unhingedsea · 5 years
  “wHY HelLo thErE! YoU’rE an intErEStiNg LOoKIng cReATurE!!!”
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Oh boy here we go. It was going to be over the top from Wadanohara if she had met the other before, but now while she is in this state? It’s just gonna be even more weird. As she kept on sweetly smiling, and saying no more than that. She was just happy to see such a wonderful looking creature!
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funamustarlight · 5 years
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( You both make a very convincing argument , but at the same time if I just went with all my impulses I’d also be adding an Old, Shirogane, Yosafire, Grora, probably more that I can’t even think of, it’d be a mess. Even more of a mess than it is already. Chaos )
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smokewrath · 5 years
ruinicrte replied to your post: ruinicrte replied to your post: ...
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     “Yeah but don’t ya’ ever lay yer fuckin’ hands on me. I’ll cut ‘em off.”
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atomgods-blog · 5 years
✘ Lzet, how do you feel about your Devil?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. | ACCEPTING    // 2/10
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꒦꒷ ——— “ I wish Lady Reficul would just stay in this world for one day. I worry for her, she’s always trying to figure something out. Lady Reficul needs to be more careful- needs to see what she has here- and forget all about whatever happens outside. ”
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꒦꒷ ——— “ Home is not supposed to feel like a cage. ”
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tenrita-a · 5 years
@ruinicrt liked for a starter { && licorice }
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The child doesn’t actually say anything, just stares at the man with a cautious expression, as if he’s expecting something. Though whatever that may be it really is not all that clear. It mostly just looks like he’s glaring at him for no good reason, probably.
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rosiexmuses · 5 years
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“  A whole bunch of ‘em.  “  Sets their hair on fire.
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“ Deadly lamp ”
Saturn, don’t try crash into the guy on fire-
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depravum · 5 years
it’s a morning routine, surely, how she parts her hair, gently braids it and ties it off at the ends; new ribbons sported, a gift from sal to her, pretty little things – she wonders if anything would look as nice as these do on her.
just like getting ready in the mornings, swallowing back a strange feeling has become commonplace; there’s a strangely foreboding aura that surrounds her from time to time, one she can’t seemingly begin to understand, but one that remains regardless of whatever she endeavors to do or say.
an atmosphere that tells her she doesn’t belong. that something is wrong.
but that’s fine, because sal will be about sooner than later! and with him, the fears and worries melt away.
(she wonders if that’s because of his presence, or because of something he’s actively done. still, the question is gone just as quickly as it appears.)
the mornings are usually somewhat long for him as it stands, prolonged by audience with princess mikotsu, the plan of how they will repair the red sea. just a matter of waiting, she assumes, as she sits down on the edge of their shared bed, feet dangling off the side.
starter call . @ruinicrt
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magnificentmuses · 5 years
We haven't really interacted much!! But you're a joy to see on my dash none the less!! I'd love to interact more, tbh!! You seem like a really good writer and in general like a great person; I love reading some of your threads. Keep going, you're doing great
ahhh right back atcha tbh.
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📊 for canada uwu
Some thought-provoking questions // Accepting
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📊 - How does your muse feel about the state of the world? Could it be better? Could it be worse? 
He’s kind of… neutral. Maybe leaning towards ‘It could be better’. There’s definitely a lot of things, in his opinion, that are wonderful thanks to progression (e.g not as many straight-up wars as far as he knows, science and technology growing, etc…) and it’s going great. But there’s also the fair share of issues (he knows, his nation is near the USA) that need to be solved ASAP. this makes him feel incredibly sad
In general: The world’s pretty gucci but, mostly, some people need to get their shit together
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funamustarlight · 5 years
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( I’m being held at gunpoint to add all these muses I can’t believe it )
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quamxmulti · 5 years
@ruinicrt hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet:
Satanick already did that for u dw
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🏵️ ─ “What did you do.. and what did Envi do..?”
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smokewrath · 5 years
ruinicrte replied to your post: the look fume gave satan when the devil punched...
let him PUNCH
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     “Ya’ must be lookin’ t’ get beat then.”
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atomgods-blog · 5 years
✘ Sea king, what was your past like?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. | ACCEPTING    // 2/10
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°◌̊ ―――― “ My past? Quite lonely. Empty, I floated around searching for a resemblance of purpose for a long time. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted, until the light of my life entered. . . little Uomi, my first creation. ”
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fumus · 5 years
ruinicrt replied to your post “I should be more active here…I say to myself but probably won’t.  I...”
I gladly have you around!! But you should do whatever you want to do <3 Everyone here is relevant
I think I just feel like people aren’t interested anymore.  I put a ton of shit in this muse and honestly, I end up feeling disappointment at the end of the day.  Idk if it’s just depression but I feel like I am not really good like I used to be.  I rarely vent on here,but damn I just feel so down when I come into this fandom nowadays.
I came from an era in this fandom when there were thousands of people here, and now I can probably count them on my hands.  I just...don’t know people here anymore so I feel out of place in the vast scope of things.
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tenrita-a · 5 years
@ruinicrt continued from HERE { && benihotaru }
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“Sometimes whining is good, though. Helps you get the bad stuff out.”
He stands to the side, glancing to the side with a soft sigh. It was always so dreary around here when His Devil was upset. “You shouldn’t hide your emotions, cause then they’ll just get worse.” he added.
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heartsmused · 5 years
@ruinicrt selected Wadanohara
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“Oh are you a friend of Ver Million?”
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