#s: kamen rider ryuki
amillionburgers · 4 months
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succulent-leaf · 6 months
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thinking about kitagoro shoulder massages . . . .
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nyuudoupee · 6 months
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i've been drawing smaller thangs a whole lot 2 pass time and i also realized i had to make contact with the kamen rider community immediately after watching a relative amount of ryuki
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raimei-p · 2 years
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just remembered when i made @krispyfff listen to all the rider opening and rate them. still reeling from where he put REALxEYEZ, like cmon man
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Beautiful Catalog Vol.3 ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members Takashi Hagino x Ryohei Interviews & Photoshoot (translations below)
Publication: September 30, 2003
Takashi Hagino (Takeshi Asakura/Kamen Rider Ouja)
-I no longer make impulse purchases, like when it comes to snake print clothing (laughs)-
With a bright smile on his face, Hagino-san entered the studio. His pure white, rough style was perfectly balanced with the grass zori (sandals) on his feet, which was a unique choice! At first glance, it looks loose, with only the innerwear fitting to his body, but, it gives off a masculine feel. Against the natural materials, his silver accessories stand out.
Hagino: Fashion…..I'm not too picky about it~
He mutters to himself. His style is modest, contrary to his seemingly carefully coordinated choices.
"First off is the staff's favorite, here he is wearing a fluffy knit sweater."
Hagino: Uwah, who's that, me? My hair's all curly (laughs).
"We were most interested about this one. The growing reactions from those around you saying, "Cute~!," caused you to look nervous, which in turn made you look even cuter."
Hagino: During the time of that shoot, I was asked, "Please hold this plushie." Do I have to? It seems that stuff like that is becoming pretty common these days (laughs).
"What's your favorite fashion to wear?"
Hagino: Last year, all I wore was black. Black tanktops and such. Right now, I really want to wear whites. It's nice isn't it~? White! The other day, I saw Beckham wearing white on the cover of some magazine. He was also wearing pants like the ones I wore today. I thought, "Let's do this! I have the same fashion sense as Beckham" (laughs). From now on, I want you to call me Beckham (laughs).
"B-Beckham?? You want us to…..? Next, a jacket with fur that gives off an affectionate big brother feel. It's a very refreshing look!"
Hagino: I feel like I've never worn something like this either. It has a natural feel, like when you go out to walk your dog. By the way, the other day, for two days straight, I went to this pet store and was obsessed with this half chihuahua and papillon breed. When I looked at them, they hid in embarrassment. It was so cute! I was really hesitating whether to buy them or not, but the price for such a small and cute dog was 380,000 yen ($2,500)! The store is open until late in the morning, so I spend alot of time there. The shiba inu's and all the other dogs are just so cute to look at.
"Do you ever make impulse purchases?"
Hagino: Not anymore. Due to the "advice" of some store employees, I no longer buy snake print clothing (laughs). At the time, clothing with snake patterns were hard to come by, so when they saw me looking they said, "That'll look good on you~." They said, "We'll lower the price (alot)~." I thought, "Alright then~," and bought it. If you go shopping with friends, you'll have someone to stop you, but if you don't and go alone, you'll end up getting stuff that you can't afford. It's dangerous (laughs). I had to learn that recently.
"I'm not very particular when it comes to brands, but, the ones I like are Jil Sander and Dolce & Gabbana."
Hagino: I can't afford to buy all that because it's expensive, but, I do think it's really cool. Lately, I've been thinking that it would be nice to dress in a more formal way for such occasions. Wouldn't you want to try it? A dinner party on the roof of a building with a swimming pool. I'd even prepare business cards with a alot of lies on them (laughs).
"With fashion, Hagino-san says, "It's fun, it's like playing a game." What do you wear when you go to bed or to just relax?"
Hagino: It's either denim shorts or cargo shorts. I'll wear a T-shirt or tank top on top, which I'll take off when it's hot. The rest of the time I wear tracksuits (laughs). When I go to work, I'll wear either a T-shirt and jeans or tracksuit. I like to be able to change into my costume quickly and then take it easy.
"Finally, this last outfit is a multi striped suit with a strong sense of personality. With his hair up, he's transformed into abit of a bad boy. The manager said he looks like, "A respected elder brother." Hikawa Kiyoshi-kun from our office wore a similar suit for his "Zundoko Bushi" MV, but the vibe is totally different."
Hagino: It's so cool, the look reminds me of Lenny Kravitz! He's fashionable and looks good in fur, T-shirts, and all kinds of strange stuff. Compared to when I was first wearing the knit sweater, I feel like I've relaxed abit. It feels like I'm back (laughs).
"By the way, I hear you're very particular with your eyebrows."
Hagino: If I forget to draw my eyebrows before going out, I feel very uncomfortable (laughs). When I draw it myself, it's like a straight line. I'm not improving at all. I don't check my whole appearance in the mirror before going out, but I always pay attention to my eyebrows (laughs).
