wasn’t a bigger person-I was a petty bitch, and I’ll be damned if I let Ruhn Danaan come into my place of employment and talk smack to me. 
“It’s probably because she needs at least one acquaintance who doesn’t need someone to wipe his ass for him,” I said with a fake smile, continuing to polish the silver chalice in my hand.
Bryce snorts as she shoves her wallet into her purse. Both of us turn to her to find her trying to hide her giggle at my comment. 
I cross my arms over my chest giving Ruhn a self satisfied look and as usual he won’t let me win that easily. 
“Funny you should mention it. I've been looking for someone else who would wipe it for me. Interested? I’m sure you’d love the view,” he smirks that godsdammned lip ring making an appearance. 
“One of these days I’m going to rip that ring right out of your lip,” I growl bracing my arms on the counter like I might do it right now. 
“Oh the women of Crescent City would weep at the loss of my beloved lip ring, they do so love when it grazes their-” 
“That’s enough!” Bryce shouts pushing Ruhn towards the door. “I do not want to hear about your bedroom activities!” 
“Same here I just ate lunch!” I shout from behind the desk. 
“Please, you're begging for more images of me to get off to!” Ruhn shouts from the threshold of the door as Bryce continues to push him. 
“If I wanted to see mediocre fucking I’m sure there’s a website for it!” I holler as Bryce closes the door. 
I smirk and waggle my fingers at him as he bangs on the door. Once again I got the last word and oh boy did it feel good. 
Bryce didn’t walk away from the door until the revving of Ruhn’s bike could be heard taking off down the road. She turned to me with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. My lip twitched up in amusement and her scorned look broke as both of us roared with laughter.
“Okay I have to admit the ass wiping bit was pretty good,” she chortled, coming around to help me polish again. 
“You like that one? I’ve been saving it.” I laugh remembering the look on his face when his own sister laughed at him. 
“I still hate that you two fight, but at least it’s like getting my own comedy show now,” she shakes her head. 
We finish our polishing in peace, talking over last night's episode of Fangs and Bangs, and our raucous plans for tonight. It was friday, which meant girls night was happening at The White Raven. It was honestly my favorite day of the week, I looked forward to it more than I cared to admit. Society called us vicious party girls, but how bad were we really? 
“So I’ll meet you there at 10?” Bryce asks, locking up the shop. 
“Yeah what are you wearing though?” I ask rummaging through my bag for the key to the lock on my scooter.
“I was going to wear that red silk dress, you know the one Hunt tried to tear off me,” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Ooo someones playing dirty trying to get laid tonight,” I muse, if Bryce did one thing well it was ruffle Hunt’s feathers everytime he had to pick her up after a girls night. 
“Like I even have to try that hard anymore,” she laughs tucking the keys into her bag. 
“Oh how I wish I had a man to carry me home from the bar and dick me down afterwards,” I sigh with fake longing, though we both know I was telling the truth.
“Prince Charming is out there and who knows you might meet him tonight,” she smiles as she begins to walk towards her apartment. “Wear the black and silver dress!” she calls back. 
I shake my head and continue walking towards the other side of town. I hadn’t planned to wear the black and silver dress tonight but Bryce was never wrong about fashion, so black and silver it was. 
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The White Raven was alive and bouncing per usual. Couples coupling in dark corners, some drunk girls grinding on each other wearing bachelorette tiaras, men shouting at their friends to finish their beers. Among those rowdy men, Ruhn Danaan. 
He had kindly greeted Bryce and unkindly greeted me when he first arrived. Bryce promptly shooed him off letting him know that it was girls night and he said he’d rather chew glass than stick around. While he was across the bar it didn’t help with the awareness that he was there. 
Normally girls nights were carefree, Bryce and I might end up dancing on a bartop and of course they would call the Umbra Mortis to haul us over his shoulders. Sometimes we would kick Hunt out his own bed and force him to sleep on the couch so us girls could have a “sleep over”. 
Tonight was different. The last thing I needed was to commit some atrocious behavior that Ruhn could put in his arsenal of insults. I could already hear him jesting about how I made out with a lion shifter or fell over on the dancefloor. So Bryce and I stuck to sitting at the bar, sipping our drinks and talking shit like sophisticated women.  
Two drinks turned to four, and four turned to six. The colorful lights only made my head spin faster as I downed the rest of my drink. I looked to my right to find Bryce’s nearly untouched. Athalar had showed up about ten minutes ago after our bartender told him we were approaching being cut off. Of course the moment Bryce saw him all bet were off… she now stood with her tongue down his throat and he didn’t seem inclined to protest. Turns out she was right about that red dress. 
I roll my eyes and grab her martini and down it slamming it back on the bartop, not like she was going to need it.
“Bryce I’m heading out,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. 
She gave me a thumbs up as Hunt moved from her lips to her neck. I just shook my head and grabbed my purse. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go home alone, she had my location and we always kept tabs on one another.
The second I stood on my feet all the alcohol rushed to my head, and I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself. I looked at my barstool and thought about sobering up, but the last thing I wanted to see was the mate makeout session, so I shook my head to try and clear my mind and sauntered out towards the door. 
The night air did little to sober me up, and my stilettos didn’t help with the wobbling. I pulled out my phone to try and find a ride home, but when the rideshare app quoted me $100 to go two miles I shoved my phone back in my purse with a huff and started walking towards my apartment. Like hell I was paying that for two miles.
My heels clicked on the pavement, echoing off the alley walls. Suddenly another pair of shoes echoed off the walls as well, not light and feminine steps, big clunky shoes. 
“Where are you going darling?” crooned a voice I didn’t recognize. 
I tried my best to pick up the pace, but the nature of my delicate shoes did little to give me any sort of advantage. My hands fumble with my purse trying to pull out the pepper spray Hunt got me for my birthday last year but those last two drinks were starting to catch up with me and my world was spinning. 
I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders and slam me against the wall of the White Raven. My purse falls to the ground and I’m met with a pair of brown eyes. The guy had a backwards sunball hat and a blue shirt and he reeked of liquor. 
“Come on baby it’s not safe for pretty things like you to be out here,” he slurred, his body pressing closer to me. 
I cringe at the smell of his breath, “Get off of me creep!” I shout hoping that the alley isn’t that empty. 
My hands try to push him off but my intoxicated nature doesn't allow for much dexterity on my part.  
“Oh come on sweetheart don’t be that way,” he mumbled drunkenly, attaching his mouth to my neck. 
I try to push him off once more but I wobble, uneasy on my shoes. His hands fall from the small of my waist to the hem of my dress and I feel my blood run ice cold. 
“NO!” I shout scrumbling to get the sleeze off me. 
A hand grabs the back of the males collar and the sound of a fit making contact with his jaw reverberates through the alley as the male hits the ground. I stand shocked with my hands over my mouth as Ruhn Danaan shakes out the hand that delivered the punch and kicks the limp male. 
“You okay?” he asks nonchalantly, giving me a once over. 
I stand there still too stunned to speak, my eyes wandering from the male on the ground to Ruhn standing there with that damned black t-shirt clinging to his torso. 
He bends down to pick up my purse and shoves it into my arms. The gesture that finally breaks me out of shock. 
“T-thank you,” I mutter, still a little slow. 
“Where’s Bryce?” he asks looking around the alley, the sound of the club music inside still booming. 
I push myself off the wall stumbling a bit, “Inside sucking face with Athalar,” I slurr. 
“Thanks for the visual,” Ruhn purses his lips.
I straighten myself up and take a deep breath trying to act as sober as possible which probably was making me seem even more drunk, but I had to at least try. 
“Well thank you for uh…that,” I say gesturing towards the man still unconscious on the pavement. “I’ll see you around I guess.” 
I start wobbling down the alleyway once more, blinking my eyes rapidly to get my mind to clear and focus on walking home. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going princess?” he croons. 
Princess. Gods that fucking nickname. Most people would use it as a compliment or a pet name, but Ruhn knew how it drove me insane. He claimed I was just a spoiled princess one time and when I freaked out and yelled at him about it he proceeded to make that his nickname for me.
“I’m going home,” I sneer, trying to walk as best I can. 
“Like hell you’re walking home alone,” he growls, gripping my arm.
My eyes fly too the tattooed hand on my arm, and then up to those violet blue eyes that sparked with rage. 
“I do it all the time I’m fine,” I growl trying to rip my arm out of his grasp but I only succeed in making myself stumble more. 
He steadies me before speaking again, “Stop I’ll give you a ride,” he says motioning to his blacked out R1 parked in the alley. 
“I am not getting on that death trap with you after you’ve been drinking,” I scoff. 
“I’m not drunk, I don’t get drunk in public, it’s bad for appearances,” he says, irritation flitting across his unfairly handsome features. 
“Then how do I know you’re not going to dump me into Istros?” I sneer and the muscle in his jaw ticks and I can tell it’s taking everything in him not to fire back at me. 
“Because Bryce and I are finally on good terms and I’m pretty sure she would never forgive me if something happened to her best friend,” he explained, his words cold as ice. 
Maybe I was stupid, maybe I was drunk, maybe I was just cold and wanted to go home, but I actually believed him.
“Fine, let's go,” I say, walking towards his bike. 
I had to admit I always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Now riding on the back of Ruhn’s while I was drunk wasn’t exactly the time I wanted to do it, but I suppose beggars couldn’t be choosers. The bike was large and completely blacked out, if the moon hadn’t illuminated it just right I wouldn’t have been able to see it. 
Ruhn approaches the bike and starts the engine, every movement is like second nature to him. He takes the helmet off the seat and goes to put it on himself but then stops, turns to me, and punks it down on my head. The darkness of the visor mixed with the late hour making it impossible to see. I huff and flip it up, giving him a pointed glare. 
“I don’t have both helmets so this will have to do,” he says studying the way it fits me a little big. 
Tattooed fingers brush under my chin, tilting it up so he can buckle the strap for me. I would protest and say I’m capable of doing it myself but in my drunken state I’m not so sure. When he clips the buckle it pinches my skin for a moment and I yip.
“Ouch you pinched me!” I yelp smacking him in the arm. 
“Well if you stopped squirming I wouldn’t have pinched you,” he smirks, throwing his leg over the bike. “Now swing your leg over the bike and put your feet on these pegs,” he instructs me. 
I do as I’m told, using his broad shoulders as support as standing on one leg, drunk, in stilettos was never a good idea. Once I’m seated I keep my hands on his shoulders lightly and my bum on the edge of the seat, putting as much distance away from each other as possible. 
“You gotta hold on or you’ll fall off sweetheart,” he laughs, somehow finding humor in the precarious situation we’re in. 
“Yeah fucking right, like I’m going to wrap my arms around you like a little lovesick puppy,” I huff. “Just drive.” 
He shakes his head and revs the engine making the bike jerk forward. The momentum has my bum moving further into the seat and my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle, like I was afraid to fall off.
“There we go much better,” he smirks before revving the engine a couple of times. “Hold on tight princess.” 
I’m not given another warning before he speeds out onto the streets. Thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars and people out this late at night, but it doesn’t stop the crown prince from weaving around traffic that is there. He goes so fast I feel compelled to hold onto him with a deathgrip. 
By the time we pull up to my apartment my stomach is queasy. I swing my leg off the bike and nearly fall over until Ruhn catches my arms and hauls me up. 
“Woah there princess, maybe we better keep the helmet on, you’re a walking liability.” he laughs clearly enjoying seeing me in a vulnerable moment. 
“Take it off,” I grumble as I stand up straight again. 
He repeats the motion from earlier, tilting up my chin to help me take the damned thing off instead this time he ruffles my hair when he’s done. 
“You did pretty good for your first time as a backpack,” he smirks as I glare at him. 
I go to walk up my front steps and slip on my damned heels again, the ones that were definitely going to the back of the closet after this outing. Arm wraps under my shoulders and I feel Ruhn helping me up the steps to my second floor apartment. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can make it,” I grumble. 
“Trying to stay in Bryce’s good graces remember,” he says as I fumble with my keys.
My apartment wasn’t the nicest. It wasn’t a dump by any means, I did my best to keep it homey and clean, but it also wasn’t as nice as Bryce’s. Well I suppose Bryce and Hunt’s apartment now. God she was definitely having a better night than me. 
I walk inside and go to close the door but that damned tattooed hand stops me. 
“Not going to invite me in? That’s not very friendly,” Ruhn tuts walking right past me.
I scoff at him, walking in like he owns the place. Part of me wants to drag him out by his ear, but the logical part of me bends over to get myself out of these death trap shoes. I throw them across the room as punishment for their crimes tonight. 
When I walk further into my apartment I find Ruhn has completely made himself at home by grabbing a beer out of my refrigerator and cracking it open. 
“Are you serious?” I scoff walking to the sink across from him and getting myself a glass of water. 
“Consider it payment for the free ride home, I’ll take my thanks at any time you know?” he says smugly, taking another sip.
“Thank you for the ride,” I sigh. “Now will you please go?” 
He furrows his brows, “And waste a freshly opened beer? I don’t think so.” he says. 
I lean against the counter adjacent to him and sip my water. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the male. This was just like Ruhn, finding simple ways to get under my skin. I hated the fact that I liked the way he looked in my kitchen, black t-shirt in jeans, hair tied to the nape of his neck. 
Ruhn’s eyes flicker with amusement and then he chuckles, “I really do get under that delicate skin of yours don’t I princess?” he croons. 
“I told you. Don’t. Call. Me. Princess.” I snap at him, oh god if looks could kill. 
He pushes himself off  the counter, “Then stop fucking acting like one,”  he says low prowling forward with every step. 
The closer he gets the taller he looms. I know this little scare tactic, him trying to invade my space and make me feel small. It’s not like I have much of a choice either, not with the way my back is pressed into the counter. 
I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the expensive cologne pouring off him but there’s something about the way he’s looking at me that is so damn arousing. A fucked up part of me wanted him to stick his tongue down my throat but I quickly threw that thought away. 
He was mere inches away from me when I started to think he would do just that. My pulse raced and my thighs clenched. But when his arm reached up brushing the shell of my ear it just kept reaching until it came to the top shelf of my cabinets and plucked the bag of chips off the shelf. 
My shoulders sag as I realize he was just reaching for a snack to go with his beer, and I mentally cursed myself for hoping it would be more. 
He chuckles, opening the bag of chips and popping one into his mouth, not moving from where he stood just inches away from me. He clearly was loving this little power trip he was on. 
“You look disappointed, princess,” he chuckles, fishing another chip from the bag. 
I roll my eyes and look to the side, unable to meet the predatory gaze that almost had me throwing my moral code out the window just minutes ago. 
His hand drifts under my chin pulling my gaze to his as he takes a step forward again. 
“Did you think I was going to kiss you?” he asks low, his thumb and forefinger pinching my chin so I can’t look away. 
I swallow the lump in my throat. My logic screams to shove him, my alcohol induced brain says to kiss him and my mouth can’t find the words to speak. 
Ruhn smiles, lowering his head to me, “Maybe I should kiss you, it would be good to shut you up,” he laughs, voice gravely. 
His lips are so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breath, I swear the cool metal of that damn lip ring brushes my mouth. My body leans forward of its own accord but then he reaches his other hand up and pops another chip in his mouth thoroughly running the moment.
“No I don’t think I will kiss you, even though it’s clear that you want me to,” he smiles, that damn knee wobbling smile he gives every woman to bring them to their knees. 
I stand in a state of shock as he back up to his side of the kitchen again, he plucks his keys off the counter and twirls them in his hand as he walks towards the front door. 
“Have a good night, princess,” he says on the way out, putting an emphasis on the name that drives me crazy. 
I’m left standing alone in my kitchen, glass of water long since forgotten and mouth agape. Ruhn Danaan almost just kissed me, and the fucked up part of it was I wanted him to.
part 2 coming... Lmk if you want to be on the taglist for this little mini series.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202, @batboyrhyrhy , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark, @cheneyq, @readingislife2006, @tincanhat, @shadowofazriel, @tumblgirlie0210, @panther-girl-124, @callsigns-haze
(if you are on my permanent taglist and you don't want to be just let me know! I'm not offended!)
