#russia eni
jerriemofos · 8 months
Fuck all of y'all that still stan lucy bronze. She's a racist and has no talent, y'all should be very ashamed of yourselves for supporting her at all.
Telling a black woman that she needed to "re-earn respect" to play again in the England squad after being kicked out for bringing up racism from then england coach Sampson is fucking shitty of lucy to do.
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Lucy taking unnecessary digs at Eni as a person as if any of what happened was caused by her when it was because of Sampson
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The allegations towards Sampson are verifiable because he got fired for it
The article of what Lucy has said about Eni so y'all can't come at me for telling lies, here's the proof
She has never once apologised for her berating statements even though other players have apologised to Eni for celebrating with the racist (Sampson) in question after england's 6-0 win over russia in september 2017
With all these information available to you now and you still choose to defend her, you're a bigot and an asshole 🤷🏽‍♀️
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brandtner · 1 year
Hi Bruzi!! I loved your post about kosovo and his relationships and I was wondering if you would be willing to do something simmilar with srpska??
Hello yaox :D Thanks, it's really fun to apply my knowledge of their politics/history to the creation of these headcanons.
It is hard to describe what kind of "stupid" Ilija really is. But I think this (REAL) event from 1991 explains it really well: First day the war begins, he kidnaps Bosnia's boss at the airport, because he gets too excited to fight his first war ever. Then EU people come, surround him, and he simply lets him go… no ransom or whatever… just… jesus christ
Snorts cedevita
Blind patriot who will probably grow out of it. His strong "politically incorrect" beliefs are a revolt against his parents. He tends to over do it and be against literally anything that his parents stand for. Something like:
Enis: These grapes are so good. I love grapes. Ilija: I will sacrifice my entire life in order to destroy every grape plant on this planet.
Hates his parents, but Idriza is definitely not as bad as Enis. Enis doesn't even know how old is he, but he still tries.
He hits his dad. His dad beats him back with a belt or with a slipper.
"Independence? Yeah you know I may not be on the map but structure-wise I'm basically a real country. I have these two big trading partners, too. No, not like China or Germany, I trade CS go skins."
He hasn't got a lot of friends. He pushes normal people away with his obsessions - one for warfare, other one for Serbia.
I wouldn't say he is as nationalistic to push away any Bosniak friends. But when I look at their politics… He might. (The life of a nationalist is bound to contain some level of isolation. Problems of closed social circles: one can be safe in them, but then terribly sensitive to the open world)
Has shown his Minecraft world to Idriza. It was titled "Markale 1994". Since then Idriza has stopped taking interest in Ilija's free time.
Has successfully nicked hand grenades from his dad many times before. He keeps them under his bed "for emergencies".
There is a strict firearm, fireworks, explosive or ANYTHING that makes an explosive sound/may harm someone/may scare someone prohibition for him. The clerks don't sell none of these to him in request of Enis.
Especially BANG SNAPS. He keeps getting them from somewhere and startling his parents all the time. Enis searches him and his room repeatedly but never finds anything.
All his neighbours have been warned to NEVER give him any fireworks.
Also those mini dynamite sticks (noisemaker firework) you light up and throw at someone. (I used both of these back in the day they were awesome)
If you've seen Trailer park boys: remember when Trinity gets addicted to cigarettes because her dad smokes next to her so often? Then she gets caught smoking cigs, at like, 9 years old. Ricky (her dad) then decides to quit smoking with her and they wear the nicotine patches together and stuff and it's just so cute and definitely a thing that would happen with Enis and Ilija.
Nicotine HC: Idriza HATES the nicotine smell. Ilija is 16, he is allowed to smoke, but he doesn't - just because Enis does and he doesn't want to be like him.
Literally no one in the whole world has ever heard of him or know who he is, but he thinks everyone does know him and that they think he is "cool and badass".
He loves Russia but Russia treats him like a flea (he has no idea who he is).
Serbia tries to lie himself into thinking Srpska is just a product of Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium. Srpska is not real and only appears when he has been sober for too long.
Herzegovina cares for him (as in feeds, dresses) but is otherwise cold and bland to him. Enis balances that out, bringing some fatherly fun in, some sleaze.
Most definitely a seljacina (villager mindset). There is no way he can compete with the level of Belgrade for example, he embarrasses himself often.
Probably a jannie on 4chan
I know everyone despises Srpska and thinks he is an idiot, but I think every self-respecting yugotalia fan should always remember that it was none other than HIS army that accomplished the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare.
So when he might be really flawed, he has a lot of potential when he puts his mind into it. He has "ancient warrior" in his genes. It's just that his environment doesn't let him to fully flourish.
He was surprisingly cool back in the day, for example during Ottoman Empire and AHE, he had important strategic hubs and a couple of military fortifications (of same importance).
Keep in mind his capital is the 2nd largest city in Bosnia, not Herzegovina's.
Under his moron facade he is actually capable of achieving great things, proving he takes some great traits after his real dad. Unfortunately, though, bad traits tend to dominate over them...
Has met Osama bin Laden. (unironically, Bosnia's boss was friends with him)
Whenever he gets in a fight with Enis he whips out that fact, or just shouts random, made-up things and presumptions containing words like mujahideen or jihadist.
