royalrpg · 4 years
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The last few months have been stockpiled with real life responsibilities and other things which have kept our attention away from writing and our RP - but the good news is, we’re still here, alive and kicking!
We know that being busy won’t suddenly stop with countries around the world reopening and “work from home” becoming simply work again, but we want to bring back some regularity, and that begins with regular activity and regular activity checks. 
To start this off, we will write to all of you via asks/inbox, and ask you to confirm that you are staying with us - we would like you to reply to our messages by July 31st, 8pm EST, which would give everyone 2 weeks to come online. If you have multiple celebs, please remember to let us know if you are planning to keep them all, or, if not, whom you would be dropping.
Starting August 14th, activity checks will happen bi-monthly for now, and removals will happen, when someone hasn’t been around in 2 weeks without messaging the main about a hiatus or otherwise.
We will keep you informed about other changes and updates that will happen in our RP.
- The Admin Team; Maria, Lizzie & Jester
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royal-hes-blog · 7 years
What the fuck is wrong with you? Just stay our of Royalrp if you don't want to be there why do you do this? Just fuck off.
i was in royalrpg for eighteen months. it’s not like i was a new member who did know the players, the mods and the celebs on a personal level; so everything that i’m saying is being said because people deserve to know how toxic this environment is.
people NEED to see how rampant excuses are made for domestic violence and sexual assault perpetrators, especially in the RP community.
since i’ve left the group, myself and another ex-member have been victim blamed for being triggered by the celeb in question and their actions, both by the mods of the group, the player, AND several other royal rpg players.
The players in question have started to follow our blogs for other groups - meaning that there is no safe space for us.
anyway, i’m sure i know who this is & thank you for showing more of your true colours.
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royalrpg · 4 years
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How are you all doing? How are you holding up? Another busy, busy real life week for us three mods, but I hope you have spotted Ms Lizzie’s glorious return? I’ve missed her on dash, and I’m happy she’s back, and sprucing up our main, too.
I’ll try and update our town’s businesses and shops a little this weekend, I feel like some things need to be added - keep an eye out for it!
Other than that I hope you have a great start into the weekend, I’ll be around and I’m ready to love on you (and finally catch up with my replies).
- Maria
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royalrpg · 4 years
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To make it even easier to communicate with each other, especially when most of us are back on the move, we’ve set up a ROYAL DISCORD GROUP for our players! If you’d like to join the group, send a quick message to the main, and we’ll get you added in.
- The Admin Team
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royalrpg · 4 years
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"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It's little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." - Stitch
Hello Royals!
I know times have been tough for all kinds of different reasons, and RPing has been the last thing on everyone’s minds, understandably so. But, even if the dash is a little slow right now, just know that you are part of a group, our family, and we’re all here for you and for each other no matter what. If you need a break or hiatus, just tell us and we’ll put you on the list; if you want someone to write with, reach out and we’ll pick it up; if you need to vent and someone to listen, we will. 
We’re a little family, and I love it, and you, for it so much.
I hope you have a great day, and I’ll see you online!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 4 years
Friday Thoughts
Hello Royals,
I know things have been slow around the Main Blog and the dash lately, with both mods and members busy with real life, especially in this rather strange situation lately - but I wanted to reassure you that we’re here, happy to plot and write with you - and I love seeing you come online to join in and have a bit of fun.
I hope you have a great start into the weekend, and I’ll see you around on dash,
- Maria
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royalrpg · 4 years
Happy Thursday, Royals!
With everything that has been going on in this world, and consequently in our private lives, been quiet around this RP, but we’re still here, alive and kicking! We love seeing you pop up on dash, and have fun, and we love, when you check in, and leave cute little messages for us to read. Thank you for them, we appreciate them a lot! <3
Have a great day, everyone - we’ll see you on dash!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 4 years
Just a little PSA
I think it goes without saying, but if you are having a tough time, don’t fret over writing - we’re here for you and we’ll be here, whenever you feel like being around. Lizzie, Jester and I can understand where you’re coming from quite well, especially our Lizzie who’s been working from home for almost 2 months now. After 3 weeks of being alone, even I’ve felt less than inclined to write these past days, and just now come back to wanting to sit down and enjoy diving back into the RP world. It happens, it’s normal given the different kind of conditions we have to live with right now, and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible in this situation, no matter what that looks like for you.
So, if you need a break, take as long as you need. Write to us, or in the OOC, and we’ll know. Needless to say that there isn’t going to be any activity checks going on till at least the end of the month, given that we don’t know, how things are going to develop. 
You’re loved and cherished and welcome in our little town anytime, we’re a family, and we’re watching out for one another.
- Maria
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royalrpg · 5 years
Hello everyone!
We hope you and your loved ones are all doing well, are healthy, and doing all you can to stay that way. If you have to work (for various reasons some can’t just take 2 weeks off), please stay safe, Royals. Also, thank you so, so much to everyone doing their part in Real Life - all jobs are vital, and we need and appreciate all of you.
Have a good start into the weekend - if you need us, we’re here for you! We mods are thinking of you.
- Maria
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royalrpg · 4 years
how is royal currently handling the virus outbreak? is it being spoken about, are things going on as normal? are you mentioning it or are you not?