-I'll be a prince! But before that, I'd like to play a dirty role-
"He started doing karate about 3 years ago because he was attracted to the civility of the sport after playing many detective roles in the past. He takes time out of his busy schedule to attend karate, which he says helps him maintain his health and improve his voice for stage plays."
Hagino: I'm currently a yellow belt (6 kyu). I hope to be green this year, and brown within the next two years. Even before shooting for the photobook, I ran a marathon, went to karate, and did push ups when I'd wake up in the morning……that all I keep doing (laughs). Surprisingly, I don't mind doing these things.
His photobook, "Actor, Takashi Hagino," is filled with emotional and sensitive words that resonate with the heart.
"You say so many wonderful words."
Hagino: I wondered, "What can I do with this photobook?" I thought maybe I could include some words or afew sentences. But, it felt like, "As soon as you add color to a painting, it's ruined." I thought it'd be more interesting to write down what I was currently thinking, like a time capsule, so that later on I can say, "This is who I was!" I personally really like the poem "Confirmation."
"What's your favorite outfit in the photobook?"
Hagino: I liked the denim jacket~. That guy near the swingset, he may have been more offended by the unlikely setting of swings, rather than the fashion I was wearing (laughs).
"How was the stage play, "Yokosuka Dobuita Story," in which you played the leading role?"
Hagino: I really enjoy the stage experience. I also like the live feel of it. Since the foundation of a play is the stage…..I fully felt the determination of everyone around me, and while it was fun, I also fully enjoyed the live conflict that only a stage play can bring. I thought that as the rehearsals continued, I could feel so much of the warmth, cheerfulness, and sadness coming out of them.
"What do you think of Joji, the role you played?"
Hagino: In the beginning, he wasn't a nice guy…..but, he was a good guy. I think I was able to show him having fun and being sincere, so I'd like to add more variety if I ever play a role like that again.
"What scene was most memorable?"
Hagino: In the proposal scene with Kaori, played by Junko Mihara-san, she changed the way she spoke each time we performed it, and did so with different tricks, such as sulking or teasing. Gradually, our rhythm and breathing become the same, and my lines came out without being conscious of it. The scenes with Mihara-san were alot of fun to do.
"It's been announced that you'll play the role of the prince in the Cinderella musical. A bad prince…what's that about?"
Hagino: Quiet! (laughs). I don't think that's it, I think it's just a regular prince, but the script hasn't come in yet, so I don't know all the details. I am looking forward to the dancing in the musical. Although, I'm worried about singing. You know how the dialogue suddenly flows into a ballad like song with, "Why~"? I become nervous the moment, "Why~," comes up (laughs). But. I'll keep practicing and show you the fairy tale prince in all his glory.
"Will the prince's costume be……white tights?"
Hagino: My manager told me that if I wore white tights, right here (his crotch), would look really cool (laughs). No, rather, it's a wonderful fairy tale like costume. The show will be held in more than 20 locations across the country, so please look forward to it!
"What kind of roles do you want to play in the future?"
Hagino: Since I've already decided to play a prince, I'd like to play a serious and grim role before that. Something like a dirty role.
In his photobook, Hagino-san affirms that he loves humans, as he wrote, "Are you a human being? If you're a human, then you must be a wonderful one." This love for people is what makes his acting so refined, as he focuses on the essence of humans. We're really looking forward to seeing him as a fairy tale prince and in serious roles.
Ryohei (Shuichi Kitaoka/Kamen Rider Zolda)
-Is this too subtle? When it comes to this coordination, I think I should do my best.-
In a quiet studio located in a certain part of Tokyo, the sound of a camera shutter clicking resonates. The sounds are followed by rhythmical changes in facial expressions, poses, and overall atmosphere, creating the rich and colorful, "Ryohei World," almost like a perfectly beautiful picture were being painted.
Within the light, he strikes perfectly balanced poses that'll take your breath away, while occasionally trying to make us laugh by crossing his eyes and saying, "This is what real coordination looks like!"
While casually flapping his white coat, he says:
Ryohei: About 2-3 years ago, I used to wear clothes like these all the time during the Fall and Winter, but now, I don't wear them anymore. It's exhausting to wear them all day, don't you think? These days, I think it's better to dress comfortably. I wonder, have my shoulders become more relaxed as I've gotten older? Well, it's nice doing something like this once in awhile! It makes me feel motivated to strike the perfect poses.
"You picked out that coat."
Ryohei: The length is perfect! This half coat actually is a half coat. For some reason, usually, a half coat is a short coat, and a long coat is a half coat (laughs).
"Were there any problems with the size?"
Ryohei: No matter how big the clothes are, when I wear them, I always think, "These are way too small!" I do adore more loose fitting clothes. I can't pull off the look though (laughs).
