#sabo leans in to snuggle against him like yeah
xamaxenta · 7 months
crashes in thru the window A Vision. Ive Seen A Vision. sabos hands are covered in scars from using his dragon claw thingy and professional martial artists like brickbreakers and shit literally have their bones thicken over time from healing microfractures to provide more strength and power BUT it can come at the cost of joint pain and/or arthritis especially with age. what im saying is scarred calloused weapons of mass destruction sabo hands and rough warm physicians tools, lifetime of rope and rigging and worn ships marco the phoenix hands, gently easing the very literal ache in sabos bones with his two hands cupped around sabos (and sabo is slighter, his hands at first glance look narrow and delicate, but by the time youre close enough to see the scars on his pasty ass skin its too late for you, and marcos workmans hands completely eclipse his) full of warm healing flames . sabo and marco bite and snark and tease and fuck nasty so much that some ppl cannot tell if they like or hate each other but at the end of the day there is no one sabo trusts more to look over his strongest most intimate weapons (LITERALLY attached to/part of his body) like honing the fine edge of a blade that cuts anyone who touches it . but marco bleeds fire. they bicker and argue and tease but here it is silent. the only sounds are the warm rustle of callouses dragging against each other abd the soft rumble of crackling phoenix fire, louder than a candle but quieter than a lantern, and when it pops and snaps it sounds more like leaves and sea waves carried by the breeze and sabo finally, finally can relax for just a moment
This makes me yearn so much i am so full of yearning rn
Absolutely beautiful commentary of their relationship
Sabo’s a man of many facets and Marco wholly understands this and does what he can to enable it, if anything to protect him
If Sabo needs to be seen as someone dangerous vicious tongued, sharper wit, someone so beyond the league of normal men then Marco, the phoenix, who has had plenty of experience would do anything to enable this image
Because when theyre alone he gets to see Sabo as he is because Sabo trusts him implicitly and that means so much more than any words they could share or any snarky performance for the public could
Its rly soft aaaaaah wnishdoshd
Also the softest imagery of Sabo allowing Marco to look over his hands, press out the hurt, the ache, soothe the angry sharpness in his wrists that flares up whenever he writes, Sabo going boneless into his embrace hes shockingly vulnerable like this, without the squaring of his shoulders and the confident commanding pitch of his voice its easy to see the soft nobility in his form something hes striven to move beyond
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kuzocho · 4 years
It is okay to say no | Sabo x Reader
So, this is a piece where I deal with what happened to me in the past. It’s the most personal and self-indulged fic I’ve written so far.
tw: Slightly sexual content in the beginning, mention of dub-con content, maybe even abuse
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You snuggled closer to Sabo under the covers and with a sigh, you put your leg around his hip. Almost immediately his hand rested on your thigh, right under your butt. When you inhaled his familiar scent, you finally managed to relax. This felt nice. This felt like home.
You both came back from different missions yesterday and with all the reports and paperwork you had to do, there weren’t any moments for some much needed alone-time. You were barely able to undress before you went bed last night and with Sabo being the Chief of Staff, he still had some stuff to do. Since there was a meeting early in the morning, you two only had time to give each other a quick good-morning-kiss before getting ready. So now laying with your head on his arm and facing him, you could finally spend some time with your boyfriend before ending the day.
“One day I’m gonna kill Dragon for all the tasks he puts on me every time I come back”, Sabo chuckled with a slight smile.
You laughed. “Well, I kinda think he was generous this time. Remember last time when you had a mission? It took us four days to finish all the work before everyone left us alone.” Your fingertips lingered on his bare chest.
“But that was only because I was so frustrated that I yelled at anyone who talked to me”, he said and leaned into your touch when your hand went to cup his cheek. “Even though looking back now, the moment I could finally ease my tension was quite worth it.” His lips turned into a smirk. You remembered that night. It was full of whispers and moans and sweet caresses. It was the most passionate night you had with him.
Before you could dive deeper into the memory, Sabo kissed you. It was sweet and gently at first. You practically felt all the moments he had missed you. A warm feeling spread in your chest and you silently thanked whatever greater force was up there that you both came back. Alive.
