#rule of thumb for strangers: dont touch me
arysthaeniru · 3 years
aAAA the joy of seeing an update on your current favorite fanfic is just aAAA
I always felt that kiwami 1s Nishiki was just a bit too,, I dont know how to describe it; but essentially he just felt off, granted yakuza 1 is a product of its time and therefore the plot is a bit dated and whack as all hell
The way you write Nishiki just feels so much better and realistic; in the original he just seems so uncaring towards Kiryu? which just feels kinda OOC? You'd think he still cares about Kiryu despite it all, especially when you take Yakuza 0 into consideration; and i feel like you portray Nishiki much more accurately
I never thought much about Yumi, because honestly, in the original she was kinda just, there? You actually made her a very interesting person! like I'm actually invested in her in your story! (side note you ever think about her clone who got tortued and died? yeah who WAS that???? thats never brought up is it??)
Theres so much more to talk about but in short; This is the best fix it/rewrite of a game plot I have read to date and it brings me joy in my current stressful school life. and no I will not stop praising it or the author, because this work has made me very happy. ;)
I just have a gift for picking favorites that end up dying,,aand another favorite of mine is Mine
imo theres a lack of soft, reassuring Minedai, i just feel like he'd need a reminder that people love him as a person and not just for the money he can provide, even if its obvious
I'd love to see how you'd write them, but I understand if theres more interesting/appealing drabble requests!
- Carp
CARP, thank you for this <3 this is so sweet!!!!! I’m so happy you enjoy my Nishiki! I had fun playing with what Yakuza 0/the Kiwami additions gave us about Nishiki’s personality and outlook on the world, and trying to reconcile that with the plot that Yakuza 1 initially had. Ultimately, I fell on the side that you did: even if Nishiki’s ambition took him down a monstrous path, I don’t think he’s the sort of person who neglects to pay back his debts. And he’s aware of the huge debt he owes Kiryu. Not to mention, their bonds of trust and love vanishing completely because of jealousy felt unreal to me. Their relationship becoming twisted or strange? Yes, but vanishing entirely felt unsatsifying to me. 
And Yumi!! I had so much fun excavating her character from the clues we get of her in canon. I worry sometimes, that she’s unrecognizable, because you know, I’ve given her a college education, and a whole bunch of interests beyond hostessing alone, but people seem to like it and like her, which is great!! I hate fridging women characters, so keeping her and Reina alive was important to me, hahaha. (RE: fake!Mizuki, there’s this substory in Kiwami that actually addresses who she was, BUT IT’S EVEN MORE HORRIFYING. So that’s why Yumi in my fic is the one captured and tortured by Nishiki’s men, because the thought of this poor innocent woman getting dragged into the mess was just untenable to me.)  
Anyway, thank you for your support and kind words, and I hope you’ll continue to read and that my fic can continue to relieve stress. I--tried to write this about Mine, but Daigo kind of stole the spotlight a little??? I hope you still like it--if not, I will try a ficlet from Mine’s perspective too. I enjoy minedai a lot, but I haven’t had room to think out their dynamic yet, so this took me a while. 
Daigo’s no stranger to being desired. He’s attractive, he knows this—his mother’s beauty lives in his veins, and he’s always had the money to look after himself. Fancy soaps to wash his face, the invisible retainers to keep his teeth straight, fancy suits and skin-tight shirts to show off his frame. For all that Kiryu insists his charisma is something that comes from the soul, Daigo knows it wouldn’t be able to draw the sort of attention he does without being attractive.
Which is to say that Daigo’s not especially thrown off by the intensity of Mine’s gaze. It’s happened before, and it’ll happen again. The thing that surprises him is how much he relishes in being seen by Mine.
Maybe it’s because Mine’s an island in a stormy sea, one of the only yakuza his age who’s sensible and level-headed enough to make it big. Maybe it’s because Mine’s gaze is always so reserved, polite, never overly lusty or overstaying its welcome, and Daigo has so rarely been desired so quietly. Or maybe it’s because Majima and Kashiwagi so clearly disapprove of him—Daigo’s always been something of a rebel, and he hasn’t shaken that off, even now he’s in his thirties and is the arbiter of rules for the Tojo Clan.
Daigo can’t quite put a pin on why he’s so comfortable with Mine’s yearning looks, but he’s never been one to hold back when he wants to indulge in something good. Not exactly a hedonist, not by yakuza standards, but Daigo has never kept himself from enjoying life, in the name of some dubious ‘honour.’
Which is why, in an after-hours meeting with Mine, as they eat cheap takeout sushi together, Daigo takes his chance. A momentary slip, the slightest hint of wasabi left at the corners of Mine’s lips and Daigo swoops in, rubs a thumb over the corner of Mine’s lips. Mine stutters to a stop, mid-sentence through a rundown of the real-estate that the Hakuho Clan’s been purchasing up, and stares at Daigo, eyes bewildered.
“Sixth Chairman?” he asks, his voice still remarkably composed.
“Wasabi.” Daigo says, nonchalantly, as if it’s nothing, and sticks his thumb into his mouth, slowly licking it off with a lingering lave of his tongue. He feels a sharp stab of satisfaction as Mine’s eyes turn darker, and his gaze follows Daigo’s hand down.  
Daigo straightens up, languidly, and cracks his neck, casually. At this point in the day, he’s untucked his shirt, and he knows that a slight strip of his stomach will be visible when he stretches out his arms towards the ceiling. And as predictably as clockwork, Mine’s gaze darts downwards, to that pale expanse, to catch that brief second of skin. Daigo can’t help but feel warm. Something about being watched by Mine is exhilarating.
“Smoke?” offers Daigo, but as usual, Mine refuses, with a polite shake of his head.
Daigo knows from hearsay that Mine’s something a health-freak, so he’s not entirely surprised. It’s already too late for Daigo to preserve his health—he knows that his liver’s already been pretty ruined from long nights of binge-drinking as a youth, and this job’s too stressful to withhold from vices like smoking and drinking, without an optimal end-goal. So he walks over to the window, cracks it open a little, and lights up.
The breath of nicotine curls over his body, a tender caress, and Daigo feels his shoulders drop, as the relaxation hits. He pulls off his cufflinks, tosses them into his pockets and rolls up his sleeves. He takes it slow, runs his fingers over his skin a little more than strictly necessary. Surreptitiously checking the reflection in the window, Daigo watches Mine watch him, and smirks at how intense that gaze is, how Mine’s mouth has opened, and Daigo can just see the soft pink of his tongue.
“Dojima’s just fine, you know. When it’s just us two.” Daigo says, turning over his shoulder. He smiles, one of those charming smiles that had always gotten him whatever he wanted as a child, “We’re same-aged friends, after all.”
“Dojima-san.” Mine acknowledges, after a brief pause.
Daigo turns around, to properly look at Mine and lifts an eyebrow. “Dojima. Or Daigo, preferably. Dojima-san’s always my father in my head.”
Mine nods, face impassive. Daigo can’t read him like this. Maybe that’s why he likes when Mine stares at him, filled with longing. At least then, Daigo feels like he knows him. In moments like these, his implacable gazes might as well be a brick wall. “Right. Your Father was also in the Tojo Clan.”
Daigo smiles, wryly, and blows out a puff of smoke. “One of the most horrible men I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting—and I had to call him Father. But damn if he wasn’t good at the job.” He sighs and stubs the cigarette out against the ashtray. “...sometimes feel like I’m competing with his dead spirit. Everybody’s looking at me and wondering if this is what my Father would do. Or what Kiryu-san would do.”
“You’re doing better than any of them.” Mine says, immediately, with a vicious ferocity that Daigo wasn’t expecting. He can’t quite stop his eyebrows rising in surprise, and Mine straightens upwards, looking self-conscious immediately. Daigo regrets his instinctual reaction, immediately. “That is to say, Dojima, that I think that you’ve pulled this Clan into somewhere far more respectable. From what I’ve heard of your Father, he didn’t have the temperament to do proper business on this level—too insistent on formal obeisance and unable to be flexible as the times require. And Kiryu-san might be very honourable, but we are yakuza. There are certain things you have to do as a Chairman, that he couldn’t bring himself to do. But you are practical and do what is necessary, while also not overstepping into excessive violence. You are uniquely suited for this job, Dojima.”
