h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey hey. So I've decided to do a little mini series for "the swedes" , because I love them. This is the prologue. More will becoming soon when I figure out how this story is gonna go. Anyways, enjoy!
Parings: Axel x reader, Oscar x reader, Otto x reader.
I'll figure out the romantic interest as I figure out the plot.
Prologue :
Mistakes were made
It started with a mistake, and anyone who works for The Commission knows that there isn’t any room for mistakes. You hadn’t meant to do it, but you were just so sick and tired of being picked on by the Handler. Her and her stuck up attitude. Thinking she was all high and mighty.
She had caught you messing with the timeline. Not even something big. Just something to save a little boy's life, because that kid didn't deserve what would inevitably happen to him. His bastard of a Mother deserved to die. So you made sure of it.
The Handler though, oh no no no, when she found out what you had done, boy were you in for it. You argued with her. She, of course, had the upper hand. So, like any sane and rational person, you chucked the stupid name plaque she had on her desk at her and ran off. Scurrying around The Commission to where they keep the briefcases.
You were never allowed on missions. All you ever did was desk work, but you’d be damned if you were going to be at that place any longer. You didn't care where, when or what time you were in. As long as you were out of that place you’d be fine. Of course you knew that doing so would put a target on your head, but at the moment you didn’t care.
Eventually, your line of sight caught one of the briefcases; quickly and quietly you snatched it and ran off.
You hadn’t gotten the chance to find a secluded spot to time warp yourself out of there before the alarm system came on. The overhead speaker turned on, the obnoxious voice of the Handler being heard,
“Attention all employees. It seems our dear y/n has made a mistake and is now trying to get away with an unauthorized briefcase. If any of you see them, please shoot them down immediately. Thank you and have a good day”.
Crap. Looking around, you had seen only three other agents. You never talked to them, they didn’t speak English very well, but you did think they were cute. Everyone called them ‘The Swedes’.
The one in the middle had spotted you first. He had an unamused look on his face. His two brothers followed his gaze. They had all seen you now, you’ve been caught. The younger looking one had pulled a small handgun he had stored in the back of his pants at you, the other two pulling out their weapons as well.
“Now guys, I don’t want any trouble, okay?” With one hand raised and the other holding the briefcase, you slowly walked backwards. They continued forward, cornering you into a small room. With a deep breath and quick thinking, you quickly hit the briefcase, activating it, and left before they could pull the trigger at you.
You had left before they could react, which was odd because they were pretty quick when it came to shooting their targets. They’ll make sure to get you next time they see you. With a slight huff Axel walked out of the room, Oscar and Otto quickly following him. Yes, they were all sure they would be seeing much more of you again.
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey, I woke up early cause my cat decided it would lick my face for a good 10 minutes, but she gave me an idea for chapter one so here it is! Now I'd like to let you all know that this story takes a few weeks ahead of the main story for season 2. The reason being that I want the story to focus on the reader and the boys. I might add some interaction with the hargreeves, but I'm not sure yet.Also please go read the prologue if you havent. This all would make o much more sense if you read it. Anyways enjoy!
Tw: none that I know of
Parings: Axel x reader, Otto x Reader, Oscar x Reader
Chapter 1:
A cat, a Diner, and a camera
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Something wet was on your face. More specifically something was licking your face.
Opening your eyes you realized a small tabby cat had decided to lick you. Probably trying to wake you up to see if you had food. Brushing the small cat off your chest, which it didn’t appreciate, you got up with a groan of pain. Leaning against the wall, you looked down to see your ankle swollen and forming a big bruise. Great, now you’re injured, just what you needed.
Pulling your head back up you took in your surroundings. Looks like you tumbled into an alleyway. Upon further inspection, you realized the briefcase is gone. Slightly panicked, you started to hobble around looking for it.
That was your only way out and now it’s gone. Deciding to exit the alleyway you had spotted what looked like the briefcase. Though it was just your luck that what looked like a homeless guy had taken it. With a slight puff and a deep breath you decide to call out to him.
“Hey, mister! That’s my briefcase, give it back!” Pointing at the perpetrator you quickly, well as quick as you could with an injured ankle, made your way to the man. He stopped to turn around and look at you before replying back.
“Sorry, but this here briefcase mine now. Maybe you shouldn’t have fallen asleep in that alleyway back there”. With a crooked grin and a small wave, he ran away. Knowing The Commission would want that briefcase back, you assumed they’ll probably kill him for it.
Pouting slightly, you made your way over to a bench. Now you’ve really done it. You’re a traitor to the commission and now you’re lost with no way to escape. Guess the first thing you can do is figure out where and when the hell you’re at.
Spotting what looked like the morning newspaper in a trash bin you got up. After making your way over to it, you took the newspaper and looked at the date.
“Dallas Texas, 1963.” Great, now you knew where you’re at and which decade, but it still didn’t make you feel any better. A loud grumble had made it to your ears and looking down you realized it was your stomach.
Ahead of you was a diner. Deciding to go there seemed like a good idea. “Ding” had sounded, alerting the staff and patrons to your arrival. With an awkward smile and small wave you sat down at the bar.
“Umm, excuse me, but you can’t be here”, a server, who you assume was an ass from the way he looked, had said to you giving you a nasty glare.
“And why not?” You said crossing your arms on the countertop.
“Well because look at you! You tracked mud and dirt all over our clean floor and now you’re putting it on our clean countertops!” With a loud angry puff he pointed at the door signaling you to get out. Looking up at the man, and then looking at the sign that read “whites only”, you quickly realized that proper social etiquette and racism was a thing here in the sixties.
The man, who was still glaring at you, had walked over and yanked you out of the chair. “I said get out! You are causing a scene in front of the costumers!”.
You hated people pushing you around. After getting up off the floor you turned to the man. Smiling softly you grabbed a salt shaker, confusing everyone who was watching, and unscrewed the lid. “Now, sir, if anyone is causing a scene, it’s you”, with that you popped the lid off, threw the salt in his face and ran out.
Laughing, while also grunting in pain, you made it back to the alleyway. So much for food, you thought.
“Meow”, the cat from earlier came out from behind the dumpster, rubbing itself on your legs.
“Hey. little guy. You're hungry too?”
“Hmmm, that’s what I thought.” Petting the cat, who you now decided to name Stinky, because he stank, you leaned against the wall sitting down. Guess I’ll be here a while, might as well rest up some before I figure out what to do.
Closing your eyes with a sigh you were finally able to rest up. Sadly your slumber was interrupted by the shutter of a camera. Shooting your head up you looked around, spotting a figure in the window above moving behind the curtain. “Hmm now, why would someone take a picture of me?”