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shadowdaddies · 4 months
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for @ruhnweek Day 3: Chapter Three
Ruhn Danaan x Reader smut
warnings: smut below the cut, drug use (mirthroot), oral f!receiving
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“Are you feeling any better?” you mumbled softly against Ruhn’s chest, your hand drawing lazy circles on his bare skin. The hand he held around your waist gave an affectionate squeeze, encouraging you to curl even closer into his side, leg hiking up over his hips.
His other hand pulled the joint from his lips, the sweet smoke of mirthroot blowing into the air with his exhale. Violet eyes flicked down to you, a satisfied smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. 
“I’m getting there,” he hummed, hand splaying at your back as it slid down to your ass, bare skin left uncovered by the lacy underwear you donned to bed along with one of Ruhn’s shirts. 
Settling further into the sheets, Ruhn took another long drag, blowing smoke rings above your heads. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” you questioned, pressing a kiss to his chest. It had been a long, brutal week for him, and seeing your mate in pain was painful for you as well.
Ruhn hummed thoughtfully at the question, squeezing your hips playfully before lifting the joint to your lips. Opening your mouth, you sucked in the sweet, smoky flavor while he held it for you. 
A light smack landed on your ass, eliciting a small squeal from you. Ruhn chuckled, eyes glassy when he let go of the mirthroot between your lips. “You hold that there for me,” he murmured, shifting down slightly on the bed.
“Up, now,” Ruhn spoke louder this time, hands guiding your waist so that you were straddling his stomach. You sat still for a moment, smirking down at Ruhn as you took a deep inhale, basking in the pleasant lightheadedness from the drug. 
“What are you thinking, love?” you purred, sliding your hips down his body to roll against his hardening length. Tugging his lip between his teeth, Ruhn muffled his grunt at your teasing touch before refocusing his darkened gaze on you.
Pulling the joint from your lips, he took one last puff before snuffing it out on the nightstand, hands winding beneath the fabric of your shirt to settle on your hips once again. “I’m thinking how unpredictable life is. So much has happened... It seems like nothing is certain anymore.”
Saddened by his words, you found yourself frowning as you searched for a response. Ruhn continued, though, not giving you time to say anything. 
“But I am certain of these things: I will never stop loving you,” he promised, voice slightly breaking. You leaned down pressing your body against his and kissed him slowly, deeply. You let him slide his hands up your shirt, pulling away from the kiss to pull it off of you. 
“And I am certain that I need to taste this pussy, right now,” he practically growled, snapping the band of your panties as you blushed at his crude words.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he mumbled, pulling you up so that you hovered over his face. He wasted no time pulling you down, lip ring dragging along your clit through the lace fabric at a torturously slow pace. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, mind hazy to everything except his electric touch. “Ruhn, please.” Moaning against your pussy, he obeyed and pulled your panties to the slide. Tongue flicked out along your core, tasting and spreading the slick there. 
He worked you with precise movements, lips wrapping around your clit as he sucked harshly, only to let go and drag his lip ring over the swollen bud. The overstimulation made you jerk, unable to stand the pleasure he wrought on you. 
Smirking, Ruhn’s hands held you firmly against him, unrelenting in his assault when you crashed into your high. Your weak legs shook body going lax with exhaustion as you leaned against the headboard, but Ruhn only doubled his efforts, laughing as you squealed and moaned and writhed above him.
“Ruhn,” you attempted through broken breaths, throat dry from screams of pleasure. “Please, I can’t.”
His tongue stilled on your clit just long enough to command, “yes, you can. Just one more for me.” The vibrations from his voice sent a jolt through you, and when Ruhn,’s tongue thrust inside of you, curling up at your walls as his nose brushed your clit, you hit your second orgasm.
Your entire body shook, collapsing against Ruhn the moment he released you from his grasp. Chest heaving, you felt his hand run through your hair while you caught your breath. 
“I love you,” he murmured, lips warm against the top of your head as he attempted to roll you to his side for sleep. 
“I love you, too,” you whispered back, tasting yourself on his lips as you pulled him in for a kiss. Trailing a hand down his torso, you slipped your hand beneath the waistband of his pants, confirming his hard length seeping with need there. Smiling at the sound that left his lips, you began kissing your way down his stomach. “But you didn’t think we were done, did you?”
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 months
SJM Masterlist
Azriel Shadowsinger
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I'll Be Fine
Welcome Back *SMUT*
Dance with Me
Book Worm
On the Floor *SMUT*
Good Morning *SMUT*
Wingspan *SMUT*
Keep Talking
Worst Fear - Worst Nightmare
Test Me
Not Tonight *SMUT*
Young God
Sex Habits *SMUT*
Let Go *SMUT*
Limping Home *SMUT*
Ruhn Danaan
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Sweet Relief *SMUT*
Rowan Whitethorn
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b00kdiary · 9 months
Better Than Any Fantasy | Ruhn Danaan + Tristan Flynn
Ruhn Danaan x Tristan Flynn x Plus Size Reader
Y/N’s been avoiding Flynn like the plague, and Ruhn knows why and is more than happy to tell him. Especially when that conversation leads to something much better than any of them could have hoped for.
Here's to all my thick, fat, plus-size girlies who want some SJM men love too xo
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and the Ruhn and Flynn being utterly infatuated with their thick, beautiful lady.
“Ruhn!” The sound that escapes Y/N is like sunlight, the kind of goodness that could be bottled up and sold, a cure for the worst and darkest parts of a person’s nature. “Seriously, how can I flip the pancakes if you won’t let me go?”
“Then forget the pancakes,” I grin against the column of her throat, inhaling the feminine scent of her as I hold her to my chest, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her stomach, keeping her giggling figure close. “We both know they’re going to taste like shit anyway.”
“Asshole! I can’t believe you!” Y/N exclaims, slapping my hand but she does mercifully drop the spoon in her hand, pouting as she turns off the gas, saving us from having to grin and bear through eating them. “Well, no pancakes for you- The Crown Prince can starve.”
“Ouch, that hurts Princess,” I croon, smirking as I turn her to face me, my hands running along her lush body, down to her soft ass, “Looks like I’m going to have to satiate my appetite some other way then.”
“Really?” She whispers, biting her lip and I can smell her arousal in the air, my smirk deepening at the way her chest rises and falls fast, and she clamps her thick thighs shut, trying to stop the ache between them.
“Really,” I slowly nod my head, watching as her eyes flutter shut as I kiss her cheek, peppering and trailing my tongue over her jaw up to her lips. She gasps into the kiss, her back arching into the counter behind her and it takes everything in me to not lift her onto the edge and feast on the sweetness between her thighs.
I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the bittersweet hues of vanilla and coffee and it ignites something in my chest, a dark and intense pulse that burns all the way down to my cock, already hard and throbbing against my jeans.
My fingers curl around the curve of her ass, my nails digging in hard enough to make Y/N moan, and I revel in the feeling of her large tits pressed against my chest, and her stomach too, so comfortable and perfect moulding against me.
The sound of footsteps echoing down the hall toward the kitchen has Y/N halting, and the second her hands push gently at my chest, and her lips draw away from mine, I groan. She giggles at the dejection in my voice, on my face, before pressing a chaste kiss to my cheek as she peels herself away from me- those footsteps infinitely closer now.
“You really have the worst fucking timing, Flynn,” I spit, my dark eyes lifting over Y/N's head, to the brown-haired, golden-skinned pretty boy smirking as he leans against the door pane, looking more than amused at my irate glare.
“By all means, please continue,” Flynn shrugs nonchalantly, teasing us but my lip quirks up at the way Y/N’s body freezes, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of red at Flynn’s words- at the secret between us that made her so perfectly embarrassed.
“Hm, what do you think Y/N?” I mutter gently, my breath running warm against her cheek, and I have to bite my lip to force down my bellowing laughter at the murderous scowl she gives me.
“I need to go get ready, I’m meeting Bryce in a few,” She bites back, ignoring my knowing stare as she pushes at my chest, brushing past me, the stains of red deepening as her gaze meets Flynn’s, before immediately looking away.
“Hey, Y/N,” Flynn smiles softly, but his brow furrows as he takes in her fast-paced footsteps and the way her head is pointed down, unable to meet his eyes.
“Hi, Flynn,” Y/N mumbles back quietly, and before he can open his mouth to speak again, she’s rushing past him, her curvy body curling in on itself like a flower so as not to feel every inch of him against her.
I fold my arms over my chest, trying to blanket my expression as her footsteps bound away and Flynn stares after her, his face a mixture of hurt and confusion, so unlike the usual carefree nonchalance and humour we were used to.
“Okay- she’s barely said five words to me in days, any room I enter she leaves, and she can’t even look me in the eyes,” Flynn frowns, frustration locking his jaw as he comes to lean against the counter-top, staring at me in expectance. “What the hell did I do wrong?”
“You’ve noticed all of that, huh?” I muse, cocking my head at him, and the way his frown deepens, and he leans forward makes me smile. “She’s not upset with you, Flynn. But she is distracted- she sees you and her mind turns to something I said.”
“And what exactly would that be?” He demanded, folding his arms across his muscled chest, seemingly relieved that Y/N wasn’t angry with him, but the glint in his eyes had sharpened, and I knew he was interested, knew he couldn’t help but be intrigued by my devilish smile.
“Well…” I run my tongue across my teeth, my mind racing back to that night four days ago, and Flynn’s eyes darken with shadows as I recall every last detail.
“Ruhn,” Y/N moans, her head tossing back to rest against my shoulder, and I nibble on her earlobe as I fuck my hips up into her, the sound of her wetness mixing with her breathless gasps driving me insane.
I groan as she rolls her hips, my fingers gripping into the meaty flesh of her thighs and hips, guiding her back and forth, up, and down, and the feel of her back and ass pressed against my sweaty bare chest is like heaven.
“Don’t stop, please, please,” She pinches her eyes shut, and I love the sight of her face as she takes me, the TV light casting over her, highlighting every expression she makes- every time she bites her lips, or rolls her eyes, or opens her mouth to release the most delicious sound for me.
“Look at you, such a good girl, so fucking polite,” I croon, my right hand sliding up to cup her heavy breast, bouncing wildly with her movements, and I grin as I pinch her pebbled nipple, rewarded with another whimpered moan from her. “And yet you’re riding me like a slut right now, making a mess of my cock and in the living room, for anyone to come in and see.”
“Oh fuck,” Y/N cries, her body sweating and her breathing erratic and I know her peak is close, know by the way her knees start to give out, her fingers cutting into my arm as she tries to anchor herself. I chuckle, my voice low with headiness and I take it upon myself to drive up into her faster, deeper, to hit that spot that has her seeing stars.
“Bet you’d love that, huh?” I mutter, kissing her neck, running my canines down her throbbing pulse point, “Bet you’d love for someone to walk in right now, to watch you get fucked like a good little slut, your entire body on display.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” She nods her head erratically, fucked dumb and swimming in the clouds of her mind as I slip in and out of her, her wetness almost ridiculous, her walls clenching me so goddamn tight.
“Yeah? Does my Princess want an audience, does she want to be watched?” She gasps as I bite against her sweet spot, that hurt turning to pleasure as I lap my tongue there, feeling her racing pulse. “What if someone came in right now… what if Flynn came in right now, you want him to watch? Or do you want him to join?”
The whimper that escaped her at my dark words surprised me, the way her entire body arched and trembled against me surprised me- because she did want that.
“Huh? You want him to join? You want to get fucked and worshipped by me and my best friend?” The idea makes my core burn, and I know we’re both reaching that climax, that euphoric tipping point where she comes around my cock, suffocating me and milking me dry. “Answer me, Y/N, or I’ll stop.”
“Ruhn,” She pleads with me, and the sound almost makes me give in, give her what she wants, but I don’t relent and when my hips start to slow down, pausing, she groans, and the satisfaction that fills me as she nods her head, almost makes me finish right there. “Yes! Yes, yes, I want that, Ruhn, I want that.”
“Want what? Be specific, Princess,” I coax, groaning, guttural and low as I move inside her, her pussy throbbing around me, her body so happy, so fucking relieved at the feeling of me moving again. “Tell me.”
“I want you a-and Flynn, I want-want to be watched,” Her voice is shaking as she speaks, the sound of her ass slapping back against me so lewd in the air, and I have to grit my teeth at the pressure building in my gut. “I want you both- to touch me an-and fuck me, I want you t-to worship my body.”
“That’s my girl,” I praise, knowing that my encouragement was feeding into her pleasure, heightening it and I know she’s imagining the both of us fucking devouring her, “bet you'd look so good with his cock stuffed in your pretty mouth, or fucking in and out of this tight cunt,"
My cock, my words, the images tip her over that edge with a devastating cry.
“Ruhn, Ruhn, Ruhn-“
“That’s why she’s avoiding you, Flynn,” I state hoarsely, ignoring the way my cock aches, the image of her body and the feeling of being inside her tormenting me now that I’d opened that box up, allowing myself to remember it. “Because when she sees you, she pictures that fantasy all over again.”
“Shit,” Flynn mutters and I recognise the roughness in his voice, recognise the intense, unsatiated gleam in his eyes and the way his entire body has gone hard with restraint. He’s imagining her- her body, her tits, her cunt, her mouth, and everything he could do to her.
I would’ve thought the idea of my best friend fantasising about my girl would make me furious, make me murderously jealous and yet, the more I thought about it, the better it all seemed.
“So, Flynn,” I know he sees the challenge in my eyes, the hot mischief as I grin at him, and I see his brows raise in shock, in interest, as I lean forward. “How do you like the idea?”
“Ruhn?” I call, my heels clicking against the floor as I walk down the dimly lit corridor toward Ruhn’s room, my voice echoing through the silence of the empty house. “Hello? Ruhn?”
My phone beeps in my hand, startling me, and I pause a few yards from his ajar door, not hearing the familiar sound of my boyfriend's voice or any other person's voice for that matter. I click open our text thread, and heat instantly fills my body.
‘Come inside, shut the door behind you and close your eyes- no peeking.’
Another game. Ruhn loved his games, loved watching me pant and sweat and blush under his ministrations and my body pulsed in excitement, knowing that as long as I followed his rules, as long as I played my part, I would get my reward.
I bite my lip, discarding my phone on top of the bookcase outside his door and my knees felt weak as I slowly walked over, the anticipation clogging the air. I close my eyes as I step over the threshold, my hand on the doorknob as I close it behind me, the wood creaking before clicking firmly shut.
It was a mixture of terrifying and thrilling, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, but knowing that he was in here with me. That his eyes were on me, watching me, smiling, his gaze running over every inch of me as I stood there.
I hear footsteps echo against the floor, getting louder, and closer, and my nipples harden, the crisp air feeling hot and thick in the silence- knowing he was coming, what he would do, heightened everything.
“Always so obedient,” Ruhn’s voice ran over me like a caress, prickling my skin and I shivered under it, knowing he was inches from me. I swallow as his cold hand traced up the sleeve of my dress, moving slowly before resting against my chest, right over my thundering heart. “Nervous? Or excited?”
“Both,” I whisper, my voice breaking under the pressure of it all, his fingers teasing against my hot skin, barely touching me and yet it felt like I could feel him everywhere.
“Good,” He praised, and I inhaled as he slipped his hand into mine, tugging me forward. I followed, blindly, obediently, walking forward as he led me further into the room before eventually stopping, likely only a few feet from his bed.
His hand slipped from mine and the need to open my eyes intensified, the desire to see him almost overwhelming, especially as he circled me, like a predator, not speaking as he came to stand behind me, his hands clamped down like a vice on my waist.
“Do you want to open your eyes, Princess?” He whispers against my ear, and I can smell the mixture of alcohol and apples on his breath, it intoxicated me, and I whimpered quietly, arching my ass into his already hard cock.
“Yes, yes please,” With anyone else I would have been mortified by how my voice shook, at how desperate and helpless I sounded, but not with Ruhn, no, I couldn’t ever feel anything but thrill and need and comfort when with him.
“I think you’ve more than earned your reward,” Ruhn nibbles against my ear, his favourite tactic to make me dizzy, to fill my head with clouds, distracting me wholly. “Go ahead, open your eyes for me, Y/N.”
