#ask ryochi
yusix13 · 1 year
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When I look at Shinya Rachi's photos, my heart starts to throb. At first glance, the composition looks lyrical, but if you look closely, it is cruel and delicate to the point of self-punishment. What is "taboo"? He asks us like a monologue. When I asked Ryochi for this photo at his solo exhibition, he shyly said, "Thank you."
Shinya Rachi
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crimson-airin · 4 years
What Ryochi would think of my girls? 👀 ( Now is Ryochi turn xd)
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Riona Elain
She has good eyes for people. So, feeling the fighter aura Riona has and finding out she is in the Fencing club make Ryochi become eager to get to know her! A spar to test her skill! Especially since Ryochi feel like she's getting rusty since she haven't been practicing much after arriving at NRC.
Ryochi didn't trust her sense of style for feminine look since she's so used to wearing androgynous or male attire so maybe Riona can design smth for her?💖
Her eyes is the major attraction. Ryochi found it so unique that her eyes has split color! Knowing that she likes singing and playing instrument will make Ryochi tries to converse with her slowly. Maybe Ryo can learn smth new from her senior!
Alina has fang? She's intrigued! Ryochi may appear mature at times but she still have the heart of a child! She's curious of fantasy and wonders if things like vampire, ghost etc does exist? Ever since in TW she's experiencing it all so she may come off more excited when she notice her having fang!
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diana-wisteria · 4 years
Since Diana and Ryochi is both Ramshackle, what would she think of her? Can they be friend-👉👈
🌌[ Diana & Ryochi ]🌌
"Ryochi...Hm... To be honest I don't know much about her. Could be possible that I might saw her around few times but I can't say much about our relationship. But I would love to meet here!"
[A/N: I would love to let Diana become friends with Ryochi!♡]
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eophisxskies · 4 years
If you're still taking request, can i request my oc Ryochi? Her reference is in my tumblr! 👀💕Thank you in advance!
Indeed I am! Here is your OC:
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I enjoyed colouring her hair! I find the colours compliment each other well, and no problem! 💕✨
Guys requests for Twisted Wonderland and Obey Me characters and OCs are always open! Tho remember to read the rules!
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danderechansworld · 4 years
Happy Halloween everyone I hope you guys are having a good time even though this pandemic is still ongoing.
Btw, here is another MC SQUAD picture that I drew!
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So I hope you guys like it.
@nobarahime = Halina Saintilet
@pearlwhitecats = Nahime-chan
@akemiozawa = Charlie-san
@minteasketches = Max Carter
@anunluckyrabbit = Yuuki-chan
@ask-prefect-reinna-ravenclaw = Reinna Ravenclaw
@airin-queenz = Kagahime Ryochi
@danderechansworld = Emiko Sato ~Me!
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"Raven-san, i may or may not has fall for your cuteness by staring from afar. Please let me cuddle you!" -Ryochi
***art by loliya-art.***
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“It is nice to meet you, Ryochi-san.”
“Uwawawah...!! You have fallen?! Let me help you up...!”
“Eh? That’s not what you meant? Ehhhhh? Now you are asking for cuddles? H-Honestly...humans can be so strange at times!”
“If you are so insistent...I suppose you can lean on me while I pen my latest story, ‘The Potato and the Tomato’. Will that suffice?”
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otome-mochi · 6 years
Getaway gone wrong!? Otome Review: Seduced in the Sleepless City Special story: Castaways
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Alright all I have returned with another special story from voltage, Woo! 
I feel like they’re trying to find many ways of getting new players and keep old players on the Love:365 app with all these promotional stories and I’m loving it! I mean hey more to review right? If your interested in this story or the other two new ones, they are 0 coins for a limited time until august 13th Japan standard time. 
