#sacrificing stuff for a week while they’ve been suffering for years pls consider taking action!!
teleostuber · 5 months
Hey everyone this is rlly different from my usual posts, but please strike for Gaza this week!! The US has been financially backing Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people for decades, so now we’re being asked to halt the economy for just one week.
As much as you’re able, strike from your jobs, your school, spend as little money as possible. no fast food or transportation, Venmo or PayPal, stock up on the things you’ll need this week!
Palestinians currently don’t have access to clean water, food, electricity, or medical care. Their homes are being stolen and destroyed and our tax dollars are paying for it.
If you want more info, look up Bisan Owda, a woman reporting directly from the Gaza Strip. Spend money you would’ve spent on Uber or coffee on donating e-sims, or to the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund. This is something we can do to actually make a difference, so please let other know too!!
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