nonakaruki-blog · 10 years
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Why did Takato compliment me on my shirt? He wasn't hitting on me was he? Because if he was...I might have to do some hitting of my own!
I'm not sure why he did, I recall a small memory of  him thinking it was cute on you however if that helps at all..
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
(;aomkweira I really love your Ruki too o uo)
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hazardtamer · 12 years
It had been a rather cool, but otherwise normal summer day. Of course, the definition of normal for Takato Matsuda at this point was something people didn't exactly understand. So, today was a little different. How different?
It was one of those rare days where Guilmon wasn't with him.
Not that he wasn't used to being separated from his partner-- but ever since Guilmon came back, they'd been inseparable. With his head more or less in the clouds, he vaguely wondered how he would spend tomorrow. Sure, it was summer vacation, but he had nothing planned-- nothing really in mind on how to spend the upcoming month. Kai's standing offer of going back to Okinawa for a few weeks was there, but his uncertainty prevented him from giving his cousin a straight answer. So today, he found himself walking around the streets of West Shinjuku, feeling bored, lethargic, alone and a little lonely. Despite the heat, he continued to walk through the city, in hopes of seeing a familiar face.
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
"Hey bird brain, what's new?"
"Bird brain? Wow, 'm so hurt."
Note the sarcasm in his tone.
"I'unno, Ice Queen, las' time I told you 'bout somethin' like tha', ya almos' went on a kamikaze mission."
Though surprise, surprise, look who looks... human.
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
((Ruki's Mun? :3))
(One of the verrrrry first people from Tamers I ever interacted with and I don't regret it ; w; I love how our characters antagonize each other. 
Haha, I'm surprised Ruki hasn't tried killing him yet.
Not that that would work.
And stop stressing so much about the replies
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
-Vague fact powers go-
I have a girlfriend. I also got a little brother.
(- w- I have become one of the slowest partners ever and I'm sorry.
Also I have no control over Beelzemon's actions???)
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
(And now to work on the replies I owe Ruki and Renamon a;lkmf;klarwe)
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
"Hey Impmon, I hope you didn't miss me too much!"
"Wha', ya think I'd miss you, Ice Queen? Aww, yer mem'ry's startin' t' slip~ Ya forgot 'm Beelzemon nowadays," he snickered. 
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
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crestofgluttony · 12 years
Kuzuhamon -- 'Kuzuha' (semi-NPC played by me). Beelzemon's girlfriend of a couple of years, he's nearly inseparable from her in the Digital World, while he's staying at Ophanimon's castle. He saved her life from the Demon Lords' machinations, and despite the arguments that had and still do occur due to his arrogance and her stubborn nature, the two of them fell in love. He's protective of her almost as much as he is of his Tamers, but he knows she has the capability to fight for herself. Or she should, anyway. She, along with his Tamers, are surefire ways to hit his berserk button- harm either one and he'll get pissed off. Harm the both of them, and he won't rest until the enemy is dead. 
Ruki Nonaka -- 'Ice Queen'. He likes to pick and tease and taunt her as he's always used to doing, particularly because he knows how to get to her. So each word can be turned against her with almost ease, due to the fact he knows and acknowledges how similar they act at times. Still, there's a little niche in his twisted heart for her, especially because she's offered to do the one thing no one else has-- train Ai and Makoto for the day they'll inevitably take their place as his twin Tamers.
Takato and Guilmon -- 'Gogglehead' and 'Pineapple Head' respectively. Beelzemon has a slightly higher opinion of Takato nowadays, especially since he's seen and kept an eye on his Tamers, and respects the strength the Tamers' leader has-- if nothing else, then for the fact that Takato almost kicked his ass in the Digital World. Still, the peaceful and 'innocent' aura Beelzemon gets from him keeps him from telling Takato just what's up. Now that Takato knows what's going on, Beelzemon finds himself a bit worried for the Tamer. Especially considering he knows Takato's going to try and help out somehow.
In Guilmon's case, he's had a total revamp of opinion, particularly after a late meeting where he found out just what the dragon was up to in the time after they were separated from their partners. And while it didn't surprise Beelzemon that the other took up the mantle of Royal Knight, he was a bit surprised to know that the other Digimon was part of Project Ark. But it caused him to open up in turn and bring him up to speed with the current situation in the Digital World-- as well as gain a deep level of respect from the Lord of Gluttony. One of Beelzemon's best friends and his 'brother', the Demon Lord is often the victim of Gallantmon's teasing-- but he deserves it. Also the second Digimon ever allowed to call him 'Bel'.
Gatomon -- 'Kittycat'. He has a weird reaction when it comes to this feline. Whether it comes from his respect of Nefertimon in Ophanimon's castle or the fact he wonders just what she's gone through, he tries not to be as mean to her sometimes. Especially when he noticed her depression when she was missing her human partner horribly-- a feeling he knows far too well for his own comfort. He does like and respect her as a friend, even if his rough nature won't let him really say it.
Cinque -- The only one he doesn't have a nickname for, for some bizarre reason. He's often disconcerted by how oddly clingy she is and her 'sonic scream' as well as the fact that she doesn't seem intimidated by him at all, because of his jacket of all things. Regardless of this, he doesn't mind her too terribly much, he just thinks she needs to tone down her voice at times and cut it out with the glitter. But he does know how strong she is-- a sparring match saw to that. Sees her somewhat of a kid sister who is very hyperactive. His attitude towards her has softened ever since she saved his life... though it was almost immediately after she'd endangered it inadvertently. He holds no grudges, though.
Queen -- 'Princess'. Originally comparing her to Ruki for her cold nature, he continued to needle and bait her until a strange friendly acquaintanceship budded between them. How she puts up with and seems to like him is a mystery to the Demon Lord but he doesn't complain- particularly with how she seemed protective of Cinque at first. Recent events with X-Virus Digimon have really tested their mettle and forced them to fight as a team together, and leaving him with a heightened trust. Due to a slip in conversation one time as well, Queen holds the distinction of being the only person outside of the Tamers who knows about Ai and Makoto, with the request that she never bring them up out of a need to protect them.
Janus -- 'Copycat'. Queen's alter. Beelzemon doesn't know a thing about her other than she was temporarily in control of Queen's body. Doesn't have anything against her unless she proves untrustworthy. 
ukkiaressa -- Beelzemon’s long lost sister that’s have fox demon, so she can also turn into renamon and can die multiple times and be kawaii mary sue desu.
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crestofgluttony · 13 years
(Sorry for once again being a derp. I just... ehhh something broke my muse here. I should be good now.)
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