 Anyway, the story starts off MC on the Urban Kobe Casino’s luxury cruise which is heading for a tropical Island, more specifically Satsuki’s. However MC isn’t just here for fun and games, she’s here to report on the journey and to get some interviews and ends up running into Yuzuki, who MC asks about him being ready for a swimsuit photo shoot…
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Okay then Hahahaha! 0///0
Anyway…MC says any article on the celebrities (Yuzuki) in Cinderella (The magazine she works for) was very popular and that the photo shoot pictures will be with the article on the cruise ship. Before Yuzuki can gloat his confidence about that, there seemed to be an uninvited guest in his bag and his dog Ralph pops out which catches the attention of the other guys (I’m going to assume they were nearby, unless Ralph’s bark is that powerful… ♡ ( ̄З ̄)  Ralph you just stay fluffy. ) This sparks a whole conversation between the guys while MC goes off to finish her work because we all know she’s ready for a vacation!… 
 。゚(TヮT)゚。 Wish I had a vacation…
Moving On! The ship sets sail! MC is still going strong with her interviews but she feels uneasy as the water is feeling choppy, She finds Satsuki and Ryochi and asks them is they can feel it only to find out a storm is fast approaching…come on weather people you had one job!
The captain is having trouble steering and the ship is going DOWN!!! After reaching the life boats they all try to get to safety only for… a wave to crash over them… and poor MC gets sucked out of the boat by the water and loses consciousness, which starts our story!
Now then… I’ve gone over the prologue, let’s talk about the stories themselves. There are 6 different stories for the 6 characters and they all have 3 episodes each all about MC and whatever guy was chosen now washed up on the shore of a deserted island and what they do to survive in the mean time until rescued. 
Let’s go over some pros and cons with reading this story
1. If you never read any part of SITSC/SSC you might feel a little lost in the characters personalities themselves but if you have read at least on character’s main story then you should have some background on the others…unless you read them all if so, you my friend are well prepared. 
2. Leading up to the crash there was no indication of MC being in a relationship with any of the guys. It basically went like this: 
MC works…keeps working…sees guys…boat troubles…boat crash! then guy of your choice….
“Oh hey I’m with my girlfriend/wife”
Wait what!? When did this happen!? I need background! 
Reader: But Mochi you could just use some reasoning…
I know that! I felt like I got sucked into a relationship… at least tell me so I can prepare my heart! T_T 
I just wanted to know if this was after main story or epilogue or any other portion leading up to this point. I was lost…
3. With these slight “Issues” the stories are bite sized so it’s not like a long main story where you need to sit and have a notepad prepared to remember all the clues but the sweet little moments are great to savor. despite confusion I don’t think this was meant to be a whole story line but a whole castaway story does sound nice…(Voltage you listening?)  anyway they seem perfect for a little game break.
4. Once again the art is fantastic! Voltage you really do amaze me every time! Not only the character CG but the scenery of the island is beautiful! 
Overall It’s a cute little slice of romance to be enjoyed and if your interested give it a try!
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Come on we all know this feeling. 
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theoriginalsfan124 · 7 years
Her story and the make up
Pairing: Noel x Caroline
Gendre: angst,fluff
Warning ⚠️: the fic contains mentions of suicide, depression and anxiety,please if you get triggered easily read on your own risk.
There are a lot of words Noel could use to describe Caroline, a lot of those words would conflict with one another. He met a lot of women though his career and life, women that approach him,women that stayed behind, the shy ones, the confident ones, the neutral ones and everything in between. But none of them were like Caroline. She was different,unique, he wasn’t sure why. Maybe to some people she appeared like everyone else,but to him she was close to perfect.
He didn’t really register how the brake up happened. It happened way to fast for him. It looked like one second they we’re dating and the next she had already blocked him,not leaving a trace behind. To say he was devastated wouldn’t even say how he was feeling. He tried everything; going to her apartment ,but no one answered, going to her work only to learn that she’s taking a vacation, he tried asking Grace,but she didn’t answer though her eyes seeemed like they wanted an explanation but he knew she most likely promised Caroline not to say anything. He wanted to explain himself, to ask her for her forgiveness, because after all she was the only woman that Noel has loved so much in his life.