Hello dear,
after long discussions between us mods early on - Lizzie was affected first, and probably the longest, being in China - we decided to keep things as loosely, but yet realistic, as possible. We don’t ignore what is happening, but at the same time, we give everyone the freedom to incorporate the pandemic and quarantine into their writing, or not mention it at all. Here, members talk a lot with each other, when it comes to plotting and conversing, which made it easy to communicate one’s wishes to someone else. 
On top of us giving everyone the means to write as freely as possible, we eased our activity restrictions for everyone, since our members and us mods are often quite busy in real life (now more so than ever, at times) and this whole situation has definitely made and left an impact on everyone’s life and mental health. We also used events which could be written about with and without regards to the pandemic. 
I hope this answers your question!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 5 years
Good morning, everyone!
Just a quick information for you this morning - we know that some of you have struggled badly with the new Tumblr Beta Update that was thrust upon us with the result that xKit hasn’t been functioning properly, or at all, anymore. The xKit team has been trying to remedy the situation, and get their programme back up and running, but in the meantime, xKit and Tumblr have come together:
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This is the above link.
I hope this’ll make your RP experience more complete again, and ease up on all the mishaps that have been happening lately!
Have a great Wednesday!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 5 years
As we leave 2019 behind...
We want to say thank you!
Thank you to all of you amazing people out there who are part of our group, who make this place amazing and fun, and such an awesome little home online for all of us. 
Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to be here. We all know how difficult it can be with real life responsibilities piling on, jobs and/or school, families, etc. We appreciate every time you come here, be it daily, weekly, or only once in a while - we love having you here in any way you can give us. 
Thank you for all your ideas, for your input, for your love for our little town, for your ways to make it even better, for all the plots and stories and for all developments we encounter on dash every day. 
Thank you, most of all, for believing in us and in our RP, and for being part of our online family. Without you we wouldn’t be here. 
We love you!
Happy New Year, Maria, Lizzie & Jester
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royalrpg · 5 years
Welcome to a New Decade, Royals!
I know that for most of 2019, while there have been many event posts, and general posts out there, mod posts have been quite rare on our main blog - which has both to do with us mods being busy as well as us perhaps being a little lax ourselves, whenever we can be online (we do love our RPing time with you a little too much!). But I feel that we owe it to our RP, as much as it is for the busy writers amongst the RPC, as well as our members, to show that we’re present and active, and most of all, there for you. 
It is why I want to make it a habit of writing you little notes again - daily hopefully - and post them on main, so you can catch up with the important things in town, and with us mods, whenever you should need us. Of course, there’s going to be more events coming, and projects, and fun little things in between, too! And, we’ll also start making a list of your wanted connections, and of the names of those celebs you would love to see in town more, so we can make specified ads for our RP.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone, and see you on dash in a bit!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 5 years
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And we all missed it due to being freakishly busy in real life... Ooooh boy! 😅
HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY, ROYAL RPG, and many happy returns to all of you Royals who have been here since the beginning or returned or joined us along the way. It’s been a great ride so far, and it continues to be an amazing experience writing with all of you - building a town, a safe haven and a family, throwing events, opening shops and bars, going on holidays, finding friendships for life, falling in love, getting together, breaking up, getting married, learning from you and with you along the way and many more brilliant moments we’ve had together so far. 
We’ve grown up alongside you, and we’ve built this incredible community we are thankful for every day, because it’s here, when we need it, and we can return the favour and be there, when you need it, too - in character and in real life. We’ve gained family and friends, we’ve found our little place online to come home to, and that is one of the best feelings in the world.
Thank you for all the fun and the laughs, and the many, many ideas you threw and keep throwing our way to make our little town of Royal even better!
- Maria, Lizzie & Jester
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royalrpg · 5 years
Just a little PSA...
Hello you! Yes, you! :D
I know and understand that, if you look on our dash, our lovely RP feels a little quiet and slow at times, but we’re an RP which specifically looks out for people busy in real life, who don’t want to give up on doing what they love, which is writing, creating, plotting and loving on each other by all means possible. It’s why we’re so laid-back about activity, about breaks and hiatuses, or reduced activity, which means our members are around, when they can make the time and not worry about a thing. All of our members are wonderful writers, who love to share their love for their celebs and make you fall in love with them, too - and they’re friendly and open to anyone who comes to write with us.
So, please, don’t be disappointed by the number of replies or put off by a little quietude on dash, I can promise you there’s always someone lurking around, even if they’re not fully visible. Just reach out and talk to them, they’ll happily gif chat and plot and para with you.
That being said, please know that we won’t do activity during the holidays, because we know that everyone will be busy one way or another. Come in, when you can, and we’ll have ourselves a happy, exciting Christmas in Royal. 
Love you all, happy holidays!
- Maria
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royalrpg · 5 years
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Dear Royals,
I just wanted to give a quick thank you to all of our members who come here and make this place the fun, incredible, happy place that it is - no matter how busy I am, whenever I come online, I’m left with a smile on my face due to the interactions, the friendships, the obvious love between celebs (and their members!), the events that bring out the best - and the funniest - in all of us... And it’s all down to you!
Thank you so much for choosing us, and being with us, and being part of the most incredible family! <3
- Maria
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