#ruth gates wasnt in this film she was in a different one i watched today becasue thats the mood we r in
skyguyed · 3 years
okay i just finally finished seaspiracy and cried a lot because montages of animals suffering to sad music are my weakness
i know im a star wars blog but, thoughts below, discuss with me if you like
so ive been a vegetarian for like 13 years and yall this documentary was preaching to the choir here. I hope it makes some people consider how much their diet defaults to meat and fish and makes people consider their consumptive habits more. however I don’t know, like i have a lot of research left to do because a good few of the ocean experts i follow on social media have some criticism for this film. 
(in particular, how the film really didn’t try very hard to portray narratives from actual fishers and made a super stark good guy/bad guy dichotomy without exploring it fully; the film is really western-world centric in that honestly at least 1/3 of the world’s population relies on fishing for primary sustenance rather than going to a seafood restaurant for fun now and then; it had a pre-made conclusion and shaped its narrative accordingly; uses outdated scare-tactic statistics such as saying the ocean will be empty by 2048 when that statistic was made in 2006 and debunked in 2009??? or something???)
it sounds like a lot of western-vegan rhetoric to me which i’m like. I’m on their side because i can Choose my diet? And I already believe in not eating fish/meat in general which is incredibly privileged? But the film explored no alternatives other than some vague “plant-based protein” which, is that truly more sustainable...?? like how quinoa and almond milk and shit are actually worse than most locally sourced meat is, environmentally speaking.
also though i hate the idea of killing animals for food if we dont have to, but that’s just me. im not gonna try and guilt people out of the food they need to eat or like morally high ground people for their dietary situations.
i CAN however bitch for hours on end about the extent that americans, particularly men y’know? believe that meat is an essential dietary need for every day, every MEAL even. I am living proof that isn’t true and i think that most people in my country can do with significantly reducing their meat consumption in general.
anyway seaspiracy.
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