It didn’t take long for the guys to find out,after all Grace probably told Yuzuki what happened the same day it happened. They didn’t judge him nor Caroline,because they didn’t really know the story of what really went down. He figured out his now ex lover didn’t tell them, so he stayed quiet himself. Every time for the past two weeks they’ve been broke up whenever Mirai invited him to the VIP room and he would say he was gonna be there she didn’t show up. But almost everytime he said he wouldn’t come she came. He knew she was propursly avoiding him. But this time he said he wasn’t going to show up but in reality he was going to, he wanted to meet her.
His steps were steady and fast,striving forward his mind was blank. As soon as he got to the door he heard the mention of her name. He stood there frozen,hand on the door handle for a good minute. Swallowing his nervousness he entered the room quietly and closed the door behind him,nobody seemed to notice him since they were looking at Grace with concern written on they’re faces,so he stayed out and listened.
“Are you sure?” By the way Yuzuki asked this Noel could tell that whatever they were talking about must be very serious.
Grace nodded “Yes I’m sure that Caroline has depression.”
At this saying Noel felt his head spinning and his legs seemed like jelly. He never knew nor suspected it.
“How-why-I-“ Ryochi tried to ask her but he keeped losing his voice.
“I’m not sure when it started,or how it started. I do know that she has this sort of episodes where one minute she feels fine and the next she’s completely closed off in her room,not speaking nor eating nor sleeping. Maybe she’ll feel fine for a moth,week but then it crashes down ten times worse than before.” Grace words were filled with concern,her voice shaky.
Yuzuki noticed that so he held her hand to smooth her.
“She... her childhood wasn’t the best neither were her teen years. Her own biological mother loved Yurika more than her own biological daughter,so there’s nothing to speak about her stepmother. They weren’t abusive physically,no. They were abusive in a different way, verbally and neglectevly. She was never enough for them, never good, never like Yurika. Even when she was little they always used to take Yurika with them wherever they left and left Caroline with her babysitter. Runa, after she moved out with Glenn and Amanda. You see all of them are siblings with Runa being the oldest and they lived across the street in the other apartment complex. They kind of ‘adopted’ her, they became her family, the true one. She loves them. She sees Runa as a mother figure, Glenn as an older brother and Amanda as an older sister, after all she’s been through they never left her side, they always support her. So naturally she always was at they’re place. But her heart always longed for a mother, a father, that’s why she isn’t able to cut ties off completely with her mom. All of that built up into this whole bubble that bursted and shattered her. She became this shell of a human, barely sleeping,eating. She knows and knew how to put on the mask that she was fine,that everything is fine,that’s all she knew all her life. But that, that didn’t make things better and gradualately matters became worse and worse.” Graces voice was so shaky and her eyes were filled with tears.
“Did she-has she ever-“ Chihaya tried to ask but couldn’t find the right words.
“Tried to take her own life?” Grace asked breathily. “Yes. She did. Glenn and Amanda found her before it was too late. Her mother works in the hospital she was brought to and somehow covered the whole thing up so that is not in her file. Kim covered it up not because she was concerned with Caroline,no, because she was ashamed.” Tears were now streaming down her face freely.
It was quiet, all of them seemed to be thinking,processing the information they just got. Noel was still frozen in his place, his heart hurting because he never noticed, why didn’t he notice.
“Glenn and Amanda weren’t the richest of people, Runa wasn’t either. But they tried to help her the best they could, they saved up money and tried to get her to go to a therapist, but she refused. I guess she didn’t want to use their money, I mean her own mother didn’t see the point to why should they. That’s what she thought. Glenn, Amanda and Runa were her save heaven, I and Fuko became her safe heaven too. I was suprised how fast she became friends with you all. Noel...Noel became her safest heaven here, I think. But she lost him.” Grace got quiet, voice shaky,hot tears still streaming down.
