lunarosewood23 · 10 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Prompt 10: Stable
XVI -> XIV crossover and both Endwalker and MotR spoilers: The gang crashlands in the Omphalos after getting back from Valisthea. Fts @starswornoaths's Serella and a few of @inkblood-mistrieu's characters.
Raven still couldn't believe it, yet while she made her calls to Serella and the others as she stared at the monolith of the Omphalos she felt tears stinging in her eyes.
They were home.
A gasp caught her attention and Raven looked down at the others. Their newfound friends from Valisthea came with them too!
And they looked like they were all going to be sick. Well, the ones not currently being tended to by Mingxia, who was doing her best to stop the spread of the petrification trying to take the three who fought at Origin.
She was no healer, but she could still try singing.
Ratatoskr? Can you help me one more time?
“You know I will hatchling. Especially after you helped in rescuing my brood brother.”
With that Raven began to sing. It wasn't much of a melody, but it seemed to help stabilize them until L'tahsu and Serella showed up with Hopeful Vine, G’raha, Noudenet and Haumeric.
"...Hopeful Vine, Noudenet, Uathach, prepare the space. We begin operation immediately." L’tahsu stated as he knelt next to Mingxia and the three men who appeared to have...dead yew leaves on their chests.
Raven flung her arms around Serella. “Thank goodness I've missed you!!”
“I missed you, too-and came as quickly as I could! You have me worried, friend." Serella replied.
“Sorry, but in my defense it was urgent.” Raven admitted sheepishly. “Once we get them stable you think Tataru will let us keep them in the Rising Stones until they're well enough to travel?”
“I have no doubt. But while they rest you have to tell me what happened.” Serella assured. "Though for now, at least give me their names and some sort of explanation for what happened. Can't help if I don't know what's going on."
Raven nodded and began pointing out everyone, starting with the three L'tahsu had started to work on. “The man with black hair is Clive Rosfield, the redhead is his brother Joshua, and the blonde in white is his stepbrother, Dion Lesage. Those three sustained the worst damage as they fought the big bad.”
She then began pointing out the ones who were merely aethersick. “The wolf is named Torgal, who is the sweetest hound we've met. I think Vardr would be glad to have a friend. The woman with long silvery hair is Jill Warrick. I think you and Ysayle would do best with her, she's specialized in ice magic. She and Clive are also very close.”
“The woman with short brown hair and is dressed like a Tonberry is Jote. She's Joshua's retainer and...I think they're dating? I don't entirely know their deal.” She explained as she pointed to the woman that Haumeric was tending to before looking at a man with brown hair in a militaristic cut and wearing silver armor, the crest of a dragon set on his breastplate. A young girl about the same age as Kaia and Zephirin’s foundlings was clinging to him. “Terence and Kihel. He's Dion's second in command, while the child saved his life after a shitshow in one of the cities. I think Zephirin is gonna have words with Dion, and Kaia might find a kindred soul in Terence, who knows.”
“As for the lovely blonde woman over there-” She pointed to her, who G'raha had been tending to. “-that's Benedikta Harmon. She made me think of Yotsuyu, a little.”
“Similar stories.” Rukia offered. “Yotsuyu might have a kindred spirit with her, and Barbarricia.”
“As for what happened, well...the super rushed TLDR version is we were called, we made friends, aaaaaaaand we saved a shard of Etheryis from potentially rejoining, or just getting blown out of existence. I’m not entirely sure at this point. But we’re back! And we brought our new friends with us because someone-” She looked over at Mingxia, who was currently smushed against Dion and looking like she was going to fold at any minute. “-shared her aether around among them.”
“Sounds about right.” Serella stated. “Well I’m glad you guys are back. Thankfully it’s been quiet since you guys disappeared, though I hope Mingxia knows she chose an interesting place to drop off her friend Telamon.”
“Cid’s here? Hell yeah thank gods!” Rukia piped up. “I missed that sexy silver fox.”
“Of course you would.” Serella replied with a sigh and a fond shake of her head before looking at the ones collapsed on the ground. “How bad are they guys?”