I inhale once, deep and steadying, and then with a long, slow exhale, I flutter my eyes open.
And my heart stops in my chest.
“Flynn?” I choke out his name, jumping at the sight of him sitting on the bed before me, leaning back on his strong arms, his eyes racking over me like I was prey, “What the fuck?”
“Breathe, just for a second, breathe,” Ruhn instructs from behind me, and my body seems to melt into calm, melt into him. It was as if I were predestined to trust him, to obey his words. I force the air back into my lungs as I stare at Flynn, my body shaking at the look in his eyes- for me.
“I don’t understand,” I mutter, my throat drying out as I glance over my shoulder up at Ruhn, to the pleased smile he wore. I watch as his gaze meets Flynn’s and something passes between them, some unspoken conversation I wasn’t privy to. “Tell me, Ruhn.”
“Flynn was upset that you’ve been avoiding him, he thought he had done something wrong,” Ruhn informs me, looking far too smug. It would have annoyed me if I didn’t feel so guilty for hurting Flynn. “I was more than happy to fill him in on the real reason you were being so distant.”
The real reason. That night, Ruhn’s words, his taunting, seductive, torturous words that have me picturing it all again- Flynn and Ruhn, all over me, touching me, tasting me, fucking me, absolutely ruining me.
“I see you remember it well,” Ruhn chuckles- the prick was taunting me, and I almost hated myself for how my body responded, how my arousal scented through the air, so obvious to the two arrogant males before me. “And we wondered if that certain fantasy was one, we could fulfil for you, Y/N."
“Oh,” It was an idiotic response, one that Ruhn would no doubt endlessly mock me about later, but I was speechless, breathless, my entire being trembling and weak at his words, at the insinuation, nervous under Ruhn’s watchful eyes.
“Is that something you would like, Y/N?” Ruhn mutters, and I sigh as he runs his nose down the vein of my neck, inhaling the scent of me. My eyes glanced to Flynn, patiently waiting, and the sweet smile he wore told me it was all up to me.
“Is- is that something you would want us to do, Ruhn?” My voice is weary as I glance back at him, and upon seeing the fear and concern in my eyes, that he would think I wasn’t happy with him, Ruhn smiles- one that warms my heart.
“I’m yours and you’re mine, Y/N, always,” He kisses my cheek, tenderly, and it’s enough to drive me mad, “But that doesn't mean I can't share, in fact, I'm more than willing to see you being pleasured by us both."
Excitement and thrill- that was always what I felt with Ruhn.
“Then yes,” I breathe the words and instantly the air in the room changes, the two males change and the predators in them, the hunters in them, the instinct of the Fae comes roaring out, their eyes latching onto me.
A low, rumbling sound reverberated through Ruhn’s chest and I felt it vibrate through me, straight to my thrashing heartbeat. I clench my hands as Ruhn turns my face toward his, and the second his lips connect with mine, every worry withers away.
I melt into the way his tongue laps against mine, smooth and graceful, so skilled in making something as simple as a kiss feel as intimate and real as when he fucks me, and it makes me just as wet.
“Why don’t we show Flynn here what’s under this dress, hm?” Ruhn muses against my lips, and I can feel Flynn’s intense stare and it’s almost terrifying how still he is. “Let him see what he's been fantasising about all day."
I gnaw on my lip, nodding my head and turning to watch Flynn’s reaction. Ruhn begins to tug at the zipper at the back, and immediately Flynn’s beautiful face turns lethal, feral, sharpening in a way that made me clamp my legs shut, so desperate to stop the ache there.
He tugs the zipper to the end, and together, we pull the material down my arms and chest, letting it slip over my wide hips and thighs before it pools to the floor at my feet.
“Shit,” Flynn curses, his jaw locking hard enough I can hear his teeth grating, and at that moment, wearing nothing but a black bra and panties, I’m glad that I hadn’t chosen something silly or unflattering to wear today- because he was looking at me like I was the beautiful one.
“I know,” Ruhn says, agreeing with his best friend, his brother, and my cheeks heat at the pride in his voice, the sheer masculine satisfaction. He was pleased with Flynn’s reaction, pleased that his chest was racing wildly, that his throat bobbed as he traced over my skin, pleased at the hard length imprinted against the seam of his jeans. “She looks even better without these on.”
Nausea fills me at the thought of Ruhn unclipping my bra and slipping off my underwear, nausea at the idea of being wholly naked before Flynn, every single curve and roll and stretch mark, all my cellulite and uneven skin and bumps on display.
It had taken me a long time to be comfortable enough for Ruhn to see me naked, and I loved him. Letting Flynn see me that vulnerable seemed like such a big leap to take.
"Is that alright, Y/N?" Flynn asked, and the tenderness in his face almost made me sob, the kind and thoughtful gleam in his eyes that told me that I could trust him told me that he would respect any choice I made.
"It's alright," I nod slowly, pushing down the insecurity and when Ruhn's gentle hands move to the clasp of my bra and he unhooks it, letting my aching breasts fall free of the material, I'm glad for that choice.
I recalled Flynn once stating he was a tits-over-ass man, and right now I could tell he was being honest. I watched as he ran a hand over his jaw, his gaze flickering back and forth between both of my breasts, a deep groan escaping him at the sight of them.
Ruhn chuckles, far too happy as he kneels behind me, his fingers gently hooking into the material of my underwear and began slowly tugging it down, over the curve of my ass and my wide hips, down my thighs, the material getting stuck between the places that touched and eventually down to the floor.
I curled my hands into fists, my nails cutting into my palms as Ruhn held onto each calf and slipped off my heels, one by one, and I giggled at the sound of him tossing the shoes behind us, my clothes and underwear flung back to some faraway corner as well.
"You were right, Ruhn," Flynn states roughly, his tongue lapping out to wet his lips, and I smiled under his eyes, the way they moved over me, over every inch, not blanching at any of me. "She's definitely better without anything on."
Ruhn stood behind me again, running his fingers up and down the length of my back, and something in me purred.
“I think Flynn should get a better look," I mutter, my confidence spiking as I glance back to Ruhn and his smirk is proud, arrogantly proud, "Or a better feel?"
The air went taut as I sauntered toward him, Flynn looking almost nervous as I came to a stop before him, staring down at his perfect form. I place a hand on each of his broad shoulders, my knees weak as I climb onto the mattress, his hands not hesitating to grab my waist and guide me to straddle his lap.
My sore nipples brush against the material of his shirt and my wet, aching core sits perfectly over the seam of his zipper igniting red, hot embers through my entire body. Flynn remains silent as he stares at me, his hands moving over my naked hips and thighs, waiting for me to make the first move.
Even if I could hear his heart racing, his eyes telling me that he was on the very precipice of his control.
"Kiss me, Flynn."
And by Cthona, he kisses me.
The way Flynn kisses is different to Ruhn, his mouth moves against me, all tongue, and teeth, suckling and biting and tasting, and I moan into it, relishing every second of him devouring me, every second of his hands all over me, palming and kneading my flesh, slapping, and clawing at my ass.
“Fuck me, Y/N,” Flynn growls in appreciation and I don’t have a second of reprieve as he kisses down my neck hastily, not hesitating to pluck a nipple into his mouth and suck at the taut bud. Gasps slip past my lips as he rolled it, bit it, lapped at it, the nerves alight as he moved between each, looking damn near giddy as he toyed with them.
The ache between my legs intensifies as he sucks at my breasts and I start rocking back and forth to ease the feeling, the material of his jeans and the hardness of his cock underneath rubbing against my puffy clit perfectly.
"Tsk tsk tsk," Ruhn muses from behind us, and my eyes flutter as I glance at him, moving to sit on the bed beside us, his shirt gone and stars gleaming in his eyes as he watches us. "The poor girls rutting against your clothed cock, Flynn, give her what she wants."
"And what do you want? Hm?" Flynn taunts, trailing his tongue over my nipple, his dewy eyes looking up at me as he does so, and I groan at the sight, and at the hold he has on my hips, halting any movement I try and make.
“Your fingers,” I croak, gripping his large hand and watching his breath catch as I drag it down my stomach, whimpering as I run his calloused fingers over my wet folds. “Right here.”
“You’re going to kill me,” He snarls, and my eyes clamp shut when he circles my clit, firm and sure, his fingers knowing exactly how hard and fast to go, and he has me arching my back and moaning, glad for the hand he had keeping me from toppling over. Flynn smiles, kissing my lips and cheeks, moving his fingers against my clit faster.
It was almost embarrassing how quickly my orgasm seemed to approach, and I knew I wouldn’t last long, not as that fire fanned in my core, edged on by every smooth flick of his fingers at my clit.
“You wanna come, Y/N?" Ruhn asks darkly and when my head turns, I see him palming his hard cock over his jeans, the muscles in his chest clenching and flexing in restraint, watching his best friend finger his girlfriend, and loving every second of it. "Be a good girl and ask Flynn if he'll let you."
"Please, please," I mewl loudly, my head throwing back as Flynn slips two fingers into my sopping cunt, the friction of him fucking his fingers in and out forcing me closer and closer to that edge, "Please, Flynn, let me come."
"So polite, asking me so nicely," Flynn croons and my thighs quake when he crooks his fingers inside me, pressing that magic button that has a swarm spreading through my stomach and core. "How could I possibly say no?"
He hooks his fingers against that spot again, and again, and his thumb brushes my clit and before I know it, I’m falling off the edge of a cliff.
“Flynn, oh-“ I cry out as his fingers drive into me repeatedly, hitting a spot that has my core exploding, hitting me hard and fast and lasting so long that my head starts to spin.
“Atta girl,” Flynn praises, and I feel his smile against my skin as he slows his fingers inside me, feeling every pulse and quake of my orgasm, before slowly slipping them out of me.
I sag forward, resting my forehead against his shoulder for support as I catch my breath, tendrils of release still coiling through me and gradually melting into oblivion. Flynn’s touch is soft across my back, waiting for me to come back down to Midgard.
“How are you feeling, Princess?” Ruhn asks quietly, his hand running through my messy hair, brushing it from my sweaty face and hooking the strands behind an arched ear. I flutter my eyes and meet both their gazes and again, that vicious, relentless monster of need rears its head.
“I feel like I want more,” I whispered, my voice hoarse and the heat that filled their eyes made my entire body ache. “Please.”
“Shit, Ruhn, you weren’t lying when you said she was a good girl,” Flynn growls and I giggle when his hands clamp down on my hips, lifting me with ease to sit on the bed between them both, the two of them rising from their seats. “She does deserve all the praise and rewards.”
“That’s my girl,” Ruhn winks at me and my cheeks burn at his words, joy and shyness filling me at the smile both males wore, looking at me like I was a fucking dream come true. “Move back on the bed, Y/N, we’ll give you what you want,”
Flynn chuckles as I rush to do so, my tits bouncing as I crawl backwards toward the headboard, stopping when I’m in the middle of the bed, space on either side of me.
My mouth waters as the two boys before me begin to reach for their clothes. I watch as Flynn unbuttons his shirt, one by one, almost agonisingly slow before he peels the material off his body revealing inches of muscle and rippling packs.
Where Ruhn was slender and lean, with hard abs and glorious tatted skin, Flynn was bigger, corded muscle and a six-pack for days. My pussy soaked at the sight of them both, grinning like they knew what they were doing to me.
I bite my lip hard enough to hurt as they both reach for their pants, the only sound in the air is my haughty breaths, the clinking of their unlocked belts and the sound of two zippers gracefully sliding down.
I whimper at the sight, a high-pitched, needy sound that makes them both look at me, Flynn raising an amused brow as he reaches down, tugging off his jeans and throwing them to the side, Ruhn following suit.
They were big, both of them. Big and thick, gloriously hung with strong veins and white pearly pre-cum leaking down their tips.
It took me a long time to adjust to Ruhn’s size, and even now my pussy was always too tight, always wrapped around him so painfully that he said it was the sweetest torture. And as I eyed Flynn’s cock, saw how red and angry it looked, I knew he would feel the same.
“Such a pretty girl,” Ruhn muttered, his blue eyes darkening to a tidal wave, a terrifying tsunami as he rounded the bed, his body glorious under the lights as he climbed onto the mattress, settling just behind me. “So, fucking pretty, right Flynn?”
“I can’t argue with you there, Ruhn,” Flynn smirks, and my thighs clench when he crawls onto the bed, his cock rising and hard as he settles just before me, looking down at me like he couldn’t believe his eyes. “I’m very jealous of your boyfriend, Y/N.”
He runs his hands up my calves, his touch bare as he moves up and down, going as high as my hip bone before swiftly moving back down, all the way to my ankles.
“Poor Flynn,” Ruhn laughs, and I groan as his hand slips around my neck, curling his fingers to grip my jugular, tipping my head back to meet his face above me, “You wanna help make our friend feel better, Princess?”
I grin, and Ruhn’s face is a mirror of mine as his hand slips away and I roll over and onto my front, my knees spreading and ass arching into the air. Flynn’s breath audibly catches, and the sound he makes is animal, purely Fae, at the sight of my pussy wet and bare, waiting for him.
“Flynn,” I mewl, my head sagging forward and resting against Ruhn’s stomach as Flynn runs his hands over my ass, scratching and fondling the flesh, but he doesn’t move further. “Please just fuck me, I can’t wait-“
“There we go,” Ruhn mutters and I can hear his grin as Flynn rubs his tip over my wet fold and before I can even moan, he’s pushing the head into my entrance, choking on a rough laugh as my pussy immediately sucks him in.
The sounds that escape me are high-pitched and restless as Flynn shoves the rest of his length inside me, not being gentle or slow, and I’m glad for it. Glad for the way he stretches me so thoroughly, glad that I can feel him sink all the way in, brushing a spot far and deep inside.
“Gods above,” Flynn growls, his nails cutting into the flesh of my ass as he draws himself out, nearly to the tip before plunging back in, the sound of skin slapping and my wetness making Ruhn groan. He swears lowly, watching as I suck up his length inch by inch, starting to move faster against me now.
Ruhn runs his hands over my hair, his face full of pride as he watches me kneel before him, my body wrecking back and forth, my tits bouncing as Flynn pounds into me, our moans a melody.
“Ruhn, Ruhn,” I plead, my wide eyes meeting his and he runs his thumb over my lip, a knowing gleam in his eyes, “Fuck my mouth, baby please, fuck my mouth.”
He didn’t say anything, nor did he wait, and my entire body trembled as his fingers gently collected my hair behind me, easily guiding me over his erect cock, waiting so patiently before me, and I closed my eyes as he brushed the tip over my lips and then pushed into my mouth.
“Shit, Y/N,” Ruhn groaned as he fisted my hair, guiding my head up and down his shaft, hitting the back of my throat more than once. I gagged and then moaned, Flynn spreading my thighs wider, and sinking deep into a tender spot within me.
There was so much spit drooling from my mouth, making a mess of Ruhn’s cock and stomach as he bucked his hips up, fucking my mouth just the way I liked, and as Flynn moved behind me in tandem, his cock slipping in and out, in and out, relentlessly, I was a whimpering, breaking mess.
It felt so good, felt so fucking right getting fucked at either end of me, and Ruhn swore, his body twitching as I moaned around his cock, the sound vibrating through him, bringing him closer and closer to that sweet edge.
“Shit, Y/N, shit,” Flynn gasped, his voice rasping and hoarse, breathless as he gripped my ass, as he had his way with me, still so painfully big but the hurt felt good, brought me closer to my end. “Look at that pussy, wrapped around me so fucking tight.”
His words encouraged me, and I suckled against Ruhn’s cock harder, tasting the familiar saltiness of his pre-cum, loving the ache of his fingers yanking at my hair, the pain at odds with the fullness of Flynn pounding into me, that dam inside me starting to fill.
“Princess, I’m not gonna last,” Ruhn warns, his fingers tightening in my hair, his hips stuttering, and I take it upon myself to get him there, to hear him moan my name as I suck against him, hard and fast, hollowing my cheeks and taking him even further down my throat. “Oh fuck- Y/N.”
He growls an animalistic, rugged sound that echoes through the whole room and makes my clit throb, his body jerking as I feel the warm, salty liquid squirt from his cock straight down my throat. I swallow, I always swallow, moaning happily as I do.