...he’s taken aback a little, he can’t deny it. Daigo wonders if his cheeks are colouring, wonders if his obvious shock is offputting, wonders if this is how Mine feels every time Daigo teases him lightly about his obvious attraction. A startling warmth spreads through his chest, and Daigo can’t stop the slight smile that touches his face. Has anybody ever said something so unreservedly kind and measured about Daigo before?
Maybe this is the difference between everybody else’s gazes on him, and Mine’s gaze. It’s based on something more than desire alone. Respect.
Daigo runs a hand over his slicked-back hair and ruffles it free, with a rueful smile, a smile that he couldn’t take away from his face, even if he tried. “I appreciate that. You know I couldn’t do it without you, right?”
He’d never really believed himself capable of attraction to a man like Mine. All of his previous childhood crushes had been on bright, cheerful conversational, pure-hearted people. Daigo had always figured they would balance out his sardonic cynicism. He’d never thought someone as reserved and principled as Mine would ever make his heart flutter. But then, there was something about that deep hunger and passion that Daigo craved. Perhaps it was because he was no longer the gloomy punk of his youth. Maybe his tastes have changed towards tall, dark and handsome. Maybe Mine’s just that special.
“Dojima—” Mine says, clearly trying to refute it, but Daigo cuts him off.
“I mean it. Everybody in this fucking Clan wants me to do something or be somebody else. Kashiwagi-san wants me to be my mother. Majima-san wants me to be Kiryu-san. Everybody else expects my Father. But not you. You deal with me honestly, and with candour, and never hold any expectations against me except success. I appreciate your faith in me.” Daigo takes a couple of steps forward, until his shoes almost brush up against Mine’s own. He leans down over Mine’s chair. “I could not do this without your backing and help. Truly. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone like you in my life. A true friend.”
Mine tilts his chin up to meet Daigo’s gaze, a hungry devotion in his eyes, and Daigo, for a moment, wonders if this is wrong. If he should hold back, like Kiryu would. But Daigo is Daigo, and Mine clearly wants him anyway, so he leans down and kisses him.
Mine’s mouth is velvety smooth and wet and hot and it is oh-so satisfying a feeling to put his hand against Mine’s broad neck and feel his warmth up against Daigo. He pulls back, with a satisfied sigh, and feels the burn of wasabi across his lips, a final parting kick.
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years
Decoding D&D’s Playlist
OK, In early Spring, D.B. Weiss and Daniel Benioff helped create a new Spotify playlist: Game of Thrones: The End Is Coming. Upon doing so, they told For the Record in an email, “The answer to the ending is one hundred percent hidden in the playlist choices. No one will believe us, but it’s true.”
I have spent the last couple of weeks going through each song and trying to figure out which character, which scenario, arc, storyline each song was about. I could be completely way-off, but it was fun. So here you. Enjoy! (Note: All songs link to full lyrics.)
Fair warning, this is long. Very long. So long that I’m going to put a cut. I will say... yeah, this playlist screams Gendrya endgame.
Sleep Now in the Fire - Rage Against the Machine 
Dany as Mad Queen.
The world is my expense The cost of my desire Jesus blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire So raise your fists and march around Dont dare take what you need I’ll jail and bury those committed And smother the rest in greed Crawl with me into tomorrow Or i’ll drag you to your grave I’m deep inside your children They’ll betray you in my name
Her Black Wings - Danzig
This one seems to fit Arya in the first three episodes of the season.
She brings the lust Supernatural Ceasing never On and On and On Her stride is such Mortals freeze When she walks past And she comes down to me And she offers me sleep Under her black wings
Think about Arya flying down to kill the Night King, that fits with the “Under her black wings.” And “Mortals freeze when she falls by" and the mention of the "supernatural," all fit the Faceless men training and her overall ability to walk silent and her skills.
Entwined with love Unclean she is
Everything Arya is doing, everything that she has done, every kill has been done for love, to avenge the people she loves, to protect those she loves. And yet, she's so surrounded, covered, engulfed in death that she's unclean.
See she comes Blacker than pitch Have to make this fallen bitch All I want All I crave Demoness calls The bitch is come For those who wait Cross the breach in hell See she is Bedeviled with breasts Enchantment on legs
This stanza here even fits her if you take into account the fact that the Hound calls her a bitch all the time, and the last two lines, well, we do see Arya as a woman for the first time this season.
Immigrant Song (Remaster) - Led Zeppelin
The Army of the Undead want to take over Westeros.
The End (Remaster) - The Doors
This could certainly be about Tyrion with regards to Jaime and Cersei, but something about it just says the Hound (and Arya) a bit more to me because of a line in the final stanza:  “You’ll never follow me.”   Plus, there is a reference to a “Stranger” in the song. The Hound’s horse was named “Stranger” and, of course, as was established (in my opinion) in the final season, the Hound=death and in the faith of the Seven, the Stranger represented death.
This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend
The end Of our elaborate plans The end Of everything that stands The end No safety or surprise The end I'll never look into your eyes Again
Can you picture what will be So limitless and free Desperately in need of some stranger's hand In a desperate land
Arya is the Hound’s only friend now that Gendry has become something more. And with what happened in "The Bells," it was the end of their journey together.
Now there is this stanza which is why one could think it references Tyrion thinking about his family with the references to father, brother and sister:
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on He took a face from the ancient gallery And he walked on down the hall He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he Paid a visit to his brother, and then he He walked on down the hall, and And he came to a door...and he looked inside "Father?" "Yes, son." "I want to kill you." "Mother, I want to fuck you"
But I took that as more allegorical, the Hound being the killer who is ready to finally kill his family, i.e., his brother. Furthermore, Ray Manzarek said about this song that Morrison "was giving voice in a rock ‘n’ roll setting to the Oedipus complex" and the lines about the father and mother derive from that mythology and essentially boil down to one principle, you can't escape your fate.
Oedipus' father banishes him because he is told that Oedipus will kill him and sleep with his mother. Years later, Oedipus meets a beautiful woman, they fall into bed, Oedipus fathers catches them and lo and behold!, it's his wife... and Oedipus' mother but neither know that, because Oedipus' father banished him to avoid the prophecy. Oedipus and his father fight, and boom! Oedipus kills his father. Ergo, you can't escape your fate. So... does that apply to the Hound killing his brother or Tyrion and his siblings? Could be both. I just think it leans more towards the Hound.
Then we come to the end of the song and it is full of profanity after profanity, the Hound’s calling card before leading to death and then the bolded line that just scream the Hound to Arya.
C'mon, yeah, c'mon, yeah Fuck me, baby, fuck yeah Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah! Fuck, yeah! C'mon, baby Fuck me, baby, fuck, fuck, yeah Whoa, whoa, yeah, fuck, baby C'mon, yeah, huh, huh, huh, huh, yeah All right [...] It hurts to set you free But you'll never follow me The end of laughter and soft lies The end of nights we tried to die This is the end
On the other hand, if you take out the Stranger references and look at those specific references to brother, sister, father and how Tyrion had to let go of Jaime and Cersei and the Lannister of it all to move forward in many ways, it fits him best. Also, if you look at the line in the final stanza that is italicized that fits Tyrion with his brother *and* sister.
So honestly, I could go either way even if I do lean a bit more towards the Hound.
Girl From the North Country - Bob Dylan
Yes, I know there is a line in this song that references the girl's long hair lying past her breast, but regardless, everything else about this song just screams pre-season Gendry and Arya.  It totally, totally does. It just totally is Gendry pining for Arya. Nothing else makes sense. N-O-T-H-I-N-G!
If you're travelin' in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine
If you go when the snowflakes storm When the rivers freeze and summer ends Please see if she's wearing a coat so warm To keep her from the howlin' winds
I know that some have tried to fit it with Sansa and Tyrion, and I love them, but it just doesn't fit them. Sansa is in no way Tyrion’s true love, she just isn't. He hasn't been thinking of her throughout his time away from her. We know that. We absolutely know that. It does not fit them, sorry Sanrion fans (I’m one of them).
