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Giga and Zen-Pictures' red rangers.
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extratt413 · 2 years
Shalnark is kidnapped and interviewed by a man with a powerful hatsu that prevents his interviewee from lying.  TW for violence.  I play the voice of Shalnark, and my husband is the voice of the interviewer
Transcript and notes under cut.
Client: Marie Butcher
Interviewee: Shalnark Ryuseih/Videar
Interviewer: [REDACTED]
Date of Interview: 09.23.98
Location: [REDACTED]
List of Acronyms: S=Shalnark Ryuseig, IN=Interviewer
[Begin Transcript -00:00:03]
S: Oof.  Hehe, where am I?
IN: Somewhere where no one will find you.
S: Ahahahaha.  You must be pretty slick to pull one over on me
IN: Yeah well, that’s what they pay me for.
S: Gotcha, gotcha.  Well, who’s paying you?
IN: Oh, someone by the name of Marie Butcher, though you probably know her better as, um, Margit, and from this point on, I’ll be asking all the questions.  Now what is two plus two.
S:  Heh, four?
IN: Thank you.  And what color is the sky?
S: Uh, blue?
IN: Thank you.  And what is your name?
S: Shalnark Ryuseih
IN:  Thanks.  And now what’s your real name?
S: [WINCE] Videar
S: Hehe, what the fuck have you done to me?
IN: Oh, this is my hatsu.  Once someone lies to me, they can’t lie again.  Or did you mean the drugging and the kidnapping?
S: Ahahahaha, that’s good.  You’re really funny.
IN: Thanks.  I’m been told that before.  Alright, how old were you when you left Meteor City?
S: I think I was about nineteen.  Ehehe, you’re making a dangerous mistake.
IN: Heh, focus on the questions please.  How old were you when you left your home?
S: I was eight.  Ehehe.  So it seems the intention behind the question matters.  That’s interesting.
IN:  How many siblings do you have?
S: Five.  Stop it.
IN:  ‘Fraid I can’t do that.  Now, your parents faked your death.  What were the true circumstances around your disappearance.
S: When I was eight years old my parents took me to a gambling hall where they had a debt and they sold me.
IN: What did they do to you at the gambling halls?
S: Ahahaha, what did they do to me?  They didn’t do anything to me.  I bussed tables.  I learned to count cards.  Stuff like that.  It was a better life than the factories for sure.
IN: So would you say, being in the gambling halls, you didn’t miss your home?
S: You know, these are some really subjective questions. Some really personal-Of course I did, of course I missed my fucking home.
IN: And did you miss your siblings?
S: Yes.  You are going to regret this.
IN:  I’m sure I will.  What would you do if you were reunited with your siblings?
S: Ahaha, I’d kill them.
IN: Even…oh, what was it?  Arvid
S: Yeah.  Even the baby.  Even Margit, who paid for you.  You know what, I would even kill Ashild.  I’m sure Margit would get a kick out of that.*
IN: Ashild is dead.**
IN: Are you a member of the Phantom Troupe.
S: Ehehe, I am.
IN: And do you enjoy being a member?
S: Yes.  I have friends.  I have a…boyfriend that loves me, and a job that never gets boring, and I’m about to kill you.
IN: What are you doing?
IN: How did you get untied?
IN: That- That was your jaw!  Wait, no, stop!
*Ashild was the sibling that Shalnark was closest to before he left.
**Ashild died in a factory incident not long after Shalnark was sold.
***Shalnark broke his jaw, fearing that the interviewer’s hatsu would remain even once he was reunited with the Phantom Troupe.
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