Haumeric sighed as he looked up from where he was knelt at Jill's side, her silvery hair falling in her face. “A majority will merely be aethersick for a good while, however I worry for those three.” He explained as he looked towards L’tahsu, Hopeful Vine and Noudenet, who seemed to be in focus at the three people that looked to be in various stages of...petrifying?!
“What the...why does that look like what we saw on the First with the Inn patients??” Serella asked.
“Their world isn’t exactly kind to magic users, or those who held similar magic to Ysayle and could summon a primal into their bodies. Not to mention that their bodies are suffering from an aether depletion.” Haurchefant explained, already switching to his white magic kit to help. “Though I would liken this more to what Giott and I saw with the dwarves, stoneblight.”
Serella nodded as she sighed. “Oh boy...alright. I didn’t think to bring a porxie but-”
“No need I got it.” Hopeful Vine assured as the creature flew over and landed on Clive while L’tahsu finished up on Joshua.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone properly when they’ve woken up.” Raven promised before looking to the others. “One of us should call Tataru and see if we can borrow the Rising Stones for a bit while they recover.”
“I’ll call.” Rukia offered. “Someone should also call Telamon too, unless he came with you.”
“I actually told him to wait in Mor Dhona.” Serella replied. “I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to bring him to the Omphalos, all things considered.”
“Then I’ll go get him too.” Rukia replied as she stood. “I can even take one of them with me if you want.”
Raven looked over at the Valistheans in thought before nodding to Benedikta. “Take Benedikta. I’d say take Kihel but I think Terence would freak the hell out if you did.”
“Cid might also appreciate seeing Bene too.” Rukia agreed as she slowly sat the woman up, who groaned. “Hey Bene, how are you feeling?”
“I feel as though I'm going to vomit.” She groused, her hazel green eyes clouded by the aethersickness. “Ugh where's my pipe...”
“Easy Bene, I'm taking you to somewhere you can rest. Can you stand or would you prefer I carry you?”
Benedikta tried to stand on her own but keeled over the second she was upright. “Damnit...alright some help would be appreciated. Where are we?” She asked as she winced at the light.
“Not in Valisthea, that's for sure.” Rukia stated. “You're in our world now. Hate that your first little bit is spent like this, but welcome to Eorzea.”
“Too bright...” She grumbled.
Rukia giggled as she went to carry her. “Go back to sleep Bene. Don't worry, we'll get you somewhere cozy and something light to eat to help with the bad stomach bug. Your body is gonna need time to get used to the aether here.”
Serella watched Benedikta sigh and close her eyes, choosing to trust Rukia after what felt like bells.
“Thanks Bene. I gotcha.” Rukia soothed as she scooped her up. She looked up at Serella with a sigh. “Like I said, she's like Yotsuyu. Been through hell. Should probably introduce them when she's better.”
“There's a lot of people who they should be introduced to. I know for a fact Zephirin’s gonna have words with that one.” Raven sighed as she pointed to Dion, whom Mingxia was clinging to.
“Agreed. But I'll meet you guys at the Stones. Call if you need help.” Rukia nodded as she walked out, though not before Haumeric put a necklace and pair of wristbands on Benedikta. If she remembered correctly from when L'tahsu treated Telamon, they would help in easing the amount of aether intake.
She sighed. “You need me to make more of the jewelry?”
“If you are willing and able that would be most appreciated.” Hopeful Vine replied in L'tahsu's stead. “These three are in the worst shape, but the others are severely aethersick. Thankfully they’re all under a sleep spell to help with the nausea.”
Serella nodded and got to work, but noticed Jill slowly reaching for Clive. Her eyes were closed but she seemed to be murmuring in her sleep.
“...Clive...hurt...Shiva...” She murmured before going still.
“Shiva?” Serella asked.
“Y’know how Haurchefant said that there were people who were like Ysayle and could summon primals into their bodies?” Raven asked. When Serella nodded she pointed at Jill. “She could summon Shiva. She might’ve been trying to use her powers to help Clive.”
