#sᴇᴇᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴀʟʟ ғɪɴᴅ || (Answered.)
etveritcs · 3 years
"I’m so glad I met you." (Matt getting sappy about his amazing friend)
Meme: Short stories, my favourite kind of poetry. Sender: @ofmusingsxandmayhem Status: Accepting.
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Upon hearing those words, the once cold-hearted homicide detective could not help the way a rather goofy smile had decided to spread across her features. Dimples deepened themselves into the surfaces of her cheeks, just as the corners of her lips reached her eyes. She then scrunched her nose and shook her head, as if willing herself to regain her composure.
❝Okay, what do you want? Do you want a branded bag? Shirt? House appliance? Money?❞ She looked at him seriously, a furrow between her eyes as she playfully acted the role of that being confused.
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etveritcs · 7 years
❋ Your blog is one of my favs // ✦ I like seeing you on my dash // ❇ I love the way you write
Meme: Send me a symbol for how you feel.Sender: @thewillfulonesStatus: Accepting.
u know, funnily enough???????
u make me happy, too. :-)
You’re like a bright sunshine whenever you’re on my dash, sending out so much love and so much happiness to whoever can see your light. You’re a wonder in this community and I’m still in awe of the fact to have been given the chance to tell people that you’re a very loved friend of mine, because you are! You’re so marvellous and inspiring, and even though you have your salty moments, I’m just really glad that you don’t allow for those moments to keep you down; you rise back up every single time with nought but a smile.
The word amazing is the word that you are a perfect example of: it’s amazing how you’re so patient; it’s amazing how you’re so caring; it’s amazing how you’re so… you.
I bet you that I can find so many others who will be willing to vouch for that, because it’s all true.
You are a wonderful writer, putting time and effort in every single headcanon, detail, and reply you have for your variety of muses. It's so refreshing to see, and I doubt that I’ll ever get tired of seeing it. And when I decided to grab the reins for Raine again, knowing that you remembered me gave me so much joy, because in spite of being gone for such a long time, I always did consider you as one of my most cherished partners. So thank you for giving me another chance to write with you!
And in conclusion, anyone who’s been able to bask in your warmth of love will understand when I say this: we are exceptionally lucky and blessed to have you in our lives, Kaya. We love you!
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etveritcs · 7 years
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it is great, ✢ I like your characters, ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s), ❋ Your blog is one of my favs, ✦ I like seeing you on my dash, ❇ I love the way you write, ♥ YOU'RE SO WONDERFUL AND SWEET & I ADORE YOU, BYE
Meme: Send me a symbol for how you feel.Sender: @theimpalpableStatus: Accepting.
Send help, my heart’s being attacked!!!
Being able to interact with you has been one of the greatest gifts of life that I could have ever possibly received. You have such an extravagant character as a mun (as extravagant as your children), and talking to you is as easy as breathing, for everything about you is so natural and so worthwhile. You can easily bring a smile out from whoever is graced by your presence, and if one were to take advantage of your kindness and your love… well, it is safe to say that you are far from deserving that kind of treatment.
Your passion for writing continues to astound me, and after having that life conversation with you, I could not help but adore you even more. I am happy that you’ve never let go of the art, Alex, no matter how long it has been since you’ve started, and no matter what sorts of obstacles that you’ve had to face. I know that I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again just because it’s true.
You really do have a gift with words; the way you string them together, and the flow that you create in order to express your muses’ thoughts and actions. Every time I stumble upon your threads on my dash, I get excited because reading your responses is like reading a well-written book. You put everything down, more so the details that matter and everything that is internally important to your muse during that moment then. Time and time again, it’s amazingly done so, and to see that someone has that sort of love for writing — more so in consideration of the fact that it can get tiring without the proper inspiration — motivates me to continue writing, as well; especially since I’m one who often needs a break every now and then (for months on end)
It is without a doubt that you are a blessing to me and to your friends. Your free spirit is a wonder that will keep others wondering, and your happiness is a light that will keep others yearning. I also know that we all continue to change bit by bit as time goes by, but please listen as I say this:
Don’t change, Alex, as you are perfect just the way you are. Though if you truly have to change, then be sure to change for the better… for contentment. Continue to change until you’ve reached satisfaction, continue to grow until you are proud of who you are. But needless to say, I’m already proud of the person who you’ve become, and I’m sure that others are too. With the love that you have in your heart — the love that you readily share with others without any hesitation — how can I not be? You are beautiful both inside and out, and in a world such as ours, that is what makes you even more wonderful.
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etveritcs · 7 years
✥ ✪ ❇
Meme: Send me a symbol for how you feel.Sender: @hebvel​Status: Accepting.