Coming up with the idea that it might be someone from The Commission, you decided to check it out. Not really a smart decision, but maybe you’d be lucky and they won't put up a fight when you try to take their briefcase.
“Come on Stinky, let’s go check that out.” Picking up the cat, you made your way to the entrance.
Axel, Otto, and Oscar were called to the Handler’s office. After looking at security footage, the Handler saw that they had confronted you. She wanted to do some questioning.
Arriving right on time, the three Swedish men entered her office.
“Well hello there, boys. I do thank you for coming in.” She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. “Please sit”.
They all looked at her not bothering to sit down. They just wanted to get out of there. All three of them just wanted to go home and eat dinner.
“Okay, well, I’m sure you’re all wondering why you’re here, but I assume you’re all smart enough to figure that part out yourselves”, looking at them from the corner of her eye she gave a little smirk.
Of course they knew. Axel wasn’t stupid and he knew his brothers weren’t either. They were here because you had run away. You’re a traitor now and the Handler wants them to kill you.
Not receiving a reply, which didn’t surprise the Handler, she carried on.
"As you know, our dear Y/N has run away. I’d like you boys to track them down since it was you three who let them go, okay?“ Though she didn’t mean it as a question. It was a demand and they knew that.
“I have intel that they’re somewhere in Dallas, Texas, 1963. I want you three to go a kill them", and with that she dismissed them, waving them out her office and closing the door on them.
Axel, Otto, and Oscar looked at the paper that had their assignment on it. A picture of what you looked like and your location was the only information they got. Grunting, the brothers headed to where the briefcases were, hoping they could get this done soon so they can go home and eat their dinner. With a look at each other, and a nod of the head, Axel pressed down on the briefcase, all three of them heading your way.
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey guys. Wrote this since I got off of work early (because I had a metal breakdown infront of a patient and the charge nurse let me off early) I decided to post this instead of tomorrow. Since so many of you are giving me positive feed back and because it's a good distraction for me . Here it is! This chapter focuses on the boys. The next chapter will focus on y/n . Enjoy💖💖💖
Tw: murder
Pairings: Axel x reader, Otto x reader, Oscar x reader
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Chapter 2:
A lead and broken bones
The brothers, or how others called them ‘The Swedes’, which by the way they weren’t too fond of, had found themselves in the middle of the road. Otto, already wanting to go home, almost got sideswiped by a truck, and would have been if they hadn't all moved out of the way quickly. In fact, the other two wanted the same thing as well, but they all knew that they’d never hear the end of it if they didn’t get this job done.
Not wanting to be in the road any longer, they safely crossed the street to the side of the grass. Walking along until they found a road sign for Dallas.
They had 2 miles to go. Axel annoyed because Oscar had complained about there being dirt in his hair and clothes and Otto complaining he was hungry. Not wanting to hear any more of it, he gave a stern look to the both of them, it reading that if they didn’t shut up he’d leave them here and finish the job on his own, and then swiftly continued looking ahead.
The city itself wasn’t anything impressive to them. They had seen many different places due to the work they do and, frankly, Dallas wasn’t anything they’d write home about.
The first thing they needed was a ride and a place to stay. Walking around, avoiding the stares they were getting, they swiftly turned a corner and spotted a milkman. Perfect. Oscar, not wanting to be in his dirty clothes any longer, decided he’d be the one to wear the uniform. Axel took the wheel while Otto sat on the passenger side.
The first thing they decided to do was drive around the city and see if anything looked suspicious. Otto had pointed out a homeless guy caring a familiar briefcase. Axel, sharing a look with his brothers, pulled over to the curb. All three got out silently cornering the man.
Oscar pulled the man into an alleyway they had passed by, Axel and Otto making sure no one saw them. Once the coast was clear, Oscar threw the man to the ground, Otto coming up behind him to hold his hands back while Axel came in front brandishing a knife.
“Where’d you get the briefcase?” Axel asked tilting his head to the direction the briefcase had landed.
“L-l- listen, guys, I just found that thing in an alleyway next to some person passed out on the g - g - ground, okay? I don’t want no trouble”, the homeless man yelled, his head back trying not to look at the knife pointed at his neck.
“Oscar, take the briefcase. Otto, tie him up, we’ll question him in the truck.”
With a crying man struggling for his life, and his brothers who looked just as equally amused as he did, they went to the truck and continued on their way.
Inside sat the scared man and two brothers looking at him. They slightly bounced from the truck hitting a bump, causing the guy to fall on his face. Otto went to sit him back up before Oscar walked up to him showing him a picture.
“Do you know this person? Was this the one you saw in the alleyway?” He asked, pushing the picture even further into the poor man’s face.
“Y -y-yes that’s them! That’s them! Now can you please let me go!?” He pleaded.
He wasn’t sure which brother said that, but he assumed it was the one driving that told him no. He honestly didn’t know what he got himself into and now he wished he did give that briefcase back. He was only gonna pawn it for some quick cash. Was that really so bad?
“Do you know where they went?” Oscar was quickly losing his patience with the man’s stuttering.
“I-I-I don’t know! I think they went into the diner”, he was trembling now, and he might have just peed a little out of fright.
“Which diner?” The bigger one had talked, he wasn’t sure he could, but he did.
“I don’t know which diner, I didn’t get the name of it!” Exasperated, he finally started weeping. “Just.. just please let me go.”
With a roll of his eyes Axel gave a signal to his brother to throw the guy out the van, the man tumbling out, hitting a car and inevitably dying in the process. They didn’t care though, he was useless to them now. They had a lead and they were going to follow it.
After asking around at a few diners and with no luck, they were all getting annoyed. They stopped in front of one last diner, hoping that this would be the final one. Getting out the truck and into the establishment, they were quickly greeted.
“Hello, welcome, how may I help you fine gentleman?” A beady-eyed man wearing a uniform asked them.
They ignored him, holding up the picture they had of you.
“Have you seen this person?” Axel gave a stern look to the man, scaring the server.
“Uhh, oh! Yes! They were nasty and tracked mud and dirt everywhere!” The server had a sour look on his face after looking at the photo of you, the memory of your dirty self causing him to shiver. He was still recovering from the salt in his eyes.
The shorter one had spoken up, an unamused expression on his face. “Did you see where they went when they left?” His voice was stern.
“Uhhh, yes, they went across the road into that alleyway over there”, pointing into the direction you had gone.
With a swift nod to the server, the three left, heading to where you supposedly ran off to.
Cautiously approaching, they took out their guns, swiftly turning the corner to catch you off guard. Only to see that you weren’t there anymore. With frowns on their faces, they were quick to look for any clues as to where you might have gone.
