#ruti is so fucking fun/funny for me and i dont get to talk much about it because the only person with full context is My Mom
heya, pax! how are you? idk if it's possible to talk about this specific character without spoilers, so. . . i'd love to hear facts regarding ruti!
i just saw the 'rotten little man' post you reblogged and i remember ruti embodying 'cat pushes things off a surface' energy, lmao.
either way, hoping things will get better for you! and take care and wishing for you to stay safe. :3 - 🔮⛈
hi enchant!! im doin good!! and thank u for the well wishes, im sending the good vibes right back at ya!! <3<3<3
ruti absolutely embodies that energy of a cat, and i can delve into at least part of that without terrible spoilers, but he has decided to become one of my favorite side characters in echoseers so theres even more behind the cut <3
the biggest things that stand out about ruti:
- he's the cityheir of aree. its His Parents that are being overthrown in firebreathers
- he's ALSO the subject of gab's one-sided rivalry in the aree circus-theater because the citylord wants his boy to be the spotlight if he's gonna be an acrobat, and absolutely has bribed the ringleader several times to give ruti the lead
- ruti was not aware of the above and because gab is Professional he literally just thinks gab is his buddy.
- those two are just the perfect amount of similar catty mean-girl energy to absolutely hate each other given the opportunity
- aka when gab finally Snaps they are at each other's throats in the most petty way possible. this is where the line "Do these look chipped to you? Asshole?" *waving manicure in face* comes from
but for my favorite things about ruti........... we must dive into Spoilers. purposefully a bit vague so theres no huge things, but behind the cut nonetheless <3
SO. ruti palm. my new favorite Bastard.
turns out he was doing his damnedest to get his dad to listen to the rebellion before they got their shit rocked, and wholeheartedly agrees with the rebels. mans was literally working at the theater that whole goddamn time, he knows what the people think and care about and he's been made to care too. his dad's just a stubborn asshole
also when he wasn't in aree?? when he was in impalfahr for half the year on political business with his parents?? yeah that time??
he was being trained in espionage. BY ACTAEA. AT XAVI'S SIDE.
he then uses said training to rock her shit in return, albeit because he's paired with the Idiots Who Stumbled Into World-Saving Importance (aka gab + andy + ros) it does end up being entirely ineffective. but also xavi's kinda like an older brother to him, but also xavi Betrayed Him and he's still trying to grapple with that whole deal.
he's fully capable of sneaking up on and spying on the eternals, and has done it, and does it before the readers learn this about him. he also openly admits to breaking into tieling's office to burn a proposal his dad put forth to take back aree. because he's that ballsy.
also also: the one-sidedness of gab's rivalry? made all the clearer when ruti's like "YOU WERE LITERALLY THE ONLY PERSON WHO I THOUGHT EVEN MAYBE LIKED ME, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND???" because.......... he literally just realized his Only Friend hates his guts.
yeah. that part made me sad for him. which i was not expecting ever to do.
ruti genuinely wants to be a good dude, he's just also super vain and was raised in a monarchy that told him he was The Most Specialest Boy (except his grandparents, thats a whole other homophobia deal thats left vague even in-book) and so he forgets to turn that whole line of thinking off sometimes.
still a lil bit of a dick but gab's also a dick and we love him for it so. yeah
i dont stan ruti but i Understand ruti. and i have absolutely laid the groundwork for him to come back up in later books after the Glittergale arc and we'll get to see him as a well-adjusted common man into some nefarious side gigs beyond his small theater troupe. and i am so excited for that
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