#sacha prost
zhniven · 3 months
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Happy b-day to my precious fr*nch (with armenian roots btw ‼️‼️‼️) Formula-1 champion and ex-driver Alain Marie Pascal Prost
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sweetpeapoppy · 5 years
Along with:
Mikaela Ahlin-Kottulinsky, Katherine Legge, Alice Powell, Sebastian Ogier, Andreas Bakkerud, Timo Scheider, Kevin Hansen, Timmy Hansen, Sacha Prost, Lucas di Grassi, and Andre Lotterer.
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crosscountryrally · 5 years
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Extreme E anuncia programa de pilotos
La Extreme E ya anunció su primera fecha en Groenlandia y sus primeros equipos, ABT, Venturi y HWA, pero ahora ha ido un paso adelante más y ha lanzado un programa de pilotos que servirá como pool para que los equipos participantes puedan probar y elegirlos como conductores de sus bólidos para la primera temporada, aunque esto no es obligación y las marcas pudieran optar por otros pilotos.
La mayor parte de los pilotos viene de las pistas, pero también hay estrellas del rallycross, que es tal vez el estilo más similar a las etapas cortas off-road que tendrán que enfrentar los SUV eléctricos del Extreme E en eventos de tres días en un área de 10 kilómetros cuadrados.
Los pilotos elegidos son:
- Jamie Chadwick (Campeona 2019 de W Series, foto)
- Katherine Legge (IMSA)
-  Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky (Turismos europeos)
- Sebastien Ogier (Campeón Mundial de WRC)
-  Andreas Bakkerud (Mundial de RallyCross)
- Timmy Hansen (Mundial de RallyCross)
- Kevin Hansen (Mundial de RallyCross)
- Lucas di Grassi (Campeón de Fórmula E 2016-2017)
- André Lotterer (Campeón de Le Mans, actualmente piloto de Fórmula E)
- Sacha Prost (Trophy Andros, carreras en hielo)
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romeorosso · 6 years
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via Sacha Prost
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ecelebmirror · 4 years
5 Facts About Alain Prost’s Son Sacha Prost
Having an icon in the family boosts ones’ creativity and pushes them to try and alter their career choices. Such is the story of four-time F1 world champion, Alain Prost son Sacha Prost. He graduated from the Glion Institute of Higher Education with BBA in 2013 and American University for Washington Mentorship Program. Likewise, Sacha attended Institut Le Rosey to study international baccalaureate. Besides studying, he also worked as an intern in Team One Groupe as a business management and development intern. Similarly, he also served Havas Media Group as a global business development intern for six months.
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zumwohlsii · 5 years
erste woche in der schweiz
I’m starting a little blog for my three-week adventure in Switzerland with a recap of week 1. I’m here with a small tiger team of marketing and security commandos helping to organize our company’s presence at the World Economic Forum Conference in Davos. Getting to go to Switzerland for work, in winter to a ski town is about as good as it gets. 
I arrived in Zurich on Monday and spent a day there cleaning out 3 Interdiscount stores and one Co-op City of every U.S.-to-Swiss power adapter they had in stock for our executive team. The rest of the group arrived on Wednesday and we started our Davos adventure by getting picked up in Zurich by our driver, Sacha in a black Mercedes van so we could roll like all the other super important people while here. After spending 3 nights at a 4-star hotel in Davos, and spending long days in poorly lit, 1-star conference room getting our plans organized, we transferred to a chalet on Saturday that we rented for the upcoming week about a mile out. The chalet is the kind of place that rock stars and their entourage might rent. It’s so over the top I can’t even describe it. There are 7 of us staying here and I’m holding down the bunk-room (which is like a separate 2,000 sq. foot house) so I can have my own space until Ben joins me next Tuesday. Cross-country ski trails run in perfectly manicured swaths all over the valley around our chalet, a sleigh with jingling bells goes by at sunset, and the view from each window is spectacular.
The town has been completely transformed by companies taking over every single nook and cranny and converting clothing boutiques, hair salons and book stores into corporate branded lounges and meeting rooms. Every restaurant is blocked out the entire week for private parties and networking events. The Swiss police are omni-present with their dogs in the process of securing the entire valley. This week will be pretty crazy but I’m excited to see it all come together. I’m responsible for our meeting space/lounge in town which we will use for our executive meetings (until 3 days ago it was a women’s clothing store). It also  has a “Cloud for Impact” digital art gallery I helped put together that illustrates how people are using the cloud and open data sets to solve global issues. I’m also responsible for one of our executive’s on-site schedule of meetings and events and managing our team catering and dinner plans (an army marches on its stomach). I brought my cross-country skis with me and have managed to get out skiing a couple of times and have been doing a lot of walking. Today we walked a couple of miles to go get our “hotel badges” which don’t allow us into the actual conference but do allow us into a lot of the secure hotels where ancillary events are held. The documentation you have to provide to the Swiss police to get cleared for these is not insignificant.
I probably won’t be blogging this week as it will be too busy so the next post will likely be a week from today, next Sunday. Ben is coming in on Tuesday and joining me at the chalet. He is going to lose his mind. It’s like ski nirvana.
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last-corner · 5 years
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Okay, this was a year ago... But @a.prost made my year that day!!!! I’ll always be grateful to Alain Prost for this gesture and to Sacha (his son) for the photo... 🙌🙌🙌 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsu0JOfBqIx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d4bc75gwxes8
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motorsporthq · 5 years
Promoted: Luxury brand 8Js is inspired by racing, worn by racers
Promoted: Luxury brand 8Js is inspired by racing, worn by racers
A new luxury fashion label inspired by the fast-paced world of motor racing pays homage to the great names of the sport. The menswear brand, 8Js is both effortlessly chic and sporty, exuding a cool-yet-refined attitude. Created by Sacha Prost, son of four-time world champion Alain Prost and his sister-in-law Delphine Prost, the clothing range 8Js encompasses both the authenticity and essence of…
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stop-brunotime · 7 years
It occurs to me that now Bruno is driving for Rebellion, he’s sponsored by 8Js. The Prost family’s feminist awakening just got moved up to the top of my prayer list! My racer needs to be surrounded by feminists
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8Js looking for social media interns
So I saw on social media that Sacha Prost’s company 8Js (of the sexist tweet storm, although their previous social media person said they wer) is looking for interns in digital marketing/social media/admin. (Heads-up, the deadline may have passed; Sacha posted it on October 5th.) If any woke feminists in Geneva are keen to be undercover influencers, mail a CV and covering letter to [email protected]. If you get the gig, we’re available for feminist support any time!
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prostcentric · 8 years
Champions@nico_prost @Sebastien_buemi @RENAULTedams pic.twitter.com/aOOeN6Eot9
— Alain Prost (@Prost_official)
3. července 2016
HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! Because of Nico, than the team and finally Seb;)
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prostcentric · 8 years
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the prettiest family ever
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prostcentric · 9 years
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Yes, I’m posting family series now.
PS: I sincerely apologise but I can't find source of first gif anymore.
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