"While not being particular about brands, Ryohei-san says, "I don't think something being expensive makes it better." He enjoys buying secondhand clothes, with sneakers making up half of his collection. He also claims to have about 50 pairs of unopened shoes. Today, he's wearing stylish leather sneakers."
Ryohei: I love sneakers. I sometimes think, "Even if they last a lifetime, I wonder, do I have enough?" I'll also put them in their box and stack them, it's really cool to look at (laughs). I don't really do it anymore, but there was a time when I used to pick out clothes that matched my shoes.
"Do you check your whole appearance in the mirror before going out?"
Ryohei: That's essential. Sometimes I'll dress in a way that makes me think, "Is this too subtle?," Although, I'm usually pretty ok with it. Fashion is like an extension of my hobby, so I think I should be doing my best at it. During the times I go on a date with a girlfriend, I think I should only make decisions when I really have too.
"Do you make snap decisions for a date??"
Ryohei: It depends on how long we've been together, but in the early stages of a relationship, a man wants to make a big impression (laughs). Well, if you've been together for 3-4 years, I think, "Alright, who cares~."
"That's terrible?!" (said by the entire female staff)
Ryohei: I don't think you have to be so cool in front of your partner all the time……I think it's okay to just look natural. So, it's not terrible, it's really not (laughs).
"What if after 3-4 years, she's wearing something she doesn't really care for?"
Ryohei: Well, that's exactly who I am. That's why I think we'd be compatible (laughs). You do your best at first, and once you're familiar with them, it doesn't matter what you look like.
"Do you care about your hairstyle?"
Ryohei: For me, I'm not particular with hair, so everyday my hairstyle is slightly different. When I go for a straight perm, my hair loses all its volume and flattens, regardless of how thick my hair is. A tip I can give, is to only use your hair dryer on areas that are particularly annoying and have strong frizz. It's easier to set up the look that way.
"Your eyebrows have a nice shape to them."
Ryohei: I don't do anything with my eyebrows. I don't want them being thin. It makes me lose the "impact" of my face and causes my appearance to change (laughs).
During the chair sitting shoot, the chair was too low compared to Ryohei's height, so he brought out a stepladder by himself, making it a very interesting shoot. Wearing a knit hat, Ryohei's beautiful face looked even more attractive, and he looked like a European college boy with an unfamiliar expression on his face.
"What is key to dressing well?"
Ryohei: I don't have any particular stances…..but, I don't want to be outdone by clothes. I want to make an effort to wear them, and even if I think they don't look good on me, I'll try and find a way to make them look good.
"You seem to be very good at posing."
Ryohei: During my time staying at motels, I studied my poses by looking in the mirror, so I wouldn't have to do them on set and feel embarrassed. It's like it's already been ingrained in my head. If I don't do them properly, the photographer won't be able to take any photos.
"While at Hagino-san's house, the two of them once practiced posing together while looking in the mirror. During the shoot, Hagino-san laughed and said, "Posing by Ryohei!," and he did the same pose Ryohei did, showing that they seem to get along really well. What advice do you have for for making your appearance look more beautiful?"
Ryohei: Pose standing slightly diagonal…doing so will make you look thinner. Always think of ways to make your appearance more slim (laughs).
"When did you first discover your style?"
Ryohei:…..I still haven't found it (laughs).
"Normally, wouldn't you discover fashion in the same way a girl would?"
Ryohei: Hmmm……It think it's alittle different from that (laughs). Rather than about clothes, I was thinking more about how to make people laugh and how to entertain them. When it comes to the clothes I'm wearing now, I don't think I can say whether they're good or bad. I might say later, "Why did I think this was cool to wear?" Fashion is an indifferent thing for me, but it's like a time capsule that reflects that moment in time……It's something that reminds me of who I was at one point.
-The action was difficult. Since my reach is different, it's difficult to get the timing right.-
"How was it working with veteran actors (Natori Yuko, etc) on "The Woman Prosecutor of Kyoto"?"
Ryohei: There was alot to learn just by listening and watching. The way they said their lines, it was so natural, me on the other hand, I'm still trying to perform well. In my head, I can see it all very well. But, it's hard to actually do it. On set, we called her "Professor Natori," since we had alot to learn from her.
"You made your first attempt as a voice actor in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," correct?"
Ryohei: Actors can make facial expressions while speaking, right? It's easy to tell when someone's "angry" because they speaks in an angry tone and has an angry expression on their face. I looked at the voice actors and thought that they're skilled at manipulating their voices. They do whatever they want. The way they react, the way they breath…..as an actor, I've learned alot from them.
"I heard that the shooting for the upcoming film, "Bird's Eye," in which you play the lead role, was difficult due to wire acting."
Ryohei: It was quite difficult. But, it was something of a challenge for myself.
"Please tell us some highlights of the film."
