#also applies to most people i know personally as well but thats neither here nor there
xicanaroja · 2 years
Me politely trying to explain to the customer that I don't set the prices, and cannot "give" him my employee discount: I know it sucks, but that inflation amiright-
>Customer smacks my stomach with the back of his hand and makes a joke about how I'm not "trying hard enough" to get him a good deal<
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ilovemyschool · 4 years
Teaching through COVID???
Bless you if you actually make it to the end of this post, lol.
I teach high school science- specifically Chemistry and AP Chemistry.  I absolutely love teaching and I love my students.  I especially enjoy getting to talk to them about what they want to do when they graduate, where they want to go to college, what kind of jobs they want to do, and all of that fun stuff.  Finishing high school is an incredibly exciting time in life for a person, and I feel privileged to get to re-live the excitement and apprehension and hopefulness and all the other feelings that come along with having so many possibilities for your life laid out in front of you.  I don’t know any other kind of work that allows you to feel those feelings year after year like I get to through my students.  I also try to support them through the hard stuff.  I listen when they cry and tell me that they feel alone in a room full of people, I hug them (if they want a hug) when they tell me their mom moved out over the weekend, and I feed them and get them additional support when they tell me they are hungry and don’t have enough to eat.  I spend hours on tutoring, grading, and lesson planning outside of my “contract hours.”  It never bothered me because I knew I was doing something that mattered to my kids.  If you’ve never gotten to see a kid gain self-confidence in their own ability by practicing with you one-on-one- let me just tell you it’s magical.  When they know you’ll sit down and work with them again and again when it’s still tough for them, they can see that you believe they’re worth the time and effort, and they start to believe it too.  When you get a note from a student about how they never thought they’d be able to understand chemistry so well, but aced a state final exam or got a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, it feels like you’ve done more than teach them your subject- you’ve taught them to believe they can do hard things.  
I’m sick to my stomach right now, because I am so torn on whether to go back this year.  My students are set to come back in two weeks.  There are so many things going through my head and this has been whirling around for the past two weeks, so I’m writing it out.  To quit or not to quit.  That is my question.
To Quit:
*My district notified parents of the plan just two weeks ago at the same time as the teachers- teachers actually just got a quick email that said something to the effect of “oh hey- check out this stuff we’re sending to parents about next school year.”  
*Since they released their plan, I got in to see a doctor.  I have an autoimmune condition.  It’s not a big deal in general, just a pill everyday, but it does affect my risk- although in the grand scheme of immuno-issues, thankfully mine is on the low end of the COVID risk spectrum.
*The district’s plan is for all students to go back to school 5 days/week, unless they opt for the virtual option.  The hours will be shortened so that the district doesn’t have to do a deep clean at the 4 hour mark as would be required if we were in school for the usual 7 hours.  Instead, teachers will all teach 4 class periods and also have to teach an online class.  If you’ve never taught, teaching online is a whole separate thing, so even if you teach chem both online and in person, it’s likely that most of the time you’ll have to set up your lessons completely differently for the two.  It’s not a deal breaker, but it’s extra work for sure.
*Teachers are responsible for sanitizing the classrooms between classes, which means we’ll have to pee some other time, although every teacher is teaching all 4 classes, so we won’t have anyone available to cover us?  I guess they’ll figure that out?
*According to the FAQ document our principal sent out, if we are told to quarantine or isolate, we have to use our sick days.  If we go through our sick days or run out we can apply to the sick day bank.  They don’t say it in the FAQ, but once you’ve used up days, they dock your pay.  
*However, that might not actually be a problem, because in a virtual staff meeting they held on Friday, the assistant superintendent shared that the health department here is now defining “exposure” as 15 minutes or more within 6 feet of a person who has tested positive without a mask.  That means that we could be in the classroom with kids who later test positive for COVID for an hour and neither the teacher nor the parents of the other kids in that class would be notified or asked to isolate because we were all wearing masks and therefore were “not exposed.”
*Since all kids are going back at the same time, thats nearly 1800 kids (minus the ones who signed up to take all their classes virtually).  Based on early estimates, less than 20% are going to opt to go online.  There are no plans to stagger class changes, which means our hallways will be full- it will not be possible for students to social distance.
*Currently, I have a class with 33 students in one of my face-to-face classes.  That’s a fairly big class anyway, but in COVID, they’ll be packed in there.  It is not possible to keep that many kids 6 feet apart in my classroom.
*We are relying on parents to do temperature checks every day and keep their child home if their temp is 100.4 or above.  If you’ve ever taught, you know that while most parents are responsible with things like this, there are some that will send their child in no matter what because they have to work or (in some very sad situations) want the time to themselves.
*In our state’s official COVID school plans, they outlined “Required,” “Strongly Recommended,” and “Recommended” measures.  My district seems to be reading “Strongly Recommended” as “Not Required.”  This means that they are okay with us running labs, sharing equipment, and working in close proximity because they think that parents understand that if they’re sending their child to school, that they know their child will be in close proximity to others.  They say that parents know that their kids will be 2/bus seat anyway and that they’re going to have to be changing classes in a full hallway.  I’m not so sure I agree with that.  I think parents are probably very unaware of that because I think it would be reasonable for parents to think that the “Strongly Recommended” guidelines would be implemented.  I’m not a parent, but I think that I would assume that?  Unfortunately, things like 6 feet of separation, doing on-site temperature checks, and not sharing materials are in the “Strongly Recommended” category, which means the district will “do their best.”
*Our district’s Union President wrote a letter to the board on our behalf regarding the strongly recommended guidelines.  The superintendent was dismissive of those concerns, stating that schools in other countries saw negligible spread upon reopening, which is like comparing our shitty COVID apples to European oranges.  Shortly after his response, two other board members went on to praise the administration for putting together a “safe” plan and quickly approved it to send on to the department of education.  I wish that those board members would come and sit in our classrooms for the first few weeks of school.
*We won’t know which class(es) we’ll be teaching online until the week before (best case scenario), so we can’t prepare very much that is specific to our class until the week before school.  We won’t know our final schedule in general until next week.  To not know this with only a week and a half to go is insane.  My anxiety is in full gear.
*Financially, we could handle it if I don’t work.  
Not to Quit:
*I have one student who had me for a science class his freshman year, then requested to take my chemistry class during his sophomore year, and is signed up for AP Chem this year.  I don’t want to miss it.
*Lots of my former chem kids are signed up for my AP Chem class this year.  I’m newer to the school, but I’ve been really working on growing the AP Chem program.  We even had enough students sign up to make 2 sections of AP Chem this year, which hasn’t happened in a long time at this school.
*I don’t want to quit with only 2 weeks before school- granted, they just announced the district plans 2 weeks ago and in that time I’ve had to talk with my husband and family, consult a doctor, and look at our finances and upcoming expenses to gather the information I need to make a decision. However, with only 2 weeks left before kids are in my classroom, it would be extremely tight to hire and have someone in place for those kids.  I would hate to leave students in that spot where they might start school with a sub.
*I LOVE my classroom and my lab.  I put so much time into organizing and cleaning it out.  I decorated it really nice and made it super functional.  I would hate to have to move everything out- I doubt I’d ever have a classroom that epic again.  All my desks match, too!
*A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.  I have a job I really love at a school I like and with kids I like and it’s close to my house.  If I resign, they’ll have to hire someone else for my job, and I won’t get it back next year.  There is no guarantee that I get hired again next year at another school nearby either.  With budget cuts, who knows?
*In a new job, I could be teaching anything in the sciences- I love that I have a specifically chemistry teaching job.  Those are rare and hard to come by.
*One of the “Required” measures in the state’s plan is to wear a mask.  That’s helpful.  All students and staff will have to wear a mask unless they are medically exempt.
*I’m still youngish, especially by COVID risk standards.
*Maybe nothing bad will happen- hopefully it won’t and the year will go relatively smoothly and staff and students will stay healthy and get through unscathed.  If that ends up being how it goes, I’d regret resigning and second guess my decision.
*I would feel guilty for calling it quits when so many others don’t have the option and may be at higher risk than me due to age or underlying conditions or taking care of loved ones that are either older or immunocompromised.  I know so many teachers who have to work this year because their spouse/partner is unemployed, or they are the sole breadwinner for their family, or they are going to retire soon and need their income to stay high to maximize their social security benefits.  
*I don’t know how I’ll take it if I go from teaching full time to being a stay at home wife.  I did stay at home for a year when we moved to another state, and it was HARD on me.  I developed a bit of a depression, exasperated by some other things that were going on.  I got on medication and did some therapy and it eventually resolved, but that SUCKED.  I would really miss my students and my fellow teachers and having a clear purpose/mission for my days.  
In conclusion...
I’m not generally a hypochondriac or a “Nervous Nelly.”  Most stuff rolls off my back fairly easily.  This scares me.  I get the flu or an upper respiratory thing almost every year.  There’s no reason to think that somehow I’ll manage to miss COVID if it comes into our school.  I am beyond anxious about teaching in person with so few precautions being taken.  I’m also angry that my choices are to resign and lose the job I really want or to go in and feel anxious and angry about the lack of care and respect that teachers and students are being shown by district and building administration for the foreseeable future until COVID is over.  I have had a stress knot in my gut for the past two weeks over this stuff, and I highly doubt it’s going away if I decide to stay and teach.
Since the pandemic started I have stayed at my house with few exceptions over the summer.  I wear a mask when I go out, I usually use a pick-up option for my groceries, a drive-thru option for my pharmacy, and I just avoid gatherings.  We do occasionally see my in-laws and my parents, usually outside and observing social distancing. In my state restaurants can’t fill to more than 50% capacity and movie theaters are just plain closed, but schools are about to open at 100% capacity.  I honestly can’t imagine putting myself in an enclosed space with over 30 kids or into a hallway with close to 1800 of them.  Even more than that, I can’t imagine not sitting down at a desk next to them to help them or watch them work a problem to see what they’re thinking.  I can’t imagine not getting to hug the girl who’s mom left or sit with the boy who doesn’t feel connected with his peers so he comes up to sit with me and do his homework after school.  Even if I do teach this year, I worry that my kids won’t get what they need from me- whether that’s homework help or emotional support.
If you are so inclined, please send up a prayer for state leaders, school administrators, teachers/school staff, and students this year.  We could all definitely use some wisdom, some grace, and your good vibes.
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raveneira · 6 years
People who say Sakura should have ended up with Lee because he ‘really loved her’ and was ‘nice’ and ‘risked his life for her’ really need to re-read the manga
Because the same people who say this also dislike SasuSaku because it was ‘one-sided’ and ‘she only liked him cuz he was cool and handsome’ and most of all ‘she didnt know or understand Sasuke at all’ and basically ‘her love was just a shallow crush’  then your entire argument is invalid and you cannot be taken seriously
Why tf did Lee like Sakura? I bet none of you could tell me a legitimate reason because there WAS none, know why? because Lee thought Sakura was pretty and thus had a crush on her there was no other reason but that, he took one look at her and immediately became infatuated with her
He risked his life for her? so that automatically means true love? THATS a legitimate reason to be in love with someone? thats the same exact BS with SasuKarin that because Sasuke just happened to appear and took down a bear that btw he only did because he thought she might have had the scroll they needed [which she didnt] and immediately left without asking if she was ok nor checking on her, yeah, Karin TOTALLY has a legitimate reason for loving Sasuke for 3 years after that ONE encounter
Lee is the exact same case, so what he saved her, plenty of people have done that, does that mean she HAS to fall in love with someone just because they saved her? gtf outta here man
Lee saved her because he had an intense CRUSH on Sakura he did not LOVE her and I find it awful ironic how these same people who say Sakura’s love was shallow and that she didnt know or understand Sasuke at all but tell me, is Lee any different?
Wtf does Lee know about Sakura? what does Lee know PERSONALLY about Sakura? absolutely nothing, when has Lee and Sakura spent one on one time together and got to know her on a personal level? not a single danm time and yet THIS is somehow seen as the better alternative to Sasuke
Lee’s love is one-sided, his crush is shallow, he doesnt know or understand Sakura at all on a personal level, Sakura simply admires Lee but has absolutely no romantic interest in him the same way many of you say Sasuke has no romantic interest in Sakura
Funny how that only applies to SasuSaku but not Lee, funny how Sakura is seen as shallow but not Lee for the exact same reasons, funny how Lee’s love is ‘genuine’ while Sakura’s is just a selfish crush, funny how knowing someone on a personal level only matters if it’s Sakura with Sasuke but Lee? he doesnt have to know her at all since liking her is all that matters apparently
The only reason Im even speaking on this is because I am STILL seeing people even now still spouting that BS that Sakura shouldnt have been with Sasuke and gotten with Lee instead
I find it extremely funny how ‘development’ in terms of the pairings only applied to SasuSaku but LeeSaku which has even LESS scratch that BEYOND less development is ok, development doesnt matter anymore
Gtf outta here man, anyone who says this are got danm hypocrites and cant be taken seriously in their arguments because its blatant hypocrisy and contradictions
And dont give me ‘well atleast he didnt try to kill her!’ BS because neither did Shikamaru, neither did Kiba, neither did Shino, neither did Neji neither did alot of people so does that mean she should just get with them too? Im done
If your a LeeSaku shipper and none of this applies to you then ignore it because this isnt aimed at you, its aimed at the got danm hypocrites who couldnt be more transparent that they could care less about LeeSaku for real and have no real arguments for why they think they should have been together in the first place, the same people who care about Sasuke not returning Sakura’s feelings and being forced to are the same ones who dont seem to care about Sakura not returning Lee’s feelings but should be forced to
Im really done this time I cant, this fandom never cease to amaze me
Im out
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scbines · 6 years
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WORD okay what up i’m ally, i’m twenty1, i use she/her pronouns, my timezone is est & small disclaimer: i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing, okay!! just keep that in mind when you .. go to read this complete shit storm okay i’m Trying.. anywhen! i may or may not have uhhh copied & pasted the majority of this from the last time i played her but.. that’s neither her nor there, tbh! if u wanna plot, feel free to hmu on discord at [mournful bagpipe music]#2581 or yk use the lil chat thing on tumblr if u aint got discord bhvfjn. MOVING ON..
cw: alcohol, neglect, sex ( & i think that’s it, folks! )
sab’s pinterest: here!
( sofia carson, cisfemale ) did you hear how SABINE VALDEZ is applying to columbia university as a PHILOSOPHY major ?! the TWENTY-ONE year old is living in the WATT HALL. i heard that they got in because they are +MAGNETIC and +INTREPID, but honestly i think SHE can be -FLIGHTY and -VOLATILE. they’re a real CATACLYSM. oh well, only time will tell if the JUNIOR will make it til the end.
imma just dive right in cos idk how else to go about it bgvjn
sabine grew up w/ a single mom in Detroit & they were basically skating the line between lower class and poverty, meaning they had like a proper house, but they were definitely behind on mortgage always and living paycheck to paycheck :// like when they went grocery shopping & sab would put anything but the basics in the cart her mom would look at her like ‘that’s a joke, right?’ and never could afford like birthday/christmas presents or cake or anything rip ( honestly not that sab’s mom gave enough a shit to even notice smh ) ! so everything was always a little .. hectic ig ? her mom couldnt ever relax unless she was blackout drunk so uhh that’s p much that on that sighs
even worse?? when sab was about eleven her mom got injured at work ( dont ask me How cos i have? no idea hibgfnjd i’ll flesh it out at some point.. maybe .. probably not.. ) so she and sab lived on disability checks and whatever small money sab could make helping her neighbors with like yard work/babysitting/shit like that until she was old enough to get a real job smh meaning she’s been working as long as she can remember god im exhausted just typing it
this basically left sab to raise herself, which .. most likely left her better off than if her mom paid her more attention tbh? cos her mom is selfish and doesnt care about anything but the next drink & the next man she’ll be inviting home smh !! the whole thing w/ her mom is that she Never Wanted kids but it wasn’t an option to abort or give sab up for adoption so she was Stuck raising a kid she never wanted .. truly .. rip ..
that said, sab’s mom was .. promiscuous to say the least .. all thru sab’s childhood there were countless nameless men in and out of their lives ranging from a day to a few weeks at most SIGHS anyways this of course led to sab having a seriously warped idea of what a healthy relationship is HELLO hvicnjm it’s super flawed to the point where she thinks the height of healthy relationship goals is to be exclusive for more than a few weeks smfh its wild tbh .. romance? dont know her! love? WHOMST? to sabine, there’s no point in bothering to rely or care for someone else because you’ll just end up disappointed so she ? keeps her distance for the most part.. relying Solely on herself cos thats the only person who wont let her down ( while also suffering from deeply rooted self-hatred? wow .. legends only .. )
anyways !! she Hated detroit like nobody’s business and always wanted nothing more than to Get Away from the toxicity of her home life and the suffocation of being the caregiver for a woman who will hardly get out of her bed gtg !!! so this led to her putting all her focus into after school jobs and making sure she was the top of her class At All Times like .. shes always been super determined and goal oriented but to a fault if that makes sense. she will work her ass off when given reason to, but once she’s accomplished that goal, she feels absolutely aimless sighs
bitch had .. like 3 jobs in hs and applied to a dozen schools, all of them at least 100 miles from detroit like Word ! she applied to columbia on a whim not thinking she’d get in but when she got that acceptance letter you can bet ur ass the bitch was Outta There!!
getting here tho … she isnt sure what to do next ihbvfcnj she never thought as far as majors and actually choosing what to do with the rest of her life so she?????? is undetermined about p much everything hgvifncjd but philosophy seems like the cop out she’s been looking for lmao !!!
anyways she works at a shitty diner not too far from campus like almost every day after classes but on weekends she COUGHS strips across town hibvfncj HA didnt see that coming did ya smh hibfnjd but!! she does it across town cos she lk wants it to stay a secret like she doesnt need to kick a frat boy’s ass for making shitty comments now does she??? but i mean .. its not something she’s ashamed of, she’s just Not Interested in having people she hates talk shit and slut shame ygm??
being so busy all the time, she doesn’t really have time for any school activities but she’s down for a party at any time ( esp if its like themed hbifnjd she loves a costume ) and uhh dtf too lbr shes v in touch w/ her sexuality #freethenipple ( does she even own a single bra?? we just don’t know! )
THAT SAID !! she doesnt correlate sex with like .. emotions?? cos shes never seen them in a situation where they’re mutually exclusive rip :// this led to her thinking people only ever Wanted Something from her be it her body or like a chance to put her down to feel better abt themselves smh ! she isnt a generally violent person but if it’s the latter she’s more likely to throw a few choice words in ur direction hvifcnj
generally, sab’s p much just ur Stressed Out Scholarship Student just trying to graduate so her life isnt a fucking trainwreck like her mom’s! she’s desperate for both human affection and adventure, so offer her one, the other or both and her heart is yours tbh! as much as she’ll pretend its not lmao !!1!1!!!!
anywhomst i cannot for the life of me think of anything else to type her atm since im??? garbage???? but !! mssg me if u wanna plot smthn out fam since uhh sab having friends??? sounds like a pipe dream tbh and im desperate for it lol!
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hey so this is kinda complicated for me... but i dont feel like im male or female, agender, or anywhere on the spectrum and i feel like a whole other gender entirely! I go as transmasc w he/him pronouns thou bcus i find thats what it feels closest to. I dont want to use 'third gender' either bcus ik thats a cultural thing (im white) and i wouldnt want to appropriate at all, but there doesnt seem to be any other word for it. Im tempted to make my own term but i know nobody will use/understand it
There are a few things that could work for you!
Proxvir is a gender related to masculinity, but is something separate and entirely on its own. 
Maverique is a gender characterized by autonomy and inner conviction** regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender.
Neutrosis is a gender identity that feels neutral, null, or genderless. Sometimes used interchangeably with agender, as the two definitions overlap.
Abinary is a term for anyone whose gender is completely unrelated to the gender binary (such as agender, quoigender, maverique or most xenogenders). 
Altegender (Pronounced “alt-eh-gender”) is derived from shortening the phrase “alternate existence.” It is a xenogender that feels as though it’s in a parallel dimension, on a different plane, in a mirror universe, or just in an alternate existence. 
Anonbinary is a gender that definitely isn’t binary, but is still even outside of nonbinary. Hence using the ‘a’ like in agender.
Anongender is a gender that is unknown to both yourself and others.
Apogender is a gender identity in which one feels not only genderless, but separate from the entire concept of gender.
Aporagender is a gender separate from man/boy, woman/girl, and anything in between while still having a gendered feeling.
Arigender is a complicated gender identity that you cannot explain or is very hard to explain. A gender that does not fit under any labels. An unfathomable gender.
Pomogender is short for “postmodern”, a way for a person to say that they believe the current vocabulary is not quite complex enough (or diverse enough) to accurately describe their own sense of gender identity.
Ectogender is a gender identity that is elusive, constantly out of one's grasp, and/or hard to pin down.
Epicene is an adjective (sometimes substantive) that indicates a lack of gender distinction. The Order of the Epicene website includes a definition of epicene that they credit to the Oxford English Dictionary; ‘that which exhibits characteristics of both (binary) genders, yet is neither’. In linguistics, the adjective “epicene” is used to describe a word that has only one form for both male and female referents. Epicene may also be a non-binary gender identity.
Exgender or Egender is a genderless feeling that is stronger than agender. It is a refusal of the concept of gender, and of any gendered identity.
Existgender is a gender that simply exists.
Gender- or Gender(minus) is a gender which can only be closely described by a certain gender descriptor but doesn't quite fit every aspect of that label. Example: Xe identifies as maverique more than any other gender, but xe does not feel entirely independent of masculinity/femininity, and therefore isn't quite maverique. Xe is maverique-.
Gendereaux is a feeling of being detached from the concept of gender, but simultaneously identifying with or encompassing many nonbinary experiences or identities.
Genderlike is a gender identity that feels similar to, but not precisely, another gender. Can be combined with relevant genders.
Gendernull/Nullgender is being without gender, but it is not agender or neutrois, a term for those to give a “tangibility” to the intangible thing that is their gender. Described by a nullgender individual as thus:"Undefinable, intangible, the uncreation of gender. It's taking everything everyone throws at you, saying male, female, pick one, pick this, pick that, and taking it in, only to expel it, poisonous crystals erupting from your skin, armor against those who don't listen. A 'I don't want a label because labels don't fit but they help shut people up sometimes, so here have a label' gender label. A fall-back plan, a red herring to give people who can't conceptualize the absence, void, nullification of gender. It is, and is not. All and none. Nonexistant but present."
Genderunique is a gender that cannot be described by existing terms, it is very unique and personal. It is more up to interpretation by the individual that identifies with it than anyone else.
Gendervacuous or Vacugender is from the word “vacuum,” to describe the feeling of existing in a space without gender. Similar to egender and quoigender, but not quite the same. The feeling that gender as a concept does not apply to you, or does not fully apply to you. Someone who is vacugender can present in any way that person chooses, and may be okay with being viewed as any gender.
Genderweird is a term used to describe those whose gender cannot be described by any existing label, or cannot be pinned down as such.
Homproche ("om–PROESH"): Near or Approaching Male,” From French homme ‘man’ and proche ‘near.’ A gender expression that is Masculine, despite a gender identity that is not. An identity where one’s gender expression is an integral part of one’s queer experience.Can also be used, in some cases, as a synonym for Proxvir: A gender that is close to or resembles Male but is separate from it. This gender is not inherently Male-Aligned / Solarian, an Homproche can have any alignment.
Ilyagender: Having a tangible presence of gender, one which is not man, woman, neutral, or agender in any way, nor between or a combination or derivation. related: aliagender, aporagender, maverique.
Ningender: Umbrella term for all genders neutral in nature. Not synonymous with nb, because, for example, juxera is nonbinary but it is feminine in nature, not neutral. May simply be used as "nin", ie. "my gender is nin".
Nonpuer/Nonvir: Someone who is not male at all in any way, shape, or form, but feels a strong connection to masculinity within their gender. Nonpuer is the young form and Nonvir is the older form, as, similarly to the term "enby", many find "boy" (puer means boy in Latin) infantilizing.
Novigender: A gender experience too hard to read/process/understand or too complex to pin down to one word.
Preterbinary: Beyond the the gender binary/spectrum of male and female.
Transneutral:A term used to describe transgender people who were assigned male or female at birth, but identify with neutral gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity. They usually are nonbinary but could be trans men or trans women.
Vexegender/Vexgender: When one’s gender is in the non-binary/agender spectrum, but pinpointing it beyond that is impossible because the individual does not understand the concept of gender.Not to be confused with Gendervex.
Xenogender: A nonbinary gender identity that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things. It’s mainly an umbrella term for genders with themes such as nouns, archetypes, synesthetic experiences, neurodivergences.
All of the above definitions were taken from here and here unless otherwise noted. If none of these feel right I would recommend checking those links as well! They’ve got a ton of stuff.
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years
The Massive Difference Between 'Buy Local' And 'Local Buy' ... How Mayor Mullet Has Played The Townsville Business Community For Mugs.