“Flynn, I’m so close,” I call out, Ruhn’s semi-hard cock resting against his stomach now and my face burying into his hip, feeling the tender touch of my boyfriend's hand in my hair, so opposing to the brutal, bruising hold of Flynn behind me.
“Me too, Y/N,” Flynn hissed, his cock starting to hammer into me quicker, and I can barely stop the shaking in my knees. I gasp when his thumb reaches around me, rubbing messily at my clit, and the angle changes, moving further and every single touch is too fucking much.
“There, there, there-“ I call out again and again and again, teeth biting against Ruhn’s thigh, something he fucking loves, as I’m hit with my release, a wildfire that starts at my core, and just erupts, moving through my veins and blood and bones and I can’t stop the sounds coming from me.
Flynn’s hips start to falter, curses endlessly falling from his lips as my pussy clenches around him like a vice, so tight and unyielding that he roars, stilling and growling as his cock spills inside me, filling me up.
Pleasure, hot and white and blinding, dying out so slow as Flynn moves inside me gradually, spreading his hot cum all over me, and it all feels like heaven.
I huff out a huge breath of air, my eyes clamped shut and head spinning and when Flynn ever so gently slips out of me, his hands holding onto the flesh of my hips and guiding me to turn and lay flat on my back, I don’t even fight it.
Pure exhaustion riddles me, so much so, that I lay there, my head against Ruhn’s thigh and my body trembling and weak against the mattress, unable to stop how my core throbs with the aftermath of my orgasm.
I blink open my eyes after several seconds and I’m met with the two males before me, their eyes returned to their usual bright shades of blue and brown, and their lips tilted up, sweet and wonderful as ever.
We’re all covered in sweat and panting, but as Ruhn look down at me from behind, and Flynn sits between my legs, rubbing at my weak thighs, I know we’re all fucked out- for now.
“Did that live up to the fantasy?” Ruhn mutters, his smile adoring as he brushes the hair free from my sweaty forehead, his fingers so gentle as he rubs the spots on my scalp he had yanked at before.
“Better than any fantasy,” I breathe, my cheeks hot as I grin, and Ruhn’s eyes brighten as he takes me in. I gnaw on my cheek, glancing forward to Flynn, his eyes never once leaving mine, “And for you, Flynn?”
“I agree, Y/N,” He smirks, his grip tightening around my thigh, and the look is so telling, that even Ruhn laughs, “So much so that I’ve got a few more fantasies that we could try.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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sarawritestories · 5 months
Keep Quiet
Ruhn Danaan X Hunt's Little Sister (Reader)
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1000 Follower Celebration Post
Summary: You and Ruhn are having an intimate moment when your older brother calls your boyfriend. And Ruhn asks you to stay quiet.
Happy Day 2 of my 1000 follower Celebration! Figured we could have some fun with Ruhn!
Content Warning: MINOR HOSAB SPOILERS MINORS DNI P in V sex, . Unsuspecting party on phone. Little plot, angsty ending I repeat ANGSTY ENDING
1000 Follower Celebration Masterlist
Ruhn Danaan Crown Prince of The Valbaran Fae pressed his lips to yours. Your tongue flicked over the cold metal of his lip ring. Ruhn’s tattooed hand explored your body, causing your body to warm. You moaned in his mouth, raising your hips for more friction.
Ruhn pulled away and smiled, and you took a moment to admire him. His hair cascaded down over his like rippling waves of onyx. You placed your hand on the shaved portion of his head, and the male leaned into your touch. His tan face brings out the contrast of his light blue eyes. The male was beautiful, and he chose you, “How did I get so lucky?” You whispered. You had met Ruhn at a party that your brother's girlfriend, Bryce, insisted you come to, much to your brother's disappointment. You and Ruhn hit it off immediately, the attraction so palpable Flynn made a comment to get room, so we did.
Ruhn pressed his nose to yours, bringing you back to the present, “and here I thought I was the lucky one.” His lips lightly touched your nose before you saw his eyes grow dark, and his smile turned mischievous as he leaned back, “Now, be a good girl and strip.”
Sliding off the bed, you did as he asked. Once you reached your panties, you slid them down agonizingly slow, and you could hear Ruhn’s growl of disapproval. Once they were off, you flung the material at him. He simply smiled at the damp spot your arousal left and tucked them into his pocket. You quirked a brow, “Never know when it could come in handy.” You rolled my eyes and watched as Ruhn raised brow of his own, his piercing glinting in the light, crooking his finger, “Come here, Doll.”
Sauntering over, you made sure your hips swayed and Ruhn tucked his bottom lip behind his teeth. His stare caused something to tighten in your chest. You never felt that way with other males. Then again other males didn’t show how much they cared for you the way Ruhn had. With him you felt loved, appreciated and protected.
Your knees met the edge of the bed and you crawled toward him, your love, your best friend, your everything. Once your hands reached his thighs the crowned prince pounced on you. His kiss was bruising and his tongue swirled against yours as the fae male managed to flip you on your back. His hands gripped your breast, mouth never leaving yours as his callouses hands flicked over your sensitive nipple. You released a lewd moan as Ruhns thigh met your core.
Needing more friction you began to ride his thigh. Ruhn pulled away to watch your hips move, “Does my Doll want something?” He grinned you whined nodding your head as his hand kept twisting and pulling your sensitive bud. Ruhn places his mouth on your free ripple making sure his lip ring kept grazing it.
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as your hips moving faster on his thigh. The familiar sensation was building in the bottom of your stomach. “Ruhn,” his name came out of your mouth like a prayer and a moan as your clit kept rubbing against the denim of his pants.
Right as you were about to reach your climax, his hand stopped, his mouth pulled away, and he moved his thigh and you cried out. You opened your eyes not realizing you closed them and watched as he removed his shirt revealing the tattoos that lay underneath along with his muscular chest. He unbuttoned his pants and smiled, “My, you are so vocal tonight, love.” He tugged his pants down half way down his thighs and kicking them off. Ruhn caged you in his fists right by your head as his cock had lined up with your center. “Such a good girl for me.” You closed your eyes and mewled at his words moving your hips once more. “Need my cock, baby.” Already in a state of bliss you nodded your head. He gripped your face and tapped your cheek with his forefinger , “words, I need your words.”
You met his blue eyes, “Yes, I want your cock.”
Ruhn growled, “Good.” He kissed you fiercely once more. As he slid his dick in your folds. Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as he eased in letting you feel every inch of him. “Oh you feel so good, taking every inch of me.” Another moan escaped you as you lifted your hips only for his hand to press it back down pinning them down to the mattress.
He slid out to the tip, and you opened your eyes and smiled at him, “I love you, Ruhn Danaan.”
Ruhn stilled for a moment before kissing you, “I love you too.” He nipped your lip, “Mate.”
You blinked and before you could register his words he slammed back into you. You screamed in pleasure as he began relentless pace. The only sounds were our moans and the slapping of flesh when Ruhn’s phone began to ring. Ruhn lifted on of your thighs pushing it closer to your chest to get a better angle as he grabbed his phone with a free hand. Keeping his steady pace the sensation re emerged. Through your hooded eyes you saw Ruhn’s smirk, “Ignore it.” You whined.
Keeping his brutal pace he showed you the name on your phone and dread washed over you.
“I have to answer, I’m on call tonight . Think you can stay quiet for me?” You nodded your head as you watched your boyfriend answer a call from your brother, while still fucking you. “Hey Hunt….Oh just getting some cardio in.” As Ruhn said that he hit that spot that had you seeing stars. You covered your mouth with your hand as you reached you orgasm. Your eyes rolling in the back of your head and hips moving in time with his.
Ruhn slid out but only to stroke his cock. His eyes glanced your way and you knew what he wanted. You opened your mouth, tongue sticking out and your hand took over. Ruhn gave uninterested answers to your brother as you worked his member. Ruhn but his lip as his eyes fluttered closed and cum shot out of his cock. Some landing in your awaiting mouth the rest landed on your face.
Once done Ruhn cleared his throat and smiled down at you, “Alright, I’ll be there. Give me 15 minutes. I’ll tell her you said hello. Bye.” He grabbed his shirt and lightly cleaned your face off. His eyes had grown somber. “It’s time.”
Dread pooled in your stomach you knew that him, Hunt and Bryce had been planning to invade the Asteri. You just hoped it didn’t happen so quickly.
Your fear and panic must have shown on your face as Ruhn cupped your cheek, “Hey, We’ll be Alright. I’ll make sure the overgrown bird comes home in one piece.” He kissed you quickly before putting on his pants and a fresh black shirt as you sat up.
“What if you can’t? What if you-“
Ruhn was in front of you once more. “ None of that. We are coming home and I expect to see you, right where I left you. Because I am not done with you.” He kissed you again. “I will come home to you, okay? We have a lot to talk about.” You nodded in agreement.
Your lip wobbled as you swallowed the tears. “Okay.”
Ruhn smiled, “Good, now say those three little words for me again.”
You smiled, “I love you.”
Ruhn kissed your forehead, “I love you too, Baby.” He turned and walked out of the door, unaware of the fact that he would, in fact, not see you that night. Or the night after. Or the night after. As the plan had gone horribly wrong.
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throneofsmut · 11 months
Kinktober Day Eighteen: Squirting Ruhn Danaan x Female Reader
You entered Bryce’s apartment not noticing who all was there and plopped down on her couch. Head resting on the back of the couch with your eyes closed, “I hate men.” You muttered, to which she laughed.
Eyes still closed, “Bryce, I hate all men. Males too, because they talk all this shit and then just… nothing.”
You take a deep breath before letting out a sigh, “They talk all this shit.“ You begin to mock in a deep voice.“Oh, baby, I’m gonna ruin everyone else for you… When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk for a week. I’m gonna make you cum so hard that you squirt.”
“Y/n.” Bryce called trying to get your attention but you kept going.
“Like seriously how fucking hard is it for them to even find a fucking clit, it’s right there but no they want to rub my fucking thigh. And then be all up in my ear “you like that baby ?” No I don’t.”
“Y/n.” Bryce tried again a little louder.
But you weren’t finished. “They swear they can make you cum, that they’ll make you squirt as if they’re some sex god. But not one guy has ever made me cum let alone squirt. Fucking useless pieces-“
“Y/N !” Bryce screamed, finally getting you to look at her.
“What ?” You looked at her confused and then she bursted out laughing. You finally noticed that Hunt, Ithan, Tharion, Declan, Tristan and Ruhn had all heard your rant.
They all stared at you wide eyed and mouths agape, except Ruhn. Ruhn was looking at you with furrowed brows and his bottom lip between his teeth.
You shrugged, “I said what I said.” None of them argued with you and Bryce was now wheezing.
Ruhn cleared his throat before asking “So you’ve never-“
Looking him dead in his eyes, “Did I stutter ?”
You were about to tell Bryce that it wasn’t that funny when you got a text from a shifter you met at the White Raven the other night, saying they would meet you there in 15 minutes. That was all it took for you to hug Bruce goodbye and glare at the males as you walked out.
You heard her apartment door open and then close while walking into the elevator, you already knew who it was. “What, Ruhn ?”
“Where are you going ?”
Sighing, you responded, “Home.” He leaned back against the elevator, standing next to you, “I’ll walk you.” You turned to him, panicked, not wanting him to know you were gonna hook up with someone. “No it’s okay, I’ll be fine. Thanks though.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on my way home.” Fuck, you two did live near each other and the White Raven was in the opposite direction. “I’m gonna go home… just not right now.”
“Where are you going ?”
You turned to look at him and he met your gaze, then he looked down at your lips before meeting your eyes again. “The White Raven.” You looked away and didn’t say anything else as you walked out of the elevator and out of the complex heading towards the night club.
Then you felt him grip your arm, spinning around so you were face to face, a hair's breadth away. “Don’t go with him, I could do all the shit that he never could.” You searched his eyes, trying to find a lie or a hint of it but found none. “Please.”
You simply nodded your head and followed him back to his house, the both of you were silent the entire way.
As soon as you walked through the door his lips were on yours. It was all teeth and tongue, the whole way up to his bedroom. You both pulled back to take off your clothes and then as soon as both of you were bare your lips were on each other again.
He walked you backwards till the back of your knees hit his bed and then he laid you down and kissed from your lips to your jaw. Down your neck, chest, and tummy before teasingly nipping at your inner thighs.
“Ruhn.” His name was a breathy moan as you tried moving to get his mouth where you needed it. Thighs rubbing together for some friction.
Ruhn, tsked at you, then used his shadows to restrain you and keep your legs spread for him. He ran a single finger through your wet folds, “Ruhn please.”
You were about to start begging when he licked a stripe up your soaked cunt, moaning onto you at the taste of you on his tongue.
Crying out as he flicked his tongue with precision against your swollen clit. “Oh fuck.” you whimpered, hips bucking against his shadows. “Fuck, Ruhn.”
Then he started sucking on your clit and your legs started shaking. “Don’t stop, Please, don’t stop.” You cried out. “I’m just getting started, Sweetheart.” He purred into your mind. Not even a minute later you reached your peak, not even noticing that you squirted on his face.
He sat back up with a feral grin on his face covered in your juices. Licking his lips, moving to pumping his length a couple times before lining it up with your entrance.
Still breathless as he slid into you and let you adjust to his size before snapping his hips against yours. Moving at an inhumanely pace as he fucked you like his life depended on it, fingers digging into your hips as he panted softly. “Fuck- I can feel you clenching my cock already. Gonna squirt for me again, sweet girl ?”
You choked out a sob as he moved one of his hands from your hips to your clit, rubbing tight circles. “Let go. I can fuck- I can feel you squeezing me.” He growled.
Screaming out his name as you squirted on him for the second time within 10 minutes. You were panting when he captured your lips in a hungry kiss and murmured against them, “Give me more.”
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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jeannineee · 1 year
Kinktober Day Eight: Face-sitting
Ruhn Danaan x Reader
a/n: day 8 of kinktober. Y’all know the drill, comment below or DM if you wanna be tagged
warnings: smut of course, oral f receiving, Ruhn uses his mind-speaking ability
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“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”
Ruhn laughed, running his hands along your thighs as you straddled his waist. “You won’t, princess.”
“What if you can’t breathe?”
Ruhn shrugged. “Then I’ll die happy.”
You glared.
“I will mind-speak if I need you to let up,” Ruhn said, running his hands over the curve of your ass. “But I know I won’t need you to,” he added with a cheeky grin.
You sighed, but didn’t stop him as Ruhn guided you up his body, until your cunt hovered over his face. You guided your hands to the headboard, nervousness churning in your gut.
“You have to sit, princess,” Ruhn said, something like impatience sounding in his words.
“But what if—oh.”
Your protest was cut off with a choked moan as Ruhn gripped your thighs, firmly seating you on his face. He licked a long stripe through your folds, before wrapping his lips around your clit.
“Ruhn, fuck—Ruhn.” His name left your lips repeatedly as he worked his tongue, swirling it around your entrance as his nose nudged your clit.
His hands groped your ass, guiding you to grind on his face. You shuddered as he did so, pleasure coursing through your body in tidal waves.
“You look so pretty like this,” Ruhn spoke into your mind. “So needy for me.”
You cried out as he dragged his lip ring over your clit, attaching his lips to the swollen bud and sucking fervently. You couldn’t form words as that familiar heat began coiling within you, but Ruhn didn’t need you to. He knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Gonna come on my tongue, princess?” His voice sounded through your mind.
You managed a nod; reduced to little more than a whimpering mess above him. Ruhn mind-spoke again just as your orgasm crested, “That’s it, princess. Give it to me. That’s it.”
Ruhn lapped at your cunt like a starving male, coaxing your through the aftershocks. As you caught your breath, you attempted to pull away, but his grip remained tight.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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taglist: @azriels-shadowsinger @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @bbycowboi @ghostofnightcrawlerpast @fendyr @thegirlintheshadows101 @icey--stars @exoahgasebby @cassiefromhell @missusbarnes-rogers @danikamariewrites @cmay25 @anpacax0 @georgiastars13 @hannzoaks @impossibelle @harrystylesfan2686 @bookishbroadwaybish @girl-who-writes-stuff @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @iron-collector-traveler @captainsbaby @strawberryshortcake143 @glitterypirateduck
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azsazz · 1 year
Catch Me if You Can
Kinktober Day 5: Ruhn x Reader [Shadowplay]
Summary: Ruhn lives for the chase.