Otto, being the best tracker out of the three, had pointed out some small shoe prints that looked fresh, caked in the dirt and grim of the nasty alley. They all followed the prints which lead them to the entrance of what looked like a T.V. sales store. With slight grins on their faces, they walked in, quickly spotting you talking to a man who looked quite frightened of you. Yes, they were going to go home fairly quickly. Otto just hoped you didn’t decide to put up a fight. It would be too much of a hassle for his hungry stomach.
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
hey hey , chapter 5 . This one isn't edited and its kind of sloppy. I hope it's okay. Enjoy 💖
Tw: none that I know of
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 5:
Pancakes and Crying
Otto had pulled the dinning room chairs up. All three sat infront of you,stairing. " We want to know more about this brother of yours " Axel had attitude laced in his voice. He didn't feel like doing this right now,but he was the one that decided to keep you alive. Blinking a few times at them leaning forward you just huffed " Well what do you want to know?" You had pretty much given them most of the information when they had those guns up to your face.
Otto had finally spoken up for once, his accent thicker than his brothers " why you had to kill him" . " Well because the Handler wanted me to isn't that a good enough answer!" You threw your hands up not wanting to talk to these bastards right now, even if you secretly thought they were all fairly attractive, they didn't need to know. " No that's not a good enough answer " Axel had gotten close to your face pointing his finger at you. " We want to know because we need more information. If you want us to keep you alive and help you you will tell us" afterwards he sat back down satisfied in scaring you. Shaking slightly , out of fear or because a beautiful man was just in your face, you decided to cave in and give them their answer.
" Because the Handler needed me and she wouldn't allow distractions like my brother to exist. " you had put your head down trying not to cry again. It was a lot more difficult to say this out loud than you thought it would be. Axel tilted his head ,his brothers doing the same, "What do you mean she needed you" " There are lots of other office workers just like you,you aren't a field agent. "
He was right, there were lots of office workers ,but none of them were like you. Lifting your head back up you looked them straight in the eye " because I'm gifted" " I'm one of the 43 that were born that day " . They knew what you were talking about,of course they did ,everyone knew about the 43 mysterious children at the commission . In fact they knew about five when he was an assassin for the commission, they ran into him a few times. "That doesn't fully explain why you have to kill your brother ". " Well I wasn't going to kill him our mother was, it's in the timeline,but I changed it . As soon as I read what would happen I knew it was up to me to stop that, so I did" " and like I said the Handler needed me" you had crossed your legs up on the couch already knowing that they'd want a better explanation than that. " Yes,but you keep saying that the Handler was making you kill him" Oscar was right you did say that. Standing up frustrated you yelled " that's because she did! She would have made me fix the timeline to how it originally was! That's the same as me killing him! I had a chance to save him so I did!" Your chest was rising and falling rapidly , a scowel on your face. Finally after staring down at them for a good minute you sat back down. "Now" crossing your arms and turning your head up " does that satisfy you all?" .
Axel was tired , Otto and Oscar tired too, so with a slight nod and a quiet "yes " from each of them they each went to bed. You were left on the couch, looking at the chairs that were still there, wondering what just happened. You were shocked at your outburst and just as equally shocked that they didn't retaliate back.
After what seemed like an eternity of sleep , which happened to be only 3 hours,you had woken up. You got up from the couch, pushing some cats gently off of you, and searched for the bathroom. You really needed to pee and you certainly weren't going to piss yourself in front of three hot swedish guys. Turns out it was only 1 am everyone else was still asleep. Taking this opportunity you took a shower and then, ignoring the cutt off head ,decided to make some food.
You had found some pancake mix in a cupboard and after finding the rest of the ingredients you had a decent looking dinner. Too busy eating you hadn't noticed one of the doors creaking open. Oscar had walked out noticing he didn't have a cat with him, and wanting to get one, had walked back into the living room. Upon entering he had noticed that you weren't on the couch. Looking over at the table he had spotted you eating,and curious as ever , went to investigate.
Too busy on the food infront of you , you hadn't noticed Oscar walking behind you looking over your shoulder. " What are you eating?" . Jumping out of fright and falling out of your chair you let out a silent Yelp. "Jesus Oscar! You cant sneak up on me like that!" Placing your hand on your heart your breathing rapid you continued " if you really want to know it's a pancake" you had gotten up off the floor gesturing to your food " do you want to try some?" " the cats like it so I'm sure you will". With a little chuckle Oscar came closer and ripped a piece off. " it's good" was all he said before picking up an orange cat and walking back to the bed room.
Eating the rest of the pancake and cleaning the dishes you went back too sleep. Praying to whatever God that was out there that they would help you.
Tags : @gorgeourrific-nerd @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey hey, chapter 4 . Please remember if you want to be tagged you have to message me and not just like the post. Reader and the boys get more interaction. I'll probably spend the next few chapters having the characters get to know each other more. Anyways enjoy!💖💖
Tw: decapitated head
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 4:
A Fish Dinner
They had stopped at a house. Pulling the truck up to the curb. Knocking on the door a plump older women coming to answer. She hadn't bothered asking about the unconscious body they were holding. It wasn't her business to care. They were informed there was only one bed open. The boys came in anyways, getting rid of her quickly. She would just be in their way. Otto layed you down on the couch.
The womens many cats already jumping up on you. Stinky wasn't to fond of the other cats being near you,hissing at the other cats, purring and taking his rightful spot on your chest. Axel and Oscar went to unload the few thing the had brought with them. That being only their weapons and then decide to sit in the living room. They needed to talk about what to do with you.
"Why did you let them live?" Oscar , having the shortest temper out of the three, wasn't too happy that they haven't gone home yet.
"Did you not understand the part where they had to help their brother?" Family was always the most important thing for Axel. He didn't fully understand how you felt, he wasn't good with sympathy, but he did understand what it's like to do anything for your brother.
"Yes , but I dont understand " Oscar wasn't as good with English as Axel was. Otto was even worse, which is why he didn't even bother asking. He assumed that if his brother thought this was the right thing to do. Then he too would do it. Oscar didnt agree with it though.
" Okay then let me explain it easily " Axel decided to explain it in Swedish, since it was easier for Oscar to comprehend, and easier for him to explain.
" They ran away from the commission because they had to save their brother."
" Would you not do the same for me if it was you in that situation?" Axel glanced quickly at you then back to Oscar, who had a down cast gaze, knowing his brother was right. Oscar would do anything for his brothers,but he couldn't help shake the feeling that what they were doing would put them in a lot of trouble, with a big sigh and crossing his arms he agreed "okay, fine".