Now, if there is some time jump that we see in episode 06 before Arya goes to Gendry (because, yes, I'm still convinced that we are getting an Arya/Gendry endgame), then maybe this will apply to *that* timeframe, but as of now, I still see it as pre-season 08 Gendrya, just the feeling, the tenor and tone of it. Think of Gendry's line to her in the second episode: 
The last time you saw me, you asked me to come to Winterfell. I took the long road…
Mama Kin (Live Version) - Guns n Roses
(FYI: These are the lyrics for the live version, so they may differ slightly.)
I believe this one is about Cersei and how her life has been spent living a lie, putting on a show, but it’s all just that, a show.
losin’ touch with all that’s real Whole lotta lover, keepin’ undercover
Cersei so often just can’t face the reality of all the shit going on around her, through most of her relationship with Jaime, she kept that a secret and even kept her other lovers a secret from him.
You’ve been fadin’, always out paradin’
Cersei has always been hiding who she really is, pretending to be the perfect queen, the perfect wife, perfect mother.
Spittin’ fire from your mouth just like a dragon
She does incest like the Targaryens. She's crazy like the Targaryens, but she's not a Targaryen.
You better check it out ‘cause someday soon You’ll have to climb back on the wagon
It’s not going to last, she’s not going to get her happy ending. (Duh.)
It ain’t easy livin’ like you want to
She became the queen, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, but NOTHING has come easy and it’s still hard for and she never had peace or happiness.
And workin’ for daddy’s such a drag You still stuff your mouth With his beans
She as always under Twyin’s control, she hated it, but she was always under his thumb, always playing by his rules.
This was all about Cersei not being good enough, wanting more, but never getting it, giving up everything and never getting it. She should have cherished what mattered, but she didn’t and lost everything consequently.
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes 
Dany as Mad Queen. Now, this could have been about Cersei, but there’s a line that screams treason, so… Dany.
I'm gonna fight 'em off A seven nation army couldn't hold me back They're gonna rip it off Taking their time right behind my back And I'm talkin' to myself at night Because I can't forget Back and forth through my mind
Howlin For You - The Black Keys
This is so obviously Gendry about Arya that they might as well have revealed it as such after episode 02 in the "Inside the Episode" video.
I must admit I can't explain Any of these thoughts racing Through my brain
It's true Baby I'm howlin' for you
Can't you see Little girl's Got a hold on me
Like glue Baby I'm howlin' for you
War - Grandson 
Pretty clearly not just about the war against the Undead, but that the war for the Iron Throne still raged on despite the fate of humanity and that victory should have been something that brought everyone together, but you know... humanity.
And it's war in the east War in the west War up north War down south
Everywhere is war It's a war Oh, everywhere is war It's a war
Let Me Live/Let Me Die - Des Rocs
Arya again, specifically with Beric sacrificing himself to save her and then her going to kill the Night King. And then leading to her decision to live or to die in "The Bells."
I know pain, I know dread Wicked veins, they turn to lead Tears don’t stop the fire It's killing time
Back from the dead See, their eyes got nothing left Kiss me, I am the cobra It's killing time
Flugufrelsarinn - Sigur Ros
This was in Icelandic and here is the translation:
Hullabaloo, I rushed down to the lake A savior I made a ship and said a short prayer Because I was scared The sun shown and the lake flowed Sunflowers, sunflowers, the flies die But today I must save as many flies as possible In each hand I carry a string, determined I throw them into the abyss and try To draw the flies in before The smolts reach them where they fight The stream and water And so the day passes on Going on board, I had begun fighting the stream Which had already killed so many I can't breathe and I'm getting heavier with every wave I need a miracle Because I'm drowning sins I try to get onboard I pull ashore and save myself onto Onto the beach I lay on a hot rock and let myself dry again I throw myself into the abyss and try To draw in the flies before The smolts reach them where they fight The stream and water A breeze, completely soaked Bold, feels how the boat is out of the strongest current And the land slowly approaches He is both onboard, Sea and on land saving The flies that die here Though especially himself Eternal war and peace nowhere But someone has to sacrifice himself The days are long
With the references to a savior, a sacrifice, the water, the waves, the drowning and the sins, I think it's  clear that this is about Theon and his sacrifice for Bran. Especially when you take into account what the title of the song translate to: "The Fly's Savior," and Bran is, after all, the Three-Eyed Raven. The last stanza absolutely screams Theon (on sea, on land) trying to save the "flies" that die here and always trying to save himself until the end "someone has to sacrifice himself." Makes me a bit teary-eyed. Very beautiful.
You can hear the song (with the Icelandic lyrics/English translation on the screen--well most of them and some vary, but they're mostly there) here.
Can't Stop The Bleeding - Tom Morello feat. Gary Clark Jr. and Gramatik
An interesting note is that this song was added *right before* the finale. I thought after I first heard it that it would be about Tyrion realizing that Dany was not the one to break the wheel and that he would do would do something drastic about it.  Yes, he made that realization, but quitting his job was not that drastic.
On the other hand... Jon's action in finding out that Daenerys was basically going to burn the world down if people didn't follow her vision, including his sisters? Well, that was pretty drastic. So I now believe this was about Jon and Jon realizing that no matter how much he loved her that he couldn't stop the bleeding of his heart, but he had to stop the bleeding of the world.
Frayed like myth, every fool caught it Sound like this, every fool bought itCan't stop the bleeding, calling Can't stop the bleeding, ohFill my soul, it's hard to see Trouble found and trouble lost
Tyrion was duped into believing that Daenerys was the Princess that was Promised, and I think he's going to something drastic about it.
Fire - Barns Courtney
Oh, a thousand faces staring at me Thousand times I've fallen Thousand voices dead at my feet Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone
And my mother told me, "Son, let it be." Sold my soul to the calling Sold my soul to a sweet melody Now I'm gone, now I'm gone, now I'm gone
Oh, gimme that fire Oh, gimme that fire Oh, gimme that fire Burn, burn, burn
The mother in the song is metaphorical or one could take it as the Mother of the New Gods and the Mother stands, among other things, for mercy and peace. And we all know that the Hound is not going to 'Let it be" so it's pretty clear that this is the Hound facing his deepest fear--diving headfirst into fire--at the same time finally getting his soul's desire and taking out his brother.
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea - MISSIO
The pretty gross relationship between Euron and Cersei, and after episode 05, more specifically, the demise of Euron Greyjoy! (The crowd cheers!)
Wave of Mutilation - Pixies 
This one's about Theon.
cease to resist, giving my goodbye drive my car into the ocean you'll think i'm dead, but i sail away on a wave of mutilation a wave wave
i've kissed mermaids, rode the el nino walked the sand with the crustaceans could find my way to mariana on a wave of mutilation, wave of mutilation wave of mutilation wave
Saying goodbye to Yara, the ocean references, "What is dead may never die" = "you'll think i'm dead, but i sail away," the mutilation" theme.  Yeah, good ole Theon.
Wolf Like Me - TV On the Radio
I think this is about Sansa to Tyrion, using him to get to Dany.
Say Say my playmate Won't you lay your hands on me Mirror my malady Transfer my tragedy
"Playmate" as in someone who is playing the 'game' with her, and the final two lines, the two of them sharing their fears, their miseries, knowing what the other has been through.
We could jet in a stolen car But I bet we wouldn't get too far Before the transformation takes And bloodlust tanks and Crave gets slaked
They could work together, maybe even try marriage again, but both of them know it wouldn't last because there are too many ambitions and lusts and powerplays going on, not necessarily just within them but around them.
My mind has changed My body's frame but god I like it My hearts aflame My body's strained but god I like it
Sansa has become stronger and smarter, she's changed and it's been hard and it's still hard, but she likes it.
Gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your Mongrel mind Baby doll I recognize You're a hideous thing inside If ever there were a lucky kind it's You you you you
She recognizes his flaws, where she can manipulate him now because she learned from Cersei and Littlefinger, and she knows that it wasn't just his brains that got him this far, but he's had luck help him too. Of course, Tyrion is not a "hideous thing inside" and I don't believe that's how Sansa sees him, but this whole section is how she manipulated him, how she used him, because she did. It's about her being able to manipulate him as Cersei and Littlefinger taught her. The only truly hideous characters inside left this season were Euron and Cersei and none of the Starks would have interacted with them to fit this song; that was just one part of the song that was definitely metaphorical.
