#s3 i never got to but i heard it was terrible we shall see
>watching a period drama set in an 18th century brothel
>scene of a constable raid on said brothel
>guy comes out of a room naked with a tricorne over his crotch, yells WHO DARES INTERFERE WITH AN ENGLISHMAN’S RIGHT TO GO WHORING
>i scream in delight at seeing arthur kirkland himself depicted so faithfully
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somerpmemes · 3 years
Killing Eve S3 Starters
Change as needed
“If you want to be a winner you have to sacrifice everything.”
“I am so much happier now she’s dead.”
“Bureaucracy in all its glory.”
“I’m back now, with bells on.”
“We’re always like this, aren’t we?”
“We’re gonna make a fabulous team.”
“You’re not easy to replace.”
“What’s in it for you, hmm?”
“Whatever you want, I will do it.”
“Power is there for the taking, ___. You just have to be smart about how.”
“You have friends?”
“You realize to fit in here you have to be socially inept like the rest of us.”
“You know, a normal person would flake on their friend when something better turns up.”
“Well, remind me not to rely on you for anything.”
“You can hide from it, but it won’t hide from you.”
“Are you crying? Don’t be a wimp.”
“Nothing good comes fast.”
“My work remains totally untouchable.”
“You know, you really shouldn’t leave your front door open considering the amount of people that have tried to kill you.”
“Yeah, well it’s not my problem anymore.”
“You just don’t seem very happy, that’s all.”
“Who says I want to be happy?”
“You see this and you’re transported to a time of happiness?”
“Are you ever going to apologize?”
“You really don’t think you did anything wrong at all, do you?”
“Life is just a series of trade-offs, ___.”
“This isn’t something you can fix, ___.”
“Our entire relationship has had you at the center of it.”
“She’s lying, okay?”
“You’re crying because you feel stupid. Because you WERE stupid.”
“Hey, these drinks don’t involve games or organized fun, do they?”
“I hear you’re a walking miracle.”
“You know, when a bullet has been through you, it leaves something behind.”
“And then you taught me how to swear in Russian.”
“It’s about acknowledging the sad together.”
“Couldn’t we be sad and listen to good music?”
“It’s push by the way.”
“Why would I want to look ten years younger?”
“It’s good to have many lovers. Keeps you limber.”
“Winners win alone.”
“You can’t go down that path anymore.”
“So you don’t think about her anymore?”
“So, shall we just dive right in?”
“I don’t believe in distractions.”
“I’m fully capable of doing my job without any approval from you.”
“I know you think I’m a self-serving prick.”
“Some things are bigger than the job and this is one of them.”
“You have to start taking care of yourself right now or it’s going to catch up with you.”
“How long do I have to stay?”
“Anybody can fight. It takes a special person to kill.”
“Just so you know, I’m kinda a big deal in this industry.”
“You do everything I say exactly when I say it.”
“If you make me look bad I will kill you.”
“You did all that for a boyfriend?”
“You only know a country once you know it’s drink.”
“It’s good to know he was getting some before he died.”
“Being hard on someone is sometimes what they need.”
“Don’t be embarrassed will you?”
“Why don’t you go and do your thing where you close your eyes and breathe?”
“You do not get to come here without an invitation anymore!”
“Haven’t you heard? I’m moving up in the world.”
“If I killed everybody who betrayed me there would be nobody left.”
“You have to know, you’re not safe.”
“You think you’re in control but you’re not.”
“Really, I’m fine. You should go.”
“You know I care about you?”
“You really like that baby, huh?”
“It would be really unsettling if he actually got something right.”
“I have all my best thoughts in the bath.”
“I haven’t looked up in ten minutes.”
“Meetings have biscuits.”
“That is literally the most parenting this household has ever seen.”
“You have been unfocused and manic for days.”
“I’m just having some fun.”
“It’s not my fault he was an idiot.”
“You want to amuse yourself, go crazy.”
“I’m the one doing all the work.”
“You think handling you isn’t work?”
“You should get your act together.”
“I’m not ready!”
“Once I pop, I just can’t stop.”
“I don’t have any self-control.”
“Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
“Did you take this job thinking it’d be easier?”
“You really should have some kind of protection, you know that right?”
“Have you ever locked and popped, ___?”
