#s a brina who do i tag tho
aetla · 7 years
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 ❖ ‘ you know — ’
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 ❖  ‘ — i just don’t think this is going to work. ’
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hrvyk-a · 5 years
WHAT  IS  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  CHARACTER ? i’m always gonna be a big slut for harvey and sabrina. i mean they’ve been together since the early ‘60s? how can you even compete with that iconic couple!!!!!!!!!
WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  WRITE  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING ? i think everyone knows i’m an angst king!!!!! but honestly, i’m generally open to everything or at least giving something a chance before feeling like that ain’t it chief.  angst? we stan. fluff? i have been known to stan on the rare occasion. laskjfdasf 
HOW  LARGE  DOES  AN  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE ? ummmmmm it really depends on what age harvey is in that particular thread. if he’s 16, then nothing over 17-18. if he’s 19 - early 20s, ummm LMAO idk it really would depend on chemistry with the other writer / muse. but def like cap it at early 30s maybe and youngest would be, of course, 18.
ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING ? i am but only in the sense that i like to write ships with someone i know or am comfortable with? like if i don’t feel like i can easily come talk to you about headcanons or potential plots then i really won’t be open to it. we have to get along more than the casual small talk in tags or whatever.
HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW ? you know anything beyond clothes coming off is like too much for me. laskjfdaslkdfja also this would again have to depend on what age harvey and the other muse is. are they underage? then nothing is going to happen beyond making out. i know teens are wildin but i’m not down to write it. at all. lmao
WHO  ARE  OTHER  CHARACTERS  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  CHARACTER  WITH  ? god i have so many ships with harvey alsmfdl;askjfda to start, of course sabrina !! and the first sabrina i met / wrote with was the lovely eve ( @devilhour ) so she’s kind been my go - to whenever i have feelings about the two of them. lmasdflkjasf however, i also have a really great fake ship with lena’s lydia !!! ( @lydstm ) like oof it’s getting so good and angsty we stan. then there’s kylie and like i literally ship all my muses with all her muses it’s a mess alksdfjaslfkj right now it’s with her isaac ( @moonhurts ) and it’s so gay, like soooo gay i can’t. and then honorable mention goes to jenn’s octavia ( @flamewrit ) if she ever gets back on her multi and if i can ever stop being a fake and write her a starter. lmaoooo
DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU ?   i don’t want to say ask but like just..... check in with each other??? see if we’re down???? like nobody needs my permission for their muse to have feelings for harvey??? idk lmao
HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP ? i’ve never really thought about it? i’m always open to it but i don’t think i’m ever actively seeking to ship.
ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE  -  OR  -  LESS ? i’m ship whenever - the - feeling - is - right asfkljasf
ARE  YOU  MULTI-SHIP ? oh yeah, definitely.
WHAT  IS  /  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  SHIPS  IN  YOUR  FANDOM(S) ? honestly, i am surprisingly okay with like 90% of the canon ships on this show and like most of the fanon ships. what a time to be alive but really... harvey / sabrina harvey / nick  (i’m just trash for this ugh like realistically it’s gonna take some plotting but idc i love it) harvey / sabrina / nick 8) harvey / roz  (if done well!!!! what happened on the show was a hot mess but i don’t hate the ship) roz / theo sabrina / nick sabrina / prudence  (this one is tricky tho like it’s gotta take time aslkdfjaf bc p & the ws still dislike brina?) nick / weird sisters prudence / ambrose ambrose / luke zelda / madam satan idek what other ships to add i’m just a fan okay
HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU ?   there’s a long extensive application you can fill out. alsdfkjasdf no jk umm honestly just come talk to me about it???? i’m v chill when it comes to discussions like we can always test things out to see how muses mesh.
TAGGED  BY :     stole it from @humanzippo xoxoxo TAGGING :     @lydstm , @dethalstead , @argaents , @devilhour ,  and whoever else wants to !!
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