dcviated · 2 years
Yknow I usually consider myself a dissenting voice (dont buy x thing, dont re-make, dont start y blog, etc) but when it comes to writing?
And plots?
I love enabling my friends. (:
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eternasci · 2 years
──      what is holding you back ?
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the inability to rely on others without feeling like a burden.
      you're spending way too much time trying to find an explanation for everything you do and think, aren't you? you feel like all of the answers have to come from inside of you, since that's the role you've grown into. from the outside, people think you have it together. they see your open arms as invitation, and therefore keep leaning on you. 
      at first, it was okay, since you wanted to help. but slowly, you're being dragged further and further down. you need help, too. but you're supposed to be there for everyone else. you're the one they go to when they're struggling. you've put everyone else first, and now you feel like you can't allow others to know that you need help. 
      please, stop telling yourself you're fine. deep down, you know you aren't. things don't have to be this way. you can let those people in. if anything, they will be grateful that you reached out. can you imagine how nice it'd feel to take a break from dealing with this all on your own?
tagged: @wolvensden​ oooOOO i love this thank you!! delish... tagging:   @lionfanged @amaeranthos @aceparagon @pnthra @witchofwarmth @mielmoto @magioffire @bloodxhound​ @kagoshou @kataskopeia​ (knifes u knifes u knifes u) @sabuleum​ @kilamantras​ @chaotiicus​ @lovcrsmoon​ and you !!
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mielmoto · 2 years
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honey is by far the least Dramatic™ about it by comparison to other muses, (which is an INCREDIBLY rare thing to say about honey– less dramatic? than who?)— but folks who know me and my kids know that i am a sucker for writing characters who are “half” something, or otherwise “caught in the middle between two worlds” by nature.
honey and hesper, (an even older OC who is currently un-blogged), are the children of a mortal parent and the ethereal-immortal-something that fell hopelessly in love with them— which is, of course, another favorite trope of mine— and both navigate the... complications of that birthright, to varying degrees. whereas emké ( @sabuleum​ ) wasn’t quite “born” into their position, but the role they take on definitely creates similar... layers.
i’m sure there’s a lot to unpack as to why i like this trend so much, but scratching the surface: exploring identity, what it means to be human, to belong, and learning how to feel “whole” when you’re constantly reminded of being “half”— not-quite-[x] but not-quite-[y]... mmm.... it scratches my funny little brain...
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sabuleum · 2 years
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                                               SABULEUM                     an independent, original-canon based character.
                                               —         est. 2017, updated 5/2023
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                                                  PINNED POST.
―    THIS IS an independent, selective, and private blog featuring EMKÉ ISKÂNDER DOREA– an original high-fantasy character— & their extensive original canon / lore; with established verses for Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia & others like Genshin Impact and Kingdom Hearts mostly-developed.
―    An exploration of grief, growth, and destiny. This character and all their accompanying details are a labor of love 15+ years in the making, BROUGHT TO YOU BY    BIRD    , your long-suffering canary in the tumblr coalmine. 
|| Adult topics may be present, so 18+ followers only. || Slow / Low-Activity at most times ||  inextricably & eternally tethered to Wylan / @dcviated​ ||
―      rules. | about. | bio. | verses. (being updated)
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iinfortunii · 3 years
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Emké is 5'7" (but with the presence of someone 7')
A letter sent by @sabuleum​  // Height comparison meme
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cadcnce-archived · 3 years
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@sabuleum​ sent:  [bonks him] you can be useful all you want. but no dying on my watch.
That bonk would have been enough to send the swordsman stumbling had he not seen it coming. Emke had a way of telling when Wylan was sinking into a spot he shouldn’t go. There’s a lot of holes in his life, and reminiscing could feel like playing labyrinth when he rolled his thoughts back.
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“Oh, how dramatic! Who said anything about dying now? Doubt I could manage it if I wanted to. Fate’s got a lot more in store for me, but... heh.” His voice catches for a moment, the mirth and amusement slipping away into pensiveness. The smile persists, but his tone is softer.
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“Whenever it is I do hit my sunset, I wanna be able to look back and feel like I accomplished something and meant something. That everything I did sums up as more than a burden or passing annoyance. I don’t want legends, but it’d be nice if everything I did mattered.”
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rcguna-archived · 4 years
do you want a cane. y'know. to help you get around. (and also beat people with)
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thank you... dear... sweet child... would you like a .... werthers original... for ur .... troubles?...
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
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We stan short kings in this household!! We don’t have to break our necks to talk to them and can give them surprise kisses on the cheek!
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fleetingdance · 4 years
sends you all of the kisses. all of them.
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mwah !
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pinelliforte · 5 years
yes, hello, important question: does leonie pinelli know that i would die for her?
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Please do not!! Live a full and healthy life for her instead!! 
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eisenblade · 5 years
@sabuleum replied to your post:
i am j. just sitting here. staring at post redacted and.. damn no wonder it fucks him up so badly, huh-
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dcviated · 3 months
@sabuleum replied to your post “Wylan has appeared! What to do? Punish Leave Take...”:
...punish (slightly LESS affectionately)
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"Bwah!" Differences in height be damned, the swordsman wished Emke was taller sometimes, if only because he'd be subjected to head thumps rather than shin kicks or other various shoves that threatened to topple him like a tree. At least she's not using Tidebringer!