Oscar and Axel explained the situation to Otto afterwards, Otto being okay with it. Getting up Axel decided to cook some food, knowing he and his brothers were all starving. Taking out some fish that was stored in the freezer and turning on the stove, and putting on the apron, he started cooking. He figured that if you were hungry you'd be able to make your own meal. They were going to help you,but they weren't going to do everything for you.
Otto and Oscar were left in the living room. The cats still around you trying to get Stinky off. Oscar grabbed one of them , he liked cats, and then walked away to one of the bedrooms to rest up before dinner. Otto sat in a chair across from you, waiting for you to wake up so he can alert his brothers. He noticed cat fur everywhere;he'll have to vacuum it up later.
You had woken up to a pounding headache. Getting up on what felt like a couch and many many cats on you, which all jumped off because you disturbed them, you were quick to open your eyes. Confused as to where you were and why you were still alive. Otto had shot up out the chair when he heard you get up,he had taken a short nap, and rushed over to your side pushing your shoulders down trying to calm you down. You had a panicked look in your eyes,you were confused as to why they took you, weren't they trying to kill you?
" You okay" he helled his hands up trying to show you he wasnt going to harm you.
He had done enough by knocking you out. A knot forming on your head. Axel and Oscar had heard the commotion from their rooms. Coming in quickly all three standing infront of you.
Looking up at them with slight fear in your eye you only said one thing " I'm hungry " . Axel had rolled his eyes the other two sighing. They had expected you to put up a fight, not demanded some food. Axel pointed at the stove silently telling you to cook your own food. Getting up, with great trouble and a slight frown that they didn't help you, you shuffled over to the kitchen. Screaming when you saw the decapitated head of an older women and slamming the fridge shut. You had a lot of questions for them, but you didn't want to question about the head, heading back to the living room you sat back down on the couch releasing a big breath.
They had all looked at you slightly amused of your panicked state. Looking at you they waited for you to say something. " So .. umm.. what's up?" With an anxiety ridden face and a not so happy laugh you looked up at them. Boy , was this trip just getting weirder and weirder.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
hey hey, Chapter 7! It's a little short but it's got some cute fluff so enjoy!! 💖💖
Tw: none
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 7:
A shoulder to cry on
You had stopped talking to them. At least you "tried" to stop talking to them. Yes,you were angry at them for having you show them your ability,but your neediness for human affection,or just attention, was too much for you NOT talk to them. With a big sigh you plopped down on the couch. " Yo, so um.. What're are we gonna do now??" You weren't sure what to do or how they'd even get you back to your brother,let alone your own time. Axel looked at you from the table , he was messing with a cat, and then shrugged his shoulders . He'd figure that out after him and his brothers talk more about you. They were still all on edge about keeping you alive. He knew he was putting his brothers in danger, and if that happened, he'd be willing to sacrifice you for the sake of Otto and Oscar. Of course he wouldn't say that out loud though.
Oscar came and sat down next to you, looking at what you were holding. It happened to be the picture of your brother you had shown them before.
"You said he was 10?" Looking up at him from the picture you nodded your head yes. He hummed in response looking at one of the cats walk by. " How long has it been sense you've seen him?" Oscar tilted his head in questioning. You stared at him ,not expecting him to ask anything about your brother . " Well, if I remember correctly, I think about 4 1/2 years" . He looked at you with what you could only assume was an attempt at some form of sympathy. Although it just looked like he was holding his breath. It was sorta of funny to you. " I know it's been a long time since I've seen him" . "He's actually not 10 anymore. That was the age he was when I left for the commission " you gave a short laugh. "That was the biggest mistake of my life" you looked back down at the picture, tears falling down .
Oscar looked away, not knowing how to handle someone crying, him and his brothers weren't much when it came to showing or giving affection. Lightly patting your shoulder,in what you assumed was his way of showing he was sorry, he walked back over to the table his brothers were sitting at. " I'm umm.. I'm going to sit outside on the pourch" getting up quickly you rushed out the front door, sitting on the stairs, crying some more. The brothers looked at each others, each not wanting to go outside to check up on you, but eventually they made Otto do it. He wasn't to thrilled about it.
Hearing the front door open and close you looked up. It was Otto, with a stranged confused expression, guessing that his brothers must have told him to go check up on you. "You dont have to check up on me I'm not going to go anywhere." Otto said nothing and sat down on the stairs next to you. " Your brothers made you do this didn't they?" You looked at him sitting next to you. You hadn't noticed how huge he was. He gave a deep sigh slouching slightly " yes" he said not looking at you. "Well thank you anyways" . Looking back at him you decided to ask another question "umm.. I know this may sound weird,but, can I rest my head on your shoulder?" Wow, why did you ask that?!
Otto looked at you strangely, confused as to why you would want to,but not wanting to be in akward silence , he stiffly shook his head yes. Laying your head down on his shoulder you had noticed his whole body was stiff. "You know Otto if you didn't want me to you could have just said so." He looked down at you telling you it's okay, as long as you don't tell his brothers .
Axel and Oscar were watching through the window at what happened. They were definitely going to tease Otto about this later. Let's just hope for their sake that Otto doesnt get angry .
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey , tumblr is really acting up today so once again I'm posting chapter 3 because it's just not showing up for me. Anyways enjoy💖
Tw: slight child abuse, mentions of murder,anxiety
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 3:
Pleading and bad Memories
Holding Stinky, you wobbled over to the entrance of the T.V. store, the door alerting that you came in. Setting the cat down, ignoring the looks people gave you, you looked around for someone who would know about who’s upstairs. Walking around, touching the buttons of different televisions, you caught the attention of an employee.
Now, usually, Elliot would simply ask you to leave, but since he knew you caught him taking a picture of you, he assumed you came in here to question about it. Clearing his throat and with a deep breath, cutting his conversation with a customer short, he walked over to you. He was slightly scared coming up to you since he did see you quite literally fall out of the sky in what seemed to be a bright light. He was sure that you were from another world, an Alien to put it simply. He wasn’t far off in that you were from somewhere “different” though. Although, you yourself wouldn’t exactly say “alien”, more like a time traveller? Anyways, coming up to you, he tapped you on the shoulder.
Turning around you come face to face with a kind-looking man, his uniform neatly pressed. You assumed he was the owner, just the person you were looking for.
“Yes?” You said with the best fake smile you could muster.
“Umm, may I ask what it is you’re doing here?” His voice had a slight tremble, which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Why, yes indeed”, with an even wider smile you leaned slightly forward trying to intimidate the man. “You see, I was in the alleyway beside this establishment when I happened to notice someone taking a picture of me from the window upstairs.”