90s war HCs? It's a very important topic for the existence of Srpska, but I'm not sure anyone is interested in that kind of thing so I will leave it be.
(srpska is so relatable)
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giltori · 1 year
I'm constantly forgetting to post it on Tumblr, but because of the current situation in Russia, I remembered! If you want to support me and get higher rez pictures and some quick sketches, you can do it here.
Support is fully optional, I'm trying to not paywall my stuff, so if you're not able to do that, please, don't feel bad! Always take care of yourself first!
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gcorvetti · 11 months
Due pesi due misure.
Ultimamente mi sono tenuto lontano dal commentare quel che sta accadendo in medio oriente, però leggendo oramai giornalmente post, e non giornaletti del cazzo che raccontano la storiella a loro piacimento sotto pagamento di questo e di quello viva la libertà di stampa, dicevo, post sul genocidio che israele sta oramai da un mese buono applicando alla popolazione palestinese mi viene il voltastomaco, ma non per le immagini o i video di persone morte o mutilate di cui la maggior parte bambini, per quello twitter ci aveva ben addestrati, ma per lo schifo che vedo attorno a tutto quello che succede. Lasciando perdere i politici europei che oramai sono dei galoppini al servizio degli yankee, i giornali sopra citati idem, ma l'opinione pubblica è oramai inutile. Si ripete il copione ma all'inverso della guerra in ucraina, se per 8 anni i nazisti ucraini hanno massacrato i bonbassesi ed è stato tutto messo a tacere in modo che una volta che la russia invadeva era colpa sua, infatti se non avesse invaso sai che risate, però ci sono caduti con tutti i colbacchi. Quindi i cattivoni di turno erano loro, bombardamenti sui civili, ospedali, convogli di aiuti, centrali elettriche e pericolo per la centrale nucleare, e tante altre magagne che ci hanno ben raccontato per dipingerci il nemico numero uno russo come il peggiore, adesso quella guerra come sta andando? Boh, adesso il fulcro mediatico è israele, non sto qua a raccontarvi la storiella di sti qua che venivano trattati male da tutti, un motivo ci sarà stato, e che non avevano dove andare non avendo una terra tutta loro, allora con aiuti e finanziamenti sono andati a derubare la terra altrui, leggetevi la storia e quante volte l'ONU ha cercato di farli raggionare, sempre sfanculizzati. Nell'ultimo mese di questo genocidio gli israelini hanno fatto peggio dei russi in meno di 2 anni di guerra, ma nessuno ha il coraggio di dirlo, se lo dico io non ha molto peso, se lo dicesse qualche nome grosso forse e ripeto forse qualcuno aprirebbe gli occhi. Ma poi siamo sempre al giochetto che si ripete in occasioni come queste, cerchi di spiegare cosa è successo e vieni additato, etichettato, lapidato come putiniano/antisemita/talebano ecc ecc, questo perché? Non tanto per me o per te che se apriamo bocca e ci sentono in 10 non cambia nulla, ma è una pratica per quelli che possono realmente dare una vera spiegazione ed esporre i fatti per quelli che sono e non per quelli che vogliono farvi credere. Ieri ho visto un video di Pubble che forse ha beccato il punto della situazione, praticamente sia israele che gaza hanno in mare due giacimenti di gas molto grossi, ma mentre israele li sta già dando in mano ad aziende straniere, tra cui la nostra ENI, per quello palestinese è un attimo più complicato perché da quando sono stati scoperti gli israeliani hanno iniziato il blocco su gaza, rinchiudendoli in quello che è a tutti gli effetti un lager, qua ci vuole la frase dello zio Giulio "Se non avessi scelta e fossi cresciuto in un lager, diventerei terrorista anche io". Anche i partigiani per i nazi-fascisti erano terroristi. Mi fermo qua, però ricordatevi che i cattivi sono i russi.
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Eurovision 1997: The actual result
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RTÉ may not have required the help of the Northern Irish tourist board to fund Eurovision in 1997, but they couldn't stretch to a fully-virtual scoreboard like Oslo managed. It was back to the normal screen with flags and numbers, and a font of which I'm not fond.
Here is my regular spoiler warning for a competition that happened over 25 years ago. If you don't want to know who actually won Eurovision in 1997 don't read any further. Close the article and scroll on by.
Ireland's years of reigning are over but singing in English is still the advantage the Scandinavian countries have been claiming it was since the 1970s. The UK won for the fifth time and fairly easily. For the second year in a row, their singer was not British. Instead the BBC were relying on the anglophone world to provide, and after the Gina G hiccup, Katrina brought home the goods.
Ireland just about did the perfect thing, by managing to finish second. The best you can get without winning and for that RTÉ were truly happy. Below them come Turkey in third with by far their best result ever in over twenty years of trying. Italy on their return came fourth, but would that be enough to keep them coming back? Estonia maintained their good finish in 1996 by getting another top 10.
At the bottom there was that rarest of things with a double null-points from Norway and Portugal.
Here then is the full scoreboard.
