yesiamworthy · 4 years
Sy’s Rules for Falling-In Love
1. Love yourself first before others. You need to find love inside of you instead of searching it from others. Sy, you’re journey right now is learning to find yourself. You don’t even know how to do that, practive that, or make that a habit. That’s where you need to start. You have to stop this loop of trying to find your meaning or value in others. Start with that habit. Learn how to change it. 
2. Only fall-in love with the one. You’ve chosen to love freely, openly, and without boundaries. There’s nothing wrong with this--when it’s with the right person. Maybe someday you can do this. I really believe you can, but right now you’re still the the journey of learning to love yourself so, as much as you want to give it away, you must start with you. It’s cliche but it will happen: the one will come to you eventually because who is the one will become clearer once you know what you want. 
3. Fall in-love at the right time.  You need to make decisions for you always. That’s part of your journey in learning to love yourself. Part of learning to love yourself is making decisions about your future--at present, in the near future, and in the distant future. In short, Sy, it’s time that you start planning your life again. You’ve done this before and, yes, even if most plans aren’t executed perfectly that’s how life works. It’s how agilely you adjust to those plans which determines whether or not you accomplish what you set out to do.  
4. Define who is the one. You say you’ve been searching your whole life. Maybe you felt like you’ve found the one a few times in your life. Now, it’s either you have a different the one for every moment in your life or who the one had never really been clear to you. Think about it, Sy. You past partners--what did you love about them, why did you love them, why did you leave in the end? A few key questions thay you may want to answer. The one should be whoever will love you at whatever point you are in your journey. You need to know who are you and what do you want to do with your life.
5. Find out if it’s the right time. You need to decide if it’s the right time to have another person come along on your journey. It’s tough. You’ve been raised and conditioned to walk a path of your own. In movies and books, you’ve read that protagonists need to make their journey--sometimes alone and sometines with others. You aren’t perfect but you can define what is your perfect. You need to know what you want in life so you can make decisions on how to run it. Every protagonist life and faith led them the way but it was their decisions that ultimately pushed them there. Sy, you’re the protagonist--the hero--of your own story. You need to make decisions about who you allow to accompany you in different chapters of journey. 
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