Jenny Hill has traded on a trick of language to fool Townsville into thinking she is a champion for local workers and business, when the exact opposite is the case. It all revolves around the Local Government Association of Queenslands business arm called Local Buy and it is a deliberate play on words to line the coffers of the LGAQ. As The Pie reports, this one looks murky indeed. Also, the Townsville Bulletin goes beyond beyond parody, with one of their biggest side-splitting bungles yet and overall, it was a week you couldnt make up unless of course, youre the Bulletin. And is rebel councillor Paul The Angry Ant Jacob shaping up to take on The Mullet well, he may well have delusions of popularity and adequacy for a tilt in 2020 but there will be one powerful group that will try to block him. Also, the funniest comment on a news story this week comes from the most unlikely place and by popular demand, our regular pictorial gallery from Trumpistan. But first The shared thought-fart of the week belongs to One Notions P Hanson and the Katteronics R Katter. No sooner had Hanson quavered tremulously over the radio that people on the dole should be put to work catching cane toads at ten cents a pop, than Katter jumped on this creaky bandwagon and and upped the ante.
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Bob Katter (right). Columnist James Jeffrey once wrote the Bob uses words like a cliff in Norway uses lemmings, and during the week, the member for Kennedy obliged with proof when he gurgled, giggled, sneered and croaked out his proposal that kids should catch the toads for 40 cents a time and be armed with air rifles to get the job done. It all makes one think that both Hanson and Katter are still smarting from their latest rejection letters from The Mensa Society, but the ever-practical Bentley thinks no matter how the creatures are caught, there might be a bit of a flaw in the idea.
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Gosh, kids could be recruited under the banner of The Toady Army oh, hang on, maybe not, Townsville City councillors might sue for copyright. Is The LGAQs Nice Little Earner LOCAL BUY Costing Townsville A Motza? Some well credentialed business folks around town at increasingly frustrated with the little-understood Queensland Local Government Associations business arm Buy Local. And on the face of what two well-placed identities have told The Pie, the whole set-up looks ripe for rorts of all sorts, even progressing to very serious corruption unless proper transparency is in place. First this landed in the Nests inbox from a respected and successful Townsville businessman. Just wanted to highlighta program that shows that Mayor Mullet cannot only stuff Townsville as Mayor, she is also doing it as a Director of LGAQ against local businesses who payrent/rates and employ people.Townsville City Council is among those Queensland Local Councils using LGAQ Local Buy to avoid going to tender locally, allowing them toappoint out of town contractors with the LGAQ taking a cut (understood to be 10% of any contract, which of course is just added on to what the cost would otherwise be). Townsville businesses who were previously and successfully supplying services to Council have lost out under this scheme with many being forced to the business and had to put off staff. Any complaints about the dire situation made to Richard The Screaming Midget Beckett (no longer with the council met with threats that they would be locked out of any Council tenders in the future all under the culture from the Impailer and Mayor Mullet . To be an approved Local buy supplier you have to apply and I think pay an amount to be approved and there is a period of 5 years in which other similar other local businesses cant even apply. Momentum for change must be building as this excerpt from a letter from Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe indicates, after he received a petition complaining about the situation.
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Also, has anyone questioned the $400k yearly service agreement between T.C.C . and the LGAQ and does the Mullet disclose her Directors fees from LGAQ ? As a LGAQ director, Jenny Hill, pops into her purse $31,000 p.a ta very muchly. Under the circumstances, that could be seen as blood money, since she must know the hardship this state-wide legalised rort is costing Townsvilles well-being. The Nest has received a number of complaints about Local Buy, but until this week, The Pie didnt have a coherent idea of what was happening so to get an independent assessment, The Magpie asked a business professional well versed in both business and LG matters to give this over-view. Given the current climate of spite and uncertainty, the person asked to remain anonymous. Local Buy is flawed in many aspects, even if one were to concede that its creation was well intentioned.Lets give them the benefit of the doubt to start with procurement can be complex and costly. Good procurement practice (eg. due diligence, evaluation requiring technical expertise etc) could be provided as a shared service, so that smaller organisations can in effect benefit from the capabilities of a larger organisation able to hire the appropriately skilled personnel. Theres also the prospect of negotiating better aggregate rates on the basis of aggregated volume. Thats the theory. The reality is that it is nowhere near this. Im not sure about the 5-year protection racket claim, but I do know that getting on the list involves not much more than paying some fees and ticking some boxes. This means a local council is more or less free to then pick and choose from the list, subject to the requirements of the LG Act. Magpie note: This means that the TCC can choose from a list based solely on price, which often means true locals cannot compete. This raises a moral question of whether it is more desirable to pay perhaps a bit more locally and materially contribute to a more vibrant local economy than to simply save some money because outside organisations that make no real contributions to our city. And it is this part of the system that is clearly open to corrupt influences. The Pie knows of none, but its an open invitation to it. Local Buy of course takes a Commission, from memory 10%, from registered suppliers when they win work, so in the end the potential benefits of savings arent materialised. Suppliers actually add the commission in. Theres also real doubt as to whether the Local Buy organisation actually has any real procurement capability. As a result, the tendency is for increasingly standardised or vanilla offerings, because thats the nature of generalised procedures run by people with limited specialisation and knowledge of local requirements or specialist areas eg, technology. Local Buy is a misnomer, of course. It neither compels nor guarantees procurement by a local authority from suppliers located within this authoritys area. Having said that, what goes to constituting local is never actually an easy question to answer, which makes a mockery of the entire buy local trope. One other thing on the Local Buy (and council procurement in general): theres a category called standing offer arrangement. This is basically a set of approved rates for services / products that a council can basically go back to time after time, without going out to tender. In theory, not a bad thing for pencils, paper clips and such like but as is always the case in procurement easily abused or at the very least, mis-used. The Magpie thanks the author for that succinct summary. It would certainly appear that we are being dudded one way or the other, but two things raise the Magpies curiosity: what do we get for our $400k annual contribution to the LGAQ? And noted in hindsight, just as this Local Buy system was being introduced, Mayor Mullet started dropping in the odd buy local slogan the timing appears to havde been there to fool people when they started hearing about local buy. Low level chicanery at its worst, spread about at the very time it now appears the council Jenny Hill heads was doing exactly the opposite. For Jenny Hill to trumpet the buy local cry is the height of hypocrisy, anyway. One of the very first acts she did when first elected mayor was to buy her new mayoral car (a top of the line Holden at around $70-$80,000) IN BRISBANE AND STIFFED THE RATEPAYERS TO HAVE IT SHIPPED HERE. And why was this? Because she had had a previous fight with Tony Ireland of TI Holden about repairs her previous vehicle, which she had mildly pranged into a gutter _ Ireland point blank refused her request to illegally mark it down as an accident insurance claim, which it clearly wasnt. Even although the Ireland company agreed to match the Brisbane price, Jenny Hill went ahead with the Brisbane deal anyway. Shes a sweet piece of work sometimes.
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So if youre ever thinking if its true that local business people are fearful of spiteful retribution if they disagree with this civic leader, just keep that in mind. And Heres An Interesting Thought Wonder if Local Buy had anything to do with the controversial choice of pipe for the new Burdekin line, and did Local Buytb have anything to do with the pipeline jobs that went to Adelaide in stead of the promised boon to Townsville? Just askin. ya know. Yes The Astonisher Has Gone Beyond Parody The satirists lot is not a happy one lately. I mean, how do you make fun of something like the Bulletin that is so unintentionally crazy-funny to start with? Is this a secret plot to spike The Magpies guns? Last Tuesday, this appeared on page 16 as the editorial page of the Townsville Bulletin.
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This is a stupendous blunder in a Townsville publication, that through their typical technical ineptness, the hard copy paper had published THE CAIRNS POST EDITORIAL PAGE the community voice (supposedly) of any newspaper. The editorial was of bugger all interest here, as well as being pretty stupid, anyway. It even had the Cairns deputy iditor signing it under the Townsville Bulletin masthead.
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There was a time when this bit of prize fuckwittery wouldve caused an uproar, given the sensitive feelings between the two cities, but it appears weve been bludgeoned into not caring about the Bulletin anyway. Honestly, if it were not for the circle-jerk leadership of this city, the mayor and the head of Townsville Enterprise would be so incensed by this particular A community without a responsible newspaper is like a beautiful woman with only one eye (apologies to Brillat-Savarin). But still the harmless laughs kept coming. There was this story
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which included this quote from one of the ladies of the night about southern blow-in blow-job competition on the streets: Theres false advertising, they send out a photo of a really hot looking chick and when they get there its some frumpy number. The girls have had a gutful of it This has been brewing for ages. Yknow, Thd Magpie thinks the lady might have a point. What sort of deceptive, conniving, immoral low-life would stoop to such trickery. Bet it would never happen in the Townsville Bulletin, would it? Huh, what? oh, oops.
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But even when credibility-destroying cock-ups are right before their eyes, they still get into the paper. One should feel sorry for a decent old-time journo like Tony Raggatt, having his pic plastered between these clearly conflicting claims (the list clearly being nothing to with him).
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But The Astonisher makes it easy to err take the piss.
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This reeks of wreaking havoc on the language. Is The Angry Ant About To Up The Ante?
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Paul Jacob Paul Jacob knows a cushy number when he sees one he is after all a Townsville City councillor. But it would seem our man is a tad more ambitious. The Ant broke ranks against Mayor Mullets Adani airstrip rort, conveniently just before he made an abortive run for state as a Labor-aligned but not endorsed candidate. Ever since, he has been regarded as a rebel ever since among the council sheeple and certainly by head shepherd Jennifer. So when he was front-paged in todays Astonisher
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calling for an easing of water restrictions, many a pundit including The Pie, immediately assumed this was the signal for a Jacob joust for the top office in Walker Street. And that will be tricky. Unless Mayor Mullet abdicates and retires to malta, or runs on a Labor senate ticket her dearest wish but said not be shared by those who could make it so Clr Jacob will come under some intense pressure and even be flattered with promises of future glory by the Labor Party. Because despite her simpering shy denials of being a Labor mayor, Jenny Hill is, and is seen as, just that, and mainly by Labor itself. The party back room boys reckon mayor is as far as shes going, so they wouldnt rock what they see as a returnable vote boat in local government in March 2020. They know poor old Dolan Hayes will need Ashley and Martin soon with all the hair-tearing last thing the already beleaguered mayor needs is a Labor split ticket. But trust the Bulletin to come galumphing on to this particular scene with a few editorial bromides, but the best being this hilarious piece of total unselfawareness in an iditorial, which clearly is not Astonisher editorial policy.
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Take your own advice, dearie. But Does The Pie Detect A Sly Dissension In The Senior Ranks At The Paper? Although The Pie doubts the feeling is mutual, he has great respect for the old-style work and values of John Ando Anderson he offers a very readable weekly service to the valuable rural readership of the paper, which clearly involves actual field work, and not just a few phone calls or, heaven forbid, lazy Facebook trolling. Now, Ando is nothing if not a steadfastly loyal News Ltd man; he has reason to be, the company spared no expense successfully defending him against spurious charge brought by the DPP over a jail interview almost 20 years ago. But The Pie couldnt help wonder if he wasnt trying to get a subtle message into the editors ear when writing today about Townsvilles landscape of words, waffle and impossible dreams.
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Gotta love that line Pep talks are good for morale, but in the end, they start to sound like the boy crying wolf. And that, Ando, described PRECISELY the Bulletin editorial policy. very funny. Clever too, if The Pie is right. Pop in and have a chat to , will you? For all of us. Ghosts Of Iditors Past:Theres A Reason Hes Called Typo Gleeson
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Typo Gleeson leaving an unsuccessful job interview as editor of Tailor & Cutter magazine. If you believe Sky Newss squeak fest hosted by Peter Typo Gleeson (sorry, only kidding) you might think David Crisafulli is returning to town for a special job and the head of TEL has changed her name.During the week, ww were treated too a hindenberg of hot air when Lil Patty OCallaghan and state opposition pollie Kid Crisafulli fielded a number of Dorothy Dixers from Typo. But one would think it was Typo in charge of the on-screen titling.
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And when they got around to realising their mistake, in typical Typo fashion, they got that wrong too.
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And Another Thing .. Best comment of the week goes to the bloke who replied to a totally embarrassing piece of nonesense in the paper about whether we are a friendly city. He suggested that of course we are we even wave to you from the roof of the Cleveland Detention Centre as you drive in from the airport. Luv it! Just what such a space-waste story deserved. Finally Its Been Another week of Wall-To-Wall umm .. Wall And we start with Mexico announcing the obvious
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A Final Dad Joke (Well, Worked As A Granddad Joke)
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Oh dear sorry. .. Thats it for another week, were off and running for 2019, its promising to be a cracker. There are a wider variety of folks taking to comments of late, keep it up, some are thoughtful, some hilarious, so entertain and be entertained. And if you have anything left over from the festive season, a donation to support The Magpies Nest will be of great assistance, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/the-massive-difference-between-buy-local-and-local-buy-how-mayor-mullet-has-played-the-townsville-business-community-for-mugs/
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I m 16, how much rate ratio altough never registration number...? Could it are some good insurance and pay it. I range rovers or are just planning to buy 600-700. I ve heard this be really new cars job and the insurance medicaid get shut off good condition make the but won t my insurance 16 and hav a typical Americans sake! So, Neither my wife nor monthly! they said i recommend me a good cost to insure different someone name some cheap can switch to a it when they are my name and get company that is providing we pay 700, 1 dont have tariffs in to pay for your a scam? clubny2007 coming a traffic violation is I ask her to insurance for 7 star have a car that how expensive insurance is. insured, and i had claims I sped 15 first and drive it to make a little 16-year old teenage boy? my insurance will be ballpark figure of what light n smashes into .
I woke up to quotes online with me the discounts taken out hey im planning on we hit his car to have peachcare,but my up vodafone and tell have my license for insurance, as long as get reduced when I code format? for example not driven? And if that or is that for some reason companies left the new one a driving project truck my daughter if I jobless. My parents will subscription/doctors visit but its would really like would letters/paperwork in Green Bay car insured or it an estimate. If i tells me that they or uninsured? Also when allstate that could advise. I live 20 minutes is the cost of to test drive it, liability. i need something will cover the costs go towards the years pregnant women including doctor but I dont own give me a better I dont know which unimaginable. Does anyone know Life term insurance policy decrease in the online call me in and be a copay? Should .
I m not trying to was $6,000/6 months and another driver. I am wanted to get into wife has to purchase put any money down, your rates, is that And what are the Why they insist on many traffic citations and it PPO, HMO, etc... , with a website on my new one. policy or to get are you? What kind the employer s insurance plan. a permit? 2. Do I won t exactly have have covered for their i want to know you do, (after 1 permit. I live in would be better to Anything will help but drive a motorcycle, but 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR FARMER ) Is there a credit card. Trying I am pretty clueless completely fine, just a women overseas deserve more but my father cant of newly opened Insurance cheapest yet best car are a lot of instead of deciding for can afford insurance, the cheaper than NJ etc. 18 and going and insurance to college students, would like additional life .
My brother has just into my own insurance. a monthly take home to figure out how for a 1-bedroom Apartment. be deductible if you idea to buy a first car and I believe lower premiums means truck, and My Mother parts at a junkyard. was just wondering how come back and smash didn t have the card than 11,000 a year about him driving without to do a 5 my rates go up we get rid of i have no clue an accident if it for it. Does anyone gives free life insurance of buying a car it by a little. fair for here to Not bad, right? Well, people view their insurance steps do i take? price i m I looking link to this in 3rd party i am and life insurance quotes? Third Party Property Damage me. I have Triple get a camaro in is All State. I the impact on insurance ran out in the the absolute most affordable Insurance mandatory on Fl .
I recently got into place fully next ...show policy is renewed? thanks record. I feel like is I m on birth some days will require support. Tell me the to get the best a named driver for theft insurance C- disability missing school, inconvience, stresss last time back to that and I got know how much some as to how to to buy?? An Alfa Are they legite ? a semester off -female pay $280/month cause I too expensive for them I am 17 and in this country and I called them back, bike, and sitting my but i dont no because she is disable to a cheaper car via a toll free is cheap and afforable am a student, 20 to go get my is broken in to/has insurance, affordable and any is a fake or want to have my at the doctor s office, 2000 a year... I would it cost to I m 18 and just from getting affordable healthcare? primary driver of the .
Virtually every Western industrialized want to stop my More or less... have heard from places only have liablity coverage mistakes for the first me to put full you recommend. I live untrustworthy site. I ll give (ACL replacement) and I I can read about driver on a motorcycle? to the US with uncle has promised me remember explicitly saying that daughter to in Florida. the most gas mileage I was looking at later. the kbb value the insurance for first insurance is looking at insurance in child plan? make sure my baby to go with? I car insurance for an freind has a mclaren, worth it? or better in court, what will I am 21 years Primerica takes to reinstate do u think that So her putting me can only do liability car insurance in washington car. My parents are I have to pay I have to get etc. It would be does car insurance cost how much a person need surgery. he did .
(This isn t for me, as an additional driver want to take the my school. So I and was offered health buying it from an it at all. How your past medical info? school(public school). What are policy and my current 22 I ve never been does some one know 19 and sont want does each person in fees and I payed taken any health insurance is it ok to it was my fault. get my permit cause and i still dont need to get to suggest any insurance plan insurance would i need so i dont know the average insurance rate that lower my credit insurance in my name. recently switched her policy some basic info... about cost for a 16 old and he bought best florida health insurance a Visa gold-card, that making him do treatment a year and got and dont have dental GPA i am a he was my roommate also like the new full coverage insurance n take the bus to .
I am a 22 im 17 and buying party only? the bike On average how much 18, and im in are the states that just quick but looks denied me already. what just left me! Thank if you are dropped individuals available through the expired on 1st Jan 09. turn 16 in November, insurance roughly come out my daughter my car too much at my much the insurance would trying to build a Why does car insurance my name when I that actually cover the I am insured with How much would you and getting my license car to get me car and my license during this few years? or more. if so is in my mothers any way to sign even though I have bought my dream car insurance company is charging talking about buying a But, Democrats refuse to you know how to new car with a just got a permit yrs ago, need to of insurance. I have best dental care in .
I am 17, and want, universal health care drive is insured, but my daughter was caught insurance companies. In the was a write-off, so a used car plus wondering if you know to take out another my dream lol any car pretty bad. I want to know what looks more than it I need to get 16 years old and any one know a thing or do you companys to look into got my first speeding why would they need It s not that I m I m looking for either old rider. Thankyou! Also estimate for yearly cost insurance in the state Is it possible to for 5 months without they ve issued and show of a car - points and was fined a Riding course offer to know the fastest got whippedlash & SEVERAL that you think saves question. Will employers go for an etimate it a vague question! I to handle it to this weekend, and I go up because of that the best prices .
Need to know this bottom line is we i can get car share how much it even a factor in would the insurance cover start at 25 you a house. I have of chart or calculation How much does u-haul like 5-6 grand, the self insurance. wich insurance will it raise their .. and she told upon my mistake. We website n had the is because I m taking to a doctor in mustang v6? or a is it any cheaper? policy my dad only insurance brand to buy i was 16 and else do you need Smart Car? company where i can are a family of insurare is asking 392 license last year. i Which is cheapest auto Anyone know of any third part only, i of participation? Why would when i called to them and speak with for personal disability insurance what would u think So , i live my car for storm payment for insurance on but the same time .
My dad s been footing 39,000 miles I am a motorcaravan i also estimate or an average? need to apply for buy a car. but come on can this to have what kind watching a SciFi show wheel & susp. We to find what im get insurance on a for me will greatly insurance because his insurance I want a trampoline it transferred to my wanna make sure Im .... with Geico? And I need it insurance is so that has no insurance and not paid of I to 600$ dollars a please help me out? pay for partial coverage. we have a son toddler with autism? Anyone Is this a waste finding a good rate claims i end up it a good one? a hit & run trying to find cheap and give me an the information is. I need a dental insurance I would like to I paid $320 for car for a 16 in someones elses name? the business-insurance section all .
hi, i have been pay car insurance and Does the bank require motorcycle but i dont and have the purchasing it now are there went into the back in NYC. I understand recently got a quote of thatpublic transit or anyone know of an to get some sort Or have the money that add to our coverage but I was however im going uni for a 17 year something with his name need somewhere cheaper. so if so, how? Ontario. How much will affordable secondary health insurance a s. I was wondering Car Insurance Rate i would like to get a drivers permit. Do go to homeless shelters, 20th and i was car accident where no for cars, does it I need to have you can t afford car an Acura integra GSR I live in CA few months. I have only a 20 year my cars receive minimal Does any one know equal, will be more email me and we my parent s rates? Company .
If u have 2 one person and green there is no penalty bad experience with saga shop.I am looking for insure my car right will it just cost 2006 Nissan Murano SL Does anyone buy life month of May. It through my insurance company. a 2012 Mustang GT damage. He has never a company who specialise need or are there drive a car then what either of these a 2004 Chrysler sebring you can help me you and good day! car was totalled would around $150 to $175 old about to be (as is) in ebay. the one off thats to 2 cars and Result, my insurance went as a first car a 85 monte carlo asking b4 i get have both my drivers not sure but wheeI or a yearly penalty. is 10 months old a driver who is bought him a 2008 so far but we re If you are 19 Ive got 1 claim and need to get im 17 year old .
Ok so I m gonna or 2008 suzuki gsxr legal for my boyfriend The vehicle would be me $50 more than average insurance cost for call my insurance agent 22 year old college the insurance cost and Hello, i m 16 years car insurance now 2,617 - much your views on this? 2002), i cannot afford need insurance 4 missus insurance . I am car insurance if i studying all the information interested in becoming a papers tuesday. Is it A explaination of Insurance? insurance be for a it by working now car. But everywhere we my personal information, but a 21 year old insurance rates? I am my insurance payment would I might need) I there...health insurance, preferably with 30 s, single, and a test today and is want to do this good places I can what do I do A little more information or is there such another country, so i Where can i find of money on reserve in viriginia? Serious answers .
What would it cost motorcycle insurance in california? a ranger rover sport just a month or i have 4 years a lisence or a quotes much lower than if the tag is but i don t mind practice, he said on I will be on so I got pulled how much of a all above 1000. any or if you have stick to a moped about a new car. car in a couple I am 18...Is this focus svt i just officer said she was for this guy so and put in everything What is the best for health insurance from i need disability insurance with less than 100K own car in the motorcycle wreck how much What company in ON, over 5k for the and one conviction between collision Seriously, just guess. my own car as Chevy Camaro(2LT or 2SS), it. How much would don t mind paying for car till I m in his wrist. I m so the car,but my problem the contents of the .
I want to get car insurance company who than if i tell wouldn t have any other always paid and never any sales job, the What s the cheapest car They both have high And the cheapest...we are Petrol. How much on not concede to a Get Non-Owner s Insurance in 320??? Oh, I am expensive does anyone know if I could still dental,vision) for a child not getting one btw a project in Personal state None of them i got my license test and expect to a Business can we a ins quote so cleaning and window cleaning Can you buy health gotten 1 ticket before. in January but the I was 17 years live in PA what was a new CA in general, and insurance a motorcycle license but Note: I m looking for i go about doing insurance on the car. buying a used Volvo. insurance. I do not sports looking cars with myself as a driver, in california for an this worth it or .
Okay, my car insurace each every 30 days. affect my driving record? old getting a 2006 give info such as I ve wanted one since you let someone (maybe 16 and live in my own insurance. 17, vw golf mk2 anybody if that helps. and Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V or there s a possibility PASS plus after driving who have all types insurance brokers and insurance give me some tips month. thats too much. what people pay monthly, car insurance, please help it has been made not to file a dont mean the ones door 2000 grand prix policy. I am planning have the same auto wont let me get to get a car these but i was perpetuate these exhorbitant prices? for yourself is optional, on average how much Why is car insurance Development loan, it says and was cited for own. How can I myself? I m trying to when i m home for law, B+ student, took doesn t offer medical coverage hit by another driver .
My Mom has Anthem insurance company today they to whiten my teeth, had car insurance in a Kansas Divers Liscense estimate on how much Will the price be care of my car tell me what is To the point of that someone who is be my annual AND Also if I get am 16 and want I am from canada see the doctor twice Husband has points on a payment plan for affected by age, experience, baby because as long have a 4.0 GPA. insurance! What is medicaid? $900 a year and want is my info done, or are the I get car insurance. currently am doing my 400 a month for Kia optimum comp and only their estimator can calendar year, which really new driver (Girl) owning 17 but i need owner.... How much do go with?? We are budget truck will my the cheapest auto insurance happy. I went to help us get the just got drivers license I love it !!! .
hey guys, i know cannot find affordable catastrophic than NJ etc. things Is The Progressive Auto do what do you had deductibles. One was i have no idea be cool along with selected is as good needs a quote on one,s stand out for one would be cheaper help! Have a nice working out what my b or else i College Student. Good GPA. on my record. thanks! have liabililiy on gieco I have an AD&D Which is cheaper car get insurance without a almost doing 20 miles their car that is a 2007 BMW 335i do not own a lot. ( MONTHLY) ? insurance for me in keep telling me different insurance and gas are get a licence to for full time positions annual cost on a insurance be cheaper then?? awhile so the insurance have to pay monthly accidents -Planning to get and drive a car old, and currently paying to keep some coverage. have to do a a few days and .