“There were others like her too. A total of nine, though one of them technically wasn’t supposed to exist. One for the six elements, plus Light and Darkness, and the bonus one.” Floriano explained. “They were called Dominants there, and not all of them are here. The Dominants of Titan and Odin, are dead. Rukia just carried off the Dominant of Garuda.”
“Hold up a sec, trying to set these correctly.” Serella explained as she had already pulled out her goldsmithing tools and was setting a gem in a necklace. “Sorry, continue.”
“You met Telamon, who had Ramuh.” Raven started before pointing to Joshua, “Phoenix.” then pointed to Clive. “Ifrit.”
“And finally, the reason we got pulled to their world, Bahamut.” She finished as she pointed to Dion. “While there we discovered that the Bahamut of their world was actually the Dawn Wyrm of ours. The big bad yanked his soul from the Lifestream after he died in our world and dragged him there.”
"By the Twelve...were Ascians involved, do you think?"
“We think it was an Ascian, but the way that thing was warped into some undead ginseng sephirot, we don’t know what it was that made it like that, though it made Mingxia really sick by the looks of it.” Raven explained as she looked over at Mingxia before sighing. “I need to get a hold of Hades, because if there’s anyone who would know how the hells Bahamut got to another shard after his death, it’d be him.”
“You mean if he didn’t have a hand in it?” Serella muttered bitterly as she passed off several necklaces to Haumeric before starting on the wristbands.
“He does have soul sight. Wouldn’t be surprised if the fucker yanked Bahamut out of the Lifestream himself and gave him to the corrupted Ascian to cause a Rejoining.” Raven grumbled. “Either way, if I want answers for how he got there, the best chance to get answers is him.”
Serella patted Raven on the shoulder as L’tahsu rubbed at his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, appearing to be done with at least Clive before moving to Dion, the one that Raven said carried Bahamut. 
“Gods I hope the song of your soul becomes something more than just a beautiful tragedy, Dion. Now that you're here, somewhere you can actually heal without duty trying to slow you down...” Raven prayed as she looked over towards Terence and huffed a breath of relief. “And you won't be alone either.”
Serella gave her a worried look as the brunette seemed to be reaching for the blonde, albeit weakly.
“G'raha, help him.” Raven stated softly.
He looked at her in confusion before he noticed what was happening and placed his hand closer, letting him take the blonde's hand and weakly squeeze it before going still again.
Serella looked at Raven, who only gave a small smile. “They're married. Have been for years, even if they couldn't show it. But also he's his pillar of support, the only one he had for most of his life.”
Serella blinked at their joined hands before sighing. “There's a story there.”
“There is, but sadly one I can't elaborate on until they wake up.”
“Gotcha.” Serella nodded as she passed off a few sets of wristbands to go with the necklaces she made before they heard a gasp and a swear from L'tahsu. They looked up to find Mingxia slumped on the ground while the blonde, Dion, was for the most part breathing, even if he was still passed out on the ground before everyone shrieked.
Suddenly, they watched the redhead, Joshua, slowly blink as he opened his eyes. He sat up and took in their surroundings before spotting Mingxia on the ground. “Soul sister...”
Serella blinked and watched as Joshua reached over and take her hand. He placed it to his chest before a spark of a flame erupted from his hand. “Please soul sister...”
Mingxia gasped before she winced. “Ugh...Fried Chicken did you-” She started before falling over against his chest, where she spotted a familiar glyph on his chest peeking from his shirt.
“A flower...”
“A flower?” Serella asked as she looked at the redhead. “Wait, are they-”
“Joshua has a similar flower to Mingxia.” Foulques supplied. “And he is just as prone to gambling with his life as she is.”
“Oh boy...there's two of them now...” She sighed.
“Joshua and Mingxia both having that glyph are the biggest clue we have for us thinking we were on another reflection.” Raven explained as Mingxia bunted her face against Joshua.
“You okay Fried Chicken?”
Joshua chuckled as he leaned his head against her. “I'll be alright. But where's-” He started but soon spotted Clive. “Clive!”
He started to try to move when he was hit with an intense wave of nausea and a cane landed firmly on his shoulder stopped him from moving.