United Kingdom - Katrina and the Waves - "Love Shine a Light"
Ireland - Marc Roberts - "Mysterious Woman"
Turkey - Şebnem Paker & Etnic - "Dinle"
Italy - Jalisse - "Fiumi Di Parole"
Cyprus - Chara and Andreas Konstantinou - "Mana Mou"
Spain - Marcos Llunas - "Sin Rencor"
France - Fanny - "Sentiments Songes"
Estonia - Maarja-Liis Ilus - "Keelatud Maa"
Malta - Debbie Scerri - "Let Me Fly"
Slovenia - Tanja Ribič - "Zbudi Se"
Poland - Anna Maria Jopek - "Ale Jestem"
Greece - Marianna Zorba - "Horepse"
Hungary - VIP - "Miert Kell, Hogy Elmenj?"
Sweden - Blond - "Bara Hon älskar Mig"
Russia - Alla Pugachova - "Primadonna"
Denmark - Kølig Kaj - "Stemmen I Mit Liv"
Croatia - ENI - "Probudi Me"
Germany - Bianca Shomburg - "Zeit"
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Alma Cardzic - "Goodbye"
Iceland - Paul Oscar - "Minn Hinsti Dans"
Austria - Bettina Soriat - "One Step"
Switzerland - Barbara Berta - "Dentro Di Me"
Netherlands - Mrs. Einstein - "Niemand Heeft Nog Tijd"
Norway - Tor Endresen - "San Francisco"
(24th equal) Portugal - Célia Lawson - "Antes Do Adeus"
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up October 1, 2022
Under the cut:
Ukrainian troops said on Saturday they had taken the key bastion of Lyman in occupied eastern Ukraine, a stinging defeat that prompted a close ally of President Vladimir Putin to call for the possible use of low-grade nuclear weapons
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is no longer leaking under the Baltic Sea because an equilibrium has been reached between the gas and water pressure, Agence France-Presse reports
Crimea Rocked by Overnight Explosions at Russian Facilities
Russia’s Gazprom has suspended gas deliveries to Italy’s Eni, blaming a transport problem in Austria, AFP reports.
Ukrainian authorities found a civilian convoy with about 20 people dead in their cars near Kupiansk, according to Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov
“Ukrainian troops said on Saturday they had taken the key bastion of Lyman in occupied eastern Ukraine, a stinging defeat that prompted a close ally of President Vladimir Putin to call for the possible use of low-grade nuclear weapons.
The capture came just a day after Putin proclaimed the annexation of four Ukrainian regions - including Donetsk, where Lyman is located - and placed them under Russia's nuclear umbrella, at a ceremony that was condemned by Kyiv and the West as an illegitimate farce.
The Ukrainian soldiers made the claim in a video that was recorded outside the town council building in the centre of Lyman and posted on social media by Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's office.
"Dear Ukrainians - today the armed forces of Ukraine ... liberated and took control of the settlement of Lyman, Donetsk region," one of the soldiers says. At the end of the video, a group of Ukrainian soldiers throw Russian flags down from the building's roof and raise a Ukrainian flag in their place.
Hours earlier Russia's defence ministry had announced it was pulling troops out of the area "in connection with the creation of a threat of encirclement".
Russia had used Lyman as a logistics and transport hub for its operations in the north of the Donetsk region. Its capture is Ukraine's biggest battlefield gain since a lightning counteroffensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region last month.
Zelenskiy promised more quick successes in the Donbas, which covers the Donetsk and Luhansk regions that are largely under Russian control.
"Over the past week, the number of Ukrainian flags in Donbas has increased. There will be even more a week's time," he said in an evening video address.
He also indicated Ukrainian troops had taken the village of Torske, on the main road out of Lyman to the east.”-via Reuters
“The Nord Stream 2 pipeline is no longer leaking under the Baltic Sea because an equilibrium has been reached between the gas and water pressure, Agence France-Presse reports.
“The water pressure has more or less closed the pipeline so that the gas which is inside can’t go out,” Nord Stream 2 spokesman Ulrich Lissek told AFP.
“The conclusion is that there is still gas in the pipeline,” he added.
When asked how much gas was believed to be in the pipeline, Lissek said: “That is the one-million-dollar question.”
Information on the status of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline leak, which was significantly larger, was not immediately available.
While the pipelines are not currently in operation, they both still contained gas before they fell victim to apparent sabotage, producing four leaks.”-via The Guardian
“The night of August 18 was a hot one for Russian forces in Crimea with explosions be heard in several locations. Moreover, the combat zone is expanding rapidly. The total number of reports of shelling of facilities in Russia’s Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov Regions and Crimea is approaching several dozen and their intensity is increasing.
On the same night strong explosions also rang out in temporarily-occupied Kerch. However, occupying authorities claim that the anti-aircraft defense system worked. An aide to Sergey Aksyonov, the prime minister of the temporarily-occupied peninsula, said that according to preliminary information, there is no danger.
Explosions rang out at Russia’s Belbek military base in Sevastopol. Yet, Russian propagandists claim that nothing happened at the airfield and the explosions were the result of air defense at work. Mykhaiil Razvozhaev, the self-proclaimed governor of Sevastopol, said that a Ukrainian drone was shot down in that area. However,  Russian military veteran Igor Girkin reported fires and detonation there.