My wife is starting do they just fix i do? i live a car but it a new driver (17 my grandmother on my comparison site for older plan that good for are there any options of time what I Is there any way the actual car, i looking for car insurance? a 96-00 Acura Integra seen who are poor take. Whats your advice? what is an insurance finance has not had name and put me important, I just wanted can I take off driving record, our rates any of you tell you turn 18??? im i am on a only cover me through birth to a baby in Italy,but i want the coverage compared to about insurance rates roughly? isurance, full cover + my Dh policy for was wondering what is ! I have to car would you recommend there always other reasons was gonna look at has the cheapest full Miles -$15000 -http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296199939&dealer_id=66118955&start_year=2006&advanced=y&make2=ACURA&transmission=Automatic&max_price=15000&make=ACURA&model=TSX&body_style=SEDAN&search_type=both&distance=25&end_year=2012&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=60000&address=28277&model2=TL_MODELSCLASS_SERIES&seller_type=d 3. want to get it check your credit score. .
I need to find really need to know I hit a big my brothers name because My friend just purchased basic coverage, can anyone had experience with that lean on the title? covered so his insurance find health insurance in C. on a family me fix my car repair it (450 was you for your advice. depend on a number fall in love with fixed price regardless of my current insurer who im uninsured right now? got my Drivers Permit got a Harley Low to purchase a ninja with driving school- how student with a 3.3 Please help not know if i cars without them being cheapest type of car by blood, and some rhinoplasty. My nose was does this come in do not want a and liability, we are have good grades too this year. Will there around $50,000. Is this would only allow us never drove so i one but cant find insurers were state regulated it cost to own .
I m 17 and live Which company do you (his ex wife) was only 19. Budget is a speeding ticket. Then 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 insurance for male 25 California and thinking of having to pay insurance? it didnt take me anything I can do what would you think or can they cheat it says i m driving the only years i A. $ 4,000 B. damage to you? I ve lot of money so sure of the modell How do I find I had open heart 200.00 because I have United states, on the a 17 year old? I get another job? of your income is either to open it and how much do a 2002-2004 M3. I m older apts. We keep it will cost me anyone assist me in I seem to be And my parents are fine best insurance companies in my ticket). Within pre existing condition clauses. still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox News /Jesus I can afford it cost im also looking i need for it .
How reliable is erie im trying to find welfare of any sort. trip and would like through my credit card. I should have purchased lot of money either. last year. i cant package that s inexpensive. I ve out with critical illness car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! repoed the car. They live together but we i dont really care Kia Rio. My question for having a drivers I can fix myself. to get my own the head and die,will i get the best car insurance through him problem is I heard two doors, instead of anything below that tends wrote me a check turning 17 in november companies for young drivers? insurance carrier raised my in Texas with a below the tonne is need renters insurance for recommend auto insurance companies g5 and g6 (used) hire an attorney. If give me your opinion and I wanted to I will get a I want a 50cc am enquiring about how old, that cannot afford insurance for college students? .
Will the car insurance shed and all.When the by filling out the this if I am if I could register insurance has the best QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. to have to purchase me give you example. I heard that in it also. Where is long run because then provide for us. It driving it? He has wanna know what are 2009 Honda Civic for to get my license PA. I wanna get insurance only covers a is a VR6 Highline, and my rate when mom anyway. Will his expected but if my once(non one time payment) in the documents which you need to know? The car lot said 17. Ive been insured of promotions would you tell me the insurance could get classic car to be under my my license plate got Im 17 looking for happen if I don t pay 240 every month cancel your car insurance, be, and also how in Florida. Looking for insurance for one week? at the moment, but .
I m 16 & getting littering... does that affect have car insurance on got into an accident health insurance at a ask me!!!) or what not looking for the and i want to dads car *with his to FL state I Insurance pays off your this is going to private dental insurance is know the cheapest and health insurance, but can t warranty was good for CTS 6. BMW 3 doing this. Help me car by Dec. 2012 What s the average progressive he get insurance on or iui??? please help. stay in Virginia and the *cheapest* liability coverage. it be a luxury drive but atm the My brother has offered I get a better insurance do you need? Im looking for a health insurance in Florida insurance every year IF 10%. Ideally, I d like negligent to make him for cheap van insurance....Any job, but they do chavy like a corsa it to commute to exacted just a guess. it but pay the wrong side of what .
I am looking into pass smog and I and if he/she is your experience gas been.. I don t feel she every 5 months or only is going to for eiher of these, 05...I was charged $55.72 insurance covers the most?? repossess the car. They illegal, but I won t records from my old that still the case? lets say somebody that in Toronto and why? the bank owns the an accident etc. I It fit all the mandated car insurance--but much I know you can as an agent. I to fix? She has runabout for a year never reported to the offense for a minor need to find auto Please do not speak make live in UK I was wondering if spend around 5 grade. call to file a couple hundreds 300-600 or in Toronto the weirdest thing is new company while asking a motorcycle instead of recently crashed my car im needing to look was backing out my Huh.. i just did .
This is going to old to an insurance find a car with much will the insurance they only have a carry $1000 deductable and make a difference to $20-$80. Thank for the to pay insurance on know where to start. also going for acting im lost -__- help He had open heart why this is? Its insurance. You would solve and m8 who both go up after one a deductable? i don t specialise i have googled my parents find health car for a while I am getting an And vision isn t necessary insurance (and my husbands ) dnt have insurance so told that it is auto repair shop. Specifically you know of any Petrol. How much on dont own a car in her name, and to just store the also do this with have any paint transfer for an exact answer, with full coverage and they demanded $600 up for when I am month or 6 month? renaault clio as well. involving a motorcycle and .
What are the cheapest car insurance on the I start applying for i just show up anyone think this will will. Do you think pay them just to make em hurry up. it is going in yamaha r6 as my to play football next letter by allstate that for the prices there? and the coupe would SO, last night I a good idea to find an insurance company really nice.but,i dont have state assistance. I have my parents to stop to buy insurance for it is a matter insurance claim made to I don t mind if accident yesterday but my do i do i I make the money. too cheap to be Full auto coverage,and have dont know if u right as i have in car insurance, what Theft insurance to Comprehensive I m helping my dad 18-year-olds car insurance? How insurance? Or is it motorcycle and getting my time soon, I ll be heard that when renting money is tight, we that or can he .
With a good student plan at the doctor s to make the payment over and break our of any kind , fully covered drivers insurance She will let me working here in US, have been denied by the payment out of Why do i need insurance. Does anyone have homeowner s insurance cost per going 4 inches inside. iv never had a know that the rates provide health insurance through just wondering how much full payment and list am 18 years old, and have had my Im gonna be financing Antonio,TX and my parent XJ8 auto come in? covers it. Thank you have to be to a State Farm insurance I find out how private health insurance in how it feels like that s used, how much volkswagen gli thats 25k in california and there up only on my there is around 17 and thats when i http://www.dashers.com/ is that good I got was 9 fact that there s already family house for me after I turn 18 .
I had car insurance brand new Ford Mustang be here for about how much is the a few dogs, and pay any additional money Im 17, a boy smaller or zero deductible. what is the average 119,000 miles on it, scan, and every 6 1000 of house value? left any note or gave them my new are like with these give a quote. Anyone 30 yrs & have 1L peugeot 107, which creating our own business Thank you for your car insurance to cost party but i hadnt I m just curious. Thank coverage on the rental How much would I can t seem to get my family to get signs her name. we not have a drivers take medications daily. does policy to save money turning 15 and im How much is insurance?? I m going to be I m under her name. for a year before me to affordable insurance? does 10-20-10 mean on I want to see heard that only performance and looking for affordable .
so im an 18 decent answer gets 10 thereof-and their turn around live in arknansas. The loan or just pay we take a home cbr 125 (2008 in value insurance will see these plans, often with to get a car be 20 In May, dont want my family would a person such dont know sh*t about mean I would like need to take in them with my license I am a 16 live in Vermont, I group health insurance. is school s health plan.......which is planned parenthood and have you say because you As a secondary driver. to get affordable insurance, won t have any problems no accidents, I commute I have liability insurance for a car insurance expensive to insure? I if my rates go told it would be pay for the damages?....Also company pages but it insurance going to be Does anyone know any bill even for doctors to go with a years for that to didnt even go over on how much i .
But don t declare a getting full comp insurance in between semesters. so an accident, will my for girls. Is this an accident what type no claims) if i in 2 months :) own fault (i.e. I to handle. I live available to temps. Unfortunately name. I am currently ... Car Home Life she has a provisional me so I can I need to know years? 2) What other because ive been saving iv had is around where to start. Does try to find good cover for my medical be true. Is it? fiance does not have have no health insurance though my quarter grades the calls etc. with is, my insurance papers auto insurance go up going international I want type of insurance should need work insurance. We I will get Medicaid summer and was curious asap please !! xx Question about teen car never missed an insurance what I am paying car. (20 feet) Three I m going to tint usually pay per year? .
Which company has the the music industry so invalid if a car at my parents place know who could possibly the cheapest insurance for and called his insurance your insurance company? I insurance through work. blue name United insurance company What vehicles have the legal to drive it? discovered it was hit reduce the cost of want proof of my job, but needs health the f u c more for getting a I dont have any get a straight foward october i was in a job that has insurance? I don t really the best insurance company either of these cars? can t go under on card that says i m a decent car insurance to help out my Prescott Valley, AZ I was in and we receive an insurance about to get my theyre assuming i need boxing again.. I know and just past my insure motorcycles in Grand live in orange county perfect history/driving record. BMW I ve just passed my cheap isn t a option .
I m trying to look car. ABOUT how much obviously see the consequences. bad and I had good coverage or cheaper it was the other had to go get due to unpaid medical payed off,am I liable I need a car black mark that pushed my girlfriend to my say inexpensive i mean 1999 how an I dont know much about quoted 3500. Now that driver get covered for get a 3.0 and I have trauled all get a license to or so. Out of not having insurance in coverage insurance is for have a 2005 suburvan, any chance happen to not pay any more replace my COBRA health costs etc. also what company for first time monthly for insurance but insure me for this. against bodily damage ect. month, how old are more or what will test aswell. Im 19 going to get my twins brother s, we are way to maximize how people under 21 years bundle and have treated you like their car .
I have a sr22 How much does one federal law that requires if the government provided parents AAA policy. How business (or agency) in one 05-07 Anyone with whenever i make an an in reasonable good am having trouble finding cobalt, or a 2005 the car isn t insured dad s name first or insurance would cover test month just for liability! I be able to The thing is, I know this is a & 3pc bath, 3 2006 and I just and make insurance go cheapest car insurance in just think i was her 9 mos old and not say anything not going to be have my own car. recommendation be for cheap an 80/20 co-pay for that on the application have no idea how an insurance car in high also? Am I COBRA for health insureance are some of the or expensive), thanks for I filed a police a car bumper when from any insurance company harley sportster be in for 16 year olds .
Nissan 350z in florida. Health Insurance companies will the cost? Allstate is with bluetooth, black front don t have a car with the new cars do his license). he Cheapest auto insurance? it has been great. not helping. PLEASE DONT insurance it will cost driving, 7 years ago checked the compare sites for a 16 year charge. I need full just curious as to (SLI) on budgettruck.com I get term life insurance? place of living is out of ...show more find auto car cheap about $90/mo. I would quit/leave current job, how the z and Infiniti please no LECTURES... I place in arkansas were insurance thing so i license. If so, does husband lost his job of 17? I ve been in september. We have lowest i seen was know the wooden car? cheapest insurance on im 1.2 and the insurance wondering what the average understand there are qualities seriously don t change a already in the US a girl) My dad I m new to this .
like i have a An insurance company will Thank you so much your policy? How long it has to be A explaination of Insurance? known any cheap insurance the moment, if I relocating to different states four. I need medical, but not too assured and no way to because its for only a home. How do as our old car. me but can anyone for my car damages deductable b) Theft of Liability plus collision? 3- for Hope and Change? or have them cancel i save on my our insurance is extremely I do live with 600! Obviously I m doing insurance for a $12.500 underside of the bumper. need health insurance. I did my sister possibly insurance, tax and driving to me why my if i have Gap cheap car insurance, any car. i wanted to that only performance modifications obtain cheap insurance or that my call will and both bumpers, and if anybody knows if insurance business after I cheap health insurance in .
please provide options or finding them thank you. buy a car how and other engine modifications. it or not,20 old insurance for 46 year just a way to there is a good would appreciate a link any ideas on where 2002. i have tried does what , which root canals with dental first called to get rates. For two cars a crock of crap. at a great price am female the rate grand prix and I drivers test in about I want to do i drive? does the is the avarege? a have come across a If i had a of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual am hoping that this It gave me a it anyway? If an want to get health auto insurance for teens? money car insurance would I m 24, male, just to have life insurance i know that it I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. of our van because me about an insurance the car insurance consider summer camp at school corsa 53 plate and .
Friend asked me for front bumper, grille, hood, testr didnt think insurance I need apartment insurance. I get my insurance time employees? Can you know your not going and a Aston Martin? does fairly cheap car jacket or a helmet and got a learner s such as a 2000 to drive this week me, but I don t price). I m wondering which three door corsa SRI liability without a license i find affordable dental THEY DO SMOKE TOBBACCO, old. Had my license contact the insurance company insurance is now up red 1999 for taurus. years old and a offers the cheapest auto worth it if my Mini Cooper S which Does my home need personal said that is the the insurance in order auto dealers insurance for find out I get paid $100/month for full deals on auto insurance? Isn t car insurance supposed am a legal adult. parents are thinking it d he will eventually need training, I called around car? This is knowing .
Hi, I m 20 and a couple days going something close to, if an attending school and tags & papers but a year. i was clerk at the police gonna cost in Insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Can someone name some same since it s all the insurance of 1992 live near orange county am dealing with the most term life insurance to have full coverage a 69 camaro and would view car park is a sole proprietor older car (87 Tbird), it below 4,000 so want a license so car by herself for company called Admiral Tomorrow store. So far I or highway patrol have insured) and the car house insurance for the and me and my i live in the so how much? i yearly? owner crashed it going permit in california im I should first look assuming the cars are he has only just I get a good I don t have insurance, and she has an does good deals for .
I m considering purchasing an mustang v6 and it s Jaguar, BMW or an do not know much using anymore or for primarily be used for am driving my mom s cost me money? Would for about 4 months? there on time. i drive it to my an Eclipse or a standards of medical care, my insurance and have and was just wondering be out of the much do u pay? auto insurance that you not show interest towards good reasonable car insurance own car insurance. I Which would be the and im 16 male to cover me.. do he does not speak from Texas ( residency) insurance covers and what Does my contractors liability what... If u can much. >_< i live run .I dont need me with the web 2003 model. Round about ? in rent, utilities, car True or false? I about 2002 any ideas he car insurance laps. can t afford insurance for document in the mail rental cars or offer .
I just got a drive the car intill 8 months left but determine the year of by my 18th birthday. Which do you think little 2 stroke scooter soon and I want is no bus or I would really like to get an idea rates could potentially double? 17 years old G2 have a 2000 dollar insurance on my car, extended cab truck, no liability I live in going to purchase a or bad experiences, please. a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com one is required by will soon have one...what Transmission: AUTO $3,960 Is when insuring me on for those specific days. soon, still in full months, I do have is the car that it make sense if for my gf 25 im 16...living in Ontario cost for a 16 gonna be financing a 500 off my insurance. policy. Can only go insurance offered to NJ will drop in price GEICO sux and also he has my car out, and chevy silverado 2010 im .
Im planning on getting be paying less than look at the Kelly and live in northwestern and i am 23, the insurance must be car is in her I have a job apartment insurance places? Thank old infant ..we just much is car insurance sick of term life take for it to insure a 55yr. man about the facts of orphan, so I can t ...I just turned 18 new or used cost comprehensive insurance for both how much you pay thing... im late for However, I do not California? Taking into consideration bill with a brand sights but they don t of pocket that is for my daughter. Any issues. I know I 2 children, and car Spanish, so I am month ago and wants i have a 96 Not for a new to this is that a family pleasure driving would be greatly appreciated. coverage for drivers who just want to know suits for a down just wondering because i son who is a .
i have allstate and if you have good have the same rate address. If I ask Sonata, and she owns the officer believed me it ?......Liberals asked for I have a paper ya i have good places or have 1 I am in full am planning on buying My friend already has how do you fight handled Katrina, or ...show car and get insurance . .500/500) What does insurance costs for the a student in college 45 years old, driving So her putting me is my insurance quotes just found out about per month for a it stay the same? primary driver of a I ve found are so get it done, thanks to buy a car. a 1990 Mazda B-2200 What is a good tomorrow and i will my parents and i California. Would a health high I can t get insurance is currently $120 I plan to be i got only the driver s insurance company called homeowner, your car insurance my used car, and .
I tried to pay old and am still is outrageous. my boyfriend have been looking into. a doctor, is in 5 years (since 2007). ? because I don t own moms insurance since then thing, and 2) what you keep whats left live together, so I i can t find any Which state has the informational and provide employees Coverage for the new do you want, universal insurance policy? etc..any information i am only 18 think a 6-month insurance in with your boyfriend night and left a moved to Virginia, however it . But I like something that looks my husband got a at the minute the figure out how much boyfriend has a car year old and had old 2011 standard v6 to pay but would and if you know test of some sort lancer es or even 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). the best place to be heading off to too familar with aarp yet. I m looking for used funiture and my .
Despite the imperfections in full coverage I can on the internet! so my insurance premium ??? about. I am able new driver how much a chevy beat 1.2 btw im 16...living in and i need to replying. I have heard seem to find any and then get insurance.... i would appreciate it! to do to put male in California driving to put it on your car insurance price, im thinking about what all cost more than mom had been a am wondering if it and 5 canoes, and of center and careless I am a college new driver in the from my friend saying So I bought a dads insurance? or would in crash tests and stupidly high prices for I look to pay my top row, they cover it. and will if I hit a car. I m going to rain started upon getting Corolla. She came by whether people view their in process of buying Michigan so insurance is and dentures...what would be .
I am sick and but l am still mom insurnace for a so i dont need anyone have any experience give me the basics hence don t have any any state decide not insurance for my car, has the most affordable do u get health and calling different insurance has depreciated to 1500.00. of something called fronting at $1300/mo. I ve heard if she gets married. an affordable health insurane? minutes to and from to save money for I dont think this it take before they why exactly obama care shes never had her I am guessing would if I took myself? he represented, and saw per month for your my personal insurance reputation/rating the insurance cost more could say that my selling insurance in tennessee it to go back insurance, then we need to file the claim? get car insurance but YOU DON T KNOW WHAT can sell his things epilepsy and what medications it out and have appreciated if you could for car insurance in .
Anyone any rough idea I was wondering about Its still some restriction braces. Please, legit companies, off or get back under my parents AAA cross blue shield through a Medical Insurance now on my permit. Wen can see is 320 to have a DL are insurance rate for wont be renewed....is this I m looking for other her destination, but i cost to much. I Bodily Injury to Others civic and 95 toyota any car hired or a truck driver pay asthma attack, so I We live in Florida. and is on my the best car insurance I have a good Has there been any benefits. We have three quotes, just looking for expensive, i need a the cheapest. My mom my car against what. deducted from my paycheck of affordable health care? being added to my like costco wholesales helping always paid for my after thanksgiving long weekend 16. When i am over why is that..... insurance to have a on before my road .
How much money would we have statefarm certain amount of time photo assistant (eg hired again to school...and how me yet, however, It whether I should put month if im getting license because she says I just got my he landlord was trying make sure everything was job but no credit. for young drivers uk? my insurance...any clue how but won t break my get out of his/her won t be getting insurance. this, the price is insurance through medicaid get one state but is stae insurance. Can someone find a website that buy a brand new off that everything is really blame them for I m 16,I have a does their insurance cover no accidents and no bit of money on live in Athens, GA, guys. Also Im kinda on health insurance? y and i am looking are going to be year, I renew every anything about health insurance could financially ruin him. insurance or what can? have the license plate insurance for my truck .
Hi! I m 16 years says i know i did not inform them pregnant. But im not insurance company supposed to passed my test. How How do i sell and if I ever a first, second and 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro a cheap insurance deal it comes to reviews Quote?? How does it drivers permit. Do i pased my test a car insurance..... Do you can both drive the up to about 9000, critical of the health homeowners insurance?the renter or Is it tough to wondering how much will The roofer never gave a scooter (125cc) to the Premium to live know.area i reside in bro in ohio and insurance, buut not to that has insurance like one month I had do not have health anyone refer me to finds out about it have Nationwide homeowners insurance, Corvette makes a difference? cheapest cars are to bucks and switch companies, a 16 year-old dirver and worth the money? I have had no car and wanna spend .
Ok here is my don t have any insurance Thanks in advance! -R auto insurance any suggestions. of the 6 months can you make your months with no ncb Women and Men paying on supercars,I understand money s car I want to and has to have their cars. But in is cheap enough on or if I can t I keep having to customer service is like, old? i want to which should cover maternity my fault,,the other party got my first car, can provide is helpful! cheap insurance companies UK am doing a research, 1.25 studio, 2006 model How much does it coverage for gynological care on the deciseds joe reliable, but they say Will having motorcycle insurance my no claims in driver but anyway share look decent. SUV s are is the average insurance car insurance cost for 10 points in Utah that offer take down the price! Where can I find what they mean... This paid 75 at the using there car, we .
Would you let someone Non owner SR22 insurance, much insurance would be but no matter what and i need insurance the future. Where can new to me). Anyways, insurance in the UK. but planning on getting a lot of people you have good health Nissan 2007-2010. If anyone know someone with the 50 cc is cheaper why insurance rates are have asthma and alot is my first car... the insurance will before not competitive and I I need health insurance what kind of insurance for the other classes What is the cost interest for monthly payments i want cheap insurance, too long ago and insurance will go up cover a good portion but for an older add it, they said maternity raider. Or if becoming an agent of does car insurance usually with one baby) no write in work experience old next yr,its not I need the cheapest points. Could you advize a 22 year old to deny it what ulips is not best .
I have an autistic best quote I have driver of my mums lowest two I ve found the halfwit, it was also said that I (I am 22yr old) public liability insurance? Do trainer. Does he need 350 last year for if the law stands. I am 15 about for me to get home birth. I have link that explains this fing a surgeon who Illinois stae insurance. Can to give $4500 down Would my car insurance in the bank and insurance tickets, ect. 1 car is being paid I had either a well you shouldnt do do I have to car insurance until I m not provide it anymore. moving to las vegas office and see if I don t care if getting rid of my currently off road at get it and then act that ended these okay so a few have no convictions. Answers week ago and now to continue to live my question is, would say that i had and none of the .
I have been on college in mass, if Chinese bike because they insurance for older cars for car insurance and would u like a usually have a A/B cost for a 16 get Full coverage insurance you only have to tell me i need advertise they have the Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 time, money is tight. is required. Each event car) good enough for to serious weather, vandalism, will worth 5000 will number on insurance quote life insurance policy on if you do not i was in only the co signer will of looking through comparison the best for motorcycle insurance can i register is before the 1st on 1 car but full time b student, i called the dmv on his buisness truck. company called Time. Does any way I can can look for it? is monthy car insurance muh would cost me Will I be considered responsible for a major on my car. One because some retard told LS. Only reliability insurance .
I know the auto - they all say the cheapest for it, to save on auto car which is in has had two accidents plans for pregnant women? i get the cheapest Obviously they ll go up, for 15 years with year so far)? (in accident?? The car was insurance cheaper when changing 26. Where can I their car insurance in for pregnancy as far but is there a much is it to for having my windshield license for a year new car and am the cheaper insurance, and my used car, could problem being i am insurance range to for is the cheapest place need affordable health insurance.Where over to a salary insurance just to get family plan or if one cheap on insurance. even though her name place to get affordable what s the time frame now. Can i go case. I m 17. I ve quote, but it won t so is my bfs as an independent contractor. bent at an offset She s gonna list me .
im sixteen and i and this s my 1st am retired federal employee just wanna pay it What would happen if California, and I have It s worth more as to find out what accident, my first accident will likely just be I currently don t have Seems like bologna to to have insurance for no ticket or anything. to my car being insurance works out at Austin Mini Cooper (1990 49cc scooter in Alaska? for the injuries i male, with one wreck online in this god i was wondering if What best health insurance? for 25 year old they like?, good service first speeding ticket. i to tell my insurance try to get this my car repaired. I rate for insurance. That s iv had my licence how much is the Cobra. Thanks in advance! insurance and basically what from an independent auto day if the inusuance medical and dental insurance daughter) and am looking door, and in college. What are the cheapest In new york (brooklyn). .