Leaning back from the man’s face, your smile turned into a frown. “So, I’d like to know who exactly that was and why. I won’t be leaving until I get my answer.” You crossed your arms.
“W..well you see that person was..”, he made an awkward laugh, scratching his left arm slightly out of anxiety. He was scared to tell you. You seemed quite intimidating.
“That person was who?” You were getting sort of annoyed at this point. This man was stalling.
“Well… it was me”, he gave another awkward laugh, quickly looking at you and back at the floor.
“You? You don’t look like you work for The Commission, nor do you act like it”, poking his chest you continued to ask him questions. “Who exactly are you and why were you taking my photos?!” You had raised your voice at this point. It didn’t matter if people heard as they wouldn’t understand anyway. All that mattered is that you got your answer.
“Well”, at this point Elliot was sure that he was trembling, his knees wobbling slightly. Elliot was never one for confrontation. “Well, you see, I saw you when you fell from that portal thing and I-”, he was cut off by you stepping even closer to him.
“You saw that!”
“Well, ye-”
“Was I awesome looking?!”
“Never mind, it doesn’t matter, of course I was awesome looking”, your face had relaxed at this point.
Elliot, thinking you looked friendly when you didn’t have a crazed look in your eyes, continued on. “Umm, if you want we can go upstairs and I can explain.” He still felt his anxiety rising, you were to close for comfort. It didn’t help that a few moments later he heard guns go off.
With a panicked look, you turned to the location where the guns went off. Crap, they were here. That was fast, you thought to yourself. Pushing the man down to the ground, you told him to stay there. He doesn’t deserve to get caught in the crossfire.
Looking back up you saw them. Axel, Otto, and Oscar. You had learned their names when none of the other agents bothered to. It was the least you could do to show some respect to your used to be co-workers. You’d like to think you could have made friends if it wasn’t for the fact that you were a traitor and they were here to kill you.
“Umm, well hello again, guys”, with a light laugh you slowly back up. This all felt too familiar to you and not in a good way.
They step towards you, holding their guns up. They weren’t going to let you escape this time. You were keeping them from going home to eat dinner, after all. Holding both hands up, to show you had no weapon, you decided that maybe you could explain to them why you did what you did.
“Now I know the Handler sent you after me because I made an error, but you gotta believe me it was for a good cause!”
They continued forward. They weren’t sure why they just didn’t shoot you already, they guessed it was because they wanted to hear your pathetic excuse. When they seemed to be listening, you continued. It seemed the only thing that might work is to tell the truth.
“You see, I saved a little boy from dying from a very, very bad person. His Mother! My Mother!” You were slightly crying now. You never told anyone about your family life, but in this case, you had to. “You see, the Handler she wanted to make sure I-”, with a gulp you continued on, it was hard to say it. “She wanted to make sure I had no loose ends from my old life. She wanted me to make sure my brother was dead.”
The brothers were shocked to hear this, though none of their faces showed it. Even so, this was their job, they had to finish it. They walked closer to you, backing you up into a wall. You had noticed their fingers on the trigger. With one last attempt, you pulled out a picture you had of you and your little brother.
“Wait! Wait.. see this?” You held the picture up to their faces. “You see, this is my little brother! He’s only ten! He needs me! Our mom doesn’t care about him! I only stole the briefcase and ran away so I could see him again. So please, please you have to understand. You’re all brothers, aren’t you?“
With a pleading look, you continued on. "You have to understand. Everything I’m doing, I’m doing for him. What if she asked one of you to kill each other, hmm?” You were looking at the ground now, not wanting them to see you cry, you didn’t want to appear weak in what seemed like your final moment alive.
Axel had put his gun down slightly. At war with himself as to what to do. His brothers gave him a questioning look, waiting for him to do something. He did understand, he’d probably do anything if it was him in this situation, just to see one of his brothers again. He understood what he had to do. Even if he might regret it.
Lowering his weapon, his brothers hesitating but doing the same, he looked at you. You were dirty and you stank. You looked like you went through hell. He decided that they would help you get home safely to your brother even if it meant they too would be in danger.
“Otto.” The tallest of the brothers looked at him.
“Yes?” Axel tilted his head towards your cowering figure.
“Knock them out”.
You had fallen, about to hit the floor, but thankfully Otto had caught you. Oscar picked up Stinky who happened to be underneath you the whole time. Walking out the store, the three of them walked back to the truck. Otto and Oscar were confused as to why the job wasn’t finished yet but decided not to question their brother. Setting you in the back gently, Otto went back to sit on the passenger side. Oscar was sitting in the back watching you, while Stinky decided he would lay on your chest. They drove off with the sound of sirens in the background.
Elliott looked around after the three blonde men had walked out with your unconscious body. His store was a mess, but he was thankful you had saved his life. He just hoped his insurance covers the damage.
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey,chapter 8! Thing start to pick up here so prepare for some DRAMA! Also, I'll try to add some more fluff or romance with the boys. I'm not sure how this story will pan out so we'll see what I can do! As always , enjoy 💖💖
Tw: none
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 8:
A Tantrum and Some Shocking News
Axel and Oscar did indeed make fun of Otto . Otto , as well, did indeed get very angry. In fact, he wouldn't let you near him for 2 days ! The embarrassment he had felt was too much to be infront of you.
It was your turn to cook dinner tonight. It was also a good time to talk about a plan. You all still needed to figure out how to get you back. Darn, if only you had that briefcase that homeless man had taken. Tch tch tch. Placing a simple dinner of vegetables, which Oscar didn't appreciate, and some Salmon infront of them ,the boys began to eat. It was the least you could do to pay back the kindness they've shown you. Or, well, at least their version of kindness.
Clearing your throat to gain their attention , you spoke up. "So, now that I've shown you all my powers and you know more about my brother and I. Why don't we talk about how we're going to get me home, yes?" Axel shook his head. He didn't want to talk about this right now, he wanted to eat. "We will talk about this after dinner." Was all he said before eating again. You pouted like a child , crossing your arms and turning your head, "well I ( emphasis on the "I" ) want to talk about it now!" Yes, you were definitely acting like a bratty child. The brothers did not appreciate that. "Well then you can go away and let us eat" Axel had said it with the same amount of attitude you had given him. He wasn't one to deal with rudeness,especially that of a child.
Huffing out in defeat and with a "fine" you aggressively finished your food. Darn, if you weren't the best cook the world has ever known.
Oscar and Otto hiding their grins during the whole event.