The Belbek base is the largest airbase in Crimea, which after the occupation of the peninsula in 2014 serves only aircraft of the Russian military and space forces. The airfield is home to the 38th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Russian Air Force, armed with 12 Su-27s, 12 modernized Su-27SMs, three training and combat Su-27UBs and five Su-30M2 two-seat fighters, as well as the Sevastopol Aviation Rescue center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
A fire also broke out on the night of August 18 near the airfield in the village of Mizhvodne in  north-west Crimea. And again, neither the propagandists nor the occupation administration have officially commented, though some civilians said they heard explosions.
Blasts in Crimea have been going on for more than a week. They began on August 9 at the Novofedorivka military airfield near Saky, which is one of the key airfields for the Russians in their attacks on Ukraine. After all, bombers and fighters take off from there and pilots are trained there.
There were also explosions in Dzhankoy District on the morning of August 16. According to local mass media, two “emergency events” took place in the area at once: a fire at a transformer sub-station in Dzhankoy and detonation at an ammunition warehouse in the village of Travneve. The explosion also damaged the railway, the route for trains heading from Russia to Crimea. Some people have asked for help to rebuild their homes, but the Russian authorities are ignoring such requests.
Russian occupying authorities deliberately avoid the word “explosion” in their explanations and instead use the word “accidents”, while propagandists use soothing euphemisms. This is because they don’t want to admit that the air defense systems turned out to be of poor quality and unable to counter well-aimed strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After all, since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war on Ukraine on February 24, Aksyonov has regularly emphasized that Crimea is protected by modern air defenses.
The Kremlin’s only reaction to the explosions in Crimea was to remove a statement by Russian security official Dmitry Medvedev about “doomsday” in the event of a Ukrainian attack on Crimea. The statement is no longer on Twitter, and any mention of it has been “wiped” from the social media platform.”-via Kyiv Post
“Russia’s Gazprom has suspended gas deliveries to Italy’s Eni, blaming a transport problem in Austria, AFP reports.
The Italian energy giant said on Saturday:
Gazprom told us that it was not able to confirm the delivery of the volumes demanded for today, citing the impossibility of gas transport through Austria. Russian gas flows to Eni via the Tarvisio entry point will be naught.
Before the war in Ukraine, nearly 45% of Italy’s imported gas came from Russia. Most of the gas from Russia to Italy passes through Ukraine via the Trans Austria Gas Pipeline.”-via The Guardian
“Ukrainian authorities found a civilian convoy with about 20 people dead in their cars near Kupiansk, according to Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov.
Russian troops killed these people when they were trying to flee and save their lives, said Syniehubov.
According to Ukrainian news website Suspilne, there were six cars in the convoy; the vehicles were found on a road between Kupiansk and Svatove, riddled with bullet holes, some burned. Ten out of the 20 killed are children, according to Ukraine's Security Service.
"This is cruelty that has no justification," Syniehubov said.
It's unknown when exactly Russian forces might have killed the people in the convoy. The investigation is ongoing.
As Ukraine recaptured settlements in Kharkiv Oblast on Sept. 10, law enforcement started uncovering potential crimes the Russian forces committed during the occupation.
According to Ukraine's Security Service, in then-occupied Kupiansk, Russian troops had tortured locals, threatening to send them to a minefield and kill their families.
On Sept. 30, a Russian missile struck a civilian convoy near Zaporizhzhia, killing 30 and wounding 88 people.”-via Kyiv Independent
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Should Qatar exploit all of its oil and gas reserves it will eventually add an enormous 50bn metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere once burned, which is more than the entire annual emissions of the whole world, the new research, shared with the Guardian, has found.
This vast output of emissions will in itself push the world beyond the internationally agreed limit of 1.5C of global heating beyond industrial times, beyond which scientists warn there will be increasingly disastrous impacts from heatwaves, droughts, floods and biodiversity die-offs.
QatarEnergy, the state-owned petroleum operation that is overseeing a huge escalation in the country’s oil and gas output, is a sponsor of the World Cup currently under way in Qatar.
Fifa, which has been accused of falsely claiming the World Cup will be carbon neutral, has featured QatarEnergy in sponsorship slots in stadiums and online even as the global football body launched a campaign called #SavethePlanet in which it warned the climate crisis “threatens the essential ingredients of good health” and causes “increasing destructiveness of extreme weather events”.
Qatar’s vast oil and gas resources have greatly enriched the small Middle Eastern country, which this year became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (or LNG), superseding the US and Australia.
It is now looking to further cement its position by ramping up production from a vast offshore gas deposit called the north field, which will account for 70% of the emissions growth according to the new report by BankTrack, an NGO that used data from BP to ascertain the extent of Qatar’s “carbon bomb” projects.
The emissions from Qatar’s oil and gas resources will cause $20tn in damages and 11m deaths around the world, BankTrack said, citing calculations based upon recent research looking at the economic and mortal cost of fossil fuels.