Warnings: Smut, dom/sub dynamics, bondage, shadowplay
Word Count: 2,702
“I’m home,” Ruhn calls as he enters through the doorway. He’s looking for you, just wants to hold you and kiss you and maybe fondle you a little because he’s had the longest day, like, ever, and the only thing that kept him going was the thought of coming home to you and his otherwise empty house.
He kicks off his shoes, heart warming as he hears you pad closer. He tugs off his coat, brows furrowing when you don’t throw yourself at him because you’re just as eager to see him as he is you. 
“Deer?” he questions, lifting his head from his task. His gaze catches on you, scantily clad in a dark as night lace set, leaning up against the couch like the sexy fae you are.
“Welcome home, Ruhn,” you greet, trailing a finger across the back of the couch and reveling in the way his piercing blue eyes drink you in. From your done up hair to your painted lips, down the creamy skin of your throat, his eyes hungry like he might just take a bite. His gaze is warm as it travels across your breasts, tops peeking out from the low lined fabric and down to your covered cunt, throbbing for need for him that pulses in time with his heart. You pout a little and his pupils flare wide. “Did you miss me today?”
He nods because he can’t speak around the dryness of his throat. He’s forgotten all about his horrible day now that you’re here, distracting him like this. You look incredible, best he’s ever seen, and his cock wastes no time in waking up, straining against his pants like he’s a rutting teenager who can’t control himself all over again.
“How much?” you tease, stretching for his convenience. “Took you forever to get home, I’m getting a little tired.” 
Ruhn steps closer in protest, and you move back, holding his heated gaze.
You keep to your side of the couch, it is a heavy obstacle between you as you try to hold in your giggles, keeping your face as stoic as you can. Ruhn doesn’t look like he’s much up for games at this time of night, with you dressed like that no less, but for you, this is fun.
“Come here,” he demands, tone so low and powerful it makes your thighs tremble. You force yourself not to clench them together as you imagine his rumbling words against your clit. Your fingers dig into the cushions of the sofa.
“No,” you sound breathless when you want to sound as confident as he is. 
“I won’t say it again,” Ruhn replies, eyes molten with desire.
He doesn’t have to. You won’t go to him, you like the chase too much. 
His shadows pool in your peripherals, but you know him better than that. You knew he would be sending the whorls of night after you, locking your limbs to the floor, to the couch so that he can catch you and take what’s his. You pout slightly, darting away as Ruhn hauls his leg over the arm of the couch towards you, his shadows snapping into action.
They graze your skin, swirling up your thighs and you squeal but they don’t constrict. Maybe Ruhn is enjoying the chase too, especially since you’re heading up the stairs and towards his room.
Your steps falter once you reach the second floor landing, his shadows slipping between the airy fabric of your panties and the wetness of your heat. Gasping, you try to keep moving, nearly to his room where you can launch yourself onto his plush bed, but the lick of night soothes against your throbbing clit like ice and you nearly bite through your lip.
Through the door, the whisper of black invades you, curling between your breasts and the icy night pierces your nipples, tightening them into hard nubs that rub against the fabric of your tight top. The sensations are wonderful, so wonderful that your knees give out from under you but Ruhn is there, catching you around the waist, breaking your fall with his mattress. 
“No,” you shout, as his teeth nip at your neck. He’s trying to pin you to the mattress, his hands clawing at your clothing to rid you of it because he’s so hard right now and chasing you up the stairs with your ass peeking out of your panties didn’t help. His vantage point was worth it though, and he’s happy that he hadn’t just used his shadows to tie you down.
His demeanor changes completely at your frantic plea. The shadows slip from your body and you nearly whimper from the loss. His body goes stiff before he’s scrambling away from you, sitting back on his knees as his blue eyes search yours frantically. “What is it?” Ruhn asks, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No,” you assure, and his shoulders fall in relief, “No, it’s not that. I just…” you trail off, suddenly becoming nervous before your mate.
Your cheeks go pink and you shift, breaking eye contact with him. 
“What is it, deer?” Ruhn asks softly, putting his weight on one hand so he can lean in closer. He catches your chin in one hand, tilting your head to meet his gaze once more. “Tell me.” 
You worry your lip, blinking up at him. Your fingers play nervously in the sheets but you don’t know why you’re feeling this way. You’ve done something similar to what you’re wanting so many times, but you know how Ruhn likes to touch. 
He appears calm, though, strong, even if his stomach is twisting into so many knots as he waits for you to say something. Are you going to tell him that he’s not enough in bed? That you want to break up with him? That you’re in love with one of his friends?
“I, um,” you stutter, swallowing harshly as you try to get the words out, “I don’t want you to touch me.” 
You can see that he takes your words in a different way than you meant them. His jaw tightens, muscle flickering as he grinds his teeth and his hand falls from your face immediately as he whispers, “Oh.”
“No, no,” you correct, grabbing his hand before he can pull back. Shaking your head, you continue, “I didn’t mean it like that.” His brows knit together in confusion, so you continue. “I want your shadows to touch me, Ruhn. Only your shadows.”
And that gets his cock stiff again. He peeks over at the shadows, waiting at the sides of the bed like the obedient beings they are. Even they seem to straighten at your words, slithering against each other languidly. 
“Can I kiss you first?” Ruhn asks softly. He needs to taste you, lick the reassurance from your lips that you’re not bored with him and going to throw him to the curb. “Please?” 
“Of course,” you grant, pulling him into you. He keeps his body well away from yours, leaning over you as you settle yourself onto his pillows. 
He can lean down right now and have you pinned beneath him, but the way you’re looking up at him, eyes bright and excited, he can’t. Instead, he takes your mouth with his, teasing his tongue across your lips before diving inside and ravaging the only part of you he’s allowed to touch right now.
You get lost in him like you always do. The weight of his tongue against yours, guiding you, tasting you. The wicked things he can do with that tongue, that mouth, you remember, and wetness pools between your legs. You whimper as he nips at your lips, the bite of the ring pierced through the muscle teasing you in long strokes that you wish were pressed against your cunt.
When he feels your arms reaching to wrap around his neck and pull him completely into you, he forces himself away, backing up to the edge of the bed and leaning against the wall, chest heaving as he stares at you, lips swollen and cheeks red, fingers gripping the sheets.
Your mouth parts to demand he come back, but he’s cutting you off. “Spread your legs for me, deer.”
Swallowing harshly, you don’t break eye contact as you do what you’re told. 
Swirls of shadow slide towards you, like ribbons of black against silken sheets. Your heart is racing like a wild horse as they approach, and Ruhn can’t take his eyes off of you even though yours have flickered down to the swirling masses across the bed, watching in anticipation. 
He lets them slide up your bare legs. 
They’re cool against your hot body and the lightness of their touch causes you to shiver, breath catching in your throat. Your breasts tighten with the sensation, and even more so when they glide up your body, avoiding your cunt and swirling tight circles beneath the fabric of your lace set and around your nipples.
“Oh,” you gasp out, head falling back at the sensation.
Ruhn watches like a hawk, stiff in his pants. He’s focusing intently on each one, the way your pretty pink lips part pleasurably when one of the shadows caresses that soft spot on your neck, the way your fingers fist the sheets when another curls loosely around your throat.
He’s utterly entranced by you, so much that he doesn’t realize some of the shadows have broken off towards him and are trying to slip down into his jeans. He hadn’t considered this, the both of you seeking pleasure in the darkness that follows him. He considers for a moment, but there are plenty of shadows to go around.
He peels his pants off of his legs and the movement on the bed draws your attention. He shucks his shirt off, exposing his long, tattooed torso, and you swallow thickly at the sight. His hair drapes over his shoulder, the silky strands looking like midnight, and shadows are running up his own body, across pectorals and around his shoulders, down strong legs and sneaking up into his underpants, causing him to release a surprised, but breathy groan.
“Eager little things, aren’t they deer?” he asks you, smirking at the look on your face. Your eyes are round, and a shadow breezes across your dripping cunt, causing you to cry out softly. Ruhns eyes blare with heat and he’s almost second guessing this idea not to touch because he really really wants to touch you right now.
But a shadow is wrapping around his cock like a snake, tugging tighter and tighter until he’s all but ripping the remaining clothing from his body and settling against the wall. He lets the shadows wrap around his wrists and pin them to the bed because if they don’t, that hunger will win over and he’ll pounce right on top of your writhing body. 
“Yes,” you agree, but he’s not so sure you heard what he said, as his shadows work you slowly. He wants to huff a laugh but it sticks in his throat as a night-chilled shadows slips across his slit.
“You need to take those clothes off,” he grunts, tugging on the shadows around his wrists. They’re solid restraints and he’s regretting allowing them such dominance because he wants to reach his hand down and fist his cock at the sight of you. His shadows are taking much too long.
“Yes,” you gasp back, but you don’t need to do a thing, the shadows slicing neat through the fabric. It sends shivers up Ruhns spine, how they can become sentient when they want to, with seemingly minds of their own. It should scare him, probably, but right now he’s anything but.
The tatters of your clothes are brushed away by a phantom breeze, exposing your body to him and the shadows. Ruhn inhales sharply at the sight of you, all laid out pretty on his bed like this, legs spread wide and hands pinned to the bed by your head, ready for whatever the shadows have in store for you.
They’re just as ready as you are, wasting no time in sliding through the wetness of your heat. It feels similar to when Ruhn rubs his hot length against your cunt, wetting it and teasing you before pressing in fully, and you wonder if they’ve picked this particular trick up from their master. Either way, it has you biting your lip and bucking your hips in pleasure, awaiting their next move.
Ruhns body is stiff, coiled tightly as he strains silently against the restraints because he needs to get a fucking hand on himself, now. He watches your eyes roll into the back of your head as they spread your cunt wide and one of them dips slowly into your cunt. The noise you make makes his cock bob.
It feels like a tongue, almost, grazing across your sensitive clit and plunging into your cunt. It flickers once, twice, before another is poking its way through, both moving deeper into you, stretching you and filling you with their pooling darkness.
Your body wracks with satisfaction, and every noise of encouragement you make has both the shadows and Ruhn responding. Ruhn telling you how good you look, the things he’s going to do to you after his shadows have had their fun. His voice sounds strained, and when you glance over at him, you see it’s because his own shadows are working his length, up and down in long strokes that have the muscles of his stomach contorting with pleasure.
Gods, is he a sight like that. His head thrown back against the wall, the jutting of his Adam’s apple as he swallows hard, sucking in heaving breaths. It’s surprising to witness him like this, but a delicious sight it is, as they work him closer and closer to his edge.
You don’t know how many shadows are inside of you, if they’ve expanded or seemed to find a new home in your cunt but you can hardly breathe from how much you’re being stretched. Your mind is fuzzy with sensation. It’s almost too much, the way they pinch and nip at your nipples, curl around your ear with whispers of cut conversations with Ruhn, sounding filthy and low. There’s a shadow rubbing tight circles around your clit, so stimulating and knowing exactly how to draw that mind-shattering orgasm from you. Your body jerks against the bed, moans falling from your parted lips so easily for them as you cum.
Ruhn’s right behind you, the shadows a constant pressure against his cock. He’d used them once or twice when he was young and would do anything to get off, but it's been years since he’s used them to pleasure a girl. He doesn’t think he’s used them like this on anyone except you, right now, and he vows he’ll never use them on anyone else like this. This is for you and him only. 
“Fuck,” he groans, spewing on the sheets. The shadows work him through it, knowing exactly when to let his spent cock go limp against his thigh. They seem to disappear quickly, slinking back into the shadows and he all but collapses by your side, pulling you into his chest for a fervent kiss no matter how drained he is. He needs to feel your body against his.
“Thank you, Ruhn,” you speak softly, eyes shut and body loose from the orgasm. His body is warm and you burrow closer to him, not at all caring about the mess between your legs nor his on the sheets. It can all be cleaned up later, after some sleep with your mate. “I love you.”
“I love you too, deer,” Ruhn replies, brushing the hair from your face. He can’t help himself, holding you tightly to his chest and pressing soft kisses to your cheeks. He feels the need to keep you close, like he’s almost possessive, trying to show that even though he’s allowed his shadows to help you out like this tonight, that’s all it is. You’re his, first and foremost.
And he loves you like the darkness loves a secret.
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mirandasidefics · 6 months
But Home is Nowhere-Masterlist
Pairing(s): Lucien x Plus Size Reader, Azriel x Plus Size Reader, Ruhn Danaan x Plus Size Reader
Rating: Mature (18+/MDNI)
Status: In progress (monthly updates)
Summary: You are pulled into an unknown world, Prythian, by an unknown force, coming face to face with a group of people you have only seen in your dreams. However, the reality you now face is much darker than anything you could imagine. Finding a way home is your only goal but with each passing year it drifts further away. It seems that Fate has different inescapable plans. With the help of a few you must learn to navigate your new life. Can the discovery of a vague prophecy help guide you on your journey?
When magic returns to the Earth, and Death’s shadow is unchained, Celestial bodies will unite to bring forth new rain.
Tags/Warning(s): Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Crossover, Expanded Universe, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Body Image, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Major Character Injury, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Issues surrounding bodily autonomy, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Shameless Smut (indicated by 💦) , Oral (F and M receiving), P In V smut (protected and unprotected), Mating Bond(s), heavy Rhysand and IC criticism. (Other tags to be added as the story progresses).
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 -Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter- Feyre POV
Chapter 11 💦
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
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throneofsapphics · 4 days
let our bodies talk
Rowan x Reader x Ruhn
summary: Rowan and Ruhn help you deal with your guilt around sex, and take your virginity
warnings: virgin!reader, raw p in v (wrap it up everyone), religious guilt/shame, light hair pulling
word count: 3426
a/n: based on this request!
“Do you want us?” Ruhn finally asked, running a hand through his hair, the other toying with his lip ring. He pointedly ignored the silver-haired male staring at him like he wanted to chop him into bits and either sell them at the Meat Market or feed them to the creatures at the bottom of the Istros. 
Rowan had more patience and experience with immortality than he did. If you wanted him to wait another hundred years, he would, gladly, but he wanted to know what page you were on and he was ... well, he was used to having rather forward partners, he supposed. 
It started with him as an emissary to your world, and ended with this relationship he never could have expected, but would never change for a thing. You were everything he’d ever wanted and more. 
Your mouth parted, skin flushed, and eyes widened slightly. One of his favorite looks on you. “Of course,” the words came out quickly. Adorable. Everything about you was adorable. Cthona, he really was obsessed with you. “We’re together, aren't we?” You gained back a little bit of that attitude he loved. His mouth curved into a smirk. 
“Yes, love, we are.” 
“Ruhn is asking if you want to have sex with us,” Rowan grunted from behind you. You whirled around, not having seen him apparently. He shot you a slightly apologetic look. You were the only one who got those kinds of looks out of him, and it made Ruhn respect you even more. The male would bend over backwards for you. 
“I m- I mean yes, I do, I just ...” you trailed off uncharacteristically. 
Ruhn leaned forward in his chair, forearms bracing his thighs, Rowan rounded the couch to sit next to you, leaving a careful foot or so between the two of you. This conversation didn’t need touch, not right now at least. Ruhn stayed in his seat. Just talking about this, the idea of it, was making all sorts of unproductive changes to his blood flow. 
You sighed, glancing between the two of them. You wouldn’t get out of this conversation right now, at least not without them getting an acceptable answer. How do you even begin to explain your relationship with sex? When it's so complicated you barely feel like you understand it yourself? 
“Just listen to me, please,” you half pleaded, half ordered. They glanced at each other before turning to you and nodding. “I grew up with a lot of ... shame surrounding sex,” you could tell Ruhn was ready to interrupt and say fuck that, but Rowan fixed him with a look and although the male glared back he kept his mouth shut. Another time you might have laughed. “So as much as I fucking crave both of you, those thoughts are still trained into me. That its dirty, bad, against the gods wishes.” 