After dinner you all had congregated by the couch. "So" " as I was saying before Axel interrupted me at the dining table " you said with an eye roll ,to which Axel did the same, you continued. "What is our plan? How do we get me home?" " I had the briefcase I stole,but that in turn, got stolen again by a homeless man.
Oscar spoke up this time " a homeless man? Oh, well, we killed him" he had a straight face while saying so ,like that was normal, although for them a dead person IS normal. You know, because of the whole being assassins thing? Anyways, after that bit of news you spoke again. " So you killed him,but did you get the brief case? " Otto had said yes and had also mentioned that they had the briefcase they arrived with. "Well why didn't any of you tell me this!" " You all could have taken me home by now!" You had had enough of them not telling you what's going on. They at least could have told you they had not ONE, but TWO briefcases, gosh dang it!
Axel looked at you, done with your tantrum, saying something along the lines of " we have to make sure the commission isn't on to us." And some other crap you didnt pay attention to.
" well, IS the commission on to us? "
Otto spoke again this time " Maybe, the Handler has been asking us questions about you" he was going to finished his sentence , but Oscar had cutt him off " She wants to meet up with us, she wants to see if we're close to finding you yet." He continued, " We'll have to find a hiding spot for you and clear out evidence that we are keeping you."
Looking slightly taken aback from this new information, you sat down . Quoting a title, from a good book you read a few weeks ago, you had quietly said "Oh, The Grave's a Fine and private place to be right now."
The next day the boys drove you to the t.v place they had found you at, demanding the man named Elliot keep you hidden there ,whilst they do business. Elliot wasn't too happy about it,but with a knife to the throat and a gun to the head , he agreed. Why did Elliot think he could live a simple life? Oh Elliot, you have no idea.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey, chapter 10! This is really just a filler chapter. I just want the reader and the brothers to have some more quality time. So this chapter is just fluff🤷‍♀️. As always ,enjoy!💖
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 10:
Cheek Kisses and T.V.
It's been three days since the boys meet with the Handler. Three days and they still weren't sure if it was safe to take you home. They knew the Handler was watching them, they weren't stupid. They've been on their tip toes since they've picked you up from Elliots.
Axel told Otto and Oscar that they'd get you home by the end of the week. He wasn't going to jeopardize his Brothers lively hood because you were a wanted person,but they also wanted to spend more time with you.
You were on the couch watching t.v with Oscar and Otto. You had decided you'd lay your body across them . Your head resting on Oscar's lap and your feet resting on Otto. Oscar didnt mind so much. He just played with your hair. Otto wasn't too keen on it though. He didn't like having your feet on him.
Axel watched the three of you silently.
He appreciated that you and his brothers got along so well. If they weren't in the situation they were in , he wouldn't mind you staying with them. He could tell his brothers like you. Even he likes you. There was some part of him that was hesitate to take you home. He wanted to keep you safe. His brothers wanted to keep you safe. Sadly,the only way to do that is to get you home and make sure the Handler never finds out.
"Axel" your voice was soft. You got off Oscar and Otto heading his way. The two slightly disappointed you moved off of them. Axel "hmmmed" in response , not looking up from the picture he was staring at. You looked over his shoulder. It was a cute picture of him and his brothers with what you assumed was their grandmother. "That's a cute picture. I like it." You spoke over his shoulder. He looked up at you smiling a little and saying a thank you. "What did you want ?" His voice was quiet. "I was just wondering what's going on?" "When are we going to get me back to my Brother?" You had sat down beside him.
" The end of the week." He replied,looking up at you. "Oh,well I just want to say thank you for keeping me safe." Your head was down. Why were you so nervous ? " Thank you too. " he said. Your head shot up. Your eyes were slightly widened. Why would he thank you? " Thank me for what?" You were shocked. That certainly wasn't what you expected. "Thank you for getting along so well with my brothers and I " " We appreciate you helping us out." He said giving a small nod with his head and then looked back down at the picture.
With a big smile on your face you got off your chair and hugged him. Making sure his brothers weren't looking,you gave a small kiss on his cheek as a welcome. Then walked back to the couch. Throwing yourself back on Oscar and Otto. Axel was shocked. Frozen in his chair. He looked back at you , not sure what to say or do. You gave a cheeky smile and a small wink, looking back at the t.v . Oscar began to play with your hair again. Otto still not to happy with your feet on him,but comfortable none the less. Axel looked away. He'd have to get back at you before you leave.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante @sweetaluux
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Chapter 9!! Things really start to pick up after this chapter! Also, I've decided to name this Story " Runaway" because the reader is a runaway and because I feel like the song "Runaway" from Aurora is a very fitting song for the reader. If you havent heard it definitely go check it out! Anyway, as always, Enjoy!💖💖
Tw: none
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 9:
A meeting with a B*tch
Elliot,to say the least, was very annoying. Well, to you at least. He kept asking you if you were an enemy of the state or if you were an Alien. You were losing your mind! When were your boys going to come back? You were starting to miss them. Not that you would tell them that.
The boys, however,were not faring too well either. No one would in the face of the Handler. There they were, in the house they had cleaned of your existence (you were quite messy), infront of the Handler. They didn't want to meet here. They tried to keep there hide out a secret. It didn't work out so well now that the Handler knows where they're at. "Sit" her voice was harsh .She seemed very agitated today. "I want to know why it's taking you all so long to find little y/n ?" Her arms were crossed her foot tapping impatiently. The brothers said nothing just looking up at her. "Well? " " Are any of you going to say anything?" She put her hands up on her hips leaning forward. Axel spoke up " We're still tracking their location." His voice was firm,locking eyes with the Handler. He wasn't going to show any weakness infront of this woman. "Oh really?" " It's been a week since I've sent you all here and you still haven't tracked them!" She was yelling now. Her face turning red.
Oscar replied with a " yes " shrugging his shoulders. The Handler sighed rolling her eyes. " Well I expect you to find them soon! Or else you're all getting layed off " "Then I'll search for them and that's the last thing dear y/n wants. " With a nod of her head she picked up the briefcase and left.
The meeting with the Handler went better than they thought,but now they had to step on glass to get you home before the Handler finds out. They needed a plan.
You were on Elliots couch going through his things. He was clawing at his head telling you not to mess everything up,but you didn't listen. "Hey, I know you're a guest but you can't throw my things away or move them!" He was very skittish wasn't he? "Well maybe you shouldn't have all this junk then maybe I wouldn't throw it away." Your voice had sass to it . " Besides do you really believe in all this Alien crap?" You were faking scepticism. Of course you believe in Aliens ! You've seen alot of things in your time at the Commission. "Hey ! " " It is not crap ! There is scientific evidence of Alien existence!" He threw his hands up, eyes wild. " Anyway, aren't you an Alien?" "Don't think I didn't see you fall from the sky!" " I showed you those pictures I took when it happened. " You rolled your eyes . Yeah, you saw those photos (they were pretty cool looking) but that doesn't mean you have to drive into his crazy talk.