Writhing under your riding hood
I just think that the reference to "riding hood" was a key to this being about Sansa with the immediate jump to "red" from that phrase and Sansa's red hair.
POWER - Kanye West
The best I can make of this is that it's about Sansa getting through all that she has been through to be in control where she is and she's now determined that one person is not going to be in power of all of them, especially not the North.
Rumble young man, rumble Life is a trip so sometimes we gon' stumble You gotta go through pain in order to become you But once the world numbs you, you'll feel like it's only one you Man, you got the power to do anything you want to Until you ask yourself, "Is that what it's all come to?" Looking at life through sunglasses in the sunroof Do you have the power to get out from up under you Fuck all these labels, fuck what everybody wants from you
I could be totally and absolutely wrong with this one. 
Let’s Have a War - Fear
Cersei's perspective re: the battle of King’s Landing.
There's so many of us There's so many of us There's so many There's so many of us There's so many of us There's so many
Let's have a war So you can go and die Let's have a war We could all use the money
Let's have a war We need the space Let's have a war Clean out this place
Powa - Tune-Yards 
Dany breaking her promise to Tyrion about burning King's Landing if the bells rang.
Rebel, rebel, no Lightening dances in my head Devil, devil, whoa, oh, oh Burning steady as a motor
'Cause you bomb me with lies, humiliations everyday You bomb me so many times
I never find my way Come on and bomb me Why won't you bomb me? Come on and bomb Go on and whoa
Listen to the Lion - Van Morrison
The first half of this just screams the end of Jaime and Cersei:
And all my love come down All my love come tumblin' down All my love come tumblin' down All my love come tumblin' down Oh, listen listen To the lion Oh, listen listen listen To the lion... Inside of me Oh, oh, oh
And I shall search my soul I shall search my very soul And I shall search my very soul I shall search my very so-o-oul
For the lion For the lion For the lion For the lion... Inside of me Oh, oh, yeah
And all my tears have flown All my tears like water flown
Right? That's their end. Things literally came tumbling down on them, the lion inside Cersei, the Lannister sigil is the Lion, she's pregnant with their last child. All tears have flown because they gonna die, can't cry no more, right? So, obviously this song is about the end of Jaime and Cersei, except... for the next part of the song.
And we sailed, and we sailed... And we sailed, and we sailed... And we sailed, and we sailed... ... sailed to Caledonia
And we sailed, and we sailed, And we sailed, and we sailed, and we sailed... Away from Denmark Way up to Caledonia Away from Denmark Way up to Caledonia
And we sailed, and we sailed, and we sailed... All around the World And we sailed..., and we sailed..., and we sailed... Looking for a brand new start
(They sailed to a few more places, but you get the point.) So, clearly Jaime and Cersei aren't doing that... unless, they did somehow escape those tumbling rocks and we'll see them in the final episode, then, yeah, this song *is* about them. If not and they do be dead and gone, then, well, yeah, I could see this song being about Ser Brienne of Tarth. Because the first part of the song would totally fit her too... if she, like Cersei, had a Jaime Lannister Lion inside her. Uh huh.
We shall see.
Cold Cold Cold - Cage the Elephants
I'm thinking this one's about Jon and his conflict over his identity, because first off we start early on with this line:
I've been breathing air but there's no sign of life
Jon, technically, isn't alive, being a fire wight and all, so, I'm just saying.
Tell me how hard will I fall if I live a double life
Jon Snow / Aegon Targaryen. Uh huh.
And as the darkness falls it fills up both my eyes My life before me like a flash in the night With my arms open wide
Well it's cold, cold, cold, cold inside Cold, cold, cold, cold inside Cold, cold, cold, cold inside Doctor can you help me cause something don't feel right Something don't feel right, something just ain't right
He found out all of this right before the Long Night.
No One Knows - Queens of the Stone Age
This is absolutely about Arya and the whole the Hound=Death and Gendry=Life theory.
And I realize you’re mine Indeed a fool am I And I realize you’re mine Indeed a fool am I Ahh
Gendry proposed, offered himself to her, asked her to be with him... and she totes is gonna realize that she was a fool because he is hers.
Heaven smiles above me What a gift here below But no one knows A gift that you give to me No one knows
The Hound gave Arya a gift, he made her realize that it's time to LIVE her life, instead of dying everyday just waiting for death. Once upon a time, Arya was No One. Yuppers.
Wolves of Winter - Biffy Clyro
This has got to be Sansa giving some straight talk to Dany.
Justify your reasons, now it is my turn We are the wolves! How's it gonna feel when there's no one to support ya? How's it gonna feel when you're standing there alone?
We have achieved so much more than you possibly thought we could (I love that you're seething) You can achieve anything, just remember no I in team (But there's two in brilliant) We are the wolves of winter We live in a kingdom of blood
Go to War - Nothing More
Dany to Jon episode 04 is what this is feels like this is referencing.
Screaming at the ones we love Like we forgot who we can trust Screaming at the top of our lungs On the grounds where we feel safe Do we feel safe? Do we feel safe?
She's lost so many people and feels like those she has she can't completely trust. She doesn't feel safe.
Hush, my baby, make no sound Maybe we can wait each other out It's a cold war Let's go to war
With every settled score I thought that fighting with meant fighting for But you turn it around But you turn it around (War, war, war!)
She doesn't feel she has anyone completely on her side anymore.
Every feeling in my bones Tells me to lash out and tell you to fuck off You've got my heart and I've got your soul But are we better off alone? With every battle we lose a little more Remember everything that we'd die for You are everything that I'd die for
Dany still loves and wants Jon, but Jon no longer can love her like *that.* And Dany keeps losing more and more with every battle, and she hasn't forgotten what she's fighting and what everyone that she loves has died for.
Little Monster - Royal Blood
I think this one is about Jon taking on Tyrion.
Hey little monster, I got my eye on you Where are you going, where you running to? Hey little monster, you know it's all ok I'm gonna love you, no matter what you say
I think this may be about Jon and Tyrion trying to come to terms with what Dany is doing before they part ways on how to deal with her IF my speculation is correct that Tyrion winds up killing her to protect the realm. And then from that point on, things change between Jon and Tyrion. The next part of the song is more about Jon's feelings for Dany and how Tyrion is going to see the Wolf in Jon Snow.
I got love on my fingers Lust on my tongue You say you got nothing, So come out and get some Heartache to Heartache, I'm your wolf- I'm your man I say run little monster, Before you know who I am
Jon had Daenerys' love and Tyrion didn’t. Tyrion took Dany out to protect the realm and Jon understands that it came from a place from honor and that Tyrion loved Dany, but it doesn't matter, Jon is going to show avenge her.
I could be totes wrong, though. We'll find out tomorrow!
Burn the Fleet - Thrice
This is the first attack on King’s Landing.
Sister - Prince
Uhm, yeah, just read the lyrics. It doesn't perfectly describe their situation, but it's the overall tenor and theme. It's clearly about Jaime’s conflict over Cersei.
Dire Wolf - Grateful Dead
The living the night before the Battle of Winterfell, there's just a pervasive sense of a feeling of dread the night before someone's going to die.
the wolves are running round The winter was so hard and cold froze ten feet neath the ground
Don't murder me I beg of you don't murder me Please don't murder me
Devil’s Spoke - Laura Marling
OK, I could be wrong, but I'm thinking this is about Arya deciding to start a new life, making that conscious choice and be with Gendry.
All of this can be broken All of this can be broken Hold your devil by his spoke and spin him to the ground
Basically, this is saying that the choices you've made can be changed and you can take your hang-up (your devil) and cast it away, pin it down.
But the love of your life lives, but lies no more And where she lay your flowers grow
Arya is the love of Gendry's life, and she's no longer lying to herself, and one can take that second line in two ways. 1) as in his hopes grew, or 2) metaphorically, that when they lie together, she got pregnant.