Rowan pressed his lips together at the last one, you knew it was ridiculous too - some of the gods were notoriously horny, after all. 
“So I'm a little ... behind because I avoided everything for so long.” 
“Are you a virgin?” Rowan asked, tone carefully neutral. If they cared either way ... well, then they wouldn’t be the males for you. 
“Yes,” you lifted your chin just a tad higher, trying to imbue yourself with some sort of confidence. 
“That’s not a problem for me,” Ruhn said, almost soothingly. 
“It shouldn’t be,” Rowan sent a warning look your way at the snip in your tone, and you glared right back at him. He held both hands up placatingly, almost in a ‘not policing you, I'm just trying to keep the peace,’ way. 
Ruhn caught your gaze, and you both burst into laughter, eyes lighting with mirth. Rowan snorted. Basically a roaring laugh coming from him. 
“Come here,” the unintentional dominance in Rowan’s voice bent your knees before you could think better of it. Not that you wanted to, not really. He patted the area next to him, giving you the option to close the distance. You did. 
You felt more than heard Ruhn move, as the couch dipped on your other side. You liked it here, pressed between them, your legs lining up from thigh to hip, just a few layers between your skin and theirs. The desire to remove the layers was there, but that old guilt crept in and tainted it. Your hand brushed the back of your neck, head tilting down, eyes trained on the floor. 
Ruhn caught your hand, bringing it down to rest on his thigh. You flexed your fingers, exploring the feel of the corded muscle beneath those jeans. His leg tensed, keeping hand settling over yours, keeping you still. 
“However long it takes,” he kissed the exposed side of your neck, “I'll teach you to not be ashamed of what your body wants.” 
“Of what you want,” Rowan added, running his thumb over your knee, his hand cupping your leg. 
“I want both of you,” you said the words quickly, as if they might never come out if you didn’t say them as fast as possible. 
“You’ll need to be a bit more specific than that,” Rowan’s eyes trailed you from head to toe, taking in every inch of your body. A hunger that you either hadn’t seen or noticed before flared. Tightness coiled in your stomach, you could arouse those kinds of feelings in them. You found you liked that power. 
“Relax, Rowan,” Ruhn drawled. The other male tensed. You smiled. “I think we can ask some questions, can’t we?” 
A muscle in Rowan’s jaw flexed, but he gave a short nod. 
Sometimes you wondered if you were the glue bonding them together, but they had a bond of their own outside of the one the three of you shared. Not sexual, but almost ... you couldn’t quite find a term to describe it. Maybe you’d invent one later. For now, they were capturing all of your attention. Questions. You knew what kind of questions they’d ask, but it didn’t leave you feeling any more prepared for it. 
“Has anyone touched this beautiful body before?” Ruhn breathed against your neck, his hand running down your thigh indolently. 
“You,” you said, a touch of something like defiance in your tone. One of them pinched your thighs lightly. Rowan. 
“It doesn’t work if you don’t answer our questions, love,” he said. 
“Not very well,” you sighed, throwing your head back to look up at the ceiling. Why did this have to feel so ... 
“These conversations aren’t meant to be smooth,” Ruhn reminded you. It gave you a bit of much-needed courage and you gave yourself a reminder. You loved these males, trusted them, and knew they’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you or make you feel upset. In fact, they’d usually do their best to make sure the opposite happened. 
“Did you like anything about their touch?” Rowan’s large hand covered part of your thigh, tips of his fingers digging in light enough to add a pleasurable pressure but avoid that edge of pain. Regardless, each of their touches felt like fire in your current wound up state and you doubted anything could douse it right now. 
“When it was over,” you said, honestly, and drew a laugh from each of them. 
“I promise you won’t want this to end,” Ruhn said. Tilting your head, blue eyes peered intently at you, full of heat and passion and desire. “I think we can figure out how to ask these questions without speaking,” he brushed the top of your thigh, playing with your hemline, “hm?” 
You arched towards him, hands reached out to grasp at his arms, tugging him closer, closer, closer, however you could get any contact with him. Something about his tone and words awoke a new desperation in you. The time for talking, for thinking, was over. 
Ruhn caught your hands. You frowned. He switched them to one of his and used the other to tilt your chin up. “If you want this to stop at any time, just say the word. Or tap a few times if you can’t speak.” 
“We won’t be angry or upset,” Rowan added. 
“If you were, I'd kick your asses. Before leaving them,” you grumbled.
Ruhn held his hands up. “I’m terrified,” he deadpanned. 
The pause gave space for ugly emotions to rear and infiltrate, invading your headspace. 
You heard the words of the priests and priestesses from your childhood, of your mother and father wondering what the hell you were doing before damning and cursing you. Doubt had no place in this room, but it found its way inside anyway. 
“I don’t think she wants this,” you heard Ruhn say, and your head snapped up. 
Ruhn hoped his gamble paid off and Rowan played along, that they could draw out your competitive side. 
Green eyes narrowed, but he said, “I’m afraid you may be right.” Rowan Whitethorn wasn’t afraid of a damn thing, but that wasn’t the point. 
“Yes I do,” you spluttered indignantly. That was the point.
“Show us,” Rowan challenged you. 
“I don’t know how,” your voice dropped to a furious whisper, and he wondered if you might call everything off. 
“Ask for help,” Rowan countered. 
“I thought we would do this without speaking,” Ruhn interjected. 
In unison, both you and Rowan replied, “that’s what you said,” and he bit back a grin. 
“One question then,” Rowan continued, “do you want us to fuck you tonight?” 
“Yes,” there was no hesitation, in fact eagerness in your tone. Bringing out your competitive side did work, and he noted that for later. 
“We’ll be gentle,” Rowan told you. 
You huffed. Ruhn titled his head, Rowan raised a brow at you. 
“I want you, not some watered down version of you - both of you.” 
“As you wish, my love,” Rowan murmured. 
“Your funeral,” Ruhn joked. 
“But I have one rule,” he sat up a little straighter at your words. 
“What is that?” 
“No magic,” you glanced between both males. “I just want you. Both of you.” 
“Very well,” Rowan acquiesced, not sounding too put out. “Come here,” he patted his thighs. After checking for Ruhn’s agreement to your ‘rule,’ you did. 
This part, this first step, you knew how to do. You’d kissed both of them before. Straddling him, you balanced yourself on the middle of his thighs. His fingers trailed up and down your sides, front, back, everywhere he could reach, brushing sensitive areas over your clothing. Brushing too lightly for how drastically your body seemed to react. Or maybe that was the point, less is more. 
‘Let go, stop thinking,’ you reminded and reprimanded yourself. 
It took you a minute or two to realize Rowan was waiting for something. For you to initiate. 
Leaning forward, you brushed your lips against his, mimicking the featherlight touches he was leaving on your body. Rowan wasn’t having it, and gripped the back of your head, winding his fingers through your hair before bringing you together. 
He stood, mouth still on yours, and you tightened your legs around his waist, locking your ankles, he wrapped one arm around your lower back, and snapped at Ruhn with his spare hand. 
The other male, understandably, snarled in return and you broke away from Rowan to hide your giggles into his shoulder. 
It broke the tension, and after a few strides from Rowan you were bouncing back on your bed, thrown there by him. Catching yourself against the headboard, it was your turn to glare. 
“That’s what you get for laughing,” Ruhn shrugged out of his shirt, and fuck your mouth watered. “My eyes are up here,” he teased you. 
“I thought we weren’t talking,” you snapped back. 
Not Ruhn, you could see all of him, but you felt another hand on the back of your neck. Rowan. Lips brushed against your ear, “I should just bend you over our bed and fuck you, but I think we can make it a little more enjoyable than that.” 
That sounded very enjoyable to you, and maybe scared you just a tad but not in an unpleasant way. Involuntarily, your thighs clenched. Ruhn’s chuckle told you he noticed. Heat seared your cheeks, the back of your neck, your chest. 
Half-naked, he climbed on the bed after you. Rowan stood next to the footboard, seemingly content to watch just for the moment. 
They seemed too coordinated and organized, in your opinion, and alarm bells flared in your mind and you scrambled with your hands to sit up. 
“Are you speaking to him?” You couldn’t fight the hint of accusation in your tone as you asked Ruhn.
“We’re making this enjoyable,” he pushed down lightly on your shoulders, “let us.” 
“Let go, love,” Rowan encouraged. 
You pursed your lips together in a frown, but nodded. You could let go, for tonight. Letting your hands slide out, your back hit the soft duvet cover again, the fabric silky against your skin. Relax. You were entirely capable of letting go. 
Ruhn’s lips hit your shoulder first, a soft and gentle kiss, before trailing down over your chest. The longer he went on, the firmer, you wouldn’t exactly call it rough, he got. Each touch grew more intense, his hands on your ribcage, pushing you down into the mattress as his lip ring flicked over your nipple. Teeth lightly grabbing the now swollen peak, tugging it up, drawing a gasp, before releasing. Testing how each part of your body reacted to different pressures and sensations. Learning you. 
He was good at this, you realized, with a hint of jealousy you quickly tamped down. Here and now, you reminded yourself. Focus. Capable. 
Lost in his touch, you didn’t notice the other male sliding in behind you until you were rising, your back pressed against his chest. Ruhn made a noise of discontent, like a kid with his candy taken away from him. 
“Ruhn’s going to fuck you first,” Rowan murmured in your ear, stroking down the side of your arm. “And when he’s done, I'll get to fuck that pretty little pussy, how does that sound?” 
“Great,” you barely managed to say. 
Then he was gone, out from behind you, and you were lowered onto the duvet again, head propped up on a pillow, Ruhn’s head between your - fuck. You lost all train of thought, all capability of thought as his tongue flicked your clit. Your voice left you as his lip ring, that beautiful thing, slid across your clit, a finger slipping inside and curling, putting just the right amount of pressure - and throwing you over the edge. 
Ruhn slowly worked you through your orgasm, adding another finger and twisting. You winced slightly at the stretching sensation. He stopped. 
“Just a little,” you panted, “uncomfortable. Keep going.” At the uncertain look on his face you added a, “please,” and that did the trick. 
He kept watching you intently, looking for every little change that might tell him something is wrong. But ... you didn’t feel the need to put on a performance. Instead, you found you liked the intensity he looked at you with. It made you feel wanted and desired in ways you never had before. It was bringing you to new highs. With another scream, your body melted into the mattress, legs falling limply to your sides. 
“I think she’s ready,” you heard Rowan. You nodded your agreement. Just a taste and you’d grown greedy, wanting more, more, more. All they would give you, all you could take. 
A belt clicked, clothes rustled, and you sat up on your elbows, impressed that even with the slight shake in your arms you could still hold yourself up. Maybe it was sheer determination to see Ruhn getting undressed that did it. It was certainly worth it. 
Licking your lips subconsciously at the sight of him, you realized he was pretty everywhere, including his cock. Near the same color as his skin, but with a glistening pink tip and a bulging vein running down the side, you wanted him in you. Now. 
“Get over here,” you breathed. 
“Bossy,” he said, raising his brows, but didn’t fucking move. 
Pressing your lips together, you saw a few avenues in front of you, and picked the one you figured would light a fire under him the best. 
“I guess I have to do it myself,” you sighed and let one arm slide out, snaking its way towards your center. 
It didn’t make it, not as Ruhn was there, catching your hand. “Not this time, princess.” 
His hand splayed against the backs of your thighs, pressing them up and to the sides as he knelt between your legs. 
“Breathe,” he ordered, and you’re glad you listened as he first pushed past your walls. Sharp pain hit your abdomen, catching your breath in your throat. 
An icy wind found its way down your throat, and you decided you’d thank Rowan, mentally, now and yell, verbally, at him later. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Keep going,” you hissed through clenched teeth. You might’ve had a lot of ... conflicting feelings surrounding sex, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t educated yourself. All the bodice rippers told you that the pleasure would kick in soon, that before you knew it you’d be overwhelmed by the “feel good” hormones. Gods you hoped they were real. 
He moved, but slowly. Lifting your hips to switch the angle, you gasped as he hit somewhere deep inside of you. That felt good. 
“That’s the spot, then,” he murmured, more to himself. 
“Fuck you feel good,” you moaned, nails clawing at his shoulders, searching for some kind of grip or anything to hold on to. He chuckled and lowered himself just enough you could grab them, before his hands spread against your sides, gripping you firmly. 
“Remember what you said earlier,” he paused inside of you. You wanted to scream at him. Instead you were left looking at his dumbly, eyes blinking. “About not wanting a watered down version of us. You’re still sure?” 
“Yes I’m sure, just fuck me or I'll-”
You didn’t get a chance to finish your words as he moved again, tilting your hips to that perfect angle before driving into you, over and over again. 
Not quite rough, but certainly not gentle, whatever he was doing was absolutely perfect, and as his fingers found your clit, you had your third - or was it fourth? - orgasm of the night. 
You actually whined as he pulled out, his eyes still open and fixed on you. He hadn’t finished. A pout started forming. 
As if he read the words in your eyes, he said, “someone else has been waiting for their turn, I’m sharing you tonight princess,” and jerked his head to the side. You followed the motion, and Rowan stood there, looking at you with pure hunger in his eyes. 
You swallowed. Louder than you intended to. Ruhn moved off you. 
“On your knees,” Rowan said roughly, but didn’t give you a chance before he gripped your hips and flipped you. Squeaking, your hands scrambled and slid before you landed on your elbows. His hand twisted around your hair, not pulling but gripping and tilting your head to look at him. “I still want to see your face, but it’ll be easier for you this way.” 
Easier? Just then, you realized you hadn’t gotten a good look at him, but based on how Ruhn went first you could put together a few things. 
“Alright,” you breathed. 
There was no hesitation from either side as Rowan slid in you, your body both welcoming and protesting him, your hips and thighs already beginning to ache, but you wanted more. A greedy little monster had begun to bloom in you. 
Both of them just felt right, in different ways, and you - 
“Eyes on me,” Rowan snapped. Your eyes flew to him, and his mouth indented at one corner in the way the stoic smile. “I said I wanted to see your face, love.” 
His hands gripped your hips. 
“See your pretty little face as you take my cock so well.” 
The words drew a moan from you, sending pleasure from the tips of your fingers to the bottom of your toes, making you push yourself back on him. Green stared at you, unrelenting as each slow, hard thrust nearly bounced you off him 
“Look how perfectly you’ve opened up for me,” he sounded almost teasing, “just like you were made for me.” 
Maybe you were, made for both of them as they were for you. 
general: @rowaelinsdaughter @bookishbroadwaybish @nestaismommy @erencvlt @book-obsessed124 @callsigns-haze
throne of glass: @I-am-a-lost-girl16
crescent city: @I-am-a-lost-girl16
let me know if you'd like to hop on the tag list!
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daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
Daydreaming Nerd Masterlist ☁️✨
Welcome to my mind palace where the things I spend all day maladaptive daydreaming about find their home <3. Everything is X Female! Reader.
Fluff 💖
Smut 🔥
Angst 🥀
Taylor Swift Inspired 🏹
ACOTAR: 🏔️✨⚔️
Bat Boys (poly!):
You Want a Baby? (Bat Boys x Reader) 🔥 Part 2 💖
Our Girl 🔥 Rhys
The Bonds That Break Us (completed):💖🥀🔥 Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Final Part
Unconditionally. 🥀 💖
Our girl 🔥
Implode 🥀
Lipstick Kisses 💖🥀🔥
How Did It End? 🥀🏹
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2 , Part 3 (final)
The Angel Of Music 💖
I'll Crawl Home To Her 🥀 💖
Young Love and Old Money (series) 💖🥀🔥
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? 💖🥀🔥 (in the works)
Eris Vanserra:
Lucien Vanserra:
The Prophecy 💖🥀🔥🏹 Part 2, Part 3 (final)
Crescent City: 🌆🌙✨
Ruhn Danaan:
Shadows and Sins 💖🥀🔥
Hunt Athalar:
Alphahole :🥀🔥 (in the works)
Tharion Ketos:
Throne of Glass: 🌲🦌🩵
Rowan Whitethorn:
Dorian Havilliard:
Fourth Wing:⚔️🔥🖤
Xaden Riorson:
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shadowdaddies · 1 year
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Here's my masterlist! I write for most SJM characters. I'll keep my posts linked here.🤍
Characters I write for/rules for requests!