QatarEnergy has signed recent partnership deals with western oil giants including Shell, Total, ConocoPhilips, Exxon and Eni in order to boost output of the north field by 60% over the next five years. Separate deals have been struck in the past month with Germany and China to provide the countries with gas amid concerns over supplies disrupted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
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nsfwhiphop · 7 days
Fun Fact #2: Explaining U.S. and U.K. Injustice Towards E.U. Nations
Subject: Injustice of the U.S. and U.K. Towards E.U. Nations: An Explanation
Subject: Exploring U.S. and U.K. Unfairness Toward E.U. Nations
Subject: How the U.S. and U.K. Treat E.U. Nations Unfairly
"Do European Union nations have oil contracts in other oil-producing nations outside of the commonly known allies of the UK and USA, such as Kuwait, the UAE, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar? Could you provide a list of countries allied with the EU in terms of oil contracts?"
ChatGPT Answer:
Yes, European Union nations, like the UK and USA, also have oil contracts with various countries worldwide. While many EU nations have energy relationships with Middle Eastern countries, they also secure oil and gas partnerships with other nations. Here are some key countries where the EU, particularly nations like Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, maintain oil contracts or energy alliances:
Norway: A major non-EU European ally and one of the largest oil and natural gas suppliers to the EU. Norway supplies a significant portion of the EU’s energy needs, especially through the North Sea oil fields.
Russia: Historically, Russia has been a major oil and gas supplier to the EU, particularly to Germany, Italy, and Central and Eastern European nations. However, these relationships have become more complex and controversial due to political tensions and recent sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Nigeria: Several EU nations, especially Italy through ENI, have strong oil partnerships with Nigeria, one of Africa’s largest oil producers.
Algeria: Algeria is a significant supplier of oil and natural gas to the EU, with strong ties to countries like Spain and France. It provides energy through pipelines across the Mediterranean.
Libya: Despite political instability, Libya remains an important oil supplier to the EU, particularly Italy, due to geographical proximity and historical ties.
Kazakhstan: As part of Central Asia’s oil and gas belt, Kazakhstan has strong energy links with several EU countries, particularly in the context of energy diversification.
Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan is a strategic partner for the EU in the South Caucasus, especially through the Southern Gas Corridor, which supplies gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe.
Angola: Angola, another major African oil producer, has strong trade relations with EU nations, especially Portugal due to historical connections.
These countries help diversify the EU’s energy supply beyond the Middle East, and their importance has grown in recent years, especially with the EU's push for energy diversification.
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darkmaga-retard · 10 days
New Energy Holding Co-piloted by Russia and China? Oil Dependence in the Next Decade
Russia and China have sealed a stratospheric oil contract, one of the largest in history
By Germán Gorraiz López
Global Research, September 11, 2024
Since alternative energies still need huge subsidies to be viable in developing countries, the practice of fracking (kind of universal panacea that will solve the energy problems of humanity), environmental concerns and the inertia of oil assets will not allow large companies to abandon their current equipment and infrastructure, it follows that the world economy will continue to gravitate towards oil dependence in the next decade.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), oil production in Russia reached its historic high (11.41 million barrels per day) in 1988 when it was still part of the Soviet Union, but after the decline caused by the economic crisis of 2008, production has been growing to reach 10.59 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2013 with a 20-year expiry date.
Russia and China have sealed a stratospheric oil contract that becomes one of the largest in the history of the energy industry by which the Russian company Rosneft, (the country’s largest oil company), will supply the Asian giant for 25 years with $270 billion. 
This, together with the mega gas contract signed by Russia’s Gazprom and China’s CNPC, which will supply 38,000 cubic meters of natural gas to the Asian country for an amount of approximately $400 billion and with a duration of 30 years through the pipeline Sila Sibiri (The Siberian Force), would lay the economic foundations of the Euro-Asian Union that began its work on January 1, 2015 as an economic and military alternative to the US project of creating a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP for its acronym in English).
Regarding Venezuela, according to a report by OPEC, crude oil production in the first quarter of 2024 would have risen to almost 900,000 bpd (4.28% increase over 2023) and exports increased by 7.4% to reach 27.6 million barrels. Venezuela has reportedly signed an agreement whereby the Chinese state-owned petro-chemical company Sinopec will invest $14 billion to achieve a daily production of oil in 200,000 barrels per day of crude oil in the Orinoco Oil Strip, (considered the most abundant oil field in the world) and the national hydrocarbon company PDVSA would be in negotiations with Russian Rosneft, Italian Eni and Spanish Repsol to obtain the necessary credits to carry out new projects of crude oil and gas, with which Russia and China would already be “strategic partners of Venezuela”.
In the case of Iraq, the western oil companies’ commitment to a transition towards renewable energy sources would be, being exploited by Chinese and Russian state oil companies such as Lukoil and PetroChina, to acquire a larger portion of oil-related assets in Iraq. Thus, according to the Iraqi Oil Ministry, Inpex (Japan’s main oil company, a key ally of the US) was to sell its 40% stake in Block 10 at the Eridu field, one of the biggest oil discoveries of recent decades and which was taken over by Russian oil company Lukoil.
Likewise, US energy giant ExxonMobil has formally abandoned the West Qurna 1 oil field in southern Iraq, handing over its operations to PetroChina, that it retains a majority stake in one of the world’s largest oil fields. Thus, the West Qurna field would have reserves estimated at over 20 billion barrels and represents about 15 per cent of total Iraqi production estimated at over 4 million barrels per day, what would be a triumph of Chinese foreign policy in its strategy to increase its energy sources as well as a severe setback for the US geopolitical interests.
