yakdee · 2 years
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Why are you wearing my tee? There’s nothing wrong with re-wearing clothes. But you know what’s unique? Your scent. No one has the same scent as you.
This is my t-shirt. I don’t remember you borrowing it. Don’t be a hog. I sleep so well wearing it. When the smell is gone, I’ll return it to you. Wait, what smell? [...] The scent of you. — BAD BUDDY (2021), Ep. 5 // VICE VERSA (2022), Ep. 7
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yakdee · 2 years
Let’s talk about Puen, shall we?
I’m not going to lie and say that I haven’t wanted to smack him upside the head on more than one occasion because of how confused he’s made my son Talay in regards to his feelings. But then, I think about what he said at the end of episode four and I just want to hug him:
P: I am sorry for making you feel bad. I didn't mean to play you. I just wanted to know the feeling of when I really love someone.
From what we've learned about Puen so far, we can safely assume that he has never been in a romantic relationship and doesn't know what it feels like to be in love. However, he knows what it looks like and is able to mimic that onscreen (and even with Talay, at first), making a name for himself as one of the top actors in the industry. Because of his success and stardom, I imagine that it must be difficult to find people who are genuinely interested in him outside of his profession or what they can gain from being attached to him. This is probably one of, it not the major reason why he hasn't told Talay his real name. Their conversation at the beginning of episode seven just solidified that for me:
P: People think I’m perfect. I can take care of myself. So nobody takes care of me. In reality, I’m just a man who can be weak and needs care. […] Not many people see this side of me. You’re one of them. T: Damn! I’m wanting to know now who you really are. A perfect actor who is actually pouty like a kitten. P: I’m just me.
This alternate universe has given him a blank slate to be himself with out having to mask and portray the image of “Mr. Perfect” that had been assigned to him. So it is completely understandable that he does not want to tell Talay his real name because it’ll inevitably bring everything about his former life with it — especially the parts that he hated.
With all of that said, can we really blame him? — While we're on the topic of Puen's name, here's one final thought before I go. Since telling Talay his real name will be a huge milestone in their relationship, I think it may be final step needed in their journey to becoming the each other’s portkey.
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