"Yeah yeah yeah crazy guy " you waved your hand at him . Telling him to walk away and let you mess with his things some more. He huffed out a big breath and walked away, shaking his head in disappointment. Why did he agree to this? Oh yeah, because he had a gun and knife heeled up to his head.
KNOCK KNCOK KNOCK! The door shook slightly with the force the door had been hit with. Shooting off the couch you ran to the door. Your boys were back!! Slamming the door open you saw them. Your boys! Oh how you've missed them , dispite how crazy that sounds to you , you missed them! You had hugged Otto first then Axel and then Oscar. They were surprised,but hugged you back in their own way. They weren't exactly huggers so they didn't really know how to respond,other than patting your back in return. Turning around you hollered out to Elliot a thank you and goodbye then closed the door shut.
"So,how'd it go with the scary Lady?" You looked up at Axel waiting for an answer. He looked at you. When did you get sort of ...cute? He shook the thought out his head . What a weird thought he said to himself. He looked ahead telling you it went okay and that they'll get you home soon.
Saying an " okay " you walked ahead to the Truck getting in the back and sitting down. Oscar sat next to you , Otto in the drivers seat and Axle in the Passenger, then headed home. What a great day you said to yourself.
The Handler stood at a bench across the street. She knew they were lying . She had noticed they pushed some smaller shoes under the couch. Those certainly weren't theirs. What a bunch of idiots she thought. With a smirk on her face she walked away. They were definitely going to die and she would make sure that you never get out of her sight again.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
Hey hey, chapter 6! I'm lazy so this hasn't really been proof read🙃. Enjoy 🤠💖💖
Tw: death, anxiety
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 6:
A dinner and a Forest
Over the next few days the boys were starting to warm up to the idea of you being there. Axel started cooking extra food so you could eat with them. Otto helping you clean up the house. Oscar just sitting on the couch with you in comfortable silence.
Tonight you decided to break the silence that had fallen between the four of you. Sitting at the dining table ,the boys taking their respectful places, you cleared your throat. “So” , looking around at the table you noticed their heads popped up to look at you. “Umm.. I just wanted to say thank you” looking down at the ground you continued. “You know, for the whole not killing me thing” “ I know if the commission finds out you’ll all be in trouble “ . They looked back down at their food, not wanting to say anything. They knew you were going to say more. “Anyways, you all didn’t have to do that, but I just want to let you all know I’m great full” with a small smile you lifted your head up. Looking back at your food.
Otto was the first to speak this time, “Welcome” was all he said before he continued his dinner. Axel and Oscar simply smiled and nodded at you, eating their food as well. With one last look at them you decided you’d finish up as well.
The next three days went the same. You starting small conversation with them each dinner. Axel was the first to start speaking back to you. He decided he’d get more information about you, sense they knew nothing. “Your name is y/n, correct.” You weren’t expecting that , but you smiled and replied back. “Yes , and your name is Axel.” Oscar and Otto gave a little smirk towards their brother, Axel rolling his eyes at them. “Yes my name is Axel “ “ Now tell us more about yourself, y/n.” Laughing and shaking your head you looked at him. “Well what do you want to know?" He looked at his brothers, the three silently agreeing on the same question they’ve all been wanting to ask you, then looked back.
“What is your gift, your powers.” “ How ever you call it.” Sucking your teeth and leaning back in your chair you let out a loud groan. You were dreading this question. “Well you see” you paused to catch your breath . Anxiety was sneaking up on you. Leaning forward again you started to play with your food, your appetite was suddenly gone. “ I’m basically Death it’s self” . Axel had set his fork down looking at you “ Explain” he said before he picked up his fork again. Of course, you thought to yourself, “ well , okay, it’s not really Death. It’s more like I’m a siren.” “ I guess you can call me that” you took a big breath and continued. “You see I let out this sonic sound that kills anything as soon as it hears it “ I’ve only ever used it twice and I don’t ever want to use it again ,so don’t ask!” They didn’t believe you. How could they? You haven’t proven it yet. They needed to see it to believe it. "Show us.” Oscar had said it in a very demanding voice. His eyes were narrowed at you, he was very intrigued. “What?!” “ I just told you all ,never again!” You threw your hands up smacking them back down on the table. Otto had spoken up this time “ If you don’t show us then we have no reason to trust you enough to keep you alive.” Axel and Oscar hummed in agreement. Darn, you just can’t catch a break can you? Huffing out of defeat you decided “ fine,but you all will have to wear ear plugs.” “ I can’t have my saviors dying on me.”With one last look at each other you all finished your dinner.
The next morning you all went to a secluded part of the forest. The three of them had to drag you to the Truck because you wouldn’t let go of the couch. You really didn’t want to do this. Axel handed his brothers their ear plugs , putting in his as well, and then signaling you to go. Looking back at them and then facing forward you took in a deep breath. You were shaking. Your knees were weak and breathing uneven.Not looking back at them, you began, letting out a low sound . It got louder and louder until you could feel the ground begin to vibrate. The powerful sound waves bouncing off the trees.
Looking around , the boys noticed the grass and trees wilting. Birds and squirrels had fallen out of trees and insects were dying as well. You weren’t lying after all. This was death, no , you were death. Stopping, you opened your eyes, too scared to look back fearing you had killed them. You saw the damage you did . It was terrifying. Collapsing on the ground you had started crying. The brothers, not feeling the ground vibrate anymore, assumed you stopped. Taking out there ear buds they came up to you. Axel put his hand on your shoulder . You jumped not expecting to feel anyone touching you. Looking over your shoulder , eyes puffy, you stared up at him. “ This is why I didn’t want to do this.” “ are you all happy now?” The disdain was evident in your voice. They had felt some form of quilt, but they weren’t going to apologize. They needed to trust you, and now that they knew what you’re capable of, they’re able to help you better. “Yes” Axel replied. He let go of your shoulder heading back to the truck , his brothers following him. Getting up , brushing the dirt off, you followed behind.
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
hey hey! I know it's been a long time since I've posted a chapter,but here it is! Chapter 12! Dont worry this is not the ending! The next chapter is though. This chapter may seem a little anticlimactic,but this is supposed to be a " mini series " and if I went any further it wouldn't be that anymore. As always , enjoy!💖💖🦋
Pairings: Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 12:
A happy ending?
It was a low pitch at first. The sound surrounding the clearing you all were at.