“ I was sitting in my room that night and I heard a loud crash, I guess Fuko heard it too, since both of us came rushing out of our rooms at the same time, we ran to Caroline’s room and burst her door open, to see that the crash was because she threw her phone at the wall and shattered it. The moment we entered she just fell to the floor curling up into a little ball and sobbing uncontrollably. We didn’t register how fast we were at her side, smoothing her and hugging her too trying to comfort her. The reason she broke up with Noel wasn’t because he didn’t tell her about the article, or if he called her a child, it was because she thought she wasn’t enough, that she’s not enough.”
“What?” Noel couldn’t help the words that escaped his mouth.
All of their head wiped in his direction.
“Noel you weren’t supposed to-“ Grace couldn’t even finish her sentence because Noel was already out the door practically sprinting to his car.
He drove to Caroline’s place in no time, he got out locking his car behind him quickly and running up the stairs to her apartment. He knocked on the door and as soon as it opened he got in completely ignoring Fuko and rushed to Caroline’s room.
He bursted though the door and saw her there sitting on her bed, pijamas on, hair messy. She had her legs brought next to her chest, her head lying down on her legs. He waisted no time rushing to her side and bringing her to his warm embrace. He was sure he was shaking, maybe even crying a bit, he didn’t really know. He felt her put her head in his chest and starting shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. He just held her.
“Please-please don’t leave me” Caroline managed to choke out.
“Never. Never under any circumstances will I leave you, you’re the most important person in my life. I love you Caroline, nothing will change that. Please love, don’t you ever dare to think that you’re not enough, you are more than enough. Don’t ever be afraid to speak out how you feel, don’t be afraid to get help.” He spoke still holding her strongly. “Fuck your mom, fuck your stepmother and fuck your father. They don’t deserve you, none of them. You’re too good for them. You’re amazing, you’re smart, you’re beautiful, you’re everything they are not, and you’re more than enough for me frankly I don’t know if I deserve you.I love you, don’t ever doubt that”
She rapped her arms tightly around Noels waist, she was afraid of letting him go. And he no doubt was afraid of letting her go. They stayed like this for a long period of time. Noel was already thinking of all the possible help he could give to Caroline. He was going to get her help, she needed it. He didn’t want to lose her, especially not to herself. He wanted her to live, to heal, even if it takes years he’ll be there with her in every step of the way.
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crimson-airin · 4 years
What does Ryochi think Kritanta? The small Captain
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"Where does she get her scars? What adventure has she gone through? How big of the world has she witness with her eyes?" Ryochi want to ask so many thing upon seeing her!
Sword fighting! Ryochi want to see it. It surely different than her usual fencing, more wild even! Ryochi would love if she can demostrate. The walking on water intrigued her! "Was it magic? Or was she special? How does someone able to walk on water?"
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crimson-airin · 4 years
🖊 For Ryochi!!
Random fact!
Ryochi tend to speak out differently than what she thinks in her head! This is because Ryochi have a habit of playing male roles. She never notice that she just throw flirty gentleman words or play a prince charming roles to someone even if all she want to say is a simple "hi!"
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crimson-airin · 4 years
girl-in-the-tower: 🦑⚘ or 🦐💋?
Characters: Ryochi Kagamine, Azul Ashengrotto Warning! theme: Angst(?), heartbroken
I don't know why i get a sad end story for Azul🗿 im sorry Azul. This is more like a AU kinda so yea hehe i hope u enjoy it?
“Well, well…how unfortunate. It seems that you’re all alone at this table, Miss Kagamine” A formal tone of a familiar male’s voice calls out behind her. Ryochi turns around to greet her friend “Hello to you too, Azul.” The silvernette chuckles at her informal reply. Ryochi takes the moment to notice how sharp her friend looks tonight, dressed in a beautiful silver and black suit which is a contrast to her light gold gown. Her eyes soften as she feels a smile creep on her face ‘You look far better than before the incident…’ (Refers to chapter 3)
“I imagine by now you’ll be cozying up to the noble group of the ladies or the gentlemen over there” She gestures with a wave of a hand before lifting her glass to her lip, her eyes glancing to Azul “To promote Monstro Lounge as per usual. What changes your interest?”
