#ryochi answer
crimson-airin · 4 years
Random fact
Ryochi want Jack to carry her on his shoulder and run across Savanaclaw's field since asking him to use his unique magic to do that gonna be too much. She think it gonna be fun-
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theoriginalsfan124 · 7 years
Her story and the make up
Pairing: Noel x Caroline
Gendre: angst,fluff
Warning ⚠️: the fic contains mentions of suicide, depression and anxiety,please if you get triggered easily read on your own risk.
There are a lot of words Noel could use to describe Caroline, a lot of those words would conflict with one another. He met a lot of women though his career and life, women that approach him,women that stayed behind, the shy ones, the confident ones, the neutral ones and everything in between. But none of them were like Caroline. She was different,unique, he wasn’t sure why. Maybe to some people she appeared like everyone else,but to him she was close to perfect.
He didn’t really register how the brake up happened. It happened way to fast for him. It looked like one second they we’re dating and the next she had already blocked him,not leaving a trace behind. To say he was devastated wouldn’t even say how he was feeling. He tried everything; going to her apartment ,but no one answered, going to her work only to learn that she’s taking a vacation, he tried asking Grace,but she didn’t answer though her eyes seeemed like they wanted an explanation but he knew she most likely promised Caroline not to say anything. He wanted to explain himself, to ask her for her forgiveness, because after all she was the only woman that Noel has loved so much in his life.
It didn’t take long for the guys to find out,after all Grace probably told Yuzuki what happened the same day it happened. They didn’t judge him nor Caroline,because they didn’t really know the story of what really went down. He figured out his now ex lover didn’t tell them, so he stayed quiet himself. Every time for the past two weeks they’ve been broke up whenever Mirai invited him to the VIP room and he would say he was gonna be there she didn’t show up. But almost everytime he said he wouldn’t come she came. He knew she was propursly avoiding him. But this time he said he wasn’t going to show up but in reality he was going to, he wanted to meet her.
His steps were steady and fast,striving forward his mind was blank. As soon as he got to the door he heard the mention of her name. He stood there frozen,hand on the door handle for a good minute. Swallowing his nervousness he entered the room quietly and closed the door behind him,nobody seemed to notice him since they were looking at Grace with concern written on they’re faces,so he stayed out and listened.
“Are you sure?” By the way Yuzuki asked this Noel could tell that whatever they were talking about must be very serious.
Grace nodded “Yes I’m sure that Caroline has depression.”
At this saying Noel felt his head spinning and his legs seemed like jelly. He never knew nor suspected it.
“How-why-I-“ Ryochi tried to ask her but he keeped losing his voice.
“I’m not sure when it started,or how it started. I do know that she has this sort of episodes where one minute she feels fine and the next she’s completely closed off in her room,not speaking nor eating nor sleeping. Maybe she’ll feel fine for a moth,week but then it crashes down ten times worse than before.” Grace words were filled with concern,her voice shaky.
Yuzuki noticed that so he held her hand to smooth her.
“She... her childhood wasn’t the best neither were her teen years. Her own biological mother loved Yurika more than her own biological daughter,so there’s nothing to speak about her stepmother. They weren’t abusive physically,no. They were abusive in a different way, verbally and neglectevly. She was never enough for them, never good, never like Yurika. Even when she was little they always used to take Yurika with them wherever they left and left Caroline with her babysitter. Runa, after she moved out with Glenn and Amanda. You see all of them are siblings with Runa being the oldest and they lived across the street in the other apartment complex. They kind of ‘adopted’ her, they became her family, the true one. She loves them. She sees Runa as a mother figure, Glenn as an older brother and Amanda as an older sister, after all she’s been through they never left her side, they always support her. So naturally she always was at they’re place. But her heart always longed for a mother, a father, that’s why she isn’t able to cut ties off completely with her mom. All of that built up into this whole bubble that bursted and shattered her. She became this shell of a human, barely sleeping,eating. She knows and knew how to put on the mask that she was fine,that everything is fine,that’s all she knew all her life. But that, that didn’t make things better and gradualately matters became worse and worse.” Graces voice was so shaky and her eyes were filled with tears.
