#sab has the cast but some of the writers have said some stuff :
flythesail · 1 year
Lockwood & Co. really does have the best book to screen adaption I've ever seen. And the changes that were made not only improved upon the source material, but most importantly - felt true to it.
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ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
For the fanfic writer ask: ❤️✨️👻🎁💕🦈🎬
Thanks anon some cool questions here!!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
"What kind of Hospitality Whore can’t even keep her mouth shut?" I have no justification for this it just lives in my head rent free.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Ooh that's an interesting one.
"Oh DAMN this was so good! I love a bit of canon-compliant fwb, and this scenario is so perfect for it. God did such a great job!" because of @train-pirate 's autocorrect that implies God wrote a Ruth/Zarah fic.
"Peer pressure, or Stockholm syndrome?" @melsunicornonesie on why I write Mel/Ben
"Cackling (evilly) at the ending of this chapter! I'm not a Mel/Ruth fan at all, but I am very much a fan of chaos and this is DELIGHTFUL" @train-pirate being an absolute Quing and reading my Melruth stuff despite it all. Chaos indeed.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Wildest??? Hmmm. Probably the I've-has-two-hands Ruth/Boki/Melanie one that is absolute chaos. I'll say no more and keep it PG.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Panting as she slowed to a stop, she knocked on the Engine room door. What if this was part of her dream, too? The breathlessness, heart pounding in her chest, were hardly uncommon features as she ran from armed mobs, jackboots or ghosts. The door slid open.
"Were you going to hide it from me forever? God I need to... I need to know. I need the truth. Please. You said you didn't mean for me to find out that way. But did you mean for me to find out at all?" Ruth asked at double speed, the words tumbling out of her unfettered.
And then she blinked, the jumble of thoughts suddenly clearing as if letting out the question was enough to stop them swirling round and round. She blinked again, and then she stared.
Melanie was sat in a large chair at the helm of the train, leaning back against the controls with a glass of something balanced lightly and precisely in her fingertips, and -
“Your hair is down,” Ruth could hear the bewilderment in her own voice. She felt suddenly off-kilter.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Under this username it's probably The Curse, or Jab sab galat ho raha ho
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Honestly I think I write Melanie so poorly. I always make her too introspective. I can't seem to get the balance right which is probably to be expected given all the different faces she wears in the show.
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Again for this account, I guess I'd choose No More Lies because if I ever finish it, it has the most potential. I would cast Jodie Whittaker as Lexi!
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kurisus · 3 years
I’m still reeling from how much I enjoyed Shadow and Bone. More thoughts (and spoilers) under the cut.
I feel like someone going into this show with no knowledge of either book series would be hella confused by all the worldbuilding and politics but as I have read all the Grishaverse books I can’t say firsthand
That said the SAB parts MASSIVELY improved on the original books. The books were not...good, to put it mildly, and the show fixed a lot of what I hated about the book. There was still some dumb shit, they didn’t completely fix it, but I enjoyed what I saw onscreen a hell of a lot more than in the book.
Mal was a completely different character in the show and it was so much better. In the books he’s an asshole to everyone, not just Alina, and I could never see why we were supposed to root for him. But in the show, they dropped and changed his awful moments one by one and gave him the personality he should have had all along--I can see why they care for each other, and I actually want things to work out for them.
Basically, book TGT has no rights. Show TGT has many.
But the crows plot...not so much. It felt like they were mostly just there for comic relief and didn’t impact the plot at all, so it’s going to be weird when they do the Ice Court heist.
I LOVED the Helnik scenes. The mix of original scripting, the actors having perfect chemistry, and book dialogue won my heart over completely. I really think the showrunners took a gamble with including them at all, since they served even less of a purpose than the crows and if they didn’t get another season there would be no reason for them to be there either. I’m also glad they somewhat changed Nina selling out Matthias to fit the context of the TGT plot, but not enough to where it didn’t happen at all, since he still needs to be convinced she’s the enemy.
The rest of the crows were a mixed bag. Some of the individual scenes I liked, some I did not, overall the plot for them and the logic and reasoning for why they were in Ravka at all was shaky at best.
It looks like season 2 will be opening in Ketterdam rather than Novyi Zem like the books, which I’m fine with at a basic level. I’m just not sure where the crows will go from there--will they continue their anime original story arc until the TGT plot is over (2 more seasons, presumably), or will they head off to Fjerda after the Darkling reclaims Alina? I kinda hope the WHOLE plot of season 2 doesn’t take place in Ketterdam, since that would be a lot of filler.
The plot of SAS takes place partly at sea and mostly in Ravka and revolves around Nikolai building rapport with the common folk by having Alina at his side, so they would have to do a LOT of changing if they wanted to do the plot in Ketterdam, aside from just the opening scenes. As fun as it might be to see the crows fighting the Darkling in their own territory for a whole season, most of my problems with season 1 of the show stem from them trying to cram two vastly different book series into one plot rather than just adapting them separately. And I have mixed feelings either way they try to progress the crows’ plot in season 2.
If the writers decide to keep them fucking around with filler until the TGT plot is done, it’s going to be real weird both for book readers and for people who have only seen the show to watch these comic relief sidekick characters suddenly become serious and the stars of the show after not impacting the plot of three seasons, with no more nods to the Ravka storyline unless they decide to adapt KOS alongside SOC (doubtful). But it does work chronologically, since the SOC duology takes place years after TGT.
On the other hand, if the crows go to the Ice Court in season 2, they’ll actually get to do stuff but it’s still going to be really weird having this heist plot for money getting tangled up with the end-of-the-world plot in TGT. I have a bad feeling they’d make the Darkling seek out jurda parem for his final battle on the Fold, and Alina would take parem to stop him or something, which is just all kinds of weird. I would also throw hands if they dropped the auction from Crooked Kingdom to have them battle it out on the Fold instead.
Bottom line: I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how they do it. I’m hoping for a season 2 announcement soon, and casting for Wylan and Nikolai as well as other characters, which should give me a hint as to what they’re planning plot-wise.
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