Remember those days when we used to talk for hours about anything and everything? From Ass.assin’s Cre.ed to people who are too toxic to mention? Those conversations will always have a special place in my heart, and so will you! Having made you the Jacob to my Evie was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in the entirety of my life so far, because not only did I find the twin brother for Evie, but I also found an older brother for me. Thank you for having had dealt with my shenanigans back then (even helped me out with one of my biggest assignments last year! Did I ever tell you that I got full marks for that one?) and I hope that you’ll be willing to deal with them again now that we’re both back in action.
Your skill in art will always leave me in awe, as does your skill in writing. Your creativity is one-of-a-kind, and your passion for everything that you love doing is astounding. When I first followed your blog, I was lowkey intimidated because of everything that you were— are. You’re so talented, extraordinarily so. And even though simplicity is finest, which is a concept that both you and I believe in, you are that and yet you are not? There’s something about your character that’s just… different, and it makes me respect you even more, even if I can’t quite put a finger to it. Nevertheless, to have been able to confide in you and rant about whatever I ranted about back then (pretty sure Ble.ach was somewhere along those lines), as well as been given the chance to write with you, no matter who your muse was… well, it was an experience one can rarely forget.
All in all, guess who’s excited to interact with you again, kuya!
That’s right, me.
And so many others, but me the most, I tell you.
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etveritcs · 7 years
🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored? 🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places? 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies?
Meme: Unusual questions for your muse.Sender: @hebvelStatus: Accepting.
🕹- What does your muse do to occupy themselves when bored?
Most of the time, a good book is enough to keep her entertained for more than a few hours; others, one would also find her by the piano, pressing keys in a certain flow that suggested years of practice and a longing for a lost dream. She would also spend time training at home or at the gym, days of frustration and exhaustion expressed through her punches and hits; although more frequently than not, Laurraine is barely ever bored considering just how busy she can get. Stuck in between murder cases, paperwork, as well as selective contracts, free time is nearly nonexistent for the assassin-turned-detective.
🏚- Does your muse like to explore dangerous places?
Exploring dangerous places is sort of part of her job, so she more or less doesn’t have a choice when it comes down to it. Whether she likes to do so or not, however, is something that isn’t exactly thought about, given that there are two things she’s mostly afraid of: spiders and snakes. Now, if these ‘dangerous places’ were to be a home for either one (or God forbid, for both), then no, there’s no way she’s going there. But also taking into consideration of her hidden curious nature, as well as her daring trait, Laurraine doesn’t shy away from the concept of exploration. Plus, she’s already living a dangerous life… so there’s that
 🎟- Do they like “so bad it’s good” movies?
No, she hates them. If a movie is damned bad, there’s no ‘it’s good’ part— she’ll just hate it. 
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etveritcs · 7 years
🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought? // 🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily? // 🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories? ( idk why that one emoji is broken :| )
Meme: Unusual questions for your muse.Sender: @thewillfulonesStatus: Accepting.
🔖- Is your muse a daydreamer? What do they tend to think about? Have they ever caught themselves while lost in thought?
It is no secret that Raine is an occasional daydreamer; she often ponders on what her life could have been like if her father never died, if she just simply pursued her passion for music rather than that need for vengeance and justice. It’s during moments of serenity when the lost thoughts truly get to her, and if one were to witness such a time, they’d see her staring so far away with a hint of a smile on her lips. But alas, like nearly every truth that there is to her, she hides this characteristic under way too many layers — so yes, she does catch herself whenever there’s the slightest of signs that she is not alone.
🤝- Does your muse forgive others easily?
Honestly, it depends on who the person is and what it is that they’ve done. Despite her hardened exterior and defense mechanism of sarcasm and wit, the woman is more compassionate than she likes to admit. There’s a kindness in her heart that she unconsciously shows, although hates to actually say anything about it. She doesn’t think she’s kind — she’s killed people for her own need (whether it be due to personal reasons or due to the fact that it’s just in the nature of her job(s)) — and she knows that she’s selfish. But the act of forgiveness... the more attached she is to the person, the harder it is to do, especially if the fault against her was more than hurtful. She does, however, believe in second chances (considering that it’s something that her father’s embedded into her as she grew up), although there have been situations where she’s been doubtful of such belief.
🎀- Does your muse like to accessorize? What are their favorite pieces of accessories?
The only accessories that she feels comfortable wearing for everyday living, are her stud earrings, and the bracelet she got for her thirteenth birthday from her mother. Apart from those, Laurraine isn’t a big jewellery person unless an occasion calls for it (parties and other social events).