Ryohei: It's an action film. But, I only had 3 days to practice. I couldn't even meet the person I was going to be working with until the day of filming. Being so tall, I had a different reach from my partner, so it was very difficult to find the correct timing. When you punch, you take a step forward, right? But when I step forward, I get too close, so I end up performing a limp punch (laughs). I'm sure there must have been a better way to do it, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to do any research.
"The way you beat them up was impressive though."
Ryohei: I was mostly on the receiving end (laughs). RIKIYA-kun (Kawaguchi Rikiya), who played Tsuyoshi, used to box, so as expected, his punches were excellent.
After the photo shoot, Ryohei-san went to the waiting room. Among the outfits there, he found a pair of yellow pants with purple square patterns on it, and his eyes started to sparkle.
Ryohei: This, it's amazing! I want to wear it right now! Can I try this on?
Just as Ryohei enjoys fashion with a carefree attitude, and takes on challenges with an open mind, while also exploring new areas as an actor one after another, absorbing them naturally and without hesitation. His sincere attitude to cherish every moment and his mischievous spirit of challenge expands "Ryohei's World" endlessly, by giving off a refreshing charm. We won't take our eyes off his future challenges.
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kingcrimsonsalt · 6 months
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My dearest followers, all 32 (how) of you, I've gathered you here to make a special announcement. Most of you, I assume, are with me because of my respects paid to a legendary mangaka. Or alternatively a post relating to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. As some of you may have noticed though, I often do not talk about things made by good authors, especially today. For today is 4/13, and gentlemen, I LOVE Homestuck. I love the beta kids, I love programmer humor, I love Sburb, I love poking fun at game mechanics, I love stupid bullshit teenage drama (shut up alpha kids I'm not talking about you), I love self-fulfilling prophecies and bootstrap paradoxes, I love the way seeing an [S] next to an arrow would surprise you, I love clicking on a pesterlog and seeing the scroll bar disintegrate, I fucking love plot beats changing the UI of the website itself I fucking love LUDOOOOO, I love Toby Foxe's music, I love Michael Bowman's music, I love George Buzinkai's music, I love Mark Hadley's music, I love that I could just keep listing off music credits holy shit the talent was crazy, I even love Andrew Hussie's art and writing for like 70% of Homestuck, maybe even 77%. Homestuck may not be PEAK FICTION like Dragon Ball, or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, or Kamen Rider Ryuki, or Godzilla Minus-One, or Limbus Company Canto VI The Heartbreaking, or Halo 2, etc. But I will defend that it is unironically good and I still love it, maybe even the community as well. Happy 4/13.
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kirbymongerr · 4 months
My favorite thing about the guy that replied to you saying “why not Kamen Rider?” With “Do you even know about Gaim?” Is that THAT SHOW WAS ALSO WRITTEN BY GEN UROBUCHI. And if sucks ass! AND Kamen Rider has been about experiencing the horrors of becoming something not wholly human, but choosing to fight for people anyway FROM THE START.
He did not tread new ground. In fact, he ripped many of the concepts from 2002’s Kamen Rider Ryuki. He was ripping those concepts FOR MADOKA, EVEN.
While I have an excuse to complain more: regardless of quality as a show, PMMM fails as a deconstruction because it has to add so many caveats to the thing it's deconstructing that it isn't really deconstructing anything. Like, sure if you add in that girls get conned into it with a wish and the magic animal is running a nefarious scheme and the girls must keep fighting or else they become the monsters they fight, it's fucked up. But we're so far from what we were originally talking about. That's like saying spaghetti is fucked up if we assume it's laced with shredded glass and poison and the chef you paid to make it is gonna use the money to burn down an orphanage but all the fucked up parts are stuff you made up that has nothing to do with the spaghetti.
Like, you wanna deconstruct Mahou Shoujo. Okay! You could make your protagonist helpful and self-sacrificing to a fault, always willing to risk herself for others. You could focus on how isolating it is, having the secret identity and battle she hides from friends and family that makes fraught the connections that motivate her to fight. Take ideas already present and push them further, don't go "Yo dude wouldn't it be fucked up if it worked like this."