Iran, with the third largest proven reserves of oil and gas in the world after Saudi Arabia and Iraq, is the destination for 80% of Iranian exports of approximately 3 million barrels per day (3% of world production).
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palmoilnews · 2 months
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > US spring wheat tour forecasts record yields for southern North Dakota > Brazil soymeal exports seen reaching record high in July > Colorado ramps up bird flu response, requires milk testing > GRAINS-CBOT soybean, corn extend rallies; wheat futures ease > EU 2024/25 soft wheat exports down 35% but French data still lacking > Jordan believed to pass in 120,000 T wheat tender, traders say > Russia's grain crop seen higher at 130.5 mln t in 2024, says Sovecon > SOFTS-Cocoa steadies after Monday's blistering rally; coffee, sugar fall > Eni's biofuel unit could reach 12.5 bln euro valuation in KKR deal > VEGOILS-Palm oil surrenders early gains on India budget caution > Fishing treaty fails at WTO, prompting US, Chinese concern > Insect wreaks havoc on Tunisia’s crucial prickly pear industry
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businessindustry · 3 months
Renewable Naphtha Market Key Players Profile Outlook and Forecast Till 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Renewable Naphtha Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Renewable Naphtha Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Renewable Naphtha Market?
The renewable naphtha market size reached US$ 472.4 Million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 1,104.8 Million by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 9.9% during 2024-2032.
What are Renewable Naphtha?                                                                                                                                                                            
Renewable naphtha is a form of naphtha created from sustainable sources like biomass, algae, or waste products using methods such as pyrolysis, gasification, or fermentation. While chemically akin to conventional naphtha from fossil fuels, it serves as a greener alternative. This renewable naphtha can serve as a raw material for manufacturing different chemicals, including plastics, solvents, and fuels, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly substitute to traditional naphtha sourced from crude oil.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1592
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Renewable Naphtha industry?
The renewable naphtha market growth is driven by various factors. The market for renewable naphtha is experiencing notable growth, fueled by a heightened emphasis on sustainable options within the petrochemical sector. Environmental considerations and regulatory frameworks promoting renewable energy sources are propelling the adoption of renewable naphtha, sourced from biomass, algae, or waste materials. This eco-conscious alternative is increasingly utilized as a raw material for a range of chemicals, including plastics and solvents. Furthermore, advancements in conversion technologies and governmental support for renewable energy are driving further market expansion. Hence, all these factors contribute to renewable naphtha market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Feedstock:
Vegetable Oils
Animal Fats
Algal Biomass
Other Biomass
By Technology:
By Application:
Chemicals & Polymers
By End-Use Industry:
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Rest of Asia Pacific
The U.K.
BENELUX (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg)
NORDIC (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark)
Rest of Europe
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
The Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
Rest of MEA (Middle East & Africa)
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Neste Corporation
Repsol S.A.
Eni S.p.A.
Honeywell UOP
Chevron Corporation
Preem AB
OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Enerkem Inc.
REG Life Sciences LLC
Clariant AG
Dow Inc.
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Renewable Naphtha-market
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Key Players and Competitive Landscape in the SBR Market
The Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) market features several key players that dominate the global landscape. These companies are involved in manufacturing and supplying SBR for various applications across industries such as automotive, construction, footwear, and consumer goods.
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Here are some of the key players and their roles in the competitive landscape:
Synthos S.A.: Synthos is a leading European producer of synthetic rubber, including SBR. The company offers a wide range of SBR grades for applications such as tires, conveyor belts, footwear, and adhesives. Synthos operates production facilities in Poland and supplies its products to customers worldwide.
LANXESS AG: LANXESS is a global specialty chemicals company that produces synthetic rubber, including SBR, under its Performance Butadiene Rubbers business unit. The company offers SBR grades for tire manufacturing, polymer modification, and other industrial applications. LANXESS has manufacturing facilities in Europe, North America, and Asia.
Trinseo S.A.: Trinseo is a global materials solutions provider that manufactures and supplies SBR for various applications, including tires, footwear, and construction. The company offers a diverse portfolio of SBR grades tailored to meet customer requirements for performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
Michelin Group: Michelin is one of the world's largest tire manufacturers and a major consumer of SBR for tire production. The company operates its own SBR production facilities and also sources SBR from third-party suppliers to meet its manufacturing needs. Michelin's expertise in tire technology and materials science contributes to its competitiveness in the SBR market.
SIBUR Holding: SIBUR is the largest integrated petrochemicals company in Russia and one of the leading producers of synthetic rubber, including SBR. The company operates SBR production facilities in Russia and supplies its products to customers in various industries worldwide.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company: Goodyear is a global tire manufacturer that utilizes SBR in its tire compounds for passenger cars, trucks, and aircraft. The company sources SBR from multiple suppliers and also produces its own SBR at select manufacturing facilities. Goodyear's reputation for quality and innovation contributes to its position in the SBR market.
JSR Corporation: JSR is a Japanese chemical company that produces synthetic rubber, including SBR, for various applications such as tires, automotive parts, and industrial goods. The company's expertise in polymer science and materials technology enables it to develop high-performance SBR grades to meet customer specifications.
