#sachiko was a place holder name i made for her in my fic
maehemthemisfit · 1 year
Mae maee, I lowkey wanna write a short drabble or any writing about KM reader and gang leader!reader (although I'm still confused about how to name them, it's inspired by the darling of a yandere interacting with the darling of another yandere). It's also inspired by a scene from Remarried Empress webtoon.
Other than Gangleader!reader thinking that KM!reader is weak and manipulative, do you have any opinions about how they would interact with each other? ☂️
Hmm, it really depends on the situation and if it's (time leaper) gangleader!reader or normal one.
(time leaper) gangleader!reader would talk to KM!reader to get information about Mikey and KMG so she can use that information to her advantage before something bad happens. How (time leaper) gangleader!reader gets that information depends on how desperate she is but on normal circumstances, she would just hold something against the other person if persuasion doesn't work. Since both (time leaper) gangleader!reader and KM!reader want the best for Mikey, im sure they could come to some understanding and help each other and prevent more bloodshed.
On the other hand, I don't see regular gangleader!reader striking up a conversation with KM!reader since they already got off on the wrong foot. She has nothing nice, if any, to share with KM!reader so she wouldn't bother seeking her out. AT MOST, gangleader!reader would ask about Mikey if she hasn't spoken to him for a while and thats about it.
However, if KM!reader sought her out, then the conversation would rely on KM!reader. If it isn't about Mikey or his movements, or something related, gangleader!reader probably wouldn't be interested in anything KM!reader had to say, unless KM!reader asked for help or advice when dealing with Mikey/Sanzu. In that case, gangleader!reader would offer KM!reader protection/get KM!reader to join Sasori and call her an idiot for not doing something sooner. If KM!reader denies her suggestions, she'll tell KM!reader the truth... that she's gonna die miserable and be trapped forever, but if she ever changed her mind, Sasori would take care of her.
Although gangleader!reader can be cold and uncaring to people she doesn't like, she's very open minded and understanding when it comes to a girl in need.
ehhh things could also go sour if KM!reader ever conspired against Sasori for whatever reason.
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