After some moments, the kiss became deeper and more intense. His hand squeezed your thigh and then wandered up your leg and grabbed your butt. With a dreadful pit in your stomach you realized were this was leading to.
Relax, this is just Sabo. You’ve done this many times before. You want this. It’s okay.
Your thoughts raced as you tried to relax. You hadn’t felt like having sex the whole day, but now that he wanted it, you tried to silently convince yourself otherwise.
It’s easy. Look how hot Sabo is and how he touches you in all the right ways. It’s okay.
After he pulled his arm from under your head, he rolled himself on top of you while your hands grabbed his shoulders. Kisses were plastered along your jaw and down your neck. His fingertips got very close to your breasts and it was a matter of seconds before Sabo would play with them. His crotch pressed against yours and his arousal was present. Your chest grew tighter and heavier, but it had nothing to do with his weight.
Let it be. It will only get him mad. You’re supposed to do this. You should enjoy this. It’s ok-
“What’s wrong?”
When you opened your eyes, Sabo was staring back at you. His brows were knit and his gaze held a certain worry. He put his forearms next to your head to steady himself.
He realized. This is not good.
“N-Nothing. Let’s keep going”, you whispered. You smiled at him, but it was clear from the look on his face that he didn’t believe you. When you tried to kiss him, he jerked his head away.
“Don’t lie to me. I know something is off.” His lips were pressed into a thin line.
He will get angry any second. Now you’ve ruined it. You could have tried har-
“Are you hurt?”, he asked.
Tears started to prickle behind your eyes and the pressure on your chest was almost unbearable now. You managed to shake your head and his eyes went softer.
Maybe you should just go to the bathroom and pull yourself together. After that you can have se-
“How about I give you a second?”, Sabo asked again. You nodded and he got off you to toss a shirt on. With a soft kiss on your forehead he whispered: “I’ll be right back.”
You couldn’t decide whether you felt better or worse after he had left the room. You were quite sure what was happening since you had been in this situation a dozen times before and it had always been the same outcome. It had been the same pattern every single time. Your partner had been a different one then and since you’ve been with Sabo, you thought the feeling had gone away. How terrible wrong you were and now you had to fix it.
After a few minutes in which you went through different conversations in your head and managed to prevent the tears to fall, Sabo came back with two mugs in his hands. He gave you a little smile to cheer you up and when you sat up, he placed a mug between your fingers. In it was a rich-looking, brown liquid.
“Hot chocolate!”, you said, a little spark of joy erupting in your heart. Chocolate was rare on Bartigo and most of the time they only had it when someone brought it from a mission.
Sabo sat next to you. “Yeah, I bought it on that island I went to. Thought you might like it.” He seemed pleased that he had been able surprise you, but his face went serious again in an instant. “Even though I’d rather have you drink it while we are having a nice evening, but it seems like you need it more now.”
Taking a little sip, you tried to find a place to begin with. There was an urge inside of you that wanted to tell Sabo everything, but how could you explain it to him? “I don’t know where to start”, you confessed.
“Is it because I touched you wrong? Are you not satisfied with the sex? Or don’t you like me an-”
“It has nothing to do with you!”, you interrupted him. It shocked you that he could even think that. A little bit softer, you said: “It is not your fault, Sabo. I’m still very happy with you.”
He let out a long breath. “That is… good to hear.”
You decided it was best to start from the beginning. “Do you remember the time we talked about our past relationships?”
Sabo nodded. “Sure, you said you’ve been in two before, but I know you don’t like to talk about them.” It was obvious that his gears were shifting. His brows knit together again. “Did one of them do something to you?”
Unsure of how to reply, you shrugged your shoulder a bit. “It’s kinda hard to explain and it might be a bit messed up.” Your chest grew tight again at the sheer thought of saying it out loud.
“It’s okay. Just say the words that are in your head and I will make something logical out of it”, Sabo reassured.  
Then you started. You told him how you had gotten together with your last boyfriend. How sexually inexperienced you had been even though you had not been a virgin anymore. You had enjoyed the sex and most of the other stuff you had tried at that point. When you two had become a couple, you had had lots of sex with all the butterflies in your stomach, but soon you hadn’t wanted that much sex anymore, so you had refused a couple of times. After a while, he had gotten angry. There had been quite a few arguments about the topic and if you still loved him or not. You had discovered that it would be more harmonic between you and him if you just had sex with him even if you wouldn’t want that. It had been easier than the constant fights.