The arms are fed and the babes that wed The backs that bled keeping her in tow But I am your keeper And I hold your face away from light I am yours till they come
The first two lines read to me like Arya's take on society's role for women that she will not be a part of it, and the last three lines are her saying that as long as they are true to who they are and each other, she is his.
Queen - Perfume Genius 
I can't see this as anything other than Dany as Mad Queen.
Don't you know your queen? Ripped, heaving Flower bloom at my feet Don't you know your queen? Cracked, peeling Riddled with disease Don't you know me?
No family is safe When I sashay
It just gives the overall feel of insanity.
Cruel - St. Vincent
From Dany’s perspective because the North didn’t appreciate her, Westeros wasn’t clamoring for her, she didn’t have their love like she did in Essos.
Bodies, can't you see what everybody wants from you? For you could want that, too They could take or leave you So they took you, and they left you How could they be casually cruel? Cruel, cruel, oh
Crown on the Ground - Sleigh Bells
Cersei losing everything.
You need to know how, To say you'll backtrack, Between the clear bag, Somewhere in your habitat, You have a little thing, You think you're bothering, The class is ending, ending, ending, You never did know, You don't wanna know, There's another show playing in your window, The perm'nent thought of you, Has never bothered you, You're gonna have to, have to, have to,
Set, set that crown on the ground
Mother - The Amazons
Tyrion trying to fix everything he’s fucked up because he still wants to believe.
Friends want to kill me But I give them all my loving anyway If god won't forgive me I'm not the only one to make amends
Bronn's trying to kill him. Tyrion is still trying to make amends, as is Jaime.
Mother, it's not in my hands Try to understand, it's only 'cause I can Fools believe they can erase All that they've done before
Tyrion telling the Mother--as in one of the Seven--that he is still trying to believe he can make up for his past sins and mistakes.
Hot Blood - KALEO
Jon’s conflict and shame over his love for Dany, his aunt.
You turn your back, you’re a broken man You come around and just dying to shake your hand I don’t expect you to understand Just keep telling yourself there’s no shame
This was when he was still trying to convince himself it was OK, but then, of course he pulled away from their kiss.
They don’t know 'bout who we are They don’t know 'bout you and I They ain’t know 'bout the stars of your eyes Oh hot blood love is gonna get ya
Before the secret was out...
You wanna prove you’re the better man You wanna reach for the things that nobody can Oh all you need is to break away, yeah Just keep telling yourself there’s no shame
Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen is a honorable man just like his real father, Ned Stark, and nothing can change that.
War Pigs/Luke’s Wall - Black Sabbath
The end of Cersei who never cared about any of her subjects.
Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight?
Cersei until nearly the very end up there safe in her tower watching all of the bloodshed and destruction.
They leave that role for the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds, Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess, Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah
She could have helped, she knew that by playing her games, thousands and thousands of people could and would die, but she didn't care.
Now in darkness world stops turning, Ashes where the bodies burning No more War Pigs have the power, Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees the war pigs crawling, Begging mercies for their sins Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
The end of Cersei, ashes falling, bodies burning. Not Satan, but Drogon.
Dead Skin Mask - Slayer 
Dany the Mad Queen, again.
Graze the skin with my finger tips The brush of dead cold flesh pacifies the means Provocative images delicate features so smooth A pleasant fragrance in the light of the moon
Dance with the dead in my dreams Listen to their hallowed screams The dead have taken my soul Temptation’s lost all control Simple smiles elude psychotic eyes Lose all mind control rationale declines
Dany's dreams with Drogo and her baby. So many screams that she has listened to, and we all know that temptation has taken over, no more control, rationale is gone.
Empty eyes enslave the creations Of placid faces and lifeless pageants In the depths of a mind insane Fantasy and reality are the same
The coin has landed on the side of insanity.
Killer Wolf - Danzig
Arya and her awesome power, as a killer, as a woman (see: one smitten Gendry err Rivers Baratheon).
I’m the wolf I’m the one you want I’m the killer wolf I’m 'onna pound you home I’m the wolf Howlin’ all night I curl up next to you When you’re all alone
How her deadly abilities, her killer ways have become so much a part of who she is.
I’m the wolf Howlin’ all night I’m the king wolf I put the chill in your bones I’m the wolf Hunting you down I ain’t no back door wolf I don’t scratch at no doors
She has no fear, she’s in control, and numb to the world in generally for the most part.
Just one kiss, yes From my lips Rake your soul Over burning coals Just one touch, yes From my love Make you howl 'Til the sun comes up I’m the wolf
And how with a few well-placed comments, eyebrow lifts, sultry looks and deadly knife throws gets Gendry all hot and bothered like that. Boy's just gone for her. In the immortal words of Joe Dempsie, he's spruuuung!
The Time Is Now - Atreyu
I just can't see this being about anything other than Arya after episode 05 being ready to start a new life--one that is not about death. And since I firmly believe that the Hound=Death, and Gendry=life, and both are crazy entangled up with Arya this season, that therefore means the new life she starts will be with Gendry.
I've been dreaming 'bout, hope for better days Time for dreaming's done, time to face the sun
(Flying high above the world) It's a new life, it's a new mind And I will never fall
Arya rode away on that white horse, flying high and you know she will not fall. It's just too hopeful and happy to be about Daenerys.
(The time is now) I can't contain myself, I never felt so alive (The time is now) I'm past the breaking point, I set my soul on fire
"I never felt so alive..." For the first time, Arya has given herself permission to live.
(Hey-ay, hey-ay, hey-ay, yeah) The time is now!
Yup, the time is now.
Be My Fire - The Blue Stones
Dany wanting so much for Jon to still love her as his love, wanting him to trust her, to be true to her, to be with her forever.
Baby, be my fire Baby, be my flame Baby, be the softly burning embers
You need a man in whom You can depend Well I'd be the gasoline To keep you alive And I'd be the cold So unbreakable We'd burn together Straight through the night That's alright Baby, be my fire
Yes, it says "man," but eh, the point still gets across. I think this is about them. I think.
Rise Above - Black Flag
I think this is about Sansa and representing the North wanting their independence back.
we are tired of your abuse try to stop us but its no use
societys arm's out of control rise above we're gonna rise above think there smart cant think for themselves rise above we're gonna rise above laugh at us behind our backs rise above we're gonna rise above i find satisfaction in what they lack rise above we're gonna rise above
Alternative Ulster - Stiff Little Fingers
I had no clue what this song was about… I had to go to Song Meanings since I’m not from Ireland and don’t know much about the politics, the Punk Rock scen or the political dynamics going on there. The bottom line is that this song is about seeing beyond the divisions. Therefore, this song… is Jon’s point of view. We all are in this together: The Living against the Undead.
This Sentence Will Ruin/Save Your Life - Young Ruffians
This whole song is about someone trying to figure things out. It’s about someone who frankly knows nothing… so, uhm, yeah, Jon Snow, and his identity crisis and trying to figure out what the fuck to do.
I need to know who I am and what I'm going to do while I'm on earth I need to understand everything and everybody's lives
The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn - The Pogues
This one’s about Tyrion… the song is very Celtic with lots of history about the people. Basically, it's about the urge to self-destruct and about a man's life-long descent into alcoholism. SO, yeah, Tyrion.
Winterlong - Neil Young
Well, this certainly seems to apply to Gendry after Arya turned down his proposal. Very promising though is the fact that nothing in the song is definite. It was all “if…” “you seem to be…”
I waited for you, Winterlong You seem to be where I belong. It's all illusion anyway.
“You seem...” that leaves it to open, the possibility of her coming back is not closed off. The "illusion" could refer to the title and castle.
If things should ever turn out wrong And all the love we have is gone, It won't be easy on that day.
"If" and "it won't be easy on that day" makes it clear he hasn't given up, he's still waiting for his girl to come to him.
Furr - Blitzen Trapper
OK, guys, this is it. I know I keep saying it, but yeah, Arya and Gendry? Are absolutely endgame. This song sounds absolutely like Arya deciding to give up her Stark-ways, being the killer with a list, etc. and joining Gendry. I mean, for reals! I'm just putting all the lyrics here bolding key phrases.