“Did she-has she ever-“ Chihaya tried to ask but couldn’t find the right words.
“Tried to take her own life?” Grace asked breathily. “Yes. She did. Glenn and Amanda found her before it was too late. Her mother works in the hospital she was brought to and somehow covered the whole thing up so that is not in her file. Kim covered it up not because she was concerned with Caroline,no, because she was ashamed.” Tears were now streaming down her face freely.
It was quiet, all of them seemed to be thinking,processing the information they just got. Noel was still frozen in his place, his heart hurting because he never noticed, why didn’t he notice.
“Glenn and Amanda weren’t the richest of people, Runa wasn’t either. But they tried to help her the best they could, they saved up money and tried to get her to go to a therapist, but she refused. I guess she didn’t want to use their money, I mean her own mother didn’t see the point to why should they. That’s what she thought. Glenn, Amanda and Runa were her save heaven, I and Fuko became her safe heaven too. I was suprised how fast she became friends with you all. Noel...Noel became her safest heaven here, I think. But she lost him.” Grace got quiet, voice shaky,hot tears still streaming down.
“ I was sitting in my room that night and I heard a loud crash, I guess Fuko heard it too, since both of us came rushing out of our rooms at the same time, we ran to Caroline’s room and burst her door open, to see that the crash was because she threw her phone at the wall and shattered it. The moment we entered she just fell to the floor curling up into a little ball and sobbing uncontrollably. We didn’t register how fast we were at her side, smoothing her and hugging her too trying to comfort her. The reason she broke up with Noel wasn’t because he didn’t tell her about the article, or if he called her a child, it was because she thought she wasn’t enough, that she’s not enough.”
“What?” Noel couldn’t help the words that escaped his mouth.
All of their head wiped in his direction.
“Noel you weren’t supposed to-“ Grace couldn’t even finish her sentence because Noel was already out the door practically sprinting to his car.
He drove to Caroline’s place in no time, he got out locking his car behind him quickly and running up the stairs to her apartment. He knocked on the door and as soon as it opened he got in completely ignoring Fuko and rushed to Caroline’s room.
He bursted though the door and saw her there sitting on her bed, pijamas on, hair messy. She had her legs brought next to her chest, her head lying down on her legs. He waisted no time rushing to her side and bringing her to his warm embrace. He was sure he was shaking, maybe even crying a bit, he didn’t really know. He felt her put her head in his chest and starting shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. He just held her.
“Please-please don’t leave me” Caroline managed to choke out.
“Never. Never under any circumstances will I leave you, you’re the most important person in my life. I love you Caroline, nothing will change that. Please love, don’t you ever dare to think that you’re not enough, you are more than enough. Don’t ever be afraid to speak out how you feel, don’t be afraid to get help.” He spoke still holding her strongly. “Fuck your mom, fuck your stepmother and fuck your father. They don’t deserve you, none of them. You’re too good for them. You’re amazing, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re everything they are not, and you’re more than enough for me frankly I don’t know if I deserve you.I love you, don’t ever doubt that”
She rapped her arms tightly around Noels waist, she was afraid of letting him go. And he no doubt was afraid of letting her go. They stayed like this for a long period of time. Noel was already thinking of all the possible help he could give to Caroline. He was going to get her help, she needed it. He didn’t want to lose her, especially not to herself. He wanted her to live, to heal, even if it takes years he’ll be there with her in every step of the way.
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crimson-airin · 4 years
🖊 For Ryochi!!
Random fact!
Ryochi tend to speak out differently than what she thinks in her head! This is because Ryochi have a habit of playing male roles. She never notice that she just throw flirty gentleman words or play a prince charming roles to someone even if all she want to say is a simple "hi!"
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