The grass and trees wilting.  Your voice got louder, turning into a shrill scream.
The Handler and Lila falling to the ground, their hands over their ears, mouths open screaming as well. Covering their ears wasn't going to help them though. No,they could still hear it.  It got louder and louder the longer the listened. Blood was coming out of their ears. Blood also coming out of their eyes and nose. You had your eyes closed,but you could hear them wriggling on the ground in pain. Their bodies shaking on the ground as if they were having a seizure. 
Lila was trying to use her powers to fight you off ,but the pain was too much. How were you capable of such a terrible power? She always thought of you as weak. If she survives this,then she'll definitely respect you more.
Lila looked over at her mother. She was dead . Her mother had a blank expression ,blood coating her face and the ground beneath her. Lila wasn't sure how to feel. She was sad yes,but relieved as well. She could feel her life giving away. She had hoped she could live a better life,guess not.
She looked away from her mother. Looking up at you instead. Your eyes were closed your mouth wide open. She could faintly see the sound waves coming from your mouth. It was terrifying.  Your eyes opened, landing on Lila. You saw the pleading look on her face. You had stopped. You realized you killed the Handler. Was Lila worth killing as well?She wasn't the one to cause you this pain. Helping her up you told her to leave. She didn't understand why you decided to keep her alive,but she was thankful none the less. Not looking back at you she left. You hope you never see her again.
You noticed the clearing you were in was destroyed.  The ground cracked and brown. The trees looked like nothing but twigs. You weren't going to cry this time. No,what you did was to protect yourself and the ones you love.
Running back to the house, you were relieved to find the boys and your brother alright. You were glad they were safe. You ran up to them attacking your brother in a hug.
"Oh my god Jordan! I'm so glad you're safe!" . He looked at you ,happy you came back to him this time ,and gave you a hug as well. "I'm happy your back and safe y/n. "  he said in return.  You looked up staring at the boys. They were all staring at you.
"Shes dead" You said.  They gave a nod of understanding walking closer to you. Smiling you ran up and hugged them. You always liked group hugs. Especially with these three. Axel stared at you smirking. He figured now was a good time to get back at you for that cheek kiss.
He held your face in his hands. You had a look of confusion wondering what he was about to do. The look of shock on your face was amusing when you noticed he was coming closer. His brothers were quite shocked as well. What the hell was up with Axel? This certainly wasn't what they were expecting.  You leaned in puckering up your lips. He gave you a kiss on your forehead.  Laughing at your disappointment. Oscar was amused by this and wanted to make his brother jealous. So he  grabbed you and kissed the corner of your mouth. Wasn't what he was aiming for,but you moved around so he missed your lips. Otto got jealous so he gave you a kiss on your cheek.
Your brother made a gagging sound. Pretending to throw up.
Smiling at him your voice soft ,saying " I'm so happy you're all safe." "I'm glad we can all be together. Now lets get inside. " walking in you noticed everything was still a mess. Asking everyone to help , you all started to clean up . It took a few hours,but afterwards everything was back to the way it was.
You asked Otto to help you bury your mother. Even though she wasn't the best, she was still your mother, so there was a small funeral for her.  The makeshift tombstone sitting on the hill next to the treehouse.
   "So, Axel, are you and your brothers going back to the commission?" You said while cooking dinner. He shook his head no "No ,I don't think that would be a good decision." he looked at you continuing  "we'll stay here with you and your Brother if that's alright. " You looked back at him with a big smile . Throwing your arms around him. "That would be Perfect Axel!"
With a smile on his face he gave you another forhead kiss. Embarrassed you turned back to the stove continuing to cook. "Axel,I think you missed." You said Pointing at your lips. "I know." He replied .Then walked back to the living room where Oscar and Otto were sitting at playing some board game with your Brother. You gave a small pout and finished up dinner.
Oh boy, you can't wait to see how this all plays out.
Tags : @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante @sweetaluux
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h0ly-fire · 4 years
hey hey last chapter! I know these last 2 chapter might not have been as good as the others ones ,but I've been having a hard time ,emotionally, lately. One of my patients aren't doing so well he's getting weaker and weaker by the minute. It's just been very stressful for me. Anyway, this is the last chapter so I hope you all enjoy!💖💖
Tw: none
Pairings : Axel x reader Otto x reader Oscar x reader
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Chapter 13:
A happy ever after
It had been two months since the whole Handler fiasco.  The boys had quit their job at the commission.  The three deciding to stay with you and your brother. Which you were more than happy about.
Over the course of the two months Lila had came back. Letting you know that she was sorry for what her and her mother did.
You two became friends after that. You'd both send letters to each other telling the other about your day and so on.
Your brother Jordan and The Swedes have gotten real close as well.
All three of them thought of your brother as their own. It was adorable.  They thought of you as something closer,but none of them were going to tell you that.
You ,of course, felt the same way.
You were closer to Axel out of all three,but you knew that you had loved all three of them. It wouldn't be fair to exclude the other two when you loved them just as much.
"Axel can I talk to you and your brothers in private,please?" Your voice was in a whisper, trying to keep quite, due to your brother being in the next room. He nodded his head signaling his brothers to follow after you. Arriving in the kitchen you sat down at the dining table.
After waiting for them all to sit down you cleared your throat " So I know over these last few months we've gotten really close" your voice was quiter now " and I just want to let you all know that I think I love you all. "
They heard you. They were more than thrilled,but they decided to play with you a bit. You were fun to tease. Oscar spoke up " excuse me what did you say? " he had a smirk on his face "We didn't quite hear you". His brothers laughed along with him.
Your face warmed up. You were embarrassed. Knowing they were teasing you you walked out plopping down on the couch. Axel rolled his eyes at your little pout. They were only playing with you. Getting up ,his brothers following,they sat down on the couch with you. Otto spoke up  " You know, we all feel the same way about you." He wasn't looking at you. He was to shy to look at your face. A big smile grew on your face. Attacking Otto in a big hug you gave him a big smooch. His whole face turning red. " I'm so happy you all feel the same!" A big smile graced your face. The brothers adored your smile. It was one of their favorite things about you. Oscar and Axel told you they both loved you and well. All three of them hugged you. They could finally be at peace. They were happy you came into their life . You were happy too. You could finally have the family you've always wanted. Jordan looked out from the door way. "Finally" he said to himself " took them long enough."
Tags: @narwhalblog @yes-someonestolemysweetroll @ilostmystylusalongtimeago @brckenmercenary @koelu-chan @gorgeourrific-nerd @fillechatoyante @sweetaluux @someonepleasekillthedemonchild @white-ass-raccoon
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