✨= fluff
❤️‍🔥= smut
💧= angst
💥 = action (ka-pow!)
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Crescent City
Throne of Glass
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beautiful dividers on my blog by saradika-graphics cafekitsune & strangergraphics
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angstywaifu · 5 months
Shut Up. Make Me. Part 2 - Ruhn Danaan x Reader
Part 2 to Shut Up. Make Me. For my favourite Fae man Ruhn Danaan. Enjoy. Warnings: Smut, 18+
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Ruhn Danaan knew three things with absolute certainty.
He had smoked so much mirthroot that he almost thought the girl straddling him wasn’t real. This had to be a dream. Fuck. Nope definitely real.
The girl. No, his mate was driving him absolutely feral right now. Every fibre of his being screaming at him to take her immediately as she ground down on his cock now straining against the thin material of his underwear.
He really fucking loved his life right now.
Ruhn wasted no time. Both our clothes laid in a messy pile on the floor. Only our underwear remained as I straddled his hips, grinding back and forth, Ruhn’s hands digging into the soft skin of my thighs as a groan rippled through him. A groan that turned into a deep gravely moan as I bite on his lower lip, tugging at the lip ring I had no doubt would feel amazing between my legs.
Ruhn’s hands grip tighter at the soft skin of my thighs, pulling me down firmly onto him, his cock pressing more firmly into me as I gasp at the sensation. Ruhn chuckles at my response as my eyes flutter shut. Cocky bastard knew exactly what he was doing. And suddenly I was thankful for all the girls he had taken to be. Because Ruhn Danaan knew exactly what he was doing. And gods did it feel good.
But two could play at that game. Ruhn was clearly use to girls letting him do what he wanted as long as it brought them pleasure. I watched as his eyes went wide and darkened as I pushed him back into the pillows, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head. His body trembling as I ground down on him, kissing and biting my way down his neck. His hips jolting up at the sensation. I had no doubt if I looked up his eyes would be shut, his face relaxed in pure bliss. I didn’t dare hold back the smile that worked its way onto my lips as I moved from his neck down to his chest. His body shuddering and twitching as I make my way lower and lower. I go to hook my fingers in the waistband of his black underwear, but Ruhn moves eerily fast, flipping us over. And now I was pinned under him, my hands gathered in one of his above my head as his now black eyes bore into mine. Lust, desire and the primal instinct to claim me clear in them.
”Not yet sweetheart, I have other plans before you get to that.” He teases, his voice low and slightly strained.
Ruhn mimics my actions, kissing and biting his way down my neck. His free hand pulling my bra down just far enough for Ruhn lightly suck and nip at the exposed flesh before continuing downwards. No part left untouched by hips lips or hands as they caress down my body. My back arching as he runs his fingers lightly over my now drenched lacy black underwear. A groan rippling through him before his fingers hook into the waistband, a rip echoing through the room as they are torn from my body. I go to object, but my words foam into a loud moan as Ruhn’s lips latch onto my clit, my back arching at the sensation. One of my hands flies up to his hair, gripping it tightly in his long black hair, pulling him further into me. Another groan rumbling through him at the motion, his hands gripping my thighs so tightly as he keeps my legs spread open. One of his hands lightly traces up the inside of my thigh, causing me to shiver and squirm under Ruhn, his fingers leaving a trail of fire. A trail of fire that has me gasping and moaning as they slowly insert me. A hiss coming from Ruhn.
”God dammit Y/N, so tight.” He murmurs before going back to his assault with his mouth.
His fingers curling into just the right spot, each one he adds stretching me more and more. His tongue and lips devouring me as if he’s been starved his entire life. His tongue licking long stripes up and down my centre, before caressing my clit. Before long my hole body is trembling and arching under him as a familiar feeling forms in my stomach. Ruhn must tell its coming as I spasm around his fingers. A yelp escaping my lips as he flips us. A cold feeling caressing my skin, pulling me upright as I now straddle Ruhn’s face. I look down to see his shadows grasping me and holding me up. Ruhn’s hands pulling me further onto his face as my eyes roll into the back of my head.
”F-fuck R-r-ruhn. I’m… I’m gonna.” I stutter out as my legs shake aggressively.
In response Ruhn picks up the pace of his fingers and sucks so hard on my clit I see stars as I tip over the edge. My body wanting to fall forward, but his shadows grip me tighter as I writher against them, holding me in place as Ruhn does not falter. And before I know it that feeling is building up again, my head rolling back as I scream his name so loudly I’m not even sure the music blasting downstairs could drown it out. But right now I didn’t care. Right now all that mattered was Ruhn and I. With one last soft kiss between my legs, his shadows hoist me up enough for Ruhn to shuffle up the bed so I’m not hovering above his hips. I open my eyes to see his blown out eyes, and my arousal coating his lips. The man doesn’t even seem phased, hell he looks proud to be coated in it as his tongue darts out and licks it away.
”You doing ok sweetheart?” He asks, his hips raising as he tugs his underwear down and throwing them off into the depths of the room.
I slowly nod at him, not trusting myself to form a coherent sentence right now. Which he seems to know and looks very damn proud of that fact as he smirks up at me. A smirk I know not to trust, and he proves me right as his shadows ease their hold on me and lower me down onto Ruhn. My hands bracing me on Ruhn’s chest, my fingers clawing against it as he stretches me. Ruhn’s hands gripping tightly onto my thighs as well. Both of us breathing heavily as we adjust to the sensation of each other. Both of us take a moment to adjust to the feeling as he becomes fully sheathed in me. Ruhn slowly moves his hips, my head rolling back as I moan and move my own hips against him.
With the high of my previous orgasm now over, and the shadows helping support me, I pin Ruhn’s hips down to the bed. His eyes go wide before he smirks up at me, a small nod is all I need from him before I set the pace. With the help of the shadows it’s easier ride Ruhn, my legs able to keep up. Eventually my hands ease up on Ruhn’s hips, instantly rising to meet with mine. Both of us moaning loudly. Ruhn’s shadows push me forward, his arms wrapping around me before we’re flipped again. Seems we were doing a lot of this tonight.
Ruhn keeps himself sheathed inside me as he kneels before me, his legs supporting me as my hips are angled to meet his. And gods does the angle feel amazing, even without him moving. Ruhn rolls his hips into mine, my back immediately arching off the bed. Hell yes did this feel good.
You like that sweetheart? Ruhn speaks in my mind.
My eyes go wide. Ruhn just spoke in my head. A gift he clearly kept close and hidden. But he trusted me with it.
Gods yes. I say back, earning a chuckle from him.
He rolls his hips into me, my back arching yet again off the bed, my nails digging into his arm.
Ruhn hooks one of my legs over his shoulders before leaning over me, both hands braced either side of me before setting a brutal pace. A pace that has me moaning his name and gasping for air. My nails clawing down his back and chest. Guttural moans rippling through Ruhn as my nails dig in, spuring him on, his hips slamming into mine with each thrust. He wraps his arms around me, leaning down to rest his forehead on mine. His deep blue eyes piercing into mine. And that’s when I feel it. Feel it fully. Like Ruhn and I are becoming one. As if he is everything I need, and I am everything he needs. I grip onto Ruhn as if my life depends on it, our mouths melding together in a passionate kiss. Our tongues fighting for dominance. Ruhn manages to sneak a hand between us, his fingers finding that perfect spot that has me seeing stars as I topple over the edge, moaning into his mouth. Ruhn not far behind as his thrusts stutter and slow down. But he still keeps up his pace, his fingers still caressing that perfect spot till I’m a squirming and sensitive mess beneath him. The bastard.
Careful what you think sweetheart. He purrs in my head.
I pull back wide eyed as I look at his smug face looking down at me as he reaches up and caresses my cheek. I can’t help but lean into his touch as if my body and soul craves being as close as I can to him. I’m unsure if he can hear what I’ve thought or felt, but it is almost like he does as he rolls off me, pulling me into his chest as he lays back on the bed. His fingers running up and down my sides as he holds me tightly against him.
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b00kdiary · 10 months
This is a multiple part series with Sarah J. Maas male characters and a plus size female reader.
The series will take place in the ACOTAR, TOG, or CC worlds and be 18+ with sexual themes, mature language and will have a plus size fmc (Because we thick girls deserve the love too!) I am taking requests!
Crescent City
Ithan Holstrom- Euphoria
Ruhn Danaan + Tristan Flynn- Better Than Any Fantasy
Rhysand + Cassian + Azriel- Wildest Dreams Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Rhysand + Cassian + Azriel - Relax
Cassian - Hurt me
Cassian- Mirror, Mirror
Rhysand- Stay With Me, Part II, Part III
Azriel- Cauldron Blessed
Cassian + Azriel- Take it Part I, Part II
Azriel- Unworthy
Rhysand- Yours
Cassian- Mine
Eris - Fire Night
Rhysand + Cassian + Azriel - Cautious, Part II
Throne of Glass [coming soon]
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throneofspicybooks · 10 months
For a filthy smut request, ruhn danaan and creampie then he eats reader out?
Oh Ruhn would 100% do this
✨Favourite Flavour - Ruhn Danaan x Reader Smut ✨
Ruhn was gorgeous, handsome, and the most generous lover you had ever had.
And tonight was no exception.
Muscles bulged in his tattooed arms as he caged your body in with his large frame. His slim hips rolling against yours, hitting that perfect spot every time. Nails clawed at his back as his pace never relented. Ruhn groaned into your neck, “you’re so fucking tight, Princess. Just a dirty little slut, milking my cock with your wet cunt, aren’t you?”
Tears shone in your eyes as you stared up at his beautiful face. Babbling, you nodded your head as your nails continued to tear at the skin of his back.
“Do you deserve to cum, Y/N?” Ruhn ran his hands through your hair, pushing back the strands so he could properly stare into your eyes. “I think you do. Why don’t we make that happen, hmm?”
Fingers traveled between your sweaty bodies to flick your clit. You gasped as Ruhn’s fingers circled your nub, his hips never stopping their brutal pace. Ruhn swallowed the sound. His own groan had you dripping as your hand dropped down to squeeze his balls just this side of pain.
And suddenly you were there. You screamed as you came, legs locking around his waist. Ruhn’s ministrations did not stop, causing your climax to surprise you and hauling his own with you. “Oh Pretty Girl. So tight, so wet.” He groaned, talking you through your orgasm, “that’s it Sweet Girl, keep cumming. So perfect.” Warmth pooled within as Ruhn came in ropes, his cum decorating your cunt in the purest white.
His hips slowed and stopped nestled with your own as you both lay spent. His chest brushed yours with your shared deep breaths. Ruhn met your eyes with a soft smile. “Feel okay?” He asked into the quiet. You nodded with a happy, sated smile. “Good.” His lips turned into an arrogant smirk. “Because I think you’ve got one more in you, Princess.”
The sudden loss of his dick as he pulled out in a long slide had you whining pathetically. You didn’t have to wait long before Ruhn was on you once more. Gripping the backs of your thighs, Ruhn pushed until your knees reached your ears. Cool air caressed your still sensitive pussy, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
Wetness dripped from your hole. You knew without looking that it was Ruhn’s cum that dripped down your cunt. “Uh uh uh, Princess. We can waste this.” Ruhn’s tongue licked up your pussy in a long, thick stripe. You jolted at the feeling, hips raising to chase his mouth for more. He obliged.
Kitten licks flicked across your little cunt. Lips wrapped around your clit with a sharp suck. Release once again brewed in your gut. “You taste so good, My Lovely. We taste so good. Your pussy juice mixed with my cum is like the richest of wines.” He emphasised his words with the fast paced circling of his tongue around your now thoroughly abused clit.
“Ruhn,” you all but cried, the tears you had been holding back beginning to spill, “it’s too much. Too sensitive.”
“That’s not true,” he said into your mind. “You can take it, Princess. Just let go.”
You did. As Ruhn’s tongue dropped to tease your hole, the muscle slurping at your mixed release, a finger came down to rub your clit in a brutal rhythm. If it wasn’t for his hand holding you spread apart, your thighs would have certainly smothered him with your squeeze.
Your breathy moans as you crested your climax at Ruhn doubling his efforts. You were cumming with no end in sight, not as Ruhn licked and sucked at the cum leaking from your hole, delving deeper as more greeted him.
He finally relented when your hands pushed at his, the overstimulation too much. Ruhn rise above you on powerful arms as he licked up the remaining arousal coating his chin and lips. “I think I just found my new favourite flavour,” he said. You giggled. And pulled his lips down to meet yours, wanting to try the taste for yourself.
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throneofsmut · 5 months
Surprise Surprise
Ruhn Danaan x Female Reader || WC: 4.2k || Warnings: Violence, fighting, blood and injuries, alcohol, and smut.
Summary: Ruhn and reader celebrate her birthday in a rented out movie theater. Based off this request.
A/N: happy birthday bestie @historygeekqueen ❤️ i hope you like it !!
You’ve known who “Ruhn Danaan The Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae” is ever since you could remember but you only met him almost a year ago. 
When he arrested you at the White Raven after you got into a fight with a lion-shifter after overhearing him talk shit about your cousin Tristan Flynn while you were celebrating getting hired as the club’s new bartender with your friends. Apparently his girlfriend had left him for Tristan instead and he was shit-talking him to another shifter.
You and Tristan didn’t look alike at all and even though you were only in your early 20’s, you were extremely close—he was the big brother you never had. 
It wasn’t the first time you got into a fight defending him and it wouldn’t be the last. He’s gotten into his fair share of fights defending you too. Which was why you didn’t think twice before punching the lion-shifter in the nose after you threw your drink in his face. A wicked grin settling over your lips as you heard a loud crunch and seconds later the tangy scent of copper filled your nose. 
You two traded blows before the other shifter—his friend—started swinging at you too when he noticed all your blows were landing and not the other way around. You dodged or blocked most of their hits but since it was two of them, some of them did land. But still almost all of yours were hitting their mark. Thanks to Tristan teaching you how to fight.
The Aux was there not even five minutes after the fight started. You felt strong arms—undoubtedly male by his scent—wrap around you right as you were about to land a blow that would hopefully knock the lion-shifter out. His friend was already laid out on the floor, unconscious. 
Your chest was still heaving slightly with effort. Your heartbeat wildly because of all the adrenaline. And you didn’t have to look at your hands to know your knuckles were most likely split, swollen and bruised. No doubt covered in blood. Theirs and yours. 
Groaning internally thinking about what you must look like. 
You tried lifting a hand to your lip that was throbbing but as soon as your arm shifted the tiniest bit, the arms that were wrapped around you clamped down harder. 
The male was practically carrying you out of the White Raven and towards one of the Aux’s patrol cars. 
“Where’s Flynn? I need Tristan!” You said to the male. Trying to turn in his arms to face him. You were just about to ask for your cousin again when his deep, sensual, voice filled your ears. 
“Just because you two had a one night stand doesn’t mean he’s gonna come and save you.” You could practically hear his eye roll as he put you in the back of the car. Seconds later the driver’s side door opened and the male slid in. Leaning your head back on the head rest, you let a knowing smirk grace your lips, feeling a slight sting as the split in it opened again. “What are you smirking at?” The male snapped. 
You didn’t open your eyes, settling further into the backseat, “You’ll see.” He was probably some Aux grunt and Tristan was going to rip into him. 
Ten minutes later you pull into the parking garage located underneath the Aux. You didn’t say anything to the male as he led you into the building and towards one of the interrogation rooms. 
A frown settling over your features as you took in your ripped dress while the male cuffed you to the metal table. You were so focused on your dress that you didn’t notice the way his eyes looked you over. Lingering on your thighs. He was already at the door when your voice halted him mid-step, “Flynn?” You asked, voice full of hope.
He didn’t respond; he only lingered in the door for a second longer before shutting it harder than necessary. 
You sigh, hanging your head and it’s only a couple minutes later that you realize that your dress had ridden up. Thick thighs on full display. You wouldn’t be surprised if the male had seen your black lace panties.