Sabo stayed silent while you searched for more words to tell the next part, but his gaze was always on you while yours was fixed on your hot chocolate. You couldn’t bear to look at him when you told him how dirty you had felt every time you had sex with that man just to keep him in a happy mood; how ashamed and betrayed of your own body you had felt when you had orgasmed after you had pep talked yourself into having sex; how sad and frustrated you had felt every time he had asked you for sex or a blowjob and you had said no, just to do it anyways after he had gotten angry again; how often you had cried alone in the bathroom when he had been falling asleep, because you were so disgusted of yourself. It had been a vicious circle and you had only managed to break out of it when he had been away for some time and you had realized how wrong all of this was. This was almost two years ago and you and Sabo have been together for a few months now. After you had broken up you haven’t been intimate with anyone until you met him and you had thought that you were okay. The sex with Sabo was great and just the thought of sleeping with him managed to arouse you. Until today.
“I can’t tell you what happened with me today, Sabo. I just don’t know”, you finished. The rest of your hot chocolate was cold by now and you desperately wished you could sink into it and hide forever. You felt completely naked and Sabo still hasn’t looked away.
After a while he cleared his throat. “From what I’ve just heard, you are experiencing the symptoms of your sexual trauma.”
“Pardon?” You had understood him perfectly fine, but this wasn’t supposed to happen. Sabo should find you obnoxious now or should laugh at you for how stupid you had been.
He put his own mug away and then turned completely to face you. There wasn’t even a tiniest little bit of disgust or amusement in his eyes. Instead, there was concern and the same love you had always seen in them.
“You heard me. You also know that’s it’s not your fault, right? You told him you didn’t want to have sex and he guilt-tripped you”, he went on and now taking your mug out your hands that had started to shake.
“Sabo, stop. That’s not true”, you said, but he wasn’t reacting to it at all.
“It is okay to say no.” His voice was firm and he spoke with such a determination that you wanted to believe him. “It is okay to say no if you don’t want to have sex and the reason behind that doesn’t matter.”
You reached for his hands. “Sabo, I know that.” Instead of interlocking his fingers with yours, he pulled you to his chest.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”, he asked quietly as he held you.
“Because I was afraid you would get angry”, you whispered and your vision got blurry as you looked down.
He gently grabbed your jaw and turned your head to his face. “I would never, never get mad at you if you don’t want to sleep with me, my love. Do you believe me?”
You nod, barely keeping the tears at bay. Your trust in Sabo was so deep, he could be telling the sky was green and the gras was blue and you wouldn’t even think of looking out of the window. There was no point in not believing him. Your heart hammered in your chest and your mind was racing. Sexual trauma. The words were on repeat in your head. Could it really be? You didn’t feel like you had been through so much. You always had sex with Sabo willingly. You enjoyed it a lot. True, you were more submissive, but you thought that was because him being dominant was amazing.
“Do you really think I’m traumatized?”
He let go of your chin to press you even tighter against him. “Do you think it’s normal behaviour if someone says that they know it’s okay to stop, but they still try to force themselves to sleep with someone else?”
You frowned. “Of course not.”
He hummed and then you realized that you just did that. Understanding hit you like a wave crashed against the shore and when the tears started to stream down your face, you felt like drowning. Sabo was right. Your behaviour wasn’t normal nor was it healthy. You sobbed and buried your face into the crook of his neck. You hadn’t thought about openly refusing him earlier because the angst was still there. It hadn’t gone away. It had been there all the time, but you had been so happy with Sabo that it got overshadowed. Now it was there and with it came something you couldn’t say or even just think about it. There was no denying it, obviously, and that left you feeling powerless. Pure dread filled your body. “I-I don’t know how to f-f-fix it.”
“That’s okay, babygirl. I’m here to hold your hand while you figure it out”, Sabo whispered while he gently stroked your back.
And maybe admitting that you have a problem is already the first step to heal.