Azul moves closer to her side to speak but the MC’s voice echoes through the speaker. The man smiles as he greets the audience “Well, my dearest ladies and gentlemen. It’s the time of the night! I’d like to invite each of our gentlemen to invite the ladies to dance the King and Queen’s waltz.”
The moment the music starts, Azul flashes a smile as he lowers his head, arm extended “Well, my dear angelfish, I’m here to ask if you’ll honor me with a dance, of course,” Ryochi laughs as she grabs his hand “I’d never imagined there’s a day you’ll ask me for a dance. Are you trying to swoon me into a deal?” Azul shakes his head in response “Never, my dear, I’m simply wishing to dance with you.” He whispers to her ear as they slowly make their way to the center of the dancefloor.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me…” he mutters with a light tinge of blush on his cheeks as he places his arm on her side with one holding her hand. Ryochi leans forward with a smile “Early warning, my friend. Its been a while since I last danced.” She whispers “Don’t regret it”
“Don’t worry, angelfish. Take my hand and I’ll take the lead.” He whispers a reply. Locking eyes, their feet moved back and forth to match the step of the harmony. Lost in the beautiful music as they dance in a circle, in each other’s embrace. Before they know it, both are lost in each other’s eyes with a smile on their face. Their leg’s pace match as they both get comfortable with each other, the step becomes faster and lively as they dance in a circle, almost conquering the center of the dancefloor for themselves. “How unfortunate…” he whispers under his breath “So close you are, yet so far out of my reach” A bitter smile appear on Azul’s expression as he tightens his grip on her hand before twirling her one after another as their body can move.
Ryochi smiles brighten as she spins, the hem of her gown flutters beautifully matching her spin. She never felt so alive in dancing due to it being nothing but a society’s duty. But right now, she’s dancing with her friend, someone who’s close and she really enjoys it. Ryochi stop as Azul catches her hand to pull her back into the first position. Dancing back to the slow rhythm of the song, looking up she finally notices how his eyes gaze is clouded. Azul is wearing a somewhat bitter expression “What’s the matter, Azul? You look down. Did something happen?” she questions, worried. “You know if it’s in my ability, I can try to help you” Ryo reminds as she closes the space between them to peer into his face “We’re friend so don’t carry the burden on yourself all alone. You have me, Grim and the twins” She reminds him of the term. Ah, yes, the bitter reality that Azul himself acknowledges.
Nothing more than a friend.
That’s where he stands in her sight.
The friend who shares the same passion for business as she did.
The friend she can share and ask insight about business.
The friend who she can tease-fight and debate about contract sales.
That’s all they will be. Somehow, a part of him wonders just why his heart skipped a beat for her. He’s not the type to fall for pretty face or the type to do something as silly as falling for someone who decides to barge in his life and do as she wishes. Yes, not even a year at that school…The mysterious prefect of Onboro who arrives to sign a deal with him to saves her friend, winning against his tactics and…accepted him even when he wasn’t being nice. Even after seeing his true self, she didn’t judge him but instead she was the one who says she’s proud of him for living as he wishes.
Azul pull her close, resting his chin on her neck “I almost let myself believe this one is not pretending.” He sadly whispers, “You know, Ryochi…I thought I was so close…to reach that famous happy ending” He chuckles “But you’re right. We’ll always be just friend that’s why…” Azul voice slowly fades quietly almost like a whisper as he leans to press a kiss to her forehead “This will be the last time.” he stops, slowly distancing away. Ryochi tilts her head, oblivious to his affection “What do you mean...?”