“I want to smell powerful.”
“Pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is how we grow.”
“I adore a coincidence, it makes me feel I’m in the right place.”
“I just had the novel experience of being stood up.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll have him killed.”
“A terrible lifestyle suits me, huh?”
“Do you believe a word of that?”
“This place is psychopathic.”
“I should have shot you in the head.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“I’m not here for you!”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Who doesn’t answer their phone on a stake-out?”
“Everyone, look innocent.”
“Don’t wait for me in the dark like that!”
“Don’t you want to know why I’m in your bed?”
“They own every little bit of you.”
“What kind of baby do you think I was?”
“I’m wearing power. And to keep power, you need knowledge.”
“This is where you belong!”
“So you’re saying this is it?”
“You do realize that’s my desk?”
“What is that smell?”
“You’re supposed to share the cake!”
“You’re like a sad teenager, waiting for a like on Instagram.”
“Don’t you like having fun?”
“You don’t know what it’s like when you’ve chosen to destroy your own life.”
“I promise you, whatever you’ve done is not half as bad as the stuff in my checkered past.”
“I stabbed someone.”
“Do not think that you are the only self-loathing as whole in the room, ever.”
“Choices, ___. It’s all about choices.”
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
“But it’s my job to do terrible things.”
“I want you to have a plan.”
“So not over me.”
“Ah. You made me cake.”
“It really doesn’t look like the picture.”
“Wait, wait, just because it looks bad doesn’t mean it tastes bad.”
“You don’t deserve nice things if you don’t look after them.”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“I gained valuable insight into Victorian gender politics.”
“You’re so close to getting what you want. But you have to play by the rules.”
“You are so annoying today.”
“I am just trying to save you from yourself!”
“You know, you really don’t have to be so dramatic.”
“This would be a really bad way to go!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be my favorite.”
“What got you in such a good mood?”
“I really hate it when you do that.”
“You’re free now. You can be whoever you want.”
“But I don’t want to be free.”
“You have the hiccups?”
“I’ve been ordered to stay away from all of this.”
“What are you doing home at this hour of the day?”
“It is a bit odd being here in the daytime, isn’t it?”
“I get up to all sorts of stuff.”
“You barely even look at me.”
“I’m trying to tell you that I’m worried about you, ___!”
“You have hat hair.”
“You said you have everything under control.”
“Not getting any, huh?”
“Did they air bnb my room again?”
“I know a killer when I see a killer and she’s a killer.”
“You were mean.”
“I beat the crap out of the sofa so I don’t beat the crap out of people.”
“You’ll have lots of fun, I promise.”
“Being strong is a choice.”
“That looks like shit.”
“You don’t want to dance?”
“Eat this. Be quiet.”
“Come on, it used to make you laugh.”
“You always laugh at things that aren’t funny.”
“You do not belong here.”
“I was not a happy person.”
“You were never a happy person.”
“You were bad from the beginning.”
“Oh, I think I need to kill you.”
“It’s so good to see your eyes.”
“Do you want to put ice on it?”
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“This is the same stuff I was doing before.”
“You know that would be okay... if you’re not okay, that is.”
“Sometimes you just need to let it win.”
“You can’t watch sports without a hot dog.”
“I don’t want to talk about it!”
“Where are we going? It better be someplace hot.”
“You should run away.”
“I don’t think you really want this.”
“Don’t let them see something’s up.”
“The plan only works if nobody knows there is one.”
��Should I… trust you?”
“None of us are to be trusted, that’s why we work here.”
“Don’t be a grump.”
“Stop or I’ll scream.”
“You know how annoying it is when you have to be around two people in love?”
“You’re a real role model, you know that?”
“You don’t have to do this. I already know you are scary.”
“___, are you comparing yourself to a carrot?”
“I don’t love being here either.”
“It would be so much better if we could have this conversation after I’ve eaten.”
“To you, I am harsh and cold and, to me, you are disappointed and expectant.”
“You don’t talk to people when they are bowling.”
“You can’t beat us, you understand?”
“Oh, I’ve got to get out of here.”
“That guy was really staring at me.”
“Do you know why I love you, ___? Because you’re an agent of chaos. And I love chaos.”
“You’re a beautiful monster, ___.”