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"Okay okay okay, I'm sorry that I was rude, disrespectful, and very likely made our jobs harder in the eyes of a minor God." You'd think he'd be more concerned if that were the case. Regaining his balance, Wylan lifts a brow, that grin (probably hidden beneath the smirk she knocked off) all too proud.
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"...but admit it was kinda funny. ...Shrimp legs. Hehe."
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fauxduke · 5 years
She looks up without hesitation, unfazed as ever by the swordsman’s stormy tone and carriage. Felix is a connoisseur when it comes to arms– a fact she values far more than politeness or pleasantries– so whatever it is he’s brought is no doubt more interesting than the busywork she’d had underhand. “Something the merchants brought in, I’d guess? Let’s see it then.”
They always did like to chatter about some ‘exotic steel’ they’d picked up in their travels. Most of it amounted to fancy-looking iron with the lethal capacity of your average letter opener.
This isn’t that bad, of course. Fraldarius has a better eye than almost anyone, so the blade is solid and the welding quite seamless, with handsome details and the evidence of some real craftsmanship in the finery. Nevertheless, she feels what he suggested in an instant.
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“No kidding.” the sheathed blade teeters between hands before she draws it out and points it away, twisting the hilt and tipping the point high and low. Firelight from the forge catches on seams and refracts in thin trails over her face, narrowed in scrutiny. “All that work shaping mythril only to have it’s counter-weighting botched.”
A few thrusts, and a mimicked cleave, further proving how much the forte dragged downward in each motion, before her eyes return to him,
“that smacks to me of someone hollowing the pommel. not a hard fix, if you’re asking; which I’d wager you are.”
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     Goddess knows it’s nice to speak with someone reasonable for a change. There’s barely anyone around who can have a serious talk about weapons. Everyone at the monastery is either woefully ignorant or incapable of being serious for longer than thirty seconds. Watching her wield the blade and test it out is refreshing. His eyes follow the blade, nodding as she moves it this way and that, demonstrating the faults that Felix himself experienced in his own tests. 
     Really, he expects better. Sure it’s just the monastery marketplace, but if it weren’t for the quality of the material (and, okay, the design of its hilt), Felix would have just bought himself another silver sword, of the variety mass-produced for the monastery. He crosses his arms, shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “You see what I mean. The blade itself is nice, but the way it is now it’d only slow me down.” Sure, there’s value in practising with blades of different weights and quality, but there’s plenty of cheap swords on the market. This one, however , is too expensive for him to be weighed down by it. 
     “Do what you must. I want to be able to use it.” He gestures to the sword, offering that she might hold onto it until the job is done. Felix knows plenty about using swords, but when it comes to crafting them, repairing them, or augmenting them, he usually leaves that to the experts. Some people prefer to lean over the blacksmith, offering unhelpful pointers and generally hindering the work. Felix? Not so much. Reaching into his jacket for his coin pouch, Felix asks, simply, “How much?”
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lastcapellan · 5 years
slides you... a card with lots of hearts on it... in return for emké's assignment...
emké’s val assigned dragalia weapon is…
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frozen arms! given how emké uses a hammer normally, and has water powers, i figured this would be a good fit! maybe it’s just me, but this kind of axe really gives me more steampunk/hammer-ish vibes. 
A battle-axe hewn from an obsidian golem. As mighty and heavy as the golem’s arm itself, it was repeatedly tempered with an ice hammer to form a hard, frozen edge. Tough as an iceberg, it can shatter the thickest metal with ease.
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morningtomes · 5 years
I'm here to tell you that I!! adore you!! following you is such a treat, your Robin is an absolute treasure who you clearly pour so much love and effort into; and you just bring so much /joy/ to my dash... I'm vvvvvvv grateful for you and your boy
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          thank u so much!! im!!! honestly a lil stuck for words bc thats?? so nice??? just,,, tysm!! u absolutely fuckin right tho u goddamn baller i am so goddamn passionate about this boy he will be my downfall
          but thank u again!!! ;__;
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ivakir · 5 years
“The ouija board says you’re a little shit.”
halloween sentence starters
“Wh-what the hell?! It doesn’t say that at all! Give me this thing here! God, I hate these things!”
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She felt like one of those stupid teenagers who sat in a cemetery and tried to summon a local legend that was hanged several centuries ago (probably some unfortunate woman who refused to marry some guy or something), and now she will return again to the world of the living to kill again, and stupid teenagers will ask STUPID QUESTIONS LIKE WHO WAS TO BLAME FOR ALL THESE MURDERS GODS SHE HATED THESE BOARDS SO MUCH!
But there was some fun in that, huh?
“Well, fine,” the witch sighed. “Board, board, board, whose mother did I fuck yesterday?”
This triangular thing, the name of which she didn’t know and didn’t seek to know, began to slowly crawl along the letters, forming a word.
“Oh my goodness!” Ivakir stared at the received word, covering her mouth with her hand. “It says, it says,” she whispered in a shock, “that it was your mother.”
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