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chloelefay · 4 months
Movies & Shows we've seen
Our Letterboxd:
Our MAL:
Every TV Show we've seen at least 8 consecutive episodes of ranked:
★★★★★ / 10/10 / S 1. Neon Genesis Evangelion 2. LEGION 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 5. Andor 6. Revolutionary Girl Utena 7. Spectacular Spider-Man 8. Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water 9. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 10. Hazbin Hotel 11. SSSS.Dynazenon 12. Puella Magi Madoka Magica 13. Ninjago: Dragons Rising
★★★★½ / 9/10 / A 14. RWBY 15. Loki 16. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 17. Kamen Rider Ryuki 18. Doom Patrol (Seasons 1 & 2) 19. Serial Experiments Lain 20. Magia Record Season 1 21. Godzilla Singular Point 22. Mekakucity Actors 23. The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan 24. SSSS.GRIDMAN 25. Arcane 26. DEVS 27. Kid vs Kat 28. Helluva Boss 29. Hit-Monkey 30. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law 31. Good Omens 32. The Acolyte
★★★★ / 8/10 / B 33. Warehouse 13 34. Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu 35. M.O.D.O.K. 36. WandaVision 37. Marvel Rising 38. Legends of Chima
★★★½ / 7/10 / C 39. Ninjago (2019-2022) 40. Marvel's What If...? 41. Hero Factory
★★ / 4/10 / F (42. Doom Patrol Season 3)
we post livetweet threads for most things we watch on our twitter. you can find them by looking through our media tab, we almost always post a photo of the title card:
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peonypaint · 2 years
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my final piece for the toku holiday exchange, which was probably the one that took me the longest to finish. a chat after hours at atori full image description under the cut since it got long 
[ ID: an 8 page comic of ren, tezuka, and shinji from kamen rider ryuki. the first page of the comic is done in full color, while the rest of the comics pages are done in grayscale. page one. panel one shows the outside of atori, with shinji stepping through the collums that lead to atoris entrance, his bike parked outside. panel two shows shinji entering atori, opening its door and saying, "im back!". shinji is holding his bike helmet under one arm and pushing the door open with his other arm. page two. panel one. a wide shot of atori. tezuka stands behind atoris counter, washing dishes. ren is standing in the middle of atoris dining area, leaning one arm on a broom and putting his other hand on his hip. tezuka looks up at shinji, and says, "there you are- we were just wondering about where you were." and ren says, "took you long enough. we couldve used some help earlier." panel two. shinji walks further into atori, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish expression as he laughs. shinji says, "ehh, sorry! we had a lot of work at the journal." panel three. a close up on rens face, which has an annoyed expression. ren says, "oh yeah? what kind of 'work'? chasing around lost pets?" page three. panel one. the back of shinjis head is shown, with his shoulders hunched as he yells, "im a serious investigative journalist!!" to ren. ren has an annoyed expression still and mutters, "seriously stupid is what you are." panel two, tezuka is drying off a plate he just washed and speaks from behind the counter. ren and shinji look over to him as he speaks. tezuka says, "rens being dramatic. we managed just fine." ren looks off to the left and says "hmph". panel three, a close up of shinjis face. shinji says, "ah, wheres yui?" behind the panel are cracks similar to that of a broken mirror. page four. panel one. tezuka steps out from behind the counter to talk with ren and shinji in the dining area. tezuka places one hand on the counter and his other hand on his hip, he looks off to the side with a concerned expression as he speaks. tezuka says, "yui... well.." panel two. a close up of ren and shinjis faces. tezuka continues speaking, saying "she wasnt.." panel three. a close up of tezukas hand whiping down a table with a cloth. he continues speaking, saying, "feeling okay.." panel four, tezuka is still whiping down tables, and says, "so she already went upstairs to rest." page five. this page is set in a grid format with four panels, two on top and two below. panel one shows a close up of rens face, looking down with a somber expression. panel two shows a close up of atoris windows with light shining through them. panel three shows a close up of atoris counter top, which has a tea set sitting on top of it. panel four shows a close up of shinjis face, he is also looking down with a concerned and sad expression. page six. panel one. shinji sits down at the table tezuka is washing. shinji sighs, and tezuka looks over at him fondly. shinji says, "man, im tired too." panel two is a shot above the three characters looking down on them and the dining area of atori. ren stands holding the broom still while tezuka and shinji are at the same table. shinji says, "i dont blame yui for needing rest- everythings been so chaotic..." page seven. panel one. shinji rests his head against the table top. he says, "i feel ready to go to bed just thinking about it all". panel two. a close up of tezukas face, he says, "working hard does that to you, eh?" panel three. a close up of rens face, he scoffs and says, "ugh, whos been working hard?" panel four. shinji and tezuka are both sitting at the table now. shinji looks up as tezuka says, "we all have." page eight. panel one, ren holds the broom and looks down, his expression shows an internal conflict within him. panel two. shinji is resting his head on his crossed arms, looking up with a contemplative expression. panel three. a close up od atoris shop sign, tezuka says, "we deserve a break.." panel four. the outside of atori is shown in black and white, with the moon rising in the sky behind atori. tezuka finishes speaking, saying, "dont you think?" /END ID]