Letting out an annoyed huff, you look between your hands cuffed to the metal table and your thighs. Only letting a heartbeat pass before deciding to break the cuffs. 
And as soon as you stand up to adjust your dress two males walk through the door. The both of them just stare at you as you shrug, “I had to fix my dress,” you explain. 
The white-haired male scoffs at you as you sit back down, crossing one leg over the other. But the raven-haired male stares at your thighs unabashedly before lifting his gaze to the deep cut of your dress—so blue it’s almost black depending on the way light hits it—where it lingers before meeting your eyes. 
Tilting your head to the side, “You look familiar,” you say to the raven-haired male. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off of you as he directs his words to male next to him, “Go get her some water. She needs to sober up.”
“No. I only had a few drinks.” In other words, you’re not that drunk. 
“Go.” He commands the other male and he leaves.
“Where’s Tristan?”
“He’s not coming, let it go.”
“Call him.” You grit out, your annoyance dripping off of every word.
“No. He—“ The raven-haired male is cut off by the door slamming open. Your cousin stalks towards you, all but seething, but before he can reach you the other male blocks him. 
“Move.” Tristan growls at him. The male doesn’t move so your cousin shoves him out of the way and then drops to a knee in front of you, grabbing your face. No doubt trying to figure out if the blood on your face is yours or not.
“I asked for you.” You tell him quietly as he lightly taps your swollen brow, growling when you wince. 
Then he’s whirling on the male behind him, “Why didn’t you get me when she asked for me.” A command not a question.
The male crosses his arms, not at all fazed by your cousin, “How, am I supposed to know that you care about a random female that you had a one night stand with?” 
“She’s my fucking cousin!” He snaps and the raven-haired male's eyes widen. His eyes flicked between Tristan and you. 
That's when you noticed his eyes were blue—so blue they were violet. Beautiful. He was beautiful. 
“Fuck you, Ruhn!”
You lean out of your seat to get a good look at the male. “That’s Ruhn?” You ask your cousin. “You’re Ruhn?” You ask the male.
“Yes.” They answer at the same time.
You blink once, “Hmm. Maybe I am drunker than I thought.” You say out loud to yourself before looking at  Ruhn again. “I thought you—“ you began to say to him but your cousin cut you off. 
“He is going to get me a first aid kit so I can patch you up.” Tristan says pointedly. 
You arch a brow, “For what? I’ll heal.” You argue.
“Don’t care.” You hold your cousin’s challenging stare. 
“Fine,” you huff. Ruhn takes that as his cue to leave to go get the first aid kit but you don’t miss the corners of his mouth tilting up in an amused smile. And as soon as he walks out the room, your cousin begins to scold you and you try to argue back but he’s not having it. “But he talked shit about you—“
“I. Don’t. Care.” He bites out.
“Oh! So you mean to tell me if someone talked shit about me in front of you, you wouldn’t have done anything?”
“Of course not.”
“Exactly!” The both of you cross your arms at the same time. Your eyes flit to the closed door then back at your cousin, “Tris, can I tell you a secret?” 
He arches a brow at you. Waiting.
“Okay, but you can’t tell anyone or make fun of me or laugh at me.”
He rolls his eyes but nods.  
You stick your pinky out to him, “Promise me?”
He smirks at you, “I promise.” He swears as he locks his pinky with yours before pulling away. 
“I used to have a crush on him,” you whisper-yell. Clearly drunk.
“Him? Who?”
Tristan tilts his head back, groaning. 
“Stop!” You yell at him, “It was years ago.”
Your cousin looks at you, a disgusted grimace on his face, “So not anymore?”
“Tris, I swear!” He stares at you for a couple seconds before bursting out with laughter and you swat at his arm. Bursting out with laughter too, “I hate you.”
The both of you are so caught up in your own world that you fail to notice Ruhn was right outside the door.
It’s been two weeks since your fight at the White Raven and you’ve been making excuses to not go out with your friends when they invite you because Tristan has been dramatically over protective. Even fussing that you have to start your job at the White Raven.
Which is why you decided to stay in this Saturday. You had just finished cleaning your apartment, settling onto your couch with a pint of ice cream, getting ready to watch “Fangs and Bangs” when someone knocked at your door.
You threw your head back into your couch, groaning, before setting your ice cream down on your coffee table. When the person on the other side of your door knocks again, louder this time. “Coming!” You yell in response. 
Without thinking you throw your door open, your brows pinching when you see who’s on the other side of the door. It’s Ruhn. As in Tristan’s best friend Ruhn. As in Ruhn Danaan “The Crown Prince of the Valbaran Fae”, Ruhn.
His hand is still raised like he was just about to knock on the door again before you opened it. He takes you in. Looking at you from head to toe, those violet-blue eyes seem to gleam as they linger on your thighs longer than necessary. 
He’s looking at you like every other male does and yet it sets your skin aflame. Your thighs clenching beneath his gaze and finally your eyes meet and he gives you a knowing smirk. And it’s all you can do to glare at him before taking him in. 
From his long silky black hair, to his violet eyes, his lips, to his broad chest and then to his muscular—veiny arms. Gods, he had tattoos. You hadn’t noticed them the night you got arrested. And then down to his trim waist, his thick muscular thighs and his black combat boots. Frowning more at yourself than him. He was a dick to you but here you were lusting after him. 
When you meet his gaze again you notice his smirk falters. Then he finally speaks. “I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted. . . when I arrested you.”  
You blink at him, crossing your arms over your chest, and you don’t miss the way his eyes fall to your tits. 
Then he looks back up at you, clearing his throat, “So I got you these.” A bouquet of roses. Your eyes flick from him to the roses in his outstretched hand and in one quick motion you take them from him and slam the door in his face. Your face heating at the fact that Ruhn brought you flowers. Granted it was rude to slam the door in his face but he was rude to you too.
So it went on like that for a while. He would bring you flowers a couple times a week, either to your apartment or to the White Raven while you worked. Or he would simply drop off food for you at work. 
Then slowly you started eating together on your lunch breaks or you would share a pint of ice cream in your apartment while watching “Fangs and Bangs.” Never talking, just eating in silence. But it was a month later and he had started walking you to work and home from work whenever he had the chance to. 
You finally caved one day when you stood outside your door, keys gripped tightly in your hand, “What do you want from me?”
He answered immediately. “Go out with me. Let me make it up to you.”
“No?” He chuckled. “Why not?” 
“Because. . . Why?”
You sigh. “Because, you go out with a lot of females and I don’t want to be just another female you go out with.” 
“Do you think I’ll break your heart or something, sweetheart?”
Your cheeks heat at the nickname but you meet his eyes, defiance shining in yours. “Nobody breaks my heart.” 
“So go out with me.” 
“Will you leave me alone, if I say yes?” He grins. “Fine. Just one.”
He grins even wider, “I’ll pick you up later at 7.”
“Just one.” You breathe.
“Just one.” He swears. 
You both lied to each other. One date turned into three. Three turned into five and you couldn’t lie that you had started to fall for him, but you both agreed not to tell Tristan. Since you both refused to put a label on your relationship, if you could call it that and it had almost been a year since he first showed up to your apartment. 
After that first date though, you’ve refused to give anyone else the time of day. Ruhn never said that you couldn’t see other people except they just didn’t compare to him. Males and females alike have tried to change your mind but whenever you thought about it your mind always strayed back to a certain fae male with long black hair, violet eyes, that towered over you. 
And you know you’re the only female Ruhn has been with too. 
Annoyingly, both of you were so busy which is why you’d only gone on five dates. But your schedule finally seemed to line up this weekend and he asked you out on another date. Which you instantly agreed to and canceled going out with your friends even though it was your birthday. You even canceled going out to dinner with Tristan to celebrate, breaking tradition and instead compromising to go out for breakfast. 
You’d rather spend time with Ruhn on your birthday even if he didn’t know that it was your birthday today. Any time spent with him was a gift, so when he called you and told you to get dressed and later sent you the address of where to meet you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. 
You had three hours to get ready before you had to meet him and your phone said it was only a ten-minute walk from your apartment. You didn’t waste any time starting your shower routine, doing your makeup, hair, and getting dressed. Deciding to wear a short red silk dress that accentuates your curves with black heels that lace up around your ankles. 
Making your way towards the front door you checked your phone and you were right on time. Turns out the address he sent you was to a movie theater, putting your phone back into your purse and locking the door to your apartment, you set off to go meet your prince. 
Once you get to the front of the building you check your phone again to see if Ruhn texted you again because it looks like it’s closed. But, right when you lift your phone to your ear you hear him, I’m here, sweetheart. Come inside. He says to you mind to mind. 
You let out a laugh, Why are you inside if it’s closed?
Come inside and you’ll find out.
You take a deep breath before heading inside the dark building, “Ruhn?” You call out. Walking deeper into the lobby you see one of the hallways is flickering with light. But once you get to the threshold you stop to take in all the rose petals and candles strategically placed on the floor of the hallway.
You’re about to call out for him again, when a shadow twines around your ankle and up your calf, before wrapping around your wrist and tugging you forward. The shadow excitedly leads you towards an open door that says “Theater 7” and once you get all the way inside the room you see him. Ruhn. 
Your eyes slowly sweep over his entire frame. He’s wearing black boots, black dress pants and a black dress shirt. His sleeves were casually rolled up, revealing toned, tattooed forearms. Then your eyes fall to lips that are curved up in a smirk and then to eyes that seem to darken as he takes you in. 
The shadow continues to lead you until you’re a foot away from him. “Hi,” you squeak out. Your cheeks burn at his undivided attention and he smiles smugly knowing that too. 
“Happy Birthday, sweetheart.” He says softly. 
You swat at him lightly. “You knew!”
He lets out a soft chuckle before wrapping his arms around you. “How could I not celebrate my girl on her special day.”
Your cheeks burn even hotter at his words. My girl. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me.” Your words are muffled by his shoulder but he still hears you.
He leans back, cradling your face in his face, “My girl deserves the world, sweetheart.” You sigh contentedly, eyes fluttering closed as a full smile blooms across your face. “I have another present for you.”
You gasp, “There’s more?” 
“For you, always.” He leads to a lounger in the middle, that’s in front of the movie screen and pulls out his phone. “Look at the screen,” he instructs and you do. Ruhn’s on his phone for a couple more seconds and then suddenly the screen comes to life with a slideshow of pictures—of you. 
Of the both of you together and some of just you. Some of them you remember he took while on or whenever you were together while the others you didn’t even realize he took. Your eyes well up with tears when you see yourself falling for him in the pictures—so clear in the way you look at him. 
And any doubt you had of him not falling for you is replaced with certainty that he is. You don’t know how you missed the way he looks at you when it’s so obvious in the pictures.
Once the slideshow ends you throw yourself into his arms, tears rolling down your cheeks as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Thank you, Ruhn.” 
“Did you like it?” He asks hesitantly. 
Nuzzling further into his neck, nodding, “I loved it.” 
He releases a breath, his chest meets yours as relief washes through him. “Thank gods.”
You pull back straddling him, wiping your tears away and his hands fall to your thighs. Rubbing them mindlessly. “Did you really think I wouldn’t love it?”
He shrugs. His eyes bore into yours. “I just wanted you to have a good birthday.”
“It would have been a great birthday regardless as long as I spent it with you.” You reassure him.
He nods, unconsciously licking his lips causing your gaze to fall to his mouth. You lift your eyes back to his and then drop them down to his lips again and then lightly graze your lips over his. Pulling him in closer, your fingers entwined in his hair as you brushed your lips over his again. Harder this time. 
His fingers dig into your plush thighs, earning a soft moan from you that allowed him to deepen the kiss. You grind your hips over his needly. Then you were swiping your tongue along the seam of his lips, seeking entrance, causing a groan to fall from Ruhn’s lips. As your tongue dipped inside his mouth, the both of you fighting for dominance before he won and explored your mouth. 
The both of you pull back at the same time, breathlessly gasping for air. 
The scents of your arousal thick in the air. His musky scent, intoxicating as it invades all of your senses. 
Your voice is breathy, “Ruhn, please. . .” still panting from the kiss. 
“Please, what, sweetheart?” His own chest was still rising and falling as he struggled to recover from the kiss, but his hands never stopped rubbing your thighs. 
“Fuck me.”
His eyes darken and a wicked smirk tugs at his kiss-swollen lips and it’s the only warning you get before he’s flipping you both over so your back is flat against the seat of the lounger. Ruhn hikes your dress up so it’s bunched around your waist before settling himself between your soft thick thighs. 
His large tattooed hands grip them hard enough you know you’ll have little bruises on them the same size of his fingers. He groans low in his throat while he places sensual teasing kisses along both of your inner thighs, alternating as he gets closer to your soaked cunt. 
Growling when a wave of your arousal hits him, “you’re gonna be the death of me.”
He murmurs under his breath and you can’t tell if it’s directed towards you or himself but it still elicits a whimper from you. 
“Ruhn, plea—“ your words die in your throat as he licks a long broad stripe along your clothed cunt. 
His dark chuckle is full of mirth as it echoes in your mind. Yes, sweetheart? 
I need more. I need. . . you. 
A heart beat later you hear fabric tear and then feel the cold air against your now bare cunt. Your light pink lace panties dangle from ring adorned fingers while you clench around nothing as he rubs tight circles over your swollen clit. 
Ruhn picks up the pace as he begins to murmur praises into your mind. Pressure begins to build at the base of your spine as he replaces his fingers with his tongue. Groaning at the taste of you on his tongue as he flicks, swirls and sucks at your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Oh f-fuuck, Ruhn!” You cry out as the overstimulation. 
Back arching when he slips a single thick finger into you. Then he slips in another, your walls spasming and contracting around them as your hips begin to buck unconsciously. “Good girl,” he praises. His voice thick with lust. “Just like that, sweetheart.” 
Then he dips his head back down, his tongue lightly and rapidly working your clit as he continues finger fucking you. 
You fall over the edge with a scream when he moans against your clit, the vibrations of it causing your back to arch off the lounger as your release barrels through you. 
Still coming down from your orgasm when Ruhn flips you so you’re on all fours. Your body threatens to buckle beneath you from aftershocks, but Ruhn places a large hand on your belly holding you up while rubbing the head of his cock through your slick folds. 
Your hips jerking while you whine from overstimulation, letting out shaky breaths as he talks you through it. “You can take it, sweetheart. Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?”
“Mhmm,” you respond. Not capable of words. 
Ruhn lets out a hiss as he buries himself in your cunt with a slow thrust, inch by inch, until he’s swallowed by your warmth. “Fuck. . . you take me so well.” His deep voice practically a purr, while he restrains your hands behind your back with your panties. 
He pulls almost all the way out to the tip before sinking all the way back in. Setting a merciless desperate pace as he fucks you. Your legs begin to shake as you feel another orgasm building. 
“Gods, I can feel your tight cunt squeezing me. Are you gonna c-cum for me again, sweetheart?”
You nod frantically, letting out a choked sob as he circles your clit with one of his hands.
“Fuck,” He grunts, never letting up as a second orgasm racks your body, working you through it. “Good girl.” He praises, slapping the side of one of your thick thighs. His words are drowned out by the sounds of skin slapping skin as his hips snap against the swell of your ass. 
His thrusts turn frantic as you feel your third orgasm about to tear through you. Ruhn’s hips stutter, “Give me one more. Cum with me, sweetheart.” And as soon as that last word fell from his lips you shatter, crying out his name as you both cum.  
Your name on his lips as you both collapse. He braces himself with one arm on the side of your body so he doesn’t crush you with his weight as he emptied himself inside you. Your walls spasm and contract around his pulsing cock, milking every last drop of his cum. 
The both of you stay there for a couple minutes and then he’s rolling you so you’re laying on top of him. “Thank you, for the best birthday my prince.” Your voice is still a bit shaky. 
He rubs his hands soothingly over your body. “This is nothing. We’re still gonna go back to your apartment for a few more rounds.” 
You lift your head to look at him, eyes wide. “Oh gods, you’re gonna kill me.” 
He laughs softly. “Just wait until next year,” he promises. 
Tagging: @historygeekqueen @misskennygirl
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