namoraseagoddess · 6 years
Welcome to Rules of Namora, The Sea Princess’s Guidelines for Survival~Here you will learn many things about my mun and my roleplaying style as well. So get ready to sink or swim!
➞Mυɳ: Nαɱσɾα Aϙυαɾια Nҽρƚυɳια ƙɳσɯɳ αʂ Nαɱσɾα
➞Rҽαʅ Nαɱҽ: Aquaria Nautica Neptunia
➞Aʅιαʂҽʂ: Avenging daughter, The Sea-Woman, The Sea Queen, Sub-Mariner
➞Aɠҽ: υɳƙɳσɯɳ
➞Hҽιɠԋƚ: 5’ 11"
➞Wҽιɠԋƚ: 189 lbs (86 kg)
➞Hαιɾ: Blond
➞Eყҽʂ: Blue
➞Oƈƈυραƚισɳ: Adventurer
➞Cιƚιȥҽɳʂԋιρ: Atlantean
➞Eԃυƈαƚισɳ: Graduate of Atlantean education system
➞Uɳιʋҽɾʂҽ: Earth-616
➞Pʅαƈҽ σϝ Bιɾƚԋ: Maritanis
➞Kɳσɯɳ Rҽʅαƚιʋҽʂ: Thakorr (grandfather, deceased); Korra (grandmother, deceased); Unnamed father (deceased); Unnamed mother; Namor (cousin); Talan (husband, deceased); Namorita (“daughter” cloned, deceased)
➞Aϝϝιʅιαƚισɳʂ: Agents of Atlas, Atlas Foundation; formerly Renegades; Avengers (1950s); Long-time ally of Namor; Monster Hunters; At one time or another was partnered with FBI Agent Jimmy Woo, Sun Girl, Venus, Golden Girl, Hulk
➞Bαʂҽ σϝ Oρҽɾαƚισɳʂ: Atlantis, Lemuria; formerly Temple of Atlas, located within a huge concealed cavern beneath San Francisco, California
〈 Eᴬᴿᴸᵞ Lᶠᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ
Aᵛᴱᴺᴳᴵᴺᴳ Dᴬᵁᴳᴴᵀᴱᴿ〉
⍔ The daughter of an Atlantean man and a surface woman, Aquaria Neptunia was nicknamed “Namora” in honor of her cousin Namor. Born in Maritanis, she later emigrated to Lemuria after Maritanis was destroyed by nuclear weapons. During her early adolescence, Namora moved to the Atlantis Antarctic capital with her father. When she was initially introduced to Namor, the youthful prince of Atlantis did not have any interest in hanging out with a girl. Forced by his mother Princess Fen, Namor took Namora out with him to play with his cousin Byrrah and his friend Meranno. When exploring a sunken submarine, Namor found himself caught in a torpedo tube, and learned a lesson in humility when Namora proved to be the only one with the strength to free him. Thereafter, Namora earned Namor’s respect and the two spent much of their early adolescence together. Sometime later, Namora joined Namor and Byrrah on a trip to the surface where they explored the abandoned Antarctic town of “Little America”. While exploring one of the cabins, Namora accidentally knocked over a can of kerosene causing a massive fire that threatened to burn her alive. Luckily, Namor rescued her using his unrealized strength. However, soon afterword, Namora and her father left Atlantis again.
〈 Gᴼᴸᴰᴱᴺ Aᴳᴱ 〉
⍔ Namora was one of several heroes active during the Golden Age of comics who later reappeared in the Modern Age. During the Golden Age she had her own 3 issue mini-series in 1948, and many guest appearances in other titles, especially Sub-Mariner, up until 1955.
〈 Ѕᴵᴸᵛᴱᴿ Aᴳᴱ 〉
⍔ Namora returned briefly towards the end of the Silver Age of comics in flashback cameo appearances in Namor’s series, first in November 1970 in Sub-Mariner #33.
〈 Bᴿᴼᴺᶻᴱ Aᴳᴱ 〉
⍔ In issue #50 of Sub-Mariner, Namora was revealed to have died, when Namor is shown her entombed corpse by his villainous cousin Byrrah.
〈 Mᴼᴰᴱᴿᴺ Aᴳᴱ 〉
⍔ Namora made her permanent return for real in the Agents of Atlas mini-series in 2006, in a story inspired by the alternate reality story in What If? (1977) #9. She continued as a member of the Agents of Atlas team in its successive restarts, and was later ret-conned to have participated in an early form of the Avengers.
〈 Nᴬᴹᴼᴿᴬ’ˢ Sᴴᴵᴾˢ 〉
⍔ It is no secret that Namora has always had feelings for Namor, despite the fact they’re cousins. She admitted that she harbored feelings for him around the time of her marriage. She has also shown feelings for Hercules during the times they have spent together, though she was unwilling to take his feelings seriously due to his bragging about being with various other women. It was recently revealed in Fear Itself - The Home front, that she has been in a relationship with Jimmy Woo for an unspecified period of time. This fact is unknown to the rest of the Agents of Atlas.
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〈 Pᴼᵂᴱᴿˢ & Aᴮᴵᴸᴵᵀᴵᴱˢ 〉
⊴⋘⊵⋙⊴⋘⊵⋙⊴ ⋘⊴⋘⊵
⍔ Powers:
➞Namora is biologically half Atlantean and half human with a mutant X-Gene. With that, she all the natural abilities of both, though due to her hybrid/mutant nature many of her natural abilities are far greater then any average Atlantean or human. As an Atlantean she has numerous super attributes including:
➞Limited Invulnerability: Highly durable-skin extremely tough. Withstands bullets, missiles and deep sea pressures with ease
➞Sub-mariner: Namora’s Atlantean heritage grants her multiple underwater super attributes. She can Swim at incredible speeds, immune to cold and pressures of the deep seas, able to see clearly in water whether murky or not & her strengths and health are naturally replenished in water. However on land it isn’t at his best.
➞Longevity: Namora ages at a far slower rate than most due to her Atlantean nature. Already over half a century old, Namora’s appearance still resembles(mirrors) a woman in her twenties..
➞Enhanced Physical Attributes: Namora’s speed, reflexes,strength and endurance are greatly enhanced especially when underwater. Her skin is unable to be penetrated by bullets; for her skin is extremely strong(tough)
➞Flight: Namora is able to fly through use of small wings below her ankles. These are naturally grown and normal to Atlanteans.
➞Telepathy:Namora has shown multiple instances that demonstrate a telepathic ability to communicate with whales. It remains to be seen if this applies to all marine life.
⍔ Abilities:
➞Namora is trained in Atlantean combat methods and is primarily a unarmed combatant. Namora is also fluent in Atlantean. Lemurian and English languages.
⍔ Limitations:
➞Though she is able to live indefinitely on either land or in water, her Atlantean linage still requires water. The longer she is out of water the weaker she becomes. She must submerse herself in water periodically to retain and recharge her powers.
➞Roleplaying age preference is +21 but will roleplay with some +18 it just depends on the situation and roleplay.
➞You will not see any smut or porno so if you into that please do not follow me. Chances are I will not follow back.
➞No bullying and please respect my posts and edits as they are my own and take time with each one. So please no stealing.
➞Please no threat talking on any of posts with any of my followers as well. I do not tolerate it as I don’t bullying so please just don’t try it.
⍔ I will not give out my age, but I will say that I am an adult and prefer to keep all roleplaying specifically business, in means, I do not do any sexual roleplaying with other followers. So if you like to roleplay like that please do not follow me. So we can all stay safe and still have fun roleplaying.
Thanks for taking time to read my rules and guidelines.
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