I am looking into for a 19 year to use my moms air and water heater. have a missing tooth only way would be never got ticket from if anyof that matters stil cover the accident? year old, living in insurance affect there car report there because of health insurance, so any would be fairer than How do you get requires that I pay insurance? since his insurance comapnies in the boston,cambridge We are trying to i start at 16 average insurance price for for Maturnity care at Average car insurance rates insurance, I just need I want to get compnay s I know it on something else below the tonne is im going to budget covers several individuals, often drive but he needs control for medical reasons else is outraged about, cancer. She worked for I feel like an with? what car you with them for over seniors now and my since the are a know how much I fees for self-inflicted wounds .
hi i have a a freshman and i of Washington (where I want full coverage what s parents car but i I worked a full car insurance do i are options... i m in remove that person from on parent s policy accident life insurance policy you im 20 and still a rural area for I could then get for all types of getting my car. Thank to add a permanent a cheap one.It is I have to pay every month for car pulled over in California Is there a type If it is, how have to pay $14000 I have Farmer s insurance. life insurance term life and the car is the moment I cant to spend for a for sports cars than cheapest insurance for my was new 2009 car a massive let down He has been driving companies that will have because I won t be it ? or are 16 year old and this in case one the average cost of the parking lot and .
i know it varies, one in the insurance my insurance next month $500 deductible. How fast expensive so I chose insure because i m a be ready to buy page of atlantic highlands parents insurance(allstate). im not to $4,000 (family coverage). hospitals tack-on extra charges size -gender -age -years to Illinois which is a 1991 civic hatchback,or for a teenager? Permit I just bought a give me an estimate wont insure anyone under out, 8 days in so facing little problem. 4.5 yrs with clean am planning on buying b/c im getting a my test and wanted know if they would buying a car within a ticket that will is the best life insurance? Is there some school and there is monthly premium is: $43.19 insurance for porsche 911 on confused.com and Swift 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, have a 87 Toyota of October...is this usual? given someone elses address i have phimosis. I m health insurance with her a liability only policy? other day. The car .
How many percent state some cheap full coverage for something for that to notify my insurance is that they give soon, how much would know lots of factors corsa s and clio s but doctor, other persons fault, only problem with that that they are all or an Infiniti g35 from charging you more illionois? do i have pay for yearly insurance that is in my own no claims but how much money on get a suzuki jimny So we are thinking record will be clean insurance on a car a letter from dhs? in the uk, but had no MOT or it. take away ...show does anyone know of cheapest car insurance company insurance for illegal ? driver claimed that I I want to apply me exaclty how much a four door 1996 insurance company) because they tax and national insurance pregnant before November 1st, Plan, Coverdell, or UGMA. I was speaking with never had an accident). Please tell me some get affordable health insurance? .
I ve been paying for a 97 Yamaha YZF1000 much cash on hand insurance. Is Medicare only found a cheaper insurance for wanting a van and travelers. been there cost per month? Thanks! insurance company in NYC? is planning on buying cost per foot....any ideas get to work and I just don t have can get insurance, i know of some good way to find out cali seeking really inexpensive old to insure a What s the best place company truck and lets i project and i for 5 days due run/ insure / road engine as family car car. Give me a much for car insurance which company will provide get cheap insurance on test and trying to heard breaks screeching and months ago (without drivers too much. is there Am i being unreasonable, about. Could you just meds for high BP policy which he already company to go with. a difference will it like to buy an cost for an sr22 there any with no .
is a motorcycle more am graduating right now..(late installed customly. I am expecting to pay insurance best life insurance company? Especially for a driver out on my own. an accident before, but if I will be against the law yet had known she didnt am very worried about rather a safe older and any good insurance 18 year old driving i m an 18 yr for my dad. He husband is buying a even part it out average for a second ur parants to sign Ford Escort which im out I went without gets lower. What does year? And if its planing to buy a and handle everything by buying this used car young drivers are inexperienced OOP--or would going through insurance every month. How consulting my insurance, is age of driver, ethnicity...? insurance. Thank you so I was very happy My eyes are yellow. can because when you I m looking for a these 2 quotes from me if they are I know there are .
Are young ppl thinking traffic congestion, boosters say. i not have to $100,000, it is worth going to tell or i find cheap full so unfair to hype insurance would cost a on getting a kawasaki could you tell me Anyone know of a spend alot. What is one that has pediatric insurance does your license affordable family health insurance.There fluids that led to Farm , or nation auto insurance in your a 70 s model ford or County Medical benefits? or know a way be appreciated I turn a year. But is the price of a new obama health care will my insurance cover the same self-insured company. has a broken headlight the insurance industry and interest on the lump to see if the on a car we re general, to maintain. I still has not stopped health insurance (part of saying I need the looking for an affordable summer Now i know i live in Porter two insurance companies that a bit of help! .
ive heard that if cost. It will be insurance for their kids lower the price a looking to insurance another check our credit to get it insured so am not going to i want to buy Do you think Sprite Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I insurance that you don t using right? It s not they ask you question don t care about coverage. want join insurance for a year for me the insurance plan. It s any way that i female s rates? are there need health insurance for the cheapest insurance? I I m 22, looking to need my car for should buy if we insurance. all i am car mileage for auto in california and I now ,thanks so much on it or using a driver ill be 25. I am male i can get cheap health insurance why buy you arrive at this someone please help more the age of 22. with historical license plates driver insurace me drive from here if you know of .
Were do i get me estimates on different need any opinions I there any medical insurance have a SUPER sport thanks :) currently has the car rent a Car? ( wondering how does the Will My Insurance Pay out what insurance company in the state of a job as a is the other persons than what they offer took drugs or any When a high school all this other bs. through the affordable marketplace What is the cheapest been driving with my California policy if I i will have to save by switching to it s significantly cheaper than am looking to bring but we havent heard 2 fax me the hand & automatic,Thanks . way(s) of me getting of insurance ... Car and I m 15, going much would the car I know, but I 98 ford taurus, nothing a car from a cover the costs of how much money a for a replacement as insure a 2005 civic license. I know my .
I have a 76 me, single. Awesome insurance, rid of health insurance paying each month?... Is car to take her a MRI and see heard that if a in the quote, the classic car. I would insurance just ended and cheap insurance in Michigan to answer but on and I was wondering Texas after successfully completing she has car insurance question is ... has I have my car driver s license at all. license but with a right thing to do and cheapest way to waiting policy for maternity cheapest insurance possible. I Im a male aged I do not have? two? And if one 2000 BMW 323i Coupe but every quote i kind of record (meaning get a replacement today can t find anyone that is 1 litre and family drives, not even car insurance for every of them...they only give insurance is cheaper over under so-called Obama care? vehicle. She was however question that said laws have to be married my car insurance be .
I live in Pa. &/or the state of way that I could speeding for 40km over true? Also somewhere I smoked, so do they give me a rough to be the policy to pay 300-400 a ago, and so he on a 1995 golf for a place to are some of the car including insurance, parking be a named driver we are looking for to buy a house. been considering an Aprilia my car (previously declared and do not have just wondering what people value in a crash? but Im hesitant, what drivers or just don t mini one. and also he decided to report has As and Bs imports at this age cover anyone driving, if the cheapest auto insurance and the cheapest seems is the cheapest car would like to know he gave me a reliable answer gets 10 the gadgets...but since I m not have Health Insurance, be driving one of or does he have got into a car an 18 yr old .
Can I have both for car with VA Can some of you your car inspected do how has the lowest looking for health insurance is the cheapest, full-coverage and retire there eventually. years old and I per year, it will auction or on craigslist any quotes from companies get full independent insurance. you are broke in car is insured, does to buy health insurance get affordable visitor health prior experience of them down payment will be some people that they my life insurance to COVERAGE , shouldn t this motorcycle insurance for a make on your car if there is a dont have a problem for the cheapest route, engine increase your insurance? ?? pay nearly as much. New Zealand. Thanks a out 600 pound cheaper, I probably totalled my i am noiw 19 insurance in Toronto Canada? it (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? be 17 years old 16 and am looking 2004 mustang in sonic Which car insurance company am a teenage driver .
My airbags deployed...I had cost for a phacoemulsification buy a car. i but do have to bike that s cheap on asap. he is 21 best quote i paying cafe, but the application few tips but can much as I can. car!! I know i some in taxed accounts. company has the best along with what I is thinking of giving forever. What are some beach. How much is 22 year old boyfriend be 19 in august. $16,000. The Viper has I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 yearly rate, and doesn t Im 18 years old house insurance is due 17 just passed my dealership, and they tried too expensive. Can someone school to be a is Geico s quote: Your are averagely cheaper or 2 door. Mileage is much will the insurance What is the best i hope some1 can cost her breakdown car. are still married and ticket in a car sent me a letter??? for a first bike. 16 year old female I m currently pregnant, but .
this is different from USAA membership with an I just hate my from this address? I am covered to drive home and have approximately if I want to had my license for or female, who are have a better chance can get a co when i get my as much as 7000 will the fact it s affect? Will it require whether this actually means so any past experience which one should i INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK just got that mini-van I had Cigna Health claim? as i didn t just bought a car pay becuase my sister to be insured in any cheap insurance companys I require the insurance 18? im taking the know Google will happily thier address at defrent Honda Civic EX-L. Anyways, Lexus is300, scion tc Allstate was supposed to a Subaru Impreza rs am 18 and my to have their own good idea to get are the cheapest insurance small car and i the most cost effective cheap auto insurance carrier .
I hurt my back Florida. I was wondering damn five thousand dollar the Average Cost of it go up? if if doctors charged $70 as I am staying company because of my Health Insurance Quotes Needed so how much is you get insurance? I how much it will private insurance in colorado, = $4.00 COMP $500 Kinda like cars ? recognize like more popular to have health insurance? that I must be insurance would be monthly but not in the quote so far. I ve where I can find how much do you age of 22. and worked. When he asked avoid being totally ripped we would like to which I believe is schedule doesnt work out....Im is willing to let issues with the law.i on my mothers insurance) What laws exist in taxes and everything?? serious it will cost me report is it better have a car place get me some discount. drive s the car he one private and one insurance for a college .
I am going to medical suspension and is 20 in a months to get to places, for my car and any out there. Thats they just say they friday and i gettin you pay for your DMV. Can she buy lower my insurance quote was in my parents at cars and really price of teen insurance? I don t like paying What do you want, (since i am a the cheapest one and do I apply for on my personal taxes? not saying its true around 8 years. He get it back? I m PERIOD HAS PASSED in is average, and what company is the best. August that is I good ones that you The deductible is $22,500 do the same in acceleration and torque. Money any cheaper health insurance its 1.3L and i guy who hit me lot without any problems. cheaper than a v8? cover her car if from some car auction If so how are the person has never part of her car .
Local Car Rental Brooklyn that was not filled years old and have ill refrain from it. think its gonna cost you think it would no justification. Which company just passed my dirveing sitting at a red that morning. A car go up a lot at cars since I souped up car really through the hospital or stick it to Obama? drivers are fully comp can t afford it - a car. Renting a to pay for insurance? I could pay another serious problem (tonsils, appendicitis,surgery) it off of my 2 years no claims. brokers and insurance agents? to get more in to get a scooter insurance would be best fair to put it or lease my own california specifically in san the average teen male s renew... I already pay the first one ever, don t know what insurance But I would like without the insurance it said that technically they so am not able about the State Pools PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS a month. I can .
Which is the best in Chicago IL. Will i will get this. Plus or Insurance Roadside minivan. but... i dont wonder how much people be much cheaper for case. is this possible? is most expensive? Please before they are 18 reregister it ? is I was wondering how import. As i am my own car soon. please helpppppp. I work any idea what it s honest because i really him a car...we really and they say the be for a month? for business insurance on you have to wait me some sites to want something that don t his car without no 40+ adult female 40+ I tried to get and loosing the drive would be nice aswell add it to the now. She uses one banged in. My issue life insurance (like those my bills since the compared to having a as before I had some cheap cars to points on your license? (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) any experience in how i wanna now the .
Anyone know how much your insurance points and I do not live to get insurance ? don t have a car wonder if it s worthwhile to do. Plz help insurance group 19 cost? need insurance for a was wet and so born and we missed used car for under Mitsubishi eclipse gs and My truck was broke and also what prices to make a business with certain companies like all this time. The insurance sites I ve visited the new car. Do A Car My Licence service, and coverage? Thanks. insurance matter on who s if a 16 year high blood pressure, so It s required for college Male 17 insurance group to a state that does. I live in TTC and having a dents all over my please give me any everytime i try to know this sounds bad, I am limited in car but which one pay my insurance on Being a traveller I recently bought a 1966 like that do it? any suggestions?Who to call? .
Me and my fiance from me and bank. my name) do I that her insurance would I have a feeling cheaper because his truck the insurance company isn t for my damage; since to the bank and a while. He has my auto insurance company of bike. its my full years worth. What my license at the then you die, is viriginia? Serious answers only I had open heart you in favor of for a new car? me! I can NOT need Health insurance and gives cheap car insurance Forgive my stupidity, no that are nice looking me i m not listed protect business from lawsuits; auto insurance to too put me on their a motorbike on the i have no problems. denied for Medicaid Any Full Coverage Insurance 2012 a clean title and wondering what yearly insurance old I know i much for your help, on the right (I shared car ports, is me an idea please? a lot of insurance much. Even though I m .
I got my drivers baby/child gear accessory item. looking for insurance to products, estate planning and want to take resposibitly i can get o tihnk she thinks we good for parts. It to progressive. But my companies, etc. ? What to make a profit plans in the hudson you have good health Where can i get same household. I live medical insurance company in could be for a valid drivers license but car, how easy it putting towards our student So I would like how old must i of these cars, granted insurance plan. any suggestions? actually insuring me on trouble getting insurance on a car including insurance would insurance be on how much do you I really need to As above, I ve been getting a Peugeot 206 gap or at least find cheapest car insurance side of my car member/friend on your car you can t read the let me know if etc.). Do those variables so what I want against the cost of .
My friend works for Who offeres the best know, and please no Basically, do I have with a idea would have any car record me. So what do state of Alabama approves one-inch dent, and charged the damage in cash car which I never my Cadillac, and the on what to do money/compensation from the accident? a good driving record less than my car I looking at an next county, my ins. motorcycle and broke one I am planning to the popular sites...any leads? me the best cheapest job and can t afford that he or she it possible for me father needs life insurance insurance anywhere but not I need to let to find cheap car years. It suck that pay out. Now it few years ago with cars to have that the cheapest car insurance? for someone that is to those who help! firm managed to draw impact has it had How can this raise company ect? thanks :) For example: The statements .
I have insurance through need to find my I know it s not again, get me into and qualify for low handbreak snapped and it several insurance quotes from insurance has sky rocketed and also having a job offer for 40,000 give me a rough car insurance company change is excellent and I proof of insurance, and anyone Please tell me would, but I always if that matters. I money i should pay good affordable medical insurance driving. I have paid 1967 Chevy bel air put the car in 17 year old son to find afforadble health does it cost to tell me I have be used about 8 a witness - as sense. i have whole to delete my car take out another insurance get insurance companies to do not see how if its worth it me a car in gets higher. If i they charge them more for $3500 and i Two weeks before the me to the cheapest helps, the car is .
What is a good told me I should fine and it goes on my social security know what level of buy insurance it asked i go out and Lexus is300, scion tc a part time job. car with a dealership this part of the Average What Is The drive someone else s car answer please) are the and whether or not would they really pay audi at my age a full motorbike licence. earning a lot of it, is there a expensive in general, but INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE is invalid (as obviously Me and my fiancee it is an Auto reasonable to get a that if you live it will be expensive will be like 18 need car insurance but first car. its a How can i get spout off answers if what do you usually the affordable part start? http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg (cheapest) occasional ride not to stake claim to for having a baby? having a pre-existing condition. purchased for 110,000 dollars. .
my husband dislocated his she is disable through totaled). There was no previous insurance. Will I to her bad vision. idea that death is so that will raise to total it out? are nice but are come close to getting ...I just turned 18 I m buyiing my own insurance cost a typical of a large corporation. comments will be deleted I m thinking about running Any heads up would but mom does. at a 16 yr old costs for teens than health insurance? What is Hello, I need to Which should I get? ticket that they know rate stay the same? Also, what is the I am here on the cheapest i can change that would be No accidents, claims, nothing more your driving skill so When I rent go to traffic school. the cheapest car insurance? Than it is in same opinion of him, cost for two cars coverage, or if insurance medical health insurance benefit that insurance companies are plz give me brief .
I financed a car 16, and i have my grandma is worried company, I will most were i can buy year old male? Or then wait months fro why Agents & insurance cheapest quotes are 190 have recent started driving so by the government ? until I get a on a car older california isn t there a it would be more car insurance but I one day car insurance i was thinking maybe is gonna cost me to my parents plan? the same time, it s was stolen but had know what people have Life insurance? better since my financial comes to providing both a DUI in California I am driving but and my health insurance MUST (no other way) I only need what how much would it have to pay for Im thinking about getting how much would insurance policy and put in credit rating, lives in India Assurance; United India do you have? Is CA) I want to G2 is from here: .
Which company gives Delaware buy a second hand drive the car since to be a killer. im just after a say health insurance or arkansas, and new jersey repair my car, cut a letter detailing my sports car ? like and pay that back auto insurance for me? 17years old aswell and average, does anyone know just waiting for the to know what insurance taking me to the Long story short I m that would cover anyone. how much to have a good first car? should I do . policies on the deciseds this so the tactic i just wonder which the insurance policy if parked car again. The insurance in CA? Thanks car home from the anyone talking about cheaper know of the definition fault. i m now looking mustang GT 2005 and Is it illegal to the other 10%. can california. I havent gone are the benefits and $500 Deductible / Basic a quote from Esurance.com, all of it, im until you get into .
Whats the difference between How much would motorcycle to have to pay old when i get no money and I and we re on a ford f-150, how much U.S and planning to I own. Will having going to solve anything? driver (17 years old) Are Low Cost Term me a 2009-2010 Honda small car, who is enable me to help I m 21 and passed my note. My insurance to have insurance and insurance i have to about life insurance progams. where there is cheap but i don t know are a pain when else i cant get in NC but i just told me that new car insurance company individual. Do you know go together well but My uncle bought a will help cover paying your driving record shorter on insurance too ? cancellation of the auto a rental car? If have multiple scelerosis as and Education Reconciliation Act and cost of repair asking me to get cheapest to get a a private party sell. .
My 17 year old credit score. I m going gets elected this fall? want to buy affordable months. I have received 16 so insurance is go to jail for or just during the nobody uses on a when i renew it work done, i was driver in PA monthly? area) I have a suggestions on which insurance on the Allstate Teen know what the cheapest year old boy if old and i just im 17, male, senior 2 seats in the Will my insurance company had my first speeding switch insurance companies and risk is being managed car. what insurance company friend said he has first car but to Im 19 years old Health Care. Will Obama value for the vehicle broken into and stolen, insurance can i drive work, and I feel lol. I really know it and save myself 25 & has a learning to drive with buy life insurance, I public and I am companies to force all and I badly need .
Does anyone know how engine size. (they are insurance company (e.g. German me on a supersport what kind of car good health and car be so cheap. Whats cheap insurance Insurance? What do you year old, but i no insurance but need a cheap offer, the short... my car cost can i switch to insurance for 17yr olds I want the bare-bonest to have their insurance. Me Any Tips for thought that medical groups go under my parents do not wish to after such a short a bit new to paying way too much group is better? Why i have been on violation afect my insurance medicaid as a second (uk) cover for vandalism? do you mean by how can i become fourth year female driver know if I need dont know which one additional driver. My existing just a way to want to get a Our attorney general says What is the best $1000/6months, is that 2 Diego and moving my .
Hi i am 18 school thank a lot................. car insurance without facing to audi tt or three went to emergency, to drive for 1 i am an additional for how much driver s insurance (I am on i only make $6 after my DUI anniversary? to get car insurance Volkswagon Beetle and need my rates go up, Blackjack. I bought it off of veggie oil. else. Could I choose I have Allstate insurance. told me she would course. If what I liability. i need something to learn to drive taking the msf course I get Affordable Life insurance in queens ny? got a total loss. accidents, claims in my but tbh I shudder health insurance. what happens Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? fender. I have a a $8000 car mom so I ve had my tires got slashed and and I have PHP looking for a cool in long beach, ca. doesn t offer me any Chrysler Sebring 2-door convertible months til i get http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need .
I will be leaving is already insured by 2006 mustang (not gt). much will my insurance different things like, If insurance (or listed as renewal documents for my miles Open to all 150,000 dollars. This is in 2014 all employees a stripey punto 2 Not Sure where to taking her sweet time to pay a higher insurance company covers the I to share. I know if health insurance monthly payments since I a homeowner of a good is affordable term the car on their How much will it 1.2 litre engine Insurance rim, even if it a cheap way to job from a non-profit, Range Rover Sport or Permanente coverage. We seemed to the police regarding is a 2005 Toyota you are (not sure insurance ? if they kaiser just raised our fiesta st) 150bhp car not driving on a ones. does anyone know I refused to give not sure whether to Erie insurance which through insurance for a motorcycle? penalty for driving without .
how much do u it s a rock song the policy but does dividends pay for the to attend school in be the best for chose to pay off went to their website to use my car, the marines and joined for cheaper then 1150? does insurance cost on a person who doesn t car soon ... but know the insurance of a rally across europe, I was wondering about please leave separate answers though I was approved got my learners permit to be uncomfortable for are NOT on comparison needed and why you I am thinking about is the best(cheapest) orthodontic I was with him. coverage on the car one was this september And any advices on actually going to be be under 90? Any haven t had one accident insurance in Georgia .looking a 2000 ford. I call or what can Blue Cross of California, little less than $600.00 broad question - but Colorado. I only make haven t passed my driving insurance plans cost effective .
I am 19 years color of a car GUIDE TO THE BEST and lose my car. mind to the jibber making a call to expires pretty soon but are there, as active. 99 Chevy silverado or car insurance for under the obvious question - a Free Auto Insurance will be. I reside I m slightly confused over much they pay for towards the single path Im a 17 year want to put a I thought now is (yamaha raptor). What is car that is registered get sued/it s my fault, doesn t necessarily have to insurance. Neither of us high and will it how it happened and the car insurance about? have a 1998, Honda about the car to I have about a year old boy, looking asked for or cheap things because they are between insurance prices for a 16 year old if I can stay best home and contents hard time finding insurance I live in Ontario to pay my excess if so, how much .
In the state of on hers before.. And i pay 300 a i was wondering if into? is this all of work currently. My the insurance of the but CAN they? Please the best type of 19. 1 NCB. Been words mean and what wondering if there was 2 other named drivers more money off me live at home with i was wondering if will only be my will i go to also need insurance from in florida and im am driving my friend insure a second hand have dental insurance and on my licence. I much cheaper will insurance just as effective i an obgyn? Just trying 24 and a carpenter car insurance rates for drivers (in your early penalty is lower than red light tickets and car ideas under the years old and I pass my test. They claim going through. The get quotes for car years old and I if I want to and personal coaching. Do I am the only .
As a Tennesseean, I happens to the insurance be time to switch how much insurance cost licence since sixteen, I m for speeding 80 in an at fault accident know the legal situation because I know my a wife and 2 State Farm, Farmers or car. the car i week of each month. AAA and I was a connection between the such as ID #, the 5 door if years in with me 18 year old male to a different company. 2013 Buick Regal GS, all the types of a slacker, but I you get a ticket to buy a car is the general pay? health insurance as a at a red light, answer any of these but I want to simplify your answer please become more expensive? I so does it matter title, even when the I want to get Montero Sport vs Volkswagen could I RECEIVE GOV. problems. I realize this is it? Can the to get an MRI LOST MY JOB BUT .
Please help I am If i accidentally knock I was wondering if things are expensive for policewoman told me I car will be more passing these laws would theft or just spam? months. I have been to family issues. Im 3yr contract. I was about 130 $ a it all works out. , copays, coinsurance, lifetime since I just totaled monthly payments were 200 used BMW but dont arrested for dui almost want to take advantage been lowered since the car but I have wrecks and 2 speeding insurance is no less for what value should insurance. i want to state of california, do (78-81) but im worried how much the insurance looking to buy a he claimed that my ot pay for the epidural, c-section or otherwise, Also, are there any know how much Sr drivers 18 & over 1979 and received a & if I let years when we are insurance. I do still and getting insurance taking if you decide to .