“Do not move, your brother will be fine.” Noudenet assured. “Your little stunt saved Mingxia’s life and spared us the trouble of spending more energy to bring her back, but that was still risky. Rest now little bird, go back to sleep.”
Joshua groaned, feeling drowsy, but reached over to take his brothers’ hands and hold them to his chest. Mingxia hugged him tightly as he murmured “We did it...and we're alive for our efforts...thank you...”
"Yep. We made it. Somehow. Thank you Dad. Oooogh...that. That was. Too close.” Mingxia groaned  before they saw her wobble a bit before flopping on top of Joshua.
“Damnit Novice...” Foulques grumbled before looking at Floriano. “Can you check to see if Rukia’s gotten them a place to sleep?”
Floriano nodded as Serella sighed. She looked at the aether-surgeon. “Are they clear to be moved? While the Phantom Realm is good for discretion, it's not ideal in the ways of comfort.” She questioned softly as she finished the last of the jewelry sets for the three men from another star.
“Yes, they should be clear to be moved, though they still need to be heavily monitored by some of the healers on hand.” L’tahsu stated before leveling a glare at Raven and the sleeping Mingxia. "Is it going to kill you people to not bring me critical cases every time you decide to take a walk?!"
“Hey we didn't plan this!” Raven grumbled. “Shit just kind of...happened.”
"My point still stands. The amount of trouble you all manage to get into accidentally is beyond unreasonable." He groused in annoyance.
"At least we're not causing you problems on purpose?"
L'tahsu sighed as he rubbed at his temple. "I suppose I will have to be satisfied that I have something new to study and solve. I should have expected something when you all disappeared."
“At least it was quiet? But in any event, want me to rehash what I already said or do you wanna hear the tale from them? I'm assuming you already heard a bit of it from Telamon.”
"I have the gist of it. I will hear the rest once they are well. Twelve knows I will need the time to prepare my heart and blood pressure for the nonsense you both got up to- especially her." He thumbs at Mingxia.
"Hey I had what was basically my hometown 2.0 and his sperm donor-" She points at Dion. "-was basically Thordan."
"Lovely," L'tahsu says dryly. "I shall hope for a swift recovery."
Raven pouts as she grumbles something about a “rotten arrogant old man” as she moves to scoop up her oath brother. She heard Ratatoskr croon at him from within her soul.
Can you hear Bahamut, Ratatoskr?
“I can.” The crimson dragon replied from within. “He will be alright. He frets for your friend Mingxia.”
She’ll be fine. You’ve seen the nonsense she’s pulled off.
“I have, I have indeed. He wonders if they will be alright.”
They will. The aether isn’t trying to kill us here for one. The most they’ll deal with is a bad stomach bug for a few days, a week tops. I know it’s been several millennia since he’s been home, but it’s changed so much. Allag is long dead, Tiamat is well, and boy will she be thrilled to know her beloved is back in some form. Among other things...
She sighed as everyone picked up each of the Valistheans with some effort, but when Haumeric made to gather Jill he stopped and blinked.
“Hopeful Vine, could you come confirm something for me?” He asked.
“What's up?”
“Lady Jill's aether...I cannot see it, but while tending to her I thought I felt the presence of another? Not so much the primal she could call upon, but another person.”
Hopeful Vine blinked as she did a quick check before smiling. “She’ll need to be monitored carefully as well. Good catch, Haumeric.”
He smiled as he gently picked her up, making sure to carry her in a way that wouldn't put too much pressure on her belly. She may not be visibly showing, but better safe than sorry.
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pepetheking · 3 months
Pepe nenen bebe'ye emzik emerken nede
"Emzik emmekten daha zevkli şeyler vardr"dedi?🤨Link aşağıda
1.53'e getir abi
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emzikten daha zevkli şeyler var tabi
bilmiyo muydun
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yalnzardc · 2 years
İsra sr. : Mekkede nazil olmuştur 111 ayeti kerimedir.
73-80. Ayetler Medinede Nazil olduğu görüşü vardır.
76-Yine onlar, seni yurdundan çıkarmak için nerdeyse dünyayı başına dar getirecekler. O takdirde, senin ardından kendileri de fazla kalamazlar.
