kt041978 · 3 years
Madhya Pradesh minister's latest warning for designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee
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Designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee : Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra issue fresh warning to designer Sabyasachi. In the latest text, the minister warn the designer against making the mistake of repeating his "obscene" Mangalsutra ad. Mangalsutra is a traditional Hindu necklace for married women. The Designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee had pull publicity material for its Mangalsutra collection. This is after the minister threaten police action against him following his first warning. "After my post, Sabyasachi Mukherjee withdraw the objectionable advertisement," the minister quotes news agency ANI as saying. If he repeats this, direct action will take place, no warning will be given. " Mr Mishra further appeal to him and people like him not to hurt the sentiments of the people. "In terms of making heritage and culture a dynamic dialogue. The Mangalsutra campaign was aim at talking about inclusiveness and empowerment. The campaign aim at as a celebration and we are deeply sad that it has hurt a section of our society. So on us Sabyasachi decides to withdraw the campaign," the company said in a statement on Sunday.
Campaign Highly Objectionable and Hurting
On Sunday, Mr. Mishra term the campaign as "highly objectionable and hurting". "I warn before. I am personally warning designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee and giving him a 24-hour ultimatum. If this objectionable and obscene advertisement not withdraw within 24 hours, a case will be register against them and legal action will take place. The police force will be sent for action," Mr Mishra said in a video message that he posted on Twitter. The Mangalsutra ad of Sabyasachi's brand had intimate pictures of women and men. After the designer share these photos, it spark controversy as a section of social media users consider it "against Hindu culture" and "obscene." Sabyasachi's latest made-in-India brand is after consumer goods giant Dabur, clothing brand FabIndia and jewellery brand Tanishk. These were abuse and bully online by BJP leaders last year. Source link Read the full article
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