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chojin-cu-chulain · 11 months
Morphinverse timeline (updated)
Autumn 1977: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1 (Himitsu Sentai Goranger Season 1)
Autumn 1978: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 (Himitsu Sentai Goranger Season 2), Masked Rider Season 1 (Kamen Rider Season 1)
Autumn 1979: Power Rangers Royal Flush (JAKQ Dengekitai), Masked Rider Season 2 (Kamen Rider Season 2)
Autumn 1980: Power Rangers World Strike (Battle Fever J), Masked Rider Tri (Kamen Rider V3)
Autumn 1981: Power Rangers Shine Force (Denshi Sentai Denjiman), Masked Rider Crosser (Kamen Rider X)
Autumn 1982: Power Rangers Nature Fist (Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan), Masked Rider Repton (Kamen Rider Amazon)
Autumn 1983: Power Rangers Five Star (Dai Sentai Goggle V), Maksed Rider Voltar (Kamen Rider Stronger)
Autumn 1984: Power Rangers Mega Assault (Kagaku Sentai Dynaman), Masked Rider Soar (Skyrider)
Autumn 1985: Power Rangers Star Force (Chodenshi Bioman), Masked Rider Supremo (Kamen Rider Super 1)
Autumn 1986: Power Rangers Mythic Fury (Dengeki Sentai Changeman), Masked Rider Alpha (Kamen Rider ZX)
Autumn 1987: Power Rangers Giga Strike (Choshinsei Flashman)
Autumn 1988: Power Rangers Solaris Crusade (Hikari Sentai Maskman)
Autumn 1989: Power Rangers Beast Assault (Choju Sentai Liveman)
Autumn 1990: Power Rangers High Octane (Kouskou Sentai Turboranger)
Autumn 1991: Power Rangers Sonic Warriors (Chikyu Sentai Fiveman)
Autumn 1992: Power Rangers Sky Partrol (Chojin Sentai Jetman)
Autumn 1993: Power Rangers Dino (Kyoru Sentai Zyuranger)
Autumn 1994: Power Rangers Thunder (Gosei Sentai Dairanger), VR Troopers Season 1 (Chojinki Metalder, Jiku Senshi Spielban)
Autumn 1995: Power Rangers Ninja (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger), VR Troopers Season 2 (Uchu Keiji Shaider, Jiku Senshi Spielban, Kyoju Tokusou Juspion, Uchu Keiji Gavan, Uchu Keiji Sharivan), Masked Rider Bio (Kamen Rider Black), Karato, and the Mega Patrol Season 1 (Kidou Keiji Jiban, Tokkei Winspector, Tokkyu Shirei Solbrain)
Autumn 1996: Power Rangers Zeo (Choriki Sentai Ohranger), VR Troopers Season 3 (Uchu Keiji Shaider, Jiku Senshi Spielban, Kyoju Tokusou Juspion, Uchu Keiji Gavan, Uchu Keiji Sharivan), Masked Rider Bio Solar (Kamen Rider Black RX, Shin Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider ZO, Kamen Rider J), Karato and the Mega Patrol Season 2 (Tokusou Robo Janperson, Tokusou Exceedraft, Blue Swat), Big Bad Beetle Borgs (Jukou B-Figther)
Autumn 1997: Power Rangers Turbo (Gekisou Sentai Carranger), Beetle Borgs Metalix (B-Fighter Kabuto), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Next Mutation, Ninjaman (Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya)
Autumn 1998: Power Rangers in Space (Denji Sentai Megaranger), Beetle Borgs Season 3 (B-Robo Kabutack), Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
Autumn 1999: Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (Seju Sentai Gingaman), Beetle Borgs Season 4 (Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack), Mystic Knights Battle Thunder
Autumn 2000: Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (Kyukyu Sentai GoGoV)
Autumn 2001: Power Rangers Time Force (Mirai Sentai Timeranger), Masked Rider Gilgamesh *(Kamen Rider Kuuga)
Autumn 2002: Power Rangers Wild Force (Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger), Masked Rider Orpheus (Kamen Rider Agito)
Autumn 2003: Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger), Masked Rider Draco (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Autumn 2004: Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger), Masked Rider Code 555 (Kamen Rider Faiz)
Autumn 2005: Power Rangers S.P.D. (Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger), Masked Rider Spade Ace (Kamen Rider Blade)
Autumn 2006: Power Rangers Mytic Force (Mahou Sentai Magiranger), Masked Rider Echo (Kamen Rider Hibiki)
Autumn 2007: Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (GoGo Sentai Boukenger), Masked Rider Horn (Kamen Rider Kabuto)
Autumn 2008: Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Juken Sentai Gekiranger), Masked Rider Chrono (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Autumn 2009: Power Rangers RPM (Engine Sentai Go-Onger), Masked Rider Knightmare (Kamen Rider Kiva)
Autumn 2010: Power Rangers Samurai (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger), Masked Rider Omega (Kamen RIder Decade)