76 - Yahudiler Peygamber efendimize 'Eğer Peygambersen şama git çünkü şam Peygamberler diyarıdır.' demeleri üzerine bu ayet nazil olmuştur.
81 - Peygamber efendimiz Mekkeye girdiğinde beytullahın etrafında 360 tane put vardr.
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swanseastandard · 8 months
0 notes
aetla · 7 years
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 ❖ ‘ you know — ’
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 ❖  ‘ — i just don’t think this is going to work. ’
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praesidioest · 7 years
kiss + 5 & 15.
…before going to sleep.
…because you missed them.
@vardr  ║  accepting !  [ and not to be continued!]
The nurse lays a hand on his shoulder, feather-light, like she’s trying not to be obtrusive. The fact is, he’s the one impinging upon their space, resting like a wraith in the corner of the infirmary, where Zack lays in some sempiternal slumber from which Gladio waits for him to wake.
Gladio hadn’t left his side since he’d found him in the basement of that castle, half dead with whatever ungodly experimentation they’d done on him. He could still remember the dullness in those eyes that had been nearly incandescent in his memory of his best friend, how hollow they looked as they blinked up at him when he lifted his body from that worn cot. 
Did he recognize him then? Does he recognize him now? Zack had yet to speak a word to affirm. It was enough that he woke for the few hours a day that he did, long enough to sallow down some tasteless gruel and a paper cup of vitamins Gladio was sure was doing fuckall. Not that he’d been doing much better. 
Gladio stares helplessly at the half-parted lips that he can still remember whispering his name, that last time he’d dropped Zack off on his stoop, stealing a kiss he knew would be his last (and only), before he snuck off like a thief to do his part with the war effort. He’d turned away, then, too scared to see the sure rejection illuminated by moonlight, and left without a proper goodbye.
That same terror seizes him now, even as Zack lay sleeping in his bed, hands at his side above the perfect arrangement of his thin covers. He wishes he had the gall, but he doesn’t. Not to take something twice that never belonged to him. No matter how desperately he wants to. 
Gladio entwines his callous fingers within his, staring at the constellation of scars that adorn his knuckles. They’re more obvious at certain angles against the firelight, when the amber glow illuminates every ridge and hollow, and Gladio counts with compulsive disconcert each errant wound by pressing his lips fervently to them. He curses every weapon, every man that had a hand in marring the beauty of those hands, who he can remember from more halcyon days, when they were as soft and smooth from the luxury of disuse, when the worst hardship they’d known was the grip of a pen to crawl out arithmetic homework. 
He kisses each scar in a methodical ecliptic, until his lips taste of his skin and salt and an indescribable, palliative scent that has the curious effect of slowly recovering the rift in his riven heart.
It’s a bittersweet farewell, one he repeats like a tortured samsara every night before he leaves him for his own bed. A ritual that grants him less conciliation than it should, for how deeply it wounds him. But still he does it, believing in its influence. Because it’s the only hope he has left. Because all he needs is for Zack to return to him. 
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lightnull · 7 years
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               ❝ —— She’s not here, ❞ unfair, perhaps, making an assumption as to why he has come here, but there are only so many options, aren’t there? For all intents and purposes, there is one woman who resides here. She is a haunting ghost; a hanger on. ❝ I think she’ll be back soon, though. ❞
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notadelisii · 4 years
Hepiniz mutsuzsanız Instaya eğlenceli story atan kim
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starswornoaths · 5 years
💏? (if that's alright)
@glyphenthusiast I sat on this for waaaaay to long but it’s pride month now and I’m bi af so have some Soft Sapphic Smooches~! Under the cut bc I was an indecisive bean and picked 3 of them, so it’s a little long. Thank you so much for being wonderful, considerate, patient you, my dear
(For disclosure’s sake, these have been pre-approved prior to posting! Enjoy~)
26. As an apology
The fight with the Behemoth had been hard won— and while it had been a worthwhile risk, one that she was glad to have taken in the first place, Serella would be lying if she said it was only her armor that came out of the encounter worse for wear. Her whole body ached down to her bones.