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etveritcs · 7 years
//anon// i don't like your muse or portrayal whatsoever :||| I /LOVE/ your muse and portrayal. see what i did there? ;D but honestly, in the short span we've interacted and conversed ooc, it's always been an absolute pleasure and i've enjoyed every minute of it. thank you for coming back and gracing my dash once more with your brilliance
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etveritcs · 7 years
Meme: Questions for muses.Sender: @thewillfulones​Status: Accepting.
YAH. something your muse agrees on 100% of the time.
For the past decade, one thing that Raine has always agreed on is the fact that the world is so much more easier to handle when everything’s black and white. It’s easier to see where the line is, who’s bad and who’s good, what’s wrong and what’s right. Although despite being a person who’s grey herself, Raine bases all of her actions on this mentality, and so, she puts in the effort to keep everything in its monochromatic and categorical settings. 
However, after years of having been in both worlds and meeting different kinds of people, it is in no doubt that she struggles to maintain the notion, as there will always be those who are shades of grey as well.
LUST. who does your muse find attractive?
The thing with attraction is that there are only ever few people who actually piques her interests. Through experience, Raine has learnt that judging individuals by their appearances is never the best way to go, hence why it actually takes longer to get her attention and affections. But even so, it’s not exactly impossible to do so. 
Though continuing with the terms of physical attraction that cannot be helped, she’s found several of her associates rather handsome and quite easy on the eyes. A major giveaway if this were the case, is if she plays along with the game of harmless flirtation and teasing — which is somewhat rare for a person of her character, for it is also a show that she’s comfortable around them. And if a night were to call for it, certain circumstances may even lead to her spending the night in the arms of another, but never for too long as she’s out through the door (or window) before the sun rises. 
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etveritcs · 7 years
Meme: Questions for muses.Sender: @occultiistStatus: Accepting.
BLOOD. what types of injuries has your muse sustained? what was the worst?
Oh, a lot. She’s been shot at, stabbed at, punched, and tortured for information just because several idiots thought that she was an easy target. The worst injury that she had ever received, however, would be the car accident.
Not only had she been physically injured (lacerations, broken ribs, and bruises), but that accident had also left a scar internally. 
As everyone around her saw, the day she lost her father was the day her mind clicked elsewhere; as it does with others who’s lost a loved one.
She stopped pursuing her dream of becoming a musician and entered a world where there was no coming back from. She was pained and she was hurt so much that Raine stopped being herself. She’s been walking around with a mask for the past decade, walls set in place because she believes that attachments are futile. 
No matter what people think and no matter what pain she goes through, she knows that nothing can ever compare to losing her father.
LOYALTY. does your character have any loyalty to any group?
The only person she’s ever loyal to is herself (as well as her family, of course). In spite of being in the NYPD as an officer of the law, her loyalty can only go so far with them, especially with the knowledge that most are actually more corrupted than one would think. So no, she does not have any loyalty to any group.
Although, if an individual were to grow on her as friend, she’d watch their back as they’d watch hers. But it’d be left unsaid, since Raine isn’t exactly one to wear her heart on her sleeves.
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etveritcs · 7 years
Pride, love, fear.
Meme: Questions for muses.Sender: @tsumtsmStatus: Accepting.
PRIDE. what is your muses biggest flaw?
If anything, Raine’s biggest flaw is her tendency of underestimating just how dangerous a situation can be. With her father’s death and the fact that she has a foot in the dark world,  It is without a doubt that she more or less believes that she has seen it all. The characteristic has gotten her into sticky circumstances before — even ones where she shouldn’t have survived. She often jumps into action head first, and fails to take a step back in order to actually think of other ways to achieve her goal. Yes, it’s not ideal for a homicide detective to be of such, but a person could say that she got that trait from her mother.
LOVE. does your muse have a “special someone”?
It’s hard to have a “special someone” when you’re too used to the dark.
At least that’s what she believes.
Furthermore, she does not like the idea of dragging someone into the dark with her, so no, she doesn’t have anyone special in her life; despite the protests she receives from her older siblings.
FEAR. what are your muses biggest fears?
For someone who’s a trained killer, one would think that she’s fearless and has no weakness. She does, however, care a lot for the family she has left, so they’re people that can be used against her. But on a more secretive level, Raine actually has arachnophobia and ophidiophobia — a fear of spiders and snakes. It’s a fact that not a lot of people acknowledges, which is more so because she actually doesn’t disclose the information in the first place. After all, no one should know her weaknesses, right? But nevertheless, if she were to be forced to come face to face with spiders and snakes, she’d freeze and just… stare. 
In other words, her mind just shuts off while she freaks out within.
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