Autumn 2011: Power Rangers Megaforce (Tensou Sentai Goseiger), Masked Rider Duo (Kamen Rider Double)
Autumn 2012: Power Rangers Legendary Voyage (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger), Masked Rider Medanimal (Kamen Rider OOO)
Autumn 2013: Power Rangers Beast Morphers (Tokumei Sentai Go-Buster), Masked Rider Astro (Kamen Rider Fourze)
Autumn 2014: Power Rangers Dino Charge (Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger), Masked Rider Mystic (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Autumn 2015: Power Rangers Imagination Express (Ressha Sentai Toqger), Masked Rider Seed Samurai (Kamen Rider Gaim)
Autumn 2016: Power Rangers Ninja Steel (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger), Masked Rider Pursuit (Kamen Rider Drive)
Autumn 2017: Power Rangers Wild Crusaders (Dobustu Sentai Zyohger), Masked Rider Spirit (Kamen Rider Ghost)
Autumn 2018: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury (Uchu Sentai Kyuranger), Masked Rider Jump (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)
Autumn 2019: Power Rangers Night Robbers vs Power Rangers United Patrol (Kaito Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger), Masked Rider Mix Master (Kamen Rider Build)
Autumn 2020: Power Rangers Dino Fury (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger), Masked Rider Monarch (Kamen Rider Zi-O)
Autumn 2021: Power Rangers Crystal Cruisers (Mashin Sentai Kiramager), Masked Rider Andro (Kamen Rider Zero One)
Autumn 2022: Power Rangers Mighty Morphbots (Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger), Masked Rider Story Knight (Kamen Rider Saber)
Autumn 2023: Power Rangers Cyber Safari (Avataro Sentai Donbrothers), Masked Rider D.N.Avenger (Kamen Rider Revice)
Autumn 2024: Power Rangers Royal Swarm (Ohsama Sentai Kingohger), Masked Rider Revulpe (Kamen Rider Geats)
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sorairoknife · 9 months
Really enjoying Kamen Rider Ryuki so far. The fashion is peak early 2000's like it's ugly in a very nostalgic way. I love it
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year
I’m more than halfway through 2009’s Ganbarimasu, which means I watched Kamen Rider G
I think I’m going to enjoy Kamen Rider…it looks sick as hell, so getting hyped up for Ryuki
Here’s a compilation of Takuya’s reactions and commentary during it cuz he was v entertaining:
He was a little bitter but completely justified to be tbh…
his challenge was to run 50 hills in a day
+ a ton of footage was cut/condensed because of timing
++ insulted by his director
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snowsdomain · 7 months
i have watched a dumb amount of kamen rider shows in the past two months im gonna try and rank from best to worst
S: Agito, Ryuki, Kiva
A: Blade, Drive, Den-O
B: Kuuga, Faiz
C: Kabuto
D: Decade
didn't watch hibiki bc I wasn't interested in the premise
i have all of phase 2 left besides drive and all of reiwa god help me
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tokuteasings · 2 years
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED: Rules and Intro~!
Greetings y’all~! After much thought and much inspo from @lunalove25 @toku-fanservice @imaginemaskedheroes and others, I have decided to make a dedicated blog meant to portray all of my writings about Tokusatsu~! Half of this is going to be me...screaming into the void but I’m happy to meet ya’ll!!
Call me Tale (she/they) and you can find me on ao3 at historynut19~!
Requests and Submissions are C L O S E D
Of course, I gotta list out some rules:
Kamen Rider Shows: Ryuki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, Zi-O, Zero-One, Saber, Revice, Geats, Amazons, Black Sun
Super Sentai Shows: Gaoranger, Hurricanger, Abaranger, Dekaranger, Magiranger, Boukenger, Gekiranger, Go-Onger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, Zenkaiger, Kyoryuger, Donbrothers, ToQger, Kingohger, Kyuuranger
Other Toku Shows: Garo (The One Who Shines in the Darkness era specifically), Garo: Vanishing Line, Legend Hero, Tomica Hero: Rescue Force and Rescue Fire, Godzilla
I won't take NSFW requests for younger characters who are under 18 and will keep them platonic or romantic depending on the situation. For the ToQgers especially, I will only take more platonic requests for them.
Poly relationships are a-okay! Actually I may write about some on my own volition lol.
Most of the time I'll keep the reader as gender-neutral. So if you want them to be a certain gender, lemme know~!
What I say isn't really law, but my own interpretations of the characters. You're more than welcome to interpret them however you wish!
I'm a simp, don't judge me.
If you wanna kiss any of the female characters, one-offs, villains, movie-only peeps, monsters, go for it! Lord knows I am attracted to like....60 different peeps in a single season.
I’ll post the stuff I write both here on tumblr and on ao3!! That being said, you are more than welcome to request in the comments on ao3 or in my tumblr asks which are preferred.
This work is mostly used for Reader x Character stuff so I won't take much ships between characters because I know everyone doesn't ship the same thing and like...you're free to ship whomever~! I'll write em if they strike my fancy on the day lol.