Yet though their hunting mark was only just fallen, its body still warm with the dying embers of life, the Paladin’s eyes scanned the field for her companion— and only once she saw the bright pink of Anemone’s head of hair did she allow herself to breathe.
Her sword, still slaked in grime and gore, was left where she had promptly stuck in the ground as she stumbled over herself to get to where Anemone was gathering herself, as well as her faithful companion Hassan.
“Are you both alright?” Serella asked, her breathing still heavy, her heart still hammering. “Any injuries?”
“None on Hassan— and for me, none that can’t wait,” Anemone responded in an effort to wave the fretful Paladin off. “We need proof it’s slain, right? Shouldn’t we—”
“It’s nothing that can’t wait,” Serella said back to her with a wry grin. She held out her hand. “Your wounds first— if not for your health, then for my propriety. Please? 
“Really, this is a minor thing.” Anemone answered with an exasperated smile even as she offered the shallow, singed graze on her arm. “It scarcely got through my armor. It will be fine.”
“I know it will,” the Paladin yessed her, hands lightly pushing away the tattered sleeve of her shirt. “You’re right,” she conceded, even as she let her healing magicks stir to life a the tips of her fingers. “It isn’t too bad— but I’d much rather we take care of this now, at least a little.”
It was a minor enough injury that Serella barely had to try to heal it before the skin had closed, lightly pink and somewhat tender, but closed and clean, her two highest priorities. Only once she was satisfied that it would no longer hinder her companion did she let her magic taper off. She nodded to herself, satisfied for the moment, even as she continued to inspect it.
“Thank you,” Anemone said with a smile.
“It was only right,” Serella answered, picking up Anemone’s discarded gauntlet. “I brought you out here— that wound was my responsibility.” Forgetting herself for a moment, she brought Anemone’s hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m just sorry you had to endure it at all.”
The Paladin said nothing more as she helped smooth over the singed fabric of the top and handed her back the gauntlet.
“I don’t blame you for this, so please don’t blame yourself, either.” Anemone spoke up quietly. “But thank you for caring as you do.”
“I’m just relieved it isn’t worse.” Serella admitted, her cheeks growing warm as she realized she was still holding the poor woman’s hand, and letting it go.
As Serella became fully aware of how hotly the tips of her ears were burning, she promptly decided that she had said and done plenty for the day. With one of the beasts horns— and a tooth for good measure— removed for proof of the bounty, the trio made their way back to the Adventurer’s Guild for their hard earned reward.
50. Out of Love
“I had no idea you were a healer,” Anemone mused later that same day as they waited for dinner to finish cooking.
“Few do, I suppose.” Serella shrugged. She gave the ladle another turn around the pot to keep the stew at the bottom from burning. “It’s certainly not what people know me for.”
“That is true,” Anemone conceded with a smile. “Before I had ever met you, I’d only heard of you as a Paladin.”
“That’s what I am— I just also know a bit of healing here and there.” Serella tossed her a wink. “Just keep that between us, yeah? No need to have everyone with a sneeze coming to me for a cure.”
“I won’t tell a soul,” Anemone promised with a smile.
“Speaking of healing, though— now that we’re safe, let me take a look at that hand of yours.” Serella held out her own upturned palm. “I want to make sure it’s healing properly.”
Anemone gave an exasperated shake of her head, even as she placed her hand stop the Paladin’s. This time, Serella’s touch was slower, softer, her magic more meticulous. It felt cool as running water as it splashed across the skin and scales of Anemone’s hand. Where Serella’s initial healing had just been to close the wound, this was a full mending of the flesh: by the time she had finished, there was hardly a trace that aught had happened at all.
“That feels much better,” Anemone said, though made no move to take her hand away. “Thank you.”
Serella’s sigh of relief struck Anemone as odd.  
“I’m glad it didn’t scar too badly,” the Paladin said quietly, and Anemone tilted her head when she saw Serella bite her lip.
“Why? What would it have mattered?” Anemone dismissed. Serella let go of her hand. “A scar is a scar. It would not have bothered me.”