Yeah, when I was only 17, I could hear the angels whispering So I droned into the words and Wondered aimlessly about till I heard my mother shouting through the fog It turned out to be the howling of a dog Or a wolf to be exact. The sound sent shivers down my back But I was drawn into the pack. And before long, they allowed me To join in and sing their song. So from the cliffs and highest hill, yeah We would gladly get our fill, Howling endlessly and shrilly at the dawn. And I lost the taste for judging right from wrong. For my flesh had turned to fur, yeah And my thoughts, they surely were turned to Instinct and obedience to God.
[Chorus] You can wear your fur Like the river on fire. But you better be sure If you’re makin' God a liar. I'm a rattlesnake, babe, I'm like fuel on fire. So if you're gonna' get made, Don't be afraid of what you've learned.
On the day that I turned 23, I was curled up underneath a dogwood tree. When suddenly a girl With skin the color of a pearl, Wandered aimlessly, But she didn't seem to see. She was listenin' for the angels just like me. So I stood and looked about. I brushed the leaves off of my snout. And then I heard my mother shouting through the trees. You should have seen that girl go shaky at the knees. So I took her by the arm We settled down upon a farm. And raised our children up as Gently as you pleased.
And now my fur has turned to skin. And I've been quickly ushered in To a world that I confess I do not know. But I still dream of running careless through the snow. An' through the howlin' winds that blow, Across the ancient distant flow, It fill our bodies up like water till we know.
OK, now aside from the very, very obviousness of the fact that if you switch the genders--which, when a song THIS PERFECTLY ENCAPSULATES Arya and Gendry's story with references to wolves and packs and settling in a farm (forest lass), etc. one can not worry about the gender not matching perfectly--there's another very key thing one has to bear in mind. 
The song is called "Furr." That title clearly references the narrator (who in this case would be Arya) being a wolf. The group name is Blitzen Trapper. Blitzen is, of course, famously known as one of the reindeer who pulled Santa's sleigh. While science has now proven that all of Santa's reindeer were likely female as male reindeer shed their antlers in December, it is highly unlikely that when the tale was first told that such was known therefore we're going with the original conception that Blitzen is indeed male. And since Blitzen is known as a male reindeer, well, another name for a male deer is a... stag. So, not only does the song itself alone scream an Arya and Gendrya endgame (it really, really, REALLY does).
The group name + the song title + the meaning of the song = The Stag caught the Wolf with his love.  
At this point, let me remind ya'll that Benioff and Weiss said about this playlist, "The answer to the ending is one hundred percent hidden in the playlist choices. No one will believe us, but it’s true." Uh huh. I believe you!
Power - AJ Ghent 
There are no lyrics for this one, so I just listened to it and really, I think it might be the beginning of the season when Dany was feeling confident about taking on the Army of the Dead and Cersei. OR it could be Cersei feeling confident about taking on Dany with her greater numbers. It’s easier to analyze it when you can look at the lyrics. :shrugs:
Toxicity - System of a Down
This song is really about nature being corrupted and capitalism taking over the world, so all I can really take from it is in relation to the endgame that it's Sansa and her opinion of Dany and how she thinks that she is a conqueror set on taking over Westeros by any means necessary.
Born For Greatness - Papa Roach
Oh, my heart. I think this is about Varys, whom I’ve always loved. He's my sixth fave character in the whole series.
I am a man at war And I am fighting for All of the broken people All of the people thrown overboard They always tried to shame us But they don't speak our language No, we're not nameless, we're not faceless We were born for greatness
Yup, and he fought all the way to the end.
Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 
I could be totally wrong, but all I can think here is Cersei’s downfall and her and Jaime’s death although he tried to rescue her.
Gold lion's gonna tell me where the light is, Gold lion's gonna tell me where the light is, Take our hands out of control, Take our hands out of control
Now, tell me what you saw, Tell me what you saw, There was a crowd of seeds, Inside, outside, I must have done a dozen each
It was the height I threw, the weight, The shell was crushing you, I've been around a few
Here’s Your Future - The Thermals
There’s gonna be a lot of death and destruction and people are going to pay for their sins, and someone is going to be sacrificed for sins that they did not commit, maybe not in death, but that person won’t be happy. And I think that person will be Jon.
God reached his hand down from the sky He flooded the land and he set it afire He said fear me again and know I'm your father And remember that no one can breathe underwater
The deaths Dany caused, Theon's death, all the Ironborn deaths, including Euron's mens' deaths.
God told his son it's time to come home I promise you won't have to die all alone I need you to pay for the sins I create Son said I will but dad I'm afraid
Jon's no Jesus, but he's the closest thing to a sacrificial lamb this show has. He's already died once and risen for the sins of others.
Love is Blindness - U2
Dany and Jon. Period.
Love is blindness I don't want to see Won't you wrap the night Around me Oh my heart Love is blindness
They don't want to know what they know about Jon's parentage. It's as simple as that. It changed everything for them.
And that’s all she wrote. Agree, disagree... thoughts? I’d really like to know what other people think.
21 notes · View notes
rantingfangirl · 5 years
Phone Home
Summary: When Arthur’s friends get an idea for a way to find him a date, there’s no stopping them. 
Pairing: UsUk
Arthur prided himself on being one of the saner of the six Kirkland brothers, and would gladly give a three computer files’ worth of evidence should anyone try to question it. He could quickly de-escalate any of their shenanigans- which was the only way those stupid ideas could be labeled. The same, however, could not be said when it came to his friends. Vlad and Lukas were unpredictable, posing as supportive yet content to stay in the background. At least until they got an idea that they couldn't shake off. Which was exactly what was currently happening. The three of them stood on a beach, if you could call it that. Arthur looked down at the gray, muddy sand collapsing under his feet, cringing when it stuck to his shoe. Next to him, Vlad scoffed. “From the look on your face, you might as well have stepped in vomit.” 
Arthur looked at him, his nose starting to ache from being wrinkled. He shook his foot, his toes knocking back and forth between the sides of his boot. The goopy sand swung off his foot, the majority of it finding its way onto his pants. Vlad snickered. He ignored it, scoffing with disgust at the sand as he brushed it off. “What are we doing here, again?” If Vlad wanted him to- “You know why.” Lukas spoke for the first time since they'd arrived, scrawling with spider-like efficiency on college-ruled paper. He clicked the pen closed, sliding its clip in place with the edge of the clipboard. When he spoke again, his voice was matter of fact, and he didn't bother to even glance over to them, scanning over his work. “You know exactly why we're here.” Arthur ignored the first ominous tone in his words. He did, in fact, know why they were there, but he was going drag out the inevitable as much as possible. If only to save himself. “Yes, but-” Gently, ever so slowly, Arthur put his foot back down on the sand, watching as muck engulfed the outer sole of his shoe. “- there's a completely different way we could've done it. And not-” He paused, gesturing to the ocean in front of them. “-this.” Vlad flicked his eyes over to him, his words and smirk mocking. “Yes, but this is more creative.” “It’s more idiotic, that’s what it is.” Vlad feigned mock offense, gaping his mouth open and pressing an open palm to his chest. He knitted his eyebrows together, shaking his head. “And what else could we do? Is there anything you propose?” His voice was in a joking and posh tone, and Arthur couldn't help but smile at it. Arthur took a step back, putting his hands to his hips to stand akimbo. “Anything would've been better than this. Couldn't we have just gone with a dating site? You know, like normal people do?” Lukas paused, slowly turning his head over to Arthur. He frowned, shaking his head. “If we put you on a dating site, you wouldn't get a single match.” “Ouch.” Vlad winced. Then wince then broke into a shit-eating grin, Vlad cocking his head to the side. “Do you think that they would even let him keep his account? You actually have to look somewhat attractive on most of them, you know.” His words were infuriatingly cocky when he spoke, though Arthur made sure than any speck of anger he felt didn't show. Arthur knitted his eyebrows together, lowering his chin and frowning. “Vlad, you look like a Count Chocula Ken doll reject. I don't want to hear it.” Vlad practically squawked, his mouth gaping and his eyes narrowing. He put his hand over his heart, his shoulders caving in an attempt at mock offense. “Don't talk about Count Chocula like that.” “By that, do you mean comparing him to you or to Ken?” “Both.” Arthur couldn't help but smile, breathing out of his nose in a slight laugh. Vlad joined in, his shoulders and stomach shaking in tune with the huffs of breath escaping his mouth. The sight only succeeded in making Arthur laugh harder, even if he tried his best to resist. With the ocean around them, no matter how muddy it was, for a second, Arthur almost forgot about the matter at hand. The key word being “almost”. At that moment, Vlad slipped behind Arthur, sliding his arms to lock under his armpits. Arthur struggled against the grip, jerking his head and shoulders back. Vlad was stronger than he thought. He felt his friend lean in towards his ear, Arthur shoving down the urge to slam his temples into Vlad’s. “Calm down, we’re doing this for-” “Don’t tell me to calm down, you fucker.” A snicker filled his ear, Vlad’s warm breath squandering against the outer shell. “Just accept it, Arthur. The love of your life is waiting for you.” “And you think a message in a glass fucking bottle is going to do anything?” Vlad shrugged. “I saw it as a meme on Instagram. Sounded like a fun idea.” Arthur stilled. Slowly, ever so slowly, he turned his head as best he could towards Vlad. Their cheeks just barely touched, Arthur’s eyes narrowing as Vlad’s gripped tightened. “Are you-” 
The scratching stopped. Arthur whipped his head over to Lukas as the latter clicked his pen, shoving it back into his pocket. After a quick proof-read, Lukas thinly rolled the paper, pulling out a glass bottle that looked as if it were straight from a children’s book. That, Arthur realized bitterly, the feeling pooling in his stomach, was what he should've— could've— gone for first. No, that wasn’t it. Arthur shouldn't have agreed to come in the first place. The thought alone snatched his attention, not releasing him until it was too late. Arthur watched as the bottle, a cork stuffed in its neck, flew in a spinning arch towards the ocean. It wasn’t until it slammed into the water with a soft plunk that Vlad’s gripped eased. Arthur ripped himself free, his shoes sinking into the muddy sand. He took several steps towards the water’s edge, stopping just feet away. Arthur sighed. “Go to hell, both of you.” 