Lanxess: Lanxess is a global specialty chemicals company and a leading manufacturer of synthetic rubber, including SBR. The company offers a wide range of SBR grades for applications such as tires, conveyor belts, and footwear. Lanxess operates production facilities in Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific.
Versalis S.p.A. (Eni): Versalis, the chemical subsidiary of Eni, is a leading producer of synthetic rubber, including SBR. The company offers SBR grades for tire manufacturing, polymer modification, and other industrial applications. Versalis leverages its expertise in petrochemicals and polymer technology to meet customer demands for quality and performance.
Kumho Petrochemical Co., Ltd.: Kumho Petrochemical is a South Korean company that manufactures synthetic rubber, including SBR, for various applications such as tires, automotive parts, and industrial goods. The company's SBR products are known for their quality, consistency, and performance in demanding environments.
These key players compete on factors such as product quality, performance, reliability, innovation, and customer service to maintain their market position and gain a competitive edge in the global SBR market. Additionally, partnerships, collaborations, and strategic alliances with customers and suppliers are common strategies employed by SBR manufacturers to expand their market presence and meet evolving customer needs.
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ama2024 · 7 months
Styrenic Polymers Market: Study Navigating the Future Growth Outlook
Advance Market Analytics released a new market study on Global Styrenic Polymers Market Research report which presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Global Styrenic Polymers Forecast till 2029*.
Styrenic polymer is formed by polymerization of styrene in the presence of vinyl group results. The styrene based resins are widely applicable in manufacturing wide variety of everyday goods, kitchen appliances, hospitals and school supplies. The styrenic polymers offer several facilities such are flexibility of materials and design in the field of medical industries. There has been significant rise in number of polymer production capacity with figure stood up to USD 10.8 million ton in global in 2016, the future for styrenic polymers looks promising. The major companies are introducing latest technology based styrenic polymers in Asia-Pacific and Middle East region as its demand is observed in electrical and electronics industries that consume a majority of styrenic polymers.
Key Players included in the Research Coverage of Styrenic Polymers Market are:
Bayer Material Science (Germany), Lanxess Ag (Germany), Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (Saudi Arabia),  Nova Chemicals Corporation (Canada), ENI S.P.A, LG Chem Ltd. (South Korea), Ashland (United States), Styrolution Group GmbH (Germany), Ineos Group Ag (Switzerland), Asahi Kasei Corporation (Japan), Alpek Sab De Cv (Mexico), BASF(Germany),
What's Trending in Market: Rising Demand of styrenic polymers due to urbanization and industrialization. increasing demand of styrenic polymers in automobile industry at South America region.
Challenges: Adverse Impact Due to Economic Uncertainties in Styrenic Polymers.
Opportunities: Introduction Of New Models and Technology Advancements Expected to Boost the Business Jet Market. Rapid Technological Innovation Leads to Propel the Market.
Market Growth Drivers: Increase In Demand of Lightweight Materials in Consumer Goods Industries. Rise In Demand Of Styrenic Polymers in Asia-Pacific Regions Fuelled Up The Market.
The Global Styrenic Polymers Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Polystyrene (PS), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN), Methacrylate Butadiene Styrene (MBS), Methacrylate Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (MABS), Styrene Methyl-Methacrylate (SMMA), Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS), Styrene Ethylene Butylene Styrene (SEBS), Others), Application (Medical, Building and Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Automotive Industry, Consumer Goods, Other), Process (Geometric, Fluid-Dynamic, Thermodynamic)
Get inside Scoop of the report, request for free sample @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/34091-global-styrenic-polymers-market
To comprehend Global Styrenic Polymers market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Styrenic Polymers market is analyzed across major global regions. AMA also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas.
• North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico.
• South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Brazil.
• Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa.
• Europe: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands and Russia.
• Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia.
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pravalika · 1 year
Alternative Fuel Vehicles Market - Forecast (2023 - 2028)
View More @ https://tinyurl.com/mrn9j8y
The Alternative Fuel Vehicles Market is estimated to surpass $892.57 billion mark by 2026 growing at an estimated CAGR of more than 12.9% during the forecast period 2021 to 2026. Alternative fuel vehicle market is witnessing fast growth due to various driving factors including the increasing stringent regulations issued by various regulatory bodies to control emissions. Alternative fuel vehicle refers to the vehicles that use substances other than traditional gas and diesel as their source of energy. These alternative sources include solar, biodiesel, compressed air, liquid natural gas and others. The alternative fuel vehicles facilitate convenience, enhanced energy security, improved performance an above all reduced fuel costs, thereby boosting its demand among various industries.
Report Coverage
The report: “Alternative Fuel Vehicles Market– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Alternative Fuel Vehicles Market.
By Type: Biodiesel, Ethanol, Methanol,  CNG,  LPG and Others
By Capacity: Passenger Vehicles, Light Commercial Vehicles and Heavy Commercial Vehicles
By Application: Transportation, Agricultural, Industrial, Warehouse/Logistics and Others
By Sales Channel: Online, Offline
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa).
Key Takeaways
shift towards clean transportation and the increased rate of depletion of oil and petroleum reserves globally will drive market adoption
Increasing usage and growth of alternative fuels in transportation is driven by the concern over the level of emissions from the use of fossil fuels.