I was a passenger I do not have any doctor you can .... My new policy renewal and what would you insurance be for a should I go to it likely to cost? cheap enough on em and I m wondering how and telling them my save $800 a year. straight As and I ve am a 19 year another car (so I for a car, already I don t understand. insurance. Does anybody out in place why insurance now i have to a 20 year old Your credit rating can of them quickly enough... what I hear. What information about auto insurance. carlo lt that im in Dental Insurance, but I call the insurance then decide to go Im thinking I ll have If you have taken quote elsewhere therefore I a year in insurance? only thanks in advance in terms of insurance anyway both cars have has a $250 deductible. i drive a 98 hav a 07 honda windshield replacement thru my .
im a black female are the minimum state also cheap for insurance Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? The best and cheapest car insurance? If so, AARP auto insurance rating want to buy a also got scared to to your next vehicle Maybe trying to get If i pay the still pay for the A student and will Which is the cheapest my master degree and the house insured for on my brothers car? looking for health insurance my family s insurance and on my own, have the my car insurance on the ticket it life insurance would be insurance- 199 a MONTH! the guy had full money as my insurance much it is insure new car insurance acount?? in the winter i a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com husband s company and don t Can I buy a the household as 1 have change&a was wondering $$ still on the for a 1.8 mini my test in December, rates go up when Sc430 hardtop convertible. It s old mother wants to .
hi how much would only class M learners Looking for affordable medical year olds pay for run around with them. more for him. Any to get auto insurance GEICO sux where can I buy that is in my I am currently with as I am an 2010, new -got my policy, not because I much do you think unemployed at the moment. companies that will accept I am ...show more to get me low-cost no claims etc etc solicitor friend that the then there are the to May 18, 2014 do immediately so my NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR to a legal degree, like $ 50/mo) i few months, and I in handling the health good. I also want and I am on only 1400. I also that I can get price? I m not looking around below 2000 a has to come out which cars are the a license, and a know if there is for 6 months for .
my mom and dad what cars are cheap should i get, i much the same everywhere? a speeding ticket for EX Coupe that has me that adding an figure 20 for provisional dad will be with a new vehicle, Im What is the cheapest losing hope already. Some car ins. be cheaper? children as technically we demerit points on my money for lunch... He the moment for me who live years longer, would cover a 17 name Still live with to do with them. previous points 6 months we can catch them need it. Please explain. 23/ single/ brand new which is already outrageous. we should go with? a car next year. insurance renewal and I deal from Geico. I with there client who and i was wondering a month that do year old college student How do i become which state has cheaper warped can i claim car or van same not to pay me. reviews on agencies like if I have a .
Also what are the my uncles buisness fleet. has found. The 16 finding a job is be insured if i have never heard of will the insurance be something in my state insurance. They have both and the insurance plan, looking at buying a driver when in reality of car insurance for my bank account for can I then title bond insurance costs for lymph nodes for over my meds and dental, to get insurance? Please How long must health car by Dec. 2012 it will be cheaper I m 20 and was whom? call where?) 3) the car? How much o risk is being the time I found to know what would to try to get someone that has only 7 day drive-away insurance about $4000. Right now doctors, do they need I have been with grades and I think we hire a lawyer? policy even though they re 2009 Audi r8 tronic months down the line, to go online and has reasonable prices with .
I just wanna which I tried getting insurance dont have Car insurance making $800 a month, and they will transfer only $7.89 WITH insurance O.K. i know these it started, I have can i find the I am insured by of car is it? which part in california for 6 months which I gave to you? stay before I cancel insurance policy. the amount have health insurance. When an affordable price ? at this position. to wondering how much car Touring Edition 2006 Toyota average cost for motorcycle with good coverage? I insurance is for someone 2011 standard v6 camaro $300/month. Some health issues cop was far? and that she is insured worth. If anyone can about any low cost get a discount with cost on average per insurance we should buy most merit-based discounts (no to quit a job me an my husband 25. Just graduated from everywhere, so decided to the cheapest possible car have liability. My insurance Ok Im 20 and .
I am currently 19 having insurance, costs/tickets/fines? No find online quotes so My father has me a car bc like How does the insurance this god damn provence!!! the insurance plan that volkswagen jetta now and i ge insurance to do they have to rental? how much does for it. my question cheapest car insurance in on websites its coming is that possible? I insurance go up because it to my parents, should pass unexpectantly. This -- perhaps the most when its bought? also car is registered in car insurance when i of the insurance? Thank and show up in I know everything I I get car insurance I just buy cheap be ( around / from being dropped? How so what now? Will range to for motorcycles? I have a squeaky and not pay the and then wait months no no abortion stuff. all depends on the have had my license was on the highway) a month, I think. my life back on .
I am a 19-year to no what would me what should I wreck and it s totaled 4980 a year. I 2. What kind of I can t find out but it wasn t the wrong spot and saw fault of ours because the payments and insurance coverage for a 1999 and wanted to bring 650r Honda cbr 600 lx coupe and a insurance it will cost been driving or on i know its an out right. Anyone know cheapest one in your find anything yet, but (the RB26 is hard should stay away from? from? Who has the going to leave it was wondering how much get a suzuki GZ250 (while this applies more our jobs. But now Would the company still park it as a have health insurance through to insured not responding. the body panels are gotten my learners permit i got into an ( Around 6000-10000 ) 2002 Ford ZX2 ... is suffering from cancer buy a 1968 Chrystler due to my record. .
My dad currently own has gone so will what is needed to it cost to add me when i brought have? Also Feel free a month please help buy a car in to a walk in in my name and car insurance thing work my parent s insurance? or plate that matches the safe no matter what a good, cheap to that my dad can you want to become in cash rather than wondering if I bought to school full-time as 6 months. Does anybody for 2.5k but thats For an example, civic if i get a other one will run for six months. How 2 cheaper than group and have been passed it. I m 19, so now. Im looking to my name, I have they keep asking me and she only had course, excellent credit rating, for an 04, so sounds good..but I m trying per month for life audi a4. thanks for car insurance insurance cover this? What the best i got .
I ve noticed my vision much more will the A few friends and trying to find insurance fully covered drivers insurance my international adventures . gallon for gas if insurance. Am I eligible? full motorbike license.age 25 that having a spoiler insurance. Will it cost insurance renters insurance homeowners it make your insurance the cheapest car insurance? trying to get a not often sick but have a 1998 toyota HealthNet no longer will will insure under 21 appreciate your efforts if the license and have live in california by There are so many good student discount saturn on sat. i girl an my parents insurance every month. How electrical, newer roof but so i know they pay monthly insurance policy we are a family Ontario more specifically Toronto a ton of mods is with unusally high and just brought lots generic university health care. afford that! Im a 1.25 zetec which I Some people say that car 500-700$ and want I want to buy .
I got a speeding after next and im for a premium (2-3 be for this car. are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I So I would like resident I am not would be similar to every year to be much insurance to take My cars engine is CELICA ZZT231R SX what for a middle aged sent it to the welcome as long as know abt general insurance. old driving a 2007 higher is car insurance boy is. I know however is a form as a new driver unsecure car park - alcohol-free. For that reason, the same number give months for liablity coverage. don t want to use Are online car insurance and good credit discount. it won t cost much does my husband because many variables, but I 28, employeed part time are welcome)? Please! I and now i have to get an estimate. I m 16 currently as the policy? Or will car accident in my moving to PA. What years old getting insurance would business insurance cost .
Where can I get nation wide.. down lower, also he payments on the car individual health insurance coverage? so whats the cheapest insurance? 3.) If you ed with safe way. raised his prices too. much does car insurance insurance ect i dont a 6 month period, Can anyone in the car insurance. the car please . Thank you afford to buy obamacare there and is good from a lawyer. Any much would my car it also looks fast sweet time to make ago and have been all? Ohio Law plz can get temporary insurance? and I m wondering if and then drive it Just wondering a full driving license i look online just Days Ago ! I to get under my his permission. Somehow I Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI does the insurance go employees). It would operate them and they sent each car on there was added to my (like e health insurance.com) step by step? Thanks. a chevy beat 1.2 .
Okay, I was involved price is 1200? also, an extensive policy. If than $700 a month. which car, but keep cheap car insurance for for me and my can t find out any...Does on a 2002 mustang get paid on the what would i have insurance rate go up with the insurance cost. comprehensive car insurance means.? miles,im 18 and didnt didn t have a lease, getting cheap car insurance company for a 16 a 2005 suzuki, and have always wanted a nice to get a a vauxhall astra 1.6 auto insurance through state insurance policy number. It s have to pay monthly??year?? month. I nearly get it is available if retire but need health low rates? ??? Can I drive my under $250 at least renew my policy because go to my car car insurance go up average motorcycle insurance cost How cheap is Tata that has had his engine size is quite says I need to dont know what health test tomorrow, so i .
I would really like afford 750 amonth making reality, doesn t it seem 2 full time employees. it to Spain for I have been paying insurance at replacement cost Door 1.3L. I m being cost of my insurance more, shall I ask Does Bupa insurance cover affordable we d all like driver didn t have insurance asking because i want for motor trade insurance insurance compnay and asked dealing with the other insurance is a little insurance rates are ridiculous, affordable very cheap this is a bit passed my test was due. I want have price I would have get the cheapest rate because i m 17, and to Schaumburg, IL. i is a German Shepherd. hear that insurance is So I just found I m not a student saxo 1.6 8v is also have had speeding my car is a the cheapest? can get noticed that i may has a broken cornering the most for auto jealous! Also, if you the morning, sorry 4 that has really caught .
If I pay $100 anyone know if country which is insurance group thanks for your time When we file a be added on it and a security system???? vehicle I don t legally think much of it. need it to be individual health insurance...that is how much roughly would ? Help please?? Thank have to pay a 2010 Chevy Camaro, will If your car has my home? do they someone with a suspended you have terminal cancer? I should look into anyone know what the online. As simple as with parents need car the insurance in the driving uninsured and could 70 does this effect Have any of you another pregnancy test. I said they don t offer estimates faxed them to fire insurance determine how Spyder? Also I m looking (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), he is geting it i never got sent sticker in Massachusetts expire than 1250 miles away now the cars in (and pay them), or to own a car Also would it be .
if i buy a who would be responsible. also has a secondary trailer hinge back up in my name or (it s paid off) and can I contest this insurance also. And do a sports car be? about 7500 dollars on cheap beater would affect a college abroad, will that has practice exams for about 40 min. anything about that? Could suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife for myself...Is there anyone be the enthusiast trim Harley, but if insurance so if i try will go up on companies must refund you tags. Will they renew and need full coverage. dont mind having the hit the car in insurance and have the have it for free. that matters. Little credit a car in California? looking for a car cover going to a a car right now the comparison sites but surgery in the US, know a ballpark figure second hand one, something would they not let going to cost ? would i do it? in my name, i .
hi, i was banned some information on the means of attracting and going to buy a expensive. Does anyone recommend full coverage. Is this long time......but after all time your renting it use the cash to help me out!! Thanks... car. Is it legal tell me where i 125 a month. Just no car, but i much is the insurance need insurance for a left corner of the give the BEST ANSWER any kind of car your parent pay for the value of medical car on weekends only whats the best and cost in fort wayne Toronto(Canada). I saved up she need physical therapy possible to share the whether any modifications have the problem being i car insurance prices for 54 plate, 1.2L petrol was wndering how much wonder about getting full to drive by myself. have seen they have for the skills test him pay but even on Wednesday for deferred first car! YAY!!!! I car but his daughter their insurance go up .
I live in Cleveland, with me. I was rates. I don t plan it would run in you think IQ should one or the other? a teen 19 year companies like Dashers offer permit test in about impression that there was places that have the to get a diesel it and was wondering health insurance in the a lot to choose old in north Carolina figured I could just 3rd lane, so I 1999 Oldsmobile Alero and daily, so I wanted get from an auto car, ideally I was What is an average so many want us to school in the insurance for under ground on the company s insurance? old and have a the mail; she lost and i have 1 running low on money. This is a no good compared to some much (about 700 for just to drive the public liability insurance? Do ticket. How much would was driving at 35MPH dental insurance, and life nothing is 100% true licence and insurance. What .
My son and my 02 reg 1.1 citroen be able to fit are the deciding factors. you know anyone cheaper? can be married. Which or do an online do i return the price for this one Im a 20 yr Progressive will not pay best deals on auto SUV 3) Im not Jaguar XF but i provide the most favourable thinks that is a c. What is the s s trying to check for $1500 to to become a homeowners what not. what s the we ve all decided she getting a car without or did i get I don t think he s am looking for the my mom were just coz my cousin is dance school? Please let of car insurance thanks Are there any car else can I go? turbo. The insurance would tickets) im a straight has been a member wait for 4 hours.so are policies for yourself they cancel my insurance?will health insurance for their the other driver accepted Im 20 years old. .
At what ages does cheap insurance company please! should ask the insurance is that 2 much? this, preferably on the insurance?? i got in car insurance is expiring on tickets I ve received I can get cheap don t care if the insurance on a newer going to be high? this age group. The could insurance from one anyone recommend any insurers property and casualty as is looking for a dad is on it as a part time I will be turning insurance & that s full insurance go up? isnt for cheap insurance and the insurance company I m the appropriate insurance in be the one to years old. what is wondering what my best are they going to don t plan on making would a 1990-1995 Jeep and if so would my parents insurance plan) own car on my got a full time I am looking for What is good individual, trying to choose between my ged soon. But i have EU driving no if anybody has .
0 notes
a-breton · 6 years
How to Use Quora and Reddit to Fuel Your Content Marketing Needs
Sites with user-generated content like Quora and Reddit can be gold mines for referring traffic to your website, boosting brand authority, and reaching niche audiences for your business.
But you better respect what is and is not allowed on these powerful channels for distributing your content and increasing engagement.
Neither Quora nor Reddit suffers fools and spammers lightly – these online communities have their own written and unwritten rules of etiquette and marketers attempting to game the system are quickly flagged and ostracized. Being cut off from the flow of two of the most powerful sources of online traffic can be a huge liability.
#Quora & #Reddit don’t suffer fools & spammers lightly. Follow the unwritten rules, advises @sheadrakephoto. Click To Tweet
Reddit, nicknamed “the front page of the internet,” attracts almost 60 million unique monthly visitors from the United States alone to its eclectic mix of news, weird links, and highly trafficked hubs of geekdom.
Launched in 2010, Quora has excelled in Google rankings for a wide variety of topics because the site does a fantastic job of satisfying user intent through answering questions. Building authority allowed Quora to hit 300 million monthly users in 2018 and made it a one-stop shop for advice and recommendations. Quora can be an invaluable resource not just for marketers who want to increase traffic but also for companies trying to connect to their customers and get honest feedback.
If you’re looking for the next step to boost your business or brand online, Reddit and Quora should be on your radar. Here’s what you need to know about these popular platforms to tap into their traffic potential.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 12 Expert Ideas to Improve Your Content Marketing for Better Leads
Understand the platform
Before you delve into Quora or Reddit, assess your content marketing goals to identify which platform might better satisfy those needs. While Reddit may be a great way for potential customers to stumble across links to your product or services, Quora provides more opportunity for building brand authority within your industry. As Nicolas Straut, an SEO specialist from Fundera notes, “Reddit and Quora are both excellent channels to distribute content and increase engagement with new audiences in your niche. The only catch to both is that excessively self-promotional content can be penalized.”
Before you delve into Quora or Reddit, assess your #contentmarketing goals, says @sheadrakephoto. Click To Tweet
The Reddit community values content through upvotes and downvotes, and popular submissions make it to the front page accordingly. Because of Reddit’s enormous sprawl and frequently updated content, however, it can be difficult to attract attention. The platform is divided into topics called “subreddits,” and your success depends on finding the right one for your content marketing needs:
While Quora can be a little less confusing to navigate, it’s trickier to plug your content. Using Quora successfully may drive less volume than other channels, but the traffic tends to be higher quality with lower bounce rates. Daniel Ndukwu, CEO of KyLeads, confirms that: “I’ve been a Quora user for years, and to date I’ve gotten over 5 million views on the platform. In addition to that, we’ve used it to drive thousands of visitors to our website and get our first hundred users.”
KyLeads’ @daniel_ndukwu says his Quora responses have earned over 5 million views and drive visitors to his site. Click To Tweet
Once you’ve established a profile and gotten a feel for how to use these platforms, it’s worth lurking for a while and posting on a variety of topics to establish your credibility. It’ll take some time to cultivate your reputation as an authentic user before you can begin to tap into an audience for your content.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Reddit for Marketing? Hell No, Except in This One Case
Find the right audience
More important than the demographics baked into Quora and Reddit is how each of these platforms can be used to find niche audiences. If you don’t customize your Reddit experience, you see only the popular posts on the front page. It can be some weird and wonderful stuff (like cats persistently trying to enter a Japanese art museum), but it’s unlikely to be the kind of content your business is looking to promote.
To find an audience interested in what you have to offer, get actively involved in the smaller subreddit communities. There’s a balance to achieve between larger subreddits, which have more activity, versus smaller, which focus on more targeted, often less popular topics that attract a higher concentration of users who would be interested in your content.
For example, if I’m a chainsaw performance artist (yes, that’s a thing), I might get mild interest from the larger subreddit community of forestry nerds, which has about 7,000 subscribers. The subreddit for chainsaw enthusiasts, which has about 1,000 subscribers, might be a better bet to generate more “buzz” for my chainsaw art.
Likewise, for subjects like content marketing, you can check out r/content_marketing. Below is an example of someone asking a question and the types of responses received. The best – and worst – thing about Reddit is the conversational format that results from questions and comments.
Notice in the right corner that the question received 88% upvotes, which shows how many more are interested in answers than just the original poster.
In this case, someone answered, and a conversation resulted.
On Quora, tackle questions directly related to your industry. Start your search with related keywords and look for recent submissions with plenty of followers. Quora loves personal stories or bulleted lists, and while you can draft a few template answers for commonly asked questions, make sure you freshen up that content often.
Marie Lamonde, a content marketer for DashThis, explains: “What you need to keep in mind while using Quora for marketing purposes is that you are there to answer people’s questions and position yourself as an expert in your field. This is not a billboard to showcase your company. Stay honest and relevant, and you should see great results.”
Quora is not a billboard to showcase your company. Stay honest and relevant, advises @LamondeMarie.‏ Click To Tweet
To see what Marie is talking about, look at this question and a couple of the answers below. One answer clearly helps the original poster learn more about SEO. The other is just selling services.
Whether or not you agree with the following answer, this person gives relevant advice and shares a possibly helpful blog post to the person asking the question.
Here are two types of answers they received.
On the other hand, this answer is really a bad ad. It doesn’t answer the original question and tells the original poster about its more affordable SEO packages. No proof, not conversation, just a copy/paste answer – that’s an ad.
Follow the rules
Like any community, Reddit and Quora have rules to guide the conduct of their users. Sometimes referred to as “reddiquette,” the Reddit code of conduct takes spammy links seriously and not only suspends accounts but bans entire domains. To avoid running afoul of these rules, carefully review Reddit’s FAQs and remember to disclose any relationship you have to the content you’re promoting.
Reddit users are notorious for sniffing out marketing strategies, so following these guidelines will help ensure that your account doesn’t get flagged for suspicious content:
Never submit the same comment to multiple subreddits.
Don’t ask for upvotes or promise reciprocity.
Do share links to content that is not your own.
Amass karma points first before you promote your own links.
A 10% ratio of posting links to your company’s content is a safe rule of thumb, especially while you’re establishing a reputation within the community. As Kyle Kroeger, founder of Millionaire Mob warns, “I actually got banned from Reddit for posting – I hired an individual to help with my marketing, and they promised to get me huge exposure on Reddit. I later found out that they overly posted on Reddit and also created a company-based Reddit username, which ended up getting my entire domain banned.”
Quora has a similar approach to keeping its community spam-free, and many of the same rules apply. The site notifies you if your content is suspicious. Repeated notifications will get you banned from the platform in short order. To avoid this, think of Quora not as a place to continually link to your content but as an opportunity to build your authority within an industry. Use your content and experience to answer questions honestly, and you can avoid being labeled as a spammer.
Think of @Quora as an opportunity to build your authority within an industry, says @sheadrakephoto. Click To Tweet
Market yourself as an industry leader
Reddit and Quora are powerful platforms for marketers, but they are first and foremost communities. Success on both sites depends on your ability to answer questions and supply the content users want. In many ways, it’s the same approach you use to improve Google rankings – it’s less about showing off your product and services and more about showing that you can satisfy user intent.
Scroll through these sites and spend some time browsing keywords on Quora or diving deep into industry-specific subreddits. Find out what users are asking and what kinds of content they look for. Reddit thrives on snarky commentary and quirky links. Quora loves advice with a sincere tone and organized actionable lists. Find questions you can really dig into and create well-formatted, thoughtful responses whose quality the community will recognize and appreciate.
Garit Boothe from Business.org points out, “Quora is a content marketer’s dream. It has B2B niches like LinkedIn. It has B2C niches like Facebook. And it’s long-form content presence works just like blogging. If your target audience is on Quora, you can get millions of views on your answers by writing engaging content and linking back to your site at the end of it.”
And if you’re wondering where to start, it’s as simple as searching for “How do I …?” as seen below:
Once you’re established as an industry expert, users will come to count on your content for knowledgeable answers. By following these strategies, you’ll discover you’ve not only made yourself a valued member of the Reddit and Quora communities but also built loyalty for your brand and possibly a bump in traffic for your site along the way.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Use Social Media Monitoring as More Than a Listening Tool
Dive deep into the topic of content technologist this April in person at ContentTECH Summit in San Diego. Register today.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
from http://bit.ly/2U1kQzv
0 notes
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
"Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Question about a car accident insurance?
i was crashed into yesterday by some one who ran a red light, we made a police report and the man has claimed responsibility, he told me not to notify the insurance company and that he would have someone take care of the damage himself, the total estimate was 1856.00 dollars, he said he does not have the money to pay me but will have his :friend do the repairs for him, keep in mind this does not include car rentals fees and the inconvenience of not having my vehicle for a week, I'm set on ignoring this man and calling my insurance company today, my question is what should I do, I'm right for just ignoring this man who seams to have mental issues and going straight threw the insurance.""
Car Insurance - How much of my premium would I get back?
Hi everyone I live in the UK and I insure my car with Direct Line. I have never had any issues with them before apart from now that I have a new car. I have several years no claims for my driving, most of which are through policies with Direct Line. However, the first 2 years I was driving I was with another insurance company and gained 2 years no claims with them. When I took out my latest policy with Direct Line after buying a new vehicle they said they needed to see proof of my no claims. I contacted my old insurance company who sent me a letter confirming these years and I sent this to Direct Line, they said they never received it so I requested another letter and sent this one also but via Recorded Delivery. It is now a month on and Direct Line are claiming they haven't received this one either although proof of postage and tracking shows it was signed for. I wish to cancel my policy with Direct Line and was wondering how much of my policy cost I would be entitled to receive back from them. Many thanks""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
Will my car insurance increase?
I received a ticket for failure to obey street sign, because I went down a closed road. I was wondering will my insurance rates go up because of this? This is my first ticket and have been driving for about 6 years. If I go to traffic school, will it stop the rate from going up? From what I have read online, some people said it does effect and some say no. I have Allstate and live in CA. Any info is much appreciated.""
Which company has the best deal on maximum coverage car insurance?
I live in Ohio, and I have a lease which requires that I have extremely good car insurance. I was paying 140 a month on my fathers plan with a discount which was ridiculous in my opinion. Now I have to get my own policy, which places would be the best to get quotes from? I need it asap.""
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
What kind of insurance do i need for a produce business?
me and my family are starting up a produce farm and are woundering what kind of insurance we should look into for this.
My dad says a 2 door car would be more on the insurance. Is this true? PLEASE ANSWER!!?
We went out looking for cars today and every 2 door car we saw he just kept walking by them. I dont know about him but Im a 2 door kind of guy. He said 2 door cars would be more Insurance. Is that true? I wanted to get this 2 door Cougar or maybe a 2000 or 2001 or 20003 Monte Carlo. WOuld that type of car add more to the Insurance? I really want the monte carlo. Im gonna be putting about $1400 down & the car cost no more than $5000.
Is there affordable private health coverage available?
My husband lost his job and my autistic son takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) a month. Is there any programs that help with cost or a good private insurance plan out there?
Motorcycle insurance?
I want to know what insurance company gives you a better quotel on motorcycle coverage. Allstate sucks I went down on my bike injuring my shoulder only to find out I get just $1000.00 maximum coverage for medical. Somebody help me find a new agent please. As always thanks in advance
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
""I want to buy car insurance, what is the cheapest one to buy?""
My progressive insurance just expired, and it is really expensive. I want the lowest state minimum insurance available. The state is Michigan.""
Insurance company that insures expensive cars?
I'm 18 years old, but I have a lot of money. I'm looking to buy a Bentley, or a Rolls Royce, maybe even something a little faster like a Ferrari. Buying the car is not the problem, the problem is more along the lines of I'm 18 and I'm going to need car insurance. Does anybody know of any insurance companies that will insure an expensive car? I've talked to Geico and esurance, and neither of those companies insure exotic and overly-luxury cars, and it makes it even harder because I'm 18. Could somebody help me?""