Arthur had a headache. The chorus of telephones had yet to cease after several hours, much less quiet down, even with how close the time ticked further and further into the night. Every moment brought another call, each call carrying ten voicemails along with it. Curse those bastards for putting him at the front desk. Sighing, Arthur pulled his bag towards him, rustling around for— there. The bottle. One of the first things he had learned on the job was to carry around a bottle of ibuprofen. It came in handy in most situations, specifically ones he was required to listen in. Intern meetings, phone calls, everything. He popped the cap off, placing it on the edge of his desk as he fished out two pills. Within seconds, the taste of paper filled his mouth, the sourness of it drowning out the pounding in his head. Disgusting. Arthur swallowed with a grimace, sliding the lid back onto the bottle and dropping it in his bag. The roller chair he was sitting on creaked as he did so, the noise loud enough that he was unable to ignore it. In the distance, in the office behind him, a phone rang. Someone walked through the door. They lifted their hand in a reserved wave, not even bothering to look at Arthur, the sounds of their footsteps bouncing off the walls. It was all too much. He had a good thirty minutes before the ibuprofen kicked in, thirty minutes before any sort of relief. Another phone call, cut short and followed by a loud laugh. Fuck. Why did these people have to be so loud. He clenched his fists, his fingernails digging into the— Arthur’s phone buzzed. It rattled against the table, quieting everything around him. Slowly, oh so slowly, he picked it up. His phone lit as soon as he faced it, a green banner floating down to eye-level. It was an international number, that much was certain, but the message itself… that was an issue. It buzzed again as he clicked the message and unlocked his phone. Hey. I’m Alfred. :P Arthur paused, staring at the screen, re-reading the messages over and over again. And again. He went to type out a message before deleting it. It happened several times before he finally managed to type something, finally setting on: Who is this? His phone buzzed again. I told you. I’m Alfred. What’s your name? Arthur clicked his phone off, setting it down on his desk. There was no way. No way that he would give his name to Alfred, if that was really his name. Another buzz. In a spur of the moment action, Arthur grabbed his phone, haphazardly dropping it into his bag and zipping it up. Silence, even just for a few seconds. He returned to his work, checking emails and marking his calendar with upcoming meetings and other dates. Arthur went through email after email, either sending it to the trash or to the archives. All the while, his phone buzzed. Curiosity welled inside of him, clawing at him, gently tugging his attention towards the black messenger bag settled next to his ankles. Arthur pushed the urge away, kicking the bag away. He heard it tip over, his phone— along with some other things, the bottle of pills, pens, etc— tumbling out. Arthur cursed, pushing himself out of his chair, dropping to his knees. His phone flickered to life beside him, revealing the new set of texts waiting for him. Arthur stared at the phone before glancing at his tipped bag, going back and forth, back and forth, between the two. He sighed through his nose. Fuck it. Unlocking his phone, Arthur took no time to look through the messages, which had multiplied quickly in the past few minutes. Awwww, cmon. Dont do this Hiiiiiii Look, I know it sounds a bit creepy, but please!!! Ohhhh wait I know what your name is Hi Arthur :) Arthur froze upon seeing his name on the other side of the screen. He glanced up at the header of the screen, making sure that yes, this was a stranger who yes, had his name. For a split second, Arthur’s thumb grazed the keys before sending himself into action, his message typed out and sent before he had the chance to reread it. How did you get my name? A gray message floated to the top of the empty space. There you are :)) It was on your letter A ball dropped in Arthur’s stomach. There was no way. No way that that stupid little stunt Vlad pulled would have ever come to fruition. What do you mean, my letter? Pushing himself back up on his chair, Arthur kept his eyes glued to the screen, waiting for the three dancing dots to finish. They stopped for a split second before continuing, up and down in quick succession until— finally. It was a video. Arthur clicked on it, revealing a tanned man in a swimsuit. His caramel hair was plastered to his forehead, a cheeky smirk along with it. The video began, the man— who, now Arthur thought about it, was assumingly Alfred— moving his lips. No sound. Arthur groaned before restarting. “Now, Arthur, what we have here—” American, definitely American. If not a given by the accent, with its small twang and bluntness, then by the overall confidence the man— no, Alfred, displayed. “—is a glass bottle. Little sandy, little dirty, but it’s damn sure a bottle.” No. It couldn’t be. No way that thing resurfaced after six years. No way that something like that could’ve gone anywhere. “And, in the bottle, I found this.” Alfred held up the paper that Lukas had written years ago, it's edges set in a permanent roll. “You wanna know what it says?” Alfred unrolled the paper, holding it up as if he were a medieval town crier. “Looking for cute guys. Call me. My name is Arthur. And then there are several smiley faces along with your phone number. Pretty funny, aren’t ya?” Whoever was filming the video laughed, a loud, obnoxious noise that had Alfred joining in. Arthur paused the video. It would’ve been funny, if it weren’t for the fact that he was the one at the butt of the joke. Arthur clenched and unclenched his fists, in and out, counting up to ten and back down. Sick. Lukas and Vlad had sick tastes when it came to humor. His phone buzzed his once more in his hand, Arthur’s attention drifting down to the newest message, right under the video. Call me ;) Arthur saved the video before swiping out of the chat, his message menu displaying rows upon rows of others. He tapped on the group chat he shared with Vlad and Lukas and sent the video. You won’t believe what’s come up. It was something that his friends had forgotten about. For the first few months,they had constantly reminded him about it, but now… Like before, Arthur left the chat, returning to Alfred. He stared at the contact number, re-reading over and over again. Weighing. Balancing. He looked at the back arrow and then back at the number. Back, forth. Back, forth. The number. Arthur pressed the dial button.
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nyangibun · 7 years
Thank you for tagging me @gadisnaplasma​!! <3 
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I tag: @qinaliel @everythingjonsa @riahchan @lydiia-martins @fedonciadale @13irgit @thenutofroyalty @janeyfoster @bulletandsophia @buttercup--bee @occupyvenus @honxrable @steambend @theadamantdaughter @soapieturner @sansapotter @leannedirewolflover @geekprincess26  (let me know if you guys dont want to be tagged in these in the future! and sorry if you’ve already been tagged)
the last…  
1. drink: lemon soda 
2. phone call: my brother
3. text message: my boss u_u 
4. song you listened to: umbrella by far east movement ft. hyolyn and gill chang
5. time you cried: when i had an anxiety attack earlier this month. 