The music has ended and so shall his small and faint wish of ‘Happy ending’. Azul bows in response to her curtsy. “If only this is the mermaid princess’s story. Maybe I’d attain the happy end but I’m the villain so I shall lose you now.” He speaks with a voice that’s trying hard not to cracks.
Azul steps closer as he offers her a white rose “That’s why my dear angelfish, thank you. Even if it just one dance, I shall cherish it under the sea…where this feeling will fade without a memory of a start nor an end” The last part ends up not leaving his lip. Ryochi accepts the rose as she smiles “Thank you too” Azul sighs in defeat at her innocent smile ‘Ah, she must be thinking I’m such a cliché friend’ He thought to himself as they both walk-in opposite direction of each other.
“Romantic dream shall die. “
” So tonight, I bid farewell to mine”
“Let us meet again tomorrow… as a friend”
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crimson-airin · 4 years
can I ask for 🦐💌 for Ryochi 💖💖
Characters: Ryochi Kagamine, Floyd Leech, Grim
Theme: Young love/Youth’s affection
Story under cut!  I hope you enjoy! i tried my best XD
Ah, the ball where fluttering dresses is seen, where words of favor and love spoken out from one lip to another. The place where love blossoms and strengthened for those in love. Ryochi sits in the parlor with a letter in her hand, she never plans to attend the ball. But the mysterious letter left on her table changes her mind. Ryochi sighs as she plays with the hem of her dress, a bright blue fade to cobalt blue dress almost reminding her of how it looks like in the deep sea. Ryo opens her pocket watch, the time shown was 9.30 PM “Still too early” She mumbles before she closes her eyes as she remembers back the evening.
“Grim, don’t play around or no tuna for you!” She scolds the grey feline of hers. Grim rolls on the floor, his flaming ear drop sadly. Ryochi sighs as she looks at Grim’s back. It wasn’t that she wants to force him to bath that often but Grim never cares to avoid dirtying himself and it not only dirty the house. Ryo worries he might get sick, monster or not.
“I’ll go upstairs for a second. If you don’t move from that spot by the time I get down, I’ll bring the bath to you!” She reminds him before walking up the stair to her room. Ryochi reaches out to grab her phone, checking for any new update or message before a breeze of wind catch her attention “When did I leave the window open?” She mumbles under her breath before moving to close the window. Turning around, she notices a letter on her table. One she’s sure not there before she exits her room this afternoon. Ryochi sits down on her chair and picks up the letter.
She flips the letter in her hand “No signature or special seal…” The seal is a blank gold seal. Ryochi grabs her letter knife and opens the envelope. Pulling out a single letter and a pink petal. She places the petal down on the table with the envelope before folding open the letter.
“At 10.00 PM, the ball’s venue. Follow the trails of the petal scattered from the castle’s garden to meet me. You can’t refuse or else~ I prepare you something to wear so when it arrives don’t forget to wear it.” Ryochi raised an eyebrow “Not a single please, a forward demand and a threat…I guess I’ll have to see who it is then.” Ryo chuckles “I’ll need to scold them.”
Ryochi opens her eyes and glances at her watch, 9.57 PM “Ah, it almost 10… I guess I will go.” Ryochi walks at a slow pace as she heads to the garden. Her eyes scan around for a familiar pink petal until one come to her sight. Slowly she follows them deep into the maze… “Where is this supposed to go?” She sighs. It takes a moment for her to reach the end of the maze’s path. Which lead out to the river nearby. Ryochi takes a moment to appreciate the beautiful stream that’s glowing by the light cast by the moon’s veil until a strong breeze comes to sweep away the petals.
“My guide!” She gasped. Ah, there the petals go…
Ryochi heaves a tired sigh as she decides to just venture to find the person. Until she saw a familiar back of someone she knows so well. It was non-other than the mischievous eel who always calls her “Koebi-chan” Floyd was there, sitting on a chair gazing at the water all alone.
“Floyd!” She calls out. Ryo lifts the hem of her dress and starts running toward him.