“I’m glad for that, too— wouldn’t want anyone to look at you as lesser for it.” Serella did not meet Anemone’s gaze again. “I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
Anemone paused, her hand still hovering in the space between them, even as Serella resumed checking the stew.
“Have you?” Anemone asked haltingly. Serella turned to look at her. “Been made to feel lesser for your scars?”
“…For a time.” The Paladin admitted, though Anemone was not convinced that it was so much ancient history as Serella pretended it to be. Serella untucked her hair from behind her ear to let it fall like a curtain to shield her facial scars from view and nervously smooth her hands over it, all but confirming Anemone’s suspicion. “Sooner or later, someone always comments on them. ‘A shame,’ said a friend once. ‘A waste,’ said a lover.” She shrugged a shoulder and returned to the bubbling pot over the fire. “Much like the scars they flinched at, it’s a well healed wound. I’m just sorry I put you at risk of being put through the same. I should have tried harder to protect you.”
She does not add that also much like those self same scars, though the wound had healed, the marks left behind sometimes ached if she did not have a care. No sense in pitying herself over the past, after all.
“There is no telling what we might have been able to do differently, had we the chance.” Anemone spoke up beside her.
She made a decision, then, and reached out to take Serella’s hand with her own. The Paladin looked up at her, surprised.
“Anemone…?” She asked softly.
“You are lovely no matter what anyone else says.” Anemone spoke with quiet conviction. She squeezed her hand. “The fools who claim the opposite haven’t an onze of your courage.” With her free hand, Anemone tucked the hair Serella had hidden her face with behind her long, pointed ear again. “Every scar you have is earned. You survived.”
“That…means much. Thank you, Anemone.” Serella said, and for the first time in a while when she smiled she didn’t feel the way her scars stretched her skin quite so much.
The hand not being held reached over to smooth a thumb over the apple of Anemone’s cheek. Before she could think better of it— and better of the way her heart thundered so loudly in her chest— Serella leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to Anemone’s temple.
“Wh-why?” Anemone asked, her voice only just a breathy whisper, her cheeks faintly flushed.
“Because,” Serella answered, her voice—and her smile— just as soft. “You see me.”
48. Out of Habit
Springtime had arrived with the bloom of wildflowers along the familiar, beaten paths between Gridania and Ala Mhigo, and the air was sweet with their scent. Lying in the shade of a tall oak tree upon a bed of the yellow, purple, and pink blooms, Serella breathed deep of Nophica’s perfume and sighed in bliss. She was not far from the path— close enough that even the tallest flowers around her would not obscure her from those who walked past.
Which was well, really: Serella was waiting for someone. And judging by the way the sun hung high in the midday sky when she cracked an eye open, her anticipated companions should be along shortly. Still, no sense in wasting such a golden opportunity for relaxing, she thought as she closed her eyes and stretched her limbs out.
A move that was taken as invitation, evidently; she had not even let herself go lax again before she felt two paws press a heavy weight onto her stomach.
“Oof!” Serella laughed, greeted by the sight of Hassan’s snout when she opened her eyes. Smiling wide enough her cheeks hurt, she sat up enough to give him all the pets and scritches she hadn’t been able to give him in their time apart. The carbuncle preened under the attention, happily flopping to and fro in the flowers, chirruping all the while. “Well, here you are, boy, but where might your mistress be?” She asked him.
“Not far behind, rest assured,” Anemone spoke from somewhere behind her. “You look content.”
“I am! You should come join us!” Throwing her head back far enough to see behind her, Serella laughed again at the upside down vision of Anemone walking off the path to join her. Anemone offered her a smile in return, even as she wordlessly moved to stand directly behind her.
“I see you,” Anemone said quietly, holding out her hand.
Serella turned to kneel before her to look up at her properly, then, at the way the sunlight gently haloed her friend in a warm, gentle glow, at the way her eyes glittered even from within the shade of her rose quartz hair, at the joyful curve of her lips, and the Paladin’s smile softened. Like a knight pledging fealty to her blessed patron, Serella brought Anemone’s offered hand to her lips and pressed a reverent kiss to her knuckles.
