#s5 feelins tonight eh?
gardenerian · 5 months
i need to scream because i just saw the script for 5x10 of a deleted/not filmed scene of mickey getting angry at the gallaghers for not wanting to look for ian??? after he ran away with monica??? like!!! WHY MY SOUL NEEDED IT!!! god, it makes me wonder if they had to delete it and twist things in the latest eps due to noel leaving… oh… the things we could have had….. ((((me telling myself it’s okay we still got them together BUT))
you have come to the right place for screaming my friend! 🗣HE WANTED TO FIND HIS MAN! AND BRING HIM HOME!
to be fair to the gallaghers, though... where the fuck would they have looked? it's definitely not the same as looking for frank in those portapotties, ya know? they were all spinning out so bad, too, i doubt they would have made much headway. but god. yeah. something about mickey tearing shit apart trying to find him.... FUCK.
i try not to think too hard about the good shit we could have had if the show had just recognized noel's worth....... but we probably would have had such good shit. thankfully there are killer fixit fics for that. and hell yeah things turned out okay - it's okay, they're okay, and we're okay!
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