Floyd turns around, a grin form on his face “Koebi-chan! You finally found me!” He shouts a reply as he stands up, arms extended for a hug. Ryochi stops a step away and gently embraces him “So, the rude letter was from you.” Floyd laughs as he snuggles into the crook of her neck “Hehe~ letter isn’t my kind of thing, but Jade tells me it will be good, so I try.”
Ryochi nods as she pulls away “So, what’s up with the entire setup?” She asks glancing at the unlit candles and lightings decoration in the little place Floyd seems to set up. Floyd groans as he points to the decoration “Everything here is Azul and Jade’s recommendation. I want a sea creature themed! But they say it won’t be romantic and give me this star-themed instead.”
“I see. Hmm, but romantic? That’s unlike you” Ryochi speaks as she walks to the edge, near the water “A sea-creatures shaped decoration will be fun to see. What a shame…” she mutters. Floyd comes up behind her, clinging onto her small frame as usual with his chin rested on her head “Hehe~ maybe next time. I’ll do that…” he whispers. Floyd gazes at the ballroom’s direction, hearing the faint start of a music “Nee…Koebi-chan, I want to dance. Well, I don’t know how to do formal dance thought” He laughs.
Ryochi smiles as she turns around “Then, let learn together. “Floyd’s expression lightens up at her reply. Grabbing his magic pen, he uses his magic to light up the lighting decoration. The bright light and white veils shine in contrast to the dark starry sky and the beautiful moon-kissed river. Ryochi feels like she has stepped into a different place.
“Ah…” Her expression softens. Finally, notice how proper Floyd’s hairstyle and attire is. His black shirt is neatly buttoned-up, his white vest and dark-blueish coat look properly in place, his hair slicked to the side give him a different aura than his usual appearance at school. “I guess Azul and Jade must have nag you a lot for tonight’s preparation.” Floyd pout as his gaze avert away “Yep, uwaah…Azul and Jade are so noisy, so I have to follow to save my ears. Hehe~ so that’s why, let have fun just the two of us tonight, Koebi-chan, here. Away from them.”
Ryochi smiles warmly as she extends her hand to him “Take my hand and pull me closer, Floyd leech, or else we’ll miss the music.” Floyd grins brightly as he complies by grabbing her hand and pulling her close but maybe with too much strength as she crashes into his chest instead “Idiot” Ryochi chuckles. They slowly take one step, one after another trying to match the rhythm of the song “Let the music be your guide, Floyd” Ryochi whispers as she leans to his chest. The two dances under the moon together out of other’s sight. “With every step together, you’ll get better” She comments as she tries to lead him. Floyd slowly relax as he finally matches her steps “Nee, Koebi-chan”
“Hmm?” Ryochi looks up at him, curiosity filled her expression. Floyd looks down as he smiles “I don’t think I’ll get another chance to meet someone like Koebi-chan and feel like this again.” Slowly, he drags her down following the river’s current, leading her in a slow-paced step that soon turns into a fast-paced step completely out of tune of the second waltz’s melody. Twirling, spinning, and dancing around the place at his own pace and their own shared world “Normally, I’d scold you for ruining such formality but…this is fun” Ryochi smirks “Be grateful I’m not scolding you as Azul and Jade did”
Floyd laughs merrily, out loud. “Though you’re too fast and the spin is making me dizzy” She jokes. Floyd twirl her again with a big grin on his face “It’s okay, Amaebi-chan~” he singsong as he catches her only to lift her up “Every turn and spin will be safe~ Even if you get dizzy, don’t be afraid to fall. I’ll always catch you so enjoy yourself!” spinning on his heels before slowly lowering her down until her face is face to face with him “I won’t ever let my Koebi-chan get hurts.”