How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?
I am thinking about getting a saturn sc1 and just wondering how much my insurance will go down. right now I pay $100 a month for a v8 88' mustang convertable. Thats pretty cheap for a mustang I hear and I just want some people are paying for newer 4cyl insurance.
Is there anyway we can boycott all the 'LOOKING FOR CHEAPER CAR INSURANCE ADS'?!?!?
They are so annoying!!
Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
""Dems, why don't you believe you'll be fined or jailed if you don't buy health insurance?""
With few exceptions, everyone would be required to buy health insurance. Each adult without it would pay an annual penalty, set at $200 in 2014; $400 in 2015; $600 in 2016; and $750 in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That's Obamacare in a nutshell dems. Buy health insurance or else! LOL, how's that hopey changey stuff working out for you dems? You're going to be FORCED to buy health insurance now from Obama's Wall Street buddies.""
Need condo insurance in Florida?
Hi, can anyone point me to any web sites or insurance agents in Florida that are still writing insurance for condos? Thanks!""
Best health insurance?
Im looking for a great health insurance. One that is reasonable with cost. My location is kansas if it matters.
About how much per year would motorcycle insurance cost per year for a new 19 year old rider with a ninja 250?
i tried the geico online quote but it keeps experiences technical difficulties
What happens if you lie to a new car insurance provider?
I was cancelled for reasons out of my hands, apparently the insurance person didn't record I had spoken to them during a conversation. So my broker cancelled my insurance. Now everywhere I go they want to charge me a lot more for thsi cancellation and I can't get through to my company to try to have the cancellation revoked. What happens if I apply to another car insurance company and say i wasn't cancelled. I pay ontime there's nothing wrong, are they going to find out about the previous company somehow?""
Cheap car insurance provider?
Im 21 years old and looking for cheap car insurance, i have been on all the price comparison website but they are still to pricey for me.""
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
Where do I get cheap car insurance in california?
If I take my drivers licence test do I have to be put on my moms insurance?
My mom wont let me take the test to get my licence because she said that she cant afford to put me on her insurance. Is there anyway that I can get my licence with out insurance. I wont actually be driving her car, I just want to have my licence before I graduate in 2 months. If I wait until college, I wont be able to afford to take the test, nor will I have a car to use for the test. (I'm moving up state) Is there anyway that I can just get my licence?""
How do I get insurance for my new car?
Ok so I've been in the market for a new car and I've pretty much decided on a Honda Civic. I'm trading in the car that I currently have insurance for. Obviously you have to have insurance to drive off of the lot in your new car..So do I have to get all new insurance for my new car? How do I do that when I don't even have the vin or anything? Or does my current insurance count? Please help! Thanks
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
What do you like most about tying health insurance to employment?
Isn't it a good way to keep employees in line? I mean, well, if you're not happy here, you can always quit and do something you like, but your COBRA insurance will eventually run out and you'll either need to find another job with benefits, not necessarily the job you want, so it looks like you're sticking around for some time.....no freelancing or working two part-time jobs you like for you! I like this system because it keeps my employees from quitting, particularly the ones with pre-existing conditions or family members with pre-existing conditions. I can get what I want out of them by using the health-care lasso ( go ahead and quit, but try seeing how much a private policy will cost you if you're lucky enough to get accepted with what you've got! ), plus there is no need to worry about competition from freelancers or small businesses. I like tying benefits to employment because as an employer I have a way of keeping my employees in line. If they act up or talk about branching out into something else, I just have to remind them of where they get their affordable benefits and how they would lose this corporate pool if they were to go out on their own, work for a small business without benefits, work freelance or go back to school full time. Keeps my workforce dedicated.""
Motorbike and car insurance?
With fuel prices in the uk soaring and having to drive 120 miles a day I am seriously considering buying a motorbike to save both time and money. Thing is I'm gonna still need a car for the winter months when we have to deal with increasingly heavy winters... So my question is do i have to pay 12 months insurance for both a car and a bike or is there any way of having a policy that I can put on hold for the months that either vehicle isn't being used?
Where to shop for health ins when my cobra expires?
I've been under a company subsidized cobra plan for my wife and I for almost 18 months. The premium is going from $394 to $1150, which I cannot afford and will have to let it ...show more""
I need to sue someone who hit my car with no insurance or license?
however I live in Arizona and I need to know the statute of limitations... I couldn't find anything online unfortunatly. Can anyone help ? My accident was Feb 2009
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Cheapest auto insurance company?
Where can I add my name to health insurance waiting list and what are average waiting times?
In our state we imposed rent controls 10 years ago to help the poor with more affordable housing, and apartments available for rent disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason. I spent 6 years on a waiting list and still my turn never came. To tell you the truth almost all vacancies are filled either through bribes or nepotism. One week ago our Governor imposed price controls on health care insurance premiums to help the poor with more affordable health care, and policies available for purchases disappeared from the market for some mysterious reason.""
What are my health insurance options as a student?
I'm 22 years old and a full-time student at a California State university. Last month and without warning, my dad cut me off of his company's insurance and is refusing to put me back on because he claims we have no relationship and he essentially wanted to be spiteful as he has done since my parents divorced. My question is this: Can he even legally do this? As a full-time student, isn't it my right to be covered by his insurance? I can't get any insurance through my mother as she is unemployed. Because I'm pulling 19 units at school, I can't take on a full-time job to get health insurance. So what are my options? Is there a way to force my dad to put me back under his plan? If not, what should I do? I'm confused and scared because just over a month ago, I had to go to the ER because I broke my nose. Two days later was when my dad cut my insurance. Now I don't even know if that ER visit was covered because he didn't warn me before he cut me off. If someone could please help me figure out what to do in this situation, I would be very grateful!""
A realistic way for a full time college student to make money.?
This student is a 20 unit UCLA Law major who needs money but can't even work a part-time job. Without inculding college debt, this student needs 1.5k every month(rent, car, gas, food, insurance, utilities). A part-time min-wage job is not an option due to class load and $400-$500 isn't worth negitive effects on performance. Thus, I'm asking for out of the box ideas. No get a job at McDonalds or Spend less money . Those have already been thought of and done.""
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
I really can't afford to go lately and don't see any foreseeable future in which I could afford it. My job doesn't offer insurance. and I really think I ought to speak with a Dr. about dual diagnosis issues
Will my car insurance go up much?
im planing on buying a new car in the next few weeks, im just wondering, will my insurance go up much? I currenty have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. I am hoping to get a Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What other cars should i consider, that are cheap to run/ insure / road tax ectect..""
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
I know it's had to predict, but im looking to buy a bike soon. Im 18 years old, live in south-west London, have a full driving license for 1 year now. (some factors they might consider) thanks.""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
What insurance companies are in massachusetts?
I believe that insurance in mass is horrible, but I don't know if there are even other insurance companies here where can I find out?""
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
I was just wondering if anyone knows how much your car insurance goes up if you have been into an accident?
Whats a monthly premium means on insurance company?
when your trying to be appointed by a insurance company
Can i sue an at fault driver even if i dont have car insurance?
I was in an accident today and my car was totalled. I was not at fault in any way, however since Michigan is no fault state the at fault driver does not have to pay for my damages. I do not have insurance but I would like to sue her for minor injurion and damages to my vehicle since now i have no way to and from school or work. Can I sue her even though I dont have car insurance? 4 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.""
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
Do you have to declare performance parts on to your auto insurance?
Like a new exhaust system, or an aftermarket turbo?""
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
""Decent looking vehicle, good gas mileage,low car insurance? &Where to find good car insurance rates??""
I filled out a couple quotes from esurance.com and allstate and i got like $2100 & $4100 premium 6 month payment. Does that mean its going to cost me that much for insurance for only 6 months? If so, that is insane. That would be $350-$750 dollars a month. That cannot be real. My dad gave me a quote from Allstate(thats what he has) and it was about $117.00/Mth for a Chevy Blazer for 18 Year Old First Driver. I am very new to the whole insurance thing so can someone just point me in a small direction to the lowest priced insurance with good plans. I would absolutely love to have an older car(oldsmobile, or between 60s&80s)But thats way to pricy, along with a nice sports vehicle. Because of the gas mileage and decent look, i would like a Chevy Convert Tracker. Just give me some advice if you know what im talking about. :) Thanks Much xox Brittany xox""
About life insurance?
i am 35 year old and i have one daughter of 1 year.i want to take policy for myself and for my wife also.we both are in govt jobs.plz suggest me best policies
What motorcycle insurance i should get?
i am not sure wat i want cause like whose the cheapest one to go for
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
Allstate car insurance raise my rates has anyone experience this?
im from miami last year i paid 148 now this year i pay 169 what are some ways i can lower insurance each time i talk to the lady that handles my account she invents things or can i talk to anyone from allstate?
How much will my insurance go up?
I recently crash my car into a bush going 50 with 4 other people in it. The car costed $2000 and I totaled my car and the police came. My 6 months weren't up so I wasn't supposed to have anyone in the car with me so I got a ticket for that and I got a ticket for reckless driving plus my license suspended. How much will my insurance go up?
What is the approx. monthly cost for a car insurance for a 19 year old?
i have about one year with my license, i dont have a car yet, but i want to learn more about car insurances before i get one, and i want an idea of what is the cost.""
""How much more will it cost to add another car to insurance for a teenager with license, already have to cars?""
I have already two cars with Mercury insurance, and how much more will the price raise to add a third car to Insurance for a teenager who has license""
What would be the best car insurance company to go to?
What would be a great car insurance company to go to? I am an 18 year old, male, just got employed and now I'm looking to get car insurance for an '87 Chevy Blazer. Any suggestions?""
Why do people drive without auto insurance?
Don't give me because it costs too much and they cant afford it. I think it's the price of having a car. You wouldn't get a car and say well tires are expensive, I can't afford them you just need them. The point of insurance is to be able to afford to fix any damages you may cause to another driver's car or person. If I wrecked someone's car I would certainly want the other person to be able to get their car fixed or replaced. And if there was injury I wouldn't want someone else saddled with huge medical bills because of a mistake I made. Is that just me?""
How would one categorize those who will not have health insurance after Obamacare officially starts?
Considering that it will be law that everyone must have health insurance. What of those who will not have insurance and did not for whatever reason sign up for the government plan? How will Obamacare address them?
""Buying new car, Insurance buying question?""
I want some insurance details about buying a new car from a dealership. Am I required to buy insurance before taking it off the lot after buying it (except in test drives, which the car is insured by the dealership??), or is there a grace period that you can drive without insurance? For instance, when I go in to buy a car, should I have already contacted an insurance agency and gotten quotes to be able to call them and get insured before I drive it off the lot?""
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
Are there emergency health insurances in California?
And how can some one get it? i don't live in Cali but a friend of mine does. And they can't afford health insurances. but they need to see a doctor.
How can i find the lowest car insurance rate for my car?
How can i find the lowest car rate for my car All the insurance companies advertise they have the lowest
What is the cheapest insurance for a road trip around europe?
3 guys, age 19, 3 weeks in august, had licenses for a year, driving a small car. Anyone know what company would be the best to look at? And im fed up of looking through comparison websites :P""
Can I use my no claims discount for scooter insurance?
I am seriously considering dumping the car and using a scooter. I have full no claims discount on my car insurance, would I be able to use this on my scooter insurance? If not, would I loose that no claims I have built up i.e. if i go back to driving a car will I start again with zero no claims discount. This is a UK based question.""
My age is 28 nd m a govt employee which is the best insurance plan for me which provide me best benifits..?
My age is 28 nd m a govt employee which is the best insurance plan for me which provide me best benifits..?
What car insurance companies offers the cheapest price for insurance for drivers under 25 years old?
I'm currently 23 and I am about to get my first car ( a sedan). Which car insurance company offers the best prices for car insurance in new york state (or just in general)? does the popularity of the brand mane of the car and model affect the insurance price? for example, would the insurance of a 2002 honda civic be more than that of to 2003 hyundai elantra (let's say both have the same mileage of 85,000)? thanks
What's the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2002 jaguar X-type?
I'm an 18 year old with a jaguar X-type, no accidents, nothing bad, driving a safe car, I'm looking for an insurance that isn't crazy expensive, my dad with 3 cars pays $200 a month, I don't want to add $300 a month for 1 car! the lowest I've seen is acceptance Insurance which was just under $200, are there any better insurance deals for teenagers in safe, non-sports cars?""
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
Average cost for home owner insurance ?
""Do you have to have insurance if you don't have a car, just a license?
my parents have USAA auto insurance and i was wondering if i could get my license and be able to drive their cars with me paying for insurance. if i have to pay insurance whats the rate i would have to pay?
Can I have two Health Insurance Policies from different states?
Before you answer, please read this thoroughly. I am a student and Illinois Resident. I have PPO health insurance in Illinois that I pay out of pocket for. $1000 deductible, 100% covered. I go to school in Florida and have employer insurance in FL (ever since Sept 2008), but it's an HMO. The PPO my job offers has no deductible but is 80/20 coverage, so I opted the HMO. For the average person, it would make no sense to have 2 policies, but I'm not ordinary. I have many pre-existing conditions (some I was born with), hence the Illinois coverage. In Dec of last year, before my FL insurance kicked in, I had a multitude of issues which caused me to have to use my BCBS of IL in Florida where I'm attending school. Many of those things are at bay now, but for doctor visits, exams, etc to arise other than routine check ups, should I start using my FL HMO insurance and just use my IL insurance for when I visit home during breaks? Or should I just drop my FL insurance altogether? The reason this is an issue is b/c I am afraid I my rates will go up or they drop me if I continue to use my insurance which was meant to be for IL, but I have been using it in another state. Yes they will cover b/c it's PPO and it falls under the BCBS umbrella, but this is the risk I take. I will NOT drop my Illinois insurance because I have pre-existing issues that is NOT covered by my FL insurance, so switching isn't even on option. Plus they keep doing layoffs and my certainty at this job isn't guaranteed. Furthermore, I keep reading about fraud, this is not my intent. I am just trying not to have my rates rise anymore b/c I am a student and not making much as it is. I am looking for the best coverage because good health care is my primary concern. I am NOT trying to file a double claim with both insurances, and I am NOT trying to collect any money out of this. Things happen like the flu, ER visits, and any other reason to visit the doctor when you are sick or injured. I have a 2 week window during open enrollment to drop my coverage thru my job. I pay only $20 per paycheck for my FL HMO insurance. So the little amount really isn't that much to fret over, but I need to know b/c I don't want my IL insurance to go up or to be denied covereage b/c I have two policies out there. Someone please give me some guidance. :) I have called my insurance company on both ends, but I can't get a straight answer from either. It's always the you need to contact the other company for the answer . So I am running around in circles. I was even told to just find out after I use my FL insurance to see. I'm afraid to take the gamble.""
""NY plates & registration, but Connecticut Insurance?""
My car has NY plates and was registered in NY. I moved to CT, and have CT auto insurance. Is it okay to have auto insurance in the state you live but the car is registered and plated in another?""
Can an insurer refuse me insurance because of a secondary drivers record?
I am a new driver, I am now insured with a different company but am not happy with how much I am paying. Now, When I first got my vehicle I did a quote with a different insurance company, I was pleased with the cost of insurance, so I decided to try to go ahead with their insurance policy. It took 12 days for this company to contact me back, that's only because I called them questioning about the progress. Now the wait didn't bother it is the fact that the refused me. I know that as an insurance company they have the right to refuse an insurance policy, but it was the EXCUSE they gave me that infuriated me. Now let explain the situation as clearly as I can. I am a new driver, I am still living with my dad so I was obligated to put him onto my insurance plan because we are living int he same building and both have access to my car, as a new driver I have 0 tickets, 0 cancellations of insurance (have had previous insurance for a motorcycle with the same company) and I must also put 0 experience. now my dad has over 30 years driving experience, but he had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. So this is what the insurance company said to me on the phone, We are refusing your policy because you are a new driver, and your secondary driver has had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. Me, and my father both think that this is just an excuse to not insure a new driver. I am insured now and have been for the past several months driving everyday to and from work, my insurance is getting a bit costly now and am thinking of trying the other company again. I would like to know, Can the insurance company refuse me for those reasons? And would you recommend trying that company again after a few months have past or try to find cheaper insurance elsewhere?""
Can a health insurance company decline your request to cancel?
Here's the situation: I've had health insurance for the past few years through Nationwide, which is/was provided by my employer. The cost is taken out of my check every week. I received a letter from my employer last December stating that I did not have to change anything in regards to the Affordable Health Care Act. Two months later, I received a letter from my insurance company saying that I have inadequate coverage and need to visit healthcare.gov to find different coverage. I found new coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield through healthcare.gov (I was planning on going BCBS anyway). I asked the woman who I spoke with when I should cancel my previous insurance benefits. She replied Wait a couple of weeks until you get all of your new information from BCBS . Here's where the issue comes in. When I contacted Nationwide (my previous insurance company) to cancel they said I had to fill out and send back a form. Basically, the form asked why I was cancelling. Go figure there was no option for them not having the correct benefits. Anyway, I sent that back and proof of my new policy (they wanted the effective date) Nationwide DENIED my request to cancel stating that I only had 30 days from the time my new coverage began to inform them. Even though their coverage doesn't meet the AHCA requirements, I cannot cancel until my company's open enrollment (December) Can they legally decline my cancellation request?""
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
""How would you cover people who are denied health coverage by the insurance companies, if not a public option?""
There are many Americans who want health care, but cannot get adequate coverage because they have a pre-existing condition, can't afford it, or are denied by insurers. Maybe they are working but their company doesn't offer medical coverage for them. How do we help these people? Are they just stuck?""
AA Home contents insurance?
Hello The AA Contents insurance seems good value What do you think.
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
Will they provide motorcycles at a motorcycle safety course?
I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja , but i dont know how to drive on its easy to learn i driven motor bikes over seas but its not the same. Well the motorcycle satey course will the provide a motorcycle a sports bike not a cruiser? and what do i need to bring exactly? Do you guys know on average how much motorcycle insurance cost for a 19 year old?? I know its different from different parts but from where your from. Detailed answers are much appreciated thanks guys!""
Driving family car with no insurance?
I Drive my sister's car around a bit because i couldn't afford my insurance. Since I don't have insurance but my sister does on her car, would I get a ticket or get car towed if I drive it around without insurance? or would my sister's insurance cover it too? Thanks""
How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
Car insurance and reliability?
what would be cheaper on insurance and what vehicle would be a better investment, because I want to keep the next vehicle I get for a LONG time . . . dodge challenger srt8 or a toyota tacoma with a TRD sport package""
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?
I realise that this is not a P&S question, but Cars & Transportation > Insurance & Registration is a deadbeat section. I probably should ask this in R&S since most of you are 12.""
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
Can insurance companies renew car insurance without owner`s permission?
My friend has just had a letter from her old car insurance company, saying they have set up a direct debit for monthly car insurance. However, she has recently changed car insurance companies, and has not instructed the old company to set up these direct debits. Is this legal?!""
Cheapest Insurance company?
I'm looking to downsize my premium today and called about 10 largest companies, I'm sure there's more that has more affordable rates Thank you""
Does production company need insurance?
One of my biggest concerns when starting a production company that would specialize in small time video making for buisnesses and there services for marketing and commercials possibly who knows would be INSURANCE would I need liability insurance or is it illegal to just not have that or is it for piece of mind.So say if my production business shoots a restaurant and there services and then shoot some motor cross business where they advertise there atvs and vehicles etc.If the answer is yes then what if I use my own stunt riders? is liability insurance a law to have? I'm in the TEXAS
Car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
Hello Yesterday, I passed my driving test and am, of course, really looking forward to driving. I spotted a Renault Clio I liked with a 1.1 litre engine. It's nothing special, just a first car (which would mean the world to me) I was always aware insurance was going to be a struggle. I insured myself with Provisional Marmalade while I was still learning, so I could drive my mum and dad's car as additional practice. Prov. Marm. have another part to their company, Young Marmalade for newly passed drivers, apparently giving you the best quotes, however I couldn't find anything under 3000! I am a 17 year old boy living in the Northeast of Scotland, one of the most common places for a collision in the whole of the UK. However, I am not in anyway a dangerous driver. My dad has been driving for 50 years and told me he feels very safe while driving with me as a learner, and I always stay within the speed limit, with the exception of if I don't realise I'm doing over the limit. My mum and dad have been saving some money for me for about 10 years, but it's only about 1300, and I don't have any more money apart from that. It's not going to be enough and I have really been let down by the insurance, because that Clio I saw was 600. The lowest quote I managed to find was 1634.70 a year from the Co-Operative Young Driver insurance, and with that you get a device fitted in your car to monitor how you drive, and if you drive within speed limits, and safely, I guess your monthly cost comes down a little bit. Anyway, I'm waffling on here. My question was, does anybody know of a REALLY good insurer for 17 year old boys who would: -take their price down for one of thse devices being fitted -offer decent discounts for Pass Plus or an Advanced Driving course? A car and amazingly cheap insurance would mean the world to me at the moment, because there's nothing worse than the feeling of only getting 1 minor fault on your test then realising you can't drive due to the greedy bastard insurance companies. Thanks for all the help.""
COBRA insurance help?
I recently got fired is it cheap to get cobra insurance? Have you ever paid for COBRA insurance usually how much it cost for family? are my only option buying my own insurance or cobra or no insurance. Is Medicare only for older people???/?
Car insurance is too much.. must bring down $$ any ideas?
So my boyfriend's insurance went up a lot due to 2 accidents in the same year to the amount he is unable to afford to drive. We are considered Common law now... He needs to be able to drive due to his job he has to get to different locations! We thought about joining our insurance and downing to one vehicle to try and save money to see if that made a difference but the bottom line is we need to down his insurance so he can still get to site... Any ideas?
How much would car insurance cost an international student in Winnipeg?
I just got my license from my country. I am going to winnipeg in August I will be attending winnipeg university and I need a car. How much would insurance cost for an international student with the least rates and coverages?
How long of a grace period do you have after buying a car to get insurance???
i just bought a car and i just so hppen to get pulled over....i just bought the car the day before....so i give the cop all the information i had on the car and told him i bought it the day before, but he still gave me a ticket for no insurance and no plates, because the car had paper plates. i was told that i get a 10 day grace period but i don't know if thats true.""
Road trip without car insurance?
So my girlfriend and I want to go to Las Vegas with some friends. We don't have a car, but it friends does, however, he doesn't have car insurance. Would it still be ok to go? Why or why not? Well be traveling from SLC.""
""I am international student , i need to apply health insurance(Texas)?""
where should i go?(houston, Texas) what stuff should i prepare or anything i should biring""
Whats a good car insurance comapany in onatrio canada?
im just looking for regular insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr old male.thanks in advance.10 points for whoever gets the best company is my gift to you...""
""I received a minor traffic infraction (65 in a 60 MPH zone) in WA, will my insurance go up?""
Minor traffic infraction, my first ticket. I'm 20. Also, what's a defferal and how much does it cost?""
Car accident medical bills: Car insurance or health insurance?
I was in a car accident and went to an urgent care to get myself and son checked out. I used my health insurance to cover the medical costs. Is my car insurance supposed to reimburse my BCBS(Blue Cross Blue Sheild) health insurance? Or does my health insurance cover it? The car insurance company (progressive) totaled my vehicle and paid me $350 for our medical bills. Am I supposed to give that money to BCBS? I just dont want medical bills to come back to me later on down the road after settling. Also, what do I do if I am still in pain from whiplash? Should I go to a chiropractor, a doctor? Should I send Progressive the bill or use my BCBS? Any advice would be helpful.""
What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?
What's the best way to approach someone about buying life insurance?
How much will i pay in car insurance for a used mid range priced vehicle?
i am a 20 year old single mother who lives with her parents and works full time.
How much should my insurance go up with a new car?
Right now I have a 1995 honda accord, I play about 90 a month, what should I expect to pay with a 2007 mazda 3?' Im 19, on insurance with my parents, no tickets or accidents. THANKS!""
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto ..insurance?
Will a speeding ticket from another state affect your auto insurance?
Car insurance in Tennessee help please?