Increasing oil prices, increasing dependence on foreign countries for oil as well the environmental benefits of alternative fuels have prompted the growth of alternative fuels
Alternative Fuel Vehicles Market Segment Analysis - By Type 
Alternative Fuel Vehicles are driven by the significant adoption of LPG in automotive sector. LPG is significantly used, particularly in light commercial vehicles market. As of 2019, Europe has over 15 million vehicles that are powered by Autogas (LPG) with over 46,000 refueling stations across various countries. Italy is the largest market for the LPG and other alternate fuel vehicles in Europe. In 2019, Italy has sold the highest number of natural gas vehicles in European market of about 37,406 and this market is not significantly impacted by the launch of the electric vehicle. In 2018, Eni SpA has announced that it will invest $7.71 billion in Italy for the next four years out of which $1.1 billion is towards green activities including the decarbonisation process such as R&D and so on. Such investments towards decarbonisation include reduced usage of conventional fuel vehicles and also the development and usage of alternate fuel vehicles. Therefore the increased investments due to the environmental impact in Italy and also the European region is boosting the alternative fuel vehicle market.
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factmrblog · 1 year
Carbon Dioxide in Europe: Projections and Opportunities 2022-2032
The Europe carbon dioxide market is estimated to increase from a valuation of US$ 383.6 million in 2022 to US$ 772.4 million by 2032-end, expanding at 7.2% CAGR over the decade.
The market is predicted to generate US$ 388.8 million in terms of absolute dollar opportunity during the forecast years (2022-2032).
High use of carbon dioxide for applications in end-use industries for performing therapies, surgeries, freezing, fire extinguishers, etc., is propelling market growth. Along with this, the development of novel technologies by manufacturers to capture carbon dioxide will also propel carbon dioxide market growth over the coming years.
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The readability score of the Europe carbon dioxide market Demand report is good as it offers chapter-wise layout with each section divided into a smaller sections.
The report encompasses graphs and tables to show the entire assembling. Pictorial demonstration of the definite and estimated values of key segments is visually appealing to readers. 
This Europe carbon dioxide market outlook report explicates on vital dynamics such as the drivers, restraints and opportunities for key players and competitive analysis of Europe carbon dioxide market along with key stakeholders as well as emerging players associated with the manufacturing of product.
The Key trends Analysis of Europe carbon dioxide market also provides dynamics that are responsible for influencing the future Sales and Demand of over the forecast period.
What differences can the Europe carbon dioxide market report make on the revenue impacts and strategies of businesses?
Fact.MR strives to provide comprehensive assessments of opportunities in various regions and technology segments. The study also offers an uncluttered data-driven insights into the growth avenues of the Europe carbon dioxide market and all its segments. Some of the ways the study can make a discernible impact are by offering evidence-based perspectives on:
Attractiveness quotient of emerging product/technology types in various products in the Europe carbon dioxide market.
Micro-economics factors that may hamper the prospects of some of the key segments
Recent spate of research and development (R&D) funding on key Europe carbon dioxide market
New business models paving way for disruptions in demand dynamic of key segments
Regional markets that will be future engine of growth and the industry trends that will support these markets
Challenges overcoming which may offer industry players competitive edge
Key Market Players
Air Liquide S.A.
The Linde Group
The Messer Group GmbH
AKER Carbon Capture
Eni S.p.A.
Northern Lights JV DA
Key Segments in Europe Carbon Dioxide Industry Research
Europe Carbon Dioxide Market by Production Method :
Europe Carbon Dioxide Market by Delivery Mode :
Europe Carbon Dioxide Market by End-use Industry :
Metal Manufacturing & Fabrication
Food & Beverages
Pulp & Paper
Oil & Gas
Other Industrial Uses
Europe Carbon Dioxide Market by Country :
Rest of Europe
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Questionnaire answered in the Market outlook Report of Europe carbon dioxide market include:
What is the key strategy deployed by large players to maximize Europe carbon dioxide market growth?
What are the main challenges faced by players in the Europe carbon dioxide market Demand?
With the advent of technological advancement, how will the Europe carbon dioxide market landscape change over the forecast period?
What does player bring to the table which is unique as a strategy, and is easy to emulate for new investors in the Europe carbon dioxide market size?
How will be insights and market estimations provided in the Fact.MR report on the Demand of Europe carbon dioxide make a difference?
The study takes a closer look at the major economic turmoil, with a focus on the recent COVID-19 pandemic disruptions
The assessment of key growth dynamics highlights the attractiveness of new automation technologies and offers readers insight on the prospect of these during the forecast period
The study tries to offer a balance perspective of the opportunities in mature and the most lackluster markets
Provides scrutiny of the industry trends that have shaped recent government policies
Provides an account of major breakthroughs in all segments that might change the course of the market considerably
Provides an incisive analysis of socio-political milieu in which the key markets operate, and how will that influence the lucrativeness of the overall Automated External Defibrillators Market
Analyzes how collaborations and partnerships among players from different industries shape the key growth dynamics in the near future
Evaluates the role of various stages of funding on new growth avenues in key regional markets 
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