“If this is a confession…” Ryochi whisper “I’d be happy if you willing to promise yourself to me rather than only your protection.” Floyd put her down on the ground, cupping her face as he leans down to let their forehead touch “But, I don’t need to. Because, from now on till the end…I’ll always be in Koebi-chan’s life by your side” Ryochi sighs, an unknown heaviness left her heart “I really like you, Floyd. I’m sorry I’m so late to realize though.”
“It’s okay, Koebi-chan. As long as you notice in the end, my love, that’s there since the start.”
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crimson-airin · 4 years
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Ryochi's Trivia
Personal Trivia
Ryochi was taught business at early age by her parent. Her father run a resort business and several others small subs.
She has various skill because she often participate in her twin brother's classes. Due to both having striking resemblances, nobody notice if Ryochi is attending Ryohei's class especially when her twin decide to sleep in.
She already finish highschool in her original world due to skipping grades. She enrolled as first year at NRC because she believe its more fun to start as normal freshman and experience a normal school year.
Her twin brother pass away 3 years before TWST's timeline start.
She wear her family's heirloom, the ring with her family's name carved inside all the time.
Due to having her personal problem at befriending animal, she was very attached to Grim for being the first animal to stick near her.
She works part time at both Mr. S Mystery Shop and Monstro Lounge on shifts.
Only Kalim notice her real gender since day 1. Ryochi never correct anyone about their assumption of her being a boy unless they really ask to confirm.
She likes to sing sad song or sing out her story alone. Especially when there's rain as it hide her tears. She dislike showing her pain.
She can sing any song (as long as its not sad song) with others. Sometime, she hang out at the light music club to sing.
She often plays the 'prince charming' to people without meaning to.
She become material for Cater's paparazi updates on Magicame. She gathers alot of fans mostly girl.
Vil and Azul mention that she posses a "regal beauty"
Kalim and Vil have alot of fun in dressing her up.
She have various business debate with Azul on friendly terms.
She makes stuffed toy and plushie whenever she bored. She make a small plush for Azul to apologize for chapter 3. So far, Azul the only person who actually receive smth she handmade since she seldom openly shares to other her hobbies.
She didn't notice her growing feeling for Floyd until she talk to both Kalim and Jamil about the "Weird feeling" in her chest whenever she's around Floyd.
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crimson-airin · 4 years
Time to ask the question back!💕 What would Ryochi think about Diana and what would it take for them to become friends?~
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Ryochi usually patrol the school ground under headmaster's command to keep eyes on the "deliquents" so she surely have seen Diana around or even when she's tending to NRC's flower.
Ryo will think Diana quite funny simply because of how she seem carefree being in NRC. But, she will take her time to admire her care for flowers especially since delicate work aren't smth Ryochi's good at. Ryochi knows Flower language but taking care of one is different matters! Maybe Diana can suggest Ryo some flower to decorate her room with?
I think if one of them approach each other they can be fast friend! Ryochi usually tend to take extra precautions and didnt want to disturb other when they're working so since they're both in light music club maybe they can slowly get to know each other there!
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crimson-airin · 4 years
TWST random: "Why dont you be my dad?"
Ryochi: Headmaster Crowley.
Crowley: Hm? What is it, my dear?
Ryochi: Since you keep nagging about me not having a guardian. How about you just be my dad for the duration of my stay in NRC?
Crowley: eh... *Crowley.exe is not responding* EhHH?! You...*sobs* to think that you will allow me to take such an important role in your life here..
Ryochi: Should i ask the other teacher instead?
Crowley: No! I'm your dad now! Now now, since I'm a very gracious father, here is my daugther's first pocket money. *Ryochi obtained 500 madol!* *Ryochi left satisfied*
Grim: Tell ya the plan will succeed.
Ryochi: I'm suprised he actually want to be a dad though. Should i try calling him Father Crowley soon and ask more help with the dorm...
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crimson-airin · 4 years
Random fact
Ryochi want Jack to carry her on his shoulder and run across Savanaclaw's field since asking him to use his unique magic to do that gonna be too much. She think it gonna be fun-
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