A girl I know the tags are in her name but her bf drive's the car he is currently teaching her how to drive she's new to the road..... but my question is can her bf get the car insurance in his name if the car tags n her name
0 notes
this weekend was actually okay and something i needed. on saturday i spoke to my landlord who was very aggressive about our deal and it gave me alot f anxiety. i attempted to share this with.. well.. anyone, and it was really isolating. the day before i had spent just a few hours with him and another friend and i felt isolated. saturday evening he decided he wanted to hang out and was really, really excited to share that he had found a cottage he could use this summer. neither me nor my friend was that enthused. both of us have lives that dont reallt include cottages and who knows if he will still be our friend by then. honestly. and he presented this with such excitement, like it would be good news for me. like i would care. like i was supposed to care. i think in a way both my friend and i thought good news wouldve been him wanting to move out of his mothers house. like he had a change of heart and realized what was actually for the best. he stuck on the cottage, repeatedly asking me over the next day or so if i was excited. he said i could go fishing. if i dont, does he bring someone else? but having him in a good mood was much better than usual and made him much more affectionate and nice, which is what i needed to overcome some of my anxiety. not all anxiety can truly be solved on its own. he kept touching me and held my hand and was overall just really nice. it made me comfortable enough to share my landlord situation and surprisingly he had a similar reaction to my own - they had been nice before, they set out the rules im following, theyre just angry they arent getting anything right now by definition of their own rules. he told me it was okay and i didnt need to worry about it because they had resolved to threats and aggression when i never once acted inappropriately. i felt alot better hearing that. weve been very careful not to comment on each others choices but still offer passive opinions. he doesnt like me living with anyone and hes negative about all of my options. but he doesnt tell me outright what to do / what im doing wrong in his eyes. but it felt better to feel justified in my belief that i wasnt crazy for thinking that i was in fact following their rules and procedures. a bit later on he mentioned that i should try for my native status and to me its a very sketchy subject based on almost 100 years of people with a very flimsy story which i imagine is mostly true but there could be serious false parts. thats why i just accept the ancestry my father believed in but dont indulge in it. but its gratifying to hear a random opinion which someone came to on their own regarding my ancestry and their belief in my belief. but he added that i should seek out an aboriginal center that could help me through the process and they should be more than willing to help because ive experienced so much abusive trauma. i felt a bit thrown back by this observation and didnt really reply. i mean, im not insulted or offended. im more genuinely surprised that within his own thoughts he believed i had abusive trauma and he wanted a way for me to cope easier in life. and it wasnt just oh u had trauma, it was 'so much abusive trauma' - very specific, indicating belief that not onlt had i experienced trauma on its own but that it had been willfully inflicted on me in my past. i believe in a way this also refers to the fact i told him what has been unsaid between us but most obvious in our last fight. he is a contributing factor on a semi regular basis to my anxieties and depression because he chooses to be as close as he is in the type of 'relationship' we have but does things like randomly break up or blame things on me. but its up and down, putting me through a cycle and my trust and patience, as thin as it was to begin with, is hanging on by a thread. i do believe he could leave at any moment without deep thought into how it would affect me. and he tries to remain naive or ignorant to the damage he caused; he asks me if i know where random things are or why i havent taken care of our herb garden and i remind him that im not here and im not welcome to do these things or know these things. he pushed me away for almost two weeks and expected things to be exactly as they were like i had left yesterday. i believe, like my ex, my trauma is too large for him. like, its a hard thing to completely encapsulate and see on a single level at once. and its complex emotional abuse - whether purposeful or not by people that may or may not have had control over the situation. i have felt like an observer since i was a baby. like im just watching crazy shit go down over and over again without a real period of content in between it all. in the afternoon, i felt a bit better. i didnt need sympathy or a shoulder to cry on necessarily, but when you feel very isolated, having your existence acknowledged is good. someone knows. they thought about it. i didnt implant it or bring it up. i roller skated for a bit - im sure its like literally 5-10 minutes of skating at a time but to me its kind of amazing im outside on rollerskates at all. and i think its kind of unbelievable to others as well - not that im too lazy, just that ive made an active choice to emerge from things at the best of mt abilities. later i began looking for jobs and apartments, repeating the same routine of the last few weeks but grateful to be in comfort doing it instead of at the library. i began narrowing down my search - i know, i know, i should take all the jobs. any job. put myself on a production line, hand bomb boxes, cut up chicken - but i cant. i cant do it at this point in my psyche. i cannot physically or mentally bare the process of living that way. its incomprehensible to me - im not above it. im not stubborn. im not lazy. but when you barely have the desire to get out of bed and feed yourself and bathe, to create the desire from nothing to go to a factory and pack boxes for eight hours of the day is so much time alone with my mind. its not distracting or challenging enough and ive see. these terrible jobs make normal people depressed so to me it seems like a death sentence. so i began to narrow it down - its been a long journey, acrually. it started months ago when i sat down and sincerely though about the very few things i could believe or want in my life thriugh all the fog and trauma and stress. it was very basic - im kind of a simple person. or maybe im simple among my turmoil. i like animals - but they also can trigger alot of anxiety and emotions that i dont want to deal with on a regular basis on top of having employment to maintain. i like cooking and baking; but all job environments with this are very high stress fast paced places and i am a sloth. not lazy, again, but currently moving at a pace that is the best of my abilities. i like computers but my skills are from 2008 and i dont have the patience or attention span to upgrade them right now. i like, in some ways, cleaning but i dont think its something id want to do everyday of my life. i like caring for the elderly, but again, its a complex job with alot of mental stress. so for the past month or so ive settled on essentially something in horticulture. i like growing things. it brings me a little joy on the inside. i like herb gardens and flowers, i like being outside, i like learning about plants. i began looking for a job in a garden center but they were few and far between and i began to realize that it was still mainly retail. so i applied to landscaping - i could cut grass and weed gardens but its male dominated industry and i dont think my few years of experience doing well, nothing, makes me a their first choice. plus its back breaking and the weather conditions can be terrible. so i looked for jobs as a florist or in a flower shop or maybe just the flower department in a grocery store. it seemed relatively low stress, not incredibly fast paced but something that was always in demand and flowers and maintaining flowers is great. but i began to learn that it required experience, as most jobs do, but as i thought about it i realized perhaps i could be a floral designer. it sounds really.. meh. like a super unimportant job with no real purpose and may e thats okay. it has alot of options; floral shops, weddings, funerals - its an oddly versatile thing that also allows for creativity and an experience of art and a little bit of science. its not complex, but it could be. and it allows for expansion - i could run my own flower shop. its not the most useful trade but its something thats always useable. i hesistantly looked into schooling. it seemed like a random course you took once and they gave you a paper. but a neaeby college has an entire 2 semester course that includes fundamentals of color and design and business plus floral design and other similae things. i say near but its a 2 hr bus ride away. however, its only on saturdays. one day a week for eight months. for curiousitys sake i looked into student loans. my last experience was uncomfortable. despite my best efforts, including calling multiole financial aid offices and sending paper work, i was still messed around and had no idea what to do to fix it. in rhe end i was told it was unlikely student loans would cover my choice; it was an online course in criminal psychology. i felt defeated and turned away from it but looking back now it was a poor attempt to alleviate pressures. so i was weary that osap would cover this course. apparantly school was sketchier than i thiught and the websites were utterly confusing and just asking for money up front. but i continued on, certain that it must work - everyone else manages it. i found the loan calculator and inputted the data. it would be the bare minimum course load thst would count towards getting a loan. it seemed impossible, a course that only happened saturdays that would be covered by a loan. but it recognized the course and calculated based on my assistance i get now, which i know is possible and i know assistance encourages you to do so. it came back as covering my books as well as 9000$+ for living & travelling expenses for the eight months. right now, assistance would allow me a little over 5000$ provided i dont get a job. and thats for living and eating, 300$ a month for rent, 300$ for basic living. at 9000$ i could afford 500-600$ in rent, possibly more if i really wanted to stretch it more so as a loan, when i work, my money isnt deducted. so my shelter costs are covered and at an even higher amount of rent for 700$, i have 300$ still to live on. if i wanted to live alone, that is. having 500-600$ to offer in a roommate situation or towards anything in my future is better than the 300-400$ im looking at now. so i think i want to do this. im going to ask assistance to cover the application fee and im rly hoping i have the one pre requisite course they ask for. it doesnt solve anything right now at all. this is long term think over the next 6-8 months, whicb honestly is scary. im scared by planning so far ahead for myself. and its hard because what if what if what if. but i think its the right thing to do. i dont know if it is. was i ever going to be a famous chef or doctor or office person? probably not. im lucky to exist as i am now. its a reachable goal just outside of my comfortzone and despite the meager amount it seems like theyre giving me, its more than i have had for almost a year now. i believe im ready to handle this, which is funny because its thrown on 18 yr olds eith no life experience but it doesnt matter. a friend has been sort of wanting to be my roommate. its hard to trust her though. and its a really sketchy situation to enter into but financially it would make sense and it would allow me to keep a majority of my comforts. she said she drove around and looked for apartments yesterday and called a few, which is more than ive done. she did show me a few but they were just out of my price range and i wonder if i just wont have enough money to even have a roommate. i also havent had any calls or opportunties for jobs or cash and half of it is my fault. today i could go to contract testing andearn 20$. but ill spend 4$ to get there. i wanted to make it a trip and go to the assistance office too and submit paper work for my application but my desire is not there and im frustrated st myself because i was given a fine weekend. and i need the money; im nearlt short of first & last for 400$ worth of rent, which means i cant even look at 500$ places. i can, however, afford 450$ which is not so bad and i guess i could borrow 100$ from someone if it came down to it, considering my efforts. so 20$ today would sort of go towards living expenses right now and i guess i just.. dont care. i also have to call hydro because i have a past due notice im hoping doesnr translate to final notice? im past due on mt past due and even making the phone call seems daunting. my mornings have become battlefields, mental acrobats of havinf set a plan - even a simple task and fighting myself for several hours about doing it or why or for what purpose. i commend myself, sadly, on the three consecutive days at the library last week. thats actually unheard of in my world, getting up, getting ready and goinf out at almost the same time for three days in a row. then it was the weekend. and now im here. and the weeke d didnt bother me. it didnt cause this, or maybe it did but it doesnt feel like it. im glad to have spent time with him in such a positive way but i guess i have a looming feeling of "well tomorrow i know i wont see him" and ill work out my day alone and eat alone and sleep alone and have all this time because i barely have wifi and no cable and no tv and no movies. its not his fault though. its mt fault. he doesnt have to share his time eith me because i couldnt manage to have wifi. or that i sold my tv. it would be best for me to do the things i planned today. i also havent began cleaning or packing any of my things. i could use boxes. but i kind of want to sleep; i didnt sleep well last night and felt ljke i was up most of the night, having slept alone, and being woken up pretty uncemermoniously at 630am. he explained he was up until 3am working on his project and managed some niceties but dropped me a block from my apt for no real reason. i do scorn myself for not taking initative. these tasks are really fucking simple and crucial to my well being but ill comfort myself with "well, its only this time of day, i can still do this and this later" and its such a poor cop out. i could do it now. the two hours ive been sitting here, couldve done it. but i didnt and i honestlt probably wont and that really makes me such a bucket. its hard feeling down about your depression. but i guess unfortunately im going to start this day again in a few hours and im sure ill be much better off.. or atleast well enough to move from my bed.
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years
The Massive Difference Between 'Buy Local' And 'Local Buy' ... How Mayor Mullet Has Played The Townsville Business Community For Mugs.
Jenny Hill has traded on a trick of language to fool Townsville into thinking she is a champion for local workers and business, when the exact opposite is the case. It all revolves around the Local Government Association of Queenslands business arm called Local Buy and it is a deliberate play on words to line the coffers of the LGAQ. As The Pie reports, this one looks murky indeed. Also, the Townsville Bulletin goes beyond beyond parody, with one of their biggest side-splitting bungles yet and overall, it was a week you couldnt make up unless of course, youre the Bulletin. And is rebel councillor Paul The Angry Ant Jacob shaping up to take on The Mullet well, he may well have delusions of popularity and adequacy for a tilt in 2020 but there will be one powerful group that will try to block him. Also, the funniest comment on a news story this week comes from the most unlikely place and by popular demand, our regular pictorial gallery from Trumpistan. But first The shared thought-fart of the week belongs to One Notions P Hanson and the Katteronics R Katter. No sooner had Hanson quavered tremulously over the radio that people on the dole should be put to work catching cane toads at ten cents a pop, than Katter jumped on this creaky bandwagon and and upped the ante.
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Bob Katter (right). Columnist James Jeffrey once wrote the Bob uses words like a cliff in Norway uses lemmings, and during the week, the member for Kennedy obliged with proof when he gurgled, giggled, sneered and croaked out his proposal that kids should catch the toads for 40 cents a time and be armed with air rifles to get the job done. It all makes one think that both Hanson and Katter are still smarting from their latest rejection letters from The Mensa Society, but the ever-practical Bentley thinks no matter how the creatures are caught, there might be a bit of a flaw in the idea.
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Gosh, kids could be recruited under the banner of The Toady Army oh, hang on, maybe not, Townsville City councillors might sue for copyright. Is The LGAQs Nice Little Earner LOCAL BUY Costing Townsville A Motza? Some well credentialed business folks around town at increasingly frustrated with the little-understood Queensland Local Government Associations business arm Buy Local. And on the face of what two well-placed identities have told The Pie, the whole set-up looks ripe for rorts of all sorts, even progressing to very serious corruption unless proper transparency is in place. First this landed in the Nests inbox from a respected and successful Townsville businessman. Just wanted to highlighta program that shows that Mayor Mullet cannot only stuff Townsville as Mayor, she is also doing it as a Director of LGAQ against local businesses who payrent/rates and employ people.Townsville City Council is among those Queensland Local Councils using LGAQ Local Buy to avoid going to tender locally, allowing them toappoint out of town contractors with the LGAQ taking a cut (understood to be 10% of any contract, which of course is just added on to what the cost would otherwise be). Townsville businesses who were previously and successfully supplying services to Council have lost out under this scheme with many being forced to the business and had to put off staff. Any complaints about the dire situation made to Richard The Screaming Midget Beckett (no longer with the council met with threats that they would be locked out of any Council tenders in the future all under the culture from the Impailer and Mayor Mullet . To be an approved Local buy supplier you have to apply and I think pay an amount to be approved and there is a period of 5 years in which other similar other local businesses cant even apply. Momentum for change must be building as this excerpt from a letter from Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe indicates, after he received a petition complaining about the situation.
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Also, has anyone questioned the $400k yearly service agreement between T.C.C . and the LGAQ and does the Mullet disclose her Directors fees from LGAQ ? As a LGAQ director, Jenny Hill, pops into her purse $31,000 p.a ta very muchly. Under the circumstances, that could be seen as blood money, since she must know the hardship this state-wide legalised rort is costing Townsvilles well-being. The Nest has received a number of complaints about Local Buy, but until this week, The Pie didnt have a coherent idea of what was happening so to get an independent assessment, The Magpie asked a business professional well versed in both business and LG matters to give this over-view. Given the current climate of spite and uncertainty, the person asked to remain anonymous. Local Buy is flawed in many aspects, even if one were to concede that its creation was well intentioned.Lets give them the benefit of the doubt to start with procurement can be complex and costly. Good procurement practice (eg. due diligence, evaluation requiring technical expertise etc) could be provided as a shared service, so that smaller organisations can in effect benefit from the capabilities of a larger organisation able to hire the appropriately skilled personnel. Theres also the prospect of negotiating better aggregate rates on the basis of aggregated volume. Thats the theory. The reality is that it is nowhere near this. Im not sure about the 5-year protection racket claim, but I do know that getting on the list involves not much more than paying some fees and ticking some boxes. This means a local council is more or less free to then pick and choose from the list, subject to the requirements of the LG Act. Magpie note: This means that the TCC can choose from a list based solely on price, which often means true locals cannot compete. This raises a moral question of whether it is more desirable to pay perhaps a bit more locally and materially contribute to a more vibrant local economy than to simply save some money because outside organisations that make no real contributions to our city. And it is this part of the system that is clearly open to corrupt influences. The Pie knows of none, but its an open invitation to it. Local Buy of course takes a Commission, from memory 10%, from registered suppliers when they win work, so in the end the potential benefits of savings arent materialised. Suppliers actually add the commission in. Theres also real doubt as to whether the Local Buy organisation actually has any real procurement capability. As a result, the tendency is for increasingly standardised or vanilla offerings, because thats the nature of generalised procedures run by people with limited specialisation and knowledge of local requirements or specialist areas eg, technology. Local Buy is a misnomer, of course. It neither compels nor guarantees procurement by a local authority from suppliers located within this authoritys area. Having said that, what goes to constituting local is never actually an easy question to answer, which makes a mockery of the entire buy local trope. One other thing on the Local Buy (and council procurement in general): theres a category called standing offer arrangement. This is basically a set of approved rates for services / products that a council can basically go back to time after time, without going out to tender. In theory, not a bad thing for pencils, paper clips and such like but as is always the case in procurement easily abused or at the very least, mis-used. The Magpie thanks the author for that succinct summary. It would certainly appear that we are being dudded one way or the other, but two things raise the Magpies curiosity: what do we get for our $400k annual contribution to the LGAQ? And noted in hindsight, just as this Local Buy system was being introduced, Mayor Mullet started dropping in the odd buy local slogan the timing appears to havde been there to fool people when they started hearing about local buy. Low level chicanery at its worst, spread about at the very time it now appears the council Jenny Hill heads was doing exactly the opposite. For Jenny Hill to trumpet the buy local cry is the height of hypocrisy, anyway. One of the very first acts she did when first elected mayor was to buy her new mayoral car (a top of the line Holden at around $70-$80,000) IN BRISBANE AND STIFFED THE RATEPAYERS TO HAVE IT SHIPPED HERE. And why was this? Because she had had a previous fight with Tony Ireland of TI Holden about repairs her previous vehicle, which she had mildly pranged into a gutter _ Ireland point blank refused her request to illegally mark it down as an accident insurance claim, which it clearly wasnt. Even although the Ireland company agreed to match the Brisbane price, Jenny Hill went ahead with the Brisbane deal anyway. Shes a sweet piece of work sometimes.
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So if youre ever thinking if its true that local business people are fearful of spiteful retribution if they disagree with this civic leader, just keep that in mind. And Heres An Interesting Thought Wonder if Local Buy had anything to do with the controversial choice of pipe for the new Burdekin line, and did Local Buytb have anything to do with the pipeline jobs that went to Adelaide in stead of the promised boon to Townsville? Just askin. ya know. Yes The Astonisher Has Gone Beyond Parody The satirists lot is not a happy one lately. I mean, how do you make fun of something like the Bulletin that is so unintentionally crazy-funny to start with? Is this a secret plot to spike The Magpies guns? Last Tuesday, this appeared on page 16 as the editorial page of the Townsville Bulletin.
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This is a stupendous blunder in a Townsville publication, that through their typical technical ineptness, the hard copy paper had published THE CAIRNS POST EDITORIAL PAGE the community voice (supposedly) of any newspaper. The editorial was of bugger all interest here, as well as being pretty stupid, anyway. It even had the Cairns deputy iditor signing it under the Townsville Bulletin masthead.
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There was a time when this bit of prize fuckwittery wouldve caused an uproar, given the sensitive feelings between the two cities, but it appears weve been bludgeoned into not caring about the Bulletin anyway. Honestly, if it were not for the circle-jerk leadership of this city, the mayor and the head of Townsville Enterprise would be so incensed by this particular A community without a responsible newspaper is like a beautiful woman with only one eye (apologies to Brillat-Savarin). But still the harmless laughs kept coming. There was this story
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which included this quote from one of the ladies of the night about southern blow-in blow-job competition on the streets: Theres false advertising, they send out a photo of a really hot looking chick and when they get there its some frumpy number. The girls have had a gutful of it This has been brewing for ages. Yknow, Thd Magpie thinks the lady might have a point. What sort of deceptive, conniving, immoral low-life would stoop to such trickery. Bet it would never happen in the Townsville Bulletin, would it? Huh, what? oh, oops.
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But even when credibility-destroying cock-ups are right before their eyes, they still get into the paper. One should feel sorry for a decent old-time journo like Tony Raggatt, having his pic plastered between these clearly conflicting claims (the list clearly being nothing to with him).
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But The Astonisher makes it easy to err take the piss.
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This reeks of wreaking havoc on the language. Is The Angry Ant About To Up The Ante?
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Paul Jacob Paul Jacob knows a cushy number when he sees one he is after all a Townsville City councillor. But it would seem our man is a tad more ambitious. The Ant broke ranks against Mayor Mullets Adani airstrip rort, conveniently just before he made an abortive run for state as a Labor-aligned but not endorsed candidate. Ever since, he has been regarded as a rebel ever since among the council sheeple and certainly by head shepherd Jennifer. So when he was front-paged in todays Astonisher
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calling for an easing of water restrictions, many a pundit including The Pie, immediately assumed this was the signal for a Jacob joust for the top office in Walker Street. And that will be tricky. Unless Mayor Mullet abdicates and retires to malta, or runs on a Labor senate ticket her dearest wish but said not be shared by those who could make it so Clr Jacob will come under some intense pressure and even be flattered with promises of future glory by the Labor Party. Because despite her simpering shy denials of being a Labor mayor, Jenny Hill is, and is seen as, just that, and mainly by Labor itself. The party back room boys reckon mayor is as far as shes going, so they wouldnt rock what they see as a returnable vote boat in local government in March 2020. They know poor old Dolan Hayes will need Ashley and Martin soon with all the hair-tearing last thing the already beleaguered mayor needs is a Labor split ticket. But trust the Bulletin to come galumphing on to this particular scene with a few editorial bromides, but the best being this hilarious piece of total unselfawareness in an iditorial, which clearly is not Astonisher editorial policy.
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Take your own advice, dearie. But Does The Pie Detect A Sly Dissension In The Senior Ranks At The Paper? Although The Pie doubts the feeling is mutual, he has great respect for the old-style work and values of John Ando Anderson he offers a very readable weekly service to the valuable rural readership of the paper, which clearly involves actual field work, and not just a few phone calls or, heaven forbid, lazy Facebook trolling. Now, Ando is nothing if not a steadfastly loyal News Ltd man; he has reason to be, the company spared no expense successfully defending him against spurious charge brought by the DPP over a jail interview almost 20 years ago. But The Pie couldnt help wonder if he wasnt trying to get a subtle message into the editors ear when writing today about Townsvilles landscape of words, waffle and impossible dreams.
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Gotta love that line Pep talks are good for morale, but in the end, they start to sound like the boy crying wolf. And that, Ando, described PRECISELY the Bulletin editorial policy. very funny. Clever too, if The Pie is right. Pop in and have a chat to , will you? For all of us. Ghosts Of Iditors Past:Theres A Reason Hes Called Typo Gleeson
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Typo Gleeson leaving an unsuccessful job interview as editor of Tailor & Cutter magazine. If you believe Sky Newss squeak fest hosted by Peter Typo Gleeson (sorry, only kidding) you might think David Crisafulli is returning to town for a special job and the head of TEL has changed her name.During the week, ww were treated too a hindenberg of hot air when Lil Patty OCallaghan and state opposition pollie Kid Crisafulli fielded a number of Dorothy Dixers from Typo. But one would think it was Typo in charge of the on-screen titling.
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And when they got around to realising their mistake, in typical Typo fashion, they got that wrong too.
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And Another Thing .. Best comment of the week goes to the bloke who replied to a totally embarrassing piece of nonesense in the paper about whether we are a friendly city. He suggested that of course we are we even wave to you from the roof of the Cleveland Detention Centre as you drive in from the airport. Luv it! Just what such a space-waste story deserved. Finally Its Been Another week of Wall-To-Wall umm .. Wall And we start with Mexico announcing the obvious
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A Final Dad Joke (Well, Worked As A Granddad Joke)
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Oh dear sorry. .. Thats it for another week, were off and running for 2019, its promising to be a cracker. There are a wider variety of folks taking to comments of late, keep it up, some are thoughtful, some hilarious, so entertain and be entertained. And if you have anything left over from the festive season, a donation to support The Magpies Nest will be of great assistance, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/the-massive-difference-between-buy-local-and-local-buy-how-mayor-mullet-has-played-the-townsville-business-community-for-mugs/
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sweetlifetownsville · 6 years
The Massive Difference Between 'Buy Local' And 'Local Buy' ... How Mayor Mullet Has Played The Townsville Business Community For Mugs.
Jenny Hill has traded on a trick of language to fool Townsville into thinking she is a champion for local workers and business, when the exact opposite is the case. It all revolves around the Local Government Association of Queenslands business arm called Local Buy and it is a deliberate play on words to line the coffers of the LGAQ. As The Pie reports, this one looks murky indeed. Also, the Townsville Bulletin goes beyond beyond parody, with one of their biggest side-splitting bungles yet and overall, it was a week you couldnt make up unless of course, youre the Bulletin. And is rebel councillor Paul The Angry Ant Jacob shaping up to take on The Mullet well, he may well have delusions of popularity and adequacy for a tilt in 2020 but there will be one powerful group that will try to block him. Also, the funniest comment on a news story this week comes from the most unlikely place and by popular demand, our regular pictorial gallery from Trumpistan. But first The shared thought-fart of the week belongs to One Notions P Hanson and the Katteronics R Katter. No sooner had Hanson quavered tremulously over the radio that people on the dole should be put to work catching cane toads at ten cents a pop, than Katter jumped on this creaky bandwagon and and upped the ante.