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Winter nights, cold and long
Merry Christmas, @midnightluck​!
Sabo yawns softly, trying not to interrupt Ace and Marco as they attempted to finish setting up their tree. It was a tiny thing, barely reaching above Ace’s waist and smelling brilliantly like pine and something that made Sabo think of snow days spent by the fireplace.
“We have too many ornaments,” Ace mutters softly leaning over the plastic tub that they had gotten when their collection had gotten too big for the little cardboard box. “We’re gonna have to pick our favorites.”
“Ignore all of the ones we got from the craft store when we first started dating,” Marco answers as he frowns at the star in his hand, trying to make it balance on the top of the tree. “Too much glitter.”
Ace nods shifting those to the side, “Sabo, do you have one that you really want on the tree?”
“Pops, the,” Sabo buries his face into his pillow as he yawns. “One he gave us.”
“That’s a good one. And the one that my mom gave me when I was born,” Ace holds it like it’s something extremely fragile as Marco sets the star to the side, wrapping the string of lights around the top instead. “Marco?”
“That’s as good as we’re going to get for the star,” He nods. “This one.”
Sabo hums, watching them carefully decorate the tree through slitted eyes. He had meant to get more sleep last night, but his brain had been caught up in something and by the time that he realized the time, it had been too late to take one of his sleeping pills. Not that he liked to take them in the first place, but they had made him promise. And Sabo wouldn’t break a promise to them.
“Still tired,” Marco asks suddenly, his hand carding through Sabo’s hair.
Marco nods, “I’m sorry for that. Do you want to take a nap? I think Ace said he wanted to sleep for a little bit and he loves to cuddle when he can get the chance.”
“Yeah,” Ace yawns, a shiver making it’s way down his spine and echoing down his limbs. “I’m too tired to stay up unless I take a nap. Do you want to join me? Marco put the heater on the trunk at the end of the bed to keep us warm.”
Sabo nods, “Nap.”
Marco ushers him up, “Come on. Sleep, Sabo. I’ll wake you both up when it’s time for dinner, how does that sound?”
“Like heaven,” Ace answers kissing Marco’s cheek and wrapping an arm around Sabo’s shoulders. “Thank you. For dinner and helping me with the tree.”
“I’m sure you could have done it without me,” Marco teases gesturing at the small tree. “Get some rest. I’m thinking of steak for dinner.”
“Steak is good,” Sabo mutters, pushing his face against Ace’s neck, the light brighter without the throw pillow to hide from it. “And coffee.”
“No coffee,” Marco corrects kissing Sabo’s temple. “Early night tonight, we can make up for it later. Now go lay down, both of you. Before you fall down.”
“I’m as graceful as a butterfly.”
Ace laughs, leading Sabo back to their bedroom, “A drunken butterfly. You couldn’t make it more than a few steps without me to balance you, Sabo. Come on. We’ll nap and then Marco will have dinner ready for us.”
“Food,” Sabo agrees.
“That’s right food.”
Marco shakes his head as they stumble through the door to their bedroom, Ace kicking the door shut behind them. He waits for the grumbling to stop and for the soft sounds of them sleeping to echo out the room. One day, he was going to remember to film them asleep to prove to them how they did in fact snore, thank you very much.
“Alright,” Marco says sighing as he looked over the living room and took in the mess of cups, with differing levels of cold coffee from Sabo’s most recent late night study binge. “I’m going to have to clean this before I do anything else.”
Sabo always put a cup down and never remembered which one he had been drinking from when he was that deep in his work. It always drove Ace and Marco mad because they could never keep enough of their coffee mugs clean and Sabo would even steal the ones that Marco and Ace had written their names
“Sabo,” Marco sighs, smiling softly as he finds his mug half buried underneath the couch, almost filled to the rim. “I should have gotten him one of those heaters.”
Sabo stumbles out of bed, his eyes burning as he tried to open them, blinking at the sudden darkness outside their room, the light still on from where he had dragged Ace into the bed with him instead of allowing him to turn it off, the only light coming from the Christmas tree. A small pile of gifts had been added to the scene since he had last seen it.