6. dated someone twice: when i was 18-19 (and more like three, four times. >_<) 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: 2 months ago lol 
8. been cheated on: when i was 18
9. lost someone special: when i was 22
10. been depressed: all the damn time lol. it just ranges for manageable to crippling. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: does the next day count? because that would be in may but otherwise... like a year or so ago. 
favourite colours

12. pink
13. purple
14. aquamarine
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yessss
16. fallen out of love: nope. 
17. laughed until you cried: yesss
18. found out someone was talking about you: uh no i dont think so
19. met someone who changed you: yesss my soul twin! <3 
20. found out who your friends are: figured that out a couple years back xD
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no way
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 80-90% i think 
23. do you have any pets: too many. 2 dogs 4 cats. 

24. do you want to change your name: not really. maybe when i’m married.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had japanese food and ice cream cake.
26. what time did you wake up: today? about 5 something in the morning then officially at 6:30am for work
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: on tumblr on my phone.
28. name something you can’t wait for: moving to new zealand. finally getting the fuck out of here. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night
31. what are you listening to right now: umbrella by far east movement ft hyolyn and gill chang. it’s literally on repeat right now. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah an old fling named tom literally just messaged me out of the blue a day ago, which reminds me i need to reply
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance and indifference. 
34. most visited website: tumblr and ao3 
35. hair colour: dark brown
36. long or short hair: long hair
37. do you have a crush on someone: nah. unless you count fictional characters.
38. what do you like about yourself: my sense of humour. i make myself laugh.
39. piercings: i have 7 piercings (2 on each side, a tragus piercing, a cartilage piercing and navel piercing) 
40. blood type: i actually dont know. that’s bad right? 
41. nickname: supreme overlord. or you know, i dont have one.
42. relationship status: single and not really ready to mingle. 
43. zodiac: aquarius
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: uhhh... netflix’s daredevil season 1. 
46. tattoos: one day
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: never.
49. piercing: uhhh??? 
50. sport: softball and touch rugby competitively in high school. volleyball competitively since i was 12 up until i graduated university (so roughly 12 years altogether).
51. vacation: i want to go to the amazon!!!! or iceland! 
52. pair of trainers: my adidas ones with the all black stripes. 
more general
53. eating: nothing. 
54. drinking: water
55. i’m about to: get off work!
56. waiting for: the clock to strike 5pm
57. want: to get out of this country and start living my life again
58. get married: once i have my shit together. oh and once i meet bob morley.
59. career: novelist, screenwriter, something along those lines. 
60. hugs or kisses: kiss me, you fool! 
61. lips or eyes: eyes for sure.
62. shorter or taller: i’m short. i want someone taller. idk what this question is asking. 
63. older or younger: older. i like older people. 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms jfc. always arms.
65. hook up or relationship: terrifyingly, a relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: is there an option for broody with a heart of gold?
67. kissed a stranger: hahaha 
68. drank hard liquor: hahahahahahaha
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: never glasses but yes contacts
70. turned someone down: yeah :/ 
71. sex on the first date: depends. i mean as a rule of thumb, no, but if it’s bob morley, hell yeah. 
72. broken someone’s heart: unfortunately :( 
73. had your heart broken: unfortunately :( 
74. been arrested: nah
75. cried when someone died: no. i completely shut down when bad things happen.
76. fallen for a friend: un-fucking-fortunately. what a time that was
do you believe in …
77. yourself: i believe in my desperation to feel free again to get shit done. 
78. miracles: i don’t know. 
79. love at first sight: not a chance.
80. santa claus: sure why not 
81. kiss on the first date: yes, absolutely. a kiss says so much about a person.
82. angels: not really. 
83. current best friend’s name: bob morley. or you know, dinithi. 
84. eye colour: dark brown
85. favourite movie: uhh.... the lotr trilogy? (minus frodo’s bits in the 2nd and 3rd)
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cyjmn · 7 years
92 Questions
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag as many people as you like!
tagged by: @bamethyst​ thank you for tagging me and sorry it took me a while to do this! tagging: @5692x​ @autummskies​ @pamilku​ @cyphrs​ i know we’ve never talked but we’ve been mutuals for a while (this is a side blog, i follow you guys from @yyshighlight) and you all seem very nice and i’d love to know more about you all but of course you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to~ also @imjaebeomtrash sorry i’m tagging you from a side blog
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: a friend 3. text message: an old friend since highschool 4. song you listened to: tomorrow, today - JJ project 5. time you cried: not sure exactly when but i was listening to 2!3! by bts and got emotional 6. dated someone twice: nope  7. kissed someone and regretted it: a bit 8. been cheated on: i’m not sure if you can call it cheating idk it was complicated  9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. it changes when my mood changes but one color that always stays is white
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yepp 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yes! 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope 19. met someone who changed you: BTS changed me, if that counts 20. found out who your friends are: kind of i guess 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably 98.9% 23. do you have any pets: four dogs, a hedgehog, and tons of fishies!  24. do you want to change your name: yes sometimes i wish my name was a little more international and common 25. what did you do for your last birthday: it was during my exchange studies and my host family baked me a chocolate cake and celebrated with me they were very nice and i felt very touched :”) 26. what time did you wake up: 7am then went back to sleep till 10am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: h o s e o k ‘ s   m i x t a p e ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: if you asked me last year there would be tons but now im quite happy with my life. although sometimes i wish i’m a more active, outgoing person 31. what are you listening to right now: blanket kick - bts 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i dont think so 33. something that is getting on your nerves: i’ve been deciding on my thesis topic for a while now but i can’t choose im too indecisive it gets on my nerves 34. most visited website: tumblr and youtube 35. moles: i only have those small ordinary moles - one on the upper corner of my mouth, one around my cheek, one on my left ear (people think its a piercing hole), and a bunch on my arms it keeps appearing one by one  36. marks: scars - two on my arms because a dog bit me, one on the back of my hand because some girl scratched me during basketball and i have a little stretch mark on my knees + bruises which idk how i got 38. hair colour: blackish brown  39. long or short hair: medium 40. do you have a crush on someone: not at the moment 41. what do you like about yourself: my hands/fingers??? and my foot?? 42. piercings: none :( i wanna get my ears pierced but im scared    43. blood type: b 44. nickname: back in highschool sometimes people call me monnie but now everyone just calls me mon  45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: aries 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: chicago med, chicago pd, teenwolf, agents of shield, bones 49. tattoos: i want them!! but then again, im too scared to get any im so tired of myself 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: nope 52. hair dyed in different color: brown 53. sport: basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, golf but i stopped all of them after graduating high school 55. vacation: japan, korea, taiwan, hongkong, singapore, maldives, australia 56. pair of trainers: nike & adidas 
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: nothing 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: have dinner 61. waiting for: dinner   62. want: to fast forward to when i graduate uni 63. get married: would be nice  64. career: something art related probably 65. hugs or kisses: can’t it be both?:( 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: i wish everyday that im shorter i stick out like a sore thumb because im considered tall in my country 68. older or younger: both? 70. nice arms or nice stomach: my first response is arms but uh stomach would be nice too  71. sensitive or loud: im sensitive and very quiet so i like louder, talkative people 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: im very hesitant about everything in life
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: nope 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. turned someone down: yes and i always feel very bad 78. sex on the first date: nope 79. broken someone’s heart: unfortunately yes 80. had your heart broken: yes 81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: im starting/trying to 85. miracles: i believe in luck 86. love at first sight: i used to 87. santa claus: no :( 88. kiss on the first date: sure why not 89. angels: yes and demons too
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name:  biw 91. eye colour: dark brown 92. favourite movie: the intern and does how to train your dragon count
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xicanaroja · 2 years
Me politely trying to explain to the customer that I don't set the prices, and cannot "give" him my employee discount: I know it sucks, but that inflation amiright-
>Customer smacks my stomach with the back of his hand and makes a joke about how I'm not "trying hard enough" to get him a good deal<
Tumblr media
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