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Bob Katter (right). Columnist James Jeffrey once wrote the Bob uses words like a cliff in Norway uses lemmings, and during the week, the member for Kennedy obliged with proof when he gurgled, giggled, sneered and croaked out his proposal that kids should catch the toads for 40 cents a time and be armed with air rifles to get the job done. It all makes one think that both Hanson and Katter are still smarting from their latest rejection letters from The Mensa Society, but the ever-practical Bentley thinks no matter how the creatures are caught, there might be a bit of a flaw in the idea.
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Gosh, kids could be recruited under the banner of The Toady Army oh, hang on, maybe not, Townsville City councillors might sue for copyright. Is The LGAQs Nice Little Earner LOCAL BUY Costing Townsville A Motza? Some well credentialed business folks around town at increasingly frustrated with the little-understood Queensland Local Government Associations business arm Buy Local. And on the face of what two well-placed identities have told The Pie, the whole set-up looks ripe for rorts of all sorts, even progressing to very serious corruption unless proper transparency is in place. First this landed in the Nests inbox from a respected and successful Townsville businessman. Just wanted to highlighta program that shows that Mayor Mullet cannot only stuff Townsville as Mayor, she is also doing it as a Director of LGAQ against local businesses who payrent/rates and employ people.Townsville City Council is among those Queensland Local Councils using LGAQ Local Buy to avoid going to tender locally, allowing them toappoint out of town contractors with the LGAQ taking a cut (understood to be 10% of any contract, which of course is just added on to what the cost would otherwise be). Townsville businesses who were previously and successfully supplying services to Council have lost out under this scheme with many being forced to the business and had to put off staff. Any complaints about the dire situation made to Richard The Screaming Midget Beckett (no longer with the council met with threats that they would be locked out of any Council tenders in the future all under the culture from the Impailer and Mayor Mullet . To be an approved Local buy supplier you have to apply and I think pay an amount to be approved and there is a period of 5 years in which other similar other local businesses cant even apply. Momentum for change must be building as this excerpt from a letter from Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe indicates, after he received a petition complaining about the situation.
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Also, has anyone questioned the $400k yearly service agreement between T.C.C . and the LGAQ and does the Mullet disclose her Directors fees from LGAQ ? As a LGAQ director, Jenny Hill, pops into her purse $31,000 p.a ta very muchly. Under the circumstances, that could be seen as blood money, since she must know the hardship this state-wide legalised rort is costing Townsvilles well-being. The Nest has received a number of complaints about Local Buy, but until this week, The Pie didnt have a coherent idea of what was happening so to get an independent assessment, The Magpie asked a business professional well versed in both business and LG matters to give this over-view. Given the current climate of spite and uncertainty, the person asked to remain anonymous. Local Buy is flawed in many aspects, even if one were to concede that its creation was well intentioned.Lets give them the benefit of the doubt to start with procurement can be complex and costly. Good procurement practice (eg. due diligence, evaluation requiring technical expertise etc) could be provided as a shared service, so that smaller organisations can in effect benefit from the capabilities of a larger organisation able to hire the appropriately skilled personnel. Theres also the prospect of negotiating better aggregate rates on the basis of aggregated volume. Thats the theory. The reality is that it is nowhere near this. Im not sure about the 5-year protection racket claim, but I do know that getting on the list involves not much more than paying some fees and ticking some boxes. This means a local council is more or less free to then pick and choose from the list, subject to the requirements of the LG Act. Magpie note: This means that the TCC can choose from a list based solely on price, which often means true locals cannot compete. This raises a moral question of whether it is more desirable to pay perhaps a bit more locally and materially contribute to a more vibrant local economy than to simply save some money because outside organisations that make no real contributions to our city. And it is this part of the system that is clearly open to corrupt influences. The Pie knows of none, but its an open invitation to it. Local Buy of course takes a Commission, from memory 10%, from registered suppliers when they win work, so in the end the potential benefits of savings arent materialised. Suppliers actually add the commission in. Theres also real doubt as to whether the Local Buy organisation actually has any real procurement capability. As a result, the tendency is for increasingly standardised or vanilla offerings, because thats the nature of generalised procedures run by people with limited specialisation and knowledge of local requirements or specialist areas eg, technology. Local Buy is a misnomer, of course. It neither compels nor guarantees procurement by a local authority from suppliers located within this authoritys area. Having said that, what goes to constituting local is never actually an easy question to answer, which makes a mockery of the entire buy local trope. One other thing on the Local Buy (and council procurement in general): theres a category called standing offer arrangement. This is basically a set of approved rates for services / products that a council can basically go back to time after time, without going out to tender. In theory, not a bad thing for pencils, paper clips and such like but as is always the case in procurement easily abused or at the very least, mis-used. The Magpie thanks the author for that succinct summary. It would certainly appear that we are being dudded one way or the other, but two things raise the Magpies curiosity: what do we get for our $400k annual contribution to the LGAQ? And noted in hindsight, just as this Local Buy system was being introduced, Mayor Mullet started dropping in the odd buy local slogan the timing appears to havde been there to fool people when they started hearing about local buy. Low level chicanery at its worst, spread about at the very time it now appears the council Jenny Hill heads was doing exactly the opposite. For Jenny Hill to trumpet the buy local cry is the height of hypocrisy, anyway. One of the very first acts she did when first elected mayor was to buy her new mayoral car (a top of the line Holden at around $70-$80,000) IN BRISBANE AND STIFFED THE RATEPAYERS TO HAVE IT SHIPPED HERE. And why was this? Because she had had a previous fight with Tony Ireland of TI Holden about repairs her previous vehicle, which she had mildly pranged into a gutter _ Ireland point blank refused her request to illegally mark it down as an accident insurance claim, which it clearly wasnt. Even although the Ireland company agreed to match the Brisbane price, Jenny Hill went ahead with the Brisbane deal anyway. Shes a sweet piece of work sometimes.
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So if youre ever thinking if its true that local business people are fearful of spiteful retribution if they disagree with this civic leader, just keep that in mind. And Heres An Interesting Thought Wonder if Local Buy had anything to do with the controversial choice of pipe for the new Burdekin line, and did Local Buytb have anything to do with the pipeline jobs that went to Adelaide in stead of the promised boon to Townsville? Just askin. ya know. Yes The Astonisher Has Gone Beyond Parody The satirists lot is not a happy one lately. I mean, how do you make fun of something like the Bulletin that is so unintentionally crazy-funny to start with? Is this a secret plot to spike The Magpies guns? Last Tuesday, this appeared on page 16 as the editorial page of the Townsville Bulletin.
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This is a stupendous blunder in a Townsville publication, that through their typical technical ineptness, the hard copy paper had published THE CAIRNS POST EDITORIAL PAGE the community voice (supposedly) of any newspaper. The editorial was of bugger all interest here, as well as being pretty stupid, anyway. It even had the Cairns deputy iditor signing it under the Townsville Bulletin masthead.
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There was a time when this bit of prize fuckwittery wouldve caused an uproar, given the sensitive feelings between the two cities, but it appears weve been bludgeoned into not caring about the Bulletin anyway. Honestly, if it were not for the circle-jerk leadership of this city, the mayor and the head of Townsville Enterprise would be so incensed by this particular A community without a responsible newspaper is like a beautiful woman with only one eye (apologies to Brillat-Savarin). But still the harmless laughs kept coming. There was this story
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which included this quote from one of the ladies of the night about southern blow-in blow-job competition on the streets: Theres false advertising, they send out a photo of a really hot looking chick and when they get there its some frumpy number. The girls have had a gutful of it This has been brewing for ages. Yknow, Thd Magpie thinks the lady might have a point. What sort of deceptive, conniving, immoral low-life would stoop to such trickery. Bet it would never happen in the Townsville Bulletin, would it? Huh, what? oh, oops.
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But even when credibility-destroying cock-ups are right before their eyes, they still get into the paper. One should feel sorry for a decent old-time journo like Tony Raggatt, having his pic plastered between these clearly conflicting claims (the list clearly being nothing to with him).
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But The Astonisher makes it easy to err take the piss.
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This reeks of wreaking havoc on the language. Is The Angry Ant About To Up The Ante?
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Paul Jacob Paul Jacob knows a cushy number when he sees one he is after all a Townsville City councillor. But it would seem our man is a tad more ambitious. The Ant broke ranks against Mayor Mullets Adani airstrip rort, conveniently just before he made an abortive run for state as a Labor-aligned but not endorsed candidate. Ever since, he has been regarded as a rebel ever since among the council sheeple and certainly by head shepherd Jennifer. So when he was front-paged in todays Astonisher
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calling for an easing of water restrictions, many a pundit including The Pie, immediately assumed this was the signal for a Jacob joust for the top office in Walker Street. And that will be tricky. Unless Mayor Mullet abdicates and retires to malta, or runs on a Labor senate ticket her dearest wish but said not be shared by those who could make it so Clr Jacob will come under some intense pressure and even be flattered with promises of future glory by the Labor Party. Because despite her simpering shy denials of being a Labor mayor, Jenny Hill is, and is seen as, just that, and mainly by Labor itself. The party back room boys reckon mayor is as far as shes going, so they wouldnt rock what they see as a returnable vote boat in local government in March 2020. They know poor old Dolan Hayes will need Ashley and Martin soon with all the hair-tearing last thing the already beleaguered mayor needs is a Labor split ticket. But trust the Bulletin to come galumphing on to this particular scene with a few editorial bromides, but the best being this hilarious piece of total unselfawareness in an iditorial, which clearly is not Astonisher editorial policy.
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Take your own advice, dearie. But Does The Pie Detect A Sly Dissension In The Senior Ranks At The Paper? Although The Pie doubts the feeling is mutual, he has great respect for the old-style work and values of John Ando Anderson he offers a very readable weekly service to the valuable rural readership of the paper, which clearly involves actual field work, and not just a few phone calls or, heaven forbid, lazy Facebook trolling. Now, Ando is nothing if not a steadfastly loyal News Ltd man; he has reason to be, the company spared no expense successfully defending him against spurious charge brought by the DPP over a jail interview almost 20 years ago. But The Pie couldnt help wonder if he wasnt trying to get a subtle message into the editors ear when writing today about Townsvilles landscape of words, waffle and impossible dreams.
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Gotta love that line Pep talks are good for morale, but in the end, they start to sound like the boy crying wolf. And that, Ando, described PRECISELY the Bulletin editorial policy. very funny. Clever too, if The Pie is right. Pop in and have a chat to , will you? For all of us. Ghosts Of Iditors Past:Theres A Reason Hes Called Typo Gleeson
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Typo Gleeson leaving an unsuccessful job interview as editor of Tailor & Cutter magazine. If you believe Sky Newss squeak fest hosted by Peter Typo Gleeson (sorry, only kidding) you might think David Crisafulli is returning to town for a special job and the head of TEL has changed her name.During the week, ww were treated too a hindenberg of hot air when Lil Patty OCallaghan and state opposition pollie Kid Crisafulli fielded a number of Dorothy Dixers from Typo. But one would think it was Typo in charge of the on-screen titling.
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And when they got around to realising their mistake, in typical Typo fashion, they got that wrong too.
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And Another Thing .. Best comment of the week goes to the bloke who replied to a totally embarrassing piece of nonesense in the paper about whether we are a friendly city. He suggested that of course we are we even wave to you from the roof of the Cleveland Detention Centre as you drive in from the airport. Luv it! Just what such a space-waste story deserved. Finally Its Been Another week of Wall-To-Wall umm .. Wall And we start with Mexico announcing the obvious
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A Final Dad Joke (Well, Worked As A Granddad Joke)
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Oh dear sorry. .. Thats it for another week, were off and running for 2019, its promising to be a cracker. There are a wider variety of folks taking to comments of late, keep it up, some are thoughtful, some hilarious, so entertain and be entertained. And if you have anything left over from the festive season, a donation to support The Magpies Nest will be of great assistance, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/the-massive-difference-between-buy-local-and-local-buy-how-mayor-mullet-has-played-the-townsville-business-community-for-mugs/
0 notes
sweetlifetownsville · 6 years
The Massive Difference Between 'Buy Local' And 'Local Buy' ... How Mayor Mullet Has Played The Townsville Business Community For Mugs.
Jenny Hill has traded on a trick of language to fool Townsville into thinking she is a champion for local workers and business, when the exact opposite is the case. It all revolves around the Local Government Association of Queenslands business arm called Local Buy and it is a deliberate play on words to line the coffers of the LGAQ. As The Pie reports, this one looks murky indeed. Also, the Townsville Bulletin goes beyond beyond parody, with one of their biggest side-splitting bungles yet and overall, it was a week you couldnt make up unless of course, youre the Bulletin. And is rebel councillor Paul The Angry Ant Jacob shaping up to take on The Mullet well, he may well have delusions of popularity and adequacy for a tilt in 2020 but there will be one powerful group that will try to block him. Also, the funniest comment on a news story this week comes from the most unlikely place and by popular demand, our regular pictorial gallery from Trumpistan. But first The shared thought-fart of the week belongs to One Notions P Hanson and the Katteronics R Katter. No sooner had Hanson quavered tremulously over the radio that people on the dole should be put to work catching cane toads at ten cents a pop, than Katter jumped on this creaky bandwagon and and upped the ante. Bob Katter (right). Columnist James Jeffrey once wrote the Bob uses words like a cliff in Norway uses lemmings, and during the week, the member for Kennedy obliged with proof when he gurgled, giggled, sneered and croaked out his proposal that kids should catch the toads for 40 cents a time and be armed with air rifles to get the job done. It all makes one think that both Hanson and Katter are still smarting from their latest rejection letters from The Mensa Society, but the ever-practical Bentley thinks no matter how the creatures are caught, there might be a bit of a flaw in the idea. Gosh, kids could be recruited under the banner of The Toady Army oh, hang on, maybe not, Townsville City councillors might sue for copyright. Is The LGAQs Nice Little Earner LOCAL BUY Costing Townsville A Motza? Some well credentialed business folks around town at increasingly frustrated with the little-understood Queensland Local Government Associations business arm Buy Local. And on the face of what two well-placed identities have told The Pie, the whole set-up looks ripe for rorts of all sorts, even progressing to very serious corruption unless proper transparency is in place. First this landed in the Nests inbox from a respected and successful Townsville businessman. Just wanted to highlighta program that shows that Mayor Mullet cannot only stuff Townsville as Mayor, she is also doing it as a Director of LGAQ against local businesses who payrent/rates and employ people.Townsville City Council is among those Queensland Local Councils using LGAQ Local Buy to avoid going to tender locally, allowing them toappoint out of town contractors with the LGAQ taking a cut (understood to be 10% of any contract, which of course is just added on to what the cost would otherwise be). Townsville businesses who were previously and successfully supplying services to Council have lost out under this scheme with many being forced to the business and had to put off staff. Any complaints about the dire situation made to Richard The Screaming Midget Beckett (no longer with the council met with threats that they would be locked out of any Council tenders in the future all under the culture from the Impailer and Mayor Mullet . To be an approved Local buy supplier you have to apply and I think pay an amount to be approved and there is a period of 5 years in which other similar other local businesses cant even apply. Momentum for change must be building as this excerpt from a letter from Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe indicates, after he received a petition complaining about the situation. Also, has anyone questioned the $400k yearly service agreement between T.C.C . and the LGAQ and does the Mullet disclose her Directors fees from LGAQ ? As a LGAQ director, Jenny Hill, pops into her purse $31,000 p.a ta very muchly. Under the circumstances, that could be seen as blood money, since she must know the hardship this state-wide legalised rort is costing Townsvilles well-being. The Nest has received a number of complaints about Local Buy, but until this week, The Pie didnt have a coherent idea of what was happening so to get an independent assessment, The Magpie asked a business professional well versed in both business and LG matters to give this over-view. Given the current climate of spite and uncertainty, the person asked to remain anonymous. Local Buy is flawed in many aspects, even if one were to concede that its creation was well intentioned.Lets give them the benefit of the doubt to start with procurement can be complex and costly. Good procurement practice (eg. due diligence, evaluation requiring technical expertise etc) could be provided as a shared service, so that smaller organisations can in effect benefit from the capabilities of a larger organisation able to hire the appropriately skilled personnel. Theres also the prospect of negotiating better aggregate rates on the basis of aggregated volume. Thats the theory. The reality is that it is nowhere near this. Im not sure about the 5-year protection racket claim, but I do know that getting on the list involves not much more than paying some fees and ticking some boxes. This means a local council is more or less free to then pick and choose from the list, subject to the requirements of the LG Act. Magpie note: This means that the TCC can choose from a list based solely on price, which often means true locals cannot compete. This raises a moral question of whether it is more desirable to pay perhaps a bit more locally and materially contribute to a more vibrant local economy than to simply save some money because outside organisations that make no real contributions to our city. And it is this part of the system that is clearly open to corrupt influences. The Pie knows of none, but its an open invitation to it. Local Buy of course takes a Commission, from memory 10%, from registered suppliers when they win work, so in the end the potential benefits of savings arent materialised. Suppliers actually add the commission in. Theres also real doubt as to whether the Local Buy organisation actually has any real procurement capability. As a result, the tendency is for increasingly standardised or vanilla offerings, because thats the nature of generalised procedures run by people with limited specialisation and knowledge of local requirements or specialist areas eg, technology. Local Buy is a misnomer, of course. It neither compels nor guarantees procurement by a local authority from suppliers located within this authoritys area. Having said that, what goes to constituting local is never actually an easy question to answer, which makes a mockery of the entire buy local trope. One other thing on the Local Buy (and council procurement in general): theres a category called standing offer arrangement. This is basically a set of approved rates for services / products that a council can basically go back to time after time, without going out to tender. In theory, not a bad thing for pencils, paper clips and such like but as is always the case in procurement easily abused or at the very least, mis-used. The Magpie thanks the author for that succinct summary. It would certainly appear that we are being dudded one way or the other, but two things raise the Magpies curiosity: what do we get for our $400k annual contribution to the LGAQ? And noted in hindsight, just as this Local Buy system was being introduced, Mayor Mullet started dropping in the odd buy local slogan the timing appears to havde been there to fool people when they started hearing about local buy. Low level chicanery at its worst, spread about at the very time it now appears the council Jenny Hill heads was doing exactly the opposite. For Jenny Hill to trumpet the buy local cry is the height of hypocrisy, anyway. One of the very first acts she did when first elected mayor was to buy her new mayoral car (a top of the line Holden at around $70-$80,000) IN BRISBANE AND STIFFED THE RATEPAYERS TO HAVE IT SHIPPED HERE. And why was this? Because she had had a previous fight with Tony Ireland of TI Holden about repairs her previous vehicle, which she had mildly pranged into a gutter _ Ireland point blank refused her request to illegally mark it down as an accident insurance claim, which it clearly wasnt. Even although the Ireland company agreed to match the Brisbane price, Jenny Hill went ahead with the Brisbane deal anyway. Shes a sweet piece of work sometimes. So if youre ever thinking if its true that local business people are fearful of spiteful retribution if they disagree with this civic leader, just keep that in mind. And Heres An Interesting Thought Wonder if Local Buy had anything to do with the controversial choice of pipe for the new Burdekin line, and did Local Buytb have anything to do with the pipeline jobs that went to Adelaide in stead of the promised boon to Townsville? Just askin. ya know. Yes The Astonisher Has Gone Beyond Parody The satirists lot is not a happy one lately. I mean, how do you make fun of something like the Bulletin that is so unintentionally crazy-funny to start with? Is this a secret plot to spike The Magpies guns? Last Tuesday, this appeared on page 16 as the editorial page of the Townsville Bulletin. This is a stupendous blunder in a Townsville publication, that through their typical technical ineptness, the hard copy paper had published THE CAIRNS POST EDITORIAL PAGE the community voice (supposedly) of any newspaper. The editorial was of bugger all interest here, as well as being pretty stupid, anyway. It even had the Cairns deputy iditor signing it under the Townsville Bulletin masthead. There was a time when this bit of prize fuckwittery wouldve caused an uproar, given the sensitive feelings between the two cities, but it appears weve been bludgeoned into not caring about the Bulletin anyway. Honestly, if it were not for the circle-jerk leadership of this city, the mayor and the head of Townsville Enterprise would be so incensed by this particular A community without a responsible newspaper is like a beautiful woman with only one eye (apologies to Brillat-Savarin). But still the harmless laughs kept coming. There was this story which included this quote from one of the ladies of the night about southern blow-in blow-job competition on the streets: Theres false advertising, they send out a photo of a really hot looking chick and when they get there its some frumpy number. The girls have had a gutful of it This has been brewing for ages. Yknow, Thd Magpie thinks the lady might have a point. What sort of deceptive, conniving, immoral low-life would stoop to such trickery. Bet it would never happen in the Townsville Bulletin, would it? Huh, what? oh, oops. But even when credibility-destroying cock-ups are right before their eyes, they still get into the paper. One should feel sorry for a decent old-time journo like Tony Raggatt, having his pic plastered between these clearly conflicting claims (the list clearly being nothing to with him). But The Astonisher makes it easy to err take the piss. This reeks of wreaking havoc on the language. Is The Angry Ant About To Up The Ante? Paul Jacob Paul Jacob knows a cushy number when he sees one he is after all a Townsville City councillor. But it would seem our man is a tad more ambitious. The Ant broke ranks against Mayor Mullets Adani airstrip rort, conveniently just before he made an abortive run for state as a Labor-aligned but not endorsed candidate. Ever since, he has been regarded as a rebel ever since among the council sheeple and certainly by head shepherd Jennifer. So when he was front-paged in todays Astonisher calling for an easing of water restrictions, many a pundit including The Pie, immediately assumed this was the signal for a Jacob joust for the top office in Walker Street. And that will be tricky. Unless Mayor Mullet abdicates and retires to malta, or runs on a Labor senate ticket her dearest wish but said not be shared by those who could make it so Clr Jacob will come under some intense pressure and even be flattered with promises of future glory by the Labor Party. Because despite her simpering shy denials of being a Labor mayor, Jenny Hill is, and is seen as, just that, and mainly by Labor itself. The party back room boys reckon mayor is as far as shes going, so they wouldnt rock what they see as a returnable vote boat in local government in March 2020. They know poor old Dolan Hayes will need Ashley and Martin soon with all the hair-tearing last thing the already beleaguered mayor needs is a Labor split ticket. But trust the Bulletin to come galumphing on to this particular scene with a few editorial bromides, but the best being this hilarious piece of total unselfawareness in an iditorial, which clearly is not Astonisher editorial policy. Take your own advice, dearie. But Does The Pie Detect A Sly Dissension In The Senior Ranks At The Paper? Although The Pie doubts the feeling is mutual, he has great respect for the old-style work and values of John Ando Anderson he offers a very readable weekly service to the valuable rural readership of the paper, which clearly involves actual field work, and not just a few phone calls or, heaven forbid, lazy Facebook trolling. Now, Ando is nothing if not a steadfastly loyal News Ltd man; he has reason to be, the company spared no expense successfully defending him against spurious charge brought by the DPP over a jail interview almost 20 years ago. But The Pie couldnt help wonder if he wasnt trying to get a subtle message into the editors ear when writing today about Townsvilles landscape of words, waffle and impossible dreams. Gotta love that line Pep talks are good for morale, but in the end, they start to sound like the boy crying wolf. And that, Ando, described PRECISELY the Bulletin editorial policy. very funny. Clever too, if The Pie is right. Pop in and have a chat to , will you? For all of us. Ghosts Of Iditors Past:Theres A Reason Hes Called Typo Gleeson Typo Gleeson leaving an unsuccessful job interview as editor of Tailor & Cutter magazine. If you believe Sky Newss squeak fest hosted by Peter Typo Gleeson (sorry, only kidding) you might think David Crisafulli is returning to town for a special job and the head of TEL has changed her name.During the week, ww were treated too a hindenberg of hot air when Lil Patty OCallaghan and state opposition pollie Kid Crisafulli fielded a number of Dorothy Dixers from Typo. But one would think it was Typo in charge of the on-screen titling. And when they got around to realising their mistake, in typical Typo fashion, they got that wrong too. And Another Thing .. Best comment of the week goes to the bloke who replied to a totally embarrassing piece of nonesense in the paper about whether we are a friendly city. He suggested that of course we are we even wave to you from the roof of the Cleveland Detention Centre as you drive in from the airport. Luv it! Just what such a space-waste story deserved. Finally Its Been Another week of Wall-To-Wall umm .. Wall And we start with Mexico announcing the obvious A Final Dad Joke (Well, Worked As A Granddad Joke) Oh dear sorry. .. Thats it for another week, were off and running for 2019, its promising to be a cracker. There are a wider variety of folks taking to comments of late, keep it up, some are thoughtful, some hilarious, so entertain and be entertained. And if you have anything left over from the festive season, a donation to support The Magpies Nest will be of great assistance, the how to donate button is below. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/the-massive-difference-between-buy-local-and-local-buy-how-mayor-mullet-has-played-the-townsville-business-community-for-mugs/
0 notes