#sólamente hay dos personajes históricos Rosas y Brown el resto como mi amigo Anastasio son inventados
elbiotipo · 2 years
Playing Victoria 3 instead of studying:
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The year is 1841... Juan Manuel de Rosas died under mysterious circumstances and so he was suceeded by Almirante Guillermo Brown (because he was the only other scripted character in the game) I took the chance to call for elections (I guess Brown finally decided to sit down and write a constitution) and the Nacional Autonomista party won (AY AY CARAMBA SON OLIGARCAS) but since they're mad at me because I want to abolish slavery (historically Argentina abolished the slave trade in 1813 and had a Freedom of Wombs law but this game doesn't model that) they refused to take power... On the elections they won. So the Unión Cívica Nacional (basically liberals) took power.
So our new president is *checks notes* Anastasio de Goyeneche, a religious conservative who heads a liberal goverment because his own party is too mad to take power. Makes sense.
Meanwhile in the economic front, I've tried to make Argentina's economy run and nothing works. Nobody wants to buy meat or sugar, this game does not simulate yerba mate, and I don't have a good economy to industrialize so I'm constantly just losing GDP and gaining it at random. I've been in a perpetual defecit despite the fact I'm doing mostly nothing.
Just your typical day in Argentina. Viva Anastasio de Goyeneche.
On the other hand Perú and Bolivia are still a confederation, that's nice.
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