“Thank you for the inappropriate touching. It was actually pretty nice.”
“You’re a child. You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”
“It’s just standard white person stuff.”
“Jokes are for people who do their job correctly, ___.”
“Do you ever think of anything else?”
“Heroes only get the girl in Hollywood.”
“Do you want to sit down?”
“Is this one of those moments we pretend never happened?”
“Look what someone just gave me. It’s a shank made out of a toothbrush.”
“Tone all this down a little. It’s too much.”
“So you’re actually leaving me here?”
“Why are you making this difficult?”
“You can’t get raided twice in a day. It’s a rule.”
“You look ridiculous.”
“Germans don’t wear kilts.”
“Russia has vegans now.”
“There is no such thing as a nice surprise.”
“Just once I want to make a scene and not be told to “be quiet” or to “pull myself together” or that I’m being ridiculous!”
“What kind of person does that?”
“I hope you die.”
“He’s crying out to be killed.”
“You have lost it, haven’t you?”
“Okay, I’m gonna make myself an omelette to celebrate.”
“That random guy now wants to kill me.”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“Wherever I go, someone wants to murder me.”
“I probably deserve it.”
“Let’s face it, ___, I’m a prick.”
“Don’t argue with me we’re celebrating.”
“You’re not really okay, are you?”
“I fear the walls may be closing in on me.”
“It’s starting to feel personal.”
“What is wrong with you?! You’re an emotional iceberg!”
“I’m not coming at you, I’m trying to hug you.”
“This isn’t healthy.”
“You can’t just refuse to feel anything for the rest of your life.”
“A little overdramatic, don’t you think?”
“Is this really necessary?”
“You’re going to die in this room.”
“We are both to blame.”
“Do you ever think about the past?”
“They seem happy. Carefree.”
“I want to feel like that.”
“Dancing’s not my thing.”
“Are you leading or am I?”
“We’d consume each other before we got old.”
“Talk me through your outfit.”
“Comfortable is what you make people with a terminal illness.”
“I was trained to look devastating.”
“You know, you almost have no sense of humor.”
“What am I supposed to do? Applaud or…?”
“What is this really about?”
“You’ve not tried to bribe someone before, have you?”
“I expected you to look more like a stripper.”
“You know your problem? You don’t know what’s good for you.”
“Well, this is something new.”
“You’re going to burn for this.”
“I wish I could believe you.”
“You never loved me. Not even close.”
“You can be pretty athletic when you choose.”
“I don’t want to do it anymore. Any of it.”
“You were never like them. You only thought you were.”
“When I try to think of my future I just see your face over and over again.”
“Did I ruin your life?”
“Do you think I’m a monster?”
“I think we all have monsters inside of us, it’s just that most people have managed to keep theirs hidden.”
“Help me make it stop.”
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edenmemes · 4 years
game of thrones (s3) starters
❝ did it ever occur to you that i might be the one who deserves your confidence and your trust? ❞ ❝ you’re lucky to be alive. ❞ ❝ it doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else. ❞        ❝ you’ve been so kind. i’d feel terrible if anything happened to you. ❞     ❝ i'm apologizing. i’m sick of fighting. let’s call a truce. ❞       ❝ you are the finest man i’ve ever known. ❞   ❝ by what right does the wolf judge the lion? ❞       ❝ your jokes are not appreciated. ❞  ❝ no point in trying to hide behind that face. i know fear when i see it. ❞         ❝ the truth is always either terrible or boring. ❞   ❝ you are an ill-made, spiteful little creature full of envy, lust, and low cunning. ❞  ❝ as much as i appreciate a walk in the sunshine, i’m wondering why you sent for me. ❞   ❝ that’s a lovely gown, my lady. ❞   ❝ you’re very kind. someday it’ll get you killed. ❞   ❝ you're so dangerous, aren't you? saying scary things to little girls. killing little boys and old people. ❞ ❝ there it is. that’s the look. i’ve seen it for years on face after face. you despise me. ❞            ❝ do you have a family? a mother and a father you'd return to if you had the choice? ❞ ❝ there's a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand. ❞   ❝ you’ve come to a dangerous place full of dangerous people. ❞   ❝ the lowest among us are no different from the highest if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart. ❞   ❝ all men must die. but we are not men. ❞ ❝ you have a taste- one taste of the real world where people have important things taken from them and you whine and cry and quit. ❞ ❝ you think you're the smartest there is. that everyone alive has to bow and scrape and lick your boots. ❞ ❝ i'm the simplest man you'll ever meet. i only do what i want to do. ❞ ❝ sometimes severity is the price we pay for greatness. ❞ ❝ you coward. a little misfortune and you give up. ❞ ❝ fighting bravely for a losing cause is admirable. ❞ ❝ big men fall just as quick as little ones if you put a sword through their hearts. ❞ ❝ plenty of little men tried to put their swords through my heart. and there's plenty of little skeletons buried in the woods. ❞      ❝ we can’t all have a king’s bravery. ❞   ❝ my sword is yours, my life is yours, my heart is yours. ❞ ❝ i think what you want most of all is to be a hero. ❞   ❝ back away. keep backing away till you're outside this establishment. then back away some more. ❞   ❝ could you do it? could you kill something? ❞   ❝ not another step. unless you want to drown in your own blood. ❞   ❝ i’ve heard some troubling tales. is there any truth to them? ❞   ❝ you’ve chosen the darkness. ❞   ❝ my enemies think they’ve destroyed me. they’re laughing at me. ❞   ❝ i would not speak to the dead. ❞   ❝ you said i should come to you with any problems. ❞   ❝ you’re a dangerous person. i like dangerous people. ❞   ❝ this is becoming one of the most boring conversations i've ever had. ❞   ❝ even the bravest men fear death. ❞   ❝ i would sit at this window everyday when the sun came up, waiting. ❞   ❝ it’s too beautiful a day to argue. ❞   ❝ it’s not easy for girls like us to dig our way out. ❞         ❝ what do i want? a little bloody gratitude would be a start. ❞   ❝ you’re clever, but you’re not half as clever as you think you are. ❞   ❝ if i wanted to kill you, do you think i'd let a wooden door stop me? ❞   ❝ the man who cut me lost more than his nose. ❞   ❝ you’re going to make me cry. ❞   ❝ you don’t have the strength. it would kill you. ❞   ❝ i’m not so easily killed. men have been trying for years. ❞   ❝ you refuse to tell me where you’re going? ❞   ❝ i got no fear of what’s out there. ❞ ❝ i don't pay you to put evil notions in my head. the ones already there don't need company. ❞   ❝ let’s not go back. let’s stay here a while longer. ❞            ❝ wait for me. wait for me and i’ll come back to you. ❞   ❝ i like to fight up close. i like to see a man's face when i put the steel in him. ❞   ❝ here, come sit next to me. i’m much less boring than these others. ❞   ❝ it’s not slander if it’s true. ❞ ❝ if blood is your desire, blood shall flow. ❞ ❝ you waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead person in town. ❞   ❝ i'm not afraid of you. ❞   ❝ i’m stupid. a stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns. ❞      ❝ i've never heard a kind word from your mouth. ❞        ❝ i've never had a family. ❞     ❝ i'm sorry. here i am complaining to you. ❞   ❝ i want very much for you to be happy. ❞        ❝ i'm almost as generous to those who help me than unpleasant towards those who don’t. ❞       ❝ when you are dead, i will gather your bones in a little sack and let your widow wear them around her neck. ❞   ❝ stay alive a little longer, my friend. ❞      ❝ i am sworn to no man. ❞     ❝ i love you. do you hear me? i love you. ❞   ❝ every time i come back, i’m a bit less. pieces of you get chipped away. ❞          ❝ i like you, but if you lie to me, i'll pull your guts out through your throat. ❞     ❝ i want us to be friends. good friends. ❞     ❝ i have prayed day and night for you to come to me. ❞       ❝ maybe you were as good as people said once.  /  or maybe people just love to overpraise a famous name. ❞      ❝ i want you. ❞   ❝ people work together when it suits them. yhey're loyal when it suits them. they love each other when it suits them. and they kill each other when it suits them. ❞  ❝ i did what i did for the good of the realm. ❞   ❝ you’re paying for my sins. it’s not fair or right. i’ll remember it. ❞   ❝ sorry. were you sleeping? ❞   ❝ chaos isn’t a pit. chaos is a ladder. ❞       ❝ it's you and me that matters. / don’t ever betray me. ❞   ❝ you were trembling like a leaf. ❞   ❝ if you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention. ❞   ❝ i see a darkness in you. ❞   ❝ it’s quite flattering, really, you feeling such dread in the prospect of me getting what i want. ❞   ❝ i will not breathe further life into a malicious lie by further discussing it. ❞   ❝ you’re not doing this for your god. you’re doing this for gold. ❞   ❝ it’s not getting any easier, you know. ❞     ❝ i feel like i’m in a dream. ❞ ❝ nobody cares about what your father once said. ❞      ❝ but i promise you one thing. i won't ever hurt you. ❞ ❝ i think mothers and fathers made up the gods because they wanted their children to sleep through the night. ❞   ❝ we do not choose our destiny, but we must do our duty, no? ❞   ❝ i hope you’re better with a sword than you are a lie. ❞   ❝ is that what you think? that it's all for a reason? all these bad things happened because the gods got big plans for you? ❞ ❝ i'm just trying to say, very badly- i just- just want to say i know how you feel. ❞   ❝ men who fight for gold have neither honor nor loyalty. ❞   ❝ you don't want to be alone out here. someone worse than me would find you. ❞ ❝ if we die, we die. but first we'll live. ❞   ❝ how many men have you killed? fifty? a hundred? ❞   ❝ i don’t care what you swear because you’re a liar. you’ll lie to anyone. ❞     ❝ i want it to haunt you to the end of your days. ❞       ❝ i stole it. it's mine. if you want it, come steal it back. ❞ ❝ if you meant to murder me, then bloody well get on with it. ❞     ❝ i am a godly man. ❞   ❝ there’s no one worse than you. ❞   ❝ the god’s wouldn’t spare a raven’s cold shit for you or me or anyone. ❞     ❝ well, you rip my pretty silk dress, i’ll blacken your eye. ❞ ❝ not talking, eh? that’s a first. ❞ ❝ you’re a delight to me. ❞   ❝ show them how it feels to lose what they love. ❞ ❝ haven’t you wondered where your strength came from? your talent for fighting? ❞ ❝ i could have your tongue for saying that. ❞       ❝ you have a very suspicious mind. in my experience, only dishonest people think this way. ❞ ❝ you think a crown gives you power? ❞ ❝ every time we deal with an enemy, we create two more. ❞ ❝ it was just a bit of blood. ❞ ❝ next time you’re going to do something like that, tell me first. ❞ ❝ does fuck off mean something different where you’re from? ❞ ❝ deserve? start trying to work out who deserves what and before long you'll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world. ❞ ❝ this will never be your home. ❞ ❝ i stopped being a child when i was nine. ❞ ❝ forgive my manners. i don’t see many ladies these days. ❞   ❝ first time i met you, you put a knife to my throat. ❞   ❝ any man who must say, 'i am the king' is no true king. ❞       ❝ you should be thanking the gods for this. this is more than you deserve. ❞   ❝ i could be your family. ❞   ❝ what i know is what i saw. and if you saw it, too, you'd run the other way. ❞       ❝ there are a lot of stories about this place. horrible stories. ❞ ❝ everyone is mine to torment. you’ll do well to remember that. ❞       ❝ i'll tell you what i prayed for this morning. let's see, for my family's health and happiness, for an end to the war, for a short winter. boring and traditional, i'm afraid. ❞       ❝ i do know some things. i know i love you. ❞ ❝ but if you don’t kill me, i’ll kill you. ❞   ❝ oh, i'm a monster? perhaps you should speak to me more softly, then. ❞ ❝ i hope i’m not a disappointment to you. ❞   ❝ i know how to skin a rabbit. ❞   ❝ you think you’re good with that bow? ❞   ❝ have you ever seen a war where innocents didn't die by the thousands? ❞   ❝ leave this place. leave tonight, i beg you. ❞   ❝ i choose my allies carefully and my enemies more carefully still. ❞   ❝ it’s getting dark. we could stay here for the night. ❞ ❝ you know i didn’t have a choice. you always knew who i was, who i am. ❞   ❝ my enemies have made my kingdom bleed. ❞     ❝ roses are boring, dear. ❞  
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