Please be patient!! I’m working two jobs and have other responsibilities. I also tend to burn out easily....so it’ll be here and there. 
Please also be hella specific and detailed on what you ask me. I’m dumb as hell so ya gotta lay it out for me whether you want like generic headcanons or romantic ones! 
I’ll list out warnings in the front of everything I write, and if something bothers you or if I forget to list something, please tell me! On that note, I don’t mind yandere kinda stuff but like it’s going to be....very.....very sparse and will be labeled accordingly. 
You’re more than welcome to interact with me! I’m so fucking lonely out here in the void...please come talk to me :’)))
So, shall I spin you a tale, my dear?
TO DO LIST: IN NO ORDER AT ALL (listen lord knows whatever the hell Imma write)
Shinkengers Kiss Headcanons
Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Ryutaros - Dating Headcanons
Angst Headcanons Ushijima Hikaru
Protective Headcanons - Zack
Bath Time: Sononi x Male Reader x Kitoh Haruka
Kuroto Dan Kiss Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons - Hino Eiji
NSFW Headcanons - Hiden Aruto
Satarakura x Plant manipulating reader
Houji Tomasu x sassy reader
Gentaro’s friend x Lucky (Kyuranger) Headcanons
Fluffy Fukamiya Kento fic
NSFW Kadota Hiromi Headcanons
NSFW Momotani Jiro headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Sudo Masashi, Shibaura Jun, and Sano Mitsuru
Roomates with Nitoh Kousuke
Dating Headcanons: Kurenai Wataru, Igarashi Ikki, Sakurai Keiwa
Sleepyhead S/O x Sudo Masashi Headcanons
Dating Headcanons: Lucky x Reader
Dating Headcanons: Spada x Reader
BFFs with Sakuma Kotaro
NSFW Tomari Shinnosuke Headcanons
Traveling to different worlds with Tsukasa, Headcanons
Rook with S/O that can turn invisible
Whatever the hell my brain can come up with lol
S.O.S Series - MetsuBouJinRai x Reader 
Some sorta fluffy Neon fic bc fuck the JGP
More Kingohger bs bc I love myself
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asanjou · 1 year
currently watching: jakq dengekitai
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main blog | anime/games blog
my drawings | my touys
hi im mike/vaike im 26 he/they 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 welcome to my kamen rider blade (2004) fan account
comm info coming at some point but just DM me in the meantime 🫶
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watched list under cut but my MDL is usually more up to date
himitsu sentai goranger
jakq dengekitai (watching)
kyoryu sentai zyuranger
ninja sentai kakuranger
ninpuu sentai hurricanger
bakuryu sentai abaranger
tokusou sentai dekaranger
mahou sentai magiranger
samurai sentai shinkenger
tokumei sentai gobusters
kaitou sentai lupinranger vs keisatsu sentai patranger
mashin sentai kiramager
avataro sentai donbrothers
ousama sentai kingohger
bakuage sentai boonboomger (watching)
kamen rider
kamen rider 71 (watching)
kamen rider kuuga (watching)
kamen rider ryuki
kamen rider blade
kamen rider kabuto
kamen rider den o
kamen rider w
kamen rider ooo
kamen rider fourze
kamen rider revice
kamen rider geats
kamen rider gotchard
kamen rider gavv (watching)
ultraman ginga
ultraman ginga s
ultraman orb
ultraman blazar
ultraman arc (watching)
metal heroes
kyojuu tokusou jaspion (watching)
kaiketsu zubat
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what is, according to your perspective, an antagonistic organization or entity from modern Kamen Rider shows that closely resembles the f*scist roots of the original SHOCKER?
Admittedly there aren't a lot -- much of the villainy in heisei Kamen Rider comes from more relatable individual human errors than vast organisations to go for clearer cut drama; often relying on things like family members that went too far for what they thought was right for their siblings or children (Ryuki, W, Wizard), people whose dreams spun out of control and had to be shown the errors of their ways (Fourze, Saber), sometimes much more abstract supernatural monsters (Kuuga, Agito, Hibiki) or, uh, whatever the fuck (Den-O, Ex-Aid). This is in fact another big reason why I was desperate for Shin KR to have an overtly fascist enemy because it is something that had been missing from Kamen Rider for a while, and arguably allies had more in common with the kind of shit Ishinomori was writing about than enemies (Kougami Foundation, HIDEN, etc)
In that though, I think Build's Faust and especially the later Nanba Heavy Industries found a good balance between 'human' drama and fascists doing fascist shit; though obviously for a kid's show it did have to simplify like by saying The Gas Made Them Do It, or make Nanba cartoonishly evil. Still was pretty solid for what it was!
I might even argue 555's Smart Brain was a pretty good version of this, as a controlling entity over an entire species with a lot of power and influence. The fact it's not even defeated at the end only strengthens that
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