“And I see you.” Serella said in kind.
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adaistenapim · 3 years
Herkes herkese iyi gelebilr ama Herkes bir insanın kalbindeki o kalıcı hasarı onaramaz
O kalbi tanıyan birileri vardr çünkü
He eğer yoksa da o kalbi tanıyan tek kişi insanın kendisidir o kendini onarabilir, iyileştirebilir ve bir süre sonra anlaşılr ki insanı sadece kendisi anlar
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pacificaq · 3 years
Bi çocuk telefonla oynuyom die sen çok gexion instada popüler birisin he çok takipçin vardr senin bana istek at benimde artsın olr mu fln yapmıştı baya anlamsızdı acındırıyo gibiydi kendini garipti nese bende geçiştirmiştim çocuğu o an konuyu değiştirip sonra bana istek attı 670 takipçisi var benim 110
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
Here comes the boiiiii~!
Hello, boi~!
Welcome~! 💚
There he is~!
He is here~!
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Y’all, meet Golemancer Iann! He’s Vledda’s son, and my future Machinist. I’ve spent like $20 on him already and I’m going to spend so much more getting this lil progeny just right, just you watch.
(Oddly enough Alastair’s boyfriend provided the needed genetic material that Vledda herself could not. So technically he’s also Gribblix’s son, but Iann calls him Uncle. Vardr is “Dad”.)
Due to time-space shenanigans, at this point, Iann is about 10 years old, already Genius-level when it comes to Golemancy, and was technically born on 36 Colossus 1339 but as I said, time-space shenanigans, so he’s here now.
I’ve yet to determine his overall profile, but once I do, I’ll be sure to post it. All I know so far is him is good at robits, and him like green. That’s it. More to come.
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acid-gramma · 3 years
Sebep vardr aq az önce anon söyledi ya sebep sonuç diye sİFMAŞFMAŞFMA canın mı istedi
Benim asıl merak ettiğim kesin bir şekilde hayır derken ilk eline aldığında suçlu hissedebilirsin içten içe kendine saygısızlık gibi düşündün mü 17 yaşındaki nejla dehşete düşerdi
hayir dusunmedim kendime saygimdan ictim :d yirmi kere falan anlattim hikayeyi bu arada her konusu acildiginda israrla soruluyor, okudugum bir kitap tetikledi sigaraya baslamami
can istemesi de bir sebeptir bu arada bazen canimiz cektigi icin cikolata yeriz bazen canimiz istedigi icin hava almaya cikariz vs vs
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lingos-blog · 4 years
Ff verir misin?
@muzlukekk @moruseven1adam @uzaydakibirisstuff @merkurkediisiii @bihterzelihagil @gloomysymphonies @ben-hala-sever-gibi @sudeolojii @yemekyiyom1sn @ashleymiss @allahsizbugra @vallakusurabakmanne @belkibirihtimals @burcuuium @jumbopakize @tuzlucikolataa @neyazsamacabaa @beyna-07 @muzeidon @shawtyw @ihsawq @ichmochtesterben @zelisinharikalardiyarii @ruhumkilokaybediyor @tuhafliklarulkesinden
Hepsni sevyrm bide unttklrm kesn vardr biraz eksik yazmş olblrm ksra bakmyn bu kdr tşk
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nazrina · 4 years
1. Əgər insan həddindən artıq çox gülürsə, hətta mənasz şeylərə belə gülrsə, o insan içində tənhadr.
2. Əgər çox yatrsa qəmlidir.
3. Əgər az və sürətli danşrsa sirr saxlayr.
4. Əgər ağlaya bilmrsə demək ki zəif biridir.
5. Əgər normadan artıq yeyirsə gərgin biridr.
6. Ən kiçik hadisələrə görə ağlayrsa günahsz və ürəyi yumuşaqdr.
7. Əgər kiçik və eyni zamanda mənasz şeylərə əsəbləşrsə o insanın qayğya ehtiyacı vardr.
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damlalarr · 3 years
Kac kişisiniz ona göre hazirlanayim cnms
5-10 kisi vardr
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