“Waking up now,” Marco asks, smiling when Sabo jerks to look at him, leaning on the island, a mug in his hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Dinner is still in the oven, do you want to eat?”
“Food sounds nice,” Sabo yawns stumbling over to him and shoving one of the stools away from the island to sit down, leaning his head on his arms. “I’m sleepy still.”
Marco brushes Sabo’s hair from his face and rests his palm on his forehead, “Mhm, you don’t feel sick. That’s good, I was worried that you were going to get sick with all the late nights that you’ve been pulling.”
“Feels like ice.”
“That’s because it started snowing about an hour ago and I haven’t upped the heat,” Marco admits setting a plate in front of him. “It’s pretty.”
“Pretty?” Ace grumbles, steadier on his feet than Sabo had been. “W’as pretty?”
“The snow,” Marco answers setting a second plate down for Ace. “It started up not too long after you both went to sleep. News says that it might delay traffic which would get us out of work for a bit tomorrow.”
Sabo pouts, “Not me.”
“That’s what you get for working from home,” Ace yawns, leaning heavily into Sabo’s side, feeling hot enough to almost scald.
Ace always felt too hot to be human when it started to get cold outside. It was like his own personal furnace. Marco too, to a lesser extent. Always warmer than Sabo but never as burning as Ace.
“Don’t have to get dressed.”
Marco smiles, “He does have a point.”
“Clothes are the worst.”
“Only when you have to dress like Marco does,” Ace counters shoving his spoon into his mouth. “It’s d’lcious!”
“Mouth closed when there’s food, light of my life.”
“Sorry Marco.”
Sabo snorts, knocking his knee against Ace’s as he ate. It was nice having this, just the three of them. Christmas was going to be a mess of hurrying from their house early in the morning to get to the Newgate house for the family event and then staying there for most of the day, except for the brief time that they would have to escape to trade gifts with Luffy, who was spending the holiday with his friends instead of them.
“If you two want to stay up a little longer, I can make some hot chocolate. We’ve got some marshmallows and we can watch the snow fall for a little bit.”
Ace nods, eyes glowing, “Do ya think we could have a snowball fight tomorrow after work?”
“I’m sure that we could as long as you both aren’t too tired.”
“Blankets,” Sabo asks finishing his plate. “We need them if we’re gonna be watching the snowfall.”
Marco gestures over his shoulder, putting the plate in the sink and grabbing one of the newly cleaned mugs, to where a small pile of blankets and pillows were spread around their sliding glass door, the outside light turned off and the only light the distant glow of their neighbor’s Christmas lights glittering on the fallen snow.
“You’re magical,” Sabo says leaning forward to steal a kiss when Marco returned with his hot chocolate. “A being made of Christmas magic.”
“Santa Marco,” Ace adds stealing his own kiss. “Come on, Sabo! We need to get the best spots!” Ace only stops long enough to steal a kiss from Sabo as well before dragging him to the blankets, spreading them out to make it more comfortable.
“I’ve got your mug,” Marco promises Sabo, the drink left behind in Ace’s rush. “Get comfy and I’ll bring all there in just a moment. And Ace, I couldn’t be Santa.”
“You’re right,” Ace says smiling at him. “But Pops would make a good one.”
Marco laughs, balancing the mugs carefully so they wouldn’t spill, “He use to dress up like Santa when we were little, so I would have to agree.”
“Aw, we missed it,” Sabo leans into Ace’s side, humming happily as Marco settled against his other side, sandwiching him between them. “Thank you.”
“Welcome,” Marco mutters softly, glancing out the door to where the snow was swirling to the ground. “It’s suppose to turn into a real storm later.”
“Good, they aren’t as nice to watch.”
Sabo takes a sip of his drink, laying his head against Marco’s shoulder. This was nice, the quiet of the night, watching the snowfall from the warmth that both of his lovers seemed to radiate. It was everything that Sabo wanted out of a quiet evening. There was even hot chocolate.
“Don’t fall asleep,” Marco whispers, kissing Sabo’s temple again. “I’m not going to carry you to bed if you fall asleep.”
“Mhm,” Sabo snuggles closer. It was a lie after all, Marco would carry him to